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Setting up CircuitVerse

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Please go through the Contribution Guidelines before going forward with any development. This helps us keep the process streamlined and results in better PRs.

If you have any setup problems, please ensure you have read through all the instructions have all the required software installed before creating an issue.


There are several ways to run your own instance of CircuitVerse:

Gitpod Cloud Environment

Gitpod is a free platform that allows you to develop CircuitVerse in a cloud VS Code environment.

Instructions are available in our wiki and pull requests can be created following these steps.

Open in Gitpod

Docker Local Environment

Docker can be used to create virtual machines on your PC so you don't have to setup dependencies (e.g. PostgreSQL and Redis) manually.

Note: Please follow these instructions for installing Docker on Windows 10 Home


  • Run docker-compose up to run the instance
  • Run docker-compose down to stop the instance
  • Run docker-compose build --no-cache to rebuild the instance (make sure the instance is not running first)

Manual Setup (Local Environment)


Note: PostgreSQL and Redis must be running. PostgreSQL must be configured with a default user

Redis on Windows

Redis can be installed from the MicrosoftArchive Redis repository.

It can also be run natively or through Docker Desktop if you have the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) enabled.

Cloning From GitHub

To clone the repository, either use the Git GUI if you have one installed or enter the following commands:

git clone
cd CircuitVerse

Note: If you want to contribute, first fork the original repository and clone your forked repository into your local machine. If you don't do this, you will not be able to make commits or change any files.

git clone<username>/CircuitVerse.git
cd CircuitVerse


  1. Install Ruby bundler : gem install bundler
  2. Install Ruby dependencies: bundle install
  3. Install Yarn dependencies: yarn
  4. Configure your PostgreSQL database in config/database.yml (copy config/database.example.yml for the template)
    • Note: The Postgres credentials need to be updated to your currently running database
  5. Create database: rails db:create
  6. Run database migrations: rails db:migrate
  7. Start Sidekiq (background processes & job queue): bundle exec sidekiq -e development -q default -q mailers -d -L tmp/sidekiq.log
  8. ./bin/webpack-dev-server for Hot Module reload for fast development or transpile using ./bin/webpack.

Then, local development can be started with rails s -b -p 8080. Navigate to in your web browser to access the website.

Additional instructions for Ubuntu

Additional instructions can be found here and there are some extra notes for single user installations:

  • If you are facing difficulties installing RVM, most probably it is because of an older version of rvm shipped with Ubuntu's desktop edition and updating the same resolves the problem.
  • Run Terminal as a login shell so ruby and rails will be available.

CircuitVerse API documentation setup instructions

To setup CircuitVerse API documentation, refer docs/

Additional setup instructions

Yarn is a package manager for the JavaScript ecosystem. CircuitVerse uses Yarn for frontend package and asset management.

  • Removing RVM
    sudo apt-get --purge remove ruby-rvm
    sudo rm -rf /usr/share/ruby-rvm /etc/rvmrc /etc/profile.d/
  • Installing new version of RVM
    curl -L |
    bash -s stable --ruby --autolibs=enable --auto-dotfiles
  • If you are facing errors running the rails db:create ensure that the socket file(i.e mysql.sock) is present in that location. Some possible locations where it might be present is /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock or /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock.

Heroku Deployment

Heroku is a free cloud platform that can be used for deployment of CircuitVerse

You will be redirected to the Heroku page for deployment on clicking the below button. Make sure that you fill in the Config Vars section before deploying it.



To seed the database with some sample data, run bundle exec rake db:seed. This will add the following admin credentials:

User: Admin
Password: password

You can include binding.pry anywhere inside the code to open the pry console.

CircuitVerse uses webpack to bundle the javascript module and assets. To see any changes made to the simulator code without refreshing (hot reload), start bin/webpack-dev-server


The following commands should be run for production:

bundle install --with pg --without development test
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
bundle exec sidekiq -e production -q default -q mailers -d -L tmp/sidekiq.log


Before making a pull request, it is a good idea to check that all tests are passing locally. To run the system tests, run bundle exec rspec or bin/rake spec:all

Note: To pass the system tests, you need the Chrome Browser installed.

API Setup

CircuitVerse API uses RSASSA cryptographic signing that requires private and associated public key. To generate the keys RUN the following commands in CircuitVerse/

openssl genrsa -out config/private.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in config/private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out config/public.pem

Third Party Services

The .env file only needs to be used if you would like to link to third party services (Facebook, Google, GitHub, Slack, Bugsnap and Recaptcha)

  1. Create an app on the third party service (instructions)
  2. Make the following changes in your Google, Facebook or Github app:
    1. Update the site url field with the URL of your instance, and update the callback url field with <url>/users/auth/google, <url>/users/auth/facebook or <url>/users/auth/github respectively.
  3. Configure your id and secret environment variables in .env. If .env does not exist, copy the template from .env.example.
  4. After adding the environment variables, run dotenv rails server to start the application.