The rosbags are needed by the vision team to test their software.
Be sure you have realsense-ros
and realsense_gazebo_plugin
Open several tabs in a terminal, go to directory
and type the following
- In terminal 1:
- In terminal 2:
ipython -i
- (Optional) In terminal 3:
source /root/
- In terminal 4:
roslaunch ./simulation.launch simulation:=true
- In terminal 5:
roslaunch ./demo.launch simulation:=true
- In terminal 2:
path_ids, grasp_configs = go()
The paths are in path_ids. If you want to concatenate all the paths into one :
p_id = concat(path_ids)
p_id is then the ID of the global path.
- In terminal 6, start recording the needed topics:
rosbag record --split --size=1024 /camera/color/image_raw /camera/color/camera_info /camera/depth/camera_info /camera/depth/image_rect_raw /tf /tf_static /pose /camera/extrinsics/depth_to_color /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/camera_info /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw
This will generate rosbags of 1GB each (the --size
argumet lets you define the maximum size).
- In terminal 7:
rosrun agimus rqt_path_execution
then select path p_id (or the path you want to play) and click execute path. The path will be played very slowly so that Gazebo can keep a reasonnable frame rate.
- Stop the recording in terminal 6. The bags are ready.
- In terminal 1, launch rviz:
roslaunch /root/catkin_ws/src/agimus-demos/ur10/pointing/rviz_rosbag.launch
- In terminal 3, launch roscore:
- In terminal 3, play the bags:
rosbag play --clock my_bag*.bag
to play all the bags starting with "my_bag".