diff --git a/.ruby-version b/.ruby-version
index 57cf282..0444f32 100644
--- a/.ruby-version
+++ b/.ruby-version
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Capfile b/Capfile
index 354a509..1129276 100644
--- a/Capfile
+++ b/Capfile
@@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
-load 'deploy'
-# Uncomment if you are using Rails' asset pipeline
-load 'deploy/assets'
+# Load DSL and set up stages
+require "capistrano/setup"
-Dir['vendor/gems/*/recipes/*.rb','vendor/plugins/*/recipes/*.rb'].each { |plugin| load(plugin) }
-load 'config/deploy' # remove this line to skip loading any of the default tasks
\ No newline at end of file
+# Include default deployment tasks
+require "capistrano/deploy"
+# Load the SCM plugin appropriate to your project:
+# require "capistrano/scm/hg"
+# install_plugin Capistrano::SCM::Hg
+# or
+# require "capistrano/scm/svn"
+# install_plugin Capistrano::SCM::Svn
+# or
+require "capistrano/scm/git"
+install_plugin Capistrano::SCM::Git
+# Include tasks from other gems included in your Gemfile
+# For documentation on these, see for example:
+# https://github.com/capistrano/rvm
+# https://github.com/capistrano/rbenv
+# https://github.com/capistrano/chruby
+# https://github.com/capistrano/bundler
+# https://github.com/capistrano/rails
+# https://github.com/capistrano/passenger
+# require "capistrano/rvm"
+# require "capistrano/rbenv"
+# require "capistrano/chruby"
+require 'capistrano/passenger'
+require 'capistrano/rails'
+# Load custom tasks from `lib/capistrano/tasks` if you have any defined
+Dir.glob("lib/capistrano/tasks/*.rake").each { |r| import r }
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index a93b778..3ea33bc 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM ruby:2.6
+FROM ruby:3.2
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y \
nodejs \
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 586e19a..27008d7 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
source 'https://rubygems.org'
-gem 'rails', '~> 5.2.3'
-gem 'pg'
-#gem 'ruby-oci8', '~> 2.2.3'
-#gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', '~> 1.6.0'
+# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem "rails", github: "rails/rails", branch: "main"
+gem "rails", "~> 7.1.0"
+gem "sprockets-rails"
+gem "foreman"
+gem 'pg', '~> 1.0'
gem 'responders'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'
-gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
-gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby
+gem 'uglifier'
gem 'jquery-rails', '4.3.5'
gem 'json'
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0'
@@ -22,22 +23,34 @@ gem 'elasticsearch-model'
gem 'elasticsearch-rails'
gem 'recaptcha', require: 'recaptcha/rails'
gem 'httparty'
-gem 'rubyzip', '~> 2.0.0'
-gem 'net-ldap', '~> 0.16.1'
+gem 'rubyzip'
+gem 'net-ldap'
gem 'figaro'
gem 'wkhtmltopdf-binary'
gem 'wicked_pdf'
gem 'active_storage_validations'
+gem "font-awesome-sass", "~> 6.2.1"
group :development do
+ gem 'puma'
+ gem 'listen'
gem 'spring'
- gem 'capistrano', '~> 2.12.0'
+ gem 'capistrano', require: false
+ gem 'capistrano-rails', require: false
+ gem 'capistrano-passenger'
gem 'web-console', '>= 3.7.0' # Access an interactive console on exception pages or by calling 'console' anywhere in the code.
group :development, :test do
- gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.7.2'
+ gem 'rspec-rails'#, '~> 3.7.2'
+ gem 'rexml'
gem 'capybara'
gem 'rails-controller-testing'
gem 'byebug'
+ gem 'bullet'
+ gem 'factory_bot_rails'
+group :test do
+ gem 'faker'
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index 9088e44..6909341 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -1,207 +1,320 @@
remote: https://rubygems.org/
- actioncable (5.2.6)
- actionpack (= 5.2.6)
+ actioncable (7.1.1)
+ actionpack (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
nio4r (~> 2.0)
websocket-driver (>= 0.6.1)
- actionmailer (5.2.6)
- actionpack (= 5.2.6)
- actionview (= 5.2.6)
- activejob (= 5.2.6)
+ zeitwerk (~> 2.6)
+ actionmailbox (7.1.1)
+ actionpack (= 7.1.1)
+ activejob (= 7.1.1)
+ activerecord (= 7.1.1)
+ activestorage (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
+ mail (>= 2.7.1)
+ net-imap
+ net-pop
+ net-smtp
+ actionmailer (7.1.1)
+ actionpack (= 7.1.1)
+ actionview (= 7.1.1)
+ activejob (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4)
- rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
- actionpack (5.2.6)
- actionview (= 5.2.6)
- activesupport (= 5.2.6)
- rack (~> 2.0, >= 2.0.8)
+ net-imap
+ net-pop
+ net-smtp
+ rails-dom-testing (~> 2.2)
+ actionpack (7.1.1)
+ actionview (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.8.5)
+ rack (>= 2.2.4)
+ rack-session (>= 1.0.1)
rack-test (>= 0.6.3)
- rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
- rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
- actionview (5.2.6)
- activesupport (= 5.2.6)
+ rails-dom-testing (~> 2.2)
+ rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.6)
+ actiontext (7.1.1)
+ actionpack (= 7.1.1)
+ activerecord (= 7.1.1)
+ activestorage (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
+ globalid (>= 0.6.0)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.8.5)
+ actionview (7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
builder (~> 3.1)
- erubi (~> 1.4)
- rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
- rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.3)
- active_storage_validations (0.9.0)
- rails (>= 5.2.0)
- activejob (5.2.6)
- activesupport (= 5.2.6)
+ erubi (~> 1.11)
+ rails-dom-testing (~> 2.2)
+ rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.6)
+ active_storage_validations (1.1.1)
+ activejob (>= 5.2.0)
+ activemodel (>= 5.2.0)
+ activestorage (>= 5.2.0)
+ activesupport (>= 5.2.0)
+ activejob (7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
globalid (>= 0.3.6)
- activemodel (5.2.6)
- activesupport (= 5.2.6)
- activerecord (5.2.6)
- activemodel (= 5.2.6)
- activesupport (= 5.2.6)
- arel (>= 9.0)
- activestorage (5.2.6)
- actionpack (= 5.2.6)
- activerecord (= 5.2.6)
- marcel (~> 1.0.0)
- activesupport (5.2.6)
+ activemodel (7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
+ activerecord (7.1.1)
+ activemodel (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
+ timeout (>= 0.4.0)
+ activestorage (7.1.1)
+ actionpack (= 7.1.1)
+ activejob (= 7.1.1)
+ activerecord (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
+ marcel (~> 1.0)
+ activesupport (7.1.1)
+ base64
+ bigdecimal
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
- i18n (>= 0.7, < 2)
- minitest (~> 5.1)
- tzinfo (~> 1.1)
- addressable (2.8.0)
- public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
- arel (9.0.0)
+ connection_pool (>= 2.2.5)
+ drb
+ i18n (>= 1.6, < 2)
+ minitest (>= 5.1)
+ mutex_m
+ tzinfo (~> 2.0)
+ addressable (2.8.5)
+ public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0)
+ airbrussh (1.5.0)
+ sshkit (>= 1.6.1, != 1.7.0)
+ base64 (0.1.1)
+ bigdecimal (3.1.4)
bindex (0.8.1)
- breadcrumbs_on_rails (3.0.1)
+ breadcrumbs_on_rails (4.1.0)
+ railties (>= 5.0)
builder (3.2.4)
+ bullet (7.1.2)
+ activesupport (>= 3.0.0)
+ uniform_notifier (~> 1.11)
byebug (11.1.3)
- capistrano (2.12.0)
- highline
- net-scp (>= 1.0.0)
- net-sftp (>= 2.0.0)
- net-ssh (>= 2.0.14)
- net-ssh-gateway (>= 1.1.0)
- capybara (3.29.0)
+ capistrano (3.18.0)
+ airbrussh (>= 1.0.0)
+ i18n
+ rake (>= 10.0.0)
+ sshkit (>= 1.9.0)
+ capistrano-bundler (2.1.0)
+ capistrano (~> 3.1)
+ capistrano-passenger (0.2.1)
+ capistrano (~> 3.0)
+ capistrano-rails (1.6.3)
+ capistrano (~> 3.1)
+ capistrano-bundler (>= 1.1, < 3)
+ capybara (3.39.2)
+ matrix
mini_mime (>= 0.1.3)
nokogiri (~> 1.8)
rack (>= 1.6.0)
rack-test (>= 0.6.3)
- regexp_parser (~> 1.5)
+ regexp_parser (>= 1.5, < 3.0)
xpath (~> 3.2)
- concurrent-ruby (1.1.9)
+ concurrent-ruby (1.2.2)
+ connection_pool (2.4.1)
crass (1.0.6)
- diff-lcs (1.3)
- elasticsearch (7.4.0)
- elasticsearch-api (= 7.4.0)
- elasticsearch-transport (= 7.4.0)
- elasticsearch-api (7.4.0)
+ date (3.3.3)
+ diff-lcs (1.5.0)
+ drb (2.1.1)
+ ruby2_keywords
+ elasticsearch (7.17.9)
+ elasticsearch-api (= 7.17.9)
+ elasticsearch-transport (= 7.17.9)
+ elasticsearch-api (7.17.9)
- elasticsearch-model (7.0.0)
+ elasticsearch-model (7.2.1)
activesupport (> 3)
- elasticsearch (> 1)
+ elasticsearch (~> 7)
- elasticsearch-rails (7.0.0)
- elasticsearch-transport (7.4.0)
- faraday
+ elasticsearch-rails (7.2.1)
+ elasticsearch-transport (7.17.9)
+ faraday (~> 1)
- erubi (1.10.0)
- execjs (2.7.0)
- faraday (0.17.0)
- multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
- ffi (1.12.2)
- figaro (1.1.1)
- thor (~> 0.14)
- globalid (0.5.2)
- activesupport (>= 5.0)
- haml (5.1.2)
- temple (>= 0.8.0)
+ erubi (1.12.0)
+ execjs (2.9.1)
+ factory_bot (6.2.1)
+ activesupport (>= 5.0.0)
+ factory_bot_rails (6.2.0)
+ factory_bot (~> 6.2.0)
+ railties (>= 5.0.0)
+ faker (3.2.1)
+ i18n (>= 1.8.11, < 2)
+ faraday (1.10.3)
+ faraday-em_http (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-em_synchrony (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-excon (~> 1.1)
+ faraday-httpclient (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-multipart (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-net_http (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-net_http_persistent (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-patron (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-rack (~> 1.0)
+ faraday-retry (~> 1.0)
+ ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4)
+ faraday-em_http (1.0.0)
+ faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
+ faraday-excon (1.1.0)
+ faraday-httpclient (1.0.1)
+ faraday-multipart (1.0.4)
+ multipart-post (~> 2)
+ faraday-net_http (1.0.1)
+ faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
+ faraday-patron (1.0.0)
+ faraday-rack (1.0.0)
+ faraday-retry (1.0.3)
+ ffi (1.16.3)
+ figaro (1.2.0)
+ thor (>= 0.14.0, < 2)
+ font-awesome-sass (6.2.1)
+ sassc (~> 2.0)
+ foreman (0.87.2)
+ globalid (1.2.1)
+ activesupport (>= 6.1)
+ haml (6.2.3)
+ temple (>= 0.8.2)
+ thor
- hashie (4.0.0)
- highline (2.0.3)
- httparty (0.17.1)
- mime-types (~> 3.0)
+ hashie (5.0.0)
+ httparty (0.21.0)
+ mini_mime (>= 1.0.0)
multi_xml (>= 0.5.2)
- i18n (1.8.10)
+ i18n (1.14.1)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
- jbuilder (2.9.1)
- activesupport (>= 4.2.0)
+ io-console (0.6.0)
+ irb (1.8.3)
+ rdoc
+ reline (>= 0.3.8)
+ jbuilder (2.11.5)
+ actionview (>= 5.0.0)
+ activesupport (>= 5.0.0)
jquery-rails (4.3.5)
rails-dom-testing (>= 1, < 3)
railties (>= 4.2.0)
thor (>= 0.14, < 2.0)
- json (2.3.0)
- libv8 (
- loofah (2.12.0)
+ json (2.6.3)
+ listen (3.8.0)
+ rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
+ rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
+ loofah (2.21.4)
crass (~> 1.0.2)
- nokogiri (>= 1.5.9)
- mail (2.7.1)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.12.0)
+ mail (2.8.1)
mini_mime (>= 0.1.1)
- mail_form (1.8.0)
- actionmailer (>= 5.0)
- activemodel (>= 5.0)
+ net-imap
+ net-pop
+ net-smtp
+ mail_form (1.10.1)
+ actionmailer (>= 5.2)
+ activemodel (>= 5.2)
marcel (1.0.2)
- method_source (1.0.0)
- mime-types (3.3)
- mime-types-data (~> 3.2015)
- mime-types-data (3.2019.1009)
- mini_mime (1.1.2)
- mini_portile2 (2.6.1)
- minitest (5.14.4)
- multi_json (1.14.1)
+ matrix (0.4.2)
+ mini_mime (1.1.5)
+ minitest (5.20.0)
+ multi_json (1.15.0)
multi_xml (0.6.0)
- multipart-post (2.1.1)
- net-ldap (0.16.1)
- net-scp (3.0.0)
- net-ssh (>= 2.6.5, < 7.0.0)
- net-sftp (3.0.0)
- net-ssh (>= 5.0.0, < 7.0.0)
- net-ssh (6.1.0)
- net-ssh-gateway (2.0.0)
- net-ssh (>= 4.0.0)
- nio4r (2.5.8)
- nokogiri (1.12.5)
- mini_portile2 (~> 2.6.1)
+ multipart-post (2.3.0)
+ mutex_m (0.1.2)
+ net-imap (0.4.3)
+ date
+ net-protocol
+ net-ldap (0.18.0)
+ net-pop (0.1.2)
+ net-protocol
+ net-protocol (0.2.1)
+ timeout
+ net-scp (4.0.0)
+ net-ssh (>= 2.6.5, < 8.0.0)
+ net-smtp (0.4.0)
+ net-protocol
+ net-ssh (7.2.0)
+ nio4r (2.5.9)
+ nokogiri (1.15.4-aarch64-linux)
racc (~> 1.4)
- pg (1.1.4)
- public_suffix (4.0.6)
- racc (1.6.0)
- rack (2.2.3)
- rack-test (1.1.0)
- rack (>= 1.0, < 3)
- rails (5.2.6)
- actioncable (= 5.2.6)
- actionmailer (= 5.2.6)
- actionpack (= 5.2.6)
- actionview (= 5.2.6)
- activejob (= 5.2.6)
- activemodel (= 5.2.6)
- activerecord (= 5.2.6)
- activestorage (= 5.2.6)
- activesupport (= 5.2.6)
- bundler (>= 1.3.0)
- railties (= 5.2.6)
- sprockets-rails (>= 2.0.0)
- rails-controller-testing (1.0.4)
- actionpack (>= 5.0.1.x)
- actionview (>= 5.0.1.x)
- activesupport (>= 5.0.1.x)
- rails-dom-testing (2.0.3)
- activesupport (>= 4.2.0)
+ pg (1.5.4)
+ psych (
+ stringio
+ public_suffix (5.0.3)
+ puma (6.4.0)
+ nio4r (~> 2.0)
+ racc (1.7.1)
+ rack (2.2.8)
+ rack-session (1.0.1)
+ rack (< 3)
+ rack-test (2.1.0)
+ rack (>= 1.3)
+ rackup (1.0.0)
+ rack (< 3)
+ webrick
+ rails (7.1.1)
+ actioncable (= 7.1.1)
+ actionmailbox (= 7.1.1)
+ actionmailer (= 7.1.1)
+ actionpack (= 7.1.1)
+ actiontext (= 7.1.1)
+ actionview (= 7.1.1)
+ activejob (= 7.1.1)
+ activemodel (= 7.1.1)
+ activerecord (= 7.1.1)
+ activestorage (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
+ bundler (>= 1.15.0)
+ railties (= 7.1.1)
+ rails-controller-testing (1.0.5)
+ actionpack (>= 5.0.1.rc1)
+ actionview (>= 5.0.1.rc1)
+ activesupport (>= 5.0.1.rc1)
+ rails-dom-testing (2.2.0)
+ activesupport (>= 5.0.0)
+ minitest
nokogiri (>= 1.6)
- rails-html-sanitizer (1.4.2)
- loofah (~> 2.3)
- railties (5.2.6)
- actionpack (= 5.2.6)
- activesupport (= 5.2.6)
- method_source
- rake (>= 0.8.7)
- thor (>= 0.19.0, < 2.0)
- rake (13.0.6)
- rb-fsevent (0.10.4)
+ rails-html-sanitizer (1.6.0)
+ loofah (~> 2.21)
+ nokogiri (~> 1.14)
+ railties (7.1.1)
+ actionpack (= 7.1.1)
+ activesupport (= 7.1.1)
+ irb
+ rackup (>= 1.0.0)
+ rake (>= 12.2)
+ thor (~> 1.0, >= 1.2.2)
+ zeitwerk (~> 2.6)
+ rake (13.1.0)
+ rb-fsevent (0.11.2)
rb-inotify (0.10.1)
ffi (~> 1.0)
- recaptcha (5.2.1)
- json
- ref (2.0.0)
- regexp_parser (1.6.0)
- responders (3.0.0)
- actionpack (>= 5.0)
- railties (>= 5.0)
- rspec-core (3.7.1)
- rspec-support (~> 3.7.0)
- rspec-expectations (3.7.0)
+ rdoc (6.5.0)
+ psych (>= 4.0.0)
+ recaptcha (5.16.0)
+ regexp_parser (2.8.2)
+ reline (0.3.9)
+ io-console (~> 0.5)
+ responders (3.1.1)
+ actionpack (>= 5.2)
+ railties (>= 5.2)
+ rexml (3.2.6)
+ rspec-core (3.12.2)
+ rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
+ rspec-expectations (3.12.3)
diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
- rspec-support (~> 3.7.0)
- rspec-mocks (3.7.0)
+ rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
+ rspec-mocks (3.12.6)
diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
- rspec-support (~> 3.7.0)
- rspec-rails (3.7.2)
- actionpack (>= 3.0)
- activesupport (>= 3.0)
- railties (>= 3.0)
- rspec-core (~> 3.7.0)
- rspec-expectations (~> 3.7.0)
- rspec-mocks (~> 3.7.0)
- rspec-support (~> 3.7.0)
- rspec-support (3.7.1)
- rubyzip (2.0.0)
+ rspec-support (~> 3.12.0)
+ rspec-rails (6.0.3)
+ actionpack (>= 6.1)
+ activesupport (>= 6.1)
+ railties (>= 6.1)
+ rspec-core (~> 3.12)
+ rspec-expectations (~> 3.12)
+ rspec-mocks (~> 3.12)
+ rspec-support (~> 3.12)
+ rspec-support (3.12.1)
+ ruby2_keywords (0.0.5)
+ rubyzip (2.3.2)
sass (3.7.4)
sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
sass-listen (4.0.0)
@@ -213,77 +326,93 @@ GEM
sprockets (>= 2.8, < 4.0)
sprockets-rails (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
tilt (>= 1.1, < 3)
- simple_form (5.0.1)
- actionpack (>= 5.0)
- activemodel (>= 5.0)
- spring (2.1.0)
+ sassc (2.4.0)
+ ffi (~> 1.9)
+ simple_form (5.3.0)
+ actionpack (>= 5.2)
+ activemodel (>= 5.2)
+ spring (4.1.1)
sprockets (3.7.2)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
rack (> 1, < 3)
- sprockets-rails (3.2.2)
- actionpack (>= 4.0)
- activesupport (>= 4.0)
+ sprockets-rails (3.4.2)
+ actionpack (>= 5.2)
+ activesupport (>= 5.2)
sprockets (>= 3.0.0)
- temple (0.8.2)
- therubyracer (0.12.3)
- libv8 (~>
- ref
- thor (0.20.3)
- thread_safe (0.3.6)
- tilt (2.0.10)
- tzinfo (1.2.9)
- thread_safe (~> 0.1)
+ sshkit (1.21.5)
+ net-scp (>= 1.1.2)
+ net-ssh (>= 2.8.0)
+ stringio (3.0.8)
+ temple (0.10.3)
+ thor (1.3.0)
+ tilt (2.3.0)
+ timeout (0.4.0)
+ tzinfo (2.0.6)
+ concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
uglifier (4.2.0)
execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3)
- web-console (3.7.0)
- actionview (>= 5.0)
- activemodel (>= 5.0)
+ uniform_notifier (1.16.0)
+ web-console (4.2.1)
+ actionview (>= 6.0.0)
+ activemodel (>= 6.0.0)
bindex (>= 0.4.0)
- railties (>= 5.0)
- websocket-driver (0.7.5)
+ railties (>= 6.0.0)
+ webrick (1.8.1)
+ websocket-driver (0.7.6)
websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.0)
websocket-extensions (0.1.5)
- wicked_pdf (2.1.0)
+ wicked_pdf (2.7.0)
- will_paginate (3.2.1)
+ will_paginate (3.3.1)
will_paginate-bootstrap4 (0.2.2)
will_paginate (~> 3.0, >= 3.0.0)
- wkhtmltopdf-binary (
+ wkhtmltopdf-binary (
xpath (3.2.0)
nokogiri (~> 1.8)
+ zeitwerk (2.6.12)
- ruby
+ aarch64-linux
+ bullet
- capistrano (~> 2.12.0)
+ capistrano
+ capistrano-passenger
+ capistrano-rails
+ factory_bot_rails
+ faker
+ font-awesome-sass (~> 6.2.1)
+ foreman
jbuilder (~> 2.0)
jquery-rails (= 4.3.5)
+ listen
- net-ldap (~> 0.16.1)
+ net-ldap
- pg
- rails (~> 5.2.3)
+ pg (~> 1.0)
+ puma
+ rails (~> 7.1.0)
- rspec-rails (~> 3.7.2)
- rubyzip (~> 2.0.0)
+ rexml
+ rspec-rails
+ rubyzip
sass-rails (~> 5.0)
- therubyracer
- uglifier (>= 1.3.0)
+ sprockets-rails
+ uglifier
web-console (>= 3.7.0)
@@ -291,4 +420,4 @@ DEPENDENCIES
- 1.17.3
+ 2.4.10
diff --git a/Procfile.dev b/Procfile.dev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e609667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Procfile.dev
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+web: bin/rails server -p 3000 -b
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b8baa89..5f62da4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ Contact the StudyFinder team at studyfinder@umn.edu if you:
- Have any questions about StudyFinder, or
- Want to learn more about updates or enhancements of the tool.
+## Upgrade notes for 2.1
+The main page carousel/video feature was an accessibility and usability issue, and has been replaced with a three-wide panel of "featured studies". These can be configured in the admin panel, where the carousel configuration formerly was.
## Development
The easiest way to get started with a development environment is to use `docker-compose`:
@@ -39,8 +43,7 @@ Running Study Finder on a web server requires:
- Ruby 2.4+
- A configured database w/ connection. Doesn't really matter which type (Postgres, Oracle, MySQL)
- LDAP server that can be used to authenticate StudyFinder users for admin access.
-- ElasticSearch 7.x (Note: 6.x and 8.x may work, but are not tested.)
- [Official Instructions](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.17/install-elasticsearch.html)
+- ElasticSearch 8.x [Official Instructions](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/install-elasticsearch.html)
- ElasticSearch synonyms file. In /app/models/trial.rb there is a configuration path to the synonyms file that is needed for elasticsearch to work properly. Please copy /config/analysis/synonyms.txt to the location below **on the ElasticSearch server/container**:
@@ -109,6 +112,20 @@ Themes are the recommended method for customizing the appearance of the site. Us
Many aspects of your site can be customized from the site itself, via the admin interface. To access the admin interface, LDAP authentication must be configured. Click "Sign In" at the bottom of the home page, and then you will see an "Admin" link on the navbar. The first option, "System Administration", allows you to manage what fields do and don't appear on some screens, set label text, define the location search term for data loads from clinicaltrials.gov, and much more.
+## ElasticSearch synonyms
+The default trial search configuration uses a query-time synonym_graph filter. It supports multi-term synonyms, e.g. 'caloric restrictions' and 'low calorie diet'. When trials are indexed, ElasticSearch creates the search analyzer for this. You *do not* have to re-index trials if the synonyms are updated, because it is a query-time filter.
+The default location for synonyms is in an array defined in 'lib/modules/trial_synonyms.rb'. Updates to the synonyms can be picked up by restarting the Rails service.
+Alternately, you can use a synonyms file. To use a synonyms file, use the configuration option:
+ config.synonyms_path = '/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/analysis/synonyms.txt'
+This file is on the ElasticSearch server, *not* part of the Rails application. In deployed environments, you will need to copy your synonyms file to this location. This isn't necessary in the development docker container; just put your file in 'config/analysis/'. Docker-compose which mounts 'config/analysis' within the Rails app to the above path in the ElasticSearch container. This allows easier access for modifying synonyms during development, as you can work with them directly in 'config/analysis/synonyms.txt' within the Rails app structure.
## Trademark
"StudyFinder" is a registered trademark of the University of Minnesota. Your instance of StudyFinder should retain the official StudyFinder logo that appears at the upper right of each page. This is an SVG image and **can** be styled with your institution's colors. By default it uses the main and secondary colors that are specified in the theme CSS file:
diff --git a/app/assets/images/rsm-large.jpg b/app/assets/images/rsm-large.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c26779
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/assets/images/rsm-large.jpg differ
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/studyfinder.js b/app/assets/javascripts/studyfinder.js
index d106806..0a74776 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/studyfinder.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/studyfinder.js
@@ -108,11 +108,27 @@ function determineStandalone() {
function track(method, event, category, action, data) {
+ if (GA_VERSION == 3) {
+ track3(method, event, category, action, data[Object.keys(data)[0]])
+ } else if (GA_VERSION == 4) {
+ track4(event, category, {'action': action, ...data})
+ } else {
+ }
+function track3(method, event, category, action, data) {
if(ga) {
ga(method, event, category, action, data);
+function track4(event, category, data) {
+ if(gtag) {
+ gtag(event, category, data)
+ }
This is all related to keeping the user in the standalone version when
clicking a link. The default behavior on iOS is that Safari will take
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/views/modals.js b/app/assets/javascripts/views/modals.js
index f9f9c31..2f8a8bb 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/views/modals.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/views/modals.js
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $('#email-me-modal-submit').on('click', function (event) {
// Track to analytics
- track('send', 'event', 'email_me', 'sent', trial_id);
+ track('send', 'event', 'email_me', 'sent', {'trial_id':trial_id});
.fail(function() {
// clear the form
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ $('#contact-study-team-modal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {
var trialId = button.data('trial-id');
var modal = $(this);
// pass some trial attributes from the search results into the modal
- modal.find('.study-email').text(studyEmail).attr('href', 'mailto:' + studyEmail);
+ modal.find('.study-email').text(studyEmail).attr('href', 'mailto:' + studyEmail + "?bcc=" + STUDY_CONTACT_BCC);
modal.find('#contact-study-team-modal-submit').data('trial_id', trialId).data('button', button);
if(window.studyTeamWidget !== undefined) {
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ $('#contact-study-team-modal-submit').on('click', function (event) {
// Track to analytics
- track('send', 'event', 'email_study_team', 'sent', trial_id);
+ track('send', 'event', 'email_study_team', 'sent', {'trial_id':trial_id});
.fail(function() {
// clear the form
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css b/app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
similarity index 96%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
index b0c2bb6..1b70656 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
* file per style scope.
*= require bootstrap.min
- *= require font-awesome.min
*= require select2.min
*= require bootstrap-datepicker.min
*= require study_finder
+@import "font-awesome";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/base/globals.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/base/globals.scss
similarity index 89%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/base/globals.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/base/globals.scss
index ab7eefc..35027bd 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/base/globals.css.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/base/globals.scss
@@ -233,3 +233,15 @@ footer {
margin-top: 1em;
+/* TODO: We should do this with sass code that adds it for all $theme-colors and bg-variants, alert-variants, etc.
+ That's difficult right now because of how the bootstrap stuff has crept along here over time. Import order etc.
+ Let's clean up and do that when we upgrade to boostrap 5. */
+.bg-light-success {
+ background-color: rgba(#28a745, .5)
+.bg-light-warning {
+ background-color: rgba(#ffc107, .5)
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/base/media.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/base/media.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/base/media.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/base/media.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/base/navbar.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/base/navbar.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/base/navbar.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/base/navbar.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/base/print.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/base/print.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/base/print.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/base/print.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/base/variables.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/base/variables.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/base/variables.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/base/variables.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/admin.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/admin.scss
similarity index 73%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/admin.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/admin.scss
index 0a773c9..15c31a9 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/admin.css.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/admin.scss
@@ -7,8 +7,33 @@
.admin {
padding: 10px;
+ .table-trials-under-review {
+ table-layout:fixed;
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ th {width: 170px; }
+ // word-wrap:break-word}
+ .expand-column {
+ width: 325px;
+ }
+ .shrink-column {
+ width: 130px;
+ }
+ ul {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0 15px;
+ }
+ li {
+ font-family: Arial;
+ font-size: 11px;
+ padding: 3px 0;
+ }
+ }
.table-trials {
margin-top: 20px;
ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 15px;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/categories.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/categories.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/categories.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/categories.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/contact.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/contact.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/contact.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/contact.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/home.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/home.scss
similarity index 50%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/home.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/home.scss
index 123e134..0b089c4 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/home.css.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/home.scss
@@ -2,15 +2,34 @@
margin-top: 20px;
.search-form {
.age-ranges {
- margin: 15px 0;
+ margin: 0px 0;
+ }
+ .search-label {
+ margin-top: 0.5rem;
+ }
+ .age-label {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 16px;
- .checkbox {
+ .checkbox-right {
margin: 3px 0 0 20px;
+ .checkbox-left {
+ margin: 3px 20px 6px 0;
+ }
+ .genderfilter {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ }
.search-controls {
margin: 15px 0;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/researchers.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/researchers.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/researchers.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/researchers.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/search.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/search.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/search.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/search.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/signin.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/signin.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/signin.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/signin.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/splash.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/splash.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/splash.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/splash.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/spotlight.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/spotlight.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/spotlight.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/spotlight.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/studies.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/studies.scss
similarity index 98%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pages/studies.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pages/studies.scss
index f10e950..1acd782 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/studies.css.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/pages/studies.scss
@@ -258,3 +258,8 @@
.study-photo {
max-width: 500px;
+.refine-search::placeholder {
+ color: white;
+ opacity: .5;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/pdf.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/pdf.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/pdf.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/pdf.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/study_finder.css.scss.erb b/app/assets/stylesheets/study_finder.scss.erb
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/study_finder.css.scss.erb
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/study_finder.scss.erb
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/duke.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/duke.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/duke.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/duke.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/miami.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/miami.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/miami.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/miami.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/psu.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/psu.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/psu.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/psu.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/uic.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/uic.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/uic.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/uic.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/umn.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/umn.scss
similarity index 97%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/umn.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/umn.scss
index 8d28b8e..3835d20 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/umn.css.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/umn.scss
@@ -138,4 +138,8 @@ h3 {
h2 {
font-size: 1.7rem;
+ div#showcase .card-header {
+ border-bottom: none;
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/unc.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/unc.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/unc.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/unc.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/utsw.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/utsw.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/utsw.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/utsw.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/uw.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/uw.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/uw.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/uw.scss
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/vcu.css.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/theme/vcu.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from app/assets/stylesheets/theme/vcu.css.scss
rename to app/assets/stylesheets/theme/vcu.scss
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/approvals_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/approvals_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6dc3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/approvals_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+class Admin::ApprovalsController < ApplicationController
+ before_action :authorize_admin
+ def index
+ @approvals = Approval.order('updated_at DESC')
+ add_breadcrumb 'Trials Administration', :admin_trials_path
+ add_breadcrumb 'Under Review', :admin_all_trials_under_review_path
+ end
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/disease_sites_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/disease_sites_controller.rb
index ec53568..3d32bd5 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/disease_sites_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/disease_sites_controller.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def new
def create
@site = DiseaseSite.new(site_params)
- if @site.save(@site)
+ if @site.save
redirect_to admin_disease_sites_path, flash: { success: 'Site added successfully' }
render action: 'new'
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/groups_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/groups_controller.rb
index 88994f3..0ae4f3d 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/groups_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/groups_controller.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def create
- if @group.save(@group)
+ if @group.save
redirect_to admin_groups_path, flash: { success: 'Group added successfully' }
@conditions = Condition.all.order(:condition)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def edit
respond_to do |format|
- format.csv { send_data generate_csv, filename: "#{friendly_filename(@group.group_name.downcase)}_categories.csv" }
+ format.csv { send_data generate_csv, filename: "#{friendly_filename(@group.group_name.try(:downcase))}_categories.csv" }
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/showcase_items_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/showcase_items_controller.rb
index ec7938e..446caf1 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/showcase_items_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/showcase_items_controller.rb
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def new
def create
@item = ShowcaseItem.new(item_params)
- if @item.save(@item)
+ if @item.save
redirect_to admin_showcase_items_path, flash: { success: 'Item added successfully' }
render action: 'new'
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb
index e2a38e7..f4a9260 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/sites_controller.rb
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def new
def create
@site = Site.new(site_params)
- if @site.save(@site)
+ if @site.save
redirect_to admin_sites_path, flash: { success: 'Site added successfully' }
render action: 'new'
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/system_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/system_controller.rb
index 7cc5848..4ede896 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/system_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/system_controller.rb
@@ -8,14 +8,24 @@ def index
def edit
@system = SystemInfo.find(params[:id])
- @updated = Updater.all.last
+ last_update = Updater.all.last
+ if last_update.blank?
+ @updated_at = 'never'
+ else
+ @updated_at = last_update.created_at.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
+ end
add_breadcrumb 'System Administration'
def update
@system = SystemInfo.find(params[:id])
- @updated = Updater.all.last
+ last_update = Updater.all.last
+ if last_update.blank?
+ @updated_at = 'never'
+ else
+ @updated_at = last_update.created_at.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
+ end
if @system.update(system_params)
redirect_to edit_admin_system_path(params[:id]), flash: { success: 'System information updated successfully' }
@@ -27,6 +37,7 @@ def update
def system_params
+ :alert_on_empty_system_id,
@@ -39,6 +50,7 @@ def system_params
+ :google_analytics_version,
@@ -49,6 +61,10 @@ def system_params
+ :study_contact_bcc,
+ :trial_approval,
+ :healthy_volunteers_filter,
+ :gender_filter,
trial_attribute_settings_attributes: [:id, :attribute_label, :display_label_on_list, :display_on_list, :display_if_null_on_list, :display_label_on_show, :display_on_show, :display_if_null_on_show]
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/trials_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/trials_controller.rb
index 948415a..c364962 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/trials_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/trials_controller.rb
@@ -69,16 +69,19 @@ def recent_as
format.xls do
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'
response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=\"trials_#{DateTime.now}.xls\""
- render "recent_as.xls.erb"
+ render "recent_as"
def index
- unless params[:q].nil?
- @trials = Trial.match_all_admin({ q: params[:q] }).page(params[:page]).records
+ if params[:q].blank?
+ @trials = Trial.includes(:trial_interventions, :conditions).page(page_param).where(visible: true)
+ if SystemInfo.trial_approval
+ @trials = @trials.where(approved: true)
+ end
- @trials = Trial.paginate(page: params[:page])
+ @trials = Trial.includes(:trial_interventions, :conditions).match_all_admin({ q: params[:q].downcase }).page(page_param).records
add_breadcrumb 'Trials Administration'
@@ -108,10 +111,49 @@ def update
render 'edit'
+ def all_under_review
+ if params[:q].blank?
+ @trials = Trial.includes(:trial_locations).page(page_param).where(approved: false).where(visible: true).order(created_at: :desc)
+ else
+ @trials = Trial.includes(:trial_locations).match_all_under_review_admin({ q: params[:q].downcase }).page(page_param).records
+ end
+ add_breadcrumb 'Trials Administration', :admin_trials_path
+ add_breadcrumb 'All Under Review'
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html
+ format.xls do
+ response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'
+ response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=\"all_under_review_#{DateTime.now}.xls\""
+ render "all_under_review"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def under_review
+ @trial = Trial.find(params[:id])
+ @attribute_settings = TrialAttributeSetting.where(system_info_id: SystemInfo.current.id)
+ add_breadcrumb 'Trials Administration', :admin_trials_path
+ add_breadcrumb 'All Under Review', :admin_all_trials_under_review_path
+ add_breadcrumb 'Under Review'
+ end
+ def approved
+ @trial = Trial.find(params[:id])
+ if @trial.update(approved: true)
+ @approval = Approval.create({:user_id => session[:user]["id"], :trial_id => params[:id], :approved => true})
+ redirect_to admin_all_trials_under_review_path, flash: { success: "#{@trial.brief_title} approved" }
+ else
+ redirect_to admin_all_trials_under_review_path, flash: { error: 'Something went wrong ' }
+ end
+ end
def trial_params
- params.require(:trial).permit(
+ param_list = [
@@ -126,11 +168,14 @@ def trial_params
- :simple_description,
+ :approved,
+ :display_simple_description,
+ :simple_description_override,
disease_site_ids: [],
site_ids: []
- )
+ ]
+ params.require(:trial).permit(*param_list)
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb
index 20cc2f0..e67e8fc 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def new
def create
@user = User.new(user_params)
- if @user.save(@user)
+ if @user.save
redirect_to admin_users_path, flash: { success: 'User added successfully' }
render action: 'new'
diff --git a/app/controllers/api/studies_controller.rb b/app/controllers/api/studies_controller.rb
index d2be677..f2bd965 100644
--- a/app/controllers/api/studies_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/api/studies_controller.rb
@@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
class Api::StudiesController < ApiController
def index
- @trials = Trial.all
+ @trials = Trial.includes(:trial_keywords, :conditions, :subgroups, :trial_interventions, :locations).all
+ end
+ def visible
+ @trials = Trial.where(visible: true).pluck(:system_id)
+ render json: { system_ids: @trials }, status: 200
def show
- @trial = Trial.find_by(system_id: params[:id])
+ @trial = Trial.includes(:trial_keywords, :conditions, :subgroups, :trial_interventions, :locations).find_by(system_id: params[:id])
def update
@trial = Trial.find_by(system_id: params[:id])
@trial.transaction do
+ @trial.update_interventions!(params[:interventions].to_a)
+ @trial.update_subgroups!(params[:subgroups])
- @trial.update_interventions!(params[:interventions])
if @trial.errors.none?
head 200
@@ -27,44 +32,78 @@ def update
def create
@trial = Trial.new(trial_params)
if @trial.save
@trial.transaction do
+ @trial.update_subgroups!(params[:subgroups])
- end
+ end
+ end
+ if @trial.errors.none?
head 201
+ errors = @trial.errors.messages[:system_id]
+ unless errors.include? "can't be blank"
+ if @trial.visible && SystemInfo.alert_on_empty_system_id
+ AdminMailer.system_id_error(@trial.system_id, errors).deliver_later
+ end
+ end
render json: { error: @trial.errors }, status: 400
+ def valid_attributes
+ render json: { valid_attributes: api_params }
+ end
- def trial_params
- params.permit(
+ # TODO implement handling for contact display name, which is not currently a thing
+ def api_params
+ [
+ :acronym,
+ :brief_summary,
+ :contact_display_name,
+ :contact_last_name,
+ :contact_first_name,
+ :contact_email,
+ :contact_backup_display_name,
+ :contact_backup_last_name,
+ :contact_backup_first_name,
+ :contact_backup_email,
+ :detailed_description,
+ :maximum_age,
+ :minimum_age,
+ :nct_id,
+ :protocol_type,
+ :subgroups,
+ :display_simple_description,
+ :verification_date,
- )
+ ]
+ end
+ def trial_params
+ params.permit(api_params)
diff --git a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
index 45ccd75..3649359 100644
--- a/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ def authorize_researcher
helper_method :authorize_researcher
+ def page_param
+ params[:page].to_i > 0 ? params[:page].to_i : 1
+ end
def system
@system_info = SystemInfo.current
diff --git a/app/controllers/researchers_controller.rb b/app/controllers/researchers_controller.rb
index bf39a29..bc1f2d2 100644
--- a/app/controllers/researchers_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/researchers_controller.rb
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def edit
def update
@trial = Trial.find_by(system_id: params[:id])
- if !params[:secret_key].blank? && params[:secret_key] == @system_info.secret_key
+ if !params[:secret_key].blank? && params[:secret_key] == SystemInfo.secret_key
if @trial.update(trial_params)
redirect_to edit_researcher_path(params[:id]), flash: { success: 'Trial updated successfully' }
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ def search_results
def trial_params
- params.require(:trial).permit(:simple_description, :contact_override, :contact_override_first_name, :contact_override_last_name)
+ param_list = [:display_simple_description, :contact_override, :contact_override_first_name, :contact_override_last_name, :simple_description_override]
+ params.require(:trial).permit(*param_list)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/controllers/studies_controller.rb b/app/controllers/studies_controller.rb
index dd05f28..053cb5e 100644
--- a/app/controllers/studies_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/studies_controller.rb
@@ -6,12 +6,15 @@ class StudiesController < ApplicationController
def index
search_hash = search_params.to_h[:search] || {}
- @attribute_settings = @system_info.trial_attribute_settings
+ @attribute_settings = SystemInfo.trial_attribute_settings
@group = Group.where(id: search_hash[:category]).first
+ @subgroup = Subgroup.where(id: search_hash[:subcat]).first
@trials = Trial.execute_search(search_hash).page(search_params[:page]).results
+ @search_query = search_hash[:q].try(:downcase) || ""
+ @search_category = search_hash[:category].to_i
if @trials.empty?
