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Growth Ranking > Software > Vim script

Updated: 2022-04-10   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 neovim/neovim Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability 52222 17 2022-04-09
2 github/copilot.vim Neovim plugin for GitHub Copilot 2801 16 2022-04-09
3 vim/vim The official Vim repository 26720 11 2022-04-09
4 junegunn/vim-plug 🌺 Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager 27076 9 2022-04-04
5 SpaceVim/SpaceVim A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc 18009 9 2022-04-09
6 amix/vimrc The ultimate Vim configuration (vimrc) 26721 7 2022-04-02
7 dense-analysis/ale Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support 11626 6 2022-04-06
8 fatih/vim-go Go development plugin for Vim 14421 5 2022-04-07
9 vim-airline/vim-airline lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air 16265 5 2022-04-07
10 rhysd/vim.wasm Vim editor ported to WebAssembly 5001 4 2021-12-16
11 morhetz/gruvbox Retro groove color scheme for Vim 10547 3 2022-02-06
12 junegunn/fzf.vim fzf ❤️ vim 7800 3 2022-04-07
13 tpope/vim-fugitive fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal 15776 3 2022-04-05
14 craftzdog/dotfiles-public My personal dotfiles 1786 3 2022-02-08
15 preservim/nerdtree A tree explorer plugin for vim. 16930 3 2022-04-08
16 puremourning/vimspector vimspector - A multi-language debugging system for Vim 2960 2 2022-04-07
17 tpope/vim-surround surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease 10590 2 2022-03-25
18 tani/vim-jetpack The lightning-fast plugin manager, alternative to vim-plug 113 2 2022-03-29
19 vimwiki/vimwiki Personal Wiki for Vim 7193 2 2022-04-06
20 airblade/vim-gitgutter A Vim plugin which shows git diff markers in the sign column and stages/previews/undoes hunks and partial hunks. 7567 2 2022-02-23
21 easymotion/vim-easymotion Vim motions on speed! 6421 2 2022-04-04
22 sharovatov/teamlead Pragmatic humanist's thoughts on sociotechnical systems. 674 2 2022-04-01
23 carlhuda/janus Vim distribution 7883 2 2022-02-16
24 sheerun/vim-polyglot A solid language pack for Vim. 4869 2 2022-03-27
25 vim-syntastic/syntastic Syntax checking hacks for vim 11133 2 2022-03-23
26 tpope/vim-dadbod dadbod.vim: Modern database interface for Vim 2311 2 2022-03-26
27 macvim-dev/macvim Vim - the text editor - for macOS 6811 2 2022-04-08
28 itchyny/lightline.vim A light and configurable statusline/tabline plugin for Vim 6079 2 2022-03-15
29 ryanoasis/vim-devicons Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more 4672 2 2022-02-12
30 voldikss/vim-floaterm 🌟 Terminal manager for (neo)vim 1630 2 2022-02-15
31 arzg/vim-colors-xcode Xcode 11’s dark and light colourschemes for Vim 465 1 2021-12-18
32 instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown Instant Markdown previews from Vim 2569 1 2022-03-28
33 rust-lang/rust.vim Vim configuration for Rust. 3036 1 2021-12-17
34 pechorin/any-jump.vim Jump to any definition and references 👁 IDE madness without overhead 🚀 919 1 2021-12-13
35 jdhao/nvim-config A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more... 867 1 2022-04-03
36 mattn/emmet-vim emmet for vim: 5891 1 2021-12-04
37 sainnhe/edge Clean & Elegant Color Scheme inspired by Atom One and Material 541 1 2022-03-21
38 NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme 🎨 Light & Dark Vim color schemes inspired by Google's Material Design 2154 1 2022-03-24
