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Demos and Tutorials


Setup is in five steps, first installing Julia, then installing packages that the workshop will require. Each step only needs to be executed successfully once.

  1. If you are a Windows user, install Windows Terminal and make sure you know how to open a new terminal process (window), into which you can type commands. If the link doesn't work, try a different browser. Windows Terminal will be how you run Julia in this workshop. If you are a macOS or Linux user, you can use the Terminal app that comes with your operating system.

  2. Follow these official installation instructions.

  3. Open a terminal window and type julia, and press RETURN or ENTER. This launches a Julia session, a command-line interface for interacting with julia called the REPL.

  4. Testing. At the julia> prompt, type println("Hello world!") and press RETURN or ENTER. The words "Hello world!" should be repeated back to you. This confirms Julia is installed. Quit the Julia session by typing exit() or entering CONTROL+D.

Julia REPL screen shot

  1. In a new Julia session type the following at the julia> prompt, inlcuding a RETURN at the end of each line (or do copy/paste + one final RETURN):
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(joinpath(Pkg.devdir(), "HelloJulia"))

using HelloJulia
using Pkg

This will take about 15 - 20 minutes to run through.

On Windows, you may get a message from Windows Defender Firewall stating it has blocked Julia's network access. Press Allow access to continue.

Once finished, you should see something roughly like this:

IF YOU ARE PREPARING FOR A JULIA WORKSHOP you can stop now. You're ready for the workshop!

Running the demos and tutorials

Note. Running notebooks for the first time may involve delays due to precompilation of newly installed packages.

After starting a new Julia session, enter these commands:

using Pkg; Pkg.activate(joinpath(Pkg.devdir(), "HelloJulia"))
using HelloJulia


Option 1: To run as Pluto notebooks

  • Enter pluto() at the julia> prompt.

To kill the notebook server when finished, navigate to the window running Julia and enter CONTROL-C.

Option 2: To run as Jupyter notebooks

  • Enter juptyer() at the julia> prompt. If asked, agree to install Jupyter using Conda.

  • In the browser window that should appear, navigate to the folder of interest

  • Choose the file called notebook.unexecuted.ipynb (or notebook.ipynb to see pre-executed version)

To kill the notebook server when finished, navigate to the window running Julia and enter CONTROL-C.

Option 3: Copy and paste into the REPL

Choose a static tutorial from the table in the and copy-paste the contents of cells at the julia> prompt.

Option 4: To run as script in your editor

For more experienced users and instructors.

Clone this repository locally and navigate to the appropriate sub-folder of /notebooks. Open the file notebook.jl in your Julia-enabled IDE.

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