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Growth Ranking > Knowledge > C++

Updated: 2022-04-10   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 microsoft/IoT-For-Beginners 12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, IoT for All! 9485 24 2022-03-30
2 Light-City/CPlusPlusThings C++那些事 19986 20 2022-03-18
3 huihut/interview 📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, inclu ... 23584 16 2022-03-18
4 TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-Plus Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes. 18925 9 2022-03-28
5 changkun/modern-cpp-tutorial 📚 Modern C++ Tutorial: C++11/14/17/20 On the Fly 17022 8 2022-03-26
6 OpenGenus/cosmos Hacktoberfest 2021 World's largest Contributor driven code dataset Algorithms that run our universe Your personal library of every algorithm and data structure code that you will ever encounter ... 13007 8 2022-03-02
7 BrunoLevy/geogram a programming library with geometric algorithms 356 8 2022-04-04
8 microsoft/LightGBM A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tas ... 13647 7 2022-04-09
9 haoel/leetcode LeetCode Problems' Solutions 15922 6 2022-04-09
10 facebook/folly An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook. 21672 6 2022-04-09
11 ssloy/tinyrenderer A brief computer graphics / rendering course 13439 5 2022-01-13
12 project-chip/connectedhomeip Matter (formerly Project CHIP) is creating more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Stan ... 3518 5 2022-04-09
13 IntelLabs/control-flag A system to flag anomalous source code expressions by learning typical expressions from training data 1013 4 2022-03-14
14 flashlight/wav2letter Facebook AI Research's Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit 6025 4 2022-03-25
15 ssloy/tinyraytracer A brief computer graphics / rendering course 4134 4 2022-03-18
16 facebook/proxygen A collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server. 7458 3 2022-04-09
17 MFatihMAR/Game-Networking-Resources A Curated List of Game Network Programming Resources 4499 3 2022-04-02
18 0vercl0k/wtf wtf is a distributed, code-coverage guided, customizable, cross-platform snapshot-based fuzzer designed for attacking user and / or kernel-mode targets running on Microsoft Windows. 861 3 2022-04-05
19 dusty-nv/jetson-inference Hello AI World guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson. 5491 3 2022-04-08
20 deepmind/open_spiel OpenSpiel is a collection of environments and algorithms for research in general reinforcement learning and search/planning in games. 3133 3 2022-04-07
21 JoeyDeVries/LearnOpenGL Code repository of all OpenGL chapters from the book and its accompanying website 7016 3 2022-04-04
22 tomlooman/ActionRoguelike Third-person Action Roguelike made in Unreal Engine C++. Project for Unreal Engine Pro C++ Course & Stanford University CS193U 1698 3 2022-04-08
23 sachuverma/DataStructures-Algorithms This repo contains links of resources, theory subjects content and DSA questions & their solution for interview preparation from different websites like geeksforgeeks, leetcode, etc. 1023 2 2022-04-08
24 nvpro-samples/vk_mini_path_tracer A beginner-friendly Vulkan path tracing tutorial in under 300 lines of C++. 754 2 2022-03-11
25 google/fuzzing Tutorials, examples, discussions, research proposals, and other resources related to fuzzing 2187 2 2022-03-03
26 dendibakh/perf-ninja This is an online course where you can learn and master the skill of low-level performance analysis and tuning. 529 2 2022-04-04
27 ShiqiYu/CPP Lecture notes, projects and other materials for Course 'CS205 C/C++ Program Design' at Southern University of Science and Technology. 433 2 2022-01-03
28 km1994/nlp_paper_study 该仓库主要记录 NLP 算法工程师相关的顶会论文研读笔记 2255 2 2022-04-05
