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Growth Ranking > Knowledge > Go

Updated: 2022-04-10   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 avelino/awesome-go A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software 78422 28 2022-04-09
2 dtm-labs/dtm A distributed transaction framework that supports multiple languages, supports saga, tcc, xa, 2-phase message, outbox patterns. 5341 16 2022-04-06
3 halfrost/LeetCode-Go ✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解 24057 14 2022-04-04
4 italiaremote/awesome-italia-remote A list of remote-friendly or full-remote companies that targets Italian talents. 1050 14 2022-04-04
5 astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang 39962 11 2022-02-02
6 quii/learn-go-with-tests Learn Go with test-driven development 17226 11 2022-04-09
7 inancgumus/learngo 1000+ Hand-Crafted Go Examples, Exercises, and Quizzes 13138 10 2022-04-04
8 tmrts/go-patterns Curated list of Go design patterns, recipes and idioms 18700 8 2022-02-13
9 dtm-labs/dtf 大家好,dtm最终跟原公司谈下来了知识产权转让,现已恢复维护,请大家访问 。中间给大家带来的不便,敬请谅解! 263 7 2022-03-29
10 mehdihadeli/awesome-go-education A curated list of awesome articles and resources for learning and practicing Go and its related technologies. 942 7 2022-04-02
11 fanux/sealos 以kubernetes为内核的云操作系统发行版,让云原生简单普及。3min 一键高可用装完,500M,100年证书,版本不要太全,生产环境稳如老狗🔥 ⎈ 🐳 8396 6 2022-04-08
12 sniptt-official/ots 🔐 Share end-to-end encrypted secrets with others via a one-time URL 1501 6 2022-04-03
13 shomali11/go-interview Collection of Technical Interview Questions solved with Go 3714 5 2022-03-21
14 TheAlgorithms/Go Algorithms implemented in Go for beginners, following best practices. 9536 5 2022-04-07
15 zyedidia/generic A collection of generic data structures written in Go. 380 3 2022-04-04
16 cheat/cheat cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not fre ... 9069 3 2022-03-20
17 trustwallet/assets A comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens. 2655 3 2022-04-09
18 lotusirous/go-concurrency-patterns Concurrency patterns in Go 1502 3 2022-01-01
19 docker/docker-ce ⚠️ This repository is deprecated and will be archived (Docker CE itself is NOT deprecated) see the ⚠️ 5462 3 2022-04-06
20 paliimx/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms Data Structures and Algorithms implementation in Go 2413 2 2021-10-22
21 iximiuz/client-go-examples Collection of mini-programs demonstrating Kubernetes client-go usage. 211 2 2022-03-30
22 anthonynsimon/bild Image processing algorithms in pure Go 3506 2 2021-12-15
23 moabukar/Everything-Tech A collection of online resources to help you on your Tech journey. 373 2 2022-03-05
24 Mathieu-Desrochers/Learning-Go Minimal working examples of Go's unique features. 173 2 2022-01-23
25 concourse/concourse Concourse is a container-based continuous thing-doer written in Go. 6258 2 2022-04-08
26 shuveb/containers-the-hard-way Learning about containers and how they work by creating them the hard way 1392 2 2022-01-22
27 segmentio/asm Go library providing algorithms optimized to leverage the characteristics of modern CPUs 678 2 2022-02-01
28 gin-gonic/examples A repository to host examples and tutorials for Gin. 2106 2 2022-03-07
29 hyper0x/Golang_Puzzlers An example project, for my column named "Core Golang - 36 lessons" 2224 2 2021-10-22
30 miguelmota/golang-for-nodejs-developers Examples of Golang compared to Node.js for learning 2914 2 2022-03-24
31 tidb-incubator/tinykv A course to build distributed key-value service based on TiKV model 1524 2 2022-03-29
32 Workiva/go-datastructures A collection of useful, performant, and threadsafe Go datastructures. 6445 2 2022-03-03
