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Commands for docker lab

We are using a simple spring boot application for this demo, whose code is commited in this git repo for reference.

For Docker playground use (avoid katakoda docker playground for build due to memory and speed issues)

To check the docker version installed

  • docker -version

To list the running containers

  • docker ps

To pull the git project and build the docker image

Check the DockerFile used to build the image, in this project root location

To push built docker image to docker hub - please replace dockerhub_userid with your userid e.g adi4196

  • docker login -u=dockerhub_userid # your login to
  • docker tag docker-service:2.0 dockerhub_userid/docker-service:2.0
  • docker push dockerhub_userid/docker-service:2.0

To pull the image from the docker hub

  • docker pull docker_userid/docker-service:2.0

To list down the locally stored images

  • docker images

To delete image from local registery

  • docker rmi image_id

To create a container from the image pulled

  • docker run -dp 8080:8080 docker_userid/docker-service:2.0

open a new instance in the docker playground (option available in the left section) and hit curl command 'curl get localhost:8080/employees'

To check running and exited containers

  • docker ps -a

To check the logs of the container

  • docker logs container_id

To stop a running container

  • docker stop container_id

To kill a running container

  • docker kill container_id

Commands for openshift lab

Steps to Login and create Namespace in Openshift:

  • oc login -u developer -p developer
  • oc new-project docker-app #you can skip this and ues the default myproject as given in katakoda instructions

Pro Tip- use the maximise button to get a better experience of the console in openshift playground/katakoda

In the git root location, you would also find an Openshift-Lab.pdf which has the steps using the Openshift UI platform

To pull and run image in Openshift

  • oc new-app adi4196/docker-service:1.0

Check the status of the deployment you started

  • oc status

To check the events of the running deployment

  • oc get events
LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON              OBJECT                                   MESSAGE
2m10s       Normal   Scheduled           pod/docker-service-1-deploy              Successfully assigned docker-app/docker-service-1-deploy to crc-rk2fc-master-0
2m1s        Normal   Pulling             pod/docker-service-1-deploy              Pulling image ""
117s        Normal   Pulled              pod/docker-service-1-deploy              Successfully pulled image ""
117s        Normal   Created             pod/docker-service-1-deploy              Created container deployment
117s        Normal   Started             pod/docker-service-1-deploy              Started container deployment
117s        Normal   Scheduled           pod/docker-service-1-sgzr2               Successfully assigned docker-app/docker-service-1-sgzr2 to crc-rk2fc-master-0109s        Normal   Pulling             pod/docker-service-1-sgzr2               Pulling image "ashwinprakash/docker-service@sha256:383dd7f0e828c43539ecc814bb3d968ac015c51b374ec6

*UI Steps :- *login to console on second tab by popping it out to new window, login with username:- developer, password:- developer , go to workloads-> pods -> docker-service-xxx -> events

To view the pods running under the namespace after the deployment

  • oc get pods
docker-service-1-4v2z6    1/1     Running     0          97s
docker-service-1-deploy   0/1     Completed   0          110s

To check the logs of your application running in the pod

  • oc logs -f [pod_name]
oc logs -f docker-service-1-4v2z6

To view the service created for the deployed application

  • oc get svc

To create route for service discovery of the deployed application

  • oc expose svc/service_name eg: oc expose svc/docker-service

  • oc get route

NAME             HOST/PORT                                                                   PATH   SERVICES         PORT       TERMINATION   WILDCARD
docker-service          docker-service   8080-tcp                 None

Curl the above hostname over http with uri of /employees to get the data from the actual microservice


To view all the deployment_configs

  • oc get dc

To view the details of the specific deployment_config

  • oc describe dc/docker-service

To delete the deployment

  • oc deploy dc/docker-service --cancel

To retry the deployment

  • oc deploy dc/docker-service --retry

Openshift Advance Features

To roll-up or roll-down a pod of the same deployed application

  • oc edit dc/docker-service
  replicas: 1 #change the value depending on the no of pods you need

UI Steps:- you can also login to console username;- developer, password:- developer -> workloads -> deployment configs -> press the up arrow to scale upa nd down arrow to scale down- pretty cool eh

To create Config Map as environment variable in the container pod

  • oc create configmap boot-env-config --from-literal=special.employee='Pradeep Singh'

Note:- Above is imperative model direclty with command

  • oc get configmap

Edit the deployment config to read env variable from above config map

  • oc get dc/docker-service > dc.yaml Edit the dc.yaml to addd below section just after spec.containers.ports section- make sure to leave 2 spaces else it can break the yaml formatting

        - name: docker-service
          image: >-
            - containerPort: 8080
              protocol: TCP
          - name: SPECIAL_EMPLOYEE
                name: boot-env-config
                key: special.employee

Now we apply the configuration to openshift

  • oc apply -f dc.yaml

Lets check the env variable in the pod

  • oc get pods | grep Running
docker-service-2-24glk    1/1     Running     0          17s

Lets login to the pod once its up (check with oc get pods - wait for 2 -5 mins for the pdo to be recreated after the apply command)

  • oc rsh docker-service-2-24glk
/usr/app # echo $SPECIAL_EMPLOYEE
Pradeep Singh

Use the same hostname which we got from oc get route and append the /specialEmp on the http protocl to fetch the same from the underlying container

To create secret as environment variable like say to connect to a db from within the pod which we cannot store as a config map sourced from git

  • oc create secret generic boot-env-secret --from-literal=secret.special.employee=Himanshu

  • oc get secret

Edit the deployment config to read env variable from above secret

  • oc get dc/docker-service > dc.yaml Edit the dc.yaml to addd below section just after spec.containers.ports section- make sure to leave 2 spaces else it can break the yaml formatting

        - name: docker-service
          image: >-
            - containerPort: 8080
              protocol: TCP
          - name: SECRET_EMPLOYEE
                name: boot-env-secret
                key: secret.special.employee

Now we apply the configuration to openshift

  • oc apply -f dc.yaml

Wait for couple of minutes for the new pod to come up - check using oc get pods

Use the same hostname which we got from oc get route and append the /secretEmp on the http protocl to fetch the same from the underlying container


UI Steps :- for secrets- go to workloads-> secrets in the openshift ui for config maps got to workloads-> config maps

We can create the config map and secret in the same deployment by making the change in the deployment config as shown below

        - name: docker-service
          image: >-
            - containerPort: 8080
              protocol: TCP
                name: boot-env-config
                key: special.employee
          - name: SECRET_EMPLOYEE
                name: boot-env-secret
                key: secret.employee

To create Blue Green Deployment

  • oc new-app adi4196/docker-demo:v1 --name=blueversion

  • oc new-app adi4196/docker-demo:v2 --name=greenversion

  • oc expose svc/blueversion --name=bluegreen

  • oc get route

Hit the browser with hostname/getVersion Result :- "Old version is Running"

  • oc patch route/bluegreen -p '{"spec":{"to":{"name":"greenversion"}}}'

Hit the browser with hostname/getVersion Result :- "New version is Running"

Note :- hostname will be the same so second time only need to hit the same url