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Technical Documentation

#####Marauder Map Application v1.1 #####Team Easy, CIS 422, Fall 2013

####Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Scope
  4. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
  5. Architectural Representation
  6. Architectural Goals and Constraints
  7. Privacy
  8. Accuracy
  9. System Flexibility
  10. Performance
  11. Logical View
  12. Deployment View
  13. Implementation View
  14. Data View

##1. Introduction

###1.1 Purpose This document provides an overview of the software architecture from a technical perspective, to aid in maintenance and understanding of the codebase. Included is an overview of the system, and several different views to show the different aspects of the application.

###1.2 Scope Contained in this document is information relating to the overall architectural design of the "Marauder's Map" application, including the structure of the data capture node, data processing server, coordinate calculation, and display interface.

###1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ####Erlang A general-purpose concurrent, garbage-collected programming language and runtime system. The sequential subset of Erlang is a functional language, with eager evaluation, single assignment , and dynamic typing. It was designed by Ericsson to support distributed, fault-tolerant, soft-real-time, non-stop applications. It supports hot swapping, so that code can be changed without stopping a system. The "Marauder's Map" uses it for the capture nodes and data processing server.

####Triangulation/Trilateration The process of determining absolute or relative locations of points by measurement of distances, using the geometry of circles, spheres or triangles.

####Fingerprinting The process of creating a many-to-one mapping of multiple test data points into one real data point. For our purposes, we calibrated our algorithm by standing in various positions around the map and saying "This is where we are now. Data from this point looks like X, so anything that looks like X in the future is from this point."

##2. Architectural Representation To provide a deeper understanding into the design of the Marauder Map application, the following sections are organized around several different architectural views of the system:

  • The Logical view will provide an overview of the components and subsystems.
  • The Deployment view describes how the application will be deployed.
  • The Implementation view goes into more detail of the objects and subsystems of the application.
  • The Data view will show in what way the data from the application is stored, organized, and accessed.

##3. Logical View

Marauder's Map is divided into two large sections: Back-End and Front-End


The Back-End is non-user facing and consists of nine major components: Receiver, Analyzer, Python Signal Analyzer, WebSocket Server, Application Supervisor, Mnesia, gproc, jsx, and a set of Capture Nodes.


The Receiver listens for incoming Wifi Signal data from a set of Capture Nodes and tabulates the signal strengths for each particular WiFi packet. Upon collecting a "complete" packet (one that consists of at least 3 signal strengths), it sends the completed packet to the Analyzer for analysis.


The Analyzer consists of two subcomponents: trainer and analyzer. It parses the packets sent by the Receiver and divides them into two broad classes: a general packet (sent by a generic device by a member of the general public) and a trainer packet (sent by a set of specific MAC addresses belonging to the devices of the developers of Marauder's Map).

General packets are sent to the Python Signal Analyzer to be analyzed. It expects a return of x, y coordinate data. When the Python Signal Analyzer returns coordinate data, the Analyzer will broadcast the location data to all connected Map clients.

Trainer packets are stored in the mm_training table of the Mnesia database. Once collated, the training data can be dumped into a text file to serve as calibration data for the Python Signal Analyzer.

Python Signal Analyzer

The Python Signal Analyzer uses calibration data that was previously collected using the Analyzer. If trilateration is chosen as the algorithm, it performs a nonlinear least-squares fit to minimize the error of expected vs. actual distances from the capture nodes. The model used is the equation for free-space path loss, with a calibration constant added to account for antenna gain/loss. If fingerprinting is used, the algorithm uses k-nearest neighbors with inverse-distance weighting to find the coordinate that has the closest measured signal strength pattern.

WebSocket Server

The WebSocket Server handles all WebSocket requests from the Front-End clients: Map and Trainer tool. It acts as the intermediary between the Erlang Back-End and the Javascript/HTML Front-End clients.

Every WebSocket process registers itself as a subscriber of a pubsub (Publisher-Subscriber) gproc (global process manager) in order to receive broadcasts of location data published by the Analyzer.

Data is packed into JSON objects which conform to an event-handling protocol that is recognized by the Front-End clients. The jsx library is used for the encoding and decoding of JSON data to Erlang terms.

