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Basic presentation example in JSON

agordillo edited this page Jan 15, 2013 · 9 revisions

This document presents the basic structure of a Vish Editor Presentation in JSON introducing the fundamentals definitions and elements.

"A Vish Editor presentation is defined by a set of slides and metadata."

There are different types of slides, each of them has its own definition.
The most basic slide is the standard slide.

"A standard slide is defined by a template and a set of zones, each of them contains only one element."

The template defines the zones or areas of the slide: their type, position and quantity.
As a zone contains only one element, a zone an its contained element are uniquely related, hence we can refers likewise to the element or the zone which contains it.
The other types of slide ( Flashcard, Virtual Tour ), which are referred as slidesets or non-standard slides, have in common that all of them consists in a list of particular attributes and a set of standard slides, referred as subslides.
By default, the term "slide" will refers to a standard slide , specifying explicitly when it refers to a non-standard slide.
The specification of the different elements that can be included in a slide can be found here as well as some examples of their definitions in JSON.

var basic_samples = {
	//LO metadata
	"title":"Welcome to Vish Editor",
	"description":"An definition example of a Vish Editor presentation",
	"author":"Vish Editor Team",
	//Pedagogical metadata
	"age_range":"5 - 20",
	"educational_objectives":"Learn about Vish Editor",
	"adquired_competencies":"Basic knowledge about the definitions of Vish Editor presentations",
	//Vish Editor metadata
					"body":"Hello World!"
					"body":"Write the title of your second slide here"
						"body":"This is a basic presentation example"
					"style":"position: relative; width:85%; height:26%; top:36%; 