- @suggestions = Trial.suggestions(search_hash[:q] || "")
+ @suggestions = Trial.suggestions(@search_query)
@@ -19,19 +22,24 @@ def index
def show
@study = Trial.find(params[:id])
- @attribute_settings = TrialAttributeSetting.where(system_info_id: @system_info.id)
+ unless @study.visible
+ unless is_admin?
+ redirect_to studies_path, flash: { success: 'Apologies, this page is not available.' } and return
+ end
+ end
+ @attribute_settings = SystemInfo.trial_attribute_settings
@study_photo = @study.photo.attached? ? @study.photo : "flag.jpg"
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
- unless @system_info.display_study_show_page
- redirect_to studies_path, flash: { success: 'Apologies, This page is not available.' } and return
+ unless SystemInfo.display_study_show_page
+ redirect_to studies_path, flash: { success: 'Apologies, this page is not available.' } and return
format.pdf do
render pdf: "Study-#{@study.system_id}",
layout: 'pdf',
- template: 'studies/show.pdf.erb',
+ template: 'studies/show',
disposition: 'attachment',
orientation: 'portrait',
title: "StudyFinder Study: #{@study.system_id}",
@@ -41,14 +49,14 @@ def show
def typeahead
- respond_with(Trial.typeahead(params[:q]))
+ respond_with(Trial.typeahead(params[:q].try(:downcase)))
def contact_team
@trial = Trial.find params[:id]
should_send = true
- if @system_info.captcha
+ if SystemInfo.captcha
should_send = verify_recaptcha
@@ -61,7 +69,7 @@ def contact_team
- @system_info
+ SystemInfo.current
@@ -75,7 +83,7 @@ def email_me
age = age_display(@trial.min_age, @trial.max_age)
should_send = true
- if @system_info.captcha
+ if SystemInfo.captcha
should_send = verify_recaptcha
@@ -89,6 +97,6 @@ def email_me
def search_params
- params.permit(:page, search: [:category, :q, :healthy_volunteers, :gender, :children, :adults])
+ params.permit(:page, search: [:category, :subcat, :q, :healthy_volunteers, :gender, :children, :adults])
diff --git a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
index 1f011da..524dc93 100644
--- a/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ def highlight(record, key)
+ def username_string
+ ENV['username_string']
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/helpers/studies_helper.rb b/app/helpers/studies_helper.rb
index ed3116f..6ab09ac 100644
--- a/app/helpers/studies_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/studies_helper.rb
@@ -6,40 +6,14 @@ def search_value(search_params, key)
def determine_contacts(trial)
- contact_suffix = @system_info.contact_email_suffix
if !trial.contact_override.blank?
# Always use the override, if available.
return [{
email: trial.contact_override,
first_name: trial.contact_override_first_name,
last_name: trial.contact_override_last_name
- }]
- elsif !contact_suffix.nil? and (
- ( !trial.contact_email.nil? and trial.contact_email.include?(contact_suffix) ) or
- ( !trial.contact_backup_email.nil? and trial.contact_backup_email.include?(contact_suffix) )
- )
- contacts = []
- if !trial.contact_email.nil? && trial.contact_email.include?(contact_suffix)
- contacts << {
- email: trial.contact_email,
- first_name: trial.contact_first_name,
- last_name: trial.contact_last_name
- }
- end
- if !trial.contact_backup_email.nil? && trial.contact_backup_email.include?(contact_suffix)
- contacts << {
- email: trial.contact_backup_email,
- first_name: trial.contact_backup_first_name,
- last_name: trial.contact_backup_last_name
- }
- end
- return contacts
- elsif (!trial.contact_email.nil? or !trial.contact_backup_email.nil?) and contact_suffix.nil?
+ }]
+ elsif !trial.contact_email.nil? or !trial.contact_backup_email.nil?
# Use the overall contacts, if appropriate.
contacts = []
if !trial.contact_email.nil?
@@ -48,9 +22,9 @@ def determine_contacts(trial)
first_name: trial.contact_first_name,
last_name: trial.contact_last_name
- end
- if !trial.contact_backup_email.nil?
+ elsif !trial.contact_backup_email.nil?
contacts << {
email: trial.contact_backup_email,
first_name: trial.contact_backup_first_name,
@@ -59,7 +33,7 @@ def determine_contacts(trial)
return contacts
- elsif !trial.trial_locations.empty? && !contact_suffix.nil?
+ elsif !trial.trial_locations.empty?
# Overall contacts didn't work, search within locations.
contacts = contacts_by_location(trial.trial_locations)
if !contacts.empty?
@@ -117,7 +91,9 @@ def contacts_by_location(locations)
def remove_category_param
p = params.dup
- p[:search] = p[:search].except('category')
+ if p[:search]
+ p[:search] = p[:search].except('category')
+ end
return "#{request.path}?#{p.to_unsafe_h.to_query}"
@@ -137,9 +113,9 @@ def render_healthy_volunteers(study)
rendered = '
if study.healthy_volunteers == true
- rendered = rendered + 'This study is also accepting healthy volunteers '
+ rendered = rendered + 'This study is also accepting healthy volunteers '
- rendered = rendered + 'This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers '
+ rendered = rendered + 'This study is NOT accepting healthy volunteers '
rendered = rendered + '
@@ -148,8 +124,7 @@ def render_healthy_volunteers(study)
def render_age_display(study)
return nil if study.min_age_unit.nil? && study.max_age_unit.nil?
- if (study.respond_to?(:min_age_unit) && study.respond_to?(:max_age_unit))
+ if (!study.min_age_unit.nil? && !study.max_age_unit.nil?)
age_display_units(study.min_age_unit, study.max_age_unit)
age_display(study.min_age, study.max_age)
@@ -158,25 +133,29 @@ def render_age_display(study)
def age_display_units(min_age_unit, max_age_unit)
if min_age_unit == 'N/A' and max_age_unit != 'N/A'
- return "up to #{max_age_unit} old"
+ return "up to #{max_age_unit} old".downcase.capitalize
elsif min_age_unit != 'N/A' and max_age_unit == 'N/A'
- return "#{min_age_unit} and over"
+ return "#{min_age_unit} and over".downcase.capitalize
elsif min_age_unit == 'N/A' and max_age_unit == 'N/A'
return "Not specified"
- return "#{min_age_unit} to #{max_age_unit} old"
+ return "#{min_age_unit} to #{max_age_unit} old".downcase.capitalize
def age_display(min_age, max_age)
age = ''
- unless (min_age.nil? and max_age.nil?) or (min_age == 0 and max_age == 1000)
- unless min_age.nil? or min_age == 0
+ unless (min_age.nil? and max_age.nil?) or (min_age == 0.0 and max_age == 1000.0)
+ unless min_age.nil? or min_age == 0.0
unless (min_age % 1).zero?
# There is a decimal value. Let's convert it.
age << "#{(min_age * 12).round} month(s)"
- age << "#{min_age.to_i} year(s)"
+ if min_age.to_i == 1
+ age << "#{min_age.to_i} year"
+ else
+ age << "#{min_age.to_i} years"
+ end
age << 'up to '
@@ -190,7 +169,7 @@ def age_display(min_age, max_age)
# There is a decimal value. Let's convert it.
age << "#{(max_age * 12).round} month(s) old"
- age << "#{max_age.to_i} year(s) old"
+ age << "#{max_age.to_i} years old"
age << ' and over'
@@ -198,7 +177,7 @@ def age_display(min_age, max_age)
age << 'Not specified'
- age
+ age.downcase.capitalize
def contacts_display(c)
@@ -215,6 +194,19 @@ def contacts_display(c)
+ def contacts_excel(c)
+ contacts = ''
+ c.each do |contact|
+ unless contact[:first_name].nil?
+ contacts << "#{contact[:first_name]} "
+ end
+ unless contact[:last_name].nil?
+ contacts << "#{contact[:last_name]} - "
+ end
+ contacts << "#{contact[:email]}"
+ end
+ contacts.to_s
+ end
def site(site)
site_name = site.site_name
diff --git a/lib/modules/ldap.rb b/app/lib/modules/ldap.rb
similarity index 93%
rename from lib/modules/ldap.rb
rename to app/lib/modules/ldap.rb
index 180568c..5791be9 100644
--- a/lib/modules/ldap.rb
+++ b/app/lib/modules/ldap.rb
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ class Ldap
# 1. Authenicate with our departmental LDAP account
- # 2. If successful, look up the user by x500 in LDAP
+ # 2. If successful, look up the user by username in LDAP
# 3. If found, authenticate with their LDAP username string and the password they entered into our login form
# 4. If successful, check if the user exists in Study Finder
# 5. If not found, create them
# 6. If found, log them into the Study Finder
- def authenticate(x500, password)
+ def authenticate(username, password)
# initialize our return hash with some defaults
_return = Hash.new
_return[:ldap_user] = nil
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def authenticate(x500, password)
if departmental_ldap.bind
# now search for the user logging in
- filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "uid", x500 ) # is this correct?
+ filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "uid", username ) # is this correct?
user_search = departmental_ldap.search( base: ENV['base'], filter: filter ).first
# departmental_ldap.search( :base => ENV['base'], :filter => filter ) do |entry|
diff --git a/app/lib/modules/trial_synonyms.rb b/app/lib/modules/trial_synonyms.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87c3e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/modules/trial_synonyms.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2392 @@
+module Modules
+ class TrialSynonyms
+ def self.as_array
+ [
+"multiple chronic illnesses, multiple chronic diseases, multiple chronic diseases (situation), chronic illnesses multiple, chronic conditions multiple, multiple chronic conditions, multiple chronic medical conditions, multiple chronic health conditions",
+"posterior part of abdomen, back of abdomen, lumbar region back structure, regions lumbar, abdominal back, structure of lumbar region of back (body structure), lumbar region back structure (body structure), lumbar (qualifier value), lumbar region, abdomen back, dorsum of abdomen, region lumbar, regio lumbalis, lumbar regions, structure of lumbar region of back, lumbar, lumbar part of back",
+"patent, opening, patency, patenting, open (qualifier value), patent (qualifier value), patency of, patency (attribute), open, opens, openings, opened, patented",
+"centers, central (qualifier value), centered, central location, centre, center, central, centres, in center, central brand of multivitamin with minerals",
+"clinical (qualifier value), clinical, clinical lot",
+"congenital sfailure of segmentation, congenitally fused structure, fusion nos, abnormal fusion congenital, 201 congenital abnormal fusions, fusion, congenitally fused structure nos, congenital failure of cleavage, congenital abnormal fusion, fused structure (morphologic abnormality), fused structure, congenital abnormal fusion nos, congenital failure of segmentation nos, congenital abnormal fusions, congenital abnormal fusion (morphologic abnormality), fusions, congenital failure of cleavage nos",
+"markets, market, market (environment)",
+"joint structure (body structure), articular system structure (body structure), joint, joints nos, set of all joints, anatomy joint, articulation, joint nos, joint structure, joints, joints structures, articular system, junctura, set of joints of body, articular, joints anatomy, set of joints, joint types, joint system, joints type, jointing, articular system nos, systema articulare, joints types, anatomy joints, articulations, joints set, articular system structure, joints (anatomy)",
+"muscle (tissue), muscle tissue (body structure), muscle, muscle tissues, muscles, tissues muscle, musculus, tissue muscle, muscle tissue",
+"disc diseases, disc disorders nos, disc disorders, disc disease, disc disorder, disc disorders nos (disorder)",
+"joint nos, articular system structure (body structure), set of joints of body, joint, joints nos, joint system, joints, articular system, articular system structure, set of all joints, articular system nos, systema articulare",
+"adiposity, obesity unspecified, obesity [ambiguous], obesity (disorder), obesity nos, obesity (diagnosis), obesities, obesity, having too much body fat, obesity nos, obesity ctcae, obese, obese (finding)",
+"weight maintenance regimen or diet, weight management (treatment), weight maintenance regimen finding, weight maintenance regimen (regime/therapy), controling weight, weight control (history), weight maintenance diet, weight management, weight maintenance regimen, weight maintenance regimen (finding), weight control",
+"loss weight, reductions weight, loss of weight, loss; weight, weight loss finding (finding), weight decreasing, reduction weight, decreased;weight, weight losses, weight loss (on exam), decreased body weight, loses weight, weight decreased (observable entity), weight decreased, weight loss, loss weight, losing wt, decreased weight, weightloss, lost weight, weight decreased (finding), lose weight, loss wt, weight decreasing (finding), weight reductions, weight loss (finding), weight reduction, weight; loss, decrease weight, weight decrease, wt loss, progressive weight loss, losses weight, weight loss on exam, weight decreasing (physical finding), decreases weight, weight loss finding, weight loss progressive, weight loss on exam (physical finding), abnormal loss of weight, loss (of);weight, reduction weight, losing weight",
+"immunologic adjuvant (substance), adjuvant immunological, immune enhancement agents, 7a immune enhancement agents, immunostimulants, immunomodulators, immunol adjuvants, immunopotentiators, immunoadjuvant, immunol adjuvant, immunomodulator (substance), immunological adjuvants, adjuvant nos, immunostimulant, adjuvants immunologic, immunologic adjuvants [moa], adjuvant immunol, immunoadjuvants, immune enhancement agent (product), adjuvant, adjuvant (substance), immunopotentiator, immune enhancement agent, immunologic adjuvant, immunologic adjuvants, adjuvant immunologic, adjuvants immunological, immune enhancement agent (substance), immunological adjuvant, immune enhancement agent nos, immunostimulating agent, immunomodulator, adjuvants immunol, immune adjuvant, immunoactivators",
+"malignant neoplasm of breast (female) unspecified, breast cancer female, malignant neoplasm of female breast (disorder), breast neoplasm malignant female, malig neop female breast (f), cancer of female breast, female breast cancer, malignant neoplasm breast female, breast cancer female nos, malignant neoplasm female breast, neoplasm malig;breast;f, breast cancer female, malignant neoplasm of female breast, malignant neoplasm of female breast nos, malignant neoplasm of female breast (diagnosis), malignant tumor of female breast, malignant neosplasm of the female breast, malignant neoplasm of female breast unspecified, malign neopl breast nos, malignant neoplasm of female breast nos (disorder), malignant neoplasm of female breast nos, malignant female breast neoplasm, malig neop female breast nos",
+"breast cancer diagnosis, breast carcinomas, breast cancer carcinoma, breast cancer nos, breast carcinoma, carcinoma of breast (disorder), ca - carcinoma of breast, mammary carcinoma, carcinoma of breast nos (disorder), carcinoma of breast nos, cancer of breast, cancer of the breast, carcinomas breast, breast carcinoma nos, carcinoma of breast, carcinoma of breast (diagnosis), breast carcinoma, breast cancer, carcinoma of the breast, carcinoma breast, carcinoma breast",
+"cancer ovarian, malignant tumor of ovary, malignant ovarian neoplasm, ovarian ca, malignant tumor of the ovary, ovaries--cancer, malignant ovaries tumor, ovarian cancers, cancers ovarian, ovarian cancer (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm of ovary, cancers ovarian, malignant ovarian tumor, ovary carcinoma, malignant tumor of ovary (disorder), carcinoma of ovary, cancers ovary, malign neopl ovary, carcinoma ovary, cancer ovary, cancer of ovary, ovarian cancer, ovary cancers, ovarian cancer nos, ca ovary, cancer ovarian, ovarian carcinomas, cancer ovary, malignant neoplasm of the ovary, ovarian carcinoma, malignant tumour of ovary, malignant neoplasm of ovary (diagnosis), malignant tumour of ovary (disorder), ovary cancer, carcinoma ovarian, carcinoma ovaries, cancer of the ovary, ovarian cancer nos, cancer ovaries, ca ovarian, ca - cancer of ovary",
+"unc behav neo ovary, disease (or disorder); ovary, ovarian structure (body structure), disease of ovary, ovarian neoplasm uncertain behavior (diagnosis), ovarian dis, diseases ovaries, disease of ovary (disorder), female gonad nos, neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of ovary, genital system female ovary, entire ovary (body structure), ovarian neoplasm of borderline malignancy, ovarian structure, ovary nos, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ovary (disorder), ovaries--diseases, disorder ovaries, ovarian diseases, ovarian disorder nos, disorder ovarian, ovaries, disorder of ovary, disease ovaries, disorder of ovary (disorder), disease ovarian, disease of ovary nos, ovary disease, 87 ovaries, entire ovary, disease ovary, diseases ovary, ovary (excluding endocrine function), ovarian disorders, disorders ovaries, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of ovary, ovarian disorders (diagnosis), ovarian disorder, uncert. neopl. ovary, ovarian neoplasm uncertain behavior, ovary, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of ovary, ovary diseases, female gonad, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ovary [dup] (disorder), ovary disorder, diseases ovarian, diseases of ovary, ovarian disease, ovary disorders, disease ovarian, ovarium, ovarian disorder nos, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ovary, disorders ovary",
+"peritoneal, peritoneal (qualifier value)",
+"both ovaries, ovaries, ovary.bilateral, bilateral ovaries, ovary, both ovaries (body structure)",
+"clinical disease or syndrome present, clinical disease or syndrome present nos, disease or disorder non-neoplastic, diagnoses syndromes and conditions (diagnosis), disease nos, disease (or disorder), disease/disorder, disorders, diagnoses syndromes and conditions, diseases, diagnosis, condition, disorder nos, disease or syndrome present nos, disease, disease term, disease and/or syndrome present, clinical disease or syndrome, dis, disease or syndrome present, clinical disease and/or syndrome, clinical disease and/or syndrome present, disease_term, clinical disease or syndrome nos, other disease, disease (disorder), disease or disorder, disorder, diseases and disorders",
+"procedure axis, interventiondescription, interventional procedures, procedures: general terms, procedure, procedure (procedure), procedure, intervention, intervention or procedure, procedure nos, intervention strategies, interventional procedure, interventional, procedures, section 0-0 procedures: general terms",
+"neurology speciality, neurology (qualifier value), neuro, neurol, neurology (field), neurology",
+"stimulation procedure, stimulation, stimulation procedure (procedure), stimulations, stimulation - action, stimulation - action (qualifier value)",
+"brain stimulation, brain stimulation (procedure)",
+"non-invasive, non-invasive (qualifier value), non invasive",
+"term birth of newborn, birth fullterm, birth of full term infant, fullterm births, birth of full-term newborn, births fullterm, term birth of newborn (finding), term births, term birth, birth term, term birth of newborn nos, birth of full-term infant, births.term, full-term infant births, newborn term birth, term birth nos, birth of full term newborn, birth term, fullterm birth, term",
+"ec, tryptamin 23-dioxygenase, tryptophan oxygenase, tryptophan indole lyase, tryptophanase, to, tryptophan 23-dioxygenase, tryptophan pyrrolase, l-tryptophan indole-lyase (deaminating), trpo, tryptophan indole-lyase, tdo2, tph2, l-tryptophanase, tryptophanase (substance), indole-lyase tryptophan, tdo",
+"non drinker, teetotaller, teetotaler, nondrinker, does not drink alcohol, non-drinker nos, never drinks, teetotaller (life style), non-drinker of alcoholic beverage, non-drinker, abstinent, alcohol does drinking, current non-drinker of alcohol, abstainer, non - drinker alcohol, current non-drinker of alcohol (finding), non - drinker, teetotaller (finding), non-drinker alcohol, non-drinker of alcoholic beverage nos",
+"transcranial, transcranial approach, cranial approach, via cranium, transcranial approach (qualifier value)",
+"vision loss, blind, blindness, blindness nos, visual loss nos, total vision loss, unable to see, cannot see, blind (finding), blindness (finding), uts - unable to see, blindness nos, blind vision, loss of vision",
+"hafnium (substance), hafnium, hafnium nos, hf",
+"trunk of pulmonary artery, truncus pulmonalis, pulmonary arterial tree (organ part), pulm artery, pulm arteries, pulmonary artery structure (body structure), artery pulm, arteries pulmonary, pulmonary arterial subtree, pulmonary artery nos, pt - pulmonary trunk, pulmonary trunk, pa - pulmonary artery, pulmonary artery, pulmonary artery structure, trunk of pulmonary arterial tree, pulmonary artery branch, pulmonary arterial tree, 44 pulmonary arteries, pulmonary artery (trunk), artery pulmonary, structure of trunk of pulmonary artery, pulmonary arterial trunk, pulmonary arterial tree organ part, structure of trunk of pulmonary artery (body structure), pulmonary arteries, arteries pulm",
+"impaired persons visually, blind, person blind, blind persons, visually impaired person, blind person, person visually impaired, impaired person visually, blind person (finding), visually impaired persons, persons blind, persons visually impaired, blind [person], blinded person",
+"controlled, controlled (qualifier value), control function, control, controlling, control (attribute)",
+"multicentric (qualifier value), multicentric",
+"device system, device system (physical object), system of devices, system",
+"pressure on artery, arteries pressure, artery pressure, pressure on artery (qualifier value)",
+"failures, failure (biologic function), failure nos, failure of a biological function, failure, organ or system failure, biological failure, failure (finding)",
+"vx nerve agent, nerve agent vx (substance), agent vx, ethyl ((2-(bis(propan-2-yl)amino)ethyl)sulfanyl)(methyl)phosphinate, methylphosphonothioate, s-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl)ethylmethylphosphonothioate, vx nerve gas, s-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methyl phosphonothiolate, o-ethyl s-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methylphosphonothiolate, o-ethyl s-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl)methylphosphonothioate, nerve agent vx, methylphosphonothioic acid s-(2-(bis(1-methylethyl)amino)ethyl) o-ethyl ester, edim, vx",
+"combination therapy, combination electrotherapy",
+"test rheumatoid factor, factor rheumatoid test, rf, rheumatoid factor test, rheumatoid factor nos, factor rheumatoid testing, rheumatoid factor nos (procedure), factor - rheumatoid, rheumatoid factor measurement, rheumatoid factor measurement nos, rheumatoid factor (substance), rheumatoid factor measurement (procedure), rf - rheumatoid factor, rheumatoid factor, factor rheumatoid, factor rheumatoid, test;rheumatoid factor, ra factor, rheumatoid factors, rheumatoid factor level, rhf - rheumatoid factor",
+"heterozygous genotype, heterozygote, heterozygote (qualifier value), heterozygosity, heterozygotes, heterozygous",
+"isovaleryl coa dehydrogenase deficiency, isovaleric acidaemia, isovaleric acidemia, isovaleric acidemia (diagnosis), acidemia isovaleric, iva, isovaleric acid-coa dehydrogenase deficiency, isovalericacidemia, isovaleryl-coenzyme a dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder), isovaleric acid coa dehydrogenase deficiency, isoval ac-coa dehydrogen defic, ivd deficiency, isovaleryl coa carboxylase deficiency, isovaleryl-coa dehydrogenase deficiency, acidemia; isovaleric, isovaleryl-coa dehydrogen def, isovaleryl-coenzyme a dehydrogenase deficiency, isovaleryl-coa dehydrogenase deficiency (disorder), isovaleric; acidemia",
+"multiple sclerosis relapsing-remitting, relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, multiple sclerosis remitting-relapsing, relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (disorder), ms relapsing remitting, multiple sclerosis (ms) relapsing remitting, remitting relapsing multiple sclerosis, multiple relapsing remitting sclerosis, multiple sclerosis relapsing remitting, relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis",
+"generalized multiple sclerosis (diagnosis), ms, multiple sclerosis (diagnosis), sclerosis; multiple, multiple sclerosis nos, multiple sclerosis - ms, multiple sclerosis nos, multiple sclerosis nos (disorder), sclerosis; disseminated, ms (multiple sclerosis), sclerosis multiple, generalized multiple sclerosis, sclerosis;disseminated, disseminated; sclerosis, generalised multiple sclerosis, insular; sclerosis, generalized multiple sclerosis (disorder), multiple sclerosis, ds - disseminated sclerosis, multiples sclerosis, sclerosis; insular, multiple sclerosis ms, sclerosis multiple, sclerosis insular, sclerosis; cerebrospinal, cerebrospinal; sclerosis, insular sclerosis, multiple sclerosis (ms), ms multiple sclerosis, sclerosis disseminated, disseminated sclerosis, multiple sclerosis (disorder), ms - multiple sclerosis",
+"relapsed, relapsing, relapsing course (qualifier value), relapsing course, relapse",
+"social groups, social group nos (observable entity), social group nos, group, social group, groups, groups (social), social group (observable entity), social group nos (qualifier value), social group (qualifier value)",
+"sections 2-5-6 diseases of the lung, disease of lung, pulmo, disorder lung, entire lung, lung diseases, structure of lungs unspecified, lung structure (body structure), lung, pulmonary disease (diagnosis), disease lung, lung disorder, disorder pulmonary, pulmonary disorders, entire lung (body structure), pulm dis, diseases lungs, pulmonary disease, lung structures, lung disease nos, 28 lungs, lungs, diseases pulmonary, set of lungs, pulmones, diseases pulmonary, diseases of the lung, disorders lung, lung dis, disease (or disorder); lung, lung structure, pulmonary diseases, pair of lungs, pulmonary disorder, lungs pair, lung disease, disease of lung nos, disease;lung, dis pulm, lung disorders, diseases lung, lung disease nos (disorder), disorder of lung, pulmonary disease nos, lung disorder nos, lung nos, lung disorder (nos), lung disorder nos, pulmonary; disorder, respiratory system lung, disease pulmonary, lungs--diseases, lung; disease, disease of lung (disorder), pulmonary, disorder of lung (disorder), disorders pulmonary, pneumopathy",
+"iodide salt nos, iodides, i - iodide, iodine-, iodide nos, iodide, i-, iodide salt (substance), iodide salt",
+"epithelial tumour malignant, epithelial carcinoma, carcinoma no subtype, carcinoma malignant, malignant epithelial tumour, carcinoma no subtype (morphologic abnormality), carcinoma (diagnosis), epithelioma malignant, tumor malignant epithelial, epitheliomas, epithelial neopl malignant, malignant epithelial neoplasms, epithelial tumors malignant, malignant epithelioma, [m]carcinoma nos, carcinoma nos, neopl malignant epithelial, carcinomas, malignant epithelial tumor, unspecified site; carcinoma unspecified site, epithelial neoplasms malignant, carcinoma nos, malignant epithelial neoplasm (disorder), neoplasms malignant epithelial, [m]carcinoma nos (morphologic abnormality), malignant epithelial neoplasm, malignant epithelial tumors, carcinoma, neoplasm malignant epithelial, malignant epithelial neopl, epithelioma, epithelial neoplasm malignant, carcinoma; unspecified site unspecified site, epithelial tumor malignant, other carcinoma, carcinoma (disorder)",
+"neck cancer, malignant neck neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of the neck, malignant tumour of neck, malignant neoplasm of neck, cancer neck of, cancer of the neck, cancers neck, malignant neoplasm of neck (diagnosis), neck cancers, malignant neoplasm of neck nos, malignant neck tumors, malignant tumor of the neck, malignant tumor of neck (disorder), malignant neck tumor, neck--cancer, cancer neck, malignant neoplasm of neck nos, malignant tumor of neck, malignant neoplasm of neck nos (disorder), of neck cancer, cancer of neck, cancer neck, cancers neck",
+"solid adenocarcinoma with mucin formation, [m]solid carcinoma nos, solid carcinoma nos, solid carcinoma (diagnosis), solid carcinoma (morphologic abnormality), [m]solid carcinoma nos (morphologic abnormality), solid carcinoma with mucin formation, solid carcinoma, solid carcinoma nos",
+"carcinoma;cervix, carcinoma cervical, cervical carcinoma (uterus), carcinoma of cervix, cancer of cervix, cancer of the cervix, cervical carcinoma, cervical cancer (all types), cervix carcinoma, uterine cervix carcinoma, cervix uteri cancer, ca cervix, uterine cervix carcinoma, carcinoma of cervix , carcinoma uterine cerix, uterine cervix cancer, carcinoma of cervix uteri, carcinoma cervix uterine, carcinoma of uterine cervix, cancer of the uterine cervix, cervical cancer, carcinoma of the uterine cervix, carcinoma cervix uteri, collum carcinoma, cervix cancer, cancer of uterine cervix, cervix uteri carcinoma, cervical carcinoma nos, carcinoma of the cervix, carcinoma of cervix (disorder), cervical cancer nos, ca cervix uteri nos (disorder), ca cervix uteri nos, carcinoma of the cervix uteri, carcinoma cervix, carcinoma of cervix invasive, carcinoma of cervix (diagnosis), carcinoma uterine cervix",
+"neck--tumors, neck tumor, tumour of neck, neck neoplasms (including all pharyngeal related neoplasms), tumor of neck, neoplasm of neck (diagnosis), neopl neck, neoplasm of neck, neoplasms neck, neck neopl, tumor neck, neoplasm neck, neck tumors, tumor of the neck, neoplasm of the neck, neoplasm neck, neoplasm of neck (disorder), neck tumour, neck neoplasms, neck neoplasm",
+"unlisted procedure breast, breast procedures, mamma, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of breast (diagnosis), breast anatomy (body structure), breast structure (body structure), breast procedure (procedure), entire breast (body structure), neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of breast, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of breast, unc behav neo breast, breast procedure, breast neoplasm of uncertain behavior, breast anatomy, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of breast, breast, unlisted procedure breast, neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of breast, mammary part of chest, procedure involving the breast (procedure), entire mamma, breast procedure nos, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of breast (disorder), procedure involving the breast, procedures on the breast, procedures on breast, uncert. neopl. breast, mammary, breast nos, breasts, breast structure, mammary region, entire breast, breast surgery procedure, 04 breasts",
+"tumor cells malignant (morphologic abnormality), cancer cell, tumor cells malignant, cancers cell, cancer cells, malignant tumor cells, malignant cells, malignant tumour cells, cells malignant, tumour cells malignant, malignant cell",
+"ca breast - nos (disorder), malignant neoplasm of breast unspecified, mammary cancers, breast cancer nos, [x]malignant neoplasm of breast, malignant neoplasm of breast (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm/breast, malignant neoplasm breast, [x]malignant neoplasm of breast (disorder), breast cancer (diagnosis), cancers mammary, cancer mammary, breast cancers, malignant tumor of the breast, malignant neoplasm of breast unspecified part, breast tumor malignant, malignant neoplasms of breast (c50), breast ca, cancer of breast, malignant neoplasm of the breast, malignant breast neoplasm, cancer of the breast, malignant neoplasm of breast, [x]malignant neoplasm/breast, malignant melanoma of breast, ca breast - nos, malignant breast tumor, malignant melanoma of skin of breast, breast malignant tumors, breast tumour malignant, ca breast, breast malignant neoplasms, breast cancer, breast unspecified, mammary cancer, malignant tumour of breast, breast--cancer, malignant tumor of breast, malignant melanoma of breast (diagnosis), breast malignant neoplasm, breast cancer stage unspecified, ca - breast cancer, malignant melanoma of skin of breast (disorder), malignant neoplasm of breast (disorder), breast malignant tumor, malignant tumor of breast (disorder), cancer breast",
+"instability, instability (morphologic abnormality)",
+"percent positive cells, positive cell, percent of positive cells, percent positive, cells positive, percent positive cell, % positive, % positive cells, % positive cells (qualifier value)",
+"babies, infant child (person), infant child, baby, infant (person), infant, infants",
+"0-11 years old, offsprings, relationship - child, kids, child individual, roleclasschild, child of (person), of child, child relation, child nos, children (0-21), child of, kid, child (person), child youth, child of (finding), human child, offspring, childhood age person (person), childhood age person, progeny, child, children, biological child, child biological, child (family member), child find",
+"modulator, modulator device, modulator (physical object)",
+"endocrine therapy (procedure), hormones therapy, ht - hormone therapy, hormone therapy agent, hormonal therapies, hormonal therapy agent, hormonal therapy, hormonal therapy/, hormone therapy (procedure), hormone therapy (regime/therapy), hormone therapies, chemotherapy-hormones/steroids, hormone therapy, endocrine therapy, hormone treatment, therapy hormonal, therapy endocrine",
+"cerebrovascular accidents, cerebrovascular accident, stroke cerebrovascular, cerebrovascular; accident, apoplexy cerebrovascular, cerebrovascular accident nos, cvas (cerebrovascular accident), cerebral; accident, stroke not specified as haemorrhage or infarction, accident cerebrovascular, apoplexy nos, strokes cerebrovascular, vascular cerebral accident, cerebrovascular accident nos, apoplexy cerebral, stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified (disorder), cva - cerebrovascular accident, stroke cerebral, cerebral strokes, cva unspecified, stroke nos, strokes cerebral, stroke neurological, accident; cerebral, cerebrovascular stroke, cerebrovascular strokes, cva - cerebrovascular accident (& unspecified [& stroke]) (disorder), stroke; apoplectic, accident; cerebrovascular, stroke unspecified, brain attack, cerebral vascular accident, vascular brain accident, stroke cerebral, apoplexy; stroke, cerebral apoplexy, cva nos, cerebral apoplexy nos, stroke nos, stroke not specified as hemorrhage or infarction, stroke/cerebrovasc accident, undetermined stroke, cva - cerebrovascular accident unspecified, vascular accidents brain, cva (cerebrovascular accident), cerebrovascular accident (disorder), cerebral vascular events, cva - cerebrovascular accident (& unspecified [& stroke]), stroke, stroke (cerebrum), cva (cerebral vascular accident), cerebral; apoplexy, cva nos, accident - cerebrovascular, apoplexy; cerebral, brain vascular accidents, apoplexy, stroke nos (disorder), vascular accident brain, stroke/cerebrovascular accident, stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified, stroke/cva - undefined, cerebrovascular apoplexy, cva, stroke syndrome, cerebral stroke, stroke/cva unspecified, brain vascular accident, cerebrovascular accident (disorder) [ambiguous], stroke/cva, strokes",
+"obstructive sleep apnoea (disorder), obstructive sleep apnea (adult) (pediatric), sleep apnoea (& [obstructive]) (disorder), obstructive sleep apnea (diagnosis), obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, sleep apnea (& [obstructive]), osa - obstructive sleep apnoea, osa - obstructive sleep apnea, apnea obstructive sleeping, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (disorder), obstructive sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea (adult)(pediatric), sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome, sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome, apneas obstructive sleep, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, osas, apnea obstructive sleep, syndrome obstructive sleep apnea, obstructive sleep osa apnea, obstructive sleep apneas, apnea obstructive, sahs, apnea obstructive sleep, osa, osahs, sleep apnoea (& [obstructive]), sleep apnea syndrome obstructive, obstructive sleep apnoea, syndrome sleep apnea obstructive, sleep apneas obstructive, sleep apnea obstructive, sleep apnea obstructive syndrome, obstructive apnea",
+"ischemia stroke, stroke ischemic, ischaemic stroke, ischaemic stroke nos, stroke ischemic, ischemic cerebrovascular accident, ischemic stroke (disorder), ischemic strokes, ischemic stroke nos, arterial ischemic stroke, ischemic stroke (diagnosis), ischaemic strokes, ischemic stroke, stroke ischaemic",
+"cont positive airways pressure, continuous positive airway pressure (cpap), continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment, ventilation cpap, continuous positive airway pressure [cpap], cont pos airways pres therapy, cpap - continuous positive airways pressure therapy, continuous cpap, continuous cpap (procedure), continuous positive airway pressure ventilation (treatment), cpap - continuous positive airways pressure, continuous positive airways pressure (observable entity), cpap, pressure.continuous positive airway, continuous positive airways pressure therapy, cpap - cont pos air pres ther, continuous cpap (regime/therapy), cpap (continuous positive airway pressure), continuous positive airway pressure ventilation, continuous positive airways pressure, cpap treatment, continuous positive airway pressure, cpap (continuous positive airway pressure ventilation), continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (regime/therapy), cpap ventilation, continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment (procedure)",
+"chronic pancreatitis (diagnosis), pancreatitis chronic, chronic pancreatitis (disorder) [ambiguous], chronic pancreatitis as main diagnosis for the pancreas, cp - chronic pancreatitis, chronic pancreas inflammation, pancreatitis chronic relapsing, recurrent pancreatitis, chronic relapsing pancreatitis (diagnosis), pancreatitis chronic, pancreatitis; chronic relapsing, relapsing pancreatitis, relapsing chronic pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis (disorder), chronic pancreatitis nos, chronic; pancreatitis relapsing, recrudescent [brill-zinsser]; pancreatitis, pancreatitis relapsing, chronic relapsing pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis nos, pancreatitis; chronic, pancreatitis; recrudescent [brill-zinsser], chronic pancreatitis, chronic; pancreatitis, pancreatitis;chronic",
+"pancreatitis ctcae 5.0, pancreatitis ctcae 3.0, pancreatitis, pancreatitis ctcae_5, already mapped above aaha id #: 933, pancreas inflamed, pancreatitis nos, pancreatitis nos, pancreatic inflammation, inflammation of pancreas, pancreatitis ctcae_3, pancreatitis (disorder), pancreatitis (diagnosis), pancreas inflammation",
+"body movements, movement functions (b750-b789), movement, quality of movement, movements, movement function (observable entity), movement (qualifier value), body movement, movement (observable entity)",
+"developmental (qualifier value), developmental",
+"body structures, human body structure (body structure), human body structure, human body, body, body human structure",
+"manus, hand nos, hand structure, entire hand (body structure), entire hand, hand (anatomy), hand, hands, terminal segment of free upper limb",
+"705 physical exercises, physical activity, exercises physical, activities physical, physical exercises (procedure), physical exercise nos (regime/therapy), activity physical, physical exercises (regime/therapy), physical exercise, exercise, physical exercise (qualifier value), physical exercise nos, physical activities, physical exercise nos, exercise type, exercises, exercise (observable entity), exercise physical, physical conditioning, physical exercises, exercise pain management, physical exercise nos (procedure), physical exercise (observable entity), exercise (qualifier value)",
+"breathing process (qualifier value), respiratory function (function), ventilation, inhaling and exhaling (observable entity), respiration, respiratory function (observable entity), respirations, respiratory function nos, respiratory function, function respiratory, functioning respiratory, breathing in and out, inhaling and exhaling, breathing nos, inhaling and exhaling (qualifier value), breathing process, breathing, functions respiratory",
+"ph+ (qualifier value), ph+",
+"ph+++, ph+++ (qualifier value)",
+"hypertension treatment (treatment), on treatment for hypertension, treatment hypertension, preventive medicine therapy prescribed hypertension treatment, hypertension treatments, on treatment for hypertension (procedure), on treatment for hypertension (regime/therapy), hypertension treatment",
+"pulmonary hypertensive arterial disease (disorder), hypertensive pulmonary arterial disease, pulmonary artery hypertension, increased blood pressure in blood vessels of lungs, pulmonary hypertensive arterial disease, arterial hypertension pulmonary, hypertension; lesser circulation, pulmonary arterial hypertension (diagnosis), pulmonary arterial hypertension, pulmonary hypertension precapillary arterial, lesser circulation; hypertension, pah, hypertension pulmonary arterial",
+"pulmono-, pulmonary (qualifier value), pulmonary",
+"teen, adolescent (age group), teenagers, adolescents, adolescent youth, pubescent, adolescent, teens, teenager, adolescent (person)",
+"adult (qualifier value), adult human (21+), adult, adult (person), 21 old year, 21+ years old, 21 year old, human adult, adults, legal adult",
+"deep brain stimulations, brain stimulation deep, brain deep stimulation, deep brain stimulation, dbs - deep brain stimulation, dbs, stimulations deep brain, brain stimulations deep, deep brain stimulation (procedure), stimulation deep brain",
+"blockade monitoring neuromuscular, neuromuscular block monitoring, neuromuscular blockade monitoring, neuromuscular blockade monitoring (regime/therapy), monitoring neuromuscular blockade, neuromuscular blockade monitoring (procedure)",
+"anaesthetics (qualifier value), anesthesiology (field), anaesthetics, anaesthesia, anesthetics [specialty], anesthesiology, anesthesiol, anesthetics, anesthetics (qualifier value)",
+"devices, device (physical object), device nos, device",