39 glepnir/dashboard-nvim vim dashboard 824 1 2021-12-28
40 cocopon/iceberg.vim 🇦🇶 Bluish color scheme for Vim and Neovim 1714 1 2021-12-28
41 arcticicestudio/nord-vim An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Vim theme. 2092 1 2022-03-31
42 michaeldyrynda/carbon.vim A Vim port of the IntelliJ Carbon theme 26 1 2022-03-22
43 prettier/vim-prettier A Vim plugin for Prettier 1506 1 2022-03-19
44 theniceboy/nvim The Ultimate NeoVim Config for Colemak Users 1243 1 2022-03-30
45 posva/vim-vue Syntax Highlight for Vue.js components 1266 1 2021-12-03
46 junegunn/goyo.vim 🌷 Distraction-free writing in Vim 4040 1 2022-02-18
47 skywind3000/asyncrun.vim 🚀 Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to the Quickfix Window !! 1551 1 2022-03-08
48 sonph/onehalf Clean, vibrant and pleasing color schemes for Vim, Sublime Text, iTerm, gnome-terminal and more. 1375 1 2022-03-28
49 preservim/vim-markdown Markdown Vim Mode 4041 1 2022-02-22
50 embark-theme/vim An ambitious theme for vim 443 1 2022-03-28
51 joshdick/onedark.vim A dark Vim/Neovim color scheme inspired by Atom's One Dark syntax theme. 3292 1 2022-03-24
52 srdz-af/vimrc My personal vim config file. 74 1 2021-12-11
53 neomake/neomake Asynchronous linting and make framework for Neovim/Vim 2540 1 2022-03-19
54 andymass/vim-matchup vim match-up: even better % 👊 navigate and highlight matching words 👊 modern matchit and matchparen 1024 1 2022-02-18
55 tpope/vim-commentary commentary.vim: comment stuff out 4550 1 2022-03-27
56 skywind3000/asynctasks.vim 🚀 Modern Task System for Project Building, Testing and Deploying !! 667 1 2022-01-12
57 itchyny/calendar.vim A calendar application for Vim 1716 1 2022-03-21
58 gelguy/wilder.nvim A more adventurous wildmenu 633 1 2022-04-03
59 mikeslattery/nvim-defaults.vim Neovim default settings for Vim 9 1 2022-03-31
60 mattn/vim-lsp-settings Auto configurations for Language Server for vim-lsp 898 1 2022-04-03
61 justinmk/vim-sneak The missing motion for Vim 👟 2571 1 2022-03-31
62 luochen1990/rainbow Rainbow Parentheses Improved, shorter code, no level limit, smooth and fast, powerful configuration. 1542 1 2021-12-27
63 liuchengxu/vista.vim 🌵 Viewer & Finder for LSP symbols and tags 1573 1 2021-11-15
64 prabirshrestha/vim-lsp async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim 2368 1 2022-04-05
65 pangloss/vim-javascript Vastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim. 3698 1 2021-11-04
66 mbbill/undotree The undo history visualizer for VIM 2035 1 2022-02-16
67 tpope/vim-rails rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools 3917 1 2022-03-02
68 sainnhe/gruvbox-material Gruvbox with Material Palette 840 1 2022-03-21
69 FrenzyExists/aquarium-vim 🌊 Aquarium, a simple vibrant dark theme for vim 🗒 131 1 2021-12-26
70 skywind3000/vim-quickui The missing UI extensions for Vim 8.2 (and NeoVim 0.4) !! 😎 882 1 2022-01-30
71 ojroques/vim-oscyank A Vim plugin to copy text through SSH with OSC52 262 1 2022-03-23
72 derekhe/msfs2020-google-map Replace MSFS2020's bing map to google map 262 1 2022-01-10
73 editorconfig/editorconfig-vim EditorConfig plugin for Vim 2807 1 2022-03-23
74 leafgarland/typescript-vim Typescript syntax files for Vim 1790 1 2022-03-22
75 pit-ray/vim-autograd Automatic differentiation library written in pure Vim script. 17 1 2022-03-31
