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Overall Ranking > Software > Groovy

Updated: 2022-05-12   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 gradle/gradle Adaptable, fast automation for all 13369 2022-05-11
2 rundeck/rundeck Enable Self-Service Operations: Give specific users access to your existing tools, services, and scripts 4562 2022-05-11
3 bregman-arie/devops-resources DevOps resources - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP 4409 2022-05-03
4 johnrengelman/shadow Gradle plugin to create fat/uber JARs, apply file transforms, and relocate packages for applications and libraries. Gradle version of Maven's Shade plugin. 2903 2022-04-27
5 kezong/fat-aar-android A gradle plugin that merge dependencies into the final aar file works with AGP 3.+ 2333 2022-03-11
6 SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic SmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code 2322 2022-05-08
7 novoda/bintray-release A helper for releasing from gradle up to bintray 1875 2022-02-11
8 nextflow-io/nextflow A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines 1681 2022-04-02
9 google/protobuf-gradle-plugin Protobuf Plugin for Gradle 1411 2022-02-18
10 jenkinsci/JenkinsPipelineUnit Framework for unit testing Jenkins pipelines 1284 2022-04-01
11 geb/geb Very Groovy Browser Automation 1094 2022-03-30
12 bmuschko/gradle-docker-plugin Gradle plugin for managing Docker images and containers. 1081 2022-03-02
13 sonatype/docker-nexus3 Dockerized version of Nexus Repo Manager 3 1039 2022-04-01
14 researchgate/gradle-release gradle-release is a plugin for providing a Maven-like release process for projects using Gradle 775 2022-04-01
15 airbnb/okreplay 📼 Record and replay OkHttp network interaction in your tests. 747 2022-03-19
16 geerlingguy/ansible-role-jenkins Ansible Role - Jenkins CI 743 2022-03-18
17 spockframework/spock-example Spock example specifications along with ready-to-go Gradle and Maven builds 683 2022-03-14
18 ultraq/thymeleaf-layout-dialect A dialect for Thymeleaf that lets you build layouts and reusable templates in order to improve code reuse 653 2022-03-06
19 palantir/gradle-docker a Gradle plugin for orchestrating docker builds and pushes. 639 2022-04-02
20 radarsh/gradle-test-logger-plugin A Gradle plugin for printing beautiful logs on the console while running tests 598 2022-03-30
21 cloudbees/jenkins-scripts - 573 2022-02-01
22 krlaframboise/SmartThings - 537 2022-02-09
23 bmuschko/gradle-tomcat-plugin Gradle plugin supporting deployment of your web application to an embedded Tomcat web container 523 2022-02-10
24 jenkinsci/pipeline-model-definition-plugin - 513 2022-03-31
25 arturdm/jacoco-android-gradle-plugin Gradle plugin that creates JaCoCo test reports for Android unit tests 508 2022-01-19
26 melix/jmh-gradle-plugin Integrates the JMH benchmarking framework with Gradle 503 2022-03-31
27 mkuchin/docker-registry-web Web UI for private docker registry v2 501 2022-02-08
28 docToolchain/docToolchain a Gradle based AsciiDoc Toolchain for Software Architecture Documentation 477 2022-04-03
29 allegro/axion-release-plugin Gradle release & version management plugin. 445 2022-03-31
30 ajoberstar/grgit The Groovy way to use Git. 438 2022-03-27
31 openbakery/gradle-xcodePlugin gradle plugin for building Xcode Projects for iOS, watchOS, macOS or tvOS 436 2022-02-16
32 brown-uk/dict_uk Project to generate POS tag dictionary for Ukrainian language 422 2022-03-26
33 novoda/gradle-static-analysis-plugin Easy setup of static analysis tools for Android and Java projects. 410 2022-02-11
34 apache/bigtop Mirror of Apache Bigtop 406 2022-04-01
