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In this modern era, transportation is indeed one of the important need of human. Though it has numerous needs, we face lot of problem in it which might cost human life. Factually, there are 1.34 lakhs deaths in India every year due to road accident. The Community against Drunken Driving (CADD) said 70% of these accidents are due to consumption of alcohol. The figure is less in smaller cities running between 44%-67%. Drunken driving accidents have increased by seven times in Delhi and about sixteen times in Mumbai since 2001. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of America conservatively estimates that 100,000 police-reported crashes are the direct result of driver’s drowsiness each year. This results in an estimated 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries, and $12.5 billion in monetary losses. In 2002, 43,005 people died in traffic accidents. Seat belt data was available for 32,598 of those involved in fatal car crashes. Of that number, 19,103 were not wearing seat belts. 4,200 lives could be saved each year if 90% of the U.S. population wore seat belts.
The Embedded Technology is now in its prime and the wealth of Knowledge available is mind-blowing. Embedded System is a combination of hardware and software. Embedded technology plays a major role in integrating the various functions associated with it. This needs to tie up the various sources of the Department in a closed loop system. This proposal greatly reduces the manpower, saves time and operates efficiently without human interference. This project puts forth the first step in achieving the desired target, i.e. saving human lives which are lost due to road accident. With the advent in technology, the existing systems are developed to have in built intelligence. In the Existing System, the accidents and control of vehicle is noted manually and Automatic control is not possible. In proposed system, we can design a new system to control and avoid the accidents automatically and there is fully automatic system.
The aim of the project is to deal with problem which cause accident and also to ensure safety. In this modern era transportation is becoming as one of the important need of human. Though it has numerous need, we face lot of problem in it which cost human life. It deals with vibration sensor to detect the accident through this a alert message to the official person which give GPS location. A mechanism involves to confirm the assurance of locked seat belt. And it also ensure the driver is not get drunken through the alcohol sensor and a proximity sensor is deployed to avoid the collision. Through this driver safety is ensured through the automotive mechanism.
•To avoid the accident, the automotive proximity sensor are deployed inside the car to find out the interruption in path and infrared sensors are installed to check if the driver is not wearing seatbelt. •To ensure safety even after the accident an alert mechanism is governed which uses a GPS system to get position of the vehicle and it sends to authorized person when the vehicle face the accident which is sensed by a vibration sensor. •A gas senor is used to check if the driver is drunk. Only if driver is not drunk, then only the engine get ignited. •To check if the driver is feeling sleepy, eye blink sensors are deployed in the vehicle. •To upload all the important events on the Internet using the concept of IoT.
In the first section, the overall project introduction has been done. All the groundwork has been laid in which basic elements of the project have been described such as the aims and objectives of the project. The second section details the literature surveys that have been undertaken to provide basis for the project that is being done. Alternate and similar methods that already exist in the world are studied, documented and compared with the techniques being used in this paper. Those are further checked for any gaps that may exist in their system and how they can be overcome by methods being implemented in this report. From the third section onwards, the content is strictly technical. The basic framework and architecture of the methods that will be implemented in making the Smart Vehicle Safety and Security Systems have been explained both by using text as well as with the help of Architectural diagrams and flow charts to show a step by step and organized view of the project. We study this in greater depth in the fourth section where the methodology is further dissected and explained by determining and listing the function and non-functional requirements that are to be met in the creation of this report. Detailed software and hardware constraints as well as requirements to be met to achieve the appreciable engineering standards are further enlisted and understood in detail in the entailing sections. The fifth section consists of the results and test cases that have been used to provide basis for the accuracy and correctness of the project as well as enlisting a brief summary based on the results that were obtained.
Dr. Khalifa A. Salimbrahim, Mohammed Idrees et al present an integrated cost effective web based GPS-GPRS vehicle tracking system. The system enables enterprises owners to view the present and past positions recorded of the target vehicle through purpose designed web site. The current position of the vehicle was acquired by GPS device which is integrated in the target vehicle and the location coordinates are sent through GPRS service provided by the GSM network.
Khaled Hossain, Sayed Samial Haq et al present a method for detection of Car Pre-Crash with Human, Avoidance System and Localizing it through GSM.