76 kkoomen/vim-doge (Do)cumentation (Ge)nerator 10+ languages 📚 Generate proper code documentation skeletons with a single keypress. ⚡️🔥 710 1 2022-02-11
77 azabiong/vim-board Multifunction writable board 10 1 2022-04-03
78 APZelos/blamer.nvim A git blame plugin for neovim inspired by VS Code's GitLens plugin 505 1 2022-03-25
79 ayu-theme/ayu-vim Modern theme for modern VIMs 1377 1 2022-03-12
80 sainnhe/everforest 🌲 Comfortable & Pleasant Color Scheme for Vim 973 1 2022-03-21
81 nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code 2503 1 2021-11-13
82 sainnhe/sonokai High Contrast & Vivid Color Scheme based on Monokai Pro 814 1 2022-03-21
83 christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits 3693 1 2022-03-15
84 wuelnerdotexe/vim-enfocado How themes should be. 163 1 2022-03-23
85 liuchengxu/vim-which-key 🌷 Vim plugin that shows keybindings in popup 1655 1 2021-11-25
86 Matt-A-Bennett/vim-surround-funk A Vim plugin to manipulate function calls 64 1 2022-02-13
87 alok/notational-fzf-vim Notational velocity for vim. 1052 1 2021-12-12
88 wfxr/minimap.vim 📡 Blazing fast minimap / scrollbar for vim, powered by code-minimap written in Rust. 737 1 2022-01-31
89 Shougo/dein.vim ⚡ Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager 3178 1 2022-04-05
90 ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags A Vim plugin that manages your tag files 2023 1 2022-02-25
91 mg979/vim-visual-multi Multiple cursors plugin for vim/neovim 1979 1 2022-03-25
92 lambdalisue/fern.vim 🌿 General purpose asynchronous tree viewer written in Pure Vim script 849 1 2022-03-28
93 rafi/vim-config Lean mean Neovim machine, carefully crafted with ❤️ Use with latest Neovim. 1528 1 2022-03-22
94 sbdchd/neoformat ✨ A (Neo)vim plugin for formatting code. 1401 1 2022-04-02
95 vim-test/vim-test Run your tests at the speed of thought 2409 1 2022-04-06
96 python-mode/python-mode Vim python-mode. PyLint, Rope, Pydoc, breakpoints from box. 5332 1 2022-01-28
97 nickjj/dotfiles Settings for various tools I use. 721 1 2022-03-12
98 tpope/vim-dispatch dispatch.vim: Asynchronous build and test dispatcher 2392 1 2022-02-02
99 preservim/nerdcommenter Vim plugin for intensely nerdy commenting powers 4559 1 2022-02-24
100 vim-autoformat/vim-autoformat Provide easy code formatting in Vim by integrating existing code formatters. 2039 1 2021-11-07
101 tpope/vim-unimpaired unimpaired.vim: Pairs of handy bracket mappings 2787 1 2022-04-02
102 mileszs/ack.vim Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack' 2967 1 2021-12-14
103 tpope/vim-sensible sensible.vim: Defaults everyone can agree on 4600 1 2022-02-01
104 jiangmiao/auto-pairs Vim plugin, insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair 3577 1 2021-10-16
105 junegunn/limelight.vim 🔦 All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players 2132 1 2022-03-17
106 tpope/vim-vinegar vinegar.vim: Combine with netrw to create a delicious salad dressing 1915 1 2022-01-11
107 Everblush/everblush.vim 🎨 A beautiful and dark vim colorscheme. 203 1 2022-03-27
108 Yggdroot/indentLine A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines 3799 1 2022-02-15
109 kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui Simple UI for 519 1 2022-03-06
110 mhinz/vim-startify 🔗 The fancy start screen for Vim. 4657 1 2021-12-20
111 preservim/tagbar Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope 5454 1 2022-04-07