+"(s)-3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)pyridine, toxic drug assay nicotine, l(-)-nicotine, nicotine level test, (s)-nicotine, product containing nicotine, nicotine, nicotine product, assay of nicotine, product containing nicotine (medicinal product), (s)-(-)-nicotine, nicotine measurement, (s)-3-(n-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl)pyridine, 3-(2-(n-methylpyrrolidinyl))pyridine, beta-pyridyl-alpha-n-methylpyrrolidine, nicotine agent (substance), nikotyna, nikotin, nicotine-containing product, 3-(n-methylpyrollidino)pyridine, nicotine (medication), 1-methyl-2-(3-pyridyl)pyrrolidine, toxic drug assay nicotine (lab test), nicotine (product), nicotine agent, nicotine measurement (procedure), nicotine product (product), (s)-3-(1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl)pyridine, nic, nicotina, nicotine (substance), (-)-nicotine, nicotine level, nicotine in any form, nicotine - chemical, pyridine 3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)- (s)-, nicotine product (substance)",
+"concentration (qualifier value), concentration function (observable entity), mental concentration, mindfulness, concentration function, concentration, concentrations, attention concentration, concentration (mental), concentration (function), concentrate",
+"abuse victims, abused person, victim of abuse nos, victim of abuse, abused person nos, abuse nos, victim of abuse (finding), victim of abuse finding, abuse victim, abused person nos, abuse",
+"salpingo-oophorectomy, adnexectomy, so - salpingo-oophorectomy, salpingo-oophorectomy (procedure), salpingo-oophorectomy nos, oophorectomies salpingo, salpingo-oophorectomy (treatment), oophorectomy salpingo, salpingo-oophorectomies, to - tubo-oophorectomy, tubo-oophorectomy, salpingo oophorectomy",
+"carrier of genetic disorder nos, carrier of genetic disorder, genet carriers, carriers, genetic disease carrier, fam hx genet dis carrier, carrier, carrier of genetic disease, carrier genetic, genetic disorder carrier (finding), carrier of genetic disease (history), family history of genetic disease carrier, genetic disorder carrier, carriers genetic, genetic carriers, genetic carrier, carriers genet, carrier genetic disorder",
+"triglycerides level test, triglycerides metabolic function, triglycerides test, triglyceride analyses, trig, triglyceride, triacylglycerols, test;triglycerides, triglyceride measurement, triacylglycerol (substance), triglycerides level, triglycerides measurement (procedure), assay of triglycerides, triglycerides, triacylglycerol, tg, tg - triglyceride level, triglycerides measurement, measurement of triglycerides (lab test), tg - triglyceride, measurement of triglycerides, triacylglycerols measurement",
+"immunologic/allergic organ system, organ system allergic/immunologic, immune system, entire immune system (body structure), body system allergic/immunologic, systems immune, allergic/immunologic body system, structure of immune system unspecified, system immune, allergic/immunologic organ system, entire immune system, immune system structure (body structure), structure of immune system (body structure), immune system structure, immune systems, structure of immune system",
+"immune system finding, immune system finding (finding), immune system",
+"cellular infiltrate, infiltrations, infiltration, infiltrations (procedure), cellular infiltration, infiltrates, spread by direct extension (qualifier value), infiltrate nos, infiltration (procedure), infiltration (morphologic abnormality), infiltrated, infiltration into tissue, infiltration route of drug administration, tissue infiltration, spread by direct extension, infiltration nos, infiltration route of administration, infiltration (n/f/d), infiltrate, tissue infiltration nos, local infiltration, infil, infiltrating",
+"monocyte count, monocyte (cell), monocytes, monocyte, blood monocyte count (lab test), monocytic, monocyte count nos, count monocytes, marrow monocyte, monocyte count (procedure), monocyte count nos (procedure), mono, blood monocyte count, blood monocyte, monocyte nos, blood monocytes, monocyte count procedure",
+"90y, yttrium-90, 90 yttrium (substance), y-90 radioisotope, ^90^yttrium, 90yttrium (substance), ^90^yttrium (substance), yttrium-90 (substance), yttrium-90-containing product, 90-y, yttrium y 90, yttrium-90 product, y90 - yttrium 90, product containing yttrium-90 (medicinal product), yttrium (90 y), yttrium y-90, product containing yttrium-90, 90 yttrium, 90y radioisotope, 90yttrium, y-90, yttrium 90, yttrium-90 (product)",
+"cardiovascular events, cardiovascular event (event), cardiovascular event",
+"previous mi, prior myocardial infarction, infarction;myocardial;healed, infarction; myocardial old (healed), past myocardial infarction, healed coronary, infarction; myocardial healed (old), past heart attack, prior heart attack, myocardial infarction: [old] or [healed] or [personal history of], healed myocardial infarction, old myocardial infarction (disorder), myocardial infarction: [old] or [healed] or [personal history of] (disorder), old myocardial infarction, infarction;myocardial;old, personal history of myocardial infarction, previous myocardial infarction, healed myocardial infarct, old myocardial infarct, myocardial infarction old healed, previous myocardial infarction (diagnosis), myocardial infarction old",
+"females (human), female, human female adult, female human, girl, woman, girls, woman (person), human female, human female, women, female humans, human females, adult female?",
+"cardiovascular therapy (procedure), cardiovascular therapy, therapy cardiovascular",
+"disorder of coronary arteries, coronary artery disorders, disorder of coronary artery (disorder), disorder of coronary arteries (diagnosis), coronary artery disease nos, coronary disease, disease (or disorder); heart artery arterial, coronary artery disease nos, disease coronary artery, artery diseases coronary, coronary artery disorder, coronary artery disease, disease (or disorder); artery coronary, disease of the coronary arteries, cad, coronary (artery) disease, coronary artery disease (diagnosis), coronary (artery); disease, artery disease coronary, disease (or disorder); coronary (artery), artery; disorder coronary, 3-13 coronary artery diseases, coronary artery diseases, disorder of coronary artery, cad - coronary artery disease, disorder coronary artery, heart: coronary artery, coronary artery dis, coronary heart disease, coronary artery disease (disorder), coronary artery disorder (nos), cad (coronary artery disease)",
+"laryngeal diseases, benign tumor of larynx, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx nos (disorder), benign neoplasm of larynx (disorder), disorder of larynx, procedure on larynx, disease laryngeal, procedures on larynx, diseases of the larynx, benign neoplasm of the larynx, laryngeal structure (body structure), laryngeal carcinoma in situ, laryngeal neoplasm benign nos, benign neoplasm of larynx (diagnosis), laryngeal (qualifier value), carcinoma in situ of larynx (disorder), larynx structure, voice box, laryngeal procedure, carcinoma in situ of larynx, disease larynx, voicebox, head and neck larynx, larynx, larynx disease, benign neoplasm of larynx nos, larynx cancer stage 0, unc behav neo larynx, disorders larynx, laryngo-, disorder of the larynx (disorder), laryngeal cancer stage 0, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx [dup] (disorder), ca in situ larynx, disease or syndrome of larynx, structure of larynx unspecified, entire larynx, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx nos, 2-04 diseases of the larynx, disorder of the larynx, disease of larynx nos, laryngeal carcinoma in situ nos, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of larynx, neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of larynx nos, larynx; disease, carcinoma in situ of larynx nos (disorder), disease of the larynx (disorder), neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of larynx, entire larynx (body structure), procedure on larynx (procedure), laryngeal disorder, structure of larynx, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx nos, carcinoma in situ of larynx nos, head+neck>larynx, laryngeal, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx (disorder), larynx procedure, larynx diseases, benign tumour of larynx, larynx dis, uncert. neopl. larynx nos, stage 0 larynx cancer, laryngeal cancer stage 0, larynx disorder, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx, disease of larynx unspecified (disorder), disease (or disorder); larynx, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of larynx, diseases larynx, benign laryngeal neoplasm, uncert. neopl. larynx, larynx--diseases, disorder of larynx (diagnosis), laryngeal dis, stage 0 laryngeal cancer, benign larynx neoplasm, benign larynx tumor, disease of larynx, neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of larynx nos, benign neo larynx, laryngeal disorder nos, carcinoma in situ of larynx nos, carcinoma in situ of larynx (diagnosis), disease larynx, laryngeal disease, diseases larynx, benign tumor of the larynx, laryngeal neoplasm uncertain behavior, disease of the larynx nos, laryngeal disorders, diseases laryngeal, disease of larynx unspecified, laryngeal structure, larynx neoplasm benign, benign neoplasm of larynx, laryngeal neoplasm benign, disease of the larynx, ca-in-situ larynx nos, neoplasm benign;larynx, unspecified disease of larynx, cancer in situ of larynx, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx (diagnosis), benign laryngeal tumor, larynx nos",
+"chronic coughing, cough; chronic, chronic cough, chronic cough (symptom), chronic; cough, chronic cough (finding), chronic coughs, chronic cough (disorder), cough chronic, cough chronic",
+"complaining of cough, cough, c/o - cough (context-dependent category), coughing - function (qualifier value), extent bothered by coughing, cough symptoms, [d]cough (context-dependent category), cough symptom nos (finding), [d]cough, coughs, coughing, coughing - function, cough (finding), [d]cough (situation), cough (symptom), coughing symptom, 241 coughs, bothered by coughing, cough symptom, coughing (observable entity), cough nos, cough symptom nos, observation of cough, c/o - cough, finding of cough (finding), finding of cough, complaining of cough (finding)",
+"thrt, pharyngeal structure, pharyngeal structure (body structure), pharynx, throats, throat, structure of pharynx unspecified, pharynx nos, pharyngeal, pharynxs, pharyngo-, structure of pharynx",
+"structure of anterior portion of neck, structure of anterior portion of neck (body structure), throat, ventral portion of neck, ventral neck, anterior portion of neck",
+"neuroplasty nos (procedure), neuroplasty (treatment), nerves repair, neuroplasty (procedure), repair of nerve (procedure), neuroplasty nos, repair of nerve, neuroplasty nos, neuroplasty, repair of nerve nos, nerve repair, nerve repaired",
+"viruses salivary gland, hcmv infection, cytomegalovirus infection (disorder), hhv 5, human herpesvirus 5 (hhv-5), cmv cytomegalovirus, herpesvirus 5 beta human, cmv - cytomegalovirus, human cytomegalovirus (organism), salivary gland viruses, human cytomegalovirus 5 (organism), genus cytomegalovirus, human herpesvirus 5, cmv infection, salivary gland virus disease, cytomegaloviral disease unspecified, cytomegalovirus group virus, cmv infections, cytomegalovirus group nos, cytomegaloviruses, cytomegalovirus group, cytomegalus virus infection, disease (or disorder); inclusion disease salivary gland, herpesvirus 5 (beta) human, herpesvirus human 05, human (beta) herpes virus 5, human betaherpesvirus 5, hcmv, infect cytomegalovirus, genus cytomegalovirus (organism), cytomegalovirus species, cytomegalovirus group virus (organism), disease due to cytomegalovirus, cytomegaloviral disease, salivary gland virus nos, salivary gland virus dis, cytomegalovirus disease (diagnosis), cytomegalovirus infection, hcmv (human cytomegalovirus), disease cytomegalic inclusion, cytomegalovirus (living organism) [ambiguous], inclusion disease; salivary gland, cmv - cytomegalovirus infec, cytomegalovirus (cmv), salivary gland; inclusion disease, inclusion disease, human herpesvirus 05, cytomegalic inclusion diseases, cytomegalovirus infection nos, cytomegalovirus infections, cytomegalovirus (living organism) (organism), [x]cytomegaloviral disease unspecified, hcmv - human cytomegalovirus, inclusion disease cytomegalic, cmv - human cytomegalovirus, cytomegalovirus, cytomegalovirus human, cmv - cytomegalovirus infection, disease (or disorder); inclusion disease (cytomegaloviral), cytomegaloviral infection, diseases cytomegalic inclusion, hhv-5, herpesvirus 5 human, infection cytomegalovirus, inclusion diseases, cmv cytomegalovirus, inclusion diseases cytomegalic, human cytomegalovirus (hcmv), virus salivary gland, human cytomegalovirus 5, cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection, cytomegalovirus infect, cytomagalovirus infection, cytomegalic inclusion disease, infections cytomegalovirus, cytomegalovirus disease, cytomegaloviral disunspec, [x]cytomegaloviral disease unspecified (disorder), human cytomegalovirus, [x]cytomegaloviral disunspec, cmv, cmv cytomegalovirus infection, inclusion dis, cytomegaloviral infections, cytomegalic inclusion dis, cytomegalovirus nos, human herpesvirus type 5, salivary gland virus",
+"hcl minocycline, minocycline hcl, 47-bis(dimethylamino)-144a55a61112a-octahydro-3101212a-tetrahydroxy-111-dioxo-2-naphthacenecarboxamide monohydrochloride, minocycline hydrochloride [dup] (substance), monohydrochloride minocycline, minocycline (as hydrochloride), hydrochloride minocycline, minocycline hydrochloride (medication), minocycline hydrochloride, minocycline monohydrochloride, minocycline hydrochloride (substance), tri-minocycline",
+"bacteria, bacterium, bacteria present, bacteria present (finding)",
+"transplant, transplantation procedure, transplantation, transplantation - action (qualifier value), transplant procedure, transplanting, transplant (qualifier value), transplantation surgery, transplanted, transplantation - action, procedures transplantation, grafting procedure, surgery transplantation, transplantation (procedure), transplantations, procedures transplant, tx - transplant, transpl, transplantation nos",
+"infection; hiv disease as cause, human t cell lymphotropic virus type iii, htlv iii infections, htlv-iii-lav infection, lymphadenopathy-associated virus type i (lav-i), hiv infection, human t-lymphotropic virus 3 (htlv-iii) infection (diagnosis), aids virus, htlv iii lav infect, vaccines viral hiv, virus-hiv, lymphadenopathy-associated virus, hiv seropositivity or positivity, human immunodeficiency viruses, human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] infection, lymphotropic virus type iii infections human t, human immunodeficiency virus (organism), immunodefic viruses human, human immunodeficiency virus disease, lav-htlv-iii, hiv vaccine, lav, infection hiv, human immunodeficiency virus measurement, infection htlv-iii-lav, virus aids, hiv disease; disease (i.e. caused by hiv disease), human immunodeficiency virus infection nos, human immunodeficiency virus nos, infection htlv-iii, diseases due to immunodeficiency virus, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection (diagnosis), infections htlv-iii, hiv/aids vaccines, [x]human immunodeficiency virus disease (disorder), immunodeficiency viruses human, htlv iii, htlv-iii/lav infection (disorder), htlv wiii infections, hiv disease; infection, t lymphotropic virus type iii infections human, lymphadenopathy-associated virus (diagnosis), human immunodeficiency virus infection unspecified, immunodefic virus human, immunodeficiency virus human, human t-lymphotropic virus type iii, human t-cell leukemia virus type iii, human lymphotropic virus type iii a t, t lymphotropic virus type iii infect human, human immunodeficiency virus, vaccine hiv, disease (or disorder); hiv disease (resulting from hiv disease), [x]unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease (disorder), human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome virus, t-lymphotropic virus type iii infections human, human immunodeficiency virus vaccine, lymphadenopathy-associated virus (lav), human immunodeficiency virus infection, infections htlv-iii-lav, htlv-iii/lav infection nos, unspecified hiv disease, hiv - human immunodeficiency virus, hiv, human t lymphotropic virus type iii, aids viruses, human immunodefic virus, e-363-365 diseases due to immunodeficiency virus, human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder), htlv-iii infection, htlv wiii, htlv iii infect, vaccine hiv, htlv wiii lav infections, human immunodeficiency virus syndrome, human immuno virus dis, viruses human immunodeficiency, viruses human immunodefic, acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus, htlv-iii infections, human t-lymphotropic virus 3 (htlv-iii) infection, hiv infect, lymphadenopathy associated virus, hiv - human immunodefic virus, [x]human immunodeficiency virus disease, htlv iii lav infections, hiv vaccine (medication), human t cell leukemia virus type iii, [x]unspecified hiv disease, hiv vaccines, human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii, unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease, virus human immunodefic, hiv infections, immunodeficiency virus disease; human, [x]hiv disease, htlv-iii, htlv-iii/lav infection, human immunodefic viruses, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection, viruses lymphadenopathy-associated, infections hiv, virus lymphadenopathy-associated, human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease, hiv disease, htlv-iii-lav infections, human immunodeficiency virus; disease, virus human immunodeficiency, infection;hiv, [x]unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease, human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease (b20), htlv-iii/lav infection -retired-, viruses aids, human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii), disease (or disorder); resulting from hiv disease, hiv infection nos, lymphadenopathy-associated viruses, hiv - human immunodeficiency virus infection",
+"asthma control test (assessment scale), asthma control test, asthma control test questionnaire, act01, act",
+"artic cartilage femoral condyl, articular cartilage of femoral condyle (body structure), articular cartilage of femoral condyle",
+"defect (morphologic abnormality), defect nos, defect, unspecified defect, unspecified defect (disorder)",
+"visible lesion, lesions, lesion nos, specimen source codes - lesion, lesion -retired-, lesion (morphologic abnormality), gross lesion, lesion",
+"proximal tibiofibular joint, knee joint, proximal tibiofibular syndesmosis, knee, proximal tibiofibular joint structure, entire knee joint, joint stifle, genual joint, joint superior tibiofibular, entire knee joint (body structure), tibiofemoral joint, tibiofibular joints superior, knee joint structure (body structure), entire genual joint, articulatio genus, proximal tibiofibular joint structure (body structure), knee joint nos, superior tibiofibular joints, tibiofibular joint superior, knee joints, knee joint structure, prox tibiofibular joint struct, joints knee, joints superior tibiofibular, stifle joint nos, upper tibiofibular joint, superior tibiofibular joint, joint knee, femorotibial joint, joint femorotibial",
+"articulation defect, articulatory defect nos, articulation defects, articulatory defect, articulatory defect (finding), poor speech articulation, articulation tract difficulty, articulation tract impairments",
+"peripheral stem cell transpl, peripheral blood stem cell graft (procedure), pbpc transplantation, transplantation peripheral stem cell, peripheral stem cell support, peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation, second stage peripheral stem cell infusion, pbsct, transpl peripheral stem cell, stem cell transpl peripheral, periph blood stem cell rescue, sec stage peri stem cell infus, pbsc - peripheral blood stem cell graft, stem cell transplantation peripheral, periph blood stem cell graft, peripheral blood stem cell graft, pbsc - periph bld stm cell gr, transfusion of stem cells, transplantation peripheral blood stem cell, pbsc transplantation, peripheral blood stem cell rescue, peripheral stem cell transplantation, peripheral blood stem cell transpl, peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, peripheral stem cell transplant",
+"prophylactic treatment - intent, preventive treatment (procedure) [ambiguous], preventive treatment nos, prophylactic treatment - action, prophylaxis nos, preventive procedure nos, prevent procedure, prophylactic treatment nos, preventive intervention, prophylactic treatment - procedure intent (qualifier value), prophylactic treatment - procedure intent, preventive procedure nos (procedure), preventive procedure (treatment), prylx, prophylactic treatment, preventative, administers prescribed prophylactic treatments, preventative intervention/procedure, prophylaxis, prophylactic treatment (procedure), preventative treatment, prophylaxis - action, prevention, preventive treatment, prophylaxis nos, preventive procedure (procedure), prevention measures, prophylaxis - procedure intent (qualifier value), prophylaxis - procedure intent, preventive procedure, prophylaxis - intent, preventive treatment (procedure)",
+"grafting nos, grafting, grafting procedure, graft nos, grafting - action, grafting procedure nos, graft nos, graft procedure nos, grafting procedure (procedure), graft, grafting - action (qualifier value), graft procedure",
+"chemical agent (substance), chemical element and/or compound, chemical, chemical product nos, chemical (substance), chemical nos, chemical compound, chemical substance, chemicals, chemical compounds, chemical product, chemical element and/or compound (substance), chemical compound nos, chemical agent, chemicals (medication), chemical compound (substance), chemical product (substance), chemically",
+"clinical disease or syndrome present, clinical disease or syndrome present nos, disease or disorder non-neoplastic, diagnoses syndromes and conditions (diagnosis), diagnosis classification - diagnosis, disease nos, disease (or disorder), disease/disorder, disorders, diagnoses syndromes and conditions, date_of_diagnosis, diseases, date of diagnosis (observable entity), diagnosis, condition, disorder nos, date of diagnosis, diagnosis:imp:pt:^patient:nom, disease or syndrome present nos, disease, diag, diagnoses, diagnosed, diagnosis:impression/interpretation of study:point in time:^patient:nominal, disease term, diagnosis (dx), disease and/or syndrome present, diagnosing, clinical disease or syndrome, dis, disease or syndrome present, clinical disease and/or syndrome, diagnose, diagnostic, clinical disease and/or syndrome present, disease_term, diagnosis, diagnosis (observable entity), clinical disease or syndrome nos, other disease, disease (disorder), dx, disease or disorder, disorder, diseases and disorders",
+"ultrasound procedure (procedure), ultrasonography, technique ultrasound, ultrasounds, diagnostic sonar, ultrasound scan nos, imaging ultrasound, ultrasonogram, section 5-b ultrasound procedures, ultrasonographic imagings, ultrasound, diagnostic ultrasound, 2-dimensional grayscale ultrasound imaging, ultrasound studies, ultrasonographic imaging, ultrasound scan nos, ultrasound imaging - action (qualifier value), echogr, ultrasound procedure nos, imagings ultrasound, diagnosis ultrasound, general ultrasound procedures, ultrasound scan, sonogram, ultrasound diagnostic, us, ultrasound techniques, ultrasound diagnostic procedure, diagnosis (us), ultrasound diagnostic procedure (procedure), ultrasound imaging/scanning, echo examination procedure, ultrasound imaging - action, ultrasound test, sound measurement, ultrasounds diagnostic, sonography medical, diagnostic ultrasound procedure, sonography, diagnostic ultrasonography, scan ultrasound, us - ultrasound, ultrasound studies (procedure), diagnostic echography, echotomography, diagnostic ultrasound procedures, echography (procedure), unlisted diagnostic ultrasound examination or procedure explain by report, echographies, testing ultrasound, ultrasound medical, ultrasound technique, ultrasonogr, ultrasonography (procedure), ultrasound procedure, 2-dimensional ultrasound imaging, 2d-us, ultrasound imaging, 5-b0 general ultrasound procedures, ultrasound scanning, ultrasound scan (procedure), diagnostic ultrasonography nos, gen.us, imaging ultrasonographic, imaging ultrasonic, tests ultrasound, uss - ultrasound scan, echotomogr, scans ultrasound, unlisted ultrasound procedure (eg diagnostic interventional), procedure ultrasound, diagnostics ultrasound, unlisted us procedure, ultrasonic imaging, imaging ultrasound, diagnostic ultrasounds, diagnostic ultrasonography (procedure), ultrasound diagnostic, echography nos, sonograms, general ultrasound, echography, imagings ultrasonographic, ultrasonography nos, ultrasound procedures, medical sonography",
+"medical surveillance, epidemiology / surveillance, surveillance, surveillance (regime/therapy), surveillance (procedure)",
+"aortic valve replacement, replacement of aortic valve nos, replacement aortic valve, repair/replace of aortic valve, repair/replace;valve;aortic, aortic valve replacement nos, aortic valve replacement nos (procedure), replacement of aortic valve (procedure), aortic replacement valve, replacement of aortic valve, excision and replacement of aortic valve, replacement aortic valve, excision and replacement of aortic valve nos, avr - aortic valve replacement, aortic valve replacement (treatment), of aortic valve replacement, aortic replacements valve",
+"stenose, stenosis nos, constriction pathological, stricture (morphologic abnormality), pathologic constriction, constriction nos, pathol constriction, stenosis morphology, pathologic constrictions, pathological constriction, strictures, stricture nos, constriction (qualifier value), abnormal narrowing, constriction pathologic, constrictions pathologic, stenosis (morphologic abnormality), abnormal narrowing of a duct or passage, stenosis nos, unspecified stenosis (disorder), stenosis, stricture, constriction, unspecified stenosis, stenoses, form of stenosis, form of stenosis (attribute), stenosi, abnormally narrowed form, constriction pathol, stenosis (invertebrate)",
+"form of stenosis, stenosis (morphologic abnormality), stenosis morphology, form of stenosis (attribute), stenosis, stricture, abnormally narrowed form",
+"adaptation, acclimation (function), acclimatization, climate adaptation, acclimatisation, acclimation function, climate adapted, acclimation, acclimation function (observable entity), adaptations, acclimation nos",
+"acute cerebrovascular accident, acute stroke, cerebrovascular accidents acute, cva nos acute, acute cva, stroke acute, acute strokes, stroke acute, acute stroke (diagnosis), stroke - acute, cerebrovascular accident acute, acute cerebrovascular accidents, acute cerebrovascular accident (disorder), strokes acute",
+"alteplase (genetical recombination), tissue plasminogen activator preparation (substance), tissue plasminogen activator alteplase, tissue plasminogen activator preparation (product), tpa, product containing tissue plasminogen activator (medicinal product), product containing alteplase, r-tpa, tissue plasminogen activator (medication), tissue plasminogen activator-containing product, rt-pa - tissue-type plasminogen activator, tissue plasminogen activator preparation, t-pa preparation, tissue activator d 44, plasminogen activator tissue type, tissue type plasminogen activator, alteplase recombinant, activase, alteplase-containing product, alteplaserecombinant, alteplasa, alteplase (product), tissue plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator tissue, tissue plasminogen activator (substance), ttpa, tisokinase, t plasminogen activator, tissue-type plasminogen activator, t-pa - tissue plasm activator, tissue activator d-44, tissue plasminogen activator recombinant, tissue plasminogen activator product, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, rt-pa preparation, product containing tissue plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator tissue type, tpa (tissue plasminogen activator), alteplase - chemical (substance), plasminogen activator tissue-type, plasminogen activator (human tissue-type protein moiety), rt-pa, alteplase, t-plasminogen activator (substance), t-pa - tissue-type plasminogen activator, alteplase - chemical, alteplase product, alteplase (substance), product containing alteplase (medicinal product), tissue-type plasminogen activator preparation, t-pa, t-plasminogen activator",
+"blood coagulum nos, blooding clotting, 351 thrombi, thrombotic, blood clots, blood coagulum, thrombus nos, clot blood, blood clot (morphologic abnormality), clots, thrombus, clot, blood clotting, blood clot, clot blood, thrombus (morphologic abnormality), thrombosis, blood clot nos, thrombi, clots blood, thrombosis/thrombus",
+"catheters, catheter device (physical object), catheter device, catheter nos, catheter, catheter device",
+"mechanical methods, mechanical, mechanical method, mechanical (qualifier value)",
+"reduction, reduction procedure (procedure), reduction procedure",
+"embolism (diagnosis), embolism nos, embolism - lesion, 353-354 emboli, embolism (disorder), embolism nos, embolisms, embolus, embolism embolus, embolism, embolus nos, emboli, embolus (morphologic abnormality), embolic, embolism/embolus, embolism -post abortion",
+"health care provider, personnel health, provider health care, healthcare worker, health care providers, health care professionals, provider healthcare, care personnel, health care professional, health professionals, healthcareprovider, health care worker, healthcare workers, health care personnel, healthcare provider, healthcare professional, health personnel, healthcare providers, health professional, medical personnel, healthcare professionals, roleclasshealthcareprovider",
+"occupational groups, employee, occup group, worker, group occupational, employees, workers, personnel, occupational group, group occup, occup groups, groups occup, groups occupational, worker (occupation)",
+"psychological, psycological, psychologic, psychologic (qualifier value)",
+"[x]mental illness nos, psychiatric disorder, illness mental, unspecified mental disorder (f99), mental disorder disorder, psychiatric illness, psychiatric diseases, psychiatric disorders (diagnosis), psych, psychiatric illnesses, disorder; mental, psychological disorder, mental disorders nos, emotional or mental disease or syndrome, disorder psychiatric, mental disorders, mental dis, mental disorder not otherwise specified, mental illness nos, psychiatric disorder nos, mental disease, disease mental, diseases mental, mental health disorder, psychiatric; disorder, mental health disorder (disorder), [x]mental disorder not otherwise specified (disorder), psychiatric nonspecific, psychological disorder nos, mental illnesses, mental disorder, psychiatric disorders, mental disorder (disorder), illness psychiatric, psychiatric disease, disorder mental, disorder mental health, psychological disorders, chapter 9 mental disorders, mental disorder nos, psychiatric disease or syndrome, illnesses psychiatric, dysfunctions psychological, psychological dysfunction, mental disorder nos, [x]mental disorder not otherwise specified, mental; disorder, unspecified mental disorder, dysfunctions mental, disorder health mental, disorder psychological, mental disorders nos (disorder), mental dysfunction, disorder;psychological, [x]mental disorder nos, mental illness",
+"quality of life satisfaction, qol, quality of life finding, quality of life (qol), life quality, finding of quality of life, finding of quality of life (finding), quality of life satisfaction (observable entity), quality-of-life, quality of life, perceived quality of life",
+"supports, support, support nos, support device, support device, support device (physical object)",
+"voriconazolum, voriconazol, (2r3s)-2-(24-difluorophenyl)-3-(5-fluoropyrimidin-4-yl)-1-(124-triazol-1-yl)butan-2-ol, voriconazole product, vcz, (αrβs)-α-(24-difluorophenyl)-5-fluoro-β-methyl-α(1h-124-triazol-1-ylmethyl)-4-pyrimidineethanol, product containing voriconazole, (r-(r*s*))-alpha-(24-difluorophenyl)-5-fluoro-beta-methyl-alpha-(1h-124-triazol-1-ylmethyl)-4-pyrimidineethanol, voriconazole, voriconazole (product), voriconazole (substance), voriconazole (medication), product containing voriconazole (medicinal product), voriconazole-containing product",
+"bupropion-containing product, (+-)-1-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-((11-dimethylethyl)amino)-1-propanone, bupropion product, bupropion, product containing bupropion, amfebutamone, bupropion (product), product containing bupropion (medicinal product), bupropion (substance), amfebutamon, 1-propanone 1-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-((11-dimethylethyl)amino)-, bupropion [dup] (substance), bupropion (medication)",
+"843 postpartum state, postpartum, postpartum period, postpartum state (finding), puerperal, period postpartum, postpartum state nos, postpartum (qualifier value), the period after childbirth, postpartum period nos, puerperium, post pregnancy, post partum, postpartum state",
+"tablet prolonged release, extended-release tablet (product), prolonged-release tablet (qualifier value), extended release tablets, extended-release oral tablet, prolonged-release tablet, xr tab, prolonged-release tablet (product), prolonged-release oral tablet (dose form), prolonged-release oral tablet, tab er, extended-release tablet, extendedreleasetablet, extended-release tablet (qualifier value), extended release tablet, extended release tablet dose form, extended release tablet dosage form, er tab, tablet extended release, extended release oral tablet",
+"dysphonia, croaky voice, voice hoarseness, husky voice, hoarseness - throat symptom, hoarse voice, hoarseness ctcae, hoarseness (symptom), hoarse voice quality, [d]hoarseness, hoarseness of voice, hoarsenesses, hoarseness symptom nos (finding), hoarse (finding), [d]hoarseness (context-dependent category), hoarse, hoarseness symptom, [d]hoarseness (situation), hoarseness, hoarseness;voice, hoarseness voice, hoarseness symptom nos",
+"emotional distress, emotional suffering, distress nos, distress, distressing, distress (finding)",
+"functional voice disorder, [x]psychogenic dysphonia, functional voice disorder nos, functional dysphonia, psychogenic voice disorder, 2-905 psychogenic voice disorders, dysphonia functional, functional dysphonia (physical finding), functional; dysphonia, psychogenic voice disorders, psychogenic voice disorder nos, disorders functional voice, psychogenic dysphonia, dysphonia psychogenic, functional dysphonia was observed, psychogenic voice disorder (disorder), dysphonia; functional, psychogenic dysphonia (disorder)",
+"vocal, vocal -retired-, vocal (observable entity)",
+"heart failure chronic, cardiac failure chronic, chronic failure heart, chronic cardiac failure (diagnosis), chronic heart failure (disorder), chronic heart failure, chronic cardiac failure",
+"periodontal, p-odont, periodontal use, periodontal route (qualifier value), periodontalroute, periodontal route of administration, periodontal route",
+"transaction counts and value totals - month, precision - month, month, month (qualifier value), months, mo",
+"health education - general (procedure), education - health, health education (regime/therapy), encounter due to health education, health education - general nos (regime/therapy), health education - general (regime/therapy), [v]health education, instruction; health, advice/education;health, health instruction, education;health, health; education, health education, health education - general nos, health educ, health education (procedure), education; health, health education - general nos (procedure), he - health education, health education - general, health; instruction, education health, educ health",
+"families health, health family, family health status, family health, health family, family health status (observable entity), family health status (history)",
+"instruction, teach, education (procedure), educations, teaching, educating, education, educate, education (regime/therapy), educated, teachings, education procedure, teaching (regime/therapy), educational process of instructing",
+"family support (procedure), family support (regime/therapy), family support, family-integrity assistance family each 15 minutes, families support, support family, supporting family, fam-intgrt asistnce fam ea.1",
+"eating (observable entity), usually need help from another person for eating, eating (function), food intake, intake food, eating function (observable entity), eating nos, eating, eat, intakes food, food intakes, food intake (observable entity)",
+"emotion finding, emotion (observable entity), emotion (function), emotion finding (finding), emotional functions unspecified, emotion nos, emotion function (observable entity), emotion, emotional functions, emotions, emotional (qualifier value), emotional, affective state",
+"conditioning ther, behaviour modification technique, conditioning therapies, behavior treatment, behavioural therapy, therapy conditioning, behavior modification techniques, behavior therapies, behavior modification, behavior ther, ther behavior, therapy behavior, behavior modifications, ther conditioning, modification behavior, behavioral treatments, behavioral therapy (regime/therapy), behaviour modification psychotherapy, behavior modification psychotherapy, conditioning therapy, behavioral therapy, behavioral treatment, behav modification technique, behavior or life style modifications, behavioral psychotherapy, behavior modification treatments and procedures, behavior therapy, behavioural psychotherapy, behavior conditioning therapy, behavioral intervention, behavior modification technique, behavioral therapy (procedure), behaviour therapy, behaviour modification treatments and procedures, behaviour modification, behaviour modification technique (regime/therapy), behavioral interventions, treatment behavior, behavioral modification, behaviour conditioning therapy",
+"mass, mass of body region, mass of body region (finding)",
+"entire pelvis (body structure), cavitas pelvina, pelvis (volume), malignant tumor of pelvis, space of pelvic compartment, structure of pelvis, true pelvis, intrapelvic, pelvis, pelvis minor, pelvis nos, malignant neoplasm of pelvis, pelvic region, pelvic (qualifier value), cavity of lesser pelvis, cavity pelvic, malignant neoplasm of the pelvis, entire pelvis, body cavity pelvic, malign neopl pelvis, pelvic structure (body structure), malig neop pelvis nos, malignant neoplasm of pelvis nos, structure of cavity of true pelvis, pelvic cavity structure (body structure), malignant neoplasm of ill-defined site of pelvis, malignant tumor of pelvis (disorder), structure of pelvis (body structure), pelvic structure, pelvic cavity structure, cavities pelvic, cavitas pelvis, malignant tumor of ill-defined site of pelvis, malignant tumour of pelvis, structure of pelvic region unspecified, region pelvic, pelvic cavity, malignant neoplasm of the pelvis (diagnosis), cavity of true pelvis, malignant neoplasm of pelvis nos (disorder), structure of cavity of true pelvis (body structure), minor pelvic cavity, pelvic, cavity of pelvis proper, lesser pelvis, d6 pelvis, malignant neoplasm of pelvis nos, cavitas pelvis (pelvica)",
+"fusion joints, joint arthrodesis, syndesis, ankylosis surgical, arthrodesis nos, arthrodesis nos, joint fixation (surgical), arthrodeses, arthrodesis (procedure), fusions joint, ankylosis; surgical, arthrodese, joint fusion, ankylosis artificial, ankylosis (surgical), arthrodesis, arthrodesis nos (procedure), arthrodesis of unspecified joint, arthrodesis of joint nos",
+"stabilization, stabilization (procedure), stabilisation",
+"ankylosis of sacroiliac joint (disorder), sacroiliac ankylosis, ankylosis; sacroiliac, ankylosis of sacroiliac joint, sacroiliac; ankylosis",
+"ache in joint, joint pains, arthralgia nos, arthralgia ctcae, arthralgia (diagnosis), arthralgia nos (finding), diffuse joint pains (symptom), arthralgia ctcae 5, arthritic-like pain, discomfort in joints, arthrodynia, painful joints, pain in joint, pain in a joint site unspecified, arthralgias, pain in joints, aching joints, joint: [pain - arthralgia] or [ache], joints pain, joint pain, painful joint, pain joint, joint pain-unspec, arthralgia, joint pain (finding), articular pain, aching joint, pain joint, pain;joint(s), diffuse joint pains, pains joint, joint: [pain - arthralgia] or [ache] (disorder), diffuse arthralgia, pain in joint site unspecified, pain in joint - arthralgia, joint ache",
+"congenital anomaly unspecified, abnorm congen, congenital anomaly, scong, defect/deformity congenital, congenital malformations, abnormality, birth defects, developmental malformation, congenital anomaly nos, congenital abnormality, congenital anomaly nos (disorder), congen abnorm, foetal developmental abnormality, congenital deformity nos, malformation, deformity, congenital defect nos, congenital anomalies, congenital anomaly (morphologic abnormality), congenital anomaly or birth defect, congenital deformity (disorder), congenital deformity, congenital abnormality nos, defects congenital, abnormalities, congen defects, developmental malformations, anomaly, anomaly congenital, congenital anomaly nos, dysmorphisms, anomalous formation nos, abnormalities congenital, congenital malformation nos, congenital anomalies of fetus, developmental disturbance, congenital anomaly (disorder), foetal malformation, congenital; deformity, fetal development abnormality, birth defect, congenital deformity (morphologic abnormality), defect congenital, deformities, congenital abnormalities, anomaly anomaly congen, congenital deformity nos, dysgenesis, developmental anomaly (morphologic abnormality), fetal anomaly (diagnosis), malformation nos, congenital malformation (morphologic abnormality), developmental defect nos, cm - congenital malformation, congenital defect/deformity, defect birth, malformations, congenital anatomical abnormality, anomalous formation, developmental malformation nos, section 2 congenital anomalies, congenital malformation (disorder), congenital abnormality nos, fetal malformation, abnormal development nos, developmental anomaly nos, fetal developmental abnormality, developmental defect, congenital defects, congenital anatomic abnormality, deformity; congenital, congenital malformation unspecified, congenital defect, congenital malformation, developmental anomaly, developmental abnormality, fetal anomaly, abnormality congenital, dysmorphism, abnormal development, dysgenesis nos, congenital malformations (diagnosis), defects congen",