35 openboxes/openboxes OpenBoxes is a supply chain management system designed to manage inventory and track stock movements for healthcare facilities. 402 2022-04-03
36 etiennestuder/gradle-jooq-plugin Gradle plugin that integrates jOOQ. 388 2022-03-31
37 samrocketman/jenkins-script-console-scripts A repository of one-off script console scripts for Jenkins. 382 2022-02-05
38 node-gradle/gradle-node-plugin Gradle plugin for integrating NodeJS in your build. 🚀 376 2022-03-27
39 vanniktech/gradle-android-junit-jacoco-plugin Gradle plugin that generates JaCoCo reports from an Android Gradle Project 362 2022-03-14
40 novoda/gradle-android-command-plugin Handy commands for testing Android on CI 358 2022-02-11
41 hierynomus/license-gradle-plugin Manage your license(s) 356 2022-02-04
42 spinnaker/clouddriver read and write operations across cloud providers 353 2022-04-02
43 takipi/java-bullshifier An open source project by OverOps. Generate massive random Java applications with a command line tool 347 2021-12-03
44 nebula-plugins/gradle-ospackage-plugin Gradle plugin for constructing linux packages, specifically RPM and DEBs. 345 2022-03-09
45 avast/gradle-docker-compose-plugin Simplifies usage of Docker Compose for integration testing in Gradle environment. 337 2022-03-30
46 jfrog/artifactory-user-plugins Sample Artifactory User Plugins 329 2022-03-11
47 jdereg/json-io Convert Java to JSON. Convert JSON to Java. Pretty print JSON. Java JSON serializer. 292 2022-04-01
48 gradle/android-cache-fix-gradle-plugin Gradle plugin that fixes Android build caching problems. 291 2022-04-03
49 jaredsburrows/gradle-license-plugin Gradle plugin that provides a task to generate a HTML license report of your project. 280 2022-02-16
50 codersaur/SmartThings Samsung SmartThings SmartApps and Device Handlers 279 2021-12-23
51 beryx/badass-jlink-plugin Create a custom runtime image of your modular application 275 2022-03-04
52 nebula-plugins/gradle-dependency-lock-plugin A plugin to allow people using dynamic dependency versions to lock them to specific versions. 274 2022-03-31
53 CodeNarc/CodeNarc CodeNarc source 270 2022-04-03
54 samrocketman/jervis Travis-like Jenkins job generation using Job DSL plugin groovy scripts. Reads .travis.yml and generates a job in Jenkins. 263 2022-02-20
55 asciidoctor/asciidoctor-gradle-plugin A Gradle plugin that uses Asciidoctor via JRuby to process AsciiDoc source files within the project. 257 2021-11-18
56 dependency-check/dependency-check-gradle The dependency-check gradle plugin allows projects to monitor dependent libraries for known, published vulnerabilities. 256 2022-04-03
57 n0mer/gradle-git-properties Gradle plugin for file generation 249 2022-03-04
58 renatoathaydes/spock-reports This project creates a global extension to Spock to create test reports. 247 2022-02-06
59 bmuschko/gradle-cargo-plugin Gradle plugin that provides deployment capabilities to local and remote containers via Cargo 245 2022-02-20
60 int128/gradle-swagger-generator-plugin Gradle plugin for OpenAPI YAML validation, code generation and API document publishing 242 2022-03-31
61 grails/grails-spring-security-core Grails Spring Security Core Plugin 238 2022-03-31
62 icescrum/iceScrum iceScrum is a web application for using Scrum while keeping the spirit of a collaborative workspace. It also offers virtual boards with post-its for sprint backlog, product backlog and others. 236 2022-02-28
63 odavid/my-bloody-jenkins Self Configured Jenkins Docker image based on Jenkins-LTS 226 2022-03-18
64 DTeam-Top/dgate an API Gateway based on Vert.x 226 2021-12-09
65 moqui/moqui-framework Use Moqui Framework to build enterprise applications based on Java. It includes tools for databases (relational, graph, document), local and web services, web and other UI with screens and forms, secu ... 225 2022-03-13
66 craftercms/craftercms Parent project for Crafter CMS. Issue tracking across all repositories and global builds. 222 2022-04-01
67 jk1/Gradle-License-Report A plugin for generating reports about the licenses of third party software using Gradle 215 2022-03-16
68 TheBoegl/gradle-launch4j A gradle-plugin to create windows executables with launch4j 213 2022-02-24
69 gradle-dependency-analyze/gradle-dependency-analyze Dependency analysis plugin for gradle 213 2022-04-02
70 spinnaker/orca Orchestration engine 213 2022-04-03
71 ansible-ThoTeam/nexus3-oss Ansible role to install and provision sonatype nexus3-oss 210 2022-02-02
72 ethayer/lock-manager Lock Manager 209 2022-02-14
73 ssadedin/bpipe Bpipe - a tool for running and managing bioinformatics pipelines 203 2022-04-02
74 grails/grails-data-mapping GORM - Groovy Object Mapping 202 2022-04-01
75 filebot/scripts Groovy Scripts for FileBot 201 2022-03-29
76 grails-plugins/grails-spring-security-rest Grails plugin to implement token-based, RESTful authentication using Spring Security 198 2021-12-17
77 geb/geb-example-gradle An example project for using Geb in a Gradle build (Spock and JUnit 4) 198 2022-03-28
78 grails/grails-doc Documentation Project For The Grails Web Application Framework 197 2022-03-31
79 bptworld/Hubitat Apps for use with Hubitat Elevation 192 2022-04-03
80 nebula-plugins/nebula-release-plugin Release opinions based around gradle-git 187 2022-04-01
81 NationalSecurityAgency/skills-service SkillTree is a micro-learning gamification platform supporting the rapid integration of a gamified tool training approach into new and existing applications. 183 2022-04-01
82 franzbecker/gradle-lombok Gradle plugin for Lombok support 178 2021-12-22
83 stevesaliman/gradle-properties-plugin Gradle plugin to simplify loading project properties from external environment specific files 174 2022-02-16
84 wcm-io-devops/jenkins-pipeline-library Jenkins Pipeline Library for CI/CD 172 2022-03-24
85 JetBrains/gradle-idea-ext-plugin Plugin to store IJ settings in gradle script 169 2022-03-25
86 dinuscxj/ClassPlugin A flexible class replacement plugin for gradle 168 2022-01-13
87 sherter/google-java-format-gradle-plugin - 166 2021-11-21
88 mfuerstenau/gradle-buildconfig-plugin A BuildConfig plugin for Gradle java projects 166 2021-12-20
89 ExpediaGroup/jenkins-spock Unit-test Jenkins pipeline code with Spock 165 2022-03-24
90 jdereg/n-cube Rules Engine, Decision Tables, Templating 163 2022-02-24
91 szpak/gradle-pitest-plugin Gradle plugin for PIT Mutation Testing 161 2022-03-13
92 platan/idea-gradle-dependencies-formatter Gradle dependencies formatter for IntelliJ IDEA 159 2022-04-01
93 Genymobile/genymotion-gradle-plugin A plugin that allows you to control, simply, all your Genymotion devices from your Gradle scripts 158 2022-01-24
94 kobo/gaiden Gaiden is a tool that makes it easy to create documentation with Markdown. 157 2022-03-17
95 zlatinb/muwire MuWire file sharing client for I2P 150 2022-03-31
96 MinecraftForge/MCPConfig Public facing repo for MCP SRG mappings. 143 2022-04-03
97 yracine/device-type.myecobee SmartThings-ecobee integration 143 2022-01-05
98 dcmeglio/hubitat-packagemanager - 137 2021-11-17
99 xlson/groovycsv A simple CSV parsing library for groovy 137 2022-01-31
100 nebula-plugins/gradle-extra-configurations-plugin Gradle plugin introducing a provided dependency configuration and marking a dependency as optional. 135 2022-03-31
101 danielnaber/openthesaurus web-based thesaurus search and management 135 2022-03-03
102 spinnaker/igor Integration with Jenkins and Git for Spinnaker 134 2022-04-02
103 ChaitanyaPramod/findbugs-android Gradle plugin that creates FindBugs reports for android projects 133 2022-02-26
104 jgitver/jgitver-maven-plugin maven core extension to automatically define versions using jgitver & git tags 130 2022-02-09
105 spotbugs/spotbugs-gradle-plugin - 129 2022-03-30
106 OmniLayer/OmniJ OmniLayer for Java, JVM, and Android 127 2022-03-22
107 repaint-io/maven-tiles Injecting maven configurations by composition rather than inheritance 126 2022-03-09
108 beryx/badass-runtime-plugin Create a custom runtime image of your non-modular application 125 2021-12-28
109 jfrog/artifactory-scripts Scripts for Artifactory (Usually, for REST API), community driven. 122 2022-02-22
110 hubitat/HubitatPublic - 117 2022-03-31
111 spinnaker/gate Spinnaker API Gateway 114 2022-04-02
112 novoda/gradle-build-properties-plugin Keep your secrets secret. External build properties support for your Gradle scripts. 112 2022-02-11
113 okta/okta-sdk-java - 112 2022-03-31
114 xvik/gradle-quality-plugin Gradle quality plugin for Java and Groovy 111 2022-03-31
115 SANdood/Ecobee-Suite Universal Suite for integrating Ecobee thermostats & sensors with Hubitat and SmartThings home automation platforms (Free!) 110 2022-04-03
116 katalon-studio/docker-images Docker images for Katalon Studio and other frameworks 110 2022-03-24
117 gradle/test-retry-gradle-plugin Gradle plugin to retry tests that have failed to mitigate test flakiness. 108 2021-11-25
118 seqeralabs/nf-tower Nextflow Tower system 108 2022-03-24
119 infrastructor/infrastructor Infrastructor is a server provisioning tool written in Groovy 106 2021-12-27
120 allegro/handlebars-spring-boot-starter Spring Boot auto-configuration for Handlebars 103 2021-12-08
121 GMOD/Apollo Genome annotation editor with a Java Server backend and a Javascript client that runs in a web browser as a JBrowse plugin. 102 2022-02-22
122 antigenomics/vdjdb-db 🗂️ Git-based TCR database storage & management. Submissions welcome! 100 2022-03-30
123 mikessh/vdjtools Post-analysis of immune repertoire sequencing data 100 2022-03-09
124 savvasdalkitsis/module-dependency-graph This plugin adds a new task (graphModules) to your project which will create an image with the graph of your module dependency tree 99 2022-01-05
125 tonesto7/echo-speaks Integrate your Amazon Echo devices into your Hubitat environment to create virtual Echo Devices. These virtual devices will allow you to speak text, make announcements, control media playback includin ... 99 2022-04-01
126 cezarykluczynski/stapi STAPI, a Star Trek API 96 2022-03-02
127 ogiewon/Hubitat Hubitat Elevation Apps and Drivers 95 2022-01-26
128 gigaSproule/swagger-gradle-plugin JAX-RS & SpringMVC supported gradle build plugin to generate Swagger documentation 95 2022-04-02
129 testfairy/testfairy-gradle-plugin TestFairy plugin for Gradle / Android Studio (and supported IDEs) 94 2021-12-20
130 InovelliUSA/Hubitat Location for Inovelli Hubitat Drivers and Apps 93 2022-02-03
131 pszymczyk/embedded-consul Embedded Consul provides easy way to run Consul in integration tests. 92 2022-03-24
132 crotwell/gradle-macappbundle A Gradle Plugin to create a Mac OSX .app application and dmg based on the project. 91 2021-12-01
133 gesellix/docker-client A Docker client for Java written in Kotlin and Groovy 91 2022-04-03
134 grails/grails-database-migration Grails® framework Database Migration Plugin 91 2022-04-01
135 nebula-plugins/nebula-publishing-plugin Publishing related plugins 89 2022-03-31
136 eXsio/querydsl-entityql QueryDSL EntityQL - Native Query builder for JPA 88 2022-01-21
137 patrikerdes/gradle-use-latest-versions-plugin - 86 2022-01-14
138 Mirantis/pipeline-library - 85 2022-03-30
139 daniellansun/groovy-parser Yet another new parser for Groovy programming language(project code: Parrot) 85 2021-12-23
140 spinnaker/rosco A bakery for deployable images 84 2022-04-02
141 DeployGate/gradle-deploygate-plugin DeployGate plugin for the Gradle build system. 83 2022-01-28
142 docker-library/oi-janky-groovy Jenkins Pipeline and Job DSL scripts for Official Images Jenkins jobs 82 2022-03-18
143 membrane/soa-model Toolkit and Java API for WSDL, WADL and XML Schema. 82 2022-01-14
144 gesellix/gradle-docker-plugin Gradle Docker plugin 81 2022-04-03
145 jcgay/maven-profiler Log Maven mojos execution time 81 2022-03-30
146 kdabir/gstorm A simple ORM for databases and CSV files. Intended to be used in groovy scripts and small projects 80 2022-03-28
147 nebula-plugins/nebula-project-plugin Healthy defaults for a standard Gradle project 79 2022-03-31
148 alexvasilkov/GradleGitDependenciesPlugin Gradle plugin to add external git repos as project dependencies 75 2021-11-30
149 likelet/LncPipe - 72 2022-03-23
150 rdk/p2rank P2Rank: Protein-ligand binding site prediction tool based on machine learning. Stand-alone command line program / Java library for predicting ligand binding pockets from protein structure. 72 2022-04-02
151 longwa/build-test-data Enables the easy creation of test data by automatic inspection of constraints. Any properties that are required have their constraints examined and a value is automatically provided for them. 72 2021-11-11
152 bmuschko/gradle-clover-plugin Gradle plugin for generating a code coverage report using Clover 71 2021-12-29
153 maiflai/gradle-scalatest A plugin to enable the use of scalatest in a gradle Scala project. 70 2021-12-18
154 textmate/groovy.tmbundle TextMate support for Groovy 69 2022-03-15
155 nebula-plugins/nebula-dependency-recommender-plugin Leave off version numbers in your dependencies section and have versions recommended by several possible sources. 68 2022-03-31
156 moqui/PopCommerce POP Commerce is an eCommerce and ERP application suite for retail and wholesale organizations. POP Commerce is based on Moqui Framework, Mantle Business Artifacts, and Simple Screens. 68 2022-03-13
157 cytomine/Cytomine-core Cytomine-Core is the main web server implementing the Cytomine API 66 2022-03-24
158 kordamp/markdown-gradle-plugin Markdown/HTML plugin for gradle 66 2022-01-01
159 marklogic-community/ml-gradle Gradle plugin for automating everything involving MarkLogic 64 2022-04-01
160 micronaut-projects/micronaut-openapi Generates OpenAPI / Swagger Documentation for Micronaut projects 63 2022-04-02
161 okta/okta-jwt-verifier-java okta-jwt-verifier-java 62 2022-03-29
162 etiennestuder/gradle-plugindev-plugin Gradle plugin that facilitates the bundling and publishing of Gradle plugins as expected by the Gradle Plugin Portal, JCenter, and MavenCentral. 62 2022-03-30
163 palantir/gradle-processors Gradle plugin for integrating Java annotation processors 61 2022-04-03
164 tslagle13/SmartThingsPersonal All my code made public for the STs community! 61 2021-12-19
165 agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk Amazon Web Services SDK Grails Plugin 61 2021-12-07
166 boozallen/sdp-libraries The Solutions Delivery Platform Pipeline Libraries for the Jenkins Templating Engine 58 2022-03-03
167 howardpang/androidNativeBundle a gradle plugin that support publish c/c++ headers to 'aar' and depend those 'aar' 58 2021-12-06
168 brown-uk/nlp_uk This is a project to demonstrate NLP API from LanguageTool for Ukrainian language. 58 2022-03-30
169 open2c/distiller-nf A modular Hi-C mapping pipeline 57 2022-03-17
170 OneSignal/OneSignal-Gradle-Plugin Use with OneSignal-Android-SDK to help integrate it into your Android Studio or Gradle project. 56 2021-12-18
171 manheim/terraform-pipeline A reusable pipeline library to apply terraform configuration serially across multiple environments, using Jenkins and a Jenkinsfile. 55 2022-03-31
172 boozallen/jenkins-templating-engine The Jenkins Templating Engine is a Jenkins plugin powering Booz Allen's Solutions Delivery Platform 55 2022-03-14
173 InovelliUSA/SmartThingsInovelli Location for Inovelli SmartThings Device Handlers and SmartApps 55 2021-11-25
174 grails/gorm-mongodb GORM for MongoDB 54 2022-03-31
175 redhat-cop/pipeline-library A repository of Jenkins pipeline files we can reference from elsewhere 53 2022-01-18
176 kousen/IntroGroovy Intro Groovy source, based on Appendix A of Making Java Groovy 53 2022-03-13
177 katalon-studio-samples/ci-samples Sample configurations for various CI systems. 52 2022-02-09
178 eliranshani/selenium-docker-allure Running Selenium tests with py.test testing convention with docker support 52 2021-12-13
179 grails/grails-views Additional View Technologies for Grails 52 2022-03-31
180 streamr-dev/core-api Streamr Core backend 52 2022-03-31
181 bluesoft/bee database changes manager 52 2022-02-21
182 renatoathaydes/osgi-run Osgi-Run - A Gradle plugin to make the development of modular applications using OSGi completely painless 51 2022-02-13
183 orangebucket/Anidea-for-SmartThings Assorted SmartThings bits and bobs. 50 2022-01-20
184 jason0x43/hubitat Hubitat apps and drivers 50 2022-01-22
185 eclipse-openj9/openj9-docs Source repository for the Eclipse OpenJ9 user documentation, which should be viewed [online] 49 2022-03-18
186 symentis/grails-audit-logging-plugin The Grails Audit Logging Plugin 48 2022-01-03
187 Botched1/Hubitat Hubitat Apps and Drivers 46 2022-03-27
188 stephack/Hubitat Hubitat Stuff 46 2022-01-09
189 jenkins-infra/repository-permissions-updater Artifactory permissions synchronization tool and data set 46 2022-01-01
190 nebula-plugins/gradle-info-plugin Plugin to gather information about the environment 46 2022-03-31
191 Scuilion/gradle-syntastic-plugin A Gradle plugin for integrating your Java project with Vim and Syntastic. 45 2022-03-30
192 aim42/htmlSanityCheck Standalone (batch- and command-line) and Gradle-plugin html sanity checker - detects missing images, dead links and cross-references, duplicate link targets (anchors) and the like. 45 2022-01-14
193 jacobono/gradle-jaxb-plugin Gradle plugin to ease projects that use xsds and the ant jaxb task 45 2022-02-24
194 geoscript/geoscript-groovy A Groovy implementation of GeoScript. 45 2022-03-31
195 libris/librisxl Libris XL 44 2022-03-31
196 xvik/gradle-animalsniffer-plugin Gradle AnimalSniffer plugin 43 2022-03-31
197 ascrus/getl A tool for developing and testing ETL and ELT processes for automating the capture, delivery and processing of information in data warehouses on the MicroFocus Vertica platform. 43 2022-04-01
198 OpenLiberty/ci.gradle Gradle plugins for managing Liberty profile servers #devops 43 2022-03-28
199 alan-morey/force-meta-backup A tool to help download Metadata 43 2021-11-30
200 openshift/aos-cd-jobs - 42 2022-01-18

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