Khondker Shajadul Hasan, Mashiur Rahman, Abul L. Haque, M Abdur Rahman, Tanzil Rahman, M Mahbubur Rasheed et al propose a system that reads the current position of the object using GPS, the data is sent via GPRS service from the GSM network towards a web server using the POST method of the HTTP protocol. The object’s position data is then stored in the database for live and past tracking. A web application is developed using PHP, JavaScript, Ajax and MySQL.
The Existing System provides a mechanism for getting the location of the vehicle in case of accident. The Existing system also provides a mechanism detection of Car Pre-Crash with Human. But the system does not focus on reasons that cause accident. It does not focus on accident caused due to driving under influence of Alcohol, i.e., deployment of Alcohol/Gas Sensor. Moreover these system do not ensure if the driver is normal or sleepy, i.e., Deployment of Eye blink Sensor. Also, the existing system requires human intervention. However, the proposed system takes into consideration the gaps of the existing work and is fully automated.
The proposed system makes use of an embedded system based on GSM Technology and Internet of Things. To avoid the accident, the automotive proximity sensor are deployed inside the car to find out the interruption in path. And to ensure safety even after the accident an alert mechanism is governed which uses a GPS system to get position of the vehicle and it sends to authorized person when the vehicle face the accident which is sensed by a vibration sensor. A gas senor is used to found the drunken driver only if driver is not get dunked then only the ignition get start, the eye blink sensor detects the drowsiness of the driver and give alert using the buzzer. All these status will be updated on the portal using Internet of Things.
a) The system makes use of GSM technology for the transmission of code pattern to control the devices. b) The system is microcontroller- based. c) The system should be accessible even from long distances. d) System uses IR sensor, LDR sensor, touch sensor and temperature sensor
The software system model that is the best for the given project is the Agile Development Model. Above described is a basic block diagram describing the steps involved in implementing the Agile Development Model.
In agile development model the whole requirement is divided into various builds. Multiple development cycles take place here, making the life cycle a “multi waterfall cycle”. Cycles are divided up into smaller, more easily managed modules. Each module passes through the requirements, design, implementation and testing phases. A working version of software is produced during the first module, so you have working software early on during the software life cycle. Each subsequent release of the module adds function to the previous release. The process continues till the complete system is achieved. These steps are repeated in a loop as long as a final refined version of the output which is to be expected is obtained.
These steps are repeated in a loop as long as a final refined version of the output which is to be expected is obtained.
• As the project is a real time monitoring system, this new output is fed back to the initial input system to give an accurate description of all the remaining free slots.
• This is a continuous cyclic process which is undertaken whenever a person enters the vehicle.
The proposed system makes use of an embedded system based on GSM Technology and Internet of Things. To avoid the accident, the automotive proximity sensor are deployed inside the car to find out the interruption in path. And to ensure safety even after the accident an alert mechanism is governed which uses a GPS system to get position of the vehicle and it sends to authorized person when the vehicle face the accident which is sensed by a vibration sensor. A gas senor is used to found the drunken driver only if driver is not get dunked then only the ignition get start, the eye blink sensor detects the drowsiness of the driver and give alert using the buzzer. All these status will be updated on the portal using Internet of Things.
4.2. Requirement Analysis 4.2.1. Functional Requirements Functional requirements may be calculations, technical details, data manipulation and processing and other specific functionality that define what a system is supposed to accomplish. Behavioral requirements describing all the cases where the system uses the functional requirements are captured in use cases. Functional requirements are supported by non-functional requirements (also known as quality requirements), which impose constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance requirements, security, or reliability). Generally, functional requirements are expressed in the form "system must do ", while non-functional requirements are "system shall be ". The plan for implementing functional requirements is detailed in the system design. The plan for implementing nonfunctional requirements is detailed in the system architecture.
The key functional requirements of the Smart Vehicle Safety and Security are enlisted as follows:
- The device should be able to figure out whether the driver is wearing seat belt or not.
- The device should be able to figure out whether the driver is drunk or not.
- The device should be able to figure out whether the driver is feeling sleepy or not.
- The device should be able to check if our vehicle is not getting too close to other vehicles.