+"operations spinal, operative procedure on spine nos, operative procedure on spinal structures (procedure), 1-13 operative procedures on the vertebral column, spinal operation nos, operative procedure on spinal structures nos, operative procedure on spinal structures, operative procedure on spinal structure, operative procedure on vertebral column, operative procedure on spinal structure (procedure), operative procedures on the vertebral column, spinal operation, spinal operation nos, operative procedure on spine, operative procedure on vertebral column nos",
+"spinal deformities, deformity spine, deformities spine, deformity spinal, deformity; spine, deformity of spine, spine deformity, deformity of spine nos, spinal deformity, deformities spinal, spine; deformity, deformity of spine (finding)",
+"joint sacro-iliac, joint sacro iliac, joints sacroiliac, sacroiliac joint structure, sacroiliac joint, sacro-iliac joint, sij - sacroiliac joint, articulatio sacro-iliaca, joint sacroiliac, articulatio sacroiliaca, sacroiliac joints, joints sacro iliac, sacroiliac joint structure (body structure), joint sacroiliac, pelvis>sacroiliac joint",
+"interruption, disruption (morphologic abnormality), disruption, disruption nos, perturbation, disruptions",
+"chloride sodium solution, sodium chloride 0.9%, sodium chloride solution (product), sodium chloride solution, saline, nacl - sodium chloride solution, sodium chloride solution (substance), nacl - sodium chloride solutn, saline solution, saline solutions",
+"discharge, patient discharge, discharge patient., patient discharge nos, release, discharge patient, 0-200-202 patient discharges, discharge from healthcare facility, discharged, discharges patient, discharge procedure, patient discharges, patient discharge (procedure)",
+"post radiation, post-radiation, post-radiation (qualifier value)",
+"release, release procedure, release (procedure), releases",
+"release, released (qualifier value), release nos, released, released (action)",
+"digit of hand, anatomy finger, set of fingers, finger nos, finger, digit hand, fingers including thumb, set of digits of hand, digits hand, finger structure, digitus manus, digiti manus, finger structure (body structure), fingers, digit of hand structure (body structure), foredigit nos, digit of hand structure, fingers (anatomy), hand digit, digits of hand, fingers set",
+"left sided, left sided (qualifier value), left-sided, left",
+"palm of hand (surface region) (body structure), palmar surface, palm of hand (surface region), hand volar, palm (anatomy), palmar region, palm (hand), hands palm, hands palms, palm, palm (region) structure (body structure), surface of palm, hand palms, palm (region) structure, hand palm",
+"evaluation treatment, treatment review, evaluating interventions (procedure), evaluating interventions, review of treatment, reviews treatment, evaluated interventions, review;treatment, reviewing treatment, review treatment, treatment evaluation",
+"preterm infant, prematurity of foetus, babies born premature, premature baby, prematurity of fetus (disorder), prematurity of foetus nos, prematurity of unborn baby, prematurity, preterm infant nos, prematurity of fetus, prematurity of fetus nos, prematurity nos, immature baby",
+"deoxyribonucleic acid measurement, dsdna, dna / desoxyribonucleic acid, dna measurement, dna molecule, dna, dna - deoxyribonucleic acid, double-stranded dna, dna (deoxyribonucleic acid), dna molecules, d, deoxyribonucleic acid (substance), deoxyribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid (dna), deoxyribonucleic acids, dna/desoxyribonucleic acid, dna location, obsolete dna, desoxyribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid nos, obsolete dna location",
+"renal failure, failure kidney, renal failure (diagnosis), unspecified kidney failure, renal failure not otherwise specified, failures renal, kidney failures, kidney; failure, renal insufficiency syndrome nos, renal failure unspecified (disorder), failure renal, renal failures, failure kidney, rf - renal failure, renal failure (disorder), unspecified renal failure, renal failure syndrome nos, renal failure unspecified, renal; failure, renal failure unspecified, failures kidney, renal failure syndrome, renal failure syndrome (disorder), renal failure nos, renal insufficiency (disorder), kidney failure, renal insufficiency syndrome, failure; renal, esrd, renal insufficiency, failure;renal;nos, syndrome renal failure",
+"kidney transplantation nos, transplantation of kidney nos (procedure), kidney transplant procedure, renal transplant (treatment), kidneys--transplantation, transplantations renal, transplantations kidney, renal transplantation, renal transplantations, transplantation of kidney, transplantation of kidney nos, kidney grafting, transplant of kidney nos, transplant of kidney, transplantation kidney, kidney transplantation procedure, kidney transplantation, tx - kidney transplantation, 1-71d kidney: transplantations and transpositions, transpl kidney, kidney transplanted, renal transplantation procedures, renal transpl, transplant of kidney (procedure), transplantation renal, tx - renal transplantation, grafting kidney, kidneys transplants, kidney transplants, renal transplant, renal transplant nos, kidney transplantations, transpl renal, renal transplants, kidneys transplant, transplant;renal, renal transplant (procedure), kidney transplant, kidney transpl, renal graft, kidney: transplantations and transpositions",
+"complication, complication (attribute)",
+"nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, liver nonalcoholic fatty, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (nafld), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver, livers nonalcoholic fatty, non-alcoholic fatty liver, nonalcoholic fatty liver (diagnosis), nafld, nonalcoholic fatty liver (disorder), non-alcoholic fatty liver (disorder), nafld - nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, non alcoholic fatty liver disease, fatty livers nonalcoholic, fatty liver nonalcoholic, nonalcoholic fatty livers",
+"product containing precisely empagliflozin 10 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (clinical drug), empagliflozin 10mg tablet, product containing precisely empagliflozin 10 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet, empagliflozin@10 mg@oral@tablet, product containing empagliflozin 10 mg/1 each oral tablet (clinical drug), empagliflozin 10 mg oral tablet, empagliflozin 10mg tablet (product), product containing empagliflozin 10 mg/1 each oral tablet, product containing only empagliflozin 10 mg/1 each oral tablet, product containing only empagliflozin 10 mg/1 each oral tablet (clinical drug), empagliflozin 10mg tab",
+"cancer of the endometrium, ucec, endometrial carcinoma (diagnosis), endometrium carcinomas, endometrium cancer, endometrial ca, carcinoma of the endometrium, endometrial carcinoma, endometrium--cancer, ca endometrium, endometrium carcinoma, endometrial cancer nos, carcinoma endometrial, cancer endometrium, endometrial cancer, uterine neoplasm malignant - of endometrium carcinoma, carcinoma of endometrium, carcinoma endometrial malignant, endometrial carcinomas, uterine endometrial cancer, cancers endometrial, carcinomas endometrial, cancer of endometrium, endometrium cancers, uterine endometrial cancer carcinoma, endometrial cancers, cancers endometrium, carcinoma;endometrial, endometrium carcinoma, endometrial carcinoma (nos), endometrium ca, carcinoma endometrial, cancer endometrial, endometrial carcinoma (disorder)",
+"metastatic to (attribute), mt - metastatic to, metastatic, mt, metastatic to",
+"vestigial structure, vestigial remnant nos, persistent embryonic structure nos, persistent embryonic structure (morphologic abnormality), persistent embryonic structures, embryonic structure persistent, persistent embryonic structure, persistent, embryologic remnant, vestigial structure nos, vestigial remnant",
+"body of uterus, entire body of uterus, uterine body structure, entire corpus uteri (body structure), uterine corpus, corpus uteri, body of uterus structure (body structure), uterine body, corpus, body of uterus structure, uterus corpus, uterine body structure (body structure), entire corpus uteri",
+"hypoglycemic disorder, hypoglycemia nos, sugar; blood low, hypoglycaemic disorder, hypoglycemia unspecified nos, low blood sugar, hypoglycemia nos, hypoglycemic syndrome nos, hypoglycemia, hypoglycaemia unspecified nos, hypoglycemia ctcae, hypoglycemic syndrome (disorder), hypoglycemic disorder (disorder), hypoglycemia unspecified (disorder), hypoglycaemia nos, hypoglycaemia nos, hypoglycemia (disorder) [ambiguous], hypoglycemia (diagnosis), hypoglycemia unspecified, hypoglycaemia, hypoglycemia unspecified nos (disorder), hypoglycaemia unspecified (disorder), hypoglycemic syndrome, hypoglycemia (disorder), blood sugar; low, hypoglycaemia unspecified, hypoglycaemic syndrome, hypoglycaemia (disorder), low; blood sugar, hypoglycaemia unspecified, low blood sugar level, hypoglycaemic syndrome nos, blood; sugar low, hypoglycemia unspecified",
+"non-ins-dep diabetes mellitus, maturity onset diabetes mellit, diabetes mellitus maturity onset, diabetes maturity onset, niddm - non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, ketosis-resistant diabetes mellitus, aodm, diabetes mellitus non insulin dependent, diabetes mellitus adult onset, mod, niddm, diabetes mellitus type 02, diabetes non-insulin dependent, adult onset diabetes mellitus, t2dm - type 2 diabetes mellitus, type ii diabetes, niddm; diabetes, diabetes mellitus -adult onset, diabetes;non insulin depend, diabetes mellitus non-insulin dependent, diabetes; type ii, diabetes mellitus type ii, ncdmm, diabetes mellitus slow-onset, non insulin dependent diabetes, noninsulin dependent diabetes, diabetes mellitus maturity-onset, diabetes mellitus ketosis resistant, diabetes type 2, diabetes mellitus - adult onset, diabetes mellitus noninsulin dependent, maturity onset diabetes mellitus, type ii; diabetes, type 2 diabetes mellitus non-insulin dependent, diabetes mellitus: [adult onset] or [noninsulin dependent] (disorder), adult onset diabetes, diabetes maturity-onset, diabetes mellitus non-insulin-dependent, diabetes;type 2, diabetes adult onset, diabetes mellitus non insulin-dep, type 2 diabetes mellitus, adult-onset diabetes mellitus, non-insulin dependent diabetes, type ii diabetes mellitus (disorder), diabetes;adult onset, diabetes mellitus type 2, diabetes; nonketotic, diabetes mellitus adult-onset, noninsulin dependent diab.mell, diabetes mellitus adult onset type, t2d, diabetes type ii, nonketotic; diabetes, maturity-onset; diabetes, non-insulin-dependent; diabetes, diabetes mellitus ketosis-resistant, adult-onset diabetes, diabetes mellitus stable, diabetes mellitus slow onset, late onset diabetes, diabetes mellitus (niddm), diabetes; niddm, mody, diabetes mellitus type ii, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, maturity onset diabetes, diabetes mellitus noninsulin-dependent, stable diabetes mellitus, diabetes, ketosis resistant diabetes, diabetes type 2, diabete type 2, diabetes ketosis resistant, maturity-onset diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, diabetes type ii, type ii diabetes mellitus, niddm-non-ins dep diabetes mel, diabetes; non-insulin-dependent, noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, diabetes; adult-onset, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, niddm diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus non-insulin-dependent, diabetes mellitus nos late onset, diabetes mellitus: [adult onset] or [noninsulin dependent], diabetes; maturity-onset, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, noninsulin-dependent diabetes, diabetes mellitus (adult onset), type 2 diabetes, type 2 diabetes mellitus (diagnosis), diabetes mellitus type 2, diabetes mellitus - adult ons, slow-onset diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus non insulin dependent, adult-onset; diabetes, diabetes mellitus maturity onset, diabetes mellitus type 2 (disorder), maturity-onset diabetes mellitus",
+"monitoring patients, patient monitoring, monitors patient, monitor, monitoring of patient, monitor patient, patient monitor, monitoring patient, monitoring of patient (procedure), monitoring of patient nos, monitor patients, medical monitoring, monitoring of patient (regime/therapy), monitoring patient, monitoring of patient nos (procedure), patient monitoring (treatment), monitoring of patient nos (regime/therapy)",
+"monitor, monitor device, monitor device, monitors, device monitor, monitor device (physical object), monitor nos",
+"imagery psychotherapy, simple guided imagery (regime/therapy), imagery (psychotherapy), psychotherapy imagery, guided imagery, imagery psychother, psychotherapeutic imagery, psychotherapy imagery, imagery psychotherapeutic, guided imagery individual each 15 minutes, guided magery ndvdl ea.15min, imagery therapy, imagery psychotherapy, imagery, simple guided imagery, imagery guided",
+"closed fracture of radius (disorder), closed fracture of radius, closed fracture of radius (diagnosis)",
+"analysis of substances, analysis (qualifier value), analysis",
+"[d]musculoskeletal pain, rheumatic pain (disorder), musculoskeletal pain, musculoskeletal pains, musculoskeletal pain (finding), pains musculoskeletal, rheumatic pain, pain musculoskeletal, pain;musculoskeletal, [d]musculoskeletal pain (context-dependent category), [d]musculoskeletal pain (situation)",
+"fracture of radius nos, fracture; radius, fractured radius, fracture of radius (disorder), fracture of radius (diagnosis), fracture radius, fracture radius, fracture;radius, radius fracture, fractures radius, fractures radius, fracture of radius nos (disorder), fracture of radius nos, radial fracture, fracture of radius, radius fractures, radial fractures, radius; fracture",
+"fracture pain, pain due to fracture, pain due to fracture (finding)",
+"geometric radius, radius (qualifier value), radius",
+"cytidine 5-(tetrahydrogen triphosphate), triphosphate cytidine, deoxycytidine triphosphate, cytidine 5-triphosphoric acid, ctp, ctp (cytidine triphosphate), cytidine 3-triphosphate, 5-ctp, cytidine triphosphate (ctp), crppp, cytidine triphosphate (substance), cytidine triphosphate, cytidine-5-triphosphate",
+"extension, extension (physical object), extensions, extension (qualifier value), extended, extension number, telephone extension number, extension nos, extend",
+"resistant, resistant (qualifier value), is resistant to, resistant to",
+"spatium peridurale, structure of epidural space of spine (body structure), structure of epidural space of spine, extradural space of spinal cord (body structure), extradural space of spinal crd, spinal epidural space, spatium epidurale (spinalis), spinal epidural space (body structure), spinal segment of epidural space, epidural, extradural space of spinal cord, spine epidural space, epidural spaces, spinal extradural space, epidural space, spine.epidural space, spaces epidural, space epidural, epidural spinal canal space",
+"cortex of kidney, cortical, cortex kidney, kidney cortex, structure of cortex of kidney, structure of cortex of kidney (body structure), cortex renalis, cortex kidneys, kidney cortex, renal cortex, cortical portion of the kidney, cortex renal, cortical portion of kidney, cortex kidney",
+"depression; monopolar, depressive state, monopolar depression nos, depression nos, depressive state nos, depression (disease), depression mental, disorder;depression, depression psychic, depression (finding), depression, depression nos, mental; depression, monopolar depression, monopolar; depression, depression nos (disorder), state; depressive, depression mental function, [x] depression nos, [x]depression nos, depressions, mental depression, depressed state, depression; mental, depression mental, depression (emotion), depressive; state",
+"depressed, mood depressions, depressed mood, morose mood (finding), miserable, sad, depressed mood (physical finding), depression moods, decreased mood, depressed mood (finding), depressing, depression, low mood, melancholic, mood depression, feeling blue, feeling down, mood depressed, feeling;down, morosity, morose mood, melancholy, feeling low",
+"pain assessment, analgesia test, pain assess, test nociception, measurement pain, assessment pain, pain assessment (regime/therapy), physical rehabilitation and diagnostic audiology @ rehabilitation @ activities of daily living assessment @ none @ pain @ none @ none, analgesia tests, pain measurements, assess pain, pain assessment (procedure), nociception test, pain measurement, tests analgesia, measurements pain, assessments pain, nociception tests, test analgesia, pain assessments, tests nociception, pain--measurement",
+"non obstructive, non-obstructive, non-obstructive (qualifier value)",
+"kidneys pain, pain; kidney, renal pain (finding), pain;kidney, kidney; pain, kidney pain, renal pain, kidney pains, pain;renal, pain renal, pain kidney",
+"diagnostic endoscopy of ureter, diagnost endoscopy ureter nos, diagnostic endoscopic examination of ureter nos (procedure), diagnostic endoscopic examination of ureter, endoscopy of ureter, ureteral endoscopy (diagnostic), ureteroscopy, ureteroscopy nos, diagnostic endoscopic examination of ureter (procedure), endoscopy of ureter nos, diagnostic endoscopic examination of ureter nos, cystoureteroscopy, ureteroscopy (procedure), ureter: endoscopy, endoscopy procedures on the ureter, diagnostic endoscopy of ureter (procedure), ureteral endoscopy diagnostic, ureteroscopies, cystoscopy of ureter, diagnos endoscopic exam ureter, 1-737 ureter: endoscopy, ureteroscopy procedure",
+"non-hodgkins; lymphoma, small cleaved lymphoma diffuse, non-hodgkins lymphoma (nhl), [x]non-hodgkins lymphoma unspecified type (disorder), non-hodgkins lymphoma - disorder, small cell; lymphoma cleaved (diffuse), lymphoma non hodgkins, nonhodgkin lymphoma, non-hodgkin lymphoma (category), small cleaved cell (diffuse) non-hodgkins lymphoma, non-hodgkin lymphoma no icd-o subtype, malignant lymphoma cleaved cell [obs], nhl - non-hodgkins lymphoma, [m]non-hodgkins lymphoma, diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma, non-hod lympha unspec type, non-hodgkins lymphoma (diagnosis), non-hodgkin lymphoma - category, [x]non-hod lympha unspec type, malignant lymphoma non-hodgkins, non-hodgkin lymphoma, lymphoma; non-hodgkins, [m]malg lymphsmal cleavdifus, malignant lymphoma non-hodgkins type, diffuse; lymphoma small cell cleaved, nonhodgkins lymphoma, malignant lymphoma small cleaved cell [obs], dif non-h sm clv cel (dif) lya, non hodgkins lymphoma (nhl), lymphoma atypical diffuse small lymphoid, lymphoma small cleaved cell diffuse, non-hodgkin lymphoma - category (morphologic abnormality), non-hodgkin lymphoma nos, malignant lymphoma undifferentiated cell type [obs], malg lymphsmal cleavdifus, lymphoma non-hodgkins, malignant lymphoma non-hodgkins nos, lymphoma nonhodgkin, mal lymphoma non-hodg type, small cleaved-cell lymphoma diffuse, malignant lymphoma small cleaved cell diffuse, non-hodgkins lymphoma nos, non-hodgkin lymphoma nos, lymphoma (non-hodgkins), lymphoma; small cell cleaved (diffuse), [x]non-hodgkins lymphoma unspecified type, nhl, diffuse small cleaved lymphoma, non-hodgkin lymphoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, small cleaved cell lymphoma diffuse, [m]mal lymphoma non-hodg type, lymphoma non-hodgkin, non-hodgkins lymphoma nos, lymphoma small cleaved-cell diffuse, non hodgkins lymphoma, lymphoma;non hodgkins, lymphoma nonhodgkins, diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma, malignant lymphoma non-hodgkin, non-hodgkin lymphoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), lymphoma non hodgkin, [m]malignant lymphoma small cleaved cell diffuse, lymphoma non hodgkins, nonhodgkins lymphoma, malignant lymphoma small cleaved cell diffuse [obs], non-hodgkins lymphoma (clinical), non hodgkin lymphoma, lymphoma small cleaved diffuse, malignant lymphoma diffuse small cleaved cell, malignant lymphoma non hodgkins type, malig lymphoma non-hodgkins, non hodgkins lymphoma, [m]malignant lymphoma non-hodgkins type, non-hodgkin`s lymphoma, malignant lymphoma small cleaved cell diffuse -retired-, non-hodgkins lymphoma (disorder), non-hodgkins lymphoma, lymphoma nonhodgkins, malignant lymphoma undifferentiated cell non-burkitt [obs], [m]malignant lymphoma small cleaved cell diffuse (morphologic abnormality), lymphoma non hodgkin, diffuse non-hodgkins small cleaved cell (diffuse) lymphoma, lymphoma; diffuse small cell cleaved, non-hodgkin lymphoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), non-hodgkins lymphoma, small cleaved cell (diffuse), nhl nos, lymphoma non-hodgkins, non-hodgkins lymphoma unspecified type, malignant lymphoma small cell noncleaved diffuse [obs], malignant lymphoma non-hodgkins nos",
+"unresponsive to treatment, unresponsive, intractable, intractable (qualifier value), refractory, refractory -retired-, refractory (qualifier value)",
+"myelomas multiple, multiple myeloma myelomatosis, myeloma-multiples, disease kahler, myeloma multiple, multiple myeloma (diagnosis), myelomas plasma-cell, myelomatoses, kahler, multiple myeloma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), kahler disease, multiple myeloma / plasma cell neoplasm, multiple myeloma and other plasma cell neoplasms, multiple myeloma no icd-o subtype, plasma-cell myeloma, kahler-bozzolo disease, myeloma nos, myelomatosis multiple, multiple myelomatosis, multiple myeloma/plasma cell myeloma, cell myeloma plasma, multiple myeloma (disorder), myeloma plasma-cell, myeloma, kahlers disease, [m]plasma cell myeloma, multiple myelomas, myelomas plasma cell, plasmacytic myeloma, myelomas, myelomata; multiple, myelomatosis, multiple myeloma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, multiple myeloma (mm), peripheral plasma cell myeloma, myeloma plasma cell, neoplasm plasma cell, multiple myeloma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), multiple myeloma (clinical), plasma cell neoplasms, plasma cell myelomas, multiple myeloma nos, myeloma multiple, myeloma (disorder), multiple myeloma, myeloma;multiple, myeloma-multiple, plasma-cell myelomas, cell myelomas plasma, myeloma plasma cell malignant, multiple myeloma morphology (morphologic abnormality), plasma cell myeloma, plasma cell neoplasm",
+"childhood nephrotic syndrome, childhood nephrotic syndrome (disorder)",
+"pediatrics, paediatric service, pediatric service, pediatric service (qualifier value)",
+"fabrys disease, fabry (-anderson) disease, ceramide lactoside lipidosis, alpha-galactosidase a deficiency disease, angiokeratoma corporis diffusum universale, ceramide trihexoside lipoidosis fabrys disease, deficiency alpha-galactosidase a, fabrys disease (disorder), disease fabry, alpha-galactosidase a deficiency (disorder), trihexosidase deficiency disease, fabry, fabry dis, alpha galactosidase a defic dis, deficiency ceramide trihexosidase, fabrys disease (diagnosis), lipidosis hereditary dystopic, thesaurismosis lipoidica, lactosyl ceramidosis, ceramide trihexosidase defic, thesaurismosis hereditaria, angiokeratoma; corporis diffusum, alpha galactosidase a deficiency disease, fabry disease, angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, diffuse angiokeratoma, alpha-galactosidase-a deficiency, angiokeratoma diffuse, fabrys disease, alpha-galactosidase a deficiency, alpha galactosidase deficiency, fabri disease, deficiency of melibiase, corporis diffusum; angiokeratoma, anderson-fabry, ceramide trihexosidase deficiency, anderson fabry disease, disease fabrys, alpha galactosidase a deficiency, ceramide trihexoside lipoidosis , ruiter-pompen syndrome, fabry syndrome, deficiency gla, sweeley-klionsky disease, hereditary dystopic lipidosis, deficiency of alpha-galactosidase, deficiency of alpha-galactosidase (disorder), angiokeratoma diffuse, anderson-fabry disease, cardiovasorenal syndrome, ceramide trihexosidosis, gla deficiency, angiokeratoma corporis diffusm, alpha-galactosidase a defic",
+"replacement therapy, replacement therapy (situation), replacement therapy (procedure), replacement therapy (context-dependent category)",
+"renal function (observable entity), function kidneys, functions kidneys, function kidney, renal function, function renal, renal function nos, functions kidney, kidney function, kindey function, functions renal",
+"older adult, elderly person (person), elderly (over 65), aged, elderly person nos, elderly (population group), senior citizen nos, elderly, elderly person, aged persons, aged 65 and over, advanced age, aged person, senior citizen, older adults",
+"senility, [d]old age (situation), old-age function (observable entity), elderly, old-age (finding), [d]old age (context-dependent category), senility (observable entity), old age - period, [d]senility, senility nos, senility (function), old age (qualifier value), dysfunction; senile, geriatric state, senility (finding), senility function (observable entity), geriatric period of life, [d]old age, senile state, [d]senescence (context-dependent category), old age, geriatric, senescence, [d]senescence, [d]senescence (situation), old-age, old-age (function), senium, aged",
+"variant (qualifier value), variants, variant, variation, variations, deviation",
+"migalastat (as hydrochloride), migalastat hydrochloride, migalastat hydrochloride (substance), migalastat hcl",
+"psychometric testing, psychometric testing (procedure), psychometric tests, psychometric, psychometric test (procedure), psychometric test, psychometrics",
+"hematopoietic stem cells--transplantation, stem cell transplantation, stem cell transplant, hemopoietic stem cell transpl, stem cell transplantation hematopoietic, hematopoietic stem cell transpl, hematopoietic stem cell transplant, transplantation hematopoietic stem cell, transfusion of stem cells, haemopoietic stem cell transpl, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, hemopoietic stem cell transplant (procedure), haemopoietic stem cell transplant, hemopoietic stem cell transplant, hematopoietic stem cell transplant (treatment), hematopoietic cell transplantation, stem cell transpl hematopoietic, hsct, hct",
+"neuroblastoma (nbl), cancer of early nerve cells, central neuroblastoma, nci ctep simple disease classification neuroblastoma sub-category terminology, childhood neuroblastoma, neuroblastoma (schwannian stroma-poor), neuroblastomas, neuroblastoma nos, [m]neuroblastoma nos, neuroblastoma (morphologic abnormality), neuroblastoma malignant, neural crest tumor malignant, neuroblastoma, neuroblastoma nos, nci ctep sdc neuroblastoma sub-category terminology, [m]neuroblastoma nos (morphologic abnormality), neuroblastoma; unspecified site, neuroblastoma (disorder), nb - neuroblastoma, neuroblastoma (diagnosis)",
+"chemotherapy induction, induction chemotherapy, induction chemotherapy (procedure), chemotherapies induction, induction chemotherapies",
+"central neuroblastoma, neuroblastoma, nb - neuroblastoma",
+"591 guides, professional guide, guide (occupation), guide [profession], guides, guide",
+"compound f measurement, cortisol, hydrocortisone (substance), cortisol level test, hydrocortisone measurement, compound f preparation, cortisol measurement nos, 11beta17alpha21-trihydroxy-4-pregnene-320-dione, hidrocortisona, (11β)-111721-trihydroxypregn-4-ene-320-dione, cortisol product, product containing hydrocortisone, (11beta)-111721-trihydroxypregn-4-ene-320-dione, cortisol preparation, compound f, hydrocortisone preparation, hydrocortisonum, cortisol measurement (procedure), cortisol measurement, hc, domolene, cortisols, hydrocortisone preparation (product), therapeutic hydrocortisone, total cortisol, product containing hydrocortisone (medicinal product), cortisol (substance), pregn-4-ene-320-dione 111721-trihydroxy- (11beta)-, dihydrocortisone, 4-pregnen-11β17α21-triol-320-dione, hydrocortisone (medication), 11beta-hydrocortisone, hydrocortisones, cortisol level, hydrocortisone-containing product, hc - hydrocortisone, 11β-hydrocortisone, hydrocortisone, hydrocortisone product, hydrocortisone preparation (substance), 17-hydroxycorticosterone",
+"parturition, childbirths, born, birth, human parturition function (observable entity), childbirth nos, childbirth, delivery, human parturition function",
+"obstetrical delivery, delivery - action, delivery (obstetrics), delivery obstetric, obstetric delivery, pregnancy delivered, childbirth, delivery under medical care, delivery (diagnosis), [x]delivery (procedure), delivery - action (qualifier value), pregnancy delivered (observable entity), delivery procedure, delivery procedures, delivery procedure (procedure), birth procedures, birthing procedure, delivery, birthing procedures, birthing, labor and delivery, obstetric deliveries, [x]delivery, pregnancy delivered -retired-, parturition, deliveries obstetric, pregnancy delivered nos",
+"cah - chronic active hepatitis, active chronic hepatitis, hepatitis; chronic active, chronic; hepatitis active, hepatitis chronic active, hepatitis chronic active, chronic aggressive hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis (diagnosis), chronic active hepatitis (cah), cah - chronic aggressive hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis (disorder) [ambiguous], chronic aggressive hepatitis (disorder), aggressive chronic hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis (disorder), hepatitis chronic aggressive, cah, chronic active hepatitis, cah - chron aggress hepatitis",
+"subcutaneous, sc - subcutaneous, subcutaneous (qualifier value)",
+"succinate dianion, succinate, succinates",
+"sexual development function, sexual development, sexual development nos, sex development, development sexual, development sex, sexual development (function), sexual development function (observable entity), 9b2 sexual development, development sexual",
+"hyperplasia; adrenal, adrenal; hyperplasia, adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal gland hyperplasia, hyperplasia;adrenal, enlarged adrenal glands, hyperplasia adrenal, adrenal hyperplasia (disorder)",
+"liver transplant, liver transplant (treatment), transplant;liver, transplantation hepatic, liver grafting, transplantation of liver (procedure), transplantation of liver nos, transplantation of liver nos, tx - liver transplantation, transplantation of liver nos (procedure), hepatic transpl, hepatic transplantations, liver transplantation procedures, transplantation of liver, ltx - liver transplant, liver transplants, transplantation liver, livers transplants, liver transplanting, grafting liver, liver transplantation procedure, liver allotransplantation orthotopic partial or whole from cadaver or living donor any age, liver transpl, transpl liver, liver transplantations, liver transplantation, liver transplant (procedure), liver allotransplantation; orthotopic partial or whole from cadaver or living donor any age, hepatic transplantation, liver--transplantation, liver graft, transplant liver, transplantation of donor liver to alternate anatomic position, transpl hepatic, lvr altrnsplj orthotopic prtl/whl don any age",
+"cartridges, cartridge, cartridge device, cartridge (physical object)",
+"bleeding (finding), hemorrhage nos, haemorrhage nos, haemorrhage unspecified, bleeding/haemorrhage nos, hemorrhage (morphologic abnormality), bleeds, blood loss of (nos), hemorrhage term, haemorrhage nos, blood; extravasation, hemorrhage, haemorrhage, bleeding -retired-, hemorrhage (nos), bleeding site unspecified, bleeding nos, haemorrhages, blood loss, bleeding, hem, bleeding problem, bleed_nos problem, 37 hemorrhages, extravasation of blood, extravasation blood, bleeding/hemorrhage nos, hemorrhage/bleeding, bleed, bleeding hemorrhage, hemorrhage unspecified, extravasation; blood, hemorrhages, bleeding (disorder), bleeding problems, haemorrhage nos (disorder), hemorrhage nos (disorder), hemorrhage bleeding, bleeding (symptom), hemorrhage nos, hemorrhage (diagnosis), bleed_nos",
+"carer (person), caregiver person, caregiver (person), care givers, carer (occupation), caregiver (occupation), carers, caregiver (history), caregivers, carer nos, care giver, caregiver, carer",
+"disorder: primary malignant neoplasm (disorder), tumour malignant, primary cancer, primary malignant neoplasm (disorder), primary malignant neoplasm, primary malignant neoplasm (diagnosis), neoplasm malignant (primary), malignant neoplasm primary, malignant neoplasm primary (morphologic abnormality), malignancy, cancer morphology, malignant neoplasm primary, unclassified tumor malignant, unclassified tumour malignant, malignant neoplastic disease (primary), tumor malignant nos, malignant tumour morphology, cancer, malignant neoplasm, malignant tumor morphology, tumor malignant, neoplasm malignant",
+"improving, improving (qualifier value)",
+"neoplastic disease (disorder), tumor syndrome, neoplastic syndrome nos, neoplastic syndrome, new growth, neoplasia, neoplastic growth, ng - new growth, cancer-related syndrome, neoplastic disease, ng - neoplastic growth, neoplastic disease nos, neoplasm",
+"intracranial route (qualifier value), intracranial route of drug administration, intracranial route of administration, i-cran, inside of the head bone, intracranial, intracranial route, intracranial (qualifier value)",
+"2-(2-chloro-phenyl)-2-methylamino-cyclohexanone, dl-ketamine, product containing ketamine (medicinal product), ketamina, 2-(methylamino)-2-(2-chlorophenyl)cyclohexanone, (±)-ketamine, ketaminum, ketamine, kétamine, 2-(o-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)-cyclohexanone, ketamine-containing product, ketamine (product), 2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)cyclohexanone, ketamine product, cyclohexanone 2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)- (+-)-, product containing ketamine, ketamine (substance), (+-)-ketamine",
+"intravenous (iv), iv - intravenous route, intravenous route (qualifier value), inserted into the vein (iv), intravenous route, route of administration: intravenous, route of administration: intravenous (treatment), iv uses, intravenous, iv use, intravenous route of administration, iv, intravenous uses, route of administration intravenous, intravenous route of drug administration, intravenousroute, iv route, intravenous (qualifier value), iv - intravenous, intravenous use",
+"implanted medical device, implanted, implanted medical device (finding)",
+"sudden-onset diabetes mellitus, type 1 diabetes, insulin-dependent; diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type i), type 1 diabetes mellitus (diagnosis), diabetes mellitus (juvenile onset), diabetes insulin dependent, diabetes mellitus growth onset type, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, t1d, jodm, diabetes type i+a3139:g3152, diabetes juvenile-onset, insulin dependent diabetes mel, idd, juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus sudden onset, diabetes mellitus - juvenile, diabetes;type 1, diabetes mellitus type 1 (disorder), juvenile-onset; diabetes, diabetes type 1, diabetes;juvenile onset, diabetes; juvenile-onset, diabetes mellitus insulin dependent, juvenile-onset diabetes, diabetes mellitus type 1, jod, diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent, insulin depend diabetes mellit, type i diabetes mellitus (disorder), diabetes mellitus juvenile onset, diabetes; type i, diabetes;insulin dependent, diabetes; insulin-dependent, immune mediated diabetes, diabetes mellitus type 01, type 1 diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus juvenile onset, diabetes type i, type i; diabetes, type i diabetes, diabetes type i, juvenile onset diabet mellitis, juvenile onset diabetes, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus: [juvenile] or [insulin dependent], juvenile onset diabetes (mellitus), diabetes mellitus juvenile-onset, juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus, iddm-insulin-depend diab mell, diabetes mellitus insulin dependent, diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent, insulin dependent diabetes, insulin-dependent diabetes, diabetes type 1, iddm1, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus 1, iddm, brittle diabetes (mellitus), insulin-depend diabet mellitus, diabetes mellitus type 1, juvenile onset of diabetes, diabetes mellitus sudden-onset, diabetes mellitus juvenile onset type, juvenile diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus: [juvenile] or [insulin dependent] (disorder), diabetes mellitus type i, juvenile diabetes, iddm - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, insulin dependent diabetic, type i diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 1, diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent 1, diabetes mellitus type i",
+"e2r - oestrogen receptor, estrogen receptor, nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group a, receptors estrogen, estrogen receptor family, or - oestrogen receptor, oestrogen receptor, or - estrogen receptor, estrogen--receptors, recept estrogen, estradiol receptor, nr3a, er family, oestrogen receptor site, receptor estrogen, estrogen recept, estrogen receptors, e2r - estrogen receptor, estrogen receptor family protein, er, estrogen receptor site, estrogen receptor (er), estrogen receptor (substance)",
+"ovarian ablation, ovarian suppression, ovarian ablation (procedure)",
+"visual suppression, binocular; vision suppression, suppression (observable entity), binocular vis suppress, suppression, suppression of binocular vision, vision; binocular suppression, binocular vision suppression (disorder), suppression; binocular vision, supression of binocular vision, binocular vision suppression (diagnosis), binocular vision suppression, binocular vision suppression",
+"syncytial respiratory virus, respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), syncytial viruses respiratory, respiratory syncytial virus rsv, virus respiratory syncytial, viruses respiratory syncytial, respiratory syncytial virus, syncytial virus respiratory, respiratory syncytial virus rs, respiratory syncytial virus rs virus, respiratory syncytial viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (organism), rsv",
+"documented, documented (qualifier value), document completion status - documented, documenting",
+"infestation and infection, diseases infectious, disorder due to infection, infection unspecified, transmissible disease, infection nos, infect, infective disorder, infectious or communicable disease, infectious disease (diagnosis), communicable diseases, infection and infestation, contagious diseases, contagious disease (navigational concept), communicable dis, communicable disease (disorder), microbial colonization, rndx infection unspecified, infection nos, transmissible disease nos, infectious disorders, transmissible disease (disorder), disease caused by microorganism, infections and infestations, contagious disease (disorder), infectious; disease, infestations and infections, contagious disease nos, infection, infectious, id, infec, infectious disorder, clinical infection, infections, infectious diseases and manifestations, communicable disease nos, diseases communicable, contagious disease, communicable infectious disease, infect dis, disease due to infection, communicable disease, infection (diagnosis), disease infectious, infection not otherwise specified, infectious disease (disorder), communicable disease [ambiguous], rndx infection unspecified (diagnosis), disease;infectious, infectious disease nos, infectious diseases, unspecified infection, infectious disease nos, disease communicable, communicable disease (navigational concept), infectious disease, communicable disease nos (disorder), infection (disorder)",
+"breathing rates, breath rate, respiration rate (physical finding), rr - respiratory rate, rate of respiration, respiratory rate, respiratory rate (observable entity), breaths:nrat:pt:respiratory system:qn, rate of respiration (observable entity), resp, respiratory rates and rhythms, resp rate, rate respiratory, respiration_rate, breaths:number = count/time:point in time:respiratory system:quantitative, rate respiration, br - breathing rate, rr, respiration rates, 21 respiratory rates and rhythms, respiratory frequency, respiratory rates, respiratory rate nos, resprate, rates respiration, rates respiration, breathing rate, 210 respiratory rates, vital signs - respiratory rate, rates respiratory, respiration rate",
+"cognitive disturbances, neurocognitive disturbance, impaired cognition, impairment cognitive, dysfunction cognitive, cognitive decline, cognitive impairments, cognitive disturbance, cognitive dysfunction, dysfunctions cognitive, neurocognitive dysfunction, cognitive function abnormal, disturbance in cognition, cognitive deficits, cognitive defects, cognitive deficit, cognitive impairment, impaired cognition (finding), impairment;cognitive, impairments cognitive, cognitive dysfunctions",
