layout | title | description | hide_description | menu |
about |
About |
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Hydejack is the complete package for professionals on the web. It features a blog suitable for both prose and technical documentation, a showcase for your projects, and a resume that is well-integrated with the design.
Your presence on the web --- A blog, a portfolio and a resume. {:.lead}
There are two versions of Hydejack: The free version includes basic blogging functionality, as did previous versions of the theme. The PRO version includes additional features for professionals: A portfolio, a resume layout and a welcome page to feature your favorite projects and posts.
This table details what is and isn't included in each respective version.
Free | PRO | |
Blog | ✔ | ✔ |
Features | ✔ | ✔ |
Portfolio Layout | ✔ | |
Resume Layout | ✔ | |
Welcome Layout | ✔ | |
Newsletter Box | ✔ | |
Custom Forms | ✔ | |
No Hydejack Branding | ✔ | |
License | GPL-3.0 | PRO |
Source | GitHub | Included |
Support1 | No | No |
Price | Free | $29 |
Download | Buy Now - $29 2 | |
{:.stretch-table} |
Both versions include these features:
- Full in-app page loading, powered by hy-push-state{:.external}
- A customizable sidebar that turns into a drawer menu on mobile, powered by hy-drawer{:.external}
- Advanced FLIP animations, inspired by Material Design
- Good Google PageSpeed Score3
- Higher perceived speed thanks to content pre-fetching
- Syntax highlighting, powered by Rouge
- LaTeX math blocks, powered by KaTeX
- Change the wording of built-in strings and possibly translate in other languages
- Support for categories and tags
- Built-in icons for many social networks
- Simple and semantic HTML — can be viewed even with text-based browsers
- Author section below each article and support for multiple authors
- Progressive enhancement — sacrifice features, not content
- Google Analytics and Google Fonts support
- Disqus comments
- Print layout — Used to render Hydejack's PDF documentation
- Blog layout via
(optional) - SEO meta tags via
(optional) - Github avatars via
(optional) - Gist support via
Syntax highlighting powered by Rouge.
# Ruby code with syntax highlighting
GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version|
s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}")
Write formulas in familiar LaTeX syntax. Powered by KaTeX.
The PRO version has built-in support for Tinyletter subscription boxes.
If you are using a different newsletter service, like MailChimp, you can build a custom newsletter subscription box using custom forms.
The free version features the design and tech of Hydejack, but only supports basic blogging.
The PRO version aims to be the complete package for professionals on the web. It includes layouts for your portfolio, your resume (with support for JSON Resume), a welcome page to introduce yourself to visitors, built-in support for Tinyletter, and from element styles so you can build arbitrary contact forms.
*[FLIP]: First-Last-Invert-Play. A coding technique to achieve performant page transition animations.
You MAY open an issue on GitHub, but no response and/or fix is guaranteed. You understand that using Jekyll requires technical know-how, and is NOT comparable to Wordpress in terms of usability. Please use the free version to confirm that Hydejack works for you. For more, see the PRO license. ↩
Transactions secured by Stripe. Downloads handled by Simple Goods. ↩ ↩2
Actual page load speed depends on your hosting provider, resolution of embedded images and usage of 3rd party plugins. ↩