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Growth Ranking > Software > TeX

Updated: 2022-04-10   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 HarisIqbal88/PlotNeuralNet Latex code for making neural networks diagrams 16442 12 2022-01-31
2 mbugert/latex-network-diagram-template Template for LaTeX-based diagrams of one's home network and self-hosted services 101 7 2022-03-30
3 hmemcpy/milewski-ctfp-pdf Bartosz Milewski's 'Category Theory for Programmers' unofficial PDF and LaTeX source 9318 6 2022-04-04
4 posquit0/Awesome-CV 📄 Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application 15843 6 2022-04-08
5 kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone" 1022 5 2022-01-08
6 guanyingc/latex_paper_writing_tips Tips for Writing a Research Paper using LaTeX 395 3 2022-03-25
7 SeanDaBlack/KelloggBot Kellogg bad Union good Support strike funds 405 3 2021-12-21
8 TBD54566975/tbdex-whitepaper - 439 3 2021-12-21
9 billryan/resume An elegant \LaTeX\ résumé template. 大陆镜像 5468 2 2021-12-15
10 paulgp/applied-methods-phd Repo for Yale Applied Empirical Methods PHD Course 969 2 2022-03-31
11 THUNLP-MT/MT-Reading-List A machine translation reading list maintained by Tsinghua Natural Language Processing Group 2248 2 2021-11-20
12 rstudio/cheatsheets RStudio Cheat Sheets 3876 2 2022-03-31
13 soulmachine/machine-learning-cheat-sheet Classical equations and diagrams in machine learning 5393 2 2021-11-11
14 Wandmalfarbe/pandoc-latex-template A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX. 4028 2 2022-03-30
15 matze/mtheme A modern LaTeX Beamer theme 5403 2 2022-03-17
16 HazyResearch/data-centric-ai Resources for Data Centric AI 646 2 2022-04-01
17 aterenin/phdthesis Gaussian Processes and Statistical Decision-making in Non-Euclidean Spaces 173 1 2022-03-04
18 TinyVG/specification The specification for TinyVG. This is the central authority for the file system 159 1 2021-12-28
19 ElegantLaTeX/ElegantNote Elegant LaTeX Template for Notes 662 1 2022-01-24
20 xinychen/awesome-latex-drawing Drawing Bayesian networks, graphical models, tensors, and technical frameworks and illustrations in LaTeX. 768 1 2022-03-05
21 CTeX-org/lshort-zh-cn A Chi­nese edi­tion of the Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε 1172 1 2022-03-13
22 ybayle/awesome-deep-learning-music List of articles related to deep learning applied to music 2278 1 2022-01-18
23 pranphy/nepatex A LaTeX package to typeset nepali latex documents using lualatex. 40 1 2022-02-16
24 Shao-Group/lecture-notes-for-algorithms - 18 1 2022-03-21
25 cplusplus/draft C++ standards drafts 4760 1 2022-04-08
26 jhale1805/expressive-resume A beautiful resume/cover letter LaTeX template pair that are extraordinarily easy to use. 121 1 2022-02-28
27 AllenDowney/ThinkPython2 LaTeX source and supporting code for Think Python, 2nd edition, by Allen Downey. 1937 1 2022-03-23
28 dnl-blkv/mcdowell-cv A Nice-looking CV template made into LaTeX 1172 1 2022-03-18
29 tuna/thuthesis LaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua University 3431 1 2022-04-09
30 gillescastel/lecture-notes LaTeX code for some of my lecture notes 24 1 2022-03-19
31 tinoryj/UESTC-Thesis-Latex-Template UESTC Thesis Latex Template 34 1 2022-03-27
32 riscv/riscv-isa-manual RISC-V Instruction Set Manual 1900 1 2022-03-28
33 SeanDaBlack/WreckItRalphs - 10 1 2022-03-30
34 ZenithalHourlyRate/learn-git-the-not-so-super-hard-way - 7 1 2022-04-03
35 lervag/vimtex VimTeX: A modern Vim and neovim filetype plugin for LaTeX files. 3799 1 2022-04-09
36 guanyingc/cv_rebuttal_template - 26 1 2022-03-10
37 xdanaux/moderncv A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX 1485 1 2021-12-14
38 vEnhance/napkin An Infinitely Large Napkin 652 1 2022-04-02