+"pharmacotherapies, drugs therapies, pharmacological treatments, pharmaceutical therapy nos, pharmacotherapy, chemotherapy, drug therapy treatment, drug therapies, pharmacother, therapy medication, pharmacotherapeutics, drug treatment (drug therapy), drug therapy (procedure), ther drug, drug therapy, therapy drug, dt - drug therapy, drug ther, treatment with medication, drug therapy nos (procedure), chemother, therapies drug, medications therapy, medication therapy, drug therapy nos, pharmacological treatment, chemotherapies, therapy (drug)",
+"low dose, low dose (qualifier value)",
+"hearing loss sensori neural, hearing disorder neural, hearing disorder sensorineural, sensorineural hearing loss unspecified, neurosensory deafness, deafness; perception, pd - perceptive deafness, deafness sensorineural, snd - sensorineural deafness, hearing; loss sensorineural disorder, deafness;sensoneural, unspecified sensorineural hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, sensorineural hearing impairment, deafness neurosensory, perceptive hearing loss nos (finding), sensory-neural hearing loss, perceptive hearing loss nos, sensori-neural deafness, sensorineural deafness nos, perceptive deafness nos, sensory hearing loss, hearing loss perceptive, sensory-neural deafness, snhl-sensorinl hear los, hearing impairment sensorineural, deafness perceptive, perceptive deafness [diagnos], sensorineural deafness, hearing loss sensorineural, sensorineural deafness syndrome, perceptive hearing loss nos (disorder), deafness sensorineural, sensorineural hearing loss (diagnosis), sensorineural hearing loss (finding), hearing disorder retrocochlear, neuro sensory deafness, perceptive deafness, perceptive hearing loss, inner ear hearing loss, snhl, hearing loss sensorineural, perception; deafness, sensorineural hearing loss nos, sensorneur hear loss nos, loss; hearing sensorineural disorder, sensorineural hearing losses, perceptive hearing loss nos, sensorineural hearing loss (disorder), perceptive hearing loss or deafness, snhl - sensorineural hearing loss, sensory neuro deafness",
+"nephritis (disorder), nephritis nos, inflammation of kidney, renal inflammation, nephritis, nephritis (diagnosis), nephritis nos (disorder), nephritis nos, nephritides, kidney inflammation",
+"nx stage (finding), node stage nx (tumor staging), malig neoplasm tnm stage regional lymph node (n) nx (diagnosis), nx regional lymph nodes finding, nx regional lymph node stage finding, nx, node stage nx, nx stage, malig neoplasm tnm stage regional lymph node (n) nx, nx lymph node stage, nx node finding, nx lymph node finding, nx node stage, nx stage finding, nx category (finding), nx tnm finding, nx category, nx stage (tumor staging), nx cancer stage finding, lymph node stage nx",
+"classic behavior, classic (qualifier value), classics, classic",
+"genetic, molecular biology gene therapy, dna therapies, ther gene, gene transfer procedure, gene therapy (treatment), gene ther, gene therapies, dna therapy, therapy gene, gene transfer, intervention genetic, gene therapy, gene therapy (procedure)",
+"genus dependovirus, adeno-associated virus group nos, adeno-associated virus group, dependovirus nos, genus dependovirus (organism), adeno associated virus group, adeno-associated virus, dependoviruses, dependovirus, adeno-satellite virus group, 355 dependovirus, adeno associated virus, dependovirus (organism), dependoparvovirus",
+"human gene (substance), gene humans, genes human, human gene, human gene nos, gene human",
+"fetal biophysical profile, fetal biophysical profile (procedure), biophysical profile of fetus, biophysical profile of foetus, foetal biophysical profile, bbp, bpp, biophysical fetal profiles",
+"virus, viral; infection, disease caused by virus nos, viral disease (disorder), [x]viral infection unspecified, infection viral, virus infections, section e-3 viral diseases, disease virus, disease due to virus, viral infection nos, viral infection unspecified, viral; infection unspecified site, diseases viral, virus; infection, viral disorder, virus infection, viral: [infection nos] or [illness] (disorder), viral infectious disease, infection; virus, viral illness nos, viral infection (diagnosis), infections virus, viral; disease, viral infections, virus dis, viral disease, infection virus, viral infection nos (disorder), viral: [infection nos] or [illness], virus diseases, viral illness, viral diseases: general terms, infections viral, viral diseases, disease viral, viral infection of unspecified site, viral disease nos, viral infectionunspecified, [x]viral infection unspecified (disorder), infection;viral, viral infectious disease nos, viral infection, infection viral, e-300 viral diseases: general terms, diseases caused by viruses, viral infection nos, infection; viral unspecified site, infection; viral, viral disorders, diseases virus, disease caused by virus, viral dis, virus disease, [x]viral infectionunspecified",
+"coronavirus, coronaviruses, coronavirus (living organism) (organism), coronavirus (organism), coronavirus (living organism) [ambiguous], genus: coronavirus, 335 coronavirus, genus coronavirus, coronavirus nos, genus coronavirus (organism)",
+"active study, active (qualifier value), active state, active, document storage status - active, immunization registry status - active, activity, active study status, concept status - active, active brand of pseudoephedrine-triprolidine, editstatus - active, active license, active [brand name]",
+"deficiency growth hormone, growth hormone deficiency, growth hormone deficiency (disorder), gh deficiency, growth hormone insufficiency, isolated growth hormone deficiency, growth hormone; deficiency, deficiency; growth hormone, growth hormone deficiency nos, isolated gh insufficiency, isolated growth hormone insufficiency, growth hormone deficiency (diagnosis), growth hormones insufficiency, ghd, isolated somatotropin deficiency, pituitary dwarfism, somatotropin deficiency nos, ghd - growth hormone deficiency, isolated somatotropin deficiency (disorder), hormone growth deficiency, isolated gh deficiency, ighd - isol growth horm defic, somatotropin deficiency (disorder), sth deficiency, ighd - isolated growth hormone deficiency, ghd - growth hormon deficiency, somatotropin deficiency",
+"stage 2b, stage 2b (qualifier value), inss stage 2b, stage iib",
+"prepuberal state, prepubertal, prepubertal sexuality state, sexually immature, has not reached sexual maturity, prepuberty (finding), prior to sexual maturity, prepuberty",
+"oral (intended site), oral",
+"somatropin product, product containing somatropin (medicinal product), somatropin [2] (substance), somatotropic hormone (sth), pituitary growth hormone, gh-n, recombinant gh, hgh human hormone growth, somatotropin (human), growth hormone hgh, human growth hormone (substance), growth hormone (human), hgh, growth hormones somatropin recombinant, gh, somatropina, product containing somatropin, somatropin (substance), somatropin (human), sth, somatotrophin, somatotropin human, recombinant somatropin, recombinant somatropin (medication), somatropin (recombinant rhgh), somatropin (rdna origin), human growth hormone hgh, somatropin (product), ghn, biosynthetic human growth hormone, sth (somatotropic hormone), somatropin [2] (product), rhgh, growth hormone human, somatotropin, gh - growth hormone, somatropin recombinant, hgh human growth hormone, recombinant human growth hormone, biosynthetic human growth horm, hghn, human growth hormone, hgh - growth hormone, somatropin, somatotropin human growth hormone, hgh (human growth hormone), somatropin-containing product, recombinant somatotropin, growth hormone 1, human growth hormone (hgh), somatotropic hormone, growth hormone, somatropin(recombinant dna origin), human growth hormone - synthetic, somatropin [rdna origin], hgh growth hormone, somatropin (recombinant dna origin), recombinant human growth hormone (substance), somatropin [2]",
+"catch, catch (finding), catch - finding of sensory dimension of pain, catching",
+"lining, linings, lines, lined, linear, line, linear (qualifier value)",
+"agt o 06, o-6-methylguanine-dna alkyltransferase, guanine-o(6)-alkyltransferase, methylguanine dna methyltransferase o 06, dna-6-o-methylguanine[protein]-l-cysteine s-methyltransferase, o6-alkylguanine dna alkyltransferase, methylated-dna-protein-cysteine methyltransferase (substance), o(6)-methylguanine-dna methyltransferase, o-6-methylguanine-dna-alkyltransferase, o(6)-methylguanine methyltransferase, methylated-deoxyribonucleic acid-protein-cysteine methyltransferase, agt, methylguanine dna methyltransferase, methylguanine methyltransferase o 06, o 6 agt, methylguanine-dna methyltransferase, methylated-deoxyribonucleic acid-protein-cysteine methyltransferase (substance), o6-methylguanine-dna methyltransferase (mgmt), dna-6-o-methylguanine:protein-l-cysteine s-methyltransferase, o(6)-meg-dna methyltransferase, o(6) methylguanine dna methyltransferase, methylated dna protein cysteine s methyltransferase, o(6)-agt, methylated-dna--protein-cysteine methyltransferase, o(6)-methylguanine dna transmethylase, o-6-methylguanine-dna methyltransferase, methylated-dna protein-cysteine methyltransferase, o(6) alkylguanine dna alkyltransferase, s-methyltransferase methylated-dna-protein-cysteine, o(6)-alkylguanine-dna alkyltransferase, alkylguanine dna alkyltransferase, methylated dna protein cysteine methyltransferase s, mgmt, ec, methylated-dna-protein-cysteine methyltransferase, guanine o(6) alkyltransferase, methylated-dna-protein-cysteine s-methyltransferase",
+"ipilimumab anti-ctla-4 mab, ipilimumab-containing product, anti-cytotoxic t-lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 monoclonal antibody, ipilimumab (substance), product containing ipilimumab (medicinal product), chemotherapeutics ipilimumab, ipilimumab product, monoclonal antibody ctla-4, anti ctla 4 mab ipilimumab, anti-ctla-4 mab ipilimumab, product containing ipilimumab, ipilimumab, ipilimumab (medication), ipilimumab (product), moab ctla-4",
+"glioblastoma, cancer glioblastoma multiforme, [m]spongioblastoma multiforme, glioblastoma multiforme, spongioblastoma multiforme, [m]glioblastoma multiforme (& nos), [m]glioblastoma multiforme, brain tumor glioblastoma multiforme, glioblastoma multiforme (diagnosis), gbm - glioblastoma multiforme, glioblastoma multiforme (gbm), glioma glioblastoma multiforme, glm - glioblastoma multiforme, [m]glioblastoma multiforme (& nos) (disorder), glioblastoma multiforme (disorder), intracranial neoplasm glioblastoma multiforme, gbm",
+"glioblastoma with sarcomatous component, gliosarcomas, glioblastoma with sarcomatous component (disorder), [m]gliosarcoma, glioblastoma with a sarcomatous component, glioma sarcomatous, gliosarcoma; unspecified site, gliosarcoma (morphologic abnormality), gliomas sarcomatous, sarcomatous glioma, gliosarcoma, glioblastoma sarcoma component, sarcomatous gliomas",
+"by injection, injection route of drug administration, injections, injection procedure, injection route of administration, inject, injection route (qualifier value), injectable, injection route, injection",
+"injection of therapeutic substance nos, injections procedure, shot, injection of therapeutic agent, injections, injection procedure, injection of therapeutic substance (procedure), injection administration, injection of drug nos, injection therap substance nos, injection of therapeutic substance nos (procedure), injection of therapeutic agent nos, injection of therapeutic substance nos, injection of medication nos, administration of injection, injection of therapeutic substance, injection procedures, injection, injection of therapeutic agent (procedure), injection of therapeutic subst",
+"toxin, toxin (disposition)",
+"entire vestibulocochlear organ, vestibulocochlear organ, aural, ear nos, entire ear, ab0 ears, ears, ear, entire ear (body structure)",
+"metastatic urothelial carcinoma, metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary tract, metastatic urothelial cancer, metastatic urothelial carcinoma (disorder)",
+"carcinoma transitional cell, transitional carcinoma, carcinomas transitional cell, [m]transitional cell ca. nos, carcinoma transitional cell, transitional cell carcinomas, tcc-transitionl cell carcinoma, carcinoma urothelial malignant, cell carcinomas transitional, urothelial carcinoma, tcc - transitional cell carcinoma, [m]transitional cell carcinoma nos, transitional cell carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma (diagnosis), [m]transitional cell carcinoma nos (morphologic abnormality), carcinomas urothelial, transitional cell carcinoma (morphologic abnormality), transitional cell carcinoma nos, cell carcinoma transitional, transitional cell carcinoma nos, transitional cell ca. nos, carcinoma cell transitional",
+"paclitaxel, paclitaxel (product), paclitaxel albumin-bound (human), paclitaxel-containing product, paclitaxel (substance), 5beta20-epoxy-12alpha47beta10beta13alpha-hexahydroxytax-11-en-9-one 410-diacetate 2-benzoate 13-ester with (2r3s)-n-benzoyl-3-phenylisoserine, benzenepropanoic acid beta-(benzoylamino)-alpha-hydroxy- 612b-bis(acetyloxy)-12-(benzoyloxy)-2a344a56910111212a12b-dodecahydro-411-dihydroxy-4a81313-tetramethyl-5-oxo-711-methano-1h-cyclodeca(34)benz(12-b)oxet-9-yl ester (2ar-(2aalpha4beta4abeta6beta9alpha(alphar*betas*)11alpha1-2alpha12aalpha12balpha))-, product containing paclitaxel, product containing paclitaxel (medicinal product), paclitaxel product, paclitaxel preparation, 5beta20-epoxy-12-alpha47beta10beta13alpha-hexahydroxytax-11-en-9-one 410-diacetate 2-benzoate 13-ester with (2r3s)-n-benzoyl-3-phenylisoserine, [2ar-[2a alpha4beta4a beta6beta9alpha(alphar*betas*)-11alpha12alpha12a alpha12b alpha]]-beta-(benzoylamino)-alpha-hydroxybenzene-propanoic acid 612b-bis(acetyloxy)-12-(benzoyloxy)-1a334-4156910111212a12b-dodecahydro-411-dihydroxy-418-1213-tetramethyl-5-oxo-711-methano-1h-cyclodeca[34]benz[12-b]oxet-9-yl ester, paclitaxel (medication)",
+"cis-diammine(11-cyclobutanedicarboxylato) platinum(ii), (sp-4-2)-diammine[11-cyclobutanedicarboxylato(2--)-oo]platinum, carboplatin (product), carboplatin, cbdca, carboplatin product, carboplatino, carboplatine, carboplatinum, product containing carboplatin (medicinal product), carboplatin-containing product, carboplatin (medication), carboplatin (substance), 11-cyclobutanedicarboxylic acid platinum complex, diamminecyclobutanedicarboxylatoplatinum ii, cis-diammine(cyclobutanedicarboxylato)platinum ii, product containing carboplatin, cis-diammine(11-cyclobutanedicarboxylato)platinum(ii), platinum diammine(11-cyclobutanedicarboxylato(2-))- (sp-4-2)-, cis-(11-cyclobutanedicarboxylato)diammineplatinum(ii), cbdca - carboplatin, platinum diammine(11-cyclobutanedicarboxylato(2-))- (sp-4-2), cis-diammine(cyclobutane-11-dicarboxylato)platinum, cis-diammine(11-cyclobutanedicarboxylato)platinum",
+"nodal (pertaining to a node), nodal (qualifier value), nodal",
+"cyclophosphamide therapy, cyclophosphamide therapy (procedure)",
+"blue color defect (physical finding), colorblindness tritanopic, blue color defect, color blindness blue, colorblindness tritan, blue colorblindness, blue-yellow dyschromatopsia, dyschromatopsia blue-yellow, tritan defect (diagnosis), tritan defect (disorder), tritan defect, blue color blindness, tritanopia (disorder), tritanopia, cbt, tritanomaly, tritan defect (blue), blue yellow color blindness",
+"rnax cognition treatment actions (treatment), psychotherapies cognitive, cognitive therapies, psychotherapy - cognitive (procedure), cognitive behavior therapy, cognitive and behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy cognitive, therapy cognition, cbt-cognitiv-behaviour therapy, ther cognition, cbt, cognitive-behaviour ther appro, therapies cognitive, cognition therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy (regime/therapy), cognitive - behaviour therapy (regime/therapy), cognitive ther, cognitive psychotherapies, cbt - cognitive and behavioural therapy, psychotherapy - cognitive (regime/therapy), psychotherapy - cognitive, cognitive - behavior therapy (procedure), cognitive psychotherapy, cognitive-behavior therapy, cognitive behavior ther, behavior ther cognitive, cognitve & behavioural therapy, rnax cognition treatment actions, behavioral therapies cognitive, psychother cognitive, cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive - behaviour therapy, cognitive approach, cognitive behavior therapies, behaviour cognitive therapy, behavior therapy cognitive, therapy cognitive behavior, cognitive psychother, cbt - cognitive - behavior therapy, therapies cognitive behavioral, cognitive-behavior ther appro, therapy behavior cognitive, cognitive therapy, cognitive and behavioural therapy, therapy cognitive, cognitive-behavioral therapy approach, therapy cognitive, cognitive therapy (procedure), therapy cognitive behavioral, ther cognitive behavior, cbt - cognitive and behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy approach, cbt-cognitiv-behavior therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, cognition therapies, behavior therapies cognitive, cognitive therapy approach, cognitive - behavior therapy (regime/therapy), cognitive and behavioral therapy (regime/therapy), therapies cognitive behavior, cognition ther, cognitive behavioral therapy (treatment), psychotherapy cognitive, therapies cognition, cbt - cognitive - behaviour therapy, behavioral cognitive therapy, cognitive - behavior therapy, cognitive behavior modification, cognitive and behavioral therapy (procedure), cognitve & behavioral therapy, cognitive-behaviour therapy, ther cognitive, cognitive behavioral therapies, ct",
+"product containing alcohol (product), ethanol measurement, drug screen quantalcohols, alcohol measurement nos, class of chemical alcohols, alcohol in any form, alcohol measurement, alcohol measurement (procedure), 210 alcohols, ethyl alcohol measurements, product containing alcohol, alcohol measurements, alcohol-containing product, ethanol measurement (procedure), alcohol [chemical class], alcohol (substance), alcohol product, alcohols levels, alcohols (chemical class), alcohol products (product), measurement of alcohol, alcohol products (substance), alcohols, alcohol substance, ethanol, alcohol level, alcohol level test, alcohol nos, drug screen quantitative alcohols, alcohol, ethanol measurement nos, etoh level, alcohol measurement (lab test), alcohol products",
+"disease chronic renal, kidney disease chronic, chronic kidney disease (ckd), chronic disease renal, chronic renal diseases, chronic kidney disease unspecified, chronic kidney diseases, disease chronic kidney, ckd, chronic kidney dis nos, diseases chronic kidney, diseases chronic renal, chronic kidney disease (disorder), chronic kidney disease, renal diseases chronic, kidney; disease chronic, chronic diseases renal, chronic renal disease, chronic renal insufficiency, disease (or disorder); kidney chronic, kidney diseases chronic, ckd - chronic kidney disease, renal disease chronic, renal disease chronic, chronic renal failure, loss of renal function",
+"anaemias, anemia (disorder), anemia the fern with tired blood, anemia unspecified, unspecified anemia, anemia; essential, anaemia unspecified (disorder), anemia unspecified (disorder), anemia unspecified, anemia nos, anaemia unspecified, anemia sw. 1806, anaemia unspecified, anemias, anaemia, mohria, anemia nos, unspecified anaemia, anemia, anaemia nos, mohria sw. 1806, genus anemia, anemia; unspecified, anaemia (disorder), anaemia nos, anemia ctcae, anemia [dup] (disorder), anemia (disorder) [ambiguous], anemia (diagnosis)",
+"dialysis procedures, unlisted dialysis procedure inpatient or outpatient, dialysis, dialysis therapy, renal dialysis nos, 2-77 dialysis procedures, dialysis procedure (procedure), dialysis services and procedures, dialysis (treatment), dialysis procedure, unlisted dialysis procedure inpatient/outpatient, therapy dialysis, dialysis nos",
+"lymph gland nos, lymph node structure (body structure), node lymph, c4 lymph nodes, structure of lymph node (body structure), lymph node, glands lymph, gland lymph, nodes lymph, structure of lymph node, lymph node structures, ln - lymph node, lymphs nodes, lymphatic gland, nodus lymphaticus, glands lymphatic, lymphonodus, node lymph, lymph node nos, lymph nodes, lymph gland, nodes lymph, lymphs node, lymphatic gland nos, lymph node(s), lymph node structure, nodus lymphoideus, reticuloendothelial system lymph node",
+"immunoassays, ia, immunoassay method, immunoassay, immunoassay method (procedure)",
+"ia, intra-arterial, intraarterial, intra arterial, intra-arterial location, intra-arterial (qualifier value)",
+"state of impairment, impairment, impairing, impaired, impaired (qualifier value)",
+"complexes, complex (qualifier value), cmplx, complex, complex nodule, complex nodule shape, complex (molecular entity)",
+"tobacco plant, nicotianas, tabacco, nicotiana tabacums, tobacco leaf, nicotiniana, tabacum nicotiana, nicotiana (organism), tobacco products, tobacco (drug), nicotiana tabacum, nicotiana, nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) leaf extract, tobacco leaf extract, tobacco in any form, tobacco product, nicotiana l., commercial tobacco plant, tabacum leaf, nicotiana nos, nicotiniana tabacum, tobacco, nicotiana tabacum (organism), yan cao leaf, common tobacco leaf, nicotiana tabacum l., nicotiana tabacum leaf allergenic extract, product tobacco, american tobacco leaf, products tobacco, tobacco - substance, tobacco oil, nicotiana tabacum leaf, tobacco leaf allergenic extract, tobacco (substance), tobaccos, american tobacco, cultivated tobacco leaf",
+"nicotine addiction, addictions nicotine, nicotine dependence (diagnosis), nicotine dependence (disorder), dependence; nicotine, nicotine dependence, addiction nicotine, addiction;nicotine, dependency on nicotine, dependence nicotine, nicotine dependence unspecified, dependence nicotine, nicotine; dependence",
+"drug prophylaxis (procedure), administration of prophylactic medication (procedure), drugs prophylaxis, administration of medication prophylactic, prophylactic drug therapy nos, prophylactic drug therapy, drug prophylaxis, prophylactic drug therapy nos (procedure), administration of prophylactic medication",
+"apixaban, anticoagulants apixaban, apixaban (medication), apixaban-containing product, apixabanum, apixaban product, apixaban (substance), apixaban (product), 1h-pyrazolo(34-c)pyridine-3-carboxamide 4567-tetrahydro-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-7-oxo-6-(4-(2-oxo-1-piperidinyl)phenyl)-, apixabán, product containing apixaban, product containing apixaban (medicinal product), aspidospermidine-3-carboxylic acid 4-(acetyloxy)-67-didehydro-15-[(2r4r6s8s)-4-(11-difluoroethyl)-13456789-octahydro-8-(methoxycarbonyl)-26-methano-2h-azecino[43-b]indol-8-yl]-3-hydroxy-16-methoxy-1-methyl- methyl ester (2β3β4β5α12r19.alpha.)- (2r3r)-23-dihydroxybutanedioate (1:2)",
+"hormone product nos, hormone, product containing hormone, hormone drug nos, hormone preparation nos, hormone nos, hormone product, hormone agent, hormone-containing product, product containing hormone (product), hormones preparation, endocrine substance preparation nos, drugs hormone, hormone drug, hormone preparation (substance), hormones, hormone preparation, endocrine substance preparation, hormone preparations, hormone (substance), hormone agent nos, drugs hormones, endocrine gland secretion, hormone preparation (product), a0-a1 hormone preparations, hormones (medication), drug hormones",
+"hormone (disposition), hormone",
+"product containing rituximab, rituximab abbs, rituximab-containing product, chimeric anti-cd20 antibody, rituximab (product), rituximab product, product containing rituximab (medicinal product), c2b8 monoclonal antibody, cd20 antibody rituximab, rituximab (substance), rituximab (medication), rituximab, rituximab cd20 antibody",
+"b-cell lymphoma nos, b cell lymphomas, b cell lymphoma non hodgkins, lymphoma b cell, lymphoma; b-cell, cell b lymphoma, b-cell lymphoma (clinical), lymphomas non-hodgkins b-cell, b cells lymphomas, lymphomas b-cell, b-cell lymphomas, b-cell lymphoma (diagnosis), b-cell lymphocytic neoplasm, lymphoma non-hodgkin lymphoma b-cell, b-cell lymphoma no icd-o subtype, malignant lymphoma b-cell type, b-cell lymphoma, lymphoma b-cell, b-cell non-hodgkin lymphoma, b cells lymphoma, b-cell lymphoma (disorder), lymphoma b-cell, malignant neoplasm lymphoma b-cell, b-cell non-hodgkins lymphoma, b-cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality), b-cell non hodgkins lymphoma, b-cell lymphoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), b-cell; lymphoma, non-hodgkins lymphoma b-cell, non-hodgkins b-cell lymphoma, b-cell neoplasm, lymphoma b cell, b cell lymphoma",
+"moab, monoclonal antibody-containing product, monoclonal antibody, monoclonal antibody therapy, product containing monoclonal antibody, monoclonal antibody preparation (product), monoclonal antibody agent (substance), monoclonal protein, monoclonal antibody (substance), monoclonal antibody preparation (substance), antibody monoclonal, monoclonal immunoglobulin, monoclonal antibody agent, mab, product containing monoclonal antibody (product), monoclonal immunoglobulin-containing product, monoclonal antibody preparation, antibodies monoclonal, monoclonal antibody product, monoclonal antibodies",
+"polycythemia; vera, polycythemias primary, polycythemia vera (clinical), vera polycythemia rubra, polycythaemia rubra vera, polycythaemia vera (clinical), pv, [m]polycythaemia rubra vera, erythremia (morphologic abnormality), polycythemia primary, primary proliferative polycythaemia, primary polycythemias, prv, polycythaemia vera, p.vera, primary polycythemia, ppp-primary prolif polycythaem, erythrocythemia, polycythemia vera (diagnosis), chronic erythremia [obs], erythremias, vera polycythemia ruba, proliferative polycythaemia, [m]polycythaemia vera, veras polycythemia rubra, [m]polycythemia vera (morphologic abnormality), vaquez-osler, polycythemia vera, rubra; polycythemia rubra vera, prim proliferat polycythaemia, osler vaquez disease, polycythemia splenomegalic, primary proliferative polycythemia, polycythaemia vera -retired-, vaquez-osler disease, polycythemia rubra vera, ruba veras polycythemia, veras polycythemia ruba, polycythemia rubra veras, osler-vaquez disease, polycythemia; rubra vera, polycythemia ruba vera, [m]polycythemia vera, proliferative polycythemia, primary polycythaemia, prv - polycythemia rubra vera, ppp - primary proliferative polycythemia, prv - polycythaemia rubra vera, osler-vaquez syndrome, splenomegalic polycythemia, polycythemia vera (disorder), vera; polycythemia, polycythemia ruba veras, vaquezs disease, p vera, polycythemia vera -retired-, oslers disease, prim proliferat polycythemia, ruba vera polycythemia, osler-vaquez, disease osler-vaquez, ppp - primary proliferative polycythaemia, chronic erythraemia [obs], [m]polycythemia rubra vera, osler vaquez dis, polycythemia vera (morphologic abnormality), erythremia, erythraemia",
+"diabetes diagnosed newly, newly diagnosed diabetes (finding), newly diagnosed diabetes",
+"type 1, bristol stool type 1, type 1 (qualifier value), type i",
+"recent episode, recent (qualifier value), recent, recently, recent -retired-, recent episode (qualifier value)",
+"immunotherapy agent, immunotherapeutic agent, biological response modifier therapy nos, biological response modifiers, immunological care, immunologically directed therapy, biological response modifier therapy, biomodulator, immune regulators, immunomodulators, response modifiers biological, immunological therapy nos (procedure), immunopotentiators, immunological therapy nos, immune mediators, immunotherapies, modifiers biol response, immunomodulating agent, biological response modifier, brm, immunotherapy, modifiers biological response, immunological therapy, biological response modifier therapy (procedure), biol response modifiers, response modifiers biol, immunotherapy (procedure), biomodulators, immunological therapy (procedure), response modifier biological, immunotherapy nos, immunomodulatory agent, immune modulators, immunother, modifier biological response",
+"9α-fluoro-16α-methylprednisolone, dexamethasone preparation (substance), dexaméthasone, fluoro-9alpha methyl-16alpha prednisolone, 9alpha-fluoro-11beta17alpha21-trihydroxy-16alpha-methylpregna-14-diene-320-dione, 9alpha-fluoro-16alpha-methylprednisolone, 16alpha-methyl-9alpha-fluoro-1-dehydrocortisol, dexamethasone (medication), dexamethasone-containing product, dexamethasone (substance), dexamethasone (product), desamethasone, methylfluorprednisolone, dexametasona, dexamethasone, dxm, (11beta16alpha)-9-fluoro-111721-trihydroxy-16-methylpregna-14-diene-320-dione, 9alpha-fluoro-16alpha- methylprednisolone, dexamethasonum, 16alpha-methyl-9alpha-fluoroprednisolone, 16alpha-methyl-9alpha-fluoro-14-pregnadiene-11beta17alpha21-triol-320-dione, 16α-methyl-9α-fluoro-1-dehydrocortisol, dexamethasone preparation, disaimisong, product containing dexamethasone, pregna-14-diene-320-dione 9-fluoro-111721-trihydroxy-16-methyl- (11beta16alpha)-, dexamethasone (dmx), dexamethasone product, dm, 1-dehydro-16alpha-methyl-9alpha-fluorohydrocortisone, product containing dexamethasone (medicinal product), dexamethasone preparation (product), 16alpha-methyl-9alpha-fluoro-delta1-hydrocortisone, 1-dehydro-16α-methyl-9α-fluorohydrocortisone, hexadecadrol",
+"prochlorperazinum, prochlorperazine (medication), prochlorpermazine, prochlorperazine [antipsych] [see dhe..], prochlorpérazine, chloropernazine, proclorperazina, prochlorperazine-containing product, prochlorperazine (product), prochlorperazine [antipsych] [see dhe..] (substance), prochlorpromazine, prochlorperazine [antipsych], prochlorperazin, 3-chloro-10-(3-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)propyl)phenothiazine, product containing prochlorperazine (medicinal product), chlormeprazine, prochlorperazine [nausea] (substance), product containing prochlorperazine, prochlorperazine (substance), prochlorperazine, 2-chloro-10-(3-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)propyl)phenothiazine, chloro-3 (n-methylpiperazinyl-3 propyl)-10 phenothiazine, n-(gamma-(4-methylpiperazinyl-1)propyl)-3-chlorophenothiazine, 10h-phenothiazine 2-chloro-10-(3-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)propyl)-, prochlorperazine [nausea] (product), prochlorperazine product, procloperazine, prochlorperazine [antipsych] [see dhe..] (product), prochlorperazine [nausea], 3-chloro-10-(3-(1-methyl-4-piperazinyl)propyl)phenothiazine, 2-chloro-10-(3-(1-methyl-4-piperazinyl)propyl)-phenothiazine",
+"netupitant, 2-[35-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-n2-dimethyl-n-[4-(2-methylphenyl)-6-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)pyridin-3-yl]propanamide, 2-[35-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-n2-dimethyl-n-[4-(2-methylphenyl)-6-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-3-pyridinyl]propanamide, netupitant (substance)",
+"palonosetron hydrochloride (medication), 1h-benz(de)isoquinolin-1-one 2-(3s)-1-azabicyclo(2.2.2)oct-3-yl-233a456-hexahydro- monohydrochloride(3as)-, palonosetron (as hydrochloride), palonosetron hcl, palonosetron hydrochloride (substance), palonosetron hydrochloride, antinauseants palonosetron hydrochloride",
+"chemotherapeutics growth-signaling inhibitors ibrutinib, ibrutinib (product), 2-propen-1-one 1-((3r)-3-(4-amino-3-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-1h-pyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidin-1-yl)-1-piperidinyl)-, ibrutinib (substance), 1-((3r)-3-(4-amino-3-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-1h-pyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidin-1-yl)piperidin-1- yl)prop-2-en-1-one, ibrutinib-containing product, 1-[(3r)-3-[4-amino-3-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-1h-pyrazolo[34-d]pyrimidin-1-yl]piperidin-1-yl]prop-2-en-1-one, ibrutinib (medication), ibrutinib product, product containing ibrutinib, product containing ibrutinib (medicinal product), ibrutinib",
+"lipoprotein-a, lipoprotein (a) level, lipoprotein (a) measurement (procedure), lpa, lipoprotein a measurement, lipoprotein (a) measurement, measurement of lipoprotein (a), assay of lipoprotein(a), lipoprotein (a)",
+"pad - unit of product usage (qualifier value), pad dosing unit, pad, pads, pad (physical object), pad - unit of product usage",
+"death rate, mortality rating, mortalities, mortality rates, mortality rate, mortality vital statistics, mortality rate (observable entity), mortal, mortality",
+"left ventricular ejection fraction (finding), lvef, left ventric ejectn fraction, ejection fraction, left ventricular ejection fraction, lvef - left ventricular ejection fraction, lvef-left ventr eject fraction, left ventricular ejection fraction (observable entity)",
+"tocilizumab (product), product containing tocilizumab, atlizumab, tocilizumab, antiarthritics tocilizumab, tocilizumab (substance), mra, immunoglobulin g1 anti-(human interleukin 6 receptor) (human-mouse monoclonal mra heavy chain) disulfide with human-mouse monoclonal mra kappa-chain dimer, tocilizumab product, product containing tocilizumab (medicinal product), tocilizumab-containing product, tocilizumab (medication), immunoglobulin g1 anti-(human interleukin 6 receptor) (human-mouse monoclonal mra heavy chain) disulfide with human-mouse monoclonal mra kappa chain dimer",
+"receptor antagonist, receptor antagonist (disposition)",
+"type of donor organ, donor organ, donor organs, type of donor organ (qualifier value), type of donor organ (attribute)",
+"organisation, organization (morphologic abnormality), organization, physiologic organization",
+"chronic disease, chronic disorder, chronic diseases, chronic illnesses, diseases chronic, chronic disease nos, illness chronic, disease chronic, illnesses chronic, chronic illness, chronic disease (disorder), chronic disorders, chronic dis, chronic disease/disorder",
+"inhib hydroxymethylglutaryl coa, hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa reductase inhibitors, reductase inhibitor hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa, hmg-coa reductase inhibitors, statin, hmg-coa reductase inhibitor-containing product, hmg-coa reductase inhibitors (medication), hmg-coa reductase inhibitor, product containing 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor (product), inhibitors hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa, 808 hmg-coa reductase inhibitors, hmg coa reductase inhibitor, hmg-coa reductase inhibitor nos, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor product, inhibitors hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme a, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor, inhib hmg coa reductase, substance with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor mechanism of action (substance), inhibitors hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa reductase, substance with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor mechanism of action, reductase inhibitors hmg-coa, hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa reductase inhibitor, statins hmg coa, hmg-coa reductase inhibitor (product), hydroxymethylglutaryl coa reductase inhibitors, hmg coa reductase inhib, hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor, hmg-coa reductase inhibitor (substance), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor (substance), hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa inhibitors, hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzymea reductase inhibitors, hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa reductase inhibitors [moa], hydroxymethylglutaryl coa reductase inhibitor, hmg-coa statins, hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme a inhibitors, hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor (product), reductase inhibitors hydroxymethylglutaryl-coa, product containing 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitor, statins hmg-coa, hmg-coa reductase inhibitor product, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a (hmg-coa) reductase inhibitor (substance), inhibitors hmg-coa reductase, statins, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a (hmg-coa) reductase inhibitor, inhibitors hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme a, hmg coa reductase inhibitors, inhibitors hydroxymethylglutaryl coa, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase inhibitor, inhibitors hmg coa reductase, statin-containing product, hydroxymethylglutaryl coa reductase inhib",
+"allograft, homografts, allogeneic transplant, transplants allogeneic, graft allogeneic, grafts allogeneic, homologous transplants, allogeneic transplants, homograft, transplant allogeneic, transplants homologous, homologous transplant, allograft -retired-, allografts, allogeneic grafts, allogeneic graft, allograft processed, transplant homologous, allograft surgical material, allograft (substance), homologous graft",
+"cystitis hemorrhagic, hemorrhagic cystitis (disorder), haemorrhagic cystitis, hemorrhagic cystitis (diagnosis), cystitis haemorrhagic, hemorrhagic cystitis",
+"vira, virus, section 3 viruses, 300 virus, viruses, virus nos, viridae, virus (organism), viruses general",
+"cystitis (diagnosis), urocystitis, inflammation of urinary bladder, bladder inflammation, cystitis (disorder), inflammation; bladder, cystitis unspecified, cystitis nos (disorder), cystitides, urinary bladder inflamed, cystitis ctcae 3, urinary bladder inflammation, cystitis (nos), infection bladder, cystitis ctcae, cystalgia, cystitis nos, cystitis, bladder infection, inflammation of bladder, bladder; inflammation, cystitis of the urinary bladder, inflammation of bladder (disorder), cystitis nos, bladder infection (diagnosis)",
+"tumor neuroendocrine, neuroendocrine tumor nos, neuroendocrine neoplasm (morphologic abnormality), neuroendocrine tumour, neuroendocrine tumor (disorder), neuroendocrine tumours, neuroendocrine tumors, neoplasms neuroendocrine, neuroendocrine neoplasm, neuroendocrine tumor, tumors neuroendocrine, neuroendocrine neoplasia, neuroendocrine tumor (diagnosis), neuroendocrine tumor (morphologic abnormality)",
+"chemotherapeutics cabozantinib, product containing cabozantinib, cabozantinib (substance), n-{4-[(67-dimethoxyquinolin-4-yl)oxy]phenyl}-n-(4-fluorophenyl)cyclopropane-11- dicarboxamide, cabozantinib, product containing cabozantinib (medicinal product), cabozantinib product, cabozantinib-containing product, 11-cyclopropanedicarboxamide n-[4-[(67-dimethoxy-4-quinolinyl)oxy]phenyl]-n-(4- fluorophenyl)-, cabozantinib (medication)",
+"pancreatic tumors, pancreatic neoplasms, pancreas neoplasm nos, pancreatic tumor, pancreas tumour, neopl pancreatic, neoplasm of the pancreas, tumor pancreas, pancreas tumor, pancreatic neoplasm, neoplasm of pancreas (disorder), neoplasia of the pancreas, tumor of pancreas, pancreatic neoplasm nos, tumor of the pancreas, tumour pancreas, neoplasm pancreas, neoplasms pancreatic, pancreatic tumor or cancer, pancreas--tumors, neoplasm pancreas, pancreas tumors, pancreas neopl, pancreas neoplasms, tumour of pancreas, neoplasm of pancreas, neoplasm of pancreas (diagnosis), neoplasms pancreas, neoplasms pancreas, tumor pancreatic cancer, neoplasm pancreatic, pancreatic neopl, pancreas neoplasm",
+"pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm, neoplasm of endocrine pancreas (disorder), tumor of endocrine pancreas (disorder), endocrine tumour of pancreas, islet cell tumors, islet cell tumor, pancreatic net, pancreas; islet cell tumor, neoplasm of islets of langerhans (disorder), islet cell tumors - pancreas, nesidioblastomas, tumor of endocrine pancreas, pancreatic endocrine tumor, islet cell tumors of the pancreas, endocrine pancreas tumors, pancreas; tumor islet cell, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, well differentiated pancreatic endocrine neoplasm, nesidioblastoma; unspecified site, islet of langerhans tumor, islet cell tumor; pancreas, neoplasm of endocrine pancreas, nesidioblastoma; pancreas, tumors island cell, endocrine pancreas tumor, islet cell tumour, islet cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality), neoplasm of islets of langerhans (diagnosis), islet cell; tumor pancreas, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour, island cell tumor, well differentiated pancreatic endocrine tumor, pancreatic endocrine tumour, pancreatic islet cell tumors, island cell tumors, pannet, neoplasm of islets of langerhans, endocrine pancreatic tumors, pancreatic endocrine neoplasm, tumour of endocrine pancreas, pancreas; nesidioblastoma, tumor island cell, islet cell tumor (morphologic abnormality), islet cell neoplasm, tumor islet cell, tumor islet langerhans, tumor; islet cell pancreas, islet cell adenoma, endocrine tumor of pancreas, langerhans tumor islet, nesidioblastoma, tumors islet cell",
+"atypical carcinoid tumor (diagnosis), malignant carcinoid tumor, atypical carcinoid tumour, atypical carcinoid tumor, atypical carcinoid tumor (morphologic abnormality)",
+"gastrointestinal tract nos, digestive tract, alimentary tract nos, gastrointestinal (gi) tract, body system gastrointestinal, section 5 digestive tract, gut, gi tracts, gastrointestinal body system, digestive canal, gastrointestinal tract structure (body structure), ailmentary system, gis - gastrointestinal system, entire gastrointestinal system, structure of digestive system, alimentary canal, digestive system, gastrointestinal system, gastrointest tract structure, organ system gastrointestinal, gastrointestinal organ system, gastrointestinal tracts, gastrointestinal tract, digestive tube, structure of digestive system (body structure), digestive tracts, alimentary tract, digestive systems, systema digestorium, alimentary system, digestive tract nos, digestive, digestive tract structure (body structure), digestive structure, digestive tract structure, gastrointestinal tract structure, gastro-intestinal system, gi tract, digestive system nos, digestive structure (body structure), sections 5-6 digestive system, gastrointestinal system (body structure), entire gastrointestinal system (body structure), alimentary tracts",