112 liuchengxu/space-vim 🍀 Lean & mean spacemacs-ish Vim distribution 2803 1 2022-02-15
113 mhinz/vim-signify ➕ Show a diff using Vim its sign column. 2462 1 2022-02-10
114 willchao612/vim-diagon Vim wrapper of Diagon API to generate simple Unicode or ASCII diagrams 70 1 2022-02-17
115 tpict/vim-ftplugin-python - 6 0 2021-12-10
116 Neur1n/neucs.vim A (Neo)Vim color scheme template. 3 0 2021-12-08
117 74th/vscode-monokaicharcoal monokai Charcoal with High Contrast frame 22 0 2021-12-03
118 Kafang/configs My configs, nobody will care about 2 0 2021-11-03
119 qiuyi943/VimMe My Vim config 2 0 2021-11-21
120 nvjkmr/.vim My vim configuration files 3 0 2022-01-29
121 xgabrielmorales/dotfiles Backup of my Linux configuration files 2 0 2021-12-07
122 kristijanhusak/vim-js-file-import Import/require files in javascript and typescript with single button! 129 0 2021-12-16
123 ashchan/dotfiles Everybody has one. 5 0 2022-03-25
124 joshukraine/dotfiles 📍 My dotfiles for macOS using Fish/Zsh, Neovim, and Tmux 210 0 2022-02-09
125 vaaaaanquish/rc_files rcfiles 3 0 2022-03-22
126 LoydAndrew/nvim - 10 0 2021-12-08
127 jontg/dotvim Jón Tómas' vim setup 2 0 2021-12-16
128 mingelz/my-mac-env My Mac Environment 11 0 2022-02-26
129 aiya000/dotfiles my dotfiles for public. 14 0 2022-03-24
130 ever0de/settings - 3 0 2022-03-03
131 itsjef/.nvim My NeoVim configuration 3 0 2022-01-02
132 nanonanomachine/vim-ref-clojuredocs - 2 0 2021-10-10
133 larrylv/dotfiles config files for vim, tmux, bash, zsh, git, etc. 23 0 2022-03-30
134 jlcrochet/vim-razor Vim syntax highlighting and indentation for Razor markup 8 0 2022-03-25
135 terminalforlife/VimConfig Configuration files for Vi-IMproved. 21 0 2022-01-19
136 kiteco/vim-plugin The Kite plugin for Vim. 242 0 2021-10-25
137 wlangstroth/vim-racket vim bundle for Racket 230 0 2021-12-10
138 gabebw/dotfiles 🌷 220 0 2022-04-03
139 renatoagds/dotfiles Personal dotfiles 2 0 2021-11-15
140 mogelbrod/dotfiles Configuration files for various applications and tools. 8 0 2022-01-27
141 linweilin/nvim - 2 0 2021-10-12
142 mg979/tasks.vim Async jobs and tasks 10 0 2022-03-23
143 tikhomirov/vimfiles My Vim configuration files 2 0 2021-11-13
144 aben20807/aben20807.vim Let my config to became a plugin that easy to set up in the new environments. 2 0 2021-11-09
145 kevzc/dotfiles My dotfiles 3 0 2022-02-02
146 AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim Switch between single-line and multiline forms of code 1652 0 2022-04-03
147 IamShobe/dotfiles - 3 0 2022-01-10
148 verzola/.vimrc my vimrc & 1 cmd auto installer 6 0 2021-10-22
149 Integralist/dotfiles Bash shell and Vim configuration settings 26 0 2022-04-01
150 StarryLeo/starry-vim 🌠 Starry vim distribution 12 0 2022-02-19
151 jeudine/Config-files A backup of my different configuration files and a way to easily and quickly install my work environment on Debian-based distributions. 3 0 2022-04-02
152 kqito/vimrc vim setting files 4 0 2022-03-31
153 jimcornmell/lvim - 12 0 2022-02-21
154 inkarkat/vcscommand.vim CVS/SVN/SVK/git/hg/bzr integration plugin. This is a fork of Bob Hiestand's original repository at in order to submit patches and enhancements to upstream. 6 0 2022-02-17
155 flrnd/candid.vim A dark colorscheme with vibrant colors 174 0 2022-03-30
156 matveyt/vimfiles My personal Vim configuration 4 0 2022-03-09
157 lucascebertin/nvim-files Configurações do meu nvim 2 0 2021-11-24
158 christopheryoung/dotfiles - 7 0 2022-04-03
159 HARDIntegral/NightVim My personal neovim configuration 8 0 2022-01-22
160 vhda/verilog_systemverilog.vim Verilog/SystemVerilog Syntax and Omni-completion 237 0 2022-03-21
161 embear/vim-localvimrc Search local vimrc files (".lvimrc") in the tree (root dir up to current dir) and load them. 446 0 2022-03-10
162 artemave/myrcs .bashrc, .vimrc, etc. 5 0 2021-11-12
163 stevenweaver/dotfiles rc 3 0 2021-10-31
164 vim-jp/vim-vimlparser Vim script parser 147 0 2022-03-20
165 flah00/vim-files mine 3 0 2022-02-10
166 PickRelated/dotfiles - 3 0 2022-01-12
167 ebouchut/dotfiles My dotfiles. 3 0 2022-04-02
168 hpurmann/dotfiles My dotfiles. Configured the way I want them to be. Clean and purely beautiful. 11 0 2022-02-20
169 speshak/dotfiles Dotfiles, managed with chezmoi 2 0 2021-12-09
170 simondeziel/aa-profiles Custom Apparmor profiles for Ubuntu 30 0 2022-02-22
171 prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-buffer.vim provides buffer autocomplete for asyncomplete.vim 38 0 2021-10-25
172 guzmonne/dotfiles Personal development configuration 3 0 2022-04-01
173 personinblack/dotfiles my personal dotfiles. 5 0 2022-03-29
174 hatashiro/dotfiles dotfiles for me 8 0 2022-02-01
175 danilofreire/vimrc My (neo)vim configuration files 3 0 2021-12-11
176 derekprior/vim-trimmer - 3 0 2021-12-20
177 aaronlevy/dotfiles - 6 0 2022-02-23
178 gaius-qi/vimrc vim config 5 0 2022-02-18
179 sleepyArpan/dotfiles Personal dotfiles 4 0 2021-10-29
180 jalvesaq/R-Vim-runtime Vim runtime scripts of file types that include R code 23 0 2022-03-08
181 thedenisnikulin/vim-cyberpunk Cyberpunk colorscheme for VIM. Also includes vim-airline theme. 23 0 2021-12-18
182 darrikonn/vim-gofmt Minimal Vim Go formatter plugin 7 0 2022-02-11
183 tyru/caw.vim Vim comment plugin: supported operator/non-operator mappings, repeatable by dot-command, 300+ filetypes 360 0 2022-01-18
184 scottmuc/infrastructure Documentation / Automation for personal third-party infrastructure 8 0 2022-04-03
185 Richard-Rogalski/vim-empyrion-syntax Vim syntax file for empyrion's .ecf files 2 0 2021-11-17
186 simnalamburt/vim-mundo 🎄 Vim undo tree visualizer 625 0 2022-01-30
187 ColdHeat/dotfiles dotfiles 4 0 2022-02-01
188 twitvim/twitvim Twitter client for Vim 104 0 2022-03-29
189 Shougo/deol.nvim Dark powered shell interface for NeoVim and Vim8. 296 0 2022-03-16
190 ahf/cocci-syntax Vim plug-in for Coccinelle. 9 0 2022-03-24
191 dalizard/dotfiles . files 3 0 2022-03-28
192 tobeypeters/dotfiles Linux related files. Configurations, how-to, etc ... 6 0 2022-03-23
193 bui-duc-huy/configuration Vim and Tmux is the best IDE bro 5 0 2022-03-25
194 gong2009/my_config - 2 0 2021-10-10
195 brkkyk/vimrc curiosity killed the vim - the incredible, superb lightweight puffin vimrc :) 6 0 2022-01-10
196 sitaktif/dotfiles Sitatkif's dotfiles 14 0 2022-01-24
197 wordswords/dotfiles My home directory config files 5 0 2022-03-10
198 RodrigoCMoraes/dotfiles This repository contains some automation scripts to setup things on my pc 6 0 2022-02-26
199 exshak/dotfiles 🍚 Custom configs for mac & linux ~ brew, osx, tmux, vim, zsh, bash 7 0 2022-02-19
200 habamax/vim-saturnite Dark vim colorscheme for the Saturday nights and other *day nights. 17 0 2022-02-13

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If it is helpful to you, please star it for easy browsing. Thanks for your support!