yum 的学习使用。
rpm -qa|grep yum
查看已安装的 yum 信息
├── fssnap.d
├── pluginconf.d
│ ├── branch.conf
│ ├── fastestmirror.conf
│ └── langpacks.conf
├── protected.d
│ └── systemd.conf
├── vars
├── version-groups.conf
├── yum-cron.conf
└── yum-cron-hourly.conf
├── alios.repo
├── ops.repo
├── ops.repo.render-5256
├── ops.repo.saveyum.20200224
├── RHEL.repo
├── taobao.repo
├── taobao.repo.render-5258
└── taobao.repo.saveyum.20200224
- YUM 常用插件
- yum-plugin-fastestmirror
- yum-plugin-priorities
- yum-metadata-parser
- yum-langpacks
- yum-utils: tools for manipulating repositories and extended package management
- debuginfo-install - install debuginfo packages and their dependencies
- package-cleanup - manage package cleanup, duplicates, orphaned packages and outstanding dependency problems
- repo-graph - outputs a full package dependency list in dot format
- repo-rss - generates an RSS feed from one or more repositories
- repoclosure - reads metadata of repositories, checks dependencies and displays list of unresolved dependencies
- repodiff - takes two or more repositories, returns a list of added, removed or changed packages
- repomanage - manages a directory of rpm packages, returns a list of newest or oldest packages in a directory
- repoquery - query yum repositories and get additional information on the them
- reposync - synchronize a remote yum repository to a local directory using yum to retrieve packages
- repotrack - track packages and its dependencies and downloads them
- yum-builddep - installs missing dependencies to build a specified package
- yum-complete-transaction - finds incomplete or aborted yum transactions and attempts to complete them
- yum-installed - print a compact package list making use of comps groups
- yumdownloader - downloads packages from yum repositories including source RPMs
- YUM 其他插件
- yum-plugin-versionlock
- RpmForge:是 RHEL 系统下的软件仓库,拥有 10000 多个软件包,被认为是最安全、最稳定的一个软件仓库。
- EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux):是由 Fedora Special Interest Group 维护的 Enterprise Linux(RHEL、CentOS)中经 常用到的包。
yum install --enablerepo=<repo-name> <package-name>
还可以使用通配符 *
另外也有 --disablerepo=
注意 --disablerepo --enablerepo 顺序
- yum repolist --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=repo
- yum repolist --enablerepo=repo --disablerepo=*
这两个命令结果是不一样的,disablerepo=* 在后,会禁用所有 repo。
cat /etc/yum.conf | grep cache
是 rpm 包缓存目录。
的意思是开启 rpm 包缓存。
因此你可以在 /var/cache/yum/$basearch/$releasever/[repository]/packages
目录下查看到 rpm 包缓存。
yum makecache
保证缓存是最新的。yum clean all
清除所有缓存。yum -C <command>