+"histological grade (procedure), histologic grade, histological_grade, grade (high/low), grading, histologic grade (observable entity), grade, histopathologic grade, tumor grade, histological grade, tumor_grade, histopathology grade",
+"adren hypertrophy/hyperplasia, adrenal hypertrophy or hyperplasia (disorder), adrenal hypertrophy or hyperplasia",
+"woman pregnant, pregnant women, women pregnant, pregnant woman, pregn women, pregnant female, women pregn, pregnant woman (person)",
+"treated with (attribute), treated by, treated with, tw",
+"stage 1b (qualifier value), stage ib, stage 1b",
+"inflammatory disorder of joint (disorder), inflammatory arthritis, arthritis (disorder), arthritis inflammatory, 1-20 inflammatory arthropathies, joint inflammation, arthritides, arthritis nos, arthritis nos, arthritis (finding), arthritis (diagnosis), arthritis unspecified, joint inflamed, inflammatory arthropathies, arthritide, inflammatory disorder of joint, arthritis;inflammatory, arthritis unspecified site unspecified, arthritis ctcae, arthritis, inflammation of joint nos, arthritis inflammatory, inflammatory arthropathy",
+"psoriases, psoriasis nos (disorder), psoriasis unspecified, psoriasis nos, psoriasis unspecified, psoriasis (disorder), psoriasis nos, psoriasis unspecified (disorder), psoriasis (diagnosis), psoriasis, psoriasi",
+"acute interstitial pneumonitis, interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis diffuse, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis (disorder), uip - usual interstitial pneumonitis, diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, idiopath. fibrosing alveolitis, hamman - rich syndrome, hamman rich syndrome, idiopath.fibrosing alveol.nos, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis (diagnosis), hamman-rich syndrome, hamman rich disease, pneumonia acute interstitial, interstitial pneumonia acute, acute interstitial pneumonitides, hamman-rich disease, idiopath. fibrosing alveolitis (& hamman-rich syndrome) (disorder), diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (diagnosis), acute interstitial pneumonia, diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (disorder), idiopathic interstitial fibrosis of lung syndrome, diff interstit pulm fibrosis, alveolitis-idiopath. fibrosing, idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, idiopath.fibrosing alveolitis, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis nos, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis, dipf - diff interstit pul fibr, fibrosing alveolitis-idiopath., usual interstitial pneumonitis, dipf - diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, acute interstitial pneumonias, interstitial pneumonitis acute, idiopath. fibrosing alveolitis (& hamman-rich syndrome), fibrosing alveolitis, diffuse idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, fibrosis pulmonary interstitial diffuse, pneumonitis acute interstitial",
+"transpl allogeneic, homologous transplantation, homotransplantation, allograft, transplantation homologous, homografts, allogeneic grafting, allogeneic transplantation, allografts, allogeneic transplantation (procedure), transpl homol, transplantation allogeneic, grafting allogeneic, homograft, allogeneic transpl, homol transpl, allografting, homografting",
+"hemodynamics monitoring, monitoring hemodynamic, haemodynamic monitoring, cath hemodynamics hemodynamic monitoring, hemodynamic monitoring, hemodynamic monitoring (procedure), hemodynamic monitoring (regime/therapy), hemodynamic monitor",
+"dystonia unspecified, dystonia (diagnosis), dystonic disorders, dystonia dis, dystonia disorder, [x]dystonia unspecified, dystonic dis, dystonia disorders, dystonia, dystonia (disorder), [x]dystonia unspecified (disorder), [x]dystonia unspecified (finding), dystonic disorder",
+"hereditary spinal ataxia friedreich, familial ataxia friedreich, hereditary; spinal ataxia (friedreich), friedreichs dis, ataxia; spinal hereditary (friedreich), friedreichs ataxia (disorder), friedricks ataxia, ataxia friedreich, friedreich ataxias, spinal sclerosis hereditary, ataxia friedreich hereditary, frda, spinal scleroses hereditary, hereditary; ataxia spinal (friedreich), friedreich hereditary ataxia, friedreich; combined systemic disease, fa - friedreich ataxia, hereditary spinal scleroses, hereditary; sclerosis spinal (friedreichs ataxia), friedreich spinocerebellar ataxia, ataxia friedreich familial, ataxia friedreich spinocerebellar, spinocerebellar ataxia friedreich, combined; systemic disease friedreich, friedreichs hereditary ataxia, disease friedreich, disease friedreichs, scleroses hereditary spinal, ataxia friedreich, friedreich disease, hereditary; spinal sclerosis (friedreichs ataxia), hereditary spinal ataxia, hereditary ataxias friedreichs, ataxia friedreichs, family ataxia, ataxia; friedreich, ataxias friedreich, friedreichs tabes, hereditary spinal ataxia friedreichs, ataxia friedreichs familial, spinal; ataxia hereditary (friedreich), spinal; hereditary sclerosis (friedreichs ataxia), familial ataxia friedreichs, friedreich ataxia, friedreichs familial ataxia, friedreichs ataxia, ataxias friedreichs hereditary, friedreichs hereditary ataxia, hereditary ataxia friedreichs, friedreich ataxia (disorder), hereditary spinal sclerosis, ataxia; hereditary spinal (friedreich), friedreichs hereditary spinal ataxia, friedreich dis, friedreich hereditary spinal ataxia, friedreich; ataxia, fa, ataxia friedrichs, friedrichs ataxia, spinal sclerosis hereditary, friedreichs familial ataxia, sclerosis hereditary spinal, familial ataxia, spinal; sclerosis hereditary (friedreichs ataxia), friedreich familial ataxia, friedreichs ataxia (diagnosis), sclerosis; hereditary spinal (friedreichs ataxia), sclerosis; spinal hereditary (friedreichs ataxia), friedreichs disease, hereditary ataxia of friedreich, friedreichs hereditary ataxias, friedreichs ataxia, hereditary ataxia friedreich, ataxia friedreichs hereditary",
+"nucleus dentate, cerebellar dentate nucleus, lateral nucleus of cerebellum, lateral cerebellar nucleus, cerebellar nucleus lateral, dentate nucleus (vicq dazyr), nucleus lateral cerebellar, dentate cerebellar nucleus, nucleus dentatus (body structure), dentate nucleus, dt, nucleus dentatus cerebelli, cerebellar nucleus dentate, nucleus lateralis cerebelli, nucleus dentatus, nucleus dentate cerebellar",
+"screening for malignant neoplasm of lung, screening for lung cancer, lung cancer early detection, lung neoplasm screen, lung neoplasm screening (procedure), early detection of lung cancer, lung neoplasm screening, screening for malignant neoplasm of lung (procedure), lung cancer screen, cancer lung screening, screening lung cancer, lung cancer screening (procedure), lung cancer screening",
+"ovum implantations, implantation embryo, implantations ovum, implantation ovum, implantation in uterus function, blastocyst implantations, implantation in uterus function (observable entity), implantation nos, nidation, nidations, blastocyst implantation natural, implantation blastocyst, implantation in uterus (function), embryo implantation, implantation in uterus nos, ovum implantation, implantation, ovum; implantation, implantation embryo, blastocyst implantation, implantations embryo, embryo implantations, implantations blastocyst, implantation in uterus",
+"coronary artery structure (body structure), arteriae cornarae, arteries coronary, coronary arterial tree, artery coronary, set of coronary arteries, coronary artery structure, coronary arteries, coronary artery nos, ca - coronary artery, coronary artery, 43 coronary arteries, entire coronary artery, entire coronary artery (body structure), coronary arteries set",
+"calcification, calcifications, calcified structure, calcified, calcific, calcifying, calcium deposits, calcify, calcium deposit, calcified (qualifier), calcium deposition, calcified (qualifier value)",
+"dietary calcium supplement, calcium measurement nos, ca, calcium, calcium metabolic function, factor iv coagulation, calcium analyte, calcium elemental, kalzium, calcium measurement, calcium supplements, product containing calcium (medicinal product), assay of calcium, calcium coagulation factor, ca++ element, measurement of calcium, calcium supplement, coagulation factor iv -retired-, calcium (substance), calcium dietary, calcium total each test, calciums, ca - calcium, calcium levels, calcium (medication), lab-based chem measurements calcium, product containing calcium (product), blood coag factor iv, total calcium test, calcium measurement (procedure), blood coagulation factor iv, calcium level, calcium [epc], calcium; total, calcium-containing agent, calcium 40, calcium coagulation factor, calcio, factor iv, ca++, calcium (nos), elemental calcium, coagulation factor iv (substance), calcium total, calcium nos, coag factor iv, calcium dietary, calcium measurements, calcium product, measurement of calcium (lab test), ca element, calcium-40, calcium analyte (substance), dietary calcium, calcium level test, calcium supplement (substance), calcium-containing product, coagulation factor iv, ca tot ea.tst, product containing calcium",
+"dietary calcium supplement, calcium, calcium supplement, calcium supplement (substance), calcium supplements",
+"myocardium structure (body structure), myocardia, heart muscle, muscles cardiac, myocardial tissue, cardiac muscles, heart muscles, textus muscularis cardiacus striatus, cardiac muscle, cardiac muscle tissue, myocardium, cardiac muscle (tissue), myocardium structure, muscles heart, muscle heart, muscle of heart, myocardium nos, myocardial, muscle cardiac, cardiac muscle (tissue) (body structure)",
+"st elevated, elevated st, ekg st elevation, st segment elevation by ekg finding, electrocardiogram: st segment elevated, st segment elevation by ecg finding, st segment elevation, s-t segment elevated, elevated st segment, st elevation (observable entity), st elevation (finding), st segment elevation (finding), st segment elevated, electrocardiogram st segment elevation, ecg st segment elevated, elevation st, electrocardiogram: st segment elevated (procedure), ecg st elevation, elevations st, st elevation, st elevation ekg",
+"chloride nos, chloride salt nos, chloride salt (substance), chloride salt, chloride, chlorides",
+"ibd, irritable bowel disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, inflamm bowel dis, inflammatory bowel disease (diagnosis), chronic enteropathy, inflammatory bowel disease nos, ibd - inflam bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease (disorder), inflammatory bowel disease nos, bowel disease inflammatory, bowel diseases inflammatory, disease;inflammatory bowel, bowel dis inflamm, disease inflammatory bowel, ibd - inflammatory bowel disease, bowel inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune bowel disorder, chronic enteritis, bowel diseases inflammatory",
+"hpp - hereditary pyropoikilocytosis, hereditary pyropoikilocytosis, pyropoikilocytosis hereditary, hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (disorder), hpp - hered pyropoikilocytosis, pyropoikilocytosis, hpp",
+"pacemaker artificial cardiac, pacemakers (artificial), cardiac pacemaker, artificial cardiac pacemakers, cardiac pacemaker device, pacemaker artificial, pacemakers artificial, artificial pacemakers, pacemaker, cardiac pacemaker artificial, cardiac pacemaker implant, cardiac pacemakers, heart pacer, stimulators electrical cardiac pace, artificial pacemaker, pacemaker artificial (heart), heart pacemaker, pacemaker cardiac, heart pacers, cardiac pacemaker (treatment), pacemakers artificial cardiac, cardiac pacemaker prosthetic, heart pacemakers, supplies cardiac pacemaker, artificial cardiac pacemaker, pacemakers cardiac, cardiac pacemakers artificial, pacemakers heart, cardiac pacemaker device (physical object), cardiac artificial pacemaker",
+"benzoic acid 2-(acetyloxy)-, acide 2-(acétyloxy)benzoque, aspirin [musculoskeletal use], ácido acetilsalicílico, aspirin [cns], antiplatelet aspirin (product), aspirin [central nervous system use], aspirin, acetylsalicylsäure, o-acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin [musculoskeletal use] (substance), antiplatelet aspirin, aspirin given for kawasaki disease, aspirin (medication), aspirin [central nervous system use] (substance), aspirin - chemical (substance), o-acetoxybenzoic acid, o-carboxyphenyl acetate, aspirin product, azetylsalizylsäure, acide acétylsalicylique, aspirin antiplatelet, 2-acetoxybenzoic acid, product containing aspirin, aspirin (substance), aspirin [central nervous system use] (product), acetylsalicylic acid, 2-acetoxybenzenecarboxylic acid, antiplatelet aspirin (substance), asa, aspirin [antiplatelet], aspirin-containing product, aspirin chemicals, aspirin given for rheumatic fever, aspirin (product), acidum acetylsalicylicum, aspirins, aspirin [musculoskeletal use] (product), acid acetylsalicylic, salicylic acid acetate, aspirina, aspirin products, acetylsalicylic acid - chemical, 2-(acetyloxy)benzoic acid, product containing aspirin (medicinal product), aspirin product (substance), aspirin - chemical",
+"dis blood coag, section c-6 disorders of blood coagulation, coagulation disorders of, blood clotting disorder, (coagulation defects) or (bleeding disorders), coagulation defect nos, blood clotting disorders, defective coagulation nos, disorder of hemostatic system, blood clotting disorder nos, coagulation defect unspecified, disorder of haemostasis nos, blood coag dis, abnormal coagulation, abnormal;coagulation, disorders of blood coagulation: general conditions, blood coagulation disorder (disorder), coagulation disorders, disorders of blood coagulation, coagulation defects (diagnosis), coagulation defect nos (disorder), disorder coagulation, blood coagulation defect, blood coagulation disorder disease or syndrome, coagulopathy, bleeding disorders, blood clotting; disorder, disorder of hemostatic system (diagnosis), coagulation disorder (nos), coagulopathies, coagulation disorder blood, bleeding disorder, abnormality of the coagulation cascade, bleeding tendency, coagulation abnormal, coagulation disorders blood, coagulopathy nos, coagulation defect, disorder coagulation, hemostatic function abnormal, coagulation disorder nos, disorder hemostasis, c-60 disorders of blood coagulation: general conditions, disorders blood coagulation, disorder of haemostasis, coagulation defects, blood coagulation disorder nos, clotting disorder, clotting disorders, disorder; hemostasis, defect coagulation (nos), blood coagulation disorder, disorder of hemostasis (disorder), clotting, disorder of hemostasis nos, disorder of hemostatic system (disorder), disorders of coagulation, coagulation disorder, blood coagulation disorders diseases and syndromes, blood coagulation disorders, bleeding diathesis, blood coagulation disorder (diagnosis), disorder; blood clotting, coagulation disorder nos, disorder blood coagulation, hemostatic disorder, (coagulation defects) or (bleeding disorders) (disorder), disorder of hemostasis, disorder of haemostatic system, coag dis blood, disturbance; blood clotting",
+"stress dis posttraumatic, disorder;post traumatic stress, posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic; neurosis, post-traumatic stress syndrome, ptsd, stress disorder post-traumatic, posttraumatic stress dis, stress disorders posttraumatic, combat fatigue, stress dis post traumatic, post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic neurosis, post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd), neuroses post traumatic, ptsd - post-traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder unspecified, post-traumatic neuroses, disorder; post-traumatic stress, post-traumatic stress; disorder, traumatic neuroses, post-traumatic stress disorder (disorder), neuroses post-traumatic, posttraumatic stress disorder (disorder), stress disorder post traumatic, disorder post-traumatic stress, post traumatic stress disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, ptsd - post-traum stress disor, combat neurosis, posttraumatic stress disorder nos, post-traumatic stress disorder (diagnosis), post traumatic stress dis, post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd), posttraumatic stress disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder nos, neurosis traumatic, stress disorders post-traumatic, disorder; stress post-traumatic, post traumatic stress disorder, post traumatic stress syndrome, neurosis; traumatic, posttraumatic neuroses, neuroses posttraumatic, stress; disorder post-traumatic, stress disorder posttraumatic",
+"drug medicament or biological substance (substance), pharmaceutical preparations, pharmaceutical / biologic product, product pharmaceutical, drug nos, pharmaceutic preparations, medicines, pharmaceutical / biologic product (product), general drug type (substance), general drug type, medicinal product (product), preparation pharmaceutical, medication nos, drug, drug preparation nos, preparations pharmaceutical, preparations pharmaceutic, general drug type (product), drug preparation (substance), medicine nos, medication, drug medicamt or bio substnce, pharm preparations, drug medicament or biological substance, drug or medicament, medication(s), pharmaceutical, medicinal products, drugs, drug/agent, drug preparation, medicinal product, drug product, drug or medicament (substance), drug preparation (product), pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical product, medications, drug (substance), products pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical preparation, medicine, pharmaceutical products, preparations pharm",
+"sedative agent (substance), sedative (substance), sedatives, sedatives (medication), sedative agent nos, medicinal product acting as sedative (product), sedative agent (product), sedative agent, sedative, sedative (product)",
+"dissociation, dissociation - mental defence mechanism, dissociation - mental defense mechanism (finding), dissociation - ment defen mech, dissociation - mental defense mechanism",
+"mechanism (attribute), mechanisms, mechanism, mechanisms (qualifier value)",
+"generalized, generalised, general, global, generalized (qualifier value)",
+"clinical action, generic action, action (qualifier value), actions, action attribute, clinical actions, action, action - attribute, regulatory action, action (attribute)",
+"muscle action antagonist, antagonist, antagonist muscle action function, antagonist muscle action function (observable entity), antagonist muscle action (function), antagonist muscle action",
+"myeloid leukemia acute, myelocytic leukemias acute, acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemias, myeloid; leukemia acute, acute myeloblastic leukaemia, leukaemias acute myeloid, leukemias acute myeloid, acute myeloid leukemia - category (morphologic abnormality), leukemia; myeloid acute, acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (anll), myelogenous leukemias acute, leukemias acute myelocytic, acute myeloid leukaemia nos, aml - acute myeloid leukaemia, non-lymphoblastic leukemia acute, acute myeloid leukemia not otherwise categorized, acute myeloid leukemia no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, leukemia acute myelogenous, acute granulocytic leukaemia, leukemia myeloblastic acute, [m]acute myeloid leukaemia, leukemia myeloblastic acute, leukemia nonlymphoblastic acute, acute myeloid leukemia - category, acute myeloid leukemia not otherwise specified, leukemia acute myeloid, leukemia acute myelocytic, aml - acute myelobl leukaemia, acute myelogenous leukemia (aml), acute myeloid leukemia disease, acute myeloid leukemia nos, acute nonlymphoblastic leukemias, acute myeloid leukemia nos, acute myeloblastic leukemia nos, acute myeloid leukaemia disease, acute myeloblastic leukemia (diagnosis), acute myelocytic leukemias, aml - acute myelobl leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloid leukaemia, acute myeloid leukemia (aml), acute myeloblastic leukemia (disorder), leukemia; granulocytic acute, leukemias acute myelogenous, leukemias acute nonlymphoblastic, myelocytic; leukemia acute, leukemia myeloid acute, leukaemia myeloblastic acute, leukemia acute myeloblastic, leukemia myelocytic acute, acute myeloid leukemias, acute myeloblastic leukemias, aml - acute myeloblastic leukemia, nonlymphocytic leukemias acute, myelocytic leukemia acute, myeloblastic leukemias acute, acute non-lymphocytic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia, myelogenous leukemia acute, leukemias acute myeloblastic, aml (acute myelogenous leukemia), leukaemia;acute myeloid, acute myelogenous leukemia (diagnosis), acute myelocytic leukaemia, leukemia;acute myeloid, acute myelocytic leukemia, leukemia acute myeloblastic, leukemias acute myeloid, acute myelogenous leukaemia, acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia, acute myeloid leukemia no icd-o subtype, aml - acute myeloid leukemia, leukemia acute nonlymphocytic, acute leukemias non lymphoblastic, [m]acute myeloid leukaemia (disorder), aml - acute myeloblastic leukaemia, acute myeloid leukaemia - category, leukemia acute myelogenous, leukemia granulocytic acute, nonlymphocytic leukemia acute, acute myeloid leukemia disease (disorder), acute myeloid leukemia no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), granulocytic; leukemia acute, myeloid leukaemia acute, myeloblastic leukemia acute, nonlymphoblastic leukemias acute, acute myeloid leukaemia no icd-o subtype, aml nos, leukemia acute nonlymphoblastic, leukemia; myelocytic acute, acute nonlymphocytic leukemias, hematopoeitic - acute myleogenous leukemia (aml), nonlymphoblastic leukemia acute, myeloid leukemias acute, acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia, acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia, leukemias acute nonlymphocytic, acute myeloblastic leukemia, aml, acute myeloid leukemia no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), leukemia nonlymphocytic acute, [m]acute myeloid leukemia, leukemia myelogenous acute, aml not otherwise specified, non-lymphoblastic leukaemia acute, acute myeloid leukemia, anll",
+"myeloid, myelogenous, myeloid (qualifier value)",
+"immunosuppressive therapy (treatment), therapy anti-rejection, therapeutic immunosuppression, anti-rejection therapy, anti-rejection therapies, antirejection ther, ther anti rejection, anti rejection ther, therapy antirejection, immunosuppression, anti rejection therapy, immune suppression, immunosuppressive therapy nos, immunosuppressions, antirejection therapy, antirejection therapies, artificial immunosuppression, immunosuppressive therapy, immunosuppressive therapies, immunosuppressive therapy (procedure), ther antirejection, preventive medicine immunosuppressive therapy",
+"immunosuppression effect, immunosuppression physiol, immunosuppression (physiology), effects immunosuppressive, natural immunosuppression, immunosupression, immunosuppressions (physiology), immunosuppression nos, immunosuppression (finding), immunosuppression, immunosuppressive effect",
+"disorder of the vertebral column, disorder of spine (disorder), [x]spondylopathies (disorder), unspecified spondylopathy, [x]spondylopathies, disease (or disorder); vertebra spondylopathy, disorder of spinal column (disorder), disorders of the vertebral column, spondylopathy nos, spinal disorder nos (disorder), spondylopathy unspecified, spondylopathies, vertebral column disorder nos, disorder of vertebral column (disorder), disorder of spinal column, vertebral column disorder nos (disorder), vertebral arthropathy nos, disorder of the vertebral column [ambiguous], spine--diseases, spinal diseases, spinal disorder nos, spinal dis, disorder of vertebral column, 1-23 disorders of the vertebral column, disorder of the vertebral column (disorder), vertebral arthropathy, spondylopathies (m45-m49), vertebral column dis., spine disease, spinal disorder, spine disorder, spinal disorder nos, disorder of spine, spondylopathy (diagnosis), spondylopathy, disorder of the vertebral column nos, vertebral column disorder, spinal disease, disease spinal, spine disorders, diseases spinal",
+"spinal cord structure (body structure), spinalis medulla, cords spinal, myelopathy nos (disorder), spinal cord disorder (disorder), disease (or disorder); spinal cord, mp - myelopathy, spinal cord disorders (diagnosis), disease of spinal cord unspecified, myelopathy nos, neurologic myelopathy-retired, myelopathies, myelopathy (diagnosis), spinal cord disease nos, disease of spinal cord nos, neurologic myelopathy-retired (disorder), medulla spinalis, spinal cord; disease, unspecified disease of spinal cord, spinal cord disease, spinal cord disease or syndrome, spinali medulla, a7 spinal cord, myelon, a-24 myelopathies, myelopathy due to disease nos, disease of spinal cord, myelopathy nos, structure of spinal cord, myelopathy (disorder), neurologic myelopathy nos, spinal cord nos, spinal cord disorder, spinal cord disorders, cord spinal, spinal cord diseases, spinal cord diseases and syndromes, myelopathy, spinal cord, spinal cord--diseases, myelons, neurologic myelopathy, myelopathy neurological, myelopathy due to disease nos (disorder), medulla spinali, spinal cords, spinal cord structure, spc, spinal cord dis, spinal cord disorder nos",
+"psychotic disorders, psychotic disorder (disorder), psychosis atypical, psychotic disorder (diagnosis), unspecified psychosis, psychotic disorder nos, psychosis atypical, psychotic; disorder, [x] psychosis nos, psychotic disorder, psychotic, psychosis, atypical psychoses, atypical psychosis (diagnosis), psychosis nos, [x]psychosis nos, disorders psychotic, psychosis nos, psychoses, atypical psychosis, psychoses (diagnosis), mental disorder, disorder psychotic, psychotic dis, disorder; psychotic, psychotic disorder nos, general psychoses",
+"visual (qualifier value), visualization, visualized, visual",
+"electrical tracings;neurolo, electroencephalogram (eeg), eeg nos, electroencephalography [eeg], electroencephalogr, electroencephalogram nos, electroencephalogram, electroencephalograms, eeg electroencephalography, electroencephalogram (procedure), eeg, electroencephalography (procedure), electroencephalography (eeg), eeg (electrophysiology), eeg - electroencephalography, electroencephalography",
+"indicated, indicated (qualifier value)",
+"ecg: atrial fibrillation (finding), atrial fibrillations, atrial fibrillation ecg, fibrillation;atrial, electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation (finding), atrial fibrillation, electrocardiographic atrial fibrillation (finding), auricular fibrillations, atrial fibrillation ctcae, atrium; fibrillation, electrocardiographic atrial fibrillation, a fib, quivering upper heart chambers resulting in irregular heartbeat, electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation (procedure), fibrillations atrial, atrial fibrillation (diagnosis), electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation, ecg atrial rhythms fibrillation, ecg: atrial fibrillation, fibrillation atrial, fibrillation - atrial, auricular fibrillation, atrial fibrillation by ekg finding, fibrillation atrial, fibrillations auricular, atrial fibrillation (disorder), auricular; fibrillation, atrial fibrillation by ecg finding, fibrillation; atrial or auricular, atrial fibrillation (af), fibrillation auricular, af - atrial fibrillation, af, afib",
+"ecg: atrial fibrillation (finding), atrial fibrillation by ekg finding, electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation (procedure), af, atrial fibrillation ecg, electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation (finding), atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation by ecg finding, electrocardiographic atrial fibrillation (finding), afib, electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation, ecg atrial rhythms fibrillation, ecg: atrial fibrillation, electrocardiographic atrial fibrillation",
+"watchman (occupation), watchman",
+"left auricular appendage, left auricle of heart, auricle left, left auricle, structure of left auricular appendage, structure of left auricular appendage (body structure), auricula sinistra",
+"ablation, 1-0c destructive procedures, destructive procedure nos, destruction - action, destructions, destruction, destruction - action (qualifier value), ablations, destructive procedures, destructive procedure (procedure), destructive procedure (surgical), destructive procedure, destruction nos",
+"abnormality in physical shape, depletion (morphologic abnormality), depletion, depletions, 59 depletions, depleted, depletion nos",
+"left ventricle nos, lv - left ventricle, left ventricles, ventriculus sinister, left cardiac ventricular structure (body structure), left cardiac ventricular structure, left ventricular structure, ventricle left, heart left ventricle, heart--left ventricle, heart.ventricle.left, ventricle left, 326 left ventricle, ventriculus cordis sinister, left ventricle of heart, left ventricle, left ventricular structure (body structure), ventricles left",
+"social assessment (procedure), social assessment (regime/therapy), social assessment",
+"social behaviors, social behavior (finding), behavior social, social behavior, behaviour social, behaviors social, social behaviour, behavior social",
+"artery aorta, aortas, entire aorta, aorta nos, entire aorta (body structure), aorta, 42 aorta, aortic structure, aortic structure (body structure), procedures on aorta, trunk of systemic arterial tree, procedure on aorta (procedure), trunk of aortic tree, procedure on aorta, aortic (qualifier value), aortic",
+"pms, menstrual molimen, premenstrual syndrome (pms), premenstrual syndromes (diagnosis), premenstrual syndromes, menstrual molimen (disorder), premenstrual syndrome - pms, syndrome premenstrual, syndrome premenstrual, pms - premenstrual syndrome, syndromes premenstrual, premenstrual syndrome, pms premenstrual syndrome",
+"apu, true swift, swift, swift (organism), 975 family apodidae, family apodidae (organism), swift nos, apopidae, swifts, family apodidae",
+"assistance, aid, assisted (qualifier value), assisted, assists (attribute), assists, help, assist, requires assistance",
+"arterial diseases peripheral, peripheral artery diseases, artery diseases peripheral, disease peripheral arterial, arterial disease peripheral, diseases peripheral arterial, diseases peripheral artery, peripheral arterial disease (diagnosis), peripheral arterial diseases, pad, disease peripheral artery, peripheral arterial disorder, artery disease peripheral, peripheral artery disease, peripheral arterial disease",
+"community, communities, community (social concept)",
+"angiosclerotic myasthenia, claudication intermittent, claudication, charcot; syndrome, intermittent claudication (finding), claudication (& [intermittent]) (disorder), intermittent claudication (diagnosis), intermittent claudications, myasthenia angiosclerotica, intermittent claudication (disorder), claudication intermittent, claudication;intermittent, intermittent claudication, claudication (& [intermittent]), charcots syndrome, intermittent claudication nos, syndrome; charcot, ic - intermittent claudication",
+"claudication, limping, leg pain with walking, claudication (finding), lameness, lower extremity exertional pain, lower extremity pain walking",
+"striatum (carpenter), striate nucleus, corpus striatum, striate body, corpus striatum structure, striatum, striatum corpus, cs - corpus striatum, corpus striatum structure (body structure)",
+"retinol equivalent, retinol equivalents (qualifier value), retinol equivalents, re",
+"protocols documentation, protocols, protocols (qualifier value), protocol",
+"serum sample, blood serum, serum, specimen source codes - serum, portion of serum, sera, ser, serum specimen (specimen), serums, serum (blood), specimen type - serum, serum specimen, serum (substance), serum nos (not otherwise specified), serum blood",
+"[m]secondary neoplasm, metastases, neoplasm metastatic, tumour metastatic, metastatic cancer, secondary malignant neoplastic disease (disorder), tumor metastatic, cancer; metastatic, tumour metastasis, metastatic neoplasm, cancer metastatic, tumor secondary, tumour secondary, secondary ca nos, neoplasm secondary, neoplasm; metastatic, secondary malignancies, secondary tumour, secondary neoplasm, ca - secondary cancer, tumor metastasis, metastatic malignant neoplasm, [m]neoplasm metastatic, metastatic malignant disease, secondary cancer, secondary malignant deposit, secondary malignant neoplastic disease, secondary tumor, metastatic neoplasm (disease), metastatic disease, neoplasm metastatic (morphologic abnormality), metastatic; cancer or neoplasm, secondaries, secondary ca nos (disorder), metastasis",
+"serum sample, serum, serum specimen (specimen), specimen type - serum, serum specimen, serum nos (not otherwise specified)",
+"phase, phase (attribute), phases, phase (qualifier value), stage, phased",
+"tumor stage, staging tumours, tumour stage, staging tumors, stages tumors, stage, stage tumor, tumor stage (observable entity)",
+"outpatient treatment, care outpatient, nonresidential treatment, care ambulatory, care outpatient, ambulatory care services, outpatients treatment, ambulatory care, care ambulatory, outpatient care",
+"electronic (qualifier value), electronics, authorization mode - electronic, electronics discipline, electronic",
+"pro, proline measurement nos, proline measurement (procedure), proline measurement, proline test, proline",
+"infection respiratory tract, respiratory infections, respiratory infection, respiratory tract infection nos, infections respiratory tract, respiratory infection nos, respiratory tract infect, rti - respirat tract infection, respiratory tract infection, respiratory tract infection (rti), infect respiratory tract, infection respiratory, respiratory tract infection (diagnosis), unspecified respiratory tract infection, respiratory infect, respiratory tract infection (disorder), rti, infection;respiratory, infection; respiratory tract, respiratory tract infections, respiratory tract; infection, infections respiratory, rti - respiratory tract infection, infect respiratory",
+"discipline of heart surgery, surg heart, surg cardiac, heart--surgery, heart surg, cardiac surgery, heart surgery, cardiac surg, surgery heart, field of heart surgery, surgery cardiac, cardiac surgery (qualifier value)",
+"transfusion of blood, transfusion of blood product, blood component transfusion, bt - blood transfusion, blood transfusion (treatment), blood transfusion (___ ml), transfusion blood, transfusion blood nos, blood--transfusion, transfusion blood product, transfusion (blood), blood transfusion, blood cell transfusion, blood transfusions, transfusions blood, blood product transfusion, transfusion, transfusing blood products, blood product administration by intravascular infusion, transfusion of blood product (procedure), transfusion of blood products, cell -blood-transfusion, transfusion blood, blood transfusion (& cell), blood transfusion (& cell) (procedure), blood transfusion (procedure), blood transfusion(s), transfusion nos, transfusions, transfusion - blood",
+"transfusion - action, transfusion - action (qualifier value), transfusion, transfusion procedure, transfusions",
+"transfusion rbc, transfusions erythrocyte, transfusion of red blood cells (procedure), transfusion red blood cell, red blood cell transfusion, transfusion of red blood cells, erythrocyte transfusion, transfusions red blood cell, blood cells red transfusions, red blood cells administration by intravascular infusion, erythrocyte transfusions, erythrocytes--transfusion, red blood cell transfusions, transfusion erythrocyte, blood cells red transfusion, transfusion erythrocyte",
+"transfusion of prbc, iv blood transfuse packed cell, intravenous blood transfusion of packed cells (procedure), transfusion of packed red blood cells, packed red blood cell transfusion, intravenous blood transfusion of packed cells, blood cell packed red transfusion, transfusion prbc, packed rbc transfusion, transfusion of packed red blood cells (procedure), blood cells packed red transfusion, prbc transfusion",
+"bathing self with help, bathes with help, dependent for bathing, bathing dependent, dependent for bathing (finding), dependent, dependent bathing",
+"type thalassemias beta, beta-thalassemia, type microcytemias beta, beta thalassaemia, type thalassemia beta, beta thalassemia (disorder), cooley anemia, beta thalassemia syndrome, type microcytemia beta, b-thalassemia, thalassemia beta, beta type thalassemias, thalassemias beta type, microcytemia beta type, thalassemia; beta, thalassemia major, thalassaemia beta, beta type microcytemia, beta-thalassaemia, thalassemia beta type, thalassemias beta, beta thalassemias, cooleys anemia, beta-thalassemia (diagnosis), beta type microcytemias, beta thalassaemia syndrome, beta; thalassemia, beta thalassemia nos, microcytemias beta type, beta thalassemia, beta type thalassemia, thalassemia beta",
+"hemoglobin s diseases, sickle-cell disease unspecified, cell disorders sickle, sickle cell-haemoglobin ss disease, sickle cell diseases, herrick; anemia, sickle cell disorders, sickle cell syndrome (disorder), anemia sickle celled, cell disorder sickle, anemia cells sickle, anaemia;sickle cell, hb ss disease, disease hemoglobin s, sicklemia, anemia hemolytic sickle cell anemia, cell sickle syndromes, sickling disorder due to haemoglobin s, herrick syndrome, sickle cell hemolytic anemia, scd, sickle cell anaemia unsp type, sickle cell-hemoglobin ss disease, herricks anemia, sickling disorder due to hemoglobin s, sickle cell anaemia of unspecified type, sickle cell anaemia nos, sickle cell anemia nos, hb s disease, disease sickle-cell, sickle-cell; hemoglobin disease, cell diseases sickle, sickle cell anemia, anemia cells sickles, cell disorder sickle, sickle cell anemia of unspecified type (disorder), sickle cell-hemoglobin ss disease (diagnosis), sickle-cell anemia unspecified, cell disease sickle, cell diseases sickle, disease hb s, cells disease sickle, anaemia cell sickle, anemia sickle cell, hereditary haemoglobinopathy disorder homozygous for haemoglobin s, hbs disease, anemia sickle cell, anemia;sickle cell, sickle-cell disorder nos, sickle cell anemia of unspecified type, sickle cell disorder, sickle-cell disorders, sickle cell anaemia (disorder), sickle-cell anaemia, sickle-cell disease nos, sickle cell anaemia, hemoglobin s-s disease, sickle cell syndrome, hereditary hemoglobinopathy disorder homozygous for hemoglobin s (disorder), anemia sickle-cell, hb-ss disease, drepanocythemia, sickle-cell; disorder, herrick, hemoglobin s dis, sickle cell anemias, disease sickle cell, anemia hemolytic sickle hb-ss disease, sickle-cell; anemia, sickle cell anemia nos (disorder), scds, hereditary hemoglobinopathy disorder homozygous for hemoglobin s, haemoglobin s-s disease, anemias sickle cell, haemoglobin s disease, sickle cell anemia (diagnosis), hemoglobin s disease (disorder), sickle-cell disease, anemia; herrick, sickle cell disease nos, sickle-cell anaemia unspecified, sickling disorder due to hemoglobin s (disorder), hemoglobin ss disease, cell sickle syndrome, sickle cell disease, syndrome sickle cell, anemia; sickle-cell, sickle cell anemia unsp type, hemoglobin s disease, anemia cell disorder sickle, anaemia sickle cell, sickle cell-hemoglobin ss disease (disorder), drepanocythaemia, sickle-cell anemia, anemia cell disorders sickle, sickle-cell anemia nos",
+"glanzmanns thrombasthenia, bleeding disorder platelet-type 2, thrombocytasthenia, gp iib-iiia complex deficiency of, thromboasthenia (diagnosis), platelet glycoprotein iib-iiia deficiency, thrombasthenia hemorrhagic, glanzmann disease, glanzmanns thrombosthenin disorder, glanzmanns thrombasthenia (disorder), glanzmanns disease, hereditary thromboasthenia nos, bdplt2, thrombasthenia of glanzmann and naegeli, hereditary hemorrhagic thrombasthenia, glanzmanns syndrome, gt, thrombasthenias, glanzmann-naegeli disorder, thrombasthenia, thrombasthenia hereditary, hereditary haemorrhagic thrombasthenia, platelet fibrinogen receptor deficiency of, thromboasthenia nos, thrombasthenia nos, glycoprotein complex iib-iiia deficiency of, glanzmanns thrombasthenia, thrombosthenin disorder, hereditary thromboasthenia (diagnosis), hereditary thrombasthenia, glycoprotein iib/iiia defect, thrombasthenia glanzmann, glycoprotein iib/iiia defect (disorder), glanzmann thrombasthenia, glanzmann thromboasthenia, hereditary thromboasthenia, glanzsmanns disease, thromboasthenia, thrombocytasthenia (diagnosis), heredit.haemorr.thrombasthenia",
+"diamond spl shape, diamond (substance), diamond, diamonds",