33 eyebluecn/tank 《蓝眼云盘》(Eyeblue Cloud Storage) 2458 2 2022-04-04
34 google/syzkaller syzkaller is an unsupervised coverage-guided kernel fuzzer 4075 2 2022-04-08
35 OWASP/Go-SCP Go programming language secure coding practices guide 4135 2 2022-03-07
36 knqyf263/pet Simple command-line snippet manager, written in Go. 3456 2 2022-03-18
37 gofiber/recipes 📁 Examples for 🚀 Fiber 1418 2 2022-03-21
38 jiujuan/go-collection 🌷 awesome awesome go, study golang from basic to proficient。从学习golang基础和高级特性,到实战,到架构微服务,最后到跑路。 1587 2 2022-04-05
39 projectdiscovery/dnsx dnsx is a fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit allow to run multiple DNS queries of your choice with a list of user-supplied resolvers. 814 2 2022-04-04
40 kylesliu/awesome-golang-algorithm 📝 LeetCode of algorithms with golang solution(updating). 3151 2 2022-04-09
41 miguelmota/ethereum-development-with-go-book 📖 A little guide book on Ethereum Development with Go (golang) 1259 1 2022-03-24
42 rocketlaunchr/dataframe-go DataFrames for Go: For statistics, machine-learning, and data manipulation/exploration 775 1 2022-04-02
43 edoardottt/cariddi Take a list of domains, crawl urls and scan for endpoints, secrets, api keys, file extensions, tokens and more 432 1 2022-03-30
44 liuchengxu/blockchain-tutorial 🌾 A step-by-step blockchain tutorial in simplified Chinese 2127 1 2021-10-24
45 spatial-go/geoos A library provides spatial data and geometric algorithms 506 1 2022-03-25
46 MarioCarrion/todo-api-microservice-example Go microservice tutorial project using Domain Driven Design and Onion Architecture! 390 1 2022-04-04
47 redwood/redwood A highly-configurable, distributed, realtime database that manages a state tree shared among many peers. 588 1 2022-03-29
48 abishekmuthian/hntoebook HN To E-book 75 1 2022-02-28
49 ergo-services/ergo an actor based Framework for creating microservices using technologies and design patterns of Erlang/OTP in Golang 1342 1 2022-04-04
50 hashicorp/go-multierror A Go (golang) package for representing a list of errors as a single error. 1536 1 2022-03-01
51 wardviaene/kubernetes-course Kubernetes Course Files 1477 1 2022-02-17
52 tidb-incubator/tinysql A course to build the SQL layer of a distributed database. 891 1 2022-04-03
53 tomnomnom/httprobe Take a list of domains and probe for working HTTP and HTTPS servers 1861 1 2022-03-19
54 gopherdata/gophernotes The Go kernel for Jupyter notebooks and nteract. 3193 1 2022-03-13
55 gin-gonic/contrib Collection of middlewares created by the community 1585 1 2022-02-21
56 hbollon/go-edlib 📚 String comparison and edit distance algorithms library, featuring : Levenshtein, LCS, Hamming, Damerau levenshtein (OSA and Adjacent transpositions algorithms), Jaro-Winkler, Cosine, etc... 316 1 2022-01-31
57 dnote/dnote A simple command line notebook for programmers 2260 1 2022-03-25
58 evan-buss/openbooks Search and Download eBooks 550 1 2022-03-30
59 anzhihe/learning Learning Shell,Python,Golang,System,Network 544 1 2022-04-01
60 netgusto/nodebook Nodebook - Multi-Lang Web REPL + CLI Code runner 1540 1 2022-03-26
61 go-micro-dev/examples Go Micro examples 1338 1 2022-01-15
62 lilacsheep/HomeCenter A collection of commonly used tools, including proxy, file management, DDNS, offline download 274 1 2021-11-15
63 youngzhu/algs4-go Algorithms, 4th Edition, Go version 165 1 2022-04-05
64 marcelja/facebook-delete Fast facebook activity deletion 1157 1 2022-03-31
65 hashicorp/cap A collection of authentication Go packages related to OIDC, JWKs and Distributed Claims. 318 1 2022-02-10
66 goinaction/code Source Code for Go In Action examples 3623 1 2022-03-17
67 0xAX/go-algorithms Algorithms and data structures for golang 1618 1 2022-02-20
