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724 lines (538 loc) · 22.5 KB

Meet the Nodes

An AST represents each element in your code as an object. These are instances of the various subclasses of :class:`AST` described below. For instance, the code a + 1 is a :class:`BinOp`, with a :class:`Name` on the left, a :class:`Num` on the right, and an :class:`Add` operator.


A number - integer, float, or complex. The n attribute stores the value, already converted to the relevant type.

A string. The s attribute hold the value. In Python 2, the same type holds unicode strings too.

A :class:`bytes` object. The s attribute holds the value. Python 3 only.

A list or tuple. elts holds a list of nodes representing the elements. ctx is :class:`Store` if the container is an assignment target (i.e. (x,y)=pt), and :class:`Load` otherwise.

A set. elts holds a list of nodes representing the elements.

A dictionary. keys and values hold lists of nodes with matching order (i.e. they could be paired with :func:`zip`).

Represents the ... syntax for the Ellipsis singleton.

:data:`True`, :data:`False` or :data:`None`. value holds one of those constants.

.. versionadded:: 3.4
   Previously, these constants were instances of :class:`Name`.


A variable name. id holds the name as a string, and ctx is one of the following types.

Variable references can be used to load the value of a variable, to assign a new value to it, or to delete it. Variable references are given a context to distinguish these cases.

>>> parseprint("a")      # Loading a
    Expr(value=Name(id='a', ctx=Load())),

>>> parseprint("a = 1")  # Storing a
        Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
      ], value=Num(n=1)),

>>> parseprint("del a")  # Deleting a
        Name(id='a', ctx=Del()),


The pretty-printer used in these examples is available in the source repository for Green Tree Snakes.

A *var variable reference. value holds the variable, typically a :class:`Name` node.

Note that this isn't needed to call or define a function with *args - the :class:`Call` and :class:`FunctionDef` nodes have special fields for that.

>>> parseprint("a, *b = it")
            Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
            Starred(value=Name(id='b', ctx=Store()), ctx=Store()),
          ], ctx=Store()),
      ], value=Name(id='it', ctx=Load())),


When an expression, such as a function call, appears as a statement by itself (an :ref:`expression statement <python:exprstmts>`), with its return value not used or stored, it is wrapped in this container. value holds one of the other nodes in this section, or a literal, a :class:`Name`, a :class:`Lambda`, or a :class:`Yield` or :class:`YieldFrom` node.

>>> parseprint('-a')
    Expr(value=UnaryOp(op=USub(), operand=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()))),

A unary operation. op is the operator, and operand any expression node.

Unary operator tokens. :class:`Not` is the not keyword, :class:`Invert` is the ~ operator.

A binary operation (like addition or division). op is the operator, and left and right are any expression nodes.

Binary operator tokens.

A boolean operation, 'or' or 'and'. op is :class:`Or` or :class:`And`. values are the values involved. Consecutive operations with the same operator, such as a or b or c, are collapsed into one node with several values.

This doesn't include not, which is a :class:`UnaryOp`.

Boolean operator tokens.

A comparison of two or more values. left is the first value in the comparison, ops the list of operators, and comparators the list of values after the first. If that sounds awkward, that's because it is:

>>> parseprint("1 < a < 10")
  Expr(value=Compare(left=Num(n=1), ops=[
    ], comparators=[
      Name(id='a', ctx=Load()),

Comparison operator tokens.

A function call. func is the function, which will often be a :class:`Name` or :class:`Attribute` object. Of the arguments:

  • args holds a list of the arguments passed by position.
  • keywords holds a list of :class:`keyword` objects representing arguments passed by keyword.
  • starargs and kwargs each hold a single node, for arguments passed as *args and **kwargs.

When compiling a Call node, args and keywords are required, but they can be empty lists. starargs and kwargs are optional.