- The device should be able to figure out if the accident has occurred and send the location of accident to an authorized person using GSM.
- There must be a graphical user interface which will be used to display the appropriate information to the user. Product Perspective The Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System, is a multidisciplinary functional project, will serve many perspectives as a one stop solution for the problems faced in real world that lead to road accidents, i.e., Preventing Road accidents, Vehicle Protection, Safety of drivers, Safety of pedestrians and other vehicles as well as saving Human lives. Product features The Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System provides the following features: a) Accident Detection and Driver Safety: Vibration sensor in the Vehicle detects the accident and sends the location of the accident to an authorized person via GSM. b) Pedestrian and Vehicle Safety: The Proximity Sensors installed in the car detects if there is any pedestrian or vehicle comes too close to the vehicle and then stops the vehicle from accident. c) Alcohol Detection: The Gas MQ-4 Sensor detects if the driver is drunk and stops the engine from being ignited if the person is under influence of Alcohol. d) Sleep Detection: The Eye Blink Sensors are installed in the car to check if the person is felling drowsy/sleepy and ring the alarm in the car so that the person wakes up. e) Seat Belt Mechanism: Infrared Sensors are installed in the seatbelt to check if the person is wearing seatbelt or not and is driving safely. User characteristics The following user characteristics are implemented in the making of the Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System: • The system must not be damaged by external force. • The system must be able to identify issues regarding the components. • The system must report the issues back to the device by using garbage values. Assumption & Dependencies As is the case with any software, certain dependencies and assumptions are established beforehand in order to give us a practical understanding of the Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System: • Need a good GPS module in order to provide exact location. • The Eye blink sensor should be attached to the front window pane of the vehicle. • The system should always be connected to Internet. • More number of proximity sensors can be added. • The server Android phone/ Website must have internet access. Domain Requirements • The system must be accessible for the data. • The system must update the database every time an accident has occurred or driver is feeling drowsy. • The system must be accessible from anywhere. • The Website or App that the system supports only shows data received from the sensors. No data is self-interpreted. User Requirements • Users are expected to have basic operational knowledge of a computer • Users must know how to operate an Android phone. • Users must have access to the Mobile Application • The system sensors should be able to determine their corresponding values. • The system should be able to send processed values via the internet. • Both the system and user should be connected to internet.
4.2.2. Non Functional Requirements In systems engineering and requirements engineering, a non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. They are contrasted with functional requirements that define specific behavior or functions. The plan for implementing functional requirements is detailed in the system design. The plan for implementing non-functional requirements is detailed in the system architecture, because they are usually Architecturally Significant Requirements. Some non-functional requirements that are essential to the Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System include:
- The sensor value status should be updated in real-time.
- The hardware that will be used for this project is Arduino Uno and various sensors.
- The software that will be used for this project is Arduino IDE and Microsoft Visual Studio and Adobe PhoneGap Build.
- Database used for cloud storage in this project will be on http://iotclouddata.com/.
- The project will be developed on a Windows Operating System and Website and app shall be used to display the messages. Product Requirements It means all the requirements to a certain product. It is written to allow people to understand what a product should do. A Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System should, however, generally avoid anticipating or defining how the product will do it in order to later allow interface designers and engineers to use their expertise to provide the optimal solution to the requirements. Efficiency The system is efficient i.e. both hardware and the software give quick results. The embedded C code written for the hardware has complexity of O(n) and a space complexity of O(n) as well. This provide very quick results and the SIM GPRS 800A modem just takes 30 seconds to send data to the webpage. Reliability The system is robust and is reliable when it comes to producing accurate results and output. All the sensors and relays are working fine in robust conditions i.e. when the inputs are changing rapidly and when the inputs are changing slowly as well. Most importantly the system is giving correct values in all the conditions. Portability The system is portable and it is feasible for a user to install it in a desired place without much of extra effort and much of issues. The thing which is to be taken care about is the connections shouldn’t be loose or else the output will be faulty. Usability The user interface is simple for the website and it is very easy for the user to understand the data that he is getting as an output on his personalized webpage. Similarly, there are not much of the issues in using the hardware, as it is easy to install and easy to maintain in tough and robust conditions.
4.2.3. Operational Requirements • Economic The components like Arduino UNO R3, Max232 level converter, sensors cost low. From economical point of view the cost of purchasing software is low. Ultimately, the implementation of this project will reduce the expenditure of the user.
• The trade-off is accuracy over cost • The making of the Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System is not that expensive.
• Environmental • The device poses no threat to the environment • The device does not take-in nor release any harmful substance to the environment.
• Social • The device has a big social impact since it will help in preventing lots of road accidents. Moreover, it will also save many lives. • People will be able to save road fines.
• Political • The device will help in political stability • There will not be chaos/accident during times of crisis since people will know beforehand their conditions.
• Ethical • The device is installed by the user. • It is an open source system that is available to everyone charging a nominal license fee. • There is no private companies/third-party companies involved.
• Health and Safety • Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System plays an important role in preventing road accidents and saving lives of people. • Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System is complete safe to use without causing any harm to the user. • Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System will not cause any health issues.
• Sustainability Since the system is robust and scalable also, it is by itself sustainable. It will always have scope of improvement which makes it even more sustainable. The module provides very user friendly interface and does not need extra training for usage.
• Legality
• The device will transfer data to the online servers
• Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System is designed in adherence to all the legal safeguards
• All software will be a standard license issue and not a pirated copy.
• Inspectability • There is no need for inspection as there will be no change in the Smart Vehicle Security and Safety as long as there is no change in the initial idea. • One time installation effort after which software can be used effortlessly • If by any chance the device gives wrong data, it will be inspected as soon as possible to not give wrong error into the database.
4.2.4. System Requirements Hardware Requirements The output of the Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System plays of the values on Android application and are stored in the SQL database. The hardware which is used for Smart Vehicle Security and Safety System plays is as follows: Multi-Purpose Optical Sensor (MPOS) In order to use this sensor as an Obstacle sensor, the optical sensor is mounted on side of the vehicle facing them horizontally with the ground surface. Place any obstacle in front of your prototype. When your sensor detects the obstacle it will send a data of logic-0 through the data pin and when the obstacle is absent, it will send a data of logic-1 through the data pin. Global Vibration Sensor The vibration sensor detects shock intensity caused by sudden knocks or hits and continuous vibration due to faulty ball-bearings on fans and other equipment. Vibration sensor usually at any angle switch is ON state, by the vibration or movement, the rollers of the conduction current in the switch will produce a movement or vibration, causing the current through the disconnect or the rise of the resistance and trigger circuit. The characteristics of this switch is usually general in the conduction state briefly disconnected resistant to vibration, so it's high sensitivity settings by IC, customers according to their sensitivity requirements for adjustments. Global Positioning System (GPS) The GPS concept is based on time and the known position of specialized satellites. GPS satellites continuously transmit their current time and position. A GPS receiver monitors multiple satellites and solves equations to determine the precise position of the receiver and its deviation from true time. At a minimum, four satellites must be in view of the receiver for it to compute 4 unknown quantities.
Fig. 4.1. GPS Module Alcohol/ Gas Sensor MQ-4 gas sensor detects the concentration of methane gas in the environmental air and output the reading as an analog voltage. The concentration sensing range of 300 ppm to 10,000 ppm is suitable for leak detection. Signal conditioning circuit is used to convert the change of conductivity to correspond output signal with the input gas concentration. MQ-4 gas sensor has high sensitivity to Methane, also to Propane and Butane. The sensor could be used to detect different combustible gas, especially Methane; it is with low cost and suitable for different application. The MQ-4 gas module is mounted on a pcb board which has an operating voltage of 5V DC. The sensor output values can be get by means of both analog and digital.
Fig. 4.2. Gas Sensor GSM Modem A GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network. A wireless modem behaves like a dial-up modem but receives data through radio waves. There are various AT commands which are used to provide communication (i.e. sending message) via GSM. • Send the message command - AT+CMGF=1 • Modem will then send the text – OK • Then send - AT+CMGS="NUM" (where NUM is service provider’s number) DC Motor A DC motor converts direct current electrical power into mechanical power. DC or direct current motor works on the principal, when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a torque and has a tendency to move. This is known as motoring action quantities.