68 mikeroyal/Open-Source-Security-Guide Open Source Security Guide 352 1 2022-03-09
69 tomnomnom/hacks A collection of hacks and one-off scripts 1459 1 2022-01-06
70 ZupIT/ritchie-cli Ritchie CLI is an open-source tool that allows to create, store and share any kind of automation, executing them through command lines, to run operations or start workflows ⚙️ 🖥 💡 542 1 2022-01-05
71 gsamokovarov/jump Jump helps you navigate faster by learning your habits. ✌️ 1333 1 2022-03-21
72 zeromicro/zero-examples go-zero examples 254 1 2022-04-04
73 hahwul/DevSecOps 🔱 Collection and Roadmap for everyone who wants DevSecOps. Hope your DevOps are more safe 😎 425 1 2022-03-06
74 elastic/logstash-forwarder An experiment to cut logs in preparation for processing elsewhere. Replaced by Filebeat: 1783 1 2022-03-01
75 GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders Builder images and examples commonly used for Google Cloud Build 1126 1 2022-04-05
76 SimonWaldherr/golang-examples Go(lang) examples - (explain the basics of #golang) 1278 0 2022-03-03
77 iris-contrib/middleware Community Middleware List for the Iris Web Framework. 211 0 2022-03-01
78 pathbox/learning-go Learning Golang-Don't stop learning Golang 132 0 2022-03-29
79 Tv0ridobro/data-structure some data structures and algorithms using golang 54 0 2021-11-09
80 telia-oss/github-pr-resource Github pull request resource for Concourse 165 0 2022-02-09
81 CodelyTV/golang-examples Introductory examples to Go programming language used in the CodelyTV Pro course 78 0 2022-03-14
82 trezor/blockbook 📘 Trezor address/account balance backend 445 0 2022-04-04
83 deb-sig/double-entry-generator Rule-based double-entry bookkeeping importer (from Alipay/WeChat/Huobi to Beancount). 196 0 2022-03-14
84 web3coach/the-blockchain-bar The source-code for: "Build a Blockchain from Scratch in Go" eBook. 339 0 2022-02-26
85 openebs/cstor-operators Collection of OpenEBS cStor Data Engine Operators 70 0 2022-03-08
86 anton-yurchenko/git-release Publish a GitHub Release 📦 with Assets 📁 and Changelog 🔖 126 0 2022-04-03
87 in3rsha/bitcoin-utxo-dump Get a list of UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs) from your Bitcoin Core client. 150 0 2022-02-05
88 ljfranklin/terraform-resource A concourse resource to create infrastructure via Terraform 178 0 2022-04-03
89 elisescu/tty-share Share your linux or osx terminal over the Internet. 465 0 2022-03-28
90 things-go/go-modbus modbus write in pure go, support rtu,ascii,tcp master library,also support tcp slave.(WIP new implement<old: >) 100 0 2022-03-08
91 nats-io/go-nats-examples Single repository for go-nats example code. This includes all documentation examples and any common message pattern examples. 84 0 2021-10-28
92 jboursiquot/portscan Port scanning examples to teach Go concurrency bounding 225 0 2022-01-11
93 containers/common Location for shared common files in repos. 80 0 2022-04-05
94 keikoproj/governor A collection of cluster reliability tools for Kubernetes 96 0 2022-03-14
95 mjpclab/go-http-file-server Simple command line based HTTP file server to share local file system 85 0 2021-12-11
96 EngineerBetter/control-tower Deploy and operate Concourse CI in a single command 120 0 2022-04-04
97 googleapis/gapic-showcase An API that demonstrates Generated API Client (GAPIC) features and common API patterns used by Google. 101 0 2022-04-05
98 open-policy-agent/contrib Integrations, examples, and proof-of-concepts that are not part of OPA proper. 241 0 2022-04-04
99 goadesign/examples Examples for goa showing specific capabilities 146 0 2022-03-28
100 plutov/packagemain Collection of materials for my Youtube Channel about Go 384 0 2022-03-13
