Releases: afsc-gap-products/coldpool
Added deprecated historical data sets to built in data:
- Stratum-area weighted mean bottom and surface temperatures for EBS shelf standard and standard+PlusNW
- Stratum-area weighted mean bottom and surface temperatures for the NBS
- Mean bottom and surface temperatures from EBS hauls conducted at bottom depths < 100 m.
Added mean bottom temperature for EBS shelf standard strata with bottom temperature < 100m, which is obtained by masking bottom temperature rasters.
The data product time series is included in /R/sysdata.rda and can be accessed using:
This data product replaces the mean bottom temperature < 100 m data set described in Nichol et al. (2019), which was calculated by averaging bottom temperature from all <100 m bottom depth survey stations in standard strata (i.e., excluding northwest strata).
Nichol, D.G., Kotwicki, S., Wilderbuer, T.K., Lauth, R.R., Ianelli, J.N., 2019. Availability of yellowfin sole Limanda aspera to the eastern Bering Sea trawl survey and its effect on estimates of survey biomass. Fish. Res. 211, 319–330.
- Update queries and data products to exclude temperature data collected during cooperative survey hauls from May 1991.
- Add functions to generate figures and tables for comparison project.
Final release for 2021 assessment/ESR cycle.
Minor update to make a stacked area plot with a simplified label (i.e., no "PlusNW" in the y-axis label).
Updated with ESR text, references, and formatted figures.
Added support for NBS and full EBS.
- Set up extent for interpolation grids in the NBS and full EBS
- Added NBS and full EBS masking using akgfmaps package
- Added full EBS + NBS query to inst/sql
- Added full EBS rasters for 2010, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021 to sysdata.rda
- Updated data documentation with information about full EBS rasters