39 MLNLP-World/SimBiber - 123 1 2022-01-10
40 rodluger/showyourwork Fully reproducible, open source scientific articles in LaTeX. 213 1 2022-03-25
41 QiushiSun/ECNU-Undergraduate-Thesis-Template-2022 ECNU Undergraduate Thesis Template (Class of 2022) 11 1 2022-03-30
42 TheNetAdmin/zjuthesis Zhejiang University Graduation Thesis LaTeX Template 1220 1 2022-04-01
43 abaksy/pesu-cse-notes My personal notes for CSE at PESU Bengaluru 76 1 2022-03-04
44 mohuangrui/ucasthesis LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2697 1 2022-04-02
45 sb2nov/resume Software developer resume in Latex 2905 1 2022-01-25
46 cosmos/cosmos Internet of Blockchains ⚛ 1089 1 2022-01-06
47 latex3/latex2e The LaTeX2e kernel 1170 1 2022-04-03
48 midas-network/COVID-19 2019 novel coronavirus repository 642 1 2022-01-19
49 jiachenli94/Awesome-Interaction-aware-Trajectory-Prediction A selection of state-of-the-art research materials on trajectory prediction 892 1 2022-02-22
50 OWASP/owasp-masvs The Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) is a standard for mobile app security. 1350 1 2022-03-10
51 dart-lang/language Design of the Dart language 1734 1 2022-04-01
52 pgf-tikz/pgf A Portable Graphic Format for TeX 723 1 2022-03-31
53 zacernst/metalpipe Modules for ETL Pipelines 2 0 2021-10-21
54 Wahyu213/Wahyu213 My personal Repository 3 0 2022-01-20
55 mkropat/dapper-invoice A billable-time invoice featuring style over substance 160 0 2022-03-19
56 gboeing/cv Geoff Boeing's academic CV in LaTeX 156 0 2022-01-03
57 hiroshi-sasaki/thesis-template-ja - 4 0 2022-02-08
58 ulyngs/oxforddown Template for writing an Oxford University thesis in R Markdown; uses the OxThesis LaTeX template and was inspired by thesisdown. 169 0 2022-03-22
59 rzy0901/My-latex-template - 4 0 2021-10-31
60 statsthinking21/statsthinking21-core Core statistical text for Statistical Thinking in the 21st Century 51 0 2022-03-01
61 mdozmorov/bioinformatics-impact GitHub statistics as a measure of the impact of open-source bioinformatics software 7 0 2022-02-05
62 minvws/nl-covid19-coronacheck-app-coordination CoronaCheck Documentation and Repo Overview 41 0 2022-01-18
63 rntz/datafun Research on integrating datalog & lambda calculus via monotonicity types 323 0 2021-12-10
64 andstor/bachelor-thesis 📄 My Bachelor's Thesis in Computer Engineering, written at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 2 0 2022-03-29
65 nzhagen/bibulous Bibulous - a simple drop-in replacement for BibTeX 36 0 2022-04-01
66 mcapoor/Math-1554 - 2 0 2021-11-30
67 ShangtongZhang/ My Homepage 9 0 2022-03-30
68 siret-junior/somhunter-docs SOMHunter video search tool documentation. 4 0 2022-02-03
69 jmclawson/biblatex-mla MLA-style citations and bibliographies using Biblatex 18 0 2022-03-12
70 blu-bird/blubird my latex package 2 0 2021-11-05
71 Introduction-to-Autonomous-Robots/Introduction-to-Autonomous-Robots Introduction to Autonomous Robots 1444 0 2021-12-02
72 conal/paper-2021-language-derivatives Paper and talk 36 0 2021-10-23
73 paezha/Official-CV - 2 0 2021-12-08
74 ldbc/ldbc_snb_docs Specification of the LDBC Social Network Benchmark 33 0 2022-04-02
75 amirsojoodi/Manuals-and-Tutorials Manuals about everything I work with 14 0 2022-03-23
76 lounres/SPbU-MCS-2020-M-lecture-notes Это мои конспекты лекций. Они направлены на лично меня, но могут найтись полезными для наборов М и МААД 2020 года. 3 0 2022-02-11
77 jsiek/denotational_semantics Denotational semantics based on graph and filter models 14 0 2022-03-17
78 EagleoutIce/tikzpingus This is my third take on penguins in tikz. It is currently work in progress and independent from the first one, which i use only privately. 4 0 2022-03-28