+"disease of blood and/or blood-forming organ (navigational concept), dyscrasia blood (nos), blood/blood forming organ nos (& [disease]), blood/blood forming organ nos (& [disease]) (disorder), disorder of hematopoietic system (navigational concept), hemopoietic disease, blood disorder diagnosis, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, disease of the blood, blood disorder nos, hemopoietic disorder, haematologic disease, blood disorder nos, blood/blood forming organs dis, hematological disorders, chapter c diseases of the hematopoietic and immune systems, blood diseases, diseases blood, diseases hematologic, disease of haematopoietic system nos, disorders of blood and blood-forming organs (diagnosis), hematopoietic system diseases: general terms, hematologic disease nos, disease (or disorder); blood, disease of blood and/or blood-forming organ, blood and blood-forming organ disorders, haematological disorders, blood diseases nos (disorder), disorder of haematopoietic system nos, disease of haematopoietic system, disorder hematologic, hematological disorder, blood system disorder, disease of blood and/or blood forming organ, disease of hematopoietic system nos, blood dyscrasia nos (disorder), blood disease nos, blood dyscrasia, unspecified diseases of blood and blood-forming organs, hematopoietic system disease or syndrome, diseases of blood and blood-forming organs unspecified, blood disease, blood dyscrasia nos, diseases of blood and blood-forming organs (disorder), disease of hematopoietic system, section c-0 hematopoietic system diseases: general terms, hematologic disorders, haematopoietic system syndrome nos, blood dyscrasia syndrome, hematologic and lymphocytic disorder, disorder of hematopoietic system, disorder of hematopoietic system (disorder), blood; disease, hematological disease, blood diseases (disorder), hematologic problem nos, blood dyscrasia nos, hematological diseases, hematologic diseases, hematologic problem, disease;blood, disease hematological, disease blood, blood diseases nos, hematopoietic system syndrome nos, general hematopoietic system diseases and syndromes, blood dyscrasias, diseases of blood and blood-forming organs, hematological; disorder, blood disorders, hematol dis, hematologic disorders (diagnosis), dyscrasia; blood, blood/blood forming organ nos, blood disorder, disease hematologic, haemopoietic disease, diseases hematological, hematologic disease, disorders of blood and blood-forming organs, diseases of the hematopoietic and immune systems, blood--diseases, haemopoietic disorder, disease of blood and blood forming organ nos, disease of hematopoietic system (disorder), blood; dyscrasia, hematologic disorder, disorder of hematopoietic system nos, blood dis, disorder of haematopoietic system, haematopoietic system syndrome, hematopoietic system syndrome, disorder blood (nos), haematologic disease nos, disease of blood and blood-forming organs unspecified, disease (or disorder); hematological",
+"genetic infantile agranulocytosis, congenital neutropenia (disorder), low blood neutrophil level since birth, kostmanns disease, autosomal dominant or sporadic congenital neutropenia, infantile genetic agranulocytosis, congenital neutropenia (diagnosis), congenital neutropenia, primary neutropenia, obsolete congenital neutropenia, severe congenital neutropenia, congenital agranulocytosis",
+"hematology nos, haematology nos, hematology, hematol, hematology (discipline), hematologic (qualifier value), haematology, haematologic, hematologic, hematology (field)",
+"night time, at night, nocturnal, on - omni nocte, night, nocte, nights, night time (qualifier value)",
+"lymphocytic tumor, lymphoid and plasmacytic neoplasm, lymphocytic and plasma cell tumour, lymphocytic neoplasm, lymphocytic and plasma cell tumor, lymphoid and plasma cell tumour, lymphoid neoplasm, lymphoid and plasmacytic tumour, lymphoid neoplasm (morphologic abnormality), lymphoid and plasmacytic tumor, lymphocytic and plasmacytic neoplasm, lymphoid and plasma cell tumor, lymphocytic and plasma cell neoplasm, lymphoid tumor",
+"tracts urinary, genitourinary tracts, section 7 urinary tract, urinary tract nos, urinary, urinary tract structure (body structure), urinary tract, entire urinary tract (body structure), genitourinary tract, tract urinary, urinary tracts, urinary tract structure, entire urinary tract",
+"traumatic and/or non-traumatic injury (disorder), traumatic and/or non-traumatic injury, injury",
+"complication of renal transplant (diagnosis), complication of transplanted kidney, kidney transplant disorder, complications; kidney transplant, kidney transplant; complications, complications of kidney transplant, complications of transplanted kidney, complication kidney transplant, transplanted kidney complication, complication of renal transplant, disorder of transplanted kidney, complication of transplanted kidney (disorder), renal transplant disorder, renal transplant disorder (disorder), compl kidney transplant, complications kidney transplant",
+"kidney, both kidneys, bilateral kidneys, kidneys, both kidneys (body structure), kidneys bilateral, kidney.bilateral, bilateral kidney",
+"anxiety disord unspecified, 9-81 anxiety disorders, [x]anxiety disorder unspecified, anxiety disorder unspecified, [x]anxiety disord unspecified, disorder anxiety, anxiety disorder (diagnosis), anxiety disorder (disorder), [x]anxiety disorder unspecified (disorder), anxiety disorders, disorder;anxiety, anxiety disorder nos, anxiety nos, unspecified anxiety disorder, anxiety dis, disorders anxiety, anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder [ambiguous], anxiety, anxiety disorder nos",
+"diseases of the pituitary gland, section b-1 diseases of the pituitary gland, disorder of pituitary gland unspecified, abnormality of the pituitary gland, disease (or disorder); pituitary, pituitary disorders nos (disorder), pituitary gland dis, hypophyseal disorders, pituitary gland diseases, disease pituitary, disease of pituitary gland (disorder), disorder of pituitary, pituitary dis, pituitary gland--diseases, disorders gland pituitary, hypophysis disorders, pituitary disorders, b-10 general pituitary disorders, disease pituitary gland, pituitary; disorder, pituitary disease, disease pituitary, disorders pituitary, diseases pituitary, diseases pituitary gland, disorder; pituitary, disorder pituitary, dyspituitarism, disorder of pituitary gland nos, disorders pituitary, disorder of pituitary gland (disorder), dyspituitarism (diagnosis), pituitary gland disease, pituitary disorders nos, pituitary disorder, pituitary disorder nos, hypophyseal disorder, disorders hypophyseal, disorder hypophyseal, hypophyseal dis, disorder of pituitary gland, disease of pituitary gland, disease of pituitary gland nos, pituitary gland disorder, pituitary diseases, dyspituitarism nos, general pituitary disorders, disorder pituitary, pituitary",
+"anxiety neurosis (finding), anxiety neurosis, neurosis anxiety, anxiety/neurosis, neurosis anxiety, anxiety state, neurosis; anxiety, anxiety; neurosis, neuroses anxiety, state anxiety, anxiety neuroses",
+"autologous, autologous (qualifier value)",
+"granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor, tumor-cell human gm colony-stimulating factor, colony-stimulating factor granulocyte-macrophage, gm csf, tumor cell human gm colony stimulating factor, csf-gm, colony-stimulating factor 2, colony stimulating factor 2, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, colony stimulating factor granulocyte macrophage, colony-stimulating factor granulocyte-macrophage (substance), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, gmcsf (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor), histamine-producing cell-stimulating factor, colony-stimulating factor, csf, csf-2, gmcsf, csf2, histamine producing cell stimulating factor, granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor, cell-stimulating factor histamine-producing, gm-csf, tc-gm-csf, gm-cfs, colony stimulating factor granulocyte-macrophage, granulocyte macrophage colony a stimulating factor",
+"tespa, thio tepa, product containing thiotepa (medicinal product), thiotepa (medication), triethylene thiophosphoramide, thiotepa (product), tris(1-aziridinyl)phosphine sulfide, 111-phosphinothioylidynetrisaziridine, thiotepa, thiotepa-containing product, thio-tepa, nn n-triethylenethiophosphoramide, thiotepa product, thiophosphoramide, tspa, thiofosfamide, product containing thiotepa, triethylenethiophosphoramide, nnn-triethylenethiophosphoramide, 111-phosphinothioylidynetrisaziridine, thiotepa (substance), aziridine 111-phosphinothioylidynetris-, thiophosphamide, 111-phosphinothioyldynetrisaziridine",
+"by infusion, infusion, infusion route (qualifier value), infusion method of administration, infusion route",
+"environmental, environments (environment), environments, environment (treatment), envir, environment (environment), environment",
+"drink [substance], drink, drinks, drink (attribute), drink (dietary substance), drinks (substance)",
+"breathing circuits, breathing circuit, circuit breathing (w connector adaptor y piece), breathing circuit (physical object)",
+"thermal energy, heat, heat nos, heats, heat (physical force)",
+"natural killer cell, nk cell count, killer cells, cells natural killer, killer cell, nkce, nk cell, nk-cell (body structure), nk (natural killer) cell, natural killer cell (cell), k cell, nk-lgl, natural killer cells, killer cells natural, killer cell natural, cell natural killer, cells natural killer, cell nk, nk, natural killer (nk)-cell, nk-cell, natural killer cell count, nk cells, cells nk, k lymphocyte, nk-cell (cell), natural killer (nk)-cell (cell)",
+"tissue donor nos, donor tissue, donor tissue, tissue donor, tissue donor (person), donor, donors tissue, tissue donors",
+"donor person, donor, donors, donor (qualifier value)",
+"reticulum cell sarcoma nos, lymphoma; histiocytic, lymphoma large cell, [m]reticulosarcoma nos, reticulum cell sarcoma diffuse, reticulum cell sarcomas, reticulosarcoma; diffuse, interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma, reticulum cell sarcoma morphology, cells reticulum sarcoma, reticulosarcoma (morphologic abnormality), reticulosarcoma nos, large cell lymphoma (diagnosis), sarcoma reticulum-cell, reticulosarcoma (disorder), sarcoma; reticulum cell, diffuse; reticulosarcoma, cell reticulum sarcomas, reticulosarcoma nos, reticulosarcoma nos (disorder), reticulosarcomas, reticulosarcoma of unspecified site (disorder), reticulosarcoma of unspecified site, reticulum cell sarcoma nos, interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (disorder), cell large lymphomas, interdigitating cell sarcoma, malignant lymphoma reticulum cell type, reticulosarcoma -retired-, malignant lymphoma histiocytic nos, histiocytic lymphoma, reticulum-cell sarcomas, malignant lymphoma large cell nos, [m] large cell lymphoma, malignant lymphoma histiocytic, sarcoma reticulum cell, reticulosarcoma - unspec site, reticulosarcoma (diagnosis), reticulosarcoma (clinical) [obsolete] (disorder), reticulosarcoma diffuse, reticulum cell sarcoma morphol, malignant lymphoma reticulum cell type, reticulosarcoma, [m] large cell lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), large cell lymphoma, reticulosarcoma morphology (morphologic abnormality), histiocytic; lymphoma, reticulosarcoma morphology (disorder), reticulum cell sarcoma, reticulosarcoma (clinical) [obsolete], reticulum-cell sarcoma, reticulosarcoma morphology, reticulum cell; sarcoma",
+"niacinamide [ambiguous], niacinamide preparation, 3-pyridinecarboxamide, product containing nicotinamide, nicotinic acid amide, niacinamide (substance), niacinamide (medication), 3 pyridinecarboxamide, niacin (as niacinamide), nicotinamide product, vitamin b>3<, vitamin pp, nicotinamide [skin], vitamins niacinamide, vitamin b 3, vitamin b a 03, nicotinamide (substance), niacinamide preparation (substance), niacinamide [skin] (product), nicotylamide, niacinamide product, nicotinamide preparation, product containing nicotinamide (medicinal product), vitamin b3, nicotinamide [skin] (substance), niacinamide, vitamin b3, b 3 vitamin, nicotinamida, niacinamide [skin], pellagra-preventing factor, nicotinamide, nicotinamidum, b3 vitamin, nicotinamide [skin] (product), niacinamide preparation (product), nicotinic amide, b3 vitamin, b3 vitamins, β-pyridinecarboxamide",
+"sars-associated coronavirus, sars-related coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, sars coronavirus (organism), sars, sars assoc coronavirus, coronavirus sars, sars related coronavirus, coronavirus sars, severe acute respiratory syndrome virus, sars associated coronavirus, virus sars, sars-associated coronavirus urbani, severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) coronavirus (organism), sars virus, urbani sars-associated coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (organism), sars coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome related coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (organism), sars-like coronavirus, sars-cov, urbani sars assoc coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) coronavirus, sars relat coronavirus, coronavirus sars-associated, coronavirus sars-related, sars-cov-1, severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, urbani sars associated coronavirus, hcov-sars, human coronavirus (strain sars), coronavirus urbani sars-associated",
+"well child (finding), healthy child, child healthy, child well, well child",
+"[v]specified procedures and aftercare, [v]specified procedures and aftercare (context-dependent category), after-treatment, specif. procedure+aftercare, care after, after care, aftercare (regime/therapy), [v]aftercare, [v]specified procedures and aftercare (situation), after treatments, [v]specif. procedure+aftercare, after-treatments, treatment after, encounter due to specified procedures and aftercare, aftercare, aftercare (treatment), after treatment, specified procedures and aftercare",
+"natural sibling (person), naturalsibling, biological sibling, natural sibling, sibling biological",
+"gaucher disease noncerebral juvenile, disease chronic gaucher, gba deficiencies, gaucher dis type i, gauchers disease i infantile or juvenile form (non-cerebral), non neuronopathic gaucher dis, gaucher disease chronic, gaucher disease type 1, gba deficiency, type 1 gaucher disease, gaucher disease type i, disease non-neuronopathic gaucher, gauchers disease type i, gaucher disease non neuronopathic form, deficiencies gba, gaucher dis non neuronopathic form, gd i, non neuronopathic gaucher disease, chronic gaucher disease, non-neuronopathic gaucher disease, glucocerebrosidase deficiency, gaucher disease non-neuronopathic, acid beta-glucosidase deficiency, gauchers disease type i, noncerebral juvenile gauchers disease, deficiency gba, gd1, chronic gaucher dis, gaucher disease type 1, glucocerebrosidase deficiency type i, gaucher disease non-neuronopathic form, gaucher dis chronic, type 1 gaucher dis",
+"antiinflamm agents, agent antiinflammatory, anti inflammatories, anti-inflammatory agents, antiinflammatory agents, anti-inflammatory agent (product), anti-inflammatory agent (substance), agent anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory agent nos, anti inflammatory agents, agents anti inflammatory, anti inflammatory drug, agents antiinflamm, antiinflammatory agent, anti-inflammatory preparations, anti-inflammatory, anti inflamm agents, anti inflamm, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-inflammatory agent [tc], agents anti inflamm, anti-inflammatories, anti-inflammatory preparations (substance), anti-inflammatory drugs (medication), antiinflammatory, antiinflammatories, anti-inflammatory agent, antiinflamm, anti inflammatory agent, agents anti-inflammatory, anti inflammatory drugs, agents antiinflammatory, medicinal product acting as antiinflammatory agent (product), anti-inflammatory preparations (product)",
+"lysosome (cell structure), lysosomes, lysosome (body structure), lysosoma, lysosome nos, lysosome",
+"mucopolysaccharidosis unspecified, mucopolysaccharidoses, mps - mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis nos, mucopolysaccharidosis (diagnosis), mucopolysaccharidosis nos, mucopolysaccharidosis nos (disorder), mucopolysaccharidosis (disorder), mucopolysaccharidosis [ambiguous]",
+"interstitial disease lung, interstitial lung disease (diagnosis), lung diseases interstitial, lung; disease interstitial, interstitial lung disease, interstitial pulmonary disease unspecified, interstitial lung dis, ild - intrstitial lung disease, ild, lung interstitial disease, ild - interstitial lung disease, diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, lung disease interstitial, interstitial lung diseases, interstitial lung disease (disorder), lung dis interstitial, lung diseases interstitial, ild interstitial lung disease, disease interstitial lung, diffuse parenchymal lung disease, lung disease interstitial, interstitial pulmonary disease",
+"embolization plug (physical object), embolisation plug, embolization plug",
+"arteries, arterial structure, arterial subtree, arterial tree (organ part), arteries anatomy, artery, arteries set, arterial tree, arterial tree organ part, arteria, arteriae, arterial structure (body structure), arterial (qualifier value), arterial, arteris, arteri, set of arteries, anatomy arteries, arterial vessel, artery nos, arteries (anatomy)",
+"method treatment, therapeutics, therapeutic procedure nos, treatment, therapy, therapeutic intent, therapeutic interventions, therapeutic - location service code, therapeutic - procedure intent (qualifier value), therapy (treatment), tx, therapy nos, therapeutic brand, therapeutic, therapeutic procedure nos, procedure - therapeutic, therapeutic intent (qualifier value), therapeutic intervention, therapies, therapeutic brand of coal tar, therapeutic method, any therapy, therapeutic technique, therapy (regime/therapy), methods treatment, therapeutic procedure, therapeutic procedure [ambiguous], therapeutic [brand name], treatment method, therapy (regime/therapy)(procedure), treat, ther, treatments, therapeutic proced, any_therapy, therapeutic procedure (procedure)",
+"malignant tumor of large intestine, malignant tumor of the large intestine, of large bowel cancer, colon cancer, malignant tumor of large intestine (disorder), malignant large bowel tumor, malignant neosplasm of the large intestine, malignant tumor of large bowel, malignant neosplasm of the large bowel, malignant colorectal tumor, ca - cancer of large bowel, malignant neoplasm of large intestine nos, malignant large intestine tumor, malignant neoplasm of the large intestine, malignant neoplasm of large intestine (diagnosis), large bowel cancer, colorectal cancer, neoplasm malig;intestine;large, malignant neoplasm of large bowel, cancer of large intestine, cancer intestines large, malignant large bowel neoplasm, malignant colorectal neoplasm, malignant tumour of large intestine, cancer intestine large, malignant neoplasm of the large bowel, malignant neoplasm of large intestine nos, colorectal neoplasms malignant, malignant large intestine neoplasm, cancer of large bowel, large intestine cancer, malignant tumor large int, large intestine cancer (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm of large intestine, malignant tumour large int, neoplasm malig;bowel;large, malignant large intestinal neoplasm nos, cancer of large colon, malignant tumor of the large bowel",
+"intelligence test admin, intelligence testing, iq tests, iq testing, intelligence measures, intelligence test, intelligence test (procedure), tests (intelligence), test; intelligence, test intelligence, iq test, intelligence test nos, tests intelligence, intelligence tests., intelligence tests, intelligence; test, administration of intelligence test",
+"screening of cancer, screening for cancer (procedure), screening cancer, cancer early detection, screening for cancer, cancer screenings, neoplasm screening, screening, screen, neoplasm screen, for cancer screening, cancer screen, screening cancer, cancer screening procedures, neoplasms screening, cancer screening, cancer detection early, early cancer detection, cancer screening for patients",
+"cancer colons, colon tumor malignant, malignant neoplasm of colon unspecified site, cancer of the colon, malignant colonic tumor, colon ca, colon cancer, ca colon, malignant tumor of colon, malignant neoplasm of colon (diagnosis), cancer of colon, cancer colonic, colonic cancer, large intestine neoplasm malignant colon, colon cancer nos, ca colon nos (disorder), cancer colon, malig neop of colon nos, malignant tumour of colon, malignant neoplasm of colon (& nos), malignant neoplasm of colon (disorder), of the colon cancer, malignant neoplasm of colon nos, malignant tumor of colon (disorder), malignant colon neoplasm, malignant tumor of the colon, ca - cancer of colon, ca colon nos, malignant neoplasm of colon unspecified part, malignant neoplasm of the colon, cancer colonic, colon nos cancer, malignant neoplasm of colon, colonic cancers, cancers colonic, malignant neoplasm of colon nos, of cancer colon, malignant neo colon nos, malignant neoplasm of colon (& nos) (disorder), malignant colon tumor, cancers colon, malignant colonic neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of colon nos (disorder), colon neoplasm malignant, colon unspecified, colonic cancer nos, colon cancers, malignant neoplasm of colon unspecified",
+"location service code - diagnostic, aids diagnostic, aids diagnostics, diagnostic - procedure intent (qualifier value), diagnostic aid (substance), diagnostic agent [tc], diagnosis, diagnostic substance (substance), diagnostic intent, diag, diagnostic aid nos, diagnoses, diagnosed, aid diagnostic, agents diagnostic, diagnostic aids, diagnosis (dx), diagnostic agent, diagnosing, general diagnostic aids, diagnostic agents, diagnose, diagnostic aid, diagnostic, b01 general diagnostic aids, diagnosis, diagnostic substance, diagnosis (observable entity), diagnostic - intent, diagnostic intent (qualifier value), dx, diagnostic aid (product)",
+"polyps, polyp (disorder), polyp (morphologic abnormality), polyp, polyp nos, 768 polyps, polyp nos",
+"cognitive; disorder, disorders cognition, disorder cognition, cognitive disorder nos, cognitive disease, problems with cognitive/intellectual function, disorder attention, cognitive disorders, cognitive and memory disorder, cognitive disorder (diagnosis), cognitive disorder (disorder), cognition dis, cognitive diseases, disease cognitive, cognitive deficits, cognitive deficit, cognition disorder, cognitive disorder, attention disorder, cognition disorders, attention disorders",
+"dependency (personality), dependency [psychology], dependency psychological, psychological dependency, patient dependence on (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), dependency psychology, patient dependence on (contextual qualifier), dependency, psychological dependence, dependency (psychology), dependence (qualifier value), patient dependence on, dependence, dependence psychological, emotional dependency, dependence on",
+"opioid abuse (disorder), abuse opioid, abuse opioids, opioids; abuse, opioid abuses, opioid abuse, opioid abuse (diagnosis), abuse; opioids",
+"type 2 (qualifier value), bristol stool type 2, type 2, type ii",
+"metab processes, pathways metabolic, metabolized, metabolic processes, metab, general metabolic function, metabolism [pk], metabolic process, metabolic pathway function (observable entity), general metabolic function (function), metabolic pathway (function), metabolic process cellular, metabolic pathways, cellular metabolic process, cellular metabolism, processes metabolic, general metabolic functions, metab process, process metab, metabolic, pathway metabolic, intermediary metabolic process, general metabolic function nos, general metabolic function (observable entity), metabolism nos, metabolism, processes metab, intermediary metabolism, process metabolic, metabolic pathway, metabolisms, metabolic pathway function",
+"composition (property) (qualifier value), compositions, composition, composition (property), compos",
+"maternal, maternal relative, maternal relative (person)",
+"milk, milk specimen, milk sample, milk specimen (specimen)",
+"neoplasm recurrence nos, recurrences tumor, recurrence of tumor, recurrent tumor (finding), recurrent tumour, recurrent, recurrence of tumour, tumor recurrence, recurrence, recurrent tumor (qualifier value), recurrent tumor, recurrent neoplasm, recurrence tumor, neoplasm recurrence",
+"topo, product containing topotecan, 9-dimethylaminomethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin, topotecanum, (s)-10-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-4-ethyl-49-dihydroxy-1h-pyrano[34:67]indolizino[12-b]-quinoline-314(4h12h)-dione, topotecan (product), topotecan lactone, topotecan, topotecan product, 9-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-10-hydroxy-(20s)-camptothecin, 9-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-10-hydroxy-(4s)-camptothecin, topotecan-containing product, topotecane, topotecan (substance), 9 dimethylaminomethyl 10 hydroxycamptothecin, product containing topotecan (medicinal product)",
+"ponte, pontine, metencephalon, pons, pontes, pon, varolii pons, pons nos, pons varolii, pons cerebelli, brain pons, pons varolius, pontine structure, ponto-, pons cerebri, pontine structure (body structure), pons of varolius, varolius pons, a54-a56 pons, ponto",
+"sarcoma no icd-o subtype, sarcoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), soft tissue tumor malignant, sarcoma of soft tissue and bone, malignant connective tissue tumor, malignant mesenchymal tumour, soft tissue tumour malignant, sarcoma (category), sarcoma nos, sarcoma (disorder), sarcoma - category, malignant mesenchymal tumor, sarcoma nos, sarcomas soft tissue, sarcoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, sar, sarcomas, sarcoma, sarcoma malignant, mesenchymal tumour malignant, sarcoma -category (morphologic abnormality), sarcoma soft tissue, cancer of connective tissue, soft tissue sarcoma, soft tissue sarcomas, sarcoma of the soft tissue and bone, sarcoma (diagnosis), mesenchymal tumor malignant, [m]sarcoma nos, sarcoma - category (morphologic abnormality), [m]sarcoma nos (morphologic abnormality), sarcoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality)",
+"intrinsic (qualifier value), intrinsic, intrinsic origin",
+"sarcoma - category, sarcoma -category (morphologic abnormality), sarcoma (category), sarcoma, sarcoma - category (morphologic abnormality)",
+"maintenance therapy (procedure), maintenance therapy, maintenance",
+"1h-pyrazolo[34-d]pyrimidin-4-ol, allopurinolum, 15-dihydro-4h-pyrazolo[34-d]pyrimidin-4-one, 4-hydroxypyrazolo[34-d]pyrimidine, allopurinol sodium (as allopurinol), alopurinol, allopurinol-containing product, allopurinol - chemical, 4-hpp, allopurinol (substance), 4h-pyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidin-4-one, 4-hydroxy-34-pyrazolopyrimidine, 4-hydroxy-1h-pyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidine, 15-dihydro-4h-pyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidin-4-one, 4h-pyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidin-4-one 15-dihydro-, 15-dihydro-4h-pyrazolo[34-d]pryimidin-4-one, allopurinol (product), 4-hydroxypyrazolol(34-d)pyrimidine, allopurinol (medication), 4-hydroxypyrazolopyrimidine, 4-hydroxypyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidine, 4-hydroxypyrazolyl(34-d)pyrimidine, 15-dihydro-4h-pyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidine-4-one, 1h-pyrazolo(34-d)pyrimidin-4-ol, 4-hpp, allopurinol, allopurinol - chemical (substance), product containing allopurinol (medicinal product), product containing allopurinol, allopurinol product",
+"hematocrit, packed red-cell volume, red-cell volumes packed, haematocrit, volume packed erythrocyte, haematocrit - pcv, haematocrit - pcv - nos, blood count; hematocrit (hct), packed cell volume measurement, erythrocyte volume fraction, hct - haematocrit, packed erythrocyte volumes, packed red cell volume, erythrocyte volume packed, haematocrit (observable entity), blood hematocrit level (lab test), packed cell volume (observable entity), hematocrit packed cell volume (lab test), hematocrit - pcv - nos (procedure), hematocrit procedure, whole blood hematocrit test, blood count hematocrit, red-cell volume packed, hematocrit - pcv - nos, packed cell volume, measurement of hematocrit (hct), evf, packed cell volume measurement (procedure), packed erythrocyte volume, volumes packed red-cell, volumes packed erythrocyte, hematocrit determination (procedure), hematocrit measurement, hematocrits, haematocrit (procedure), hematocrit level test, pcv, hematocrit determination, haematocrit determination, hematocrit packed cell volume, packed red-cell volumes, volume packed red-cell, haematocrit - pcv - nos (procedure), hematocrit - pcv, erythrocyte volumes packed, blood hematocrit level, hct, hct - hematocrit",
+"sulfurs, sulfur-16, sulphur, sulfur preparations, sulfur product, sulfur nos, brimstone, sulfur (obsolete), sulfur-containing product, sulfur preparations (medication), sulfur product (substance), s element, sulfur, sulphur product, sulfur product (product), product containing sulfur (medicinal product), sulfur (substance), sulfur (medication), dietary sulfur, product containing sulfur (product), product containing sulfur, sulfur 16",
+"stool, poo, faeces nos, feces, dung, poop, stooling, fecal matter, stools, crap, faeces nos (procedure), faecal, stool = fecal, fecal, faeces, faeces (substance), feces nos, gastrointestinal tract feces, feces (substance)",
+"severe combined immunodeficiency disease, comb t-cell + b-cell immunodef, scid - sev combin immunodefic, immunol defic severe combined, combined; immunodeficiency severe (scid), scids, severe combined immunodeficiency disease (disorder), scid - severe combined immunodeficiency, combined immunodeficiency severe, severe combined immunodeficiency (scid), severe combined immunol defic, immunodeficiency severe combined, immunodefic severe combined, immunodefic syndrome severe combined, severe combined immunodefic syndrome, combined immunodeficiency severe, combined t-cell and b-cell immunodeficiency, severe combined immunodeficiency, severe combined immunologic deficiency, immunologic deficiency severe combined, severe combined immunodefic, combined immunodeficiencies severe, scid nos, immunodeficiency; combined severe (scid), severe combined immune deficiency, severe combined immunodeficiencies, severe combined immunodeficiency disease (diagnosis), scid, immunodeficiencies severe combined, combined t and b cell inborn immunodeficiency, severe combined immunodeficiency disease nos, combined immunodeficiencies severe, severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome, immunodeficiency syndrome severe combined",
+"robot device, automaton, robot device (physical object), robots, robot, 01 robots, robot (device)",
+"neuro, neurologic, neurologic (qualifier value), neurological",
+"brain secondaries, metastatic neoplasm to the brain, brain cancer secondary, metastatic malignant neoplasm in the brain, metastasis to brain, brain metastase, metastasis to the brain, secondary malignant neoplasm brain, metastasis brain, secondary malignant neoplasm of brain (disorder), brain metastatic tumor, tumors metastatic to brain, metastatic brain tumor, brain tumor metastatic, metastatic tumor to the brain, brain metastasis, metastatic brain cancer, secondary malignant neoplasm of brain, secondary malignant neoplasm of brain nos, cancer metastatic to brain, brain metastatic tumors, metastases to brain, metastatic cancer to brain, brain cancer metastatic, metastatic malignant neoplasm to the brain, secondary cancer of brain, brain secondary, brain metastases, cancer metastatic to brain, brain cancers metastatic, metastasis to brain (diagnosis), secondary brain cancer, metast. to brain parenchyma nos, secondary malignant neoplasm of brain (diagnosis), 2-malig neop brain, metastatic malignant neoplasm to brain, metastases to brain parenchyma nos, metastatic malignant neoplasm to brain nos",
+"autografting, autologous transplantations, autotransplantations, autografts, autologous transplant, autogenous transplantation (procedure), autol transpl, autotransplantation, transplantations autologous, transplantation autologous, autologous transplantation, transpl autol, autotransplant, autograftings, transplantation autogenous, autotransplants, autogenous transplantation, autograft",
+"etanercept product, etanercept (hamster), product containing etanercept, tumor necrosis factor receptor igg chimera, etanercept, recombinant human tnf, etanercept (substance), etanercept (enbrel), tnfr-immunoadhesin, etn, etanercept (medication), tnfr:fc, product containing etanercept (medicinal product), etanercept (product), etanercept-containing product",
+"chemotherapeutics copanlisib, copanlisib product, copanlisib (substance), product containing copanlisib (medicinal product), copanlisib (medication), 2-amino-n-(7-methoxy-8-(3-morpholinopropoxy)-23-dihydroimidazo(12-c)quinazolin-4-yl)pyrimidine-5-carboxamide, copanlisib, copanlisib-containing product, product containing copanlisib",
+"sarcoma ewing, ewings tumor, ewings sarcoma, sarcoma ewings, ewings sarcoma (morphologic abnormality), sarcoma ewings, tumor ewing, es, ewings tumor, ewings tumors, ewing tumor, tumor ewings, ewings tumors, ewings sarcoma nos, sarcoma ewings, sarcoma ewing, ewings tumour, ewings sarcoma stage unspecified, sarcoma ewings, ewingss sarcoma, ewings sarcoma, ewing sarcoma",
+"rhabdomyosarcoma no subtype, rhabdomyosarcoma, [m]rhabdomyosarcoma nos (morphologic abnormality), rhabdomyosarcoma no subtype (morphologic abnormality), rhabdomyosarcomas, rhabdosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma (diagnosis), rhabdomyosarcoma (disorder), rhabdomyosarcoma nos, childhood rhabdomyosarcoma, sarcoma adult rhabdo-, [m]rhabdomyosarcoma nos, rhabdomyosarcoma adult, pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma previously treated, rhabdomyosarcoma child, pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma childhood, adult rhabdomyosarcoma, previously treated pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdomyoblastoma, malignant neoplasm myosarcoma rhabdomyosarcoma, previously treated childhood rhabdomyosarcoma, nci ctep simple disease classification rhabdomyosarcoma sub-category terminology, nci ctep sdc rhabdomyosarcoma sub-category terminology, rhabdomyosarcoma malignant, sarcoma childhood rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma nos, childhood rhabdomyosarcoma previously treated, rhabdomyosarcoma previously treated childhood",
+"adenomas pleomorphic, chondroid; syringoma, mixed salivary gland tumor, mixed tumor of salivary gland, syringomas chondroid, mixed tumour nos, chondroid syringomas, mixed salivary gland tumour, mixed tumor nos, syringoma; chondroid, mixed tumor of the salivary gland, pleomorphic adenoma, tumor mix, tumor mixed benign, salivary gland tumor mixed, mixed tumour salivary gland type, mixed tumor, adenoma pleomorphic, mixed tumors, adenoma pleomorphic, pleomorphic adenomas, syringoma chondroid, tumour mix, pleomorphic adenoma (morphologic abnormality), chondroid syringoma, mixed tumor salivary gland type, mixed tumour salivary gland type nos, mixed tumor salivary gland type nos, mixed tumour",
+"patient status determination deceased and body donated (finding), patient status determination deceased and body donated, donation",
+"pyrophosphates, diphosphates, pyrophosphate, pyrophosphate (substance), diphosphate",
+"syndromes neurotoxicity, effects neurotoxic, nervous system poisonings, neurotic toxicity, neurotoxin disorders, neurotoxic effect, neurotoxicity syndrome, neurotoxicity nos, neurotoxicity (disorder), neurotoxin disorder, neurotoxicosis, toxic disease or syndrome of nervous system, neurotox syndromes, neurotox dis, pois nervous system, nervous system pois, neurotoxicity syndromes, neurotoxin disease, poisoning of nerve tissue, neurotoxin diseases, neurotoxicity nos, neurotoxic disorders, neurotoxicity, poisonings nervous system, syndrome neurotoxicity, poisoning nervous system, neurotoxic disorder, nervous system poisoning",
+"neutrophil migration function (observable entity), neutrophil migration, neutrophil migration (function), neutrophil migration function",
+"schizophrenia all types, type schizophrenia, praecox; dementia, schizophrenia nos (disorder), schizophrenic disorders (disorder), disorder schizophrenic, schizophrenia type, unspecified schizophrenia (disorder), schizophrenia (diagnosis), schizophrenic dis, [x]schizophrenia unspecified (disorder), schizophrenia unspecified, disorders schizophrenics, schizophrenia nos, schizophrenia nos-unspec, unspecified schizophrenia, disorder schizophrenia, sczd, schizophrenic disorders, unspecified schizophrenia unspecified state, dementia praecox, disorders schizophrenia, disorders schizophrenic, schizophrenia disorders, schizophrenia types, disorders schizophrenic, disorder schizophrenic, schizophrenia (disorder), [x]schizophrenia unspecified, schizophrenic disorder, schizophrenia, schizophrenia disorders (diagnosis), schizophrenia disorder, unspecified schizophrenia unspecified, section 9-4 schizophrenias, schizophrenias, schizophrenia nos",
+"occasional, occcasional (qualifier value), very seldom, infrequent, uncommon (qualifier value), uncommon, rarely, rare, not very often, occcasional, seldom, rare (qualifier value), hardly any of the time, infrequently, occasional (qualifier value), infrequent (qualifier value), occasional (29-5%)",
+"ideopathic thrombocytosis, essential thrombocythaemia, essential thrombocythemias, essential hemorrhagic thrombocythemia, idiopathic (hemorrhagic) thrombocythemia, essential thrombocytemia, primary thrombocytosis (diagnosis), idiopathic haemorrhagic thrombocythaemia, thrombocytosis primary, hemorrhagic thrombocythemias, thrombocytosis essential, thrombocythemia primary, et, essential thrombocythemia (disorder), essential thrombocytosis (diagnosis), idiopathic thrombocythemia -retired-, [m]idiopathic thrombocythemia, essential thrombocytosis, essential hemorrhagic thrombocythemia (diagnosis), hemorrhagic thrombocythemia, essent (haemorrh) thrombocyth, thrombocythemia essential with hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocythemia idiopathic, essential thrombocythemia (clinical disorder), idiopathic thrombocythemia (disorder), thrombocythemia essential, idiopathic thrombocythemias, essential thrombocythemia (morphologic abnormality), thrombocytoses primary, idiopathic thrombocythaemia -retired-, et - essent thrombocythemia, essential thrombocythemia, essential thrombocythemia (clinical), idiopathic thrombocythaemia (disorder), essential (hemorrhagic) thrombocythemia, essential thrombocythaemia (clinical disorder), thrombocythemia hemorrhagic, thrombocythemias primary, et - essential thrombocythemia, essential thrombocytosis (disorder), essential (haemorrhagic) thrombocythaemia, essential haemorrhagic thrombocythaemia, essential thrombocythemia (diagnosis), et - essent thrombocythaemia, primary thrombocythemias, idiopathic thrombocythemia, thrombocythemia essential, et - essential thrombocythaemia, primary thrombocythemia, essential thrombocythaemia (clinical), idiopathic thrombocythemia (diagnosis), idiopathic thrombocythemia (morphologic abnormality), thrombocythemia primary hemorrhagic, thrombocytosis;essential, primary thrombocythaemia, idiopathic hemorrhagic thrombocythemia, [m]idiopathic thrombocythaemia, primary thrombocytoses, thrombocythemias hemorrhagic, idiopathic thrombocythaemia, thrombocythemias essential, essential thrombocythaemia (disorder), thrombocythemias idiopathic, thrombocythemia idiopathic, idiopathic thrombocytosis, thrombocytosis; essential, essntial thrombocythemia, primary thrombocytosis",
+"epididymis luminal protein 113, vimentin (substance), vimentin protein, vim, vimentin",
+"infertility testing, infertility studies (procedure), testing fertility, tests for infertility, fertility, fertility testing, infertility study (procedure), infertility study nos, test infertility, fertility analyses, infertility study, infertility tests nos, infertility test, fert, infertility studies, fertility studies, fertility study, fertility tests, fertility test, fertility investigations, infertility tests",
+"spermatogenesis function, generation of spermatozoa, spermatogenesis, spermatogenesis function (observable entity), spermatogeny, spermatogenesis (function)",
+"pain relieved, pain controlling, pain coping assistance individual each 15 minutes, analgesia, pain control, management pain, relieving pain, analgesias, controlled pain, rnax pain actions, managed pain, pain management, therapy pain, managements pain, pain therapies, rnax pain actions (treatment), pain relieving, pain managements, pain--treatment, actions regarding pain, giving pain relief, pain pain management, managing pain, pain management (treatment), therapy pain, pn cpng asistnce ndvdl ea.15, pain controll, pain management (procedure), pain therapy, controlling pain, management pain",
+"cutting nos, cutting, transection nos, section nos, transection, division, transections, division nos, severing nos, transection (procedure)",
+"bupivacaine product, (rs)-bupivacaine, (±)-bupivacaine, 1-butyl-26-pipecoloxylidide, bupivacaine (substance), bupivacaine (product), bupivacaine, bupivacainum, local anesthetics bupivacaine (medication), 1-butyl-n-(26-dimethylphenyl)-2-piperidinecarboxamide, bupivacaina, local anesthetics bupivacaine, dl-bupivacaine, bupivacaine-containing product, dl-1-butyl-26-pipecoloxylidide, product containing bupivacaine, racemic bupivacaine, 2-piperidinecarboxamide 1-butyl-n-(26-dimethylphenyl)-, product containing bupivacaine (medicinal product), (-)-bupivacaine",
+"abdominals transverse, abdominals transverse, structure of transversus abdominis muscle (body structure), abdominal transverse, transversus abdominis muscle, musculus transversus abdominis, transverse abdominal, structure of transversus abdominis muscle, transverse abdominals, transversus abdominis",
+"pss - progressive syst scleros, progressive systemic sclerosis, systemic sclerosis progressive, systemic scleroses diffuse, systemic sclerosis, diffuse systemic sclerosis, ss - systemic sclerosis, system; sclerosis, diffuse scleroderma, systemic sclerosis unspecified, systemic sclerosis diffuse, systemic; sclerosis progressive, sclerosis; system, progressive systemic sclerosis (diagnosis), diffuse sclerosis systemic, systemic; sclerosis, systemic sclerosis (disorder), sclerosis; systemic, scleroderma syndrome, progressive system sclerosis, sclerosis progressive systemic, diffuse systemic scleroses, sclerodermas sudden onset, pss - progressive systemic sclerosis, scleroderma diffuse, scleroderma syndrome (disorder), scleroderma progressive, dssc, progressive scleroderma, scleroderma, diffuse cutaneous scleroderma, dcssc, systemic sclerosis diffuse (disorder), pss (progressive systemic sclerosis), scleroderma systemic, sudden onset sclerodermas, ssc diffuse sclerosis, scleroderma sudden onset, scleroderma;diffuse, progressive systemic sclerosis (disorder), sudden onset scleroderma, systemic scleroderma, scleroses diffuse systemic, pss, diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis, sclerosis systemic, sclerosis; systemic progressive, sclerodermas, diffuse sclerosis, scleroderma;progressive, sclerosis diffuse systemic",