>>> parseprint("func(a, b=c, *d, **e)")
    Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='func', ctx=Load()),
                    args=[Name(id='a', ctx=Load())],
                    keywords=[keyword(arg='b', value=Name(id='c', ctx=Load()))],
                    starargs=Name(id='d', ctx=Load()),
                    kwargs=Name(id='e', ctx=Load()))),

A keyword argument to a function call or class definition. arg is a raw string of the parameter name, value is a node to pass in.

An expression such as a if b else c. Each field holds a single node, so in that example, all three are :class:`Name` nodes.

Attribute access, e.g. d.keys. value is a node, typically a :class:`Name`. attr is a bare string giving the name of the attribute, and ctx is :class:`Load`, :class:`Store` or :class:`Del` according to how the attribute is acted on.

>>> parseprint('snake.colour')
    Expr(value=Attribute(value=Name(id='snake', ctx=Load()), attr='colour', ctx=Load())),


A subscript, such as l[1]. value is the object, often a :class:`Name`. slice is one of :class:`Index`, :class:`Slice` or :class:`ExtSlice`. ctx is :class:`Load`, :class:`Store` or :class:`Del` according to what it does with the subscript.

Simple subscripting with a single value:

>>> parseprint("l[1]")
  Expr(value=Subscript(value=Name(id='l', ctx=Load()),
                       slice=Index(value=Num(n=1)), ctx=Load())),

Regular slicing:

>>> parseprint("l[1:2]")
  Expr(value=Subscript(value=Name(id='l', ctx=Load()),
                  slice=Slice(lower=Num(n=1), upper=Num(n=2), step=None),

Advanced slicing. dims holds a list of :class:`Slice` and :class:`Index` nodes:

>>> parseprint("l[1:2, 3]")
    Expr(value=Subscript(value=Name(id='l', ctx=Load()), slice=ExtSlice(dims=[
        Slice(lower=Num(n=1), upper=Num(n=2), step=None),
      ]), ctx=Load())),


List and set comprehensions, generator expressions, and dictionary comprehensions. elt (or key and value) is a single node representing the part that will be evaluated for each item.

generators is a list of :class:`comprehension` nodes. Comprehensions with more than one for part are legal, if tricky to get right - see the example below.

One for clause in a comprehension. target is the reference to use for each element - typically a :class:`Name` or :class:`Tuple` node. iter is the object to iterate over. ifs is a list of test expressions: each for clause can have multiple ifs

>>> parseprint("[ord(c) for line in file for c in line]", mode='eval') # Multiple comprehensions in one.
Expression(body=ListComp(elt=Call(func=Name(id='ord', ctx=Load()), args=[
    Name(id='c', ctx=Load()),
  ], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), generators=[
    comprehension(target=Name(id='line', ctx=Store()), iter=Name(id='file', ctx=Load()), ifs=[]),
    comprehension(target=Name(id='c', ctx=Store()), iter=Name(id='line', ctx=Load()), ifs=[]),

>>> parseprint("(n**2 for n in it if n>5 if n<10)", mode='eval')       # Multiple if clauses
Expression(body=GeneratorExp(elt=BinOp(left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()), op=Pow(), right=Num(n=2)), generators=[
    comprehension(target=Name(id='n', ctx=Store()), iter=Name(id='it', ctx=Load()), ifs=[
        Compare(left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()), ops=[
          ], comparators=[
        Compare(left=Name(id='n', ctx=Load()), ops=[
          ], comparators=[


An assignment. targets is a list of nodes, and value is a single node.

Multiple nodes in targets represents assigning the same value to each. Unpacking is represented by putting a :class:`Tuple` or :class:`List` within targets.

>>> parseprint("a = b = 1")     # Multiple assignment
       Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
       Name(id='b', ctx=Store()),
     ], value=Num(n=1)),
>>> parseprint("a,b = c")       # Unpacking
            Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
            Name(id='b', ctx=Store()),
          ], ctx=Store()),
      ], value=Name(id='c', ctx=Load())),

Augmented assignment, such as a += 1. In that example, target is a :class:`Name` node for a (with the :class:`Store` context), op is :class:`Add`, and value is a :class:`Num` node for 1. target can be :class:`Name`, :class:`Subscript` or :class:`Attribute`, but not a :class:`Tuple` or :class:`List` (unlike the targets of :class:`Assign`).

