- Test cases
- Error handling
- Season 9 support for commands
- Bug where top 3/5/10 and 6/12/25 percentages were wrong in output of /compare
- Season 8 support because of Fortnite Tracker not providing the data anymore
- Nickname support with /nick and /deletenick
- Help message to adhere to season 8 update
- Season 8 support for commands
- Season 7 support because of Fortnite Tracker not providing the data anymore
- NaN K/D ratio when doing /s7 if the user has 0 kills in one of the modes
- Modified link in /user response to have a / at the end
- Nodemon as dev dependency
- 404 Not Found Error when a username ending with a period is given
- Bug with wins in /leaderboards
- Updated dependencies
- Season 7 support for commands
- Season 6 support because of Fortnite Tracker not providing the data anymore
- Season 6 support for commands
- Season 5 support because of Fortnite Tracker not providing the data anymore
- /matches for match history
- /store for current store
- /challenges for current active challenges
- Platform flags not being taken into account
- Commands list being out of date for /start, /info, and /help
- /wr as alias for /winrate
- Times in top x changed to Top x Rate and now shows a percentage of times in top x
- Bug where times in top 3/5/10 and 6/12/25 were not being added up correctly
- Test cases were updated to work with season 5
- Incorrectly handling season 4 deprecation
- Error handling for /recent
- Season 4 support because of Fortnite Tracker not providing the data anymore
- Season 3 and 4 data from /kd, /rating, and /winrate
- Season 5 support for commands
- Season 3 support because of Fortnite Tracker not providing the data anymore, uses cached data to get limited season 3 info
- /leaderboards command to see list of best players
- Specify username in bot's response when user hasn't played a mode
- Specify username in bot's response when user not found
- Move errors and modes into separate files from constants
- Put utility methods, constants, errors, and modes into utils directory
- Fix message for when user has no recent matches
- Fix regex matching for commands
- Generalized method for getting Fortnite data to remove code reuse
- Replace usage of forEach with for-of
- /winrate command to quickly see user's win rate
- Improved formatting the output if user has never played a mode for mode command
- Crash when user has never played a mode for /rating and /kd commands
- /compare command to compare two users delimited by commas
- Test cases for compare method
- Issue with underscores being parsed as italics in Markdown
- Error handling and logging
- /rating command to quickly see user's TRN rating
- /kd command to quickly see user's K/D ratios
- Test cases for rating and kd methods
- Contributing section and link to making Discord bot tutorial to README.md
- Handled error when Fortnite Tracker service is unavailable
- Fixed usage of season 4 commands in README.md
- Link to Fortnite Tracker for the bot's response to /user command
- Added changelog to repository
- Changed error logging to use console.error() instead of console.log()
- Temporary cache
- /help command to also get command info (same functionality as /start and /info)
- Account for extra whitespace in command input by matching for whitespace instead of splitting by spaces
- Test cases for the various commands
- Fixed /recent error message when Markdown can't parse the username correctly
- Fixed /season command getting the correct season number
- Optional platform flags (pc, xbox, ps4) to add at the end of commands to specify the platform to search in
- Demo of /set to README
- TRN rating data to modes commands
- Used season 3 data from Fortnite Tracker instead of cache to make command not deprecated anymore
- Switched package manager from npm to yarn
- Fixed sending the start/info message for /start and /info commands
- /set command to link messaging platform user ID with Fortnite username
- /rold command to show recent matches the old way without Markdown
- Modified how table looks for /recent
- Changed bot's response to /recent to show matches in a Markdown style table
- Moved methods into different files for better readability
- Replaced instances of var with let and const to fix style
- Fixed parsing command input when username has multiple words
- Fixed getting text for message object in Telegram message handler
- Telegram bot capability to respond to forwarded messages
- Fixed the bot's response for /season to display the correct season
- /season4 and /s4 commands to get season 4 data
- /season3 command because of Fortnite Tracker giving season 4 data, uses cache to get season 3 data for the limited users in it
- Maps the username's hashcode to Fortnite data in cache to account for characters that the cache can't parse
- Caching of season 3 data that the bot gets from the commands to prepare for season 4
- Fixed the config setup in the README
- Fixed kills/game stat when player has 0 games
- Fixed the formatSeconds method to make it not exported to other files
- Fixed times in top 6, 12, and 25 for /season3 command
- /season3 command to combine data from season 3 modes
- Use configuration tokens from .env instead of config.json
- Merged heroku branch into master branch to remove the need for two branches