29 kamyu104/LeetCode-Solutions 🏋️ Python / Modern C++ Solutions of All 2227 LeetCode Problems (Weekly Update) 3070 2 2022-04-04
30 gibsjose/cpp-cheat-sheet C++ Syntax, Data Structures, and Algorithms Cheat Sheet 3599 2 2022-03-23
31 facebookresearch/StarSpace Learning embeddings for classification, retrieval and ranking. 3745 2 2021-11-03
32 gaoxiang12/slambook2 edition 2 of the slambook 2774 2 2022-03-27
33 uzh-rpg/agile_autonomy Repository Containing the Code associated with the Paper: "Learning High-Speed Flight in the Wild" 306 2 2022-03-23
34 TrinityCore/TrinityCore TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework (master =, 3.3.5 = 3.3.5a.12340) 7268 2 2022-04-08
35 microsoft/GSL Guidelines Support Library 4900 2 2022-03-24
36 RetroShare/RetroShare RetroShare is a Free and Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform. 1447 1 2022-04-09
37 TLE-MEC/Hack-CP-DSA A repo for helping people get started with Competitive Programming and Data Structures & Algorithms 168 1 2022-02-22
38 TesseractCoding/NeoAlgo Bringing all Data Structures and Algorithms under one Roof ⚡ 793 1 2022-01-30
39 coding-minutes/dsa-essentials-course Data Structures and Algorithms Essentials Course Repository 265 1 2022-02-02
40 Overv/VulkanTutorial Tutorial for the Vulkan graphics and compute API 2099 1 2022-03-29
41 gioblu/PJON PJON (Padded Jittering Operative Network) is an experimental, arduino-compatible, multi-master, multi-media network protocol. 2648 1 2022-02-19
42 zufuliu/notepad2 Notepad2-zufuliu is a light-weight Scintilla-based text editor for Windows with syntax highlighting, code folding, auto-completion and API list for about 80 programming languages/documents, bundled wi ... 1132 1 2022-04-06
43 orangeduck/Motion-Matching Learned Motion Matching example implementation and source code for the article "Code vs Data Driven Displacement" 257 1 2022-03-02
44 tanyarajhans/LeetCode Collection of LeetCode questions to ace the coding interview! 532 1 2022-04-09
45 prabhuomkar/pytorch-cpp C++ Implementation of PyTorch Tutorials for Everyone 1318 1 2022-02-02
46 comsec-group/blacksmith Next-gen Rowhammer fuzzer that uses non-uniform, frequency-based patterns. 163 1 2022-01-21
47 omonimus1/competitive-programming My competitive programming guide,reading materials, link to system and design interview preparation and my own coding solutions from Codechef, Leetcode,Geeks for Geeks, HackerRank , spoj, codesignal, ... 548 1 2022-04-06
48 ShahjalalShohag/code-library Templates, algorithms and data structures implemented and collected for programming contests. 1670 1 2022-03-20
49 skjha1/Data-Structure-Algorithm-Programs This Repo consists of Data structures and Algorithms 339 1 2022-01-22
50 jrowberg/i2cdevlib I2C device library collection for AVR/Arduino or other C++-based MCUs 3325 1 2022-03-15
51 wisdompeak/LeetCode This repository contains the solutions and explanations to the algorithm problems on LeetCode. Only medium or above are included. All are written in C++/Python and implemented by myself. The problems ... 2460 1 2022-04-08
52 rachitiitr/DataStructures-Algorithms The best library for implementation of all Data Structures and Algorithms - Trees + Graph Algorithms too! 2221 1 2021-12-08
53 VictorGordan/opengl-tutorials Tutorials from the following playlist: 383 1 2022-03-22
54 MHeironimus/ArduinoJoystickLibrary An Arduino library that adds one or more joysticks to the list of HID devices an Arduino Leonardo or Arduino Micro can support. 1493 1 2022-03-30
55 NVIDIA/thrust The C++ parallel algorithms library. 3781 1 2022-04-08
56 Xilinx/Vitis-Tutorials Vitis In-Depth Tutorials 552 1 2022-04-06
57 nvpro-samples/vk_raytracing_tutorial_KHR Ray tracing examples and tutorials using VK_KHR_ray_tracing 755 1 2022-03-16
