A menubar application to take pictures or record videos of yourself using your webcam. I love a good menubar app 😄
I made this app to solve a very niche use-case I had, so I probably won't add any additional major functionalities. Some possible small issues/upgrades I'd like to eventually add:
- Specifying output resolution
- Allow changing file format on export screen, rather than only through settings
- Allow option for voice record only?
There are two potential, major changes/migrations I can see choosing between for the (very distant) future of this application:
- Migrate to Vite from Webpack
- Maintained library, less security updates/maintenence, etc.
- Mirgrate away from Electron over to Neutralinojs
- Smaller bundle, less resource heavy, etc
Please see LICENSE
The logo I use for Cheese was created by an artist found on Vecteezy