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89 lines (62 loc) · 2.55 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (62 loc) · 2.55 KB

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Table of Contents

Conventional Commits

The project is setup for husky and conventional commits to keep some standard for the commit messages.

In order to be able to use that, have nodejs and npm installed in your environment and run the following just one time after you clone this project:

npx husky install
npm install -g @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional

Commit message are linted automatically.

Conventional Changelog

The project is also setup for conventional changelog to automatically generate change logs.

In order to be able to use that, have nodejs and npm installed in your environment and run the following just one time after you clone this project:

npm install -g standard-version

When the project is ready for a new release, run the following command in the project root to update the and the CMakeLists.txt files:

npx standard-version --skip.commit --skip.tag -r M.m.p

M.m.p is version number to be released:

The version number will be automatically bumped in the CMakeLists.txt and the file will be automatically updated. Open both of them, check the changes, lint and format the and write any additional notes, then commit.


Testing is integrated into the project and is automated via ctest.

New release process

Create a new tag for the release by using the following command:

git tag -a CRYPTOPP_M_m_p -m "Blah blah blah..."

⚠️ Pay attention to the format of the tag: the version uses _ and not .! Also note that patch tags will also have a sequential number suffix (e.g. CRYPTOPP_8_7_0_1).

Push with the following command:

git push --follow-tags

GitHub Actions

The automatic GitHub actions will take care of the rest, including the multi-platform builds, the testing, and when everything is successful, the creation of a release and its associated artifacts.

Here are the links where you can check the result of the actions:


GitHub Releases