Application Supervisor

The Application Supervisor is an Erlang OTP (Open Telecom Platform) behavior that monitors the Analyzer, WebSocket Server, Receiver, Mnesia, gproc, and jsx. It ensures uptime on the components and restarts those components in the event of failure and errors are logged for administrative purposes.

By conforming to the Erlang OTP specifications, Marauder's Map can be run on the OTP platform, and is supplemented with high uptime and reliability, comprehensive error logging and robust failover facilities.


Mnesia is a distributed database that is developed for use within the Erlang OTP. It provides distributed table-based database capabilities and can function in memory-only, disk-persisted, and a combination of both modes.

The Mnesia database runs as a separate process and maintains the mm_training and mm_trained_coord tables. mm_training stores in tuple form the x,y coordinates and signal strengths of those coordinates for use as calibration data in the Python Signal Analyzer. mm_trained_coord stores trained coordinates to prevent duplication of data for identical coordinates.


gproc is a global process manager that encapsulates messaging between processes in a more flexible form than Erlang's innate message passing abilities. It allows for easy implementation of the PubSub protocol (Publisher-Subscriber) that the Analyzer uses to broadcast location data to all connected WebSocket clients.

By abstracting this functionality to a third-party library, development and maintainance requirements are reduced and we can expect a good level of reliability from the component.


jsx is an Erlang-JSON encoder/decoder library. Marauder's Map uses JSON objects to encapsulate event data and location data as the main form of communication between the Back-End and the Front-End.

JSON is a widely-used and highly portable specification that allows for reduced development time in both the Back-End encoding components and Front-Ent decoding functions. By using the third-party jsx library, one can ensure code reliability and reduced development pressure.

Capture Nodes

The Capture Nodes is a set of computers which run the capture node portion of Marauder's Map. Each node is an Erlang Node (a virtual machine) that runs tshark, the command-line component of Wireshark, to sniff wireless data from the air.

The Capture Nodes encapsulate the sniffing behavior provided by tshark and adds blacklisting and whitelisting capabilities to filter out unwanted data. This ensures no privacy violations occur from the general public not wanting their data to be tracked by Marauder's Map.


The Front-End is user facing and consists of two major components: Map and Trainer.


Accessed through a web browser on a large, public, flatscreen display, it receives data from the Back-End in near-realtime over WebSockets and utilizes Javascript (D3.js) to animate and display location data on the screen.


Accessed through a modern web browser on a computer or mobile device, this tool provides the administrator an interface to collect WiFi fingerprinting training data.

##4. Deployment View A minimum of 3 computers are required for deployment of Marauder's Map. Ideally, 4 computers are required for maximum functionality and reduced troubleshooting. When using 3-computer deployment, the Server Node will host a Capture Node on top of its usual set of services.

The Server Node

1 computer will host the Server Node. Its Erlang OTP environment will house the bulk of the Marauder's Map functionality. The following services are run on the Server Node:

  • Receiver - Receives data from Capture Nodes
  • Analyzer - Sorts data from Receiver to be trained or signal-analyzed by Python
  • Python Signal Analyzer - Analyzes signal data; algorithm is calibrated using training data from a supplied file
  • Web Server - Serves HTTP to Front-End components
  • WebSocket Server - Provides interface between Front-End and Back-End components
  • Mnesia - Persists training data from Analyzer
  • Application Supervisor - Monitors all components on the Server Node
  • gproc - Provides PubSub functionality for data broadcasts
  • jsx - Encodes and Decodes JSON data

The Capture Nodes

3 computers will each host a Capture Node. The Capture Nodes will each host an Erlang environment that will capture wireless data using tshark and package it for analysis to the Analyzer. The following services are run on the Capture Nodes:

  • Capture - Captures output from tshark and packages it for consumption on the Analyzer
  • tshark - Actual capturing of WiFi packets, with configuration and black/white listing functionality by Capture

The Git repository is organized this way:

Marauder's Map

  • _rel - contains a release packaged by the maketool It contains all the files required to run Marauder's Map
  • algo - algorithms for trilateration/fingerprinting; Python Signal Analyzer code
  • deps - dependencies required by the project. Automatically acquired and built by the maketool
  • doc - Erlang documentation generated by the edocs tool. Contains module/type specification documents used in project
  • ebin - compiled Erlang code. Generated by maketool
  • mnesia - disk files for Mnesia database. Maintained by Mnesia database
  • priv - Front-End components. HTML documents that are housed along with other static data
    • static - directory holding static data such as javascript libraries and css style files
    • map.html - Map Front-End component
    • trainer.html - Trainer tool Front-End component
  • src - Erlang source code files
    • mm_analyzer.erl - Analyzer source file
    • mm_app.erl - Webserver and Application source file
    • mm_capture.erl - Capture Node source file
    • mm_misc.erl- Miscellaneous library functions source file
    • mm_receiver.erl - Receiver source file
    • mm_records.hrl - Records header file, containing definitions for Erlang records used in the project
    • mm_sup.erl - Application Supervisor source file
    • mm_ws_handler.erl - WebSocket Server source file
    • - Erlang Application Definition file. Used for packaging the project into a usable OTP release package
  • - Architecture documentation in markdown format
  • - Erlang maketool
  • Makefile - Makefile for the project
  • mm_capture.src - configuration file for capture nodes, used by the start script for capture nodes
  • - User/Administrator documentation in markdown format
  • relx - Erlang Releases package tool
  • relx.config - Configuration file for the relx tool
  • - start script for capture nodes. Reads in mm_capture.src and autodetects IP addresses and settings and runs the capture node
  • - start script for the server node. Autodetects settings and launches the server
  • trainingdata.txt - Gathered training data in text form

The following components deal with data:

Capture Node -> Receiver

Captured wireless packet data from tshark in the form of

{ThisNode, {MAC, SignalStrength, SeqNo}}

where ThisNode is the unique identifier of the particular capture node, MAC is the source MAC address, SignalStrength is the signal strength, SeqNo is the sequence number of the wireless packet.

Receiver -> Analyzer

Tabulated wireless packet data is sent from the Receiver to the Analyzer in the form of #row records (defined in mm_records.hrl).

Analyzer -> Python Signal Analyzer

The Analyzer sorts non-training wireless packets and sends them to the Python Signal Analyzer using stdout:

MACAddress nodeA nodeB nodeC

where MACAddress is the source MAC address of the wireless packet, and nodeA/nodeB/nodeC are integers representing the signal strengths captured from their respective capture nodes.

The Python Signal Analyzer returns estimated locations on stdout in the format:

 MACAddress x y

Analyzer -> Mnesia

The Analyzer sorts training wireless packets and stores them in the Mnesia database in the form of #mm_training and #mm_trained_coord records.

Analyzer -> WebSocket Server

The Analyzer will broadcast location data to all connected WebSocket clients using the PubSub protocol provided by gproc in the form of:

-define (WS_KEY, {pubsub, ws_broadcast}).

WS_KEY is used as the broadcast key (which is the same key used by WebSocket processes that are subscribed to PubSub). No identifying data is sent.

The Analyzer will send training data acknowledgment messages to the WebSocket Server over PubSub using WS_KEY. No identifying data is sent.

The Analyzer will provide a list of trainer devices used for debugging the project in the get_trainers() function.

WebSocket Server -> Map

Upon receiving a broadcasted location data, the WebSocket Server will encode that data in JSON and send it to the Map in the form of:

[{event: "position"}, {data: {position: [
	i: 12345, // a numeric hash of the MAC address created by the erlang:phash2 function
	devicetype: "trainer" or "general", // representing whether the wireless packet belonged to a member of the public or a trainer
	name: "name", // a string, for trainers it holds the registered name, for general users it holds the hash of i in string form
	x: 12, // a float, representing the x coordinate of the device
	y: 12, // a float, representing the y coordinate of the device

WebSocket Server -> Training tool

The WebSocket Server reacts to the following events from the Training tool:

get_trainers: Gets a list of trainers. Calls mm_analyzer:get_trainers() get_trained_coords: Gets a list of trained coordinates. Calls mm_analyzer:get_trained_coords() start_training: Starts training on a specified coordinate. Calls mm_analyzer:start_training(Trainer, X, Y) end_training: Ends training on a specified coordinate. Calls mm_analyzer:end_traiing(Trainer, X, Y)

All events are encoded in JSON in the following form:

[{event: "event"}, {data: "data"}]

Where "event" is the event name, and "data" consists of whatever data is associated with that particular event.