58 AngeloCasi/FUGU-ARDUINO-MPPT-FIRMWARE An open source Arduino ESP32 MPPT Charger firmware equipped with charging algorithms, WiFi, LCD menus & more! 314 1 2022-01-12
59 layoutBox/FlexLayout FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax. 1589 1 2022-04-09
60 jarulraj/sqlcheck Automatically identify anti-patterns in SQL queries 2082 1 2022-03-28
61 Code-N-Code/competitive_programming_course A completely free course on data structures , algorithms and competitive programming. 348 1 2022-04-08
62 sumitsojha88/Placement-Preparation Complete roadmap for your placement or intern preparation! 168 1 2021-10-26
63 VAR-solutions/Algorithms A repository of different Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in many programming languages. 668 1 2022-01-25
64 facebook/mysql-5.6 Facebook's branch of the Oracle MySQL v5.6 database. This includes MyRocks. 2193 1 2022-04-08
65 sylefeb/Silice Silice is an open source language that simplifies prototyping and writing algorithms on FPGA architectures. 932 1 2022-04-08
66 Sugar0612/ReBirth 基于C++的Unreal4第三人称游戏学习笔记与制作过程(创建 ~ 架构思想~ 打包) A third-person game based on ue4. 111 1 2021-12-28
67 BedirT/ACM-ICPC-Preparation ACM-ICPC Preparation Guide 1625 1 2022-04-05
68 AllentDan/LibtorchTutorials This is a code repository for pytorch c++ (or libtorch) tutorial. 278 1 2021-11-02
69 MinerProxy/WiseNoDevFee Ethereum NoDevFee: Support for GMiner, Phoenix Miner, Claymore, NBMiner, lolMiner, TeamRedMiner,T-Rex Miner, miniZ/老矿工以太坊反抽水软件,支持大多数主流内核和主流币种(eth, rvn,ergo,cfx等),仅供内部参考学习 141 1 2021-11-09
70 alandefreitas/moderncpp Modern C++: Snippets and Examples 324 1 2022-03-14
71 banach-space/clang-tutor A collection of out-of-tree Clang plugins for teaching and learning 402 1 2022-03-17
72 mortennobel/cpp-cheatsheet Modern C++ Cheatsheet 1797 1 2022-03-25
73 googleprojectzero/Jackalope Binary, coverage-guided fuzzer for Windows and macOS 698 1 2022-04-08
74 gvinciguerra/PGM-index 🏅State-of-the-art learned data structure that enables fast lookup, predecessor, range searches and updates in arrays of billions of items using orders of magnitude less space than traditional indexes 593 1 2022-03-23
75 xtaci/algorithms Algorithms & Data structures in C++. 4424 1 2022-01-24
76 facontidavide/CPP_Optimizations_Diary Tips and tricks to optimize your C++ code 670 1 2022-01-23
77 stong/CVE-2020-15368 CVE-2020-15368, aka "How to exploit a vulnerable driver" 329 1 2021-10-29
78 microsoft/EdgeML This repository provides code for machine learning algorithms for edge devices developed at Microsoft Research India. 1258 1 2022-02-15
79 Lakhankumawat/LearnCPP Learn Cpp from Beginner to Advanced ✅ Practice 🎯 Code 💻 Repeat 🔁 One step solution for c++ beginners and cp enthusiasts. 251 1 2022-04-09
80 microsoft/DirectXTK The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++ 2001 1 2022-04-05
81 mmp/pbrt-v4 Source code to pbrt, the ray tracer described in the forthcoming 4th edition of the "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation" book. 1423 1 2022-04-08
82 banach-space/llvm-tutor A collection of out-of-tree LLVM passes for teaching and learning 1476 1 2022-04-01
83 Ayush7614/Daily-Coding-DS-ALGO-Practice A open source project🚀 for bringing all interview💥💥 and competative📘 programming💥💥 question under one repo📐📐 260 1 2022-01-31
84 smv1999/CompetitiveProgrammingQuestionBank This repository contains all the popular Competitive Programming and DSA questions with solutions for your Coding Interview Preparation. 865 1 2022-02-28
85 BrunoLevy/learn-fpga Learning FPGA, yosys, nextpnr, and RISC-V 913 1 2022-04-04
86 microsoft/ELL Embedded Learning Library 2179 1 2021-12-01
87 google/shaderc A collection of tools, libraries, and tests for Vulkan shader compilation. 1271 1 2022-04-06
