Generating PWM values for motors of a differential drive bot through a joystick using an Arduino. Contains scripts for an arduino joystick module as well as a Nintendo Wii Nunchuk which uses the I2C communication protocol.
Basic Atmega microcontroller coding, blinking LEDs, timers, interrupts and debouncing.
Integrating HMC5883L, MPU8050 and a Garmin USB GPS using a Raspberry Pi. Also contains a simple traversal algorithm script using these modules.
Scripts to generate PWM values for motors of a differential drive bot through a USB joystick and transfer these values to a Raspberry Pi through a USBTTL module.
Voxel Grid filtering, Plane Segmentation and Clustering on a kinect pointcloud and publishing output on ROS topics.
Sending and Receiving camera feed through sockets. Threading of multiple camera feeds.