Print statement, Python 2 only. dest is an optional destination (for print >>dest. values is a list of nodes. nl (newline) is True or False depending on whether there's a comma at the end of the statement.

Raising an exception, Python 3 syntax. exc is the exception object to be raised, normally a :class:`Call` or :class:`Name`, or None for a standalone raise. cause is the optional part for y in raise x from y.

In Python 2, the parameters are instead type, inst, tback, which correspond to the old raise x, y, z syntax.

An assertion. test holds the condition, such as a :class:`Compare` node. msg holds the failure message, normally a :class:`Str` node.

Represents a del statement. targets is a list of nodes, such as :class:`Name`, :class:`Attribute` or :class:`Subscript` nodes.

A pass statement.

Other statements which are only applicable inside functions or loops are described in other sections.


An import statement. names is a list of :class:`alias` nodes.

Represents from x import y. module is a raw string of the 'from' name, without any leading dots, or None for statements such as from . import foo. level is an integer holding the level of the relative import (0 means absolute import).

Both parameters are raw strings of the names. asname can be None if the regular name is to be used.

>>> parseprint("from import a as b, c")
    ImportFrom(module='', names=[
        alias(name='a', asname='b'),
        alias(name='c', asname=None),
      ], level=2),

Control flow


Optional clauses such as else are stored as an empty list if they're not present.

An if statement. test holds a single node, such as a :class:`Compare` node. body and orelse each hold a list of nodes.

elif clauses don't have a special representation in the AST, but rather appear as extra :class:`If` nodes within the orelse section of the previous one.

A for loop. target holds the variable(s) the loop assigns to, as a single :class:`Name`, :class:`Tuple` or :class:`List` node. iter holds the item to be looped over, again as a single node. body and orelse contain lists of nodes to execute. Those in orelse are executed if the loop finishes normally, rather than via a break statement.

A while loop. test holds the condition, such as a :class:`Compare` node.

The break and continue statements.

In [2]: %%dump_ast
   ...: for a in b:
   ...:   if a > 5:
   ...:     break
   ...:   else:
   ...:     continue
    For(target=Name(id='a', ctx=Store()), iter=Name(id='b', ctx=Load()), body=[
        If(test=Compare(left=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()), ops=[
          ], comparators=[
          ]), body=[
          ], orelse=[
      ], orelse=[]),

try blocks. All attributes are list of nodes to execute, except for handlers, which is a list of :class:`ExceptHandler` nodes.

.. versionadded:: 3.3

try blocks up to Python 3.2, inclusive. A try block with both except and finally clauses is parsed as a :class:`TryFinally`, with the body containing a :class:`TryExcept`.

A single except clause. type is the exception type it will match, typically a :class:`Name` node (or None for a catch-all except: clause). name is a raw string for the name to hold the exception, or None if the clause doesn't have as foo. body is a list of nodes.

In [3]: %%dump_ast
   ...: try:
   ...:   a + 1
   ...: except TypeError:
   ...:   pass
        Expr(value=BinOp(left=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()), op=Add(), right=Num(n=1))),
      ], handlers=[
        ExceptHandler(type=Name(id='TypeError', ctx=Load()), name=None, body=[
      ], orelse=[]),

A with block. items is a list of :class:`withitem` nodes representing the context managers, and body is the indented block inside the context.

.. versionchanged:: 3.3

   Previously, a :class:`With` node had ``context_expr`` and ``optional_vars``
   instead of ``items``. Multiple contexts were represented by nesting
   a second :class:`With` node as the only item in the ``body`` of the first.

A single context manager in a with block. context_expr is the context manager, often a :class:`Call` node. optional_vars is a :class:`Name`, :class:`Tuple` or :class:`List` for the as foo part, or None if that isn't used.

In [3]: %%dump_ast
  ...: with a as b, c as d:
  ...:     do_things(b, d)
        withitem(context_expr=Name(id='a', ctx=Load()), optional_vars=Name(id='b', ctx=Store())),
        withitem(context_expr=Name(id='c', ctx=Load()), optional_vars=Name(id='d', ctx=Store())),
      ], body=[
        Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='do_things', ctx=Load()), args=[
            Name(id='b', ctx=Load()),
            Name(id='d', ctx=Load()),
          ], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)),

Function and class definitions

A function definition.

  • name is a raw string of the function name.
  • args is a :class:`arguments` node.
  • body is the list of nodes inside the function.
  • decorator_list is the list of decorators to be applied, stored outermost first (i.e. the first in the list will be applied last).
  • returns is the return annotation (Python 3 only).

lambda is a minimal function definition that can be used inside an expression. Unlike :class:`FunctionDef`, body holds a single node.

The arguments for a function. In Python 3:

  • args and kwonlyargs are lists of :class:`arg` nodes.
  • vararg and kwarg are single :class:`arg` nodes, referring to the *args, **kwargs parameters.
  • defaults is a list of default values for arguments that can be passed positionally. If there are fewer defaults, they correspond to the last n arguments.
  • kw_defaults is a list of default values for keyword-only arguments. If one is None, the corresponding argument is required.
.. versionchanged:: 3.4

   Up to Python 3.3, ``vararg`` and ``kwarg`` were raw strings of the
   argument names, and there were separate ``varargannotation`` and
   ``kwargannotation`` fields to hold their annotations.

In Python 2, the attributes for keyword-only arguments are not needed.

A single argument in a list; Python 3 only. arg is a raw string of the argument name, annotation is its annotation, such as a :class:`Str` or :class:`Name` node.

In Python 2, arguments are instead represented as :class:`Name` nodes, with ctx=Param().

In [52]: %%dump_ast
   ....: @dec1
   ....: @dec2
   ....: def f(a: 'annotation', b=1, c=2, *d, e, f=3, **g) -> 'return annotation':
   ....:   pass
    FunctionDef(name='f', args=arguments(args=[
        arg(arg='a', annotation=Str(s='annotation')),
        arg(arg='b', annotation=None),
        arg(arg='c', annotation=None),
      ], vararg=arg(arg='d', annotation=None), kwonlyargs=[
        arg(arg='e', annotation=None),
        arg(arg='f', annotation=None),
      ], kw_defaults=[
      ], kwarg=arg(arg='g', annotation=None), defaults=[
      ]), body=[
      ], decorator_list=[
        Name(id='dec1', ctx=Load()),
        Name(id='dec2', ctx=Load()),
      ], returns=Str(s='return annotation')),

A return statement.

A yield or yield from expression. Because these are expressions, they must be wrapped in a :class:`Expr` node if the value sent back is not used.

.. versionadded::  3.3
   The :class:`YieldFrom` node type.

global and nonlocal statements. names is a list of raw strings.

A class definition.

  • name is a raw string for the class name
  • bases is a list of nodes for explicitly specified base classes.
  • keywords is a list of :class:`keyword` nodes, principally for 'metaclass'. Other keywords will be passed to the metaclass, as per PEP-3115.
  • starargs and kwargs are each a single node, as in a function call. starargs will be expanded to join the list of base classes, and kwargs will be passed to the metaclass.
  • body is a list of nodes representing the code within the class definition.
  • decorator_list is a list of nodes, as in :class:`FunctionDef`.
In [59]: %%dump_ast
   ....: @dec1
   ....: @dec2
   ....: class foo(base1, base2, metaclass=meta):
   ....:   pass
    ClassDef(name='foo', bases=[
        Name(id='base1', ctx=Load()),
        Name(id='base2', ctx=Load()),
      ], keyword=
        keyword(arg='metaclass', value=Name(id='meta', ctx=Load())),
      ], starargs=None, kwargs=None, body=[
      ], decorator_list=[
        Name(id='dec1', ctx=Load()),
        Name(id='dec2', ctx=Load()),