WinSCP have /rawconfig option
For call WinSCP from KeePass with parameters use url like:
sftp|ftp|ftps|ftpes|scp|winscp-http|winscp://serverIP/path?other parameters for WinSCP
scp:// Interface\Commander\LocalPanel\LastPath=Y:\config\
If path to WinSCP.exe is KeePass\..\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe
set URL override for sftp, ftp, ftps, ftpes, scp, winscp-http as: WinSCPurlOverride
or create site {USERNAME}@{URL:HOST}
in Login Dialog and set URL override for winscp as: WinSCPurlOverrideSite
##How it work:
- replace first
of {URL:QUERY} with empty string:{T-REPLACE-RX:|{URL:QUERY}|^\?||}
- decode uri to command line parameters for WinSCP: