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Releases: ablab/spades

SPAdes 3.12.0

15 May 15:34
@asl asl
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NEW: Support for merged paired-end reads.
NEW: Experimental pipeline for metagenome hybrid assemblies.
NEW: Standalone graph builder application.
NEW: Standalone k-mer counting application.
NEW: Standalone long read to graph aligner.
CHANGE: Significant improvements in hybrid assembly pipeline.
CHANGE: Faster read alignment using BWA.
CHANGE: Improvements in metaSPAdes results.
CHANGE: More sensitive results for rnaSPAdes.
CHANGE: All binaries for SPAdes pipeline steps now have spades- prefix in its name.
CHANGE: Better running time and RAM consumption for graph construction stage.
CHANGE: Overall performance improvements.
FIX: K value estimation for rnaSPAdes.
DEPRECATED: dipSPAdes pipeline for highly polymorphic diploid genomes (still present in the release but no longer supported).

SPAdes 3.11.1

12 May 10:00
@asl asl
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FIX: Handling spaces in path during mismatch correction.
FIX: Python3 support in rnaSPAdes.
FIX: K value estimation for long reads in rnaSPAdes.
FIX: Processing long reads alignments.

SPAdes 3.11.0

04 Sep 23:58
@asl asl
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NEW: Support for strand-specific RNA-Seq data in rnaSPAdes.
NEW: Coverage based isoform detection in rnaSPAdes.
NEW: Reworked IonHammer read error correction module.
CHANGE: Improved tandem repeat resolution accuracy.
CHANGE: Better performance of exSPAnder module.
CHANGE: metaSPAdes pipeline improvements.
CHANGE: Better running time and RAM consumption for the entire pipeline.
FIX: Incomplete paths in GFA output.
FIX: Mismatch and indel rate in careful mode for isolate datasets (esp. low covered ones).
FIX: Occasional hanging of edge disconnection procedure in metaSPAdes.

SPAdes 3.10.1

01 Mar 09:12
@asl asl
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FIX: Build for MacOS #12
FIX: Minor bugs in hybridSPAdes pipeline.
FIX: --continue option for metaSPAdes.
FIX: --tmp-dir is now works correctly for MismatchCorrector.
FIX: Assertion overlap <= k_' failed in rnaSPAdes and metaSPAdes. FIX: Assertionpath.Length() > 0' failed in metaSPAdes.

SPAdes 3.10

02 Feb 07:54
@asl asl
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NEW: Scaffolding algorithm for mate-pairs and long reads.
NEW: Contigs and graph output in GFA format.
CHANGE: Better running time and RAM consumption for all pipelines.
CHANGE: Improvements in metagenomic pipeline.
CHANGE: Improved isoform detection algorithm in rnaSPAdes.

SPAdes 3.9.0

24 Jul 11:59
@asl asl
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NEW: rnaSPAdes pipeline for de novo transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq data.

CHANGE: Improved memory consumption in metagenomic pipeline.

FIX: Several minor bugs.

SPAdes 3.8.2

11 Jul 12:46
@asl asl
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FIX: Several minor bug-fixes for metaSPAdes and SPAdes pipelines.

SPAdes 3.8.1

13 Jun 17:55
@asl asl
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FIX: plasmidSPAdes now works with PacBio/Nanopore reads.

SPAdes 3.8.0

01 Jun 16:06
@asl asl
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NEW: Added plasmidSPAdes – a pipeline designed for extracting and assembling plasmids from WGS data sets.
CHANGE: Significant improvements in metaSPAdes performance.
CHANGE: Improved running time and RAM consumption.