79 FH-Potsdam/the-ultimate-laser-guide the-ultimate-laser-guide for University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany) 5 0 2022-01-11
80 TeXhackse/LaTeX-basics Sammlung einiger einfacher dokumentierter Anwendungsbeispiele 12 0 2022-03-13
81 victor-yacovlev/mipt-diht-caos Материалы курса АКОС на ФПМИ (ФИВТ) МФТИ. 177 0 2022-03-23
82 mihirlad55/dotfiles Dot files and configuration files used on LadOS (Arch Linux) 8 0 2022-01-16
83 aaronpeikert/reproducible-research A Reproducible Data Analysis Workflow with R Markdown, Git, Make, and Docker 103 0 2022-03-31
84 fdila/bachelor-thesis Bachelor thesis about my internship developing the control system of a robot. 4 0 2022-02-28
85 privefl/paper-ldpred2 Paper discribing LDpred2 8 0 2022-03-21
86 oasis-tcs/virtio-spec OASIS Virtual I/O Device TC: Source code for the VIRTIO (Virtual I/O) Specification maintained by the OASIS Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO) Technical Committee 130 0 2022-01-24
87 ctn-waterloo/website Files that generate the website. 13 0 2022-03-02
88 retorquere/bibtex-parser A node/npm package for parsing bibtex (.bib) files. This is the parser that drives Better BibTeX for Zotero bib(la)tex imports. 5 0 2022-03-09
89 stonebuddha/sundries - 2 0 2021-12-08
90 ElegantLaTeX/ElegantLaTeX source code of ElegantLaTeX templates 25 0 2022-01-28
91 VHarisop/latex-macros A set of useful macros for LaTeX 4 0 2022-04-01
92 jessehamner/BingoCards LaTeX and python-powered randomized bingo cards with custom cells. 7 0 2022-02-13
93 adulau/pdns-qof Passive DNS Common Output Format 30 0 2022-02-11
94 christophergandrud/cv Personal CV 3 0 2022-02-27
95 Witiko/fithesis A LaTeX document class for the typesetting of theses at the Masaryk University in Brno 43 0 2022-02-28
96 FedeClaudi/ My personal website 2 0 2021-12-10
97 knowsys/TheoLog Vorlesungsunterlagen "Theoretische Informatik und Logik", Fakultät Informatik, TU Dresden 19 0 2021-12-07
98 efficient/biblio - 5 0 2022-03-25
99 PIX3LFLUX/HSK-Latex-Skript-Template HSK design latex template 3 0 2022-03-09
100 yegor256/iexec LaTeX Package for Command-Line Executions (a wrapper around shellesc) 4 0 2022-01-09
101 loopspace/tikzmark The dread tikzmark arrives on github 8 0 2022-01-10
102 jethrokuan/braindump knowledge repository managed with org-mode and org-roam. 281 0 2022-03-21
103 rycolab/aclpub2 - 5 0 2022-04-03
104 yeruoforever/ThesisHLJU - 4 0 2022-04-03
105 udacity/rl-cheatsheet RL Notation and Pseudocode for Udacity's MLND program 263 0 2021-10-25
106 nicolasguelfi/ All projects that concern all BiCS members 4 0 2022-01-27
107 cogtoto/pub lambda calculus, type systems, interpreters, compilers. OCAML, SCHEME and COQ code 3 0 2021-11-14
108 cbourke/ComputerScienceIII - 6 0 2022-03-30
109 divyaranjan1905/spivak-calc A repository of solutions to problems from Spivak's Calculus (4th Ed.) 2 0 2021-11-06
110 open-resources/dash_curriculum Dash Curriculum 3 0 2022-02-25
111 christianholland/thesis My PhD thesis 2 0 2021-12-05
112 loopspace/pgfmorepages An extension of the pgfpages package to add greater customisability 7 0 2022-03-31
113 zmsjf/StanceDetection-Papers - 2 0 2021-11-29
114 JesusSalido/TFG_ESI_UCLM Plantilla guía de TFG para la Escuela Superior de Informática (ESI-UCLM) 9 0 2022-02-28
115 smileschen/2022-wi-stats21 - 3 0 2022-01-03
116 dat-ecosystem-archive/whitepaper 2017 Dat Whitepaper - Added for Archival Purposes (see DEPs for latest spec) [ DEPRECATED - see for similar functionality. More info on active projects an ... 59 0 2021-12-28
117 hendhd/ivoa_newcomers - 2 0 2022-01-25
118 mobileink/doc.HoTT HoTT for ordinary mortals 3 0 2022-03-21
119 190n/asgn8 - 6 0 2021-12-14
120 michaszko/piasek Piasek documents in LaTeX 4 0 2021-12-16
