diff --git a/proteinflow/data/__init__.py b/proteinflow/data/__init__.py
index 4a61058..efc9694 100644
--- a/proteinflow/data/__init__.py
+++ b/proteinflow/data/__init__.py
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ def __init__(
         seqs : list of str
             Amino acid sequences of the protein (one-letter code)
         crds : list of np.ndarray
-            Coordinates of the protein, `'numpy'` arrays of shape `(L, 4, 3)`,
+            Coordinates of the protein, `numpy` arrays of shape `(L, 14, 3)`,
             in the order of `N, C, CA, O`
         masks : list of np.ndarray
             Mask arrays where 1 indicates residues with known coordinates and 0