This repository contains the code to perform the auto-replacements of deprecated
Running lake exe update_deprecations
assumes that there is a working cache and
uses the information from deprecations to automatically substitute deprecated declarations.
The script handles namespacing, replacing a possibly non-fully-qualified, deprecated name with the fully-qualified non-deprecated name.
The script also attempts to deal with dot-notation, though it uses some heuristics in this case.
It is also possible to use
lake exe update_deprecations --mods One.Two.Three,Dd.Ee.Ff
to limit the scope of the replacements to the modules One.Two.Three
and Dd.Ee.Ff
As a convenience, the script tries to parse paths instead of module names: passing
lake exe update_deprecations --mods One/Two/Three.lean,Dd.Ee.Ff
has the same effect as the command above.
require UpdateDeprecations from git "" @ "master"
to the lakefile.lean
After that, run
lake update UpdateDeprecations
to download the package.
You are good to go!
lake exe update_deprecations --help
provides some help.
After lake update UpdateDeprecations
you should have a copy of the UpdateDeprecations
repository in you .lake/packages
To see the script in action, copy the UpdateDeprecations/Practice.lean
from there inside your main project folder, build it and update the deprecations.
cp -i .lake/packages/UpdateDeprecations/UpdateDeprecations/Practice.lean "${MyProject}"/Practice.lean
lake build "${MyProject}".Practice
## some warnings of deprecated declarations
lake exe update_deprecations --mods "${MyProject}"/Practice.lean
# 8 modifications across 1 file, all successful