121 thruston/metapost-examples Some example documents and drawings, showing off what you can do with metapost and mplib 2 0 2021-12-09
122 Grupo-de-Estudos-em-Logica-da-UFRN/Para-Todxs-Natal Projeto colaborativo de tradução e adaptação do livro de lógica Forallx 2 0 2022-02-22
123 mlresearch/v97 Proceedings of ICML 2019 30 0 2021-11-17
124 Taming-the-BEAST/Skyline-plots Inference of past population dynamics using Bayesian Coalescent Skyline and Birth-Death Skyline plots. 6 0 2022-02-28
125 Rdeisenroth/AuD-Zusammenfassung Eine Zusammenfassung der Folien des Fachs: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen im Jahr 2020 7 0 2022-03-28
126 mohuangrui/ucasproposal LaTeX Proposal Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 360 0 2021-10-29
127 FOSSEE/certificate-generator - 8 0 2022-02-15
128 zhaoli-IHEP/FeAmGen.jl - 2 0 2021-11-24
129 ernestyalumni/mathphysics Various notes and solutions on Math and Physics (and Mathematical Physics) 51 0 2022-03-28
130 ahuyn/anomaly-opo Outfit Parts Overhaul for STALKER Anomaly 8 0 2022-04-02
131 markvanderloo/UFPEL2019 Lectures on Data Management and Data Cleaning for scientists 8 0 2021-12-21
132 realSamiel/NGRcoin - 8 0 2021-12-10
133 databio/sciquill Author academic documents in markdown 9 0 2022-03-24
134 rdviii/crypto-every-quantum-engineer-should-know - 7 0 2022-03-23
135 markhakansson/master-thesis RAUK: Automatic Schedulability Analysis of RTIC Applications Using Symbolic Execution 5 0 2022-03-28
136 zhuzilin/pdf-with-its-own-md5 A PDF template that contains its own MD5! 8 0 2021-10-23
137 hannestschofenig/tschofenig-ids Repository for Internet Drafts 7 0 2021-10-22
138 schottmueller/microMSc - 3 0 2022-03-18
139 andrewrosemberg/HydroPowerModels.jl A Julia/JuMP Package for Hydrothermal economic dispatch Optimization 32 0 2022-02-20
140 ClubInfoInsaT/latex-templates-insa-toulouse LaTeX templates de l'INSA Toulouse 11 0 2021-10-16
141 JulianGmp/vscode-context-syntax Visual Studio Code extension that enables syntax highlighting for the ConTeXt document processor. 5 0 2021-11-24
142 comsm0075/2020_21 files for 2020 / 21 iteration of the UoBristol unit COMSM0075 Information Processing and the Brain 3 0 2021-10-19
143 ropensci-books/http-testing HTTP testing for R 40 0 2022-03-14
144 shilko2013/ParallelProgrammingTex - 2 0 2021-11-05
145 rpsystats/practical-ext-of-intro-stats-in-psy-using-R Practical Extension of Introductory Statistics in Psychology using R 4 0 2021-10-09
146 dyangUCI/Related-Code-Recommendation - 2 0 2021-12-09
147 rp/texmf Mirrored from 4 0 2021-12-09
148 b201lab/template-paper-ieee Template paper Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 5 0 2022-03-04
149 neg99/NE_DataAnalysis Stat lectures for students of statmod, SPbSU (Nina Golyandina). Analysis of data, multivariate data analysis, analysis of time series. 5 0 2022-03-26
150 Pakillo/rmdTemplates Rmarkdown templates for reproducible science 107 0 2022-03-31
151 jsysresearch/template Template for submissions to JSys 2 0 2021-11-15
152 LeqiXu/Yale-Notes - 3 0 2022-01-31
153 luismayta/resume Resume 4 0 2022-03-23
154 flynd/asmsheets Instruction Set Quick Reference Sheets 24 0 2021-11-12
155 rbrignall/OU-SUPPS LaTeX class files for OU Supps. If you like this repository, you'll surely also like Robert Hasson's ouunit package: Sign up to our mailing list to receive ... 5 0 2021-12-02
156 TensorNetwork/ Source for The Tensor Network open-source review article 76 0 2022-02-25
157 maehr/academic-pandoc-template Write beautifully typeset academic texts with distraction-free Markdown and Pandoc. 103 0 2022-03-09
158 mitdbg/fastdeepnets - 111 0 2022-03-11
159 sagemath/publications Generate the publication pages listing documents citing Sage 20 0 2022-03-31
160 anton-petrunin/birkhoff Euclidean plane and its relatives; a minimalist introduction. 15 0 2022-03-15
161 xexeo/DicasSlidesAcademicos - 8 0 2021-11-02
162 compTAG/student-resources - 6 0 2022-03-14
163 mrzool/letter-boilerplate Finest letter typesetting from the command line 393 0 2021-10-31
164 beiyuouo/cv My LaTeX CV Template 3 0 2022-02-19
165 adl/hoaf Hanoi Omega-Automata Format 9 0 2022-01-14
166 NREL/latex_editing - 15 0 2022-03-12
167 kjarosh/agh-parallel-computing - 3 0 2021-11-25
168 thescrivener/PursuingStacks LaTeX version of Grothendieck's Pursuing Stacks 42 0 2021-10-20
169 ahuyn/anomaly-armor-attachments OAO for Anomaly, for Github 3 0 2022-03-15
170 devdatalab/paper-justice Replication code for "Indian judges show no gender or religious in-group bias" (Ash et al. 2020) 22 0 2022-03-29
171 Aiden-Potter/GameBooks - 6 0 2022-02-18
172 rapodaca/dialect Documenting a subset of the SMILES language. 12 0 2022-04-01
173 marijnheule/Keller-encode code related to Keller's conjecture 77 0 2022-03-10
174 bHimes/cisTEM_docs - 4 0 2022-03-16
175 wx672/texmf Personal LaTeX classes 6 0 2022-03-31
176 bellockk/BeerJournal Journal for home brewing efforts 2 0 2021-11-12
177 malteschmitz/latex-thesis LaTeX-Vorlage für Abschlussarbeiten. Angelehnt an die Vorgaben der Sektion MINT der Uni Lübeck. 22 0 2022-01-06
178 OpenTextbookSolutions/open-textbook-solutions - 8 0 2022-02-08
179 HSR-Stud/VorlageZF Vorlage für Zusammenfassungen in LaTex 2 0 2021-10-09
180 CTeX-org/zhlipsum Chinese dummy text 11 0 2022-02-23
181 jepa/ubcdown An rmarkdown template for preparing a PhD thesis at the University of British Columbia 5 0 2022-03-21
182 ryanmaguire/Mathematics-and-Physics Various notes on mathematics and physics organized in several volumes. 6 0 2022-04-01
183 vanatteveldt/ecosent Data & Analysis compendium for the Economic Sentiment analysis paper 5 0 2022-02-10
184 gwthomas/math4ml Notes on mathematical topics that pertain to machine learning 65 0 2021-12-21
185 scipy/scipy-articles Publications about Scipy 25 0 2021-12-30
186 stanfordnmbl/mocopaper Generate the results for the publication on OpenSim Moco. 8 0 2022-01-24
187 JindrazPrahy/DvojkarskyZpevnik Modulární, typograficky vyladěný zpěvník mnoha táborových písniček 3 0 2022-03-26
188 kundlatsch/UFSC Repository to group most of my projects developed during college. 8 0 2022-03-31
189 PolarNick239/OOCSurfaceReconstructionPaper Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction via Global TGV Minimization, Nikolai Poliarnyi, ICCV 2021 6 0 2022-01-18
190 bart314/ReaderML Reader voor machine learning in thema 4.1 4 0 2021-10-14
191 NahyukLEE/Nahyuk_Lee_CV My personal Curriculum Vitae 5 0 2022-03-13
192 firoorg/spark-paper The technical paper for the Spark protocol 10 0 2022-03-21
193 asherikov/phd-thesis Balance preservation and task prioritization in whole body motion control of humanoid robots 6 0 2022-03-04
194 CenterForPeaceAndSecurityStudies/ICBEdataset - 5 0 2022-03-24
195 gaara42/LaTeX_Boilerplate A LaTeX boilerplate to allow beginners/advanced users to start LaTeX projects quickly. 11 0 2021-11-09
196 weymouth/DataDrivenGMG.jl Data-driven Geometric Multi-Grid solver for the discrete Poisson equation 30 0 2021-10-24
197 ritsec/constitution The RITSEC club constitution 6 0 2022-03-30
198 binghe/HOL-CCS Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) in Higher Order Logic (HOL4) 5 0 2021-10-27
199 zeyuanyin/HUST-CS-Thesis LaTeX dissertation template for HUST undergraduate students majoring in CS. 3 0 2022-01-25
200 yegor256/crumbs LaTeX section/subsection navigating crumbs, usually on top of the page 5 0 2022-01-08

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