Fig. 4.3. DC Motor Eye Blink Sensor The eye is illuminated by an IR led, which is powered by the +5v power supply and the reflected light is recorded by an IR photo diode. This eye blink sensor is IR based; the variation across the eye will vary as per eye blink. The exact functionality depends greatly on the positioning and aiming of the emitter and detector with respect to the eye. If the eye is closed means the output is high otherwise output is low. This to know the eye is closing or opening position. This output is given to logic circuit to indicate the alarm.
Fig. 4.4. Eye Blink Sensor Buzzer The buzzer, an audio signaling device generates consistent single tone sound just by applying D.C voltage. Using a suitably designed resonant system, this type can be used where large sound volumes are needed. At Future Electronics we stock many of the most common types categorized by Type, Sound Level, Frequency, Rated Voltage, Dimension and Packaging Type.
Fig. 4.5. Buzzer SIM800A GPRS Modem Internet of Things (IoT) is an environment in which objects, animals or people are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT board featured with SIM800A GPRS modem to activate internet connection also equipped with a controller to process all input UART data to GPRS based online data. Data may be updated to a specific site or a social network by which the user can able to access the data. Arduino UNO Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.. You can tinker with your UNO without worrying too much about doing something wrong, worst case scenario you can replace the chip for a few dollars and start over again.
"Uno" means one in Italian and was chosen to mark the release of Arduino Software (IDE) 1.0. The Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino Software (IDE) were the reference versions of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The Uno board is the first in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform;
The Arduino Uno has a resettable polyfuse that protects your computer's USB ports from shorts and overcurrent. Although most computers provide their own internal protection, the fuse provides an extra layer of protection. If more than 500 mA is applied to the USB port, the fuse will automatically break the connection until the short or overload is removed.
Differences with other boards The Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB-to-serial converter. Power The Arduino Uno board can be powered via the USB connection or with an external power supply. The power source is selected automatically. External (non-USB) power can come either from an AC-to-DC adapter (wall-wart) or battery. The adapter can be connected by plugging a 2.1mm center-positive plug into the board's power jack. Leads from a battery can be inserted in the GND and Vin pin headers of the POWER connector. The board can operate on an external supply from 6 to 20 volts. If supplied with less than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than five volts and the board may become unstable. If using more than 12V, the voltage regulator may overheat and damage the board. The recommended range is 7 to 12 volts. The power pins are as follows: • Vin. The input voltage to the Arduino board when it's using an external power source (as opposed to 5 volts from the USB connection or other regulated power source). You can supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it through this pin. • 5V.This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulator on the board. The board can be supplied with power either from the DC power jack (7 - 12V), the USB connector (5V), or the VIN pin of the board (7-12V). Supplying voltage via the 5V or 3.3V pins bypasses the regulator, and can damage your board. We don't advise it. • 3V3. A 3.3 volt supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum current draw is 50 mA. • GND. Ground pins. • IOREF. This pin on the Arduino board provides the voltage reference with which the microcontroller operates. A properly configured shield can read the IOREF pin voltage and select the appropriate power source or enable voltage translators on the outputs to work with the 5V or 3.3V. Memory The ATmega328 has 32 KB (with 0.5 KB occupied by the bootloader). It also has 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM (which can be read and written with the EEPROM library). Input and Output See the mapping between Arduino pins and ATmega328P ports. The mapping for the Atmega8, 168, and 328 is identical.
Fig. 4.6. Pin Diagram
Fig. 4.7. Arduino Uno Software Requirements A) Arduino IDE: The Arduino Uno can be programmed with the Arduino Software (IDE). Select "Arduino Uno" from the Tools > Board menu (according to the microcontroller on your board). The ATmega328 on the Arduino Uno comes preprogrammed with a bootloader that allows you to upload new code to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates using the original STK500 protocol (reference, C header files).
Fig. 4.8. Arduino IDE
B) Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed code.
Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a code profiler, forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every level—including adding support for source control systems (like Subversion) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle.
- Results and Discussion 5.1. Test Cases
Test Case 1:
Test case Id: Product module 1 Accident Detect Module Test engineer: Testing date: Anuj Sankar 1/5/2017 Product version 1 Status Working Purpose To check the detection of accident. Assumptions The vibration sensor is working fine and detects the accident. Pre-conditions External power to the microcontroller and correct connections. Steps to reproduce Switch on the power. Expected results Accident should be detected and be displayed on Serial Monitor as well as on the Website. Actual outcome Accident was detected and display on Serial Monitor as well as on the Website.. Post conditions The DC Motor should stop.
Table 5.1. Test Case 1
Test Case 2:
Test case Id: Product module 2 GPS Module Test engineer: Testing date: Anuj Sankar 1/5/2017 Product version 1 Status Working Purpose To check the location of accident. Assumptions The GPS Module is working fine and detects the correct location. Pre-conditions External power to the microcontroller and correct connections. Steps to reproduce Switch on the power. Expected results Accident location should be detected and be displayed on Serial Monitor as well as on the Website. Actual outcome Accident location was detected and displayed on Serial Monitor as well as on the Website. Post conditions
Table 5.2. Test Case 2
Test Case 3:
Test case Id: Product module 3 Proximity Module Test engineer: Testing date: Anuj Sankar 1/5/2017 Product version 1 Status Working Purpose To check if any object is close to the vehicle. Assumptions The sensor is working fine and checks the promity. Pre-conditions External power to the microcontroller and correct connections. Steps to reproduce Switch on the power. Expected results When a person is introduced near the car, the car should stop. Actual outcome When a person was introduced near the car, the motor stopped. Post conditions
Table 5.3. Test Case 3
Test Case 4:
Test case Id: Product module 4 Seat Belt Module Test engineer: Testing date: Anuj Sankar 1/5/2017 Product version 1 Status Working Purpose To check if seat belts are fastened. Assumptions The sensor is working fine and are at correct position. Pre-conditions External power to the microcontroller and correct connections. Steps to reproduce Switch on the power. Expected results When a person does not wear the seatbelt, the car shouldn’t start. Actual outcome When a person did not wear the seatbelt, the car/DC Motor didn’t start.. Post conditions
Table 5.4. Test Case 4
Test Case 5:
Test case Id: Product module 5 Alcohol Module Test engineer: Testing date: Anuj Sankar 1/5/2017 Product version 1 Status Working Purpose To check if seat belts are fastened. Assumptions The Gas MQ-4 sensor is working fine. Pre-conditions External power to the microcontroller and correct connections. Steps to reproduce Switch on the power. Expected results When a person passes a breath of alcohol, the engine shouldn’t start. Actual outcome When a person passes a breath of alcohol, the engine doesn’t start. Post conditions
Table 5.5. Test Case 5
Test Case 6:
Test case Id: Product module 6 Alcohol Module Test engineer: Testing date: Anuj Sankar 1/5/2017 Product version 1 Status Working Purpose To check if person is feeling sleepy or drowsy. Assumptions The sensor is working fine. Pre-conditions External power to the microcontroller and correct connections. Steps to reproduce Switch on the power. Expected results When a person feels sleepy, the buzzer should ring. Actual outcome When a person closes his eye for 5 seconds, the buzzer rings. Post conditions
Table 5.6. Test Case 6
5.2. Results obtained An efficient smart vehicle safety and security system embedded with proximity sensor, vibration sensor, alcohol and drowsiness detector using the concept of Global Positioning System, GSM and Internet of things has been proposed. This system helps the driver to avoid accident and in case of accident, aims to provide security to the driver by sending the location of the accident to the authorized phone number via the GSM system installed in the car.
- Conclusion, Limitation and Scope for Future Work A. Conclusion An efficient smart vehicle safety and security system embedded with proximity sensor, vibration sensor, alcohol and drowsiness detector using the concept of Global Positioning System, GSM and Internet of things has been proposed. This system helps the driver to avoid accident and in case of accident, aims to provide security to the driver by sending the location of the accident to the authorized phone number via the GSM system installed in the car. B. Limitation The location might not be detected in remote areas where GPS location might not be available. Accident message and Driver feeling message might not be sent where phone signals are not available. C. Future Scope The Proposed System can be modified by making use of concept of Big data and GPS for seeking help from nearest Remote Station in case of Accident. Ambulance can also be sent to the location of accident.