101 bep/gr Aka Go React: GopherJS bindings for Facebook React. NOTE: Still early and not production ready. 161 0 2022-02-13
102 grpc-up-and-running/samples Samples of the book gRPC Up and Running. Each sample is based on a real-world use case and details of the use case can be found in the respective chapter of the book. 319 0 2021-12-12
103 mdreizin/chrome-bookmarks-alfred-workflow Chrome/Canary/Chromium/Microsoft Edge bookmarks search workflow for Alfred 301 0 2022-03-30
104 skai-x/elastic-jupyter-operator Cloud-native way to provide elastic Jupyter Notebooks on Kubernetes. Run remote kernels, natively. 102 0 2022-03-24
105 x-team/community-coding-challenges A repository for the X-Team community to collaborate and learn solutions to most coding challenges to help prepare for their interviews. 115 0 2021-11-14
106 YanxinTang/clipboard-online Share content between 💻Windows and 📱iOS 158 0 2022-01-28
107 random-robbie/AWS-Scanner Scans a list of websites for Cloudfront or S3 Buckets 96 0 2022-02-14
108 nikolaydubina/go-featureprocessing 🔥 Fast, simple sklearn-like feature processing for Go 71 0 2022-03-18
109 facebookincubator/dhcplb dhcplb is Facebook's implementation of a load balancer for DHCP. 968 0 2021-10-20
110 userstyles-world/ ⭐ Website to browse and share UserCSS userstyles. A modern replacement for made by the userstyles community. 138 0 2022-03-31
111 sigstore/sigstore Common go library shared across sigstore services and clients 200 0 2022-04-05
112 wolfeidau/hotwire-golang-website This project provides some working examples using Go and Hotwire Turbo. 125 0 2022-01-20
113 ent/contrib A collection of extensions and tools for ent 140 0 2022-04-05
114 open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go-contrib Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go. 387 0 2022-04-03
115 yandex-cloud/examples Examples of code, configuration files etc. to be used with Yandex Cloud. 85 0 2022-03-31
116 TannerGabriel/learning-go Projects, Algorithms and data structures implemented in Golang with explanations and links to further readings 210 0 2022-04-04
117 google/trillian-examples A place to store some examples which use Trillian APIs to build things. 98 0 2022-04-05
118 lunarway/shuttle CLI for handling shared build and deploy tools between projects no matter what technologies the projects are using 69 0 2022-04-05
119 caltechlibrary/datatools A set of tools for working with JSON, CSV and Excel workbooks 68 0 2022-02-10
120 ProfessionallyEvil/harpoon A collection of scripts, and tips and tricks for hacking k8s clusters and containers. 109 0 2022-01-30
121 graph-gophers/dataloader Implementation of Facebook's DataLoader in Golang 839 0 2021-10-28
122 dreddsa5dies/algorithm The repository algorithms implemented on the Go 167 0 2022-02-08
123 google/addlicense A program which ensures source code files have copyright license headers by scanning directory patterns recursively 464 0 2022-02-10
124 0xTeles/jsleak a Go code to detect leaks in JS files via regex patterns 113 0 2021-10-20
125 bluesentinelsec/OffensiveGoLang A collection of Offensive Go packages. 119 0 2022-03-11
126 nanmu42/orly 🏈 Generate your own O'RLY animal book cover to troll your colleagues 生成你自己的O'RLY动物书封面,让你的同事惊掉下巴 562 0 2022-03-01
127 rahmanfadhil/gin-bookstore How to build a REST API with Golang using Gin and Gorm 105 0 2021-10-30
128 jakewright/tutorials Source code from Jake Wright's YouTube tutorials 562 0 2021-10-19
129 uber/athenadriver A fully-featured AWS Athena database driver (+ athenareader 97 0 2022-02-16
130 kubeedge/examples Examples for KubeEdge 163 0 2021-11-26