88 VSFe/Algorithm_Study This repository consists of materials for those preparing for coding tests and algorithm interviews. 315 1 2022-02-09
89 rutura/The-C-20-Masterclass-Source-Code Source code for the C++ 20 Masterclass on udemy 305 1 2022-04-06
90 GPSnoopy/RayTracingInVulkan Implementation of Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing In One Weekend book using Vulkan and NVIDIA's RTX extension. 717 1 2022-03-02
91 aras-p/ToyPathTracer Toy path tracer for my own learning purposes (CPU/GPU, C++/C#, Win/Mac/Wasm, DX11/Metal, also Unity) 856 1 2022-02-22
92 FazeelUsmani/Amazon-SDE-Preparation This repository includes all the interview preparation questions for Amazon SDE role 663 1 2022-03-01
93 JakubVojvoda/design-patterns-cpp C++ Design Patterns 2412 1 2021-11-13
94 dvorka/mindforger Thinking notebook and Markdown editor. 1777 1 2022-04-03
95 neoml-lib/neoml Machine learning framework for both deep learning and traditional algorithms 667 1 2022-04-08
96 davideberly/GeometricTools A collection of source code for computing in the fields of mathematics, geometry, graphics, image analysis and physics. 465 1 2022-04-07
97 jainaman224/Algo_Ds_Notes It is a repository that is a collection of algorithms and data structures with implementation in various languages. 1989 1 2022-03-30
98 SMRT-AIST/fast_gicp A collection of GICP-based fast point cloud registration algorithms 586 1 2022-03-13
99 lightvector/KataGo GTP engine and self-play learning in Go 1611 1 2022-04-05
100 eclypsium/mikrotik_meris_checker This tool will check a list of IP addresses of RouterOS-based routers to validate if they were infected with Meris. 80 1 2021-12-10
101 Sigil-Ebook/Sigil Sigil is a multi-platform EPUB ebook editor 4506 1 2022-04-09
102 codedecks-in/LeetCode-Solutions This repository consists of solutions to the problem from LeetCode platform. Subscribe to our Channel for more updates 377 1 2022-03-09
103 microsoft/ALEX A library for building an in-memory, Adaptive Learned indEX 536 1 2021-10-18
104 yinqiwen/ardb A redis protocol compatible nosql, it support multiple storage engines as backend like Google's LevelDB, Facebook's RocksDB, OpenLDAP's LMDB, PerconaFT, WiredTiger, ForestDB. 1721 1 2021-11-12
105 blurrypiano/littleVulkanEngine Code repo for video tutorial series teaching Vulkan and computer graphics 330 1 2022-01-31
106 Algo-Phantoms/Algo-Tree Algo-Tree is a collection of Algorithms and data structures which are fundamentals to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an exem ... 291 1 2022-01-30
107 Tencent/UnLua A feature-rich, easy-learning and highly optimized Lua scripting plugin for UE. 1330 1 2022-04-08
108 mutouyun/cpp-ipc C++ IPC Library: A high-performance inter-process communication using shared memory on Linux/Windows. 800 1 2022-04-03
109 luliyucoordinate/Leetcode Play Leetcode with different programming language 1293 1 2022-03-24
110 pezy/CppPrimer 📚 Solutions for C++ Primer 5th exercises. 2872 1 2022-04-04
111 matthewsamuel95/ACM-ICPC-Algorithms Algorithms used in Competitive Programming 1558 1 2021-10-09
112 OneLoneCoder/olcNES NES Emulator, and Tutorial Video Code 712 1 2022-02-09
113 stan-dev/stan Stan development repository. The master branch contains the current release. The develop branch contains the latest stable development. See the Developer Process Wiki for details. 2241 1 2022-04-08
114 facebook/fbthrift Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server. 2290 1 2022-04-09
115 danbev/learning-v8 Project for learning V8 internals 1756 1 2022-01-26
116 chronolaw/cpp_study follow me to study modern c++ 627 1 2021-10-28
117 liuyubobobo/Play-Leetcode My Solutions to Leetcode problems. All solutions support C++ language, some support Java and Python. Multiple solutions will be given by most problems. Enjoy:) 我的Leetcode解答。所有的问题都支持C++语言,一部分问题支持Java语言 ... 2291 1 2022-04-08
118 NREL/OpenStudio OpenStudio is a cross-platform collection of software tools to support whole building energy modeling using EnergyPlus and advanced daylight analysis using Radiance. 373 0 2022-04-08
119 Privilger/RoboMaster-Simulator ICRA RoboMaster AI Challenge Simulator - Gazebo with OpenAI gym 113 0 2021-11-13
120 VasiliBaranov/packing-generation Hard-sphere packing generation with the Lubachevsky–Stillinger, Jodrey–Tory, and force-biased algorithms and packing post-processing. 73 0 2022-03-10
121 TheAssemblyArmada/Vanilla-Conquer Vanilla Conquer provides clean, cross-platform builds of the C&C Remastered Collection and the standalone legacy games. 148 0 2022-04-08
122 mint-lab/3dv_tutorial An Invitation to 3D Vision: A Tutorial for Everyone 809 0 2022-04-02
123 jts/nanopolish Signal-level algorithms for MinION data 414 0 2022-02-09
124 ckormanyos/real-time-cpp Source code for the book Real-Time C++, by Christopher Kormanyos 316 0 2022-03-18
125 ros/ros_tutorials Code used in tutorials found on ROS wiki 524 0 2022-01-14
126 ZigRazor/CXXGraph Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms 119 0 2022-04-07
127 openigtlink/OpenIGTLink Free, open-source network communication library for image-guided therapy 73 0 2022-02-12
128 drken1215/algorithm Implementation of various algorithms 181 0 2021-10-21
129 black-shadows/LeetCode-Topicwise-Solutions The repository contains solutions to various problems on leetcode. The code is merely a snippet (as solved on LeetCode) & hence is not executable in a c++ compiler. The code written is purely original ... 129 0 2022-03-16
130 adah1972/nvwa My small collection of C++ utilities 226 0 2022-04-07
131 limbo018/DREAMPlace Deep learning toolkit-enabled VLSI placement 322 0 2022-04-07
132 mosra/magnum-examples Examples for the Magnum C++11/C++14 graphics engine 219 0 2022-03-16
133 microsoft/DirectXTK12 The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK12) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 12 code in C++ 964 0 2022-04-05
134 YilingQiao/diffsim Scalable Differentiable Physics for Learning and Control (ICML2020) 121 0 2021-12-17
135 tardate/LittleArduinoProjects a collection of little projects, most involving electronics or an Arduino in one way or another! 504 0 2022-04-07
136 ogdf/ogdf This is a release mirror for OGDF, the Open Graph Drawing Framework/Open Graph algorithms and Data structure Framework. 227 0 2022-02-02
137 rusty1s/pytorch_cluster PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Graph Cluster Algorithms 501 0 2022-03-25
138 codeplaysoftware/visioncpp A machine vision library written in SYCL and C++ that shows performance-portable implementation of graph algorithms 143 0 2022-04-05
139 RoboCup-SSL/ssl-vision Shared Vision System For The RoboCup Small Size League 73 0 2022-04-01
140 alexhagiopol/cracking-the-coding-interview 📚 C++ and Python solutions with automated tests for Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Edition. 537 0 2021-12-02
141 emilk/emilib Loose collection of misc C++ libs 327 0 2022-01-09
142 kahypar/kahypar KaHyPar (Karlsruhe Hypergraph Partitioning) is a multilevel hypergraph partitioning framework providing direct k-way and recursive bisection based partitioning algorithms that compute solutions of ver ... 207 0 2022-03-12
143 RfastOfficial/Rfast A collection of Rfast functions for data analysis. Note 1: The vast majority of the functions accept matrices only, not data.frames. Note 2: Do not have matrices or vectors with have missing data (i ... 76 0 2022-03-24
144 jollymonsterstudio/Unreal-Engine-Fundamentals Collection of small projects going over various Unreal Engine C++ Fundamentals 66 0 2021-10-18
145 andresarmento/modbus-esp8266 A library that allows your ESP8266 to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave (master in development). Supports IP via wireless network (Modbus IP). 116 0 2022-03-27
146 striver79/Competitive_Codes- Algorithms and Data structures Library 67 0 2021-11-27
147 chfast/ethash C/C++ implementation of Ethash and ProgPoW – the Ethereum Proof of Work algorithms 109 0 2022-04-06
148 triton-inference-server/client Triton Python, C++ and Java client libraries, and GRPC-generated client examples for go, java and scala. 111 0 2022-04-09
149 spaghetti-source/algorithm C++ Implementation of Algorithms (aka. Spaghetti Source) 662 0 2021-11-08
150 WojciechMula/toys Storage for my snippets, toy programs, etc. 227 0 2022-04-04
151 cybozu/yrmcds memcached compatible KVS with master/slave replication. 157 0 2022-01-19
152 AgoraIO/API-Examples Play with AgoraSDK and have fun! Everything you need to start learning Agora. 180 0 2022-04-08
153 dretax/GarHal_CSGO A project that demonstrates how to screw with CSGO from Kernel Space. (CSGO Kernel Cheat/Hack) All cleaned up, and with updated offsets. 319 0 2022-01-06
154 CloudCompare/CCCoreLib C++ library which provides data structures & algorithms for working with 3D point cloud data 55 0 2021-11-05
155 sastava007/Tech-Interview-Preparation A one stop solution to ace your next coding interview 👨‍💻 515 0 2021-10-27
156 vss2sn/path_planning This repository contains path planning algorithms in C++ for a grid based search. 182 0 2022-03-23
157 leomccormack/SPARTA A collection of spatial audio related VST plug-ins developed using JUCE and the Spatial_Audio_Framework 329 0 2022-04-05
158 prism-em/prismatic C++/CUDA package for parallelized simulation of image formation in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) using the PRISM and multislice algorithms 58 0 2021-10-27
159 RefactoringGuru/design-patterns-cpp Design Pattern Examples in C++ 160 0 2022-03-16
160 walkccc/LeetCode 💡 LeetCode in C++/Java/Python (respect coding conventions) 247 0 2022-04-06
161 bark-simulator/bark Open-Source Framework for Development, Simulation and Benchmarking of Behavior Planning Algorithms for Autonomous Driving 166 0 2022-04-09
162 gamephysicsweekend/VulkanRenderer Basic renderer to be used as a starting project for the game physics book series 122 0 2022-01-23
163 PlusToolkit/PlusLib Software library for data acquisition, pre-processing, and calibration for navigated image-guided interventions. 89 0 2022-04-06
164 RunestoneInteractive/RunestoneServer Interactive books for computer science 548 0 2022-03-27
165 ZviMints/Summaries Summaries of @ArielUniversity @ComputerScience courses 175 0 2022-02-20
166 coding-blocks-archives/CPP-Standard-Template-Library-STL Course Repository for C++ STL Course 107 0 2022-01-26
167 OriginQ/QPanda-2 QPanda 2 is an open source quantum computing framework developed by OriginQC that can be used to build, run, and optimize quantum algorithms. 593 0 2022-03-29
168 ros/actionlib Provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud ... 74 0 2022-01-08
169 jwasham/practice-cpp Part of my daily plan for studying C++. 474 0 2021-10-26
170 matus-chochlik/mirror Reflection utilities and examples built on top of C++ reflection TS implementation. 98 0 2022-03-16
171 zawy12/difficulty-algorithms See the Issues for difficulty algorithms 96 0 2021-10-17
172 ecnerwala/cp-book Book Code for Competitive Programming 327 0 2022-02-28
173 mostafa-saad/ArabicCompetitiveProgramming The repository contains the ENGLISH description files attached to the video series in my ARABIC algorithms channel. 939 0 2022-03-08
174 Vector35/binaryninja-api Public API, examples, documentation and issues for Binary Ninja 548 0 2022-04-08
