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72 lines (65 loc) · 3.69 KB


File metadata and controls

72 lines (65 loc) · 3.69 KB


master (unreleased)

API changes

  • Added optional model parameter to Experiment.pred_to_pc to select only

certain models and model outputs for the conversion to percent correct. - The speech.Material class takes directly the path to the sentences and to

the speech-shaped noise. This allows the user to use auto-complete.
  • The py:func:~pambox.utils.int2srt function return np.nan if the SRT is

not found, instead of returning None. - Renamed the SRT parameter in pa:func:~pambox.utils.int2srt to srt_at instead of srt. - Change the default folder for speech experiment outputs to output. - Add parameter to adjust levels before or after the application of the distortion in speech intelligibility experiments. The default is to apply it after the distortion.


  • Possibility to run experiments in parallel using IPython.parallel. See the

:py:func:`` function. - utils.fftfilt now mirrors Matlab's behavior. Given coefficients b and signal x: If x is a matrix, the rows are filtered. If b is a matrix, each filter is applied to x. If both b and x are matrices with the same number of rows, each row of x is filtered with the respective row of b. - The Experiment class tries to create the output folder if it does not exist. - The speech material name is saved out the output data frame when running a speech intelligibility experiment. - Added the function py:func:~pambox.speech.material.Material.average_level to measure the average level of a speech material. - Added py:func:~pambox.speech.experiment.srts_from_df to convert intelligibility predictions to SRTs. - The py:func:~pambox.speech.experiment.next_masker function now takes a dictionary with all the parameters of the experiment. It does not change the default behavior of the function be default, but it allows for using that parameter if the next_masker function is overriden. - The name of the columns saved during a speech intelligibility experiment are defined as class parameters, rather than being hard-coded. - Add optional ax parameter to py:func:~pambox.speech.experiment.plot_results. - Function py:func:~pambox.speech.experiment.pred_to_pc can now convert prediction to intelligibility for a specific model. - Possibility to force the audio file to be mono when loading file in py:class:pambox.speech.material.Material. - Add py:func:~pambox.utils.read_wav_as_float as a convenience function to read wave files as float.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed #14 in the function py:func:~pambox.central.mod_filterbank that made

the filterbank acausal. The filterbank now produces the same time output as using Butterworth filter coefficients and the scipy.signal.filtfilt function. - Fix #16: the ideal observer fits the average intelligibility, across all sentences, to the reference data, rather than trying to fit all sentences at once. - Fix #17: Removed unnecessary compensation factor in the sEPSM. It compensated for the filter bandwidth when computing the bands above threshold . The tests tolerance had to be adjusted; for the spectral subtraction case, the relative difference compared to the Matlab code is smaller than 8%. In the condition with speech-shaped noise only, the difference is smaller than 0 .1%. - The py:func:~pambox.speech.material.Material.set_level function uses compensates for the reference sentence level using the correct sign. - Fix the py:func:~pambox.utils.hilbert definition that had been mangled in a merge. It is now the same as in scipy.signal. - Fix #25: py:func:~pambox.utils.setdbspl and py:func:~pambox.utils.rms now behave properly with input arrays that have more than one dimension.