131 hewiefreeman/GopherGameServer 🏆 Feature packed, easy-to-use game server API for Go back-ends and Javascript clients. Tutorials and examples included! 87 0 2022-02-14
132 Deleplace/programming-idioms A collection of good snippets, in a lot of languages 95 0 2022-04-02
133 k8s-club/k8s-club K8s-club for learn, share and explore the K8s world :) 114 0 2022-03-21
134 gotestyourself/ A collection of packages to augment the go testing package and support common patterns. 293 0 2022-04-04
135 vmware-tanzu-labs/cf-mgmt Go automation for managing orgs, spaces that can be driven from concourse pipeline and Git managed metadata 118 0 2022-03-28
136 golang-basics/concurrency Concurrency in Go video course with in depth explanations & examples 141 0 2022-03-14
137 miekg/learninggo Learning Go Book in mmark 472 0 2022-01-05
138 GoogleCloudPlatform/container-engine-accelerators Collection of tools and examples for managing Accelerated workloads in Kubernetes Engine 161 0 2022-04-05
139 xyproto/wallutils 🌆 Utilities for handling monitors, resolutions, wallpapers and timed wallpapers 246 0 2022-02-10
140 geiltonxavier/aprenda-go 📚 Central de conhecimentos sobre a linguagem de programação Go 228 0 2022-03-15
141 hakluke/hakcheckurl Takes a list of URLs and returns their HTTP response codes 204 0 2022-02-07
142 simplesteph/grpc-go-course Companion Repository for my gRPC Golang course 407 0 2022-02-05
143 klauspost/ryzen-master-vbs-patch AMD Ryzen Master Hyper-V VBS patcher 316 0 2021-12-16
144 Azure-Samples/azure-sdk-for-go-samples Examples of how to utilize Azure services from Go. 226 0 2022-03-28
145 oh-my-tidb/mok master of keys 47 0 2021-11-24
146 hpb-project/go-hpb go-hpb main chain master 50 0 2021-12-07
147 fmstephe/matching_engine A simple financial trading matching engine. Built to learn more about how they work. 286 0 2022-02-28
148 novalagung/dasarpemrogramangolang-example 📖 Source Code Praktek E-book Dasar Pemrograman Golang 129 0 2022-02-28
149 techknowlogick/shiori Shiori is a simple bookmark manager 63 0 2022-02-12
150 dreddsa5dies/automateGo Implementation on Go projects book "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners" 123 0 2022-02-25
151 kevinyan815/gocookbook go cook book 264 0 2022-03-20
152 loong/go-concurrency-exercises Hands on exercises with real-life examples to study and practice Go concurrency patterns. Test-cases are provided to verify your answers. 416 0 2021-11-30
153 intel/intel-device-plugins-for-kubernetes Collection of Intel device plugins for Kubernetes 248 0 2022-04-05
154 goadesign/plugins A collection of plugins for Goa. 48 0 2021-12-07
155 LinkedInLearning/learning-go-2875237 Learning Go 77 0 2022-03-05
156 gruntwork-io/kubergrunt Kubergrunt is a standalone go binary with a collection of commands to fill in the gaps between Terraform, Helm, and Kubectl. 347 0 2022-03-13
157 containerd/cri Moved to . If you wish to submit issues/PRs, please submit to 873 0 2022-03-02
158 awesee/leetcode LeetCode Problems' Solutions 229 0 2022-02-16
159 rpcxio/rpcx-examples examples for the latest rpcx 341 0 2022-03-16
160 cristaloleg/sabotage Collection of dirty hacks in Go 61 0 2022-01-09
161 gioui/gio-example Mirror of the Gio examples repository ( 61 0 2022-02-25
162 hyperledger/fabric-test A collection of utilities used to test the core Hyperledger Fabric projects 142 0 2022-03-31
163 qdeconinck/mp-quic Please read to figure out how to setup the code. 109 0 2022-03-03
164 disksing/iter Go implementation of C++ STL iterators and algorithms. 154 0 2022-03-16
165 Kong/go-plugins A collection of Kong plugins written in Go 60 0 2022-02-15
166 paketo-buildpacks/samples A collection of samples 65 0 2022-04-04
167 micheleriva/gauguin 🎨 High performances Golang server for generating social share images dynamically (beta). 90 0 2022-02-04
168 chromedp/examples chromedp code examples. 720 0 2022-02-03
169 mactsouk/mastering-Go-3rd Source code for Mastering Go, 3rd edition 84 0 2022-01-13
170 imbue11235/humanize A collection of utility functions, with built-in localization, for humanizing various types of data input 73 0 2021-12-19
171 jeffotoni/goexample Various examples of tests I do on a daily basis before implementing golang 82 0 2022-03-26
172 shijuvar/gokit Go Examples: From basics to distributed systems 397 0 2022-04-04
173 gabrieldim/Go-Crash-Course Crash Course about the programming language Go / Golang. 98 0 2022-04-04
174 kiprotect/kodex A privacy and security engineering toolkit: Discover, understand, pseudonymize, anonymize, encrypt and securely share sensitive and personal data: Privacy and security as code. 70 0 2022-03-30
175 huandu/facebook A Facebook Graph API SDK For Go. 1051 0 2022-01-06
176 filecoin-project/go-fil-markets Shared Implementation of Storage and Retrieval Markets for Filecoin Node Implementations 51 0 2021-12-10
177 signedsecurity/sigurlfind3r A passive reconnaissance tool for known URLs discovery - it gathers a list of URLs passively using various online sources. 160 0 2022-03-23
178 AliyunContainerService/serverless-k8s-examples Examples for Serverless Kubernetes on Alibaba Cloud - 148 0 2022-01-29
179 kubernetes/component-base Shared code for kubernetes core components 65 0 2022-03-31
180 aws-observability/aws-otel-collector AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector (see ADOT Roadmap at 259 0 2022-04-03
181 CompCogNeuro/sims simulations for the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience textbook 76 0 2022-03-17
182 pulumi/automation-api-examples Examples for the Pulumi Automation API 106 0 2021-12-20
183 Francesco149/sharenix A ShareX clone for Linux and FreeBSD. 572 0 2022-03-28
184 rafaelbreno/go4noobs My progress studying Golang 59 0 2021-10-16
185 flyeralarm/onboarding A list of resources we at flyeralarm use to get new developers up and running 662 0 2021-10-25
186 JetBrains/golandtipsandtricks This is an ever evolving repository for GoLand Tips&Tricks 114 0 2022-02-13
187 giantswarm/kvm-operator Handles Kubernetes clusters running on a Kubernetes cluster with workers and masters in KVMs on bare metal 85 0 2022-04-05
188 carolynvs/stingoftheviper Share configuration between spf13/cobra and spf13/viper 67 0 2022-01-11
189 kkdai/LineBotTemplate A simple Golang LINE bot Template and tutorial how to setup on Heroku for LINE bot API 174 0 2022-03-18
190 Shopify/goose Curated collection of Go packages that integrate well together 53 0 2021-12-07
191 wx-chevalier/Go-Series 📚 Go-Series, Go From Zero to Hero. 语法基础、工程实践、并发编程、Web 开发 103 0 2022-01-06
192 quackduck/uniclip Cross-platform shared clipboard 83 0 2021-12-20
193 AhmadRafiee/Kubernetes_training_with_DockerMe The tools and sample needed to learn the Docker 99 0 2022-03-14
194 prometheus/common Go libraries shared across Prometheus components and libraries. 192 0 2022-04-04
195 jonegil/gui-with-gio Tutorials for Gio, the GUI framework in Go. 81 0 2022-04-03
196 udacity/ud615 Course code for Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes 334 0 2022-02-02
197 smallnest/grpc-examples examples for gRPC 64 0 2022-01-03
198 linkerd/linkerd-examples Examples of how to configure and run linkerd 404 0 2022-01-27
199 istio/tools Tools shared by several Istio repositories 254 0 2022-04-01
200 oguzhankiyar/here-we-go Contains hundreds of samples for learning Go. 93 0 2022-01-24

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