175 the-hyp0cr1t3/CC Everything competitive programming related - introductory guide, topics/concepts, practice problems, snippets & templates, tips & tricks and more. 388 0 2022-02-08
176 PacktPublishing/3D-Graphics-Rendering-Cookbook 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook, published by Packt. 415 0 2022-03-26
177 ds4dm/ecole Extensible Combinatorial Optimization Learning Environments 223 0 2022-02-18
178 PardCode/CPP-3D-Game-Tutorial-Series C++ 3D Game Tutorial Series (DirectX) - Learn to code a DirectX 3D Game in C++ from scratch 544 0 2022-02-03
179 zchrissirhcz/cmake_examples Practical, Easy-to-copy CMake examples 78 0 2022-04-06
180 sparkfun/SIK-Guide-Code Example code from the SparkFun Inventor's Kit Guide. 78 0 2022-02-20
181 coding-blocks-archives/cplusplus-datastructures-algorithms-coding-blocks Coding Blocks Data Structures & Algorithms Online Track 192 0 2022-02-08
182 IOSD/Algo Algorithms required for Competitive Programming 73 0 2021-10-13
183 remicres/otbtf Deep learning with otb (mirror of 119 0 2022-04-05
184 Lymphatus/caesium-image-compressor Caesium is an image compression software that helps you store, send and share digital pictures, supporting JPG, PNG and WebP formats. You can quickly reduce the file size (and resolution, if you wan ... 965 0 2022-04-09
185 thecodingwizard/competitive-programming Solutions to various competitive programming problems I've solved. Check out the USACO Guide to improve at competitive programming! 55 0 2021-11-06
186 ProAlgos/ProAlgos-Cpp C++ implementations of well-known (and some rare) algorithms, while following good software development practices 462 0 2022-01-30
187 StanfordSNR/puffer Puffer is a free live TV streaming website and a research study at Stanford using machine learning to improve video streaming 639 0 2022-03-07
188 CreativeInquiry/ofxRobotArm A collection of universal classes used for robotic arm control software 113 0 2022-03-20
189 hazimehh/L0Learn Efficient Algorithms for L0 Regularized Learning 65 0 2022-02-23
190 xiexiexx/Planet Algorithms and Data Structures 350 0 2022-01-04
191 Navigine/Indoor-Positioning-And-Navigation-Algorithms Strongly accurate indoor positioning algorithms with the main focus on indoor navigation developed by Navigine company. Here we will step by step publish the source code of our algorithm starting with ... 151 0 2022-03-09
192 engineer1109/LearnVulkan Learn Vulkan. Advanced examples of Vulkan, QT, CUDA, OpenCV for Linux, Windows, Android. 86 0 2022-01-17
193 scala-network/XLArig An XMRig fork with support for latest XLA PoW algorithms 96 0 2022-03-20
194 TomMajor/SmartHome Various SmartHome projects, devices, information and examples including AskSinPP usage 69 0 2022-03-17
195 google/yggdrasil-decision-forests A collection of state-of-the-art algorithms for the training, serving and interpretation of Decision Forest models. 144 0 2022-04-07
196 GameTechDev/IntroductionToVulkan Source code examples for "API without Secrets: Introduction to Vulkan" tutorial 1107 0 2022-02-16
197 dechamps/FlexASIO A flexible universal ASIO driver that uses the PortAudio sound I/O library. Supports WASAPI (shared and exclusive), KS, DirectSound and MME. 595 0 2022-02-24
198 CoffeeBeforeArch/cpp_crash_course C++ files from the "C++ Crash Course" YouTube series by CoffeeBeforeArch 70 0 2022-03-21
199 singhsanket143/CppCompetitiveRepository Repository For Codes Of Various Data Structures And Algorithms and Competitive Programming Problems 277 0 2022-04-04
200 ThomasThelen/Anti-Debugging A collection of c++ programs that demonstrate common ways to detect the presence of an attached debugger. 230 0 2021-12-28

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