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ERA5-Land data analysis

A simple julia library built on top of GRIB.jl package to analyse ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset (ECMWF)


The aim of this library is to analyse data from the ERA5-Land dataset with a specific purpose, for instance, obtain the monthly minimum average temperature of the coldest month in a given period of time for all the pixels provided by the input data. Other implemented functionality is related to the computation of specific metrics used to asses the risk of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) outbreaks in vineyards. The code in this repository was used in paper

Table of contents


Julia 1.5 or higher installed with the following libraries


  • grib_to_feather(infilename, outfilename)

    Creates a feather file for simpler use with DataFrames.jl or Pandas in Python. Not recommended unless necessary, as files can be big.

    • ìnfilename (string) - Input filename.

    • outfilename (string) - Output filename.

    • output file format - Each column contains a date as header and the temperature of each pixel value, leading to table of dimensions (N_hours, N_pixels)

  • compute_MGDD_HN(infilename, outfilename; threshold_1=285.15, threshold_2=291.15, threshold_3=301.15, threshold_4=305.15, last_T=308.15)

    Computes the Modified Growing Degree Days for the North Hemisphere over given input data (which must be in GRIB format).

    • infilename (string) - Input filename

    • outfilename (string) - Output filename.

    • threshold_i (float, optional) - Threshold temperatures in Kelvin (See supl. material of paper for more information).

    • last_T (float, optional) - Last temperature point that accounts for MGDD (See supl. material of paper for more information).

    • output file format - "MGDD \t Lon \t Lat"

  • compute_CDD_HS(infilename, outfilename; T_base=279.15)

    Computes the Cold Degree Days for the South Hemisphere over the given input data (which must be in GRIB format).

    • infilename (string) - Input filename

    • outfilename (string) - Output filename.

    • T_base (float, optional) - Base temperature for the CDD computation (See supl. material of paper for more information).

    • output file format - "CDD \t Lon \t Lat"

  • compute_CDD_HN(infilename_1, infilename_2, outfilename; T_base=279.15)

    Computes the Cold Degree Days for the North Hemisphere over the given input data (which must be in GRIB format). As winter periods comprehend two years there are two input filenames.

    • infilename_2 (string) - First input filename (Nov and Dec of first year)

    • infilename_2 (string) - Second input filename (Jan, Feb and Mar of second year)

    • outfilename (string) - Output filename.

    • T_base (float, optional) - Base temperature for the CDD computation (See supl. material of paper for more information).

    • output file format - "CDD \t Lon \t Lat"

  • compute_avg_GDD(infilenames, outfilename)

    Computes the averaged GDD (CDD or MGDD) over the period given as input filenames.

    • infilenames (array) - Array of input filenames which contain the data to average.

    • outfilename (string) - Output filename.

    • output file format - "Avg_GDD \t Lon \t Lat"

  • compute_min_avg_T_min(infilename, outfilename)

    Computes the average minimum temperature of the coldest month for the given input period.

    • infilename (string) - Input filename

    • outfilename (string) - Output filename

    • output file format - "Min_avg_T_min \t Lon \t Lat"

  • compute_avg_T(infilename, outfilename)

    Computes the average temperature of the given imput period

    • infilename (string) - Input filename

    • outfilename(string) - Output filename

    • output file format - "Avg_T \t Lon \t Lat"



  • Alex Giménez-Romero


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details