+"sclerosis of the skin, sclerosis of the skin (disorder), skin sclerosis, sclerosis skin, skin disorder sclerosis",
+"mesenchymal stem cell (cell), mesenchymal stem cell, mesenchymal progenitor cell, cells mesenchymal, stem cells mesenchymal, mesenchymal cell, mesenchymal stem cells, mpc, stem cell mesenchymal",
+"radiation therapy procedure or service (procedure), radiations therapy, radiation oncology and radiotherapy, radiation therapy procedure or service, therapeutic radiology procedure, radiation therapy procedures and services, radiation therapy and/or radiation oncology (treatment), radiation and radionuclide therapeutic procedures, radiotherapy nos, radiation therapy (treatment), therapeutic radiology, radiation, radiotherapy, therapeutic radiology for cancer treatment, radiotherapy nos, radiation therapies, radiation therapy and/or radiation oncology, irradiate, radiation treatments, rt, section 5-c radiation and radionuclide therapeutic procedures, radiotherapy (regime/therapy), radiation oncology and/or radiotherapy, radiation oncology and/or radiotherapy (procedure), therapies radiation, 5-c0 radiation oncology and radiotherapy, therapy radiation, radiation oncology treatment, radiother, therapy radiation, rt - radiotherapy, radiotherapies, cancer radiotherapy, radiotherapy procedures, radiation therapy procedure or service nos, irradiation, radiation therapy nos, radiation therapy procedure or service (treatment), radiotherapeutics, radiation therapy, radiation treatment, radiation therapy (procedure), treatment radiation, radiation oncology procedures, irradiated",
+"vegetable marrow, marrow (substance), marrow",
+"pumped, pump (device), pump device (physical object), pump device, pump, pump device, pump nos, pumps, pumping",
+"extracting, extraction procedure, extraction - action (qualifier value), extraction nos, extractions, extracted, extraction nos (for tooth extraction see section 60), extraction - action, extraction (procedure), extraction procedures, extraction, removal",
+"surgical excision (qualifier value), excisional, surgical removal, excision - action, resection nos, procedure removal, incision of t site to remove m, leucotome, surgical removal - action (qualifier value), incision and removal, removal - procedure, excisions, abscission, excision nos, removal nos, surgical removal (procedure), excision, removal, procedures removal, resections, incision and removal nos, surgical resection, ectomy, removal - action, removal techniques, procedure removal surgical, removal - procedure (procedure), resection, resected, resectioned, removal procedure, 1-03 excisions, resectioning, removal (procedure), removal - action (qualifier value), excision procedure, removal surgical procedure, resect, excision nos (-ectomy), extirpation nos, abscission nos, surgical removal procedure, excision - action (qualifier value), removals, procedures removal surgical, surgical excision, sr - surgical removal, -ectomy, removal technique, surgical removal - action, removal surgical, extirpation, excision (procedure), excision procedures",
+"implant, implant dosing unit, implant - unit of product usage, implant - unit of product usage (qualifier value)",
+"traumatic implants, traumatic implantation, traumatic implant, traumatic implant (morphologic abnormality), traumatic implant nos, implant, traumatic implant -retired-",
+"prim malign tumor peritoneum, primary malignant neoplasm of the peritoneum (disorder), primary malignant neoplasm of the peritoneum, prim malign tumour peritoneum, primary malignant tumour of peritoneum, primary malignant tumor of peritoneum (disorder), primary malignant tumor of peritoneum",
+"aesdth, grade 5, grade 5 death related to adverse event, fatal, death related to adverse event, common terminology criteria for adverse events grade 5 (finding), 5, common terminology criteria for adverse events grade 5, ctcae grade 5, standard toxicity grade 5",
+"cavity peritoneal, cavitas peritonealis, greater peritoneal cavity, peritoneal cavity structure, peritoneal cavity, body cavity peritoneal, peritoneal cavity nos, cavity peritoneal, peritoneal cavity structure (body structure)",
+"eczema thrombocytopenia immunodeficiency syndrome, aldrich, wiskott syndrome, eczema thromocytopenia diarrhea syndrome, immunodeficiency with eczema and thrombocytopenia, eczema thromocytopenia syndrome, eczema thromocytopenia immunodeficiency syndrome, wiskott aldrich syndrome, was, was1, eczema-thrombocytopenia-immunodeficiency syndromes, aldrich syndrome, eczema+thrombpaenia+imundefic, wiskott-aldrich syndrome 1, wiskott-aldrich, wiskott-aldrich syndrome, thrombocytopenia; eczema immunodeficiency, was - wiskott-aldrich syndrome, wiskott syndromes, wiskott-aldrich syndrome (disorder), immunodeficiency 2, immunodeficiency with thrombocytopenia and eczema, immunodeficiency; thrombocytopenia and eczema, wiskott-aldrich syndrome (diagnosis), familial; eczema-thrombocytopenia, eczema-thrombocytopenia-immunodeficiency syndrome, immunodeficiency 2s, aldrich syndrome wiskott, eczema thrombocytopenia immunodeficiency syndrome, imd2",
+"reticulohistiocytosis nos, histiocytic infiltrate nos, histiocytoses (diagnosis), histiocytosis unspecified, histiocytic infiltrate, histiocytic syndromes, histiocytic infiltrate (morphologic abnormality), histiocytoses, histiocytic reaction, histiocytosis nos, reticuloendothelial cell infiltrate nos, reticulohistiocytosis, histiocytosis (morphologic abnormality), histiocytic syndrome, histiocytosis unspecified (disorder), reticuloendothelial cell infiltrate, histiocytosis, histiocytic syndrome (diagnosis), 778 histiocytoses, histiocytic syndrome (disorder), histiocytic reaction nos",
+"duncan syndrome, disorders lymphoproliferative, disorders lymphoproliferative, lymphoproliferative; disorder, lymphoproliferative disease no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), lymphoproliferative disorder nos, lymphoproliferative disorder (morphologic abnormality), lymphoproliferative disease (diagnosis), lymphoproliferative disease (morphologic abnormality), lymphoproliferative disorders, lymphoproliferative disorder nos, disorder lymphoproliferative, lymphoproliferative dis, lymphoproliferative disease no icd-o subtype, lymphoproliferative disease nos, disease (or disorder); lymphoproliferative, lymphoproliferative disease, lymphoproliferative disease no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), lymphoproliferative disorder (disorder), lymphoproliferative disorder, duncans syndrome, lymphoproliferative disease nos, diseases lymphoproliferative, duncans syndrome, lymphoproliferative disease no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype",
+"histiocytic syndrome, histiocytosis, histiocytic syndromes, histiocytic syndrome (diagnosis), histiocytic syndrome (disorder)",
+"granulomatous (qualifier value), granulomatous",
+"phosphoric acid ester (substance), acid esters phosphoric, phosphate, organophosphates, phosphoric ester, organic phosphate nos, phosphates organic, organophosphate, organophosphate nos, phosphates org, esters phosphoric acid, organic phosphates, organic phosphate, phosphoric acid ester, phosphoric acid esters",
+"neoplasm cns, central nervous system neoplasm nos, cns neopl, neoplasia of the central nervous system, tumor of central nervous system, cns tumor, neoplasm of central nervous system, central nervous system tumors, cns neoplasms, cns cancer, central nervous system tumor, neoplasms cns, central nervous system--tumors, cns neoplasm, neoplasm of cns, brain/spinal cord tumor, cns neoplasia, tumors central nervous system, neoplasm of central nervous system (diagnosis), cancers cns, tumor of the central nervous system, neopl cns, central nervous system neoplasia, cns tumors, neoplasm of the central nervous system, cns neoplasm nos, neoplasm cns, neoplasm central nervous system, tumor of cns, central nervous system neoplasm, tumors of the central nervous system, central nervous system neoplasms, tumor of the cns, neoplasm of central nervous system (disorder), tumors cns, cancer cns, neoplasms central nervous system, neoplasm of the cns",
+"tumor colon, neoplasm of the colon, colon neoplasms, colonic neoplasms, colonic mass, neoplasm of colon (disorder), colon tumor or cancer, neoplasms colonic, colon neoplasm, colonic neoplasm nos, colonic neoplasm, tumour of colon, neoplasms colon, tumor of colon, neoplasm colonic, colon tumours, colon nos mass, neoplasm colon, neopl colonic, colon tumor, colon neopl, colon cancer tumor, colonic tumor, tumor of the colon, cancer colon tumors, colon masses, colon neoplasia, colon tumors, neoplasm of colon, colon mass, colon neoplasm nos, colonic neopl, colon tumor cancer",
+"fibrosarcomas malignant, fibrosarcoma (morphologic abnormality), [m]fibrosarcoma nos, fibrosarcoma childhood, fibrosarcoma (disorder), fibrosarcoma, fibrosarcomas, sarcoma fibro- childhood, fibrosarcoma (excluding infantile fibrosarcoma), fibrosarcoma nos, childhood fibrosarcoma, adult fibrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma - not infantile, malignant fibromatous neoplasm, fibrosarcoma nos, fibrosarcoma adult, fibrosarcoma (diagnosis), sarcoma fibro- adult, pediatric fibrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma malignant, fibrosarcoma pediatric",
+"pulmonary neoplasia, pulm neopl, lungs--tumors, tumor of the lung, neoplasm of lung (disorder), neoplasms pulmonary, neoplasms lung, lung neoplasm, neopl pulm, pulmonary neoplasms (diagnosis), pulmonary neoplasms, lung tumours, neoplasm of the lung, lung tumor, lung neoplasms, lung tumour, neoplasm of lung (diagnosis), lung tumors, lung neopl, pulmonary neoplasm, neoplasm lung, lung neoplasm nos, neoplasm of lung, neoplasm pulmonary, tumor of lung, neopl lung, tumour of lung",
+"benign adenoma, benign adenomatous neoplasm (disorder), [m]adenomas, adenoma, tumor of the gland, adenoma nos, [m]adenoma nos, [m]adenoma nos (morphologic abnormality), benign adenomatous neoplasm, adenoma benign, adenoma benign, adenoma no subtype (morphologic abnormality), adenoma nos, adenomas, adenoma benign nos, adenoma no subtype",
+"sections 2-5-6 diseases of the lung, disease of lung, disorder lung, lung diseases, pulmonary disease (diagnosis), lung, disease lung, lung disorder, disorder pulmonary, pulmonary disorders, pulm dis, diseases lungs, pulmonary disease, lung disease nos, diseases pulmonary, diseases pulmonary, diseases of the lung, disorders lung, lung dis, disease (or disorder); lung, pulmonary diseases, pulmonary disorder, lung disease, disease of lung nos, disease;lung, dis pulm, lung disorders, diseases lung, lung disease nos (disorder), disorder of lung, pulmonary disease nos, lung disorder nos, lung disorder (nos), lung disorder nos, pulmonary; disorder, disease pulmonary, lungs--diseases, lung; disease, disease of lung (disorder), disorder of lung (disorder), disorders pulmonary, pneumopathy",
+"nervous systems central, pars centralis, central nervous system structure, cns, central nervous system structure (body structure), axi cerebrospinal, central nerv system structure, cerebrospinal axis, systema nervosum centrale, nervous system central, structures of the central nervous system, cerebrospinal axi, structure of central nervous system (body structure), cns - central nervous system, central nervous systems, central nervous system, axis cerebrospinal, neuraxis, nervous system cns, systems central nervous, structure of central nervous system",
+"breast sarcoma, sarcoma of breast (diagnosis), sarcoma of breast (disorder), sarcoma breast, sarcoma of breast, sarcoma of the breast, breast sarcomas",
+"thyroid adenomas, adenoma thyroid gland, adenoma of the thyroid gland, adenoma of thyroid gland (diagnosis), thyroid gland follicular adenoma, follicular adenoma thyroid, follicular thyroid adenoma, adenoma of thyroid gland, adenoma of the thyroid, thyroid adenoma follicular, follicular adenoma of thyroid, adenoma follicular thyroid, follicular adenoma, thyroid adenoma nos, adenoma thyroid, follicular adenoma of the thyroid gland, adenomas thyroid, thyroid adenoma (disorder), thyroid adenoma follicular, thyroid follicular adenoma, adenoma thyroid, follicular adenoma of thyroid gland (diagnosis), adenomas thyroid, adenoma follicular cell benign, adenoma;thyroid, thyroid adenoma, follicular adenoma of the thyroid, follicular adenoma of thyroid gland, thyroid gland adenoma, adenoma of thyroid, thyroid follicular adenoma (disorder)",
+"gland structure, gland nos, glandula, glands set, gland (body structure), set of glands, gland, glandular, glande, glands, gland structure (body structure), organ component gland",
+"medullary carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma medullary, ultimobranchial thyroid tumor, thyroid carcinoma medullary, medullary thyroid cancer (mtc), of medullary carcinoma thyroid, thyroid gland medullary cancer, medullary carcinoma of thyroid gland, parafollicular cell carcinoma (disorder), thyroid cancer medullary carcinoma, medullary carcinoma thyroid, c cell carcinoma, cancer medullary thyroid, medullary thyroid carcinoma (diagnosis), medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, mtc - medullary thyroid carcinoma, c-cell carcinoma, thyroid cancer medullary, carcinoma medullary thyroid, thyroid cancer medullary, parafollicular cell carcinoma, medullary thyroid carcinoma (disorder), thyroid gland medullary carcinoma, solid carcinoma of the thyroid gland, medullary thyroid carcinoma, struma metastasizing amyloid, medullary thyroid cancer, carcinoma c-cell malignant, mtc - medullary thyroid carc, medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland, thyroid carcinoma solid, mtc, medullary carcinoma of thyroid syndrome, medullary carcinoma of thyroid, solid carcinoma of the thyroid gland (diagnosis), solid carcinoma of thyroid gland, thyroid medullary carcinoma, thyroid gland neuroendocrine carcinoma, carcinomas medullary thyroid, ultimobranchial thyroid tumour, medullary thyroid gland carcinoma",
+"hair nos, hair specimen (specimen), hair sample, hair samples, pili, structure of hair, hairs, hair specimen code, hair, 014-015 hair, set of hairs, hairs set, hair specimen, hair structure, hair structure (body structure), human hair",
+"neuralgia (finding), neuralgia -retired-, neuralgia nos, neuralgia ctcae, neuralgia, sharp nerve pain, neuralgia unspecified, neuralgia nos, neuralgias, neurodynia, pains neuropathic, neuralgia (symptom), neuropathic pains, neuralgia (diagnosis), pain neuropathic, neuralgia unspecified (disorder), neurodynias, neuralgia (disorder), neuropathic pain",
+"spinal cord injuries, injury of spinal cord level unspecified, injury-spinal cord, injuries spinal cord, spinal cord syndrome, injury spinal cord, injury; spinal cord, traumatic myelopathies, spinal cord injury (disorder), spinal cord; injury, spinal cord injury, cord injuries spinal, myelopathy traumatic, trauma spinal cord, sci - spinal cord injury, inj spinal cord, spinal cord inj, cord injury spinal, cord trauma spinal, cord traumas spinal, spinal cord traumas, traumatic myelopathy, traumas spinal cord, spinal cord trauma, myelopathies traumatic, spinal cord injury nos, spinal cord injury (diagnosis), injury;spinal cord",
+"rehabilitation, rehabilitation - specialty, rehabilitation - specialty (qualifier value), rehabilitation - speciality",
+"vibration, vibration [physical phenomenon], vibrations, resonance, vibration (physical force), vibration - physical agent, vibration (finding)",
+"pulmonary resonance, resonance function, resonance function (observable entity), resonance (function), resonance, resonance nos, pulmonary resonance nos",
+"gene, genes, gene nos, gene (substance)",
+"product containing rucaparib, 6h-pyrrolo(432-ef)(2)benzazepin-6-one 8-fluoro-1345-tetrahydro-2-(4-((methylamino)methyl)phenyl)-, rucaparib (medication), rucaparib-containing product, rucaparib (substance), product containing rucaparib (medicinal product), chemotherapeutics rucaparib, 8-fluoro-2-(4-((methylamino)methyl)phenyl)-1345-tetrahydro-6h-azepino(543-cd)indol-6-one, rucaparib product, rucaparib",
+"metastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, metastasis from hormone-refractory prostate cancer, metastasis from hormone-refractory prostate cancer (disorder)",
+"anomaly, morphologically abnormal structure (morphologic abnormality), morphologically abnormal structure, abnormal structure, morphologic abnormality nos, morphologic abnormality",
+"product containing docetaxel, docetaxol, [2ar-[2a alphaa4beta4a beta6beta9alpha(alphar*betas*)-11alpha12alpha12a alpha12b alpha]]-beta-[[(11-dimethylethoxy)carbonyl]-amino]-alpha-hydroxybenzemepropanoic acid 12b-(acetyloxy)-12(benzyloxy)-2a344a56810111212a12b-dodecahydeo-4-611-trihydroxy-4a81313-tetramethyl-5-oxo-711-methano-1h-cyclodeca[34]benz[12-b]oxet-9-yl ester, docetaxel product, product containing docetaxel (medicinal product), docetaxel (medication), docetaxel-containing product, docetaxel hydrate, benzenepropanoic acid beta-(((11-dimethylethoxy)carbonyl)amino)-alpha-hydroxy- (2ar4s4ar6r9s11s12s12as12bs)-12b-(acetyloxy)-12-(benzoyloxy)-2a344a56910111212a12b-dodecahydro-44a 611-tetrahydroxy-812a1313-tetramethyl-5-oxo-711-methano-1h-cyclodeca(34)benz(12-b)oxet-9-yl ester (alphar)- hydrate (1:3), docetaxel (obsolete), docetaxel, docetaxel trihydrate, docetaxel (substance), txl, docetaxel (product)",
+"ethanoate, acetate salt, acetate compound (substance), acetate, acetate compound, acetate (substance), ethanoat",
+"benign tumor of the prostate, prostatic structure (body structure), benign neoplasm of the prostate, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of prostate, 92 prostate, genital system male prostate, benign tumour of prostate, benign tumor of prostate gland, prostate gland, prostata (glandula prostatica), benign prostatic neoplasm nos, prostatic gland structure, neoplasm benign;prostate, cis - carc in situ of prostate, benign neoplasm of prostate, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of prostate gland, prostate, gland prostate, benign neoplasm of prostate gland, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of prostate gland (diagnosis), prostatic gland structure (body structure), cis - carcinoma in situ of prostate, prostate neoplasm benign, benign neoplasm of prostate (disorder), carcinoma in situ of prostate gland, benign tumor of prostate, prostata, benign prostatic neoplasm, prostatic structure, unc behav neo prostate, entire prostate (body structure), prostato-, prostates, prostatic gland, uncert. neopl. prostate, benign neoplasm prostate, prostatic, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of prostate [dup] (disorder), neoplasm of uncertain behavior of prostate (disorder), entire prostate, carcinoma in situ of prostate gland (diagnosis), neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of prostate, prostatic neoplasm of uncertain behavior, carcinoma in situ of prostate, prostate nos, benign prostate neoplasm, benign prostate tumor, cis (carcinoma in situ) of prostate, cancer in situ of prostate, prostatic neoplasms benign, benign neoplasm of prostate gland (diagnosis), ca in situ prostate, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of prostate, benign prostatic tumor, benign prostatic tumour, carcinoma in situ of prostate (disorder), prostatic (qualifier value), neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of prostate",
+"malignant neoplasm of prostate gland, cancer prostate, prostatic cancer, malignant neoplasm of prostate, neoplasm malig;prostate, malignant neosplasm of the prostate, prostate cancer (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm of the prostate, prostate cancer, malignant tumor of the prostate, malignant prostatic tumour, cancer prostatic, malignant neoplasm prostate, malignant prostatic tumor, cancers prostate, prostatic neoplasms malignant, malignant prostate tumor, cancer of prostate, malignant tumour of prostate, malignant tumor of prostate, cancers prostatic, malign neopl prostate, prostate ca, ca prostate, prostatic cancers, prostate gland neoplasm malignant, cancer of the prostate, ca - cancer of prostate, prostate cancer nos, prostate--cancer, malignant neoplasm of prostate gland (diagnosis), prostate cancers, malignant tumor of prostate (disorder), malignant prostate neoplasm",
+"prostatectomy nos, prostate resections, prostatectomy nos, genito-urinary tract surgery prostatectomy, prostatectomy, prostate excision (procedure), surgical removal of the prostate, prostate: excisions, prostatectomy nos (procedure), prostate excision, prostatectomy (treatment), 1-783 prostate: excisions, prostate resectioning, excision procedures on the prostate, med: prostatectomy, prostatectomy (procedure), prostate resection, prostatectomies",
+"haematopoietic aplasia, anaemia - aplastic, aplastic anemias, bone marrow aplasia, aplastic anemia nos (disorder), anemia; aplastic, aplastic anaemia nos, erythroid aplasia, aplastic anemia [dup] (disorder), hematopoietic aplasia (disorder), aplastic anemia nos, aplastic anemia (diagnosis), hematopoietic aplasia, anaemia;aplastic, aplastic; anemia, aregenerative anemia, aplastic anaemia [ambiguous], aplastic anaemia, aplastic anaemia nos, aplastic anaemia unspecified, anaemia aplastic, aplastic anemia unspecified, anemia aplastic, anemia aplastic, aplastic anemia, aplastic anemia nos, aregenerative anaemia, aplastic anaemia (disorder), non regenerative anaemia, aplastic anaemias, anaemia aplastic, aplastic anemia (disorder) [ambiguous], non regenerative anemia, aplastic anemia (disorder), anemia;aplastic, anemia - aplastic",
+"thymocytes, thymic lymphocyte, thymocyte, thymic lymphocyte (cell)",
+"obesities morbid, morbid obesity (diagnosis), obesity morbid due to excess calories (diagnosis), severe obesity (diagnosis), obesity severe, obesity morbid, morbid; obesity, obesities severe, obesity extreme, severe obesities, obesity morbid, obesity; extreme, obesity; morbid, morbid obesity, extreme; obesity, severe obesity (disorder), morbid obesities, obesity severe, obesity morbid due to excess calories, morbid obesity (disorder), severe obesity",
+"oral contraceptives (medication), oral contraceptives, oral contraceptive preparation, oral contraceptive preparation (product), ocp - oral contraceptive pill, contraceptives oral, oral contraceptive preparation (substance), oral contraceptive preparation nos, birth contraceptives control pills, birth contraceptive control pills, contraceptive pills for bc, oral contraceptive medication, oral contraceptive drug, oral contraceptive agent (substance), oral contraceptive nos, birth control pill contraceptive, pill, oral contraceptive pill (product), oral contraceptive drug nos, oral contraceptive preparations, birth control pill nos, birth control pills, oral contraceptive agent nos, oral contraceptive pill, birth control pill, oral contraceptive, contraceptive pills for birth control, oral contraceptive agent, a07 oral contraceptive preparations, oral contraceptive pill (substance), contraceptive oral",
+"pill dosage form, pill (pharmacologic), pill dose form, pill nos, pilldrugform, pill (product), pill (substance), pill product, pill (qualifier value), pill, pills, pill (basic dose form), pill form of medicine",
+"immunologic tolerance function (observable entity), immunologic tolerance (function), immunologic paralysis (observable entity), immunologic unresponsiveness, immunologic tolerance function, self tolerance, immunologic unresponsiveness -retired-, immunologic paralysis -retired-, immune system tolerance, immunological tolerance, tolerance immune, immunological paralysis, immunologic unresponsiveness (observable entity), immunologic tolerance nos, immunologic tolerance, tolerance, immunologic paralysis, immune unresponsiveness, immune tolerance",
+"glucose challenge test, glucose tests tolerance, glucose tolerance tests, glucose procedure testing tolerance, test;glucose tolerance, glucose tolerance test nos, glucose test tolerance, ogtt - oral glucose tol test, glucose tolerance test nos, glucose tolerance test (procedure), glucose tolerance test nos (procedure), glucose tolerance test, challenge glucose testing, glucose testing tolerance, gtt - glucose tolerance test, ogtt - oral glucose tolerance test, gtts, gtt",
+"histocyte nos, tissue macrophage, histocytes, resident tissue macrophage, resident tissue macrophage (cell), histiocyte, fixed macrophage, connective tissue macrophage, histocyte, histiocyte nos, histiocytes",
+"ependymoma childhood, ependymoma no icd-o subtype, childhood ependymoma newly diagnosed, cns tumor adult ependymoma, cns ependymoma, ependymomas, brain tumor ependymoma adult, ependymoma newly diagnosed childhood, childhood ependymomas, brain tumor ependymoma childhood, ependymoma, cns tumor ependymoma adult, cns tumor childhood ependymoma, pediatric ependymoma, ependymoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), ependymoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, cns tumor ependymoma childhood, epithelial ependymoma, brain tumor child: ependymoma/ependymal tumors, adult brain tumor ependymoma, ependymoma; unspecified site, adult cns tumor ependymoma, ependymoma nos, well-differentiated adult ependymoma, epithelial ependymoma (morphologic abnormality), newly diagnosed childhood ependymoma, ependymoma childhood newly diagnosed, brain tumor childhood ependymoma, brain tumor adult ependymoma, ependymoma (disorder), who grade ii ependymal tumor, ependymoma familial, ependymoma nos, who grade ii ependymal neoplasm, adult intracranial ependymoma, central nervous system tumor ependymoma adult, ependymoma adult, adult ependymoma, childhood ependymoma, [m]ependymoma nos (morphologic abnormality), familial ependymoma, ependymoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), adult well-differentiated ependymoma, [m]ependymoma nos",
+"reproductive cells, haploid germ cell, cells germ, cell germ, cell germ, cell sex, germinal cell, reproductive cell, germ line cells, germ cells, cells germ, haploid nucleated cell, sex cell, germ cell, gametes, cells sex, initial cell, germ cell (cell structure), cells germ-line, meiotic cell, meiotic cell nos, gamete, sexual cell, germ-line cells, cell germ-line, germ-line cell",
+"histiocytosis x ii, schuller-christian syndrome, histiocytosis; langerhans cell, langerhans cell histiocytosis polyostotic, syndrome hand-schüller-christian, histiocytosis langerhans cell, lch-langerh cell histiocytosis, generalized histiocytoses, letterer-siwe disease, histiocytosis x [obs], hand-schuller-christian disease, schueller christian disease, langerhans cell histiocytosis no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, different progress histiocyto, langerhans cell histiocytosis no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), generalised histiocytosis of bones, disease letterer-siwe, x; histiocytosis, type 2 histiocytoses, x; histiocytosis chronic, langerhans cell histiocytosis no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), cell granulomatosis langerhans, systemic aleukemic reticuloendotheliosis, hand-schüller-christian, multifocal and unisystemic langerhans cell histiocytosis, multifocal unisystem langerhans cell histiocytosis, eosinophilic granuloma multifocal, systemic reticuloendothelial granuloma, langerhans cell histiocytosis (disorder), schueller-christian disease, langerhans histiocyt syndrome, granulomatosis langerhans cell, hand schüller christian syndrome, lch - langerhans cell histiocytosis, disease schueller-christian, non lipid reticuloendotheliosis, hand schüller christian disease, classic multifocal langerhans cell histiocytosis, langerhans cell histiocytosis multifocal, disease hand schuller christian, cell histiocytosis langerhan, cell histiocytosis langerhans, histiocytoses generalized, christian disease hand schuller, granulomatoses langerhans cell, histiocytosis x nos, langerhans cell histiocytosis no icd-o subtype, histiocytosis x unspecified, reticuloendothelioses non-lipid, aleukemic reticuloendothelioses systemic, langerhans cell; histiocytosis, histiocytosis-x, disease hand-schüller-christian, schüller-christian, langerhans cell granulomatoses, langerhans cell histiocytosis, histiocytosis x syndrome (disorder), aleukemic reticuloendotheliosis systemic, histiocytosis x unspecified (disorder), langerhans cell histiocytoses, chronic idiopathic xanthomatosis, disease hand-schueller-christian, chronic histiocytosis x, histiocytosis; x chronic, syndrome hand-schueller-christian, generalized histiocytosis, hand schuller christian disease, langerhans cell granulomatosis, histiocytoses type 2, histiocytosis x syndrome, chronic differentiated progressive histiocytosis, cell granulomatoses langerhans, schueller christian dis, christian diseases hand schuller, langerhans cell histiocytosis (disorder), hand schueller christian syndrome, reticuloendotheliosis systemic aleukemic, langerhans histiocytic syndrome, type 2 histiocytosis, histiocytosis; x, histiocytosis x unspecified (disorder), hand-schüller-christian disease, hand-schüller-christian disease (disorder), cell granulomatosis langerhans, reticuloendotheliosis non-lipid, langerhans cell histiocytosis multifocal (morphologic abnormality), histiocytosis x chronic, histiocytosis x (chronic), langerhans-cell granulomatosis, schuller christian syndrome, langerhans cell histiocytosis poly-ostotic, hand - schuller - christian disease, langerhans cell histiocytosis (diagnosis), hand christian schuller disease, langerhans cell histiocytosis not otherwise specified, reticuloendothelioses systemic aleukemic, langerhans cell histiocytosis, langerhans cell histiocytosis nos, histiocytosis generalized, granulomatosis langerhans-cell, hand-schüller-christian syndrome, lch, systemic aleukemic reticuloendothelioses, non-lipid reticuloendothelioses, cell histiocytoses langerhans, langerhans-cell histiocytosis, hand-schuller-christian syndr., chronic disseminated histiocytosis x, histiocytosis x unspecified, langerhans-cell histiocytosis nos, histiocytosis x, langerhans cell histiocytosis (morphologic abnormality), hand-schuller-christian disease [obs], multifocal eosinophilic granuloma (diagnosis), cell histiocytosis langerhans, histiocytosis type 2, histiocytoses langerhans cell, hand-schuller-christian diseas, cells histiocytosis langerhans, hand-schueller-christian disease, non-lipid reticuloendotheliosis, hand schueller christian disease, langerhans cell histiocytosis, hand-schueller-christian syndrome, generalized histiocytosis of bones, letterer siwe disease, multifocal eosinophilic granuloma, langerhans cell histiocytosis (morphologic abnormality), differentiated progressive histiocytosis, histiocytosis langerhans-cell, langerhans cell disease, schüller-christian syndrome, letterer siwe dis, langerhans cell granulomatosis",
+"paraganglioma medullary, [m]pheochromocytoma nos, pheochromocytomas, pheochromocytoma (diagnosis), pheochromocytoma, chromaffin paraganglioma, chromaffin tumor, adrenal gland paraganglioma, adrenal gland chromaffin paraganglioma, chromaffin cell neoplasm, phaeochromocytoma (disorder), adrenal pheochromocytoma, chromaffinoma, pheochromocytoma (morphologic abnormality), intraadrenal paraganglioma, phaeochromocytoma [ambiguous], adrenal gland chromaffinoma, pheochromocytoma nos, pheochromocytoma syndrome, phaeochromocytoma nos, [m]phaeochromocytoma nos, adrenal medullary paraganglioma, chromaffinoma medullary, pheochromocytomas adrenal, adrenal medullary pheochromocytoma, adrenal gland pheochromocytoma, pheochromocytoma (disorder), pheochromocytoma adrenal, pcc, pheochromocytoma nos, phaeochromocytoma, pheochromocytoma (adrenal), chromaffin tumour, adrenal neoplasm of uncertain behavior pheochromocytoma, chromaffin paraganglioma of the adrenal gland, phaeochromocytoma nos, chromaffin cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)",
+"lymphoma of kidney (diagnosis), lymphomatous infiltrate of kidney, lymphoma of kidney, primary kidney lymphoma, lymphomatous infiltrate kidney, primary renal lymphoma, lymphoma of kidney (disorder), renal lymphoma, kidney lymphoma",
+"kidney sarcoma, sarcoma of kidney (diagnosis), sarcoma of kidney, sarcoma of kidney (disorder), renal sarcoma, sarcoma of the kidney",
+"rhabdomyosarcoma with ganglionic differentiation, rhabdomyosarcoma with ganglionic differentiation (morphologic abnormality), sarcoma with ganglionic or neuroectodermal differentiation, ectomesenchymoma, gangliorhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma with ganglionic differentiation (diagnosis), malignant ectomesenchymoma",
+"gad - general anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder generalize, anxiety disorder; generalized, gad, generalised anxiety disorder [ambiguous], generalised anxiety disorder (disorder), generalised anxiety disorder, gad - generalized anxiety disorder, gads, generalized anxiety disorder (disorder), gad - generalised anxiety disorder, generalized; anxiety disorder, anxiety disorders generalized, generalized anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety dis, generalized anxiety disorder (diagnosis), anxiety disorder generalized, generalized anxiety disorder",
+"x-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (diagnosis), schilder-addison; complex, adrenoleukodystrophy x-linked, x ald, x-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, addison-schilder disease, x-linked adrenoleukodystrophy unspecified type, addison-schilder; complex, adrenomyeloneuropathy, adrenocortical atrophy-cerebral sclerosis syndrome, addison disease-cerebral sclerosis syndrome, ald, addison disease and cerebral sclerosis, leukodystrophies melanodermic, leukodystrophy melanodermic, complex; addison-schilder, complex; schilder-addison, siemerling-creutzfeldt disease, addison disease-spastic paraplegia syndrome, adrenoleukodystrophy, adrenoleukodystrophy (disorder), adrenoleukomyeloneuropathy, schilder addison complex, siemerling-creutzfeld disease, ald - adrenoleukodystrophy, melanodermic leukodystrophy, bronze schilder disease, adrenoleukomyeloneuropathy (almn), addison-schilder syndrome, x ald (x linked adrenoleukodystrophy), siemerling creutzfeldt disease, siemerling-creutzfeldt syndrome, ald (adrenoleukodystrophy), x-ald (x-linked adrenoleukodystrophy), x linked adrenoleukodystrophy, schilder disease, adrenoleucodystrophy, adrenoleukodystrophy (ald), fanconi-prader syndrome, schilder-addison complex, x-linked adrenoleucodystrophy, x-ald, sex-linked metachromatic leukodystrophy",
+"sharp sensation quality (qualifier value), sharp, sharp sensation quality",
+"retrograde approach (qualifier value), retrograde, retrograde approach, retrograde (qualifier value)",
+"inflammatory, change inflammatory, inflammatory findings, inflammatory changes, inflamed, inflammatory (qualifier value), inflam, changes inflammatory, inflammatories",
+"blood vessel transplantation, transplantation of blood vessel nos, transplantation of blood vessel, transplantation of blood vessel (procedure)",
+"leukemia b-cell prolymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia b-cell type (morphologic abnormality), b-cell prolymphocyt leukaemia, leukemias b-cell prolymphocytic, b-cell prolymphocytic leukemia, prolymphocytic leukaemia b-cell type, prolymphocytic leukemia b-cell, prolymphocytic leukemia of b-cell type nos, b-cell type prolymphocytic leukemia, b-cell prolymphocyt leukemia, b cell prolymphocytic leukemia, b-cell prolymphocytic leukemias, prolymphocytic leukemia b-cell type, leukemia prolymphocytic b-cell type, leukemia prolymphocytic b-cell, b-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia, b prolymphocytic leukemia, b-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), prolymphocytic leukemia of b-cell type, prolymphocytic leukemias b-cell, b-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (disorder)",
+"acute failure, failure acute, acute failure (finding)",
+"cll/sll, chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), b-cell lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma",
+"undifferentiated (grade) (qualifier value), undifferentiated (qualifier value), anaplastic, undifferentiated (grade) [ambiguous], sex not specified, not specified, undifferentiated sex, administrative gender - undifferentiated, g4, undifferentiated, undifferentiated neuroblastoma",
+"aplasias, aplasia, 754 aplasias, aplasia nos, aplasia (morphologic abnormality), aplasia nos",
+"blood cell nos, blood cell (body structure), blood corpuscle, corpuscle blood, blood cells, peripheral blood cell, blood cell, blood corpuscles, corpuscles blood, cell blood, blood cell (cell), cells blood",
+"infection kidney, of kidney infection, infectious disorder of kidney, infectious disorder of kidney (disorder), infection renal, infection kidneys, infection; kidney, infection of kidney unspecified, infection;kidney, infection of kidney (diagnosis), infection of kidney nos (disorder), infection - kidney, infections of kidney, infections kidneys, infections kidney, kidney; infection, of kidney infections, infection of kidney, kidney infection nos, kidney infection, kidney infections, renal infection, infection of kidney nos",
+"back pain chronic, chronic back pain (finding), back chronic pain, pain;back chronic, chronic back pain (disorder), back chronic pains, chronic back pain",
+"structure of back of trunk and/or neck (body structure), posterior, structure of back of trunk (body structure), dorsal, posterior (qualifier value), back of, regiones dorsalis, back (body region), dorsal (qualifier value), dorsum, chest pain radiating to back (symptom), back region (body structure), dx - dorsal, back region, retro-, posterior (modifier) (qualifier value), regiones dorsales, back structure including back of neck (body structure), behind (qualifier value), back structure including back of neck, posterior part of body proper, backs, set of regions of back, heart sound auscultation at back, d21 back, back structure excluding neck, behind, back (of neck and trunk), back, back anatomy, back regions, posterior (modifier) [ambiguous], dorsum of trunk, back (anatomy), back of body proper, structure of back of trunk and/or neck, entire back (surface region) (body structure), radiating chest pain in back, regions of back, of back, entire back (surface region), retro, back nos, back of trunk, structure of back of trunk, chest pain radiating to back, back structure, back structure excluding neck (body structure)",
+"back structure excluding neck, back, structure of back of trunk (body structure), back nos, structure of back of trunk, back structure, back structure excluding neck (body structure)",
+"behind, of back, posterior, back, retro-, posterior (modifier) (qualifier value), retro, posterior (modifier) [ambiguous], dorsal, posterior (qualifier value), back of, behind (qualifier value), dorsal (qualifier value), dx - dorsal",
+"manipulation, manipulations nos (regime/therapy), manipulation (procedure), manipulation procedure, manipulative, manipulate, manipulative procedure, manipulation nos, manipulation - action, manipulation - action (qualifier value), manipulations nos (procedure), manipulations nos, manipulation nos",
+"chapter 2 medical procedures and services, physician services, medical referral service, medical service, services medical, physicians services, physicians services, physicians services (treatment), physician service (procedure), medical, medical procedures and services, medical services, medical service (procedure), physician service, service medical",
+"unspecified back pain, back pain over, unspecified dorsalgia, backache (disorder), backache unspecified (finding), back pains, backpain, backache nos, pain over the back, backache - finding, dorsalgia (diagnosis), pains back, backache, ache back, aches back, backache - disorder, backache unspecified, aches back, ache back, dorsalgia (finding), back over pain, back pain (disorder), back pain unspecified, back pain in, dorsal back pain, back pain (finding), back pain ctcae_5, back aches, and back pain, pain;back, dorsalgia, backache symptom nos (disorder), back paining, backs pain, backache nos, dorsal pain, backache symptoms, backache (finding), backache symptom, dorsalgia unspecified, backache; unspecified, dorsodynia, back ache, back pain, back pain (symptom), pain back, backache symptom nos (finding), dorsopathy dorsalgia, back pain - finding, backaches, backache symptom nos, backache unspecified (disorder), back; pain, pain dorsal, notalgia, pain; back, back ache (diagnosis), pain in back, dorsalgia unspecified, pain back, backache symptom (finding), back pain ctcae 5.0, back pain nos",
+"igf-1 protein human, insulin-like growth factor i, insulin like somatomedin peptide i, insulin like growth factor 00 01, insulin-like growth factor 1, insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf-1), insulin like growth factor i, somatomedin c, insulin like growth factor 1 human, igf 1-ins like growth factor 1, mgf, igf i, igf-1, insulin-like growth factor-i, igf-i-smc, somatomedin-c, igf1 protein human, igf 1, igf1, igf 1 - insulin like growth factor 1, human somatomedin c, smc - somatomedin c, igf-i, sm-c, igf-i protein human, insulin like growth factor 1, mechano growth factor, insulin-like somatomedin peptide i, igfi protein human, somatomedin c (substance)",
+"inversas acne, hidradenitis suppurativa (disorder), hidradenitis suppurative, hidradenitis suppurative, verneuils disease, pyoderma fistulans significa, axillaries hidradenitis, suppurativa hidradenitis, smokers boils, inversa acne, suppurative hidradenitides, hidradenitis suppurativa, hidradenitis suppurativa (diagnosis), acne inversas, suppurative hidradenitis, axillary hidradenitis, hidradenitides suppurative, hidradenitis suppurativa, hidradenitis axