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Overall Ranking > Knowledge > Java

Updated: 2022-04-10   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 iluwatar/java-design-patterns Design patterns implemented in Java 74210 2022-04-04
2 MisterBooo/LeetCodeAnimation Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路) 69582 2022-03-06
3 kdn251/interviews Everything you need to know to get the job. 56823 2022-02-25
4 TheAlgorithms/Java All Algorithms implemented in Java 45499 2022-04-07
5 geekxh/hello-algorithm 🌍 针对小白的算法训练 包括四部分:①.算法基础 ②.力扣图解 ③.大厂面经 ④.CS_汇总 附:1、千本开源电子书 2、百张技术思维导图(项目花了上百小时,希望可以点 star 支持,🌹感谢~) 30466 2022-02-14
6 eugenp/tutorials Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth": 30092 2022-04-09
7 ityouknow/spring-boot-examples about learning Spring Boot via examples. Spring Boot 教程、技术栈示例代码,快速简单上手教程。 27318 2022-02-09
8 winterbe/java8-tutorial Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8 15604 2022-03-17
9 doocs/leetcode 😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解 13562 2022-04-09
10 williamfiset/Algorithms A collection of algorithms and data structures 12369 2022-03-23
11 mission-peace/interview Interview questions 10311 2022-01-21
12 careercup/CtCI-6th-Edition Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. Solutions 9780 2022-03-21
13 google/auto A collection of source code generators for Java. 9688 2022-04-08
14 MindorksOpenSource/android-interview-questions Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions 8657 2022-03-16
15 Freelander/Android_Data Some Android learning materials, hoping to help you learn Android development. 8478 2021-12-01
16 android/testing-samples A collection of samples demonstrating different frameworks and techniques for automated testing 8455 2022-03-25
17 checkstyle/checkstyle Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. By default it supports the Google Java Style Guide and Sun Code Conventions, but is highly confi ... 6968 2022-04-09
18 swagger-api/swagger-core Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API 6958 2022-04-09
19 kevin-wayne/algs4 Algorithms, 4th edition textbook code and libraries 6938 2022-03-24
20 yuanguangxin/LeetCode LeetCode刷题记录与面试整理 6664 2022-02-15
21 rabbitmq/rabbitmq-tutorials Tutorials for using RabbitMQ in various ways 5788 2022-04-06
22 twowaits/SDE-Interview-Questions Most comprehensive list 📋 of tech interview questions 📘 of companies scraped from Geeksforgeeks, CareerCup and Glassdoor. 5705 2021-10-29
23 apache/zeppelin Web-based notebook that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more. 5634 2022-04-09
24 haifengl/smile Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine 5484 2022-03-22
25 Vedenin/useful-java-links A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples 5194 2022-02-26
26 KeepSafe/TapTargetView An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery. 5152 2021-10-23
27 awsdocs/aws-doc-sdk-examples Welcome to the AWS Code Examples Repository. This repo contains code examples used in the AWS documentation, AWS SDK Developer Guides, and more. For more information, see the Readme.rst file below. 5103 2022-04-08
28 careercup/ctci Cracking the Coding Interview, 5th Edition 5030 2022-03-27
29 amitshekhariitbhu/RxJava2-Android-Samples RxJava 2 Android Examples - Migration From RxJava 1 to RxJava 2 - How to use RxJava 2 in Android 4956 2022-03-15
30 nisrulz/android-tips-tricks ☑️ [Cheatsheet] Tips and tricks for Android Development 4547 2022-01-17
31 orientechnologies/orientdb OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID Tr ... 4432 2022-04-06
32 phishman3579/java-algorithms-implementation Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Java 3995 2022-03-24
33 databricks/learning-spark Example code from Learning Spark book 3746 2021-12-09
34 failsafe-lib/failsafe Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for the JVM 3691 2022-03-29
35 sherxon/AlgoDS Implementation of Algorithms and Data Structures, Problems and Solutions 3324 2021-12-25
36 hmkcode/Android Android related examples 3276 2022-02-02
37 vert-x3/vertx-examples Vert.x examples 3253 2022-02-17
38 fishercoder1534/Leetcode Solutions to LeetCode problems; updated daily. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more. 3228 2022-04-03
39 VaughnVernon/IDDD_Samples These are the sample Bounded Contexts from the book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon: 3042 2022-03-26
40 gouthampradhan/leetcode Leetcode solutions 2931 2021-11-11
41 ddd-by-examples/library A comprehensive Domain-Driven Design example with problem space strategic analysis and various tactical patterns. 2865 2022-01-24
42 googlesamples/google-services A collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Google APIs for Android and iOS 2805 2022-04-06
43 liuyangming/ByteTCC ByteTCC is a distributed transaction manager based on the TCC(Try/Confirm/Cancel) mechanism. It’s compatible with the JTA specification. User guide: 2774 2022-03-24
44 halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X Modern IntelliJ plugin to learn shortcuts for buttons 2750 2022-02-26
45 s4kibs4mi/java-developer-roadmap Roadmap to becoming a Java developer in 2021 2629 2022-01-13
46 bethrobson/Head-First-Design-Patterns Code for Head First Design Patterns book (2020) 2546 2022-03-21
47 OCNYang/Android-Animation-Set 📚 Android 所有动画系列详尽教程。 Explain all animations in Android. 2537 2021-12-22
48 tdebatty/java-string-similarity Implementation of various string similarity and distance algorithms: Levenshtein, Jaro-winkler, n-Gram, Q-Gram, Jaccard index, Longest Common Subsequence edit distance, cosine similarity ... 2444 2022-01-22
49 microservices-patterns/ftgo-application Example code for the book Microservice patterns 2441 2022-02-12
50 shuzijun/leetcode-editor Do Leetcode exercises in IDE, support and, to meet the basic needs of doing exercises.Support theoretically: IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm WebStorm PyCharm RubyMine AppCode CLion ... 2409 2022-03-16
51 eclipse/deeplearning4j-examples Deeplearning4j Examples (DL4J, DL4J Spark, DataVec) 2235 2022-03-07
52 googlemaps/android-samples Samples demonstrating how to use Maps SDK for Android 2228 2022-04-08
53 balsikandar/Android-Studio-Plugins This is a list of all awesome and useful android studio plugins. 2195 2021-12-30
54 FasterXML/jackson-core Core part of Jackson that defines Streaming API as well as basic shared abstractions 2041 2022-04-01
55 jimmysuncpt/Algorithms The codes and my solutions to exercises from the book "Algorithms" (4th edition) by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. 2038 2021-11-25
56 Froussios/Intro-To-RxJava An extensive tutorial on RxJava 2037 2022-03-16
57 BruceEckel/OnJava8-Examples Code Examples for the book "On Java 8" 2000 2021-12-14
58 anitaa1990/Android-Cheat-sheet Cheat Sheet for Android Interviews 1947 2022-02-10
59 Baeldung/spring-security-oauth Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth": 1713 2022-03-31
60 RichardWarburton/java-8-lambdas-exercises Exercises and Answers for Java 8 Lambdas book 1680 2022-03-03
61 reneargento/algorithms-sedgewick-wayne Solutions to all the exercises of the Algorithms book by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne 1670 2022-03-21
62 awsdocs/aws-lambda-developer-guide The AWS Lambda Developer Guide 1650 2022-03-22
63 indy256/codelibrary 💎Collection of algorithms and data structures 1640 2022-03-27
64 asciidocfx/AsciidocFX Asciidoc Editor and Toolchain written with JavaFX 16 (Build PDF, Epub, Mobi and HTML books, documents and slides) 1588 2022-02-25
65 thombergs/code-examples A collection of code examples from blog posts etc. 1571 2022-04-04
66 apache/bookkeeper Apache Bookkeeper 1524 2022-04-09
67 yurishkuro/opentracing-tutorial A collection of tutorials for the OpenTracing API 1458 2022-03-27
68 Xunzhuo/Algorithm-Guide Xunzhuo`s Tutorials of Algorithm and Data Structure🚀🚀🚀 1455 2022-01-20
69 centic9/jgit-cookbook Provides examples and code snippets for the JGit Java Git implementation 1445 2022-04-09
70 Baeldung/spring-security-registration Go further into "Learn Spring Security": 1325 2022-03-31
71 864381832/xJavaFxTool 基于JavaFx搭建的实用小工具集合,方便开发过程中的代码编写与调试,想学习javaFx的同学可以参考参考。其中包括文件复制、Cron表达式生成器、编码转换、加密解密、Time转换、路径转换、二维码生成工具、身份证生成器、正则表达式生成工具、网址缩短、转义字符、字符串转换、Mq调试工具、Http调试工具、json格式化编辑工具、图标生成工具、Redis连接工具、网页源码下载工具、切换Hosts工具 ... 1321 2022-04-09
72 spring-projects/spring-data-book Spring Data - The Definitive Guide - Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java Developers 1274 2022-03-31
73 spring-projects/spring-integration Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) 1270 2022-04-08
74 Java-aid/Hackerrank-Solutions hackerrank solutions github hackerrank all solutions hackerrank solutions for java hackerrank video tutorial hackerrank cracking the coding interview solutions hackerrank data structures ... 1208 2021-10-21
75 rampatra/jbot Make Slack and Facebook Bots in Java. 1173 2022-03-28
76 preslavmihaylov/booknotes A collection of my book notes on various computer science books 1157 2022-02-07
77 spring-guides/gs-rest-service Building a RESTful Web Service :: Learn how to create a RESTful web service with Spring. 1132 2022-04-06
78 twitter/elephant-bird Twitter's collection of LZO and Protocol Buffer-related Hadoop, Pig, Hive, and HBase code. 1130 2022-01-07
79 redhat-scholars/istio-tutorial Istio Tutorial for 1124 2022-02-16
80 iiitv/algos Popular Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in popular languages 1006 2021-10-28
81 mahmoudparsian/data-algorithms-book MapReduce, Spark, Java, and Scala for Data Algorithms Book 994 2021-12-28
82 RameshMF/spring-boot-tutorial 100+ Spring Boot Articles, Tutorials, Video tutorials, Projects, Guides, Source code examples etc 979 2022-04-02
83 ernestoyaquello/VerticalStepperForm Vertical Stepper Form Library for Android. It follows Google Material Design guidelines. 968 2022-01-14
84 IanDarwin/Android-Cookbook-Examples Contributed code examples from O'Reilly Android Cookbook. See #user-content-table README below! 968 2022-03-31
85 vmware/differential-datalog DDlog is a programming language for incremental computation. It is well suited for writing programs that continuously update their output in response to input changes. A DDlog programmer does not writ ... 964 2022-04-09
86 ProgrammerAnthony/RocketMQC RocketMQ添加源码学习笔记和思维导图等 961 2022-02-09
87 gothinkster/spring-boot-realworld-example-app Example Spring codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld API spec. 941 2022-03-22
88 vladmihalcea/high-performance-java-persistence The High-Performance Java Persistence book and video course code examples 933 2022-04-09
89 mapstruct/mapstruct-examples Examples for using MapStruct 930 2022-03-21
90 foobnix/LibreraReader Book Reader for Android 913 2022-03-20
91 callicoder/spring-boot-react-oauth2-social-login-demo Spring Boot React OAuth2 Social Login with Google, Facebook, and Github 910 2022-03-16
92 larsgeorge/hbase-book Contains the code used in the HBase: The Definitive Guide book. 888 2022-02-09
93 mCodex/react-native-sensitive-info Save sensitive data into Android's Shared Preferences with keystore encryption/iOS's Keychain for React Native 874 2022-03-30
94 in28minutes/spring-master-class An updated introduction to the Spring Framework 5. Become an Expert understanding the core features of Spring In Depth. You would write Unit Tests, AOP, JDBC and JPA code during the course. Includes ... 835 2022-03-31
95 learning-zone/java-interview-questions 1000+ Java Interview Questions 806 2022-03-16
96 palatable/lambda Functional patterns for Java 801 2022-03-14
97 ProgrammerAnthony/Haafiz Haafiz is a gateway in Micro Service which is inspired by many open source gateway :Zuul 1.x , spring cloud gateway,currently Not Released Now, Only For Study ......Haafiz (在英文中是守护者的意思)参考了很多开源网关的思想,基 ... 800 2022-03-14
98 spring-guides/tut-spring-boot-oauth2 Spring Boot and OAuth2:: A tutorial on "social" login and single sign on with Facebook and Github 789 2022-04-01
99 javalite/javalite JavaLite is a cohesive collection of frameworks designed from ground up to add pleasure back to your daily life 787 2022-03-31
100 in28minutes/devops-master-class Devops Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins and Azure Devops 771 2022-04-06
101 wajahatkarim3/EasyFlipViewPager 📖 The library for creating book and card flip animations in ViewPager in Android 754 2022-02-13
102 nacos-group/nacos-examples Nacos Examples 719 2022-03-31
103 Puliczek/CVE-2021-44228-PoC-log4j-bypass-words 🐱‍💻 ✂️ 🤬 CVE-2021-44228 - LOG4J Java exploit - WAF bypass tricks 718 2022-01-15
104 restfb/restfb RestFB is a simple and flexible Facebook Graph API client written in Java. 715 2022-02-18
105 na-ka-na/ExcelCompare Command line tool (and API) for diffing Excel Workbooks 712 2022-01-31
106 write2munish/Akka-Essentials Java/Scala Examples from the book - Akka Essentials 707 2022-01-07
107 ProgrammerAnthony/ZuulC zuul源码学习添加笔记,官方项目代码 700 2022-04-01
108 in28minutes/SpringMvcStepByStep Spring MVC Tutorial for beginners - In 25 Small Steps 689 2022-03-31
109 udacity/ud867 Course code repository for Gradle for Android and Java 672 2021-10-21
110 hussien89aa/DataStructureAndAlgorithms Write code that run faster, use less memory and prepare for your Job Interview 658 2021-11-07
111 yacy/yacy_grid_mcp The YaCy Grid Master Connect Program 653 2022-04-03
112 iluwatar/30-seconds-of-java Collection of reusable tested Java 11 compatible code snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less. 643 2022-01-10
113 spring-projects/spring-data-commons Spring Data Commons. Interfaces and code shared between the various datastore specific implementations. 635 2022-04-08
114 rampatra/Algorithms-and-Data-Structures-in-Java Algorithms and Data Structures in Java 628 2022-03-28
115 GDGAhmedabad/Awesome-Learning-Resources "Technology Gold mine" to collect and share materials/resources 625 2022-02-19
116 spring-projects/sts4 The next generation of tooling for Spring Boot, including support for Cloud Foundry manifest files, Concourse CI pipeline definitions, BOSH deployment manifests, and more... - Available for Eclipse, V ... 615 2022-04-08
117 yasirkula/UnityNativeShare A Unity plugin to natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS 608 2022-01-14
118 ScottOaks/JavaPerformanceTuning Examples for O'Reilly & Associates Java Performance Tuning: The Definitive Guide 589 2021-12-10
119 MangoAutomation/modbus4j A high-performance and ease-of-use implementation of the Modbus protocol written in Java. Supports ASCII, RTU, TCP, and UDP transports as slave or master, automatic request partitioning and response d ... 586 2022-02-03
120 gwenshap/kafka-examples Snippets and small examples demonstrating kafka features and configs 568 2022-02-11
121 kcochibili/TinyDB--Android-Shared-Preferences-Turbo This class simplifies calls to SharedPreferences in a line of code. It can also do more like: saving a list of Strings, ints, and saving images. All in 1 line of code! 566 2021-11-27
122 openscoring/openscoring REST web service for the true real-time scoring (<1 ms) of Scikit-Learn, R and Apache Spark models 561 2022-02-23
123 lwjglgamedev/lwjglbook Source code of the chapters of the book 3D Game Development with LWJGL 3 548 2022-04-02
124 firebase/snippets-android Android snippets for 547 2022-04-06
125 CodeIntelligenceTesting/jazzer Coverage-guided, in-process fuzzing for the JVM 544 2022-04-08
126 in28minutes/SpringIn28Minutes Spring Tutorial For Beginners 538 2022-03-31
127 mkyong/spring-boot List of Spring Boot Tutorials 531 2021-10-22
128 Beerkay/JavaMultiThreading Codes with minor comments of Java Multithreading course 531 2022-01-31
129 vert-x3/vertx-guide-for-java-devs Vert.x 3 guide for Java developers 530 2022-03-01
130 camelinaction/camelinaction2 🐫 This project hosts the source code for the examples of the Camel in Action 2nd ed book 📕 written by Claus Ibsen and Jonathan Anstey. 530 2022-03-27
131 stefanbirkner/system-rules A collection of JUnit rules for testing code which uses java.lang.System. 521 2022-01-28
132 douglascraigschmidt/LiveLessons This repository contains all the source code examples from my LiveLessons course on "Java Concurrent Programming" and my various LiveTraining courses, as described at ... 520 2022-03-30
133 in28minutes/SpringBootForBeginners Spring Boot Tutorial For Beginners 515 2022-03-02
134 RefactoringGuru/design-patterns-java Design Pattern Examples in Java 506 2022-03-16
135 rieckpil/blog-tutorials ⭐ Codebase for various tutorials about Java, Spring Boot, AWS, Kotlin, and Testing 503 2022-04-01
136 abhpd/hacktoberfest2021 🌱 Contribute your favorite 📚 Data Structure implementation, 🕸 Algorithms, and 🎲 Projects. 😊 Very Active Repository, Star and Share with your friends 491 2022-02-24
137 biojava/biojava 📖🔬☕ BioJava is an open-source project dedicated to providing a Java library for processing biological data. 487 2022-04-03
138 greenmail-mail-test/greenmail Official master for the Greenmail project 485 2022-04-03
139 Waikato/moa MOA is an open source framework for Big Data stream mining. It includes a collection of machine learning algorithms (classification, regression, clustering, outlier detection, concept drift detection ... 479 2022-04-07
140 darbyluv2code/spring-and-hibernate-for-beginners Source code for the course: Spring and Hibernate for Beginners 472 2022-03-31
141 zinggAI/zingg Scalable entity resolution, data mastering and deduplication 471 2022-04-07
142 jcabi/jcabi-aspects Collection of AOP/AspectJ Java Aspects 471 2022-04-04
143 heineman/algorithms-nutshell-2ed Code Repository associated with "Algorithms In A Nutshell", 2ed, published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. 465 2021-12-29
144 thepranaygupta/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms An Open-Source repository that contains all the Data Structures and Algorithms concepts and their implementation in several ways, programming questions and Interview questions. The main aim of this re ... 462 2022-03-12
145 NightWhistler/PageTurner Android e-book reader with cloud synchronization 462 2021-10-27
146 OmarElgabry/microservices-spring-boot The source code for series of articles on Medium about Microservices with Spring Boot 450 2022-02-12
147 Splitter/android_packages_apps_apolloMod ApolloMod is an open source music player based on CyanogenMod's Apollo Music Player and released under the same Apache License. It has many changes to the layout and basic functionality as well as a g ... 448 2021-10-09
148 rohanpadhye/JQF JQF + Zest: Coverage-guided semantic fuzzing for Java. 445 2022-03-14
149 allenai/science-parse Science Parse parses scientific papers (in PDF form) and returns them in structured form. 440 2021-11-15
150 cleancoders/CleanCodeCaseStudy Clean Code Case Study 438 2022-03-18
151 donbeave/interview Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (useful in interview process) 430 2022-02-11
152 graphql-java/java-dataloader A Java 8 port of Facebook DataLoader 426 2022-04-02
153 stacksimplify/aws-eks-kubernetes-masterclass AWS EKS Kubernetes - Masterclass DevOps, Microservices 417 2022-03-17
154 Anuj-Kumar-Sharma/DS-Algo Implementation of Data structures and Algorithms at Apni Kaksha Java Placement Course 417 2021-10-19
155 LuoLiangDSGA/spring-learning 🔥🔥🎉Spring Learning Project, Enjoy it 416 2022-03-31
156 QuickBlox/quickblox-android-sdk QuickBlox Android SDK includes code snippets with main use cases and framework JAR library. 411 2022-04-04
157 BNYMellon/spring-kata Code katas for learning Spring® and Spring Boot. 409 2022-01-17
158 simon824/janusgraph-externals A collection of externals tools that make janusgraph more convenient and efficient to use. 406 2022-01-19
159 varunu28/LeetCode-Java-Solutions Solutions to LeetCode Online Judge problems in Java 403 2022-04-07
160 callstack/react-native-fbads Facebook Audience SDK integration for React Native 393 2022-04-02
161 guobinhit/akka-guide 🌴 A chinese guide of Akka, based on Java. 384 2021-12-10
162 optimatika/ojAlgo oj! Algorithms 377 2022-04-08
163 aws-samples/aws-dynamodb-examples DynamoDB Examples 374 2022-03-03
164 neo4j/graph-data-science Source code for the Neo4j Graph Data Science library of graph algorithms. 371 2022-04-09
165 objectbox/objectbox-examples Examples for ObjectBox Android/Java, the super-fast database 368 2022-03-29
166 luontola/tdd-tetris-tutorial Tutorial for learning TDD. You make a Tetris game by writing code to pass the test cases. See README for instructions. 368 2021-10-16
167 finmath/finmath-lib Mathematical Finance Library: Algorithms and methodologies related to mathematical finance. 363 2022-01-27
168 TNG/ArchUnit-Examples Examples for ArchUnit (A Java architecture test library, to specify and assert architecture rules in plain Java) 358 2022-02-27
169 stunstunstun/awesome-spring-boot Code based and real world examples of Spring Boot and shiny things. 😍 355 2021-12-10
170 eleybourn/Book-Catalogue A book cataloging tool for Android phones. 354 2021-12-24
171 JimSeker/opengl android OpenGL examples 351 2022-03-24
172 yuantiku/ytk-learn Ytk-learn is a distributed machine learning library which implements most of popular machine learning algorithms(GBDT, GBRT, Mixture Logistic Regression, Gradient Boosting Soft Tree, Factorization Mac ... 348 2022-02-09
173 weld/core Weld, including integrations for Servlet containers and Java SE, examples and documentation 342 2022-04-06
174 AlmasB/FXTutorials A collection of JavaFX tutorials from my YouTube channel 340 2022-01-20
175 line/line-fido2-server FIDO2(WebAuthn) server officially certified by FIDO Alliance and Relying Party examples. 331 2021-11-30
176 kousen/java_8_recipes Source code for Modern Java Recipes book from O'Reilly 329 2022-03-29
177 microsoft/azure-spring-cloud-training Guides and tutorials to make the most out of Azure Spring Cloud 326 2021-12-10
178 redhat-scholars/kubernetes-tutorial Kubernetes Tutorial for 322 2022-03-28
179 ozlerhakan/poiji 🍬 A tiny library converting excel rows to a list of Java objects based on Apache POI 322 2022-04-08
180 facebook/facebook-java-business-sdk Java SDK for Facebook Ads APIs 320 2022-04-03
181 lucko/helper A collection of utilities and extended APIs to support the rapid and easy development of Bukkit plugins. 317 2022-03-15
182 assertj/assertj-examples Examples illustrating AssertJ assertions 315 2022-01-21
183 citiususc/hipster Hipster4j is a lightweight and powerful heuristic search library for Java and Android. It contains common, fully customizable algorithms such as Dijkstra, A* (A-Star), DFS, BFS, Bellman-Ford and more. 313 2022-01-19
184 owant/ThinkMap Draw a tree in Android。在 Android 上绘制思维导图控件,让思维更简单。 312 2021-11-18
185 roman10/roman10-android-tutorial android tutorial source code 312 2021-10-09
186 boyter/searchcode-server The offical home of searchcode-server where you can run searchcode locally. Note that master is generally unstable in the sense that it is not a release. Check releases for release versions https://gi ... 310 2022-01-28
187 pwntester/SerialKillerBypassGadgetCollection Collection of bypass gadgets to extend and wrap ysoserial payloads 305 2022-02-01
188 streamsets/tutorials StreamSets Tutorials 302 2022-03-21
189 udacity/and-nd-firebase Course code repository for Firebase in a Weekend by Google: Android 301 2022-01-30
190 anthonyraymond/joal An open source command line RatioMaster with an optional WebUI. 297 2022-03-13
191 beaunus/stanford-algs Example Test Cases for Stanford's Algorithms Coursera Specialization 295 2022-01-16
192 bonigarcia/mastering-junit5 Code examples of the book "Mastering Software Testing with JUnit 5" 292 2022-04-08
193 BNYMellon/CodeKatas Code Kata collection for JVM Languages and Libraries. 291 2022-03-29
194 OpenMods/OpenBlocks Random collection of blocks 291 2022-02-15
195 maxpower47/PinDroid Pinboard Bookmarks for Android 291 2021-11-24
196 politrons/reactive Reactive: Examples of the most famous reactive libraries that you can find in the market. 290 2022-03-28
197 ZoranPandovski/design-patterns 💼 Design patterns written in different programming languages 📐 285 2021-11-01
198 aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-Java Aspose.Words for Java examples, plugins and showcases 283 2022-04-06
199 Suryakant-Bharti/Important-Java-Concepts 🚀 Complete Java - A to Z ║ 📚 Notes and Programs of all Important Concepts of Java - OOPS, Data Structures, Algorithms, Design Patterns & Development + Kotlin + Android 🔥 282 2022-03-14
200 dbamman/book-nlp Natural language processing pipeline for book-length documents (archival Java version; for current Python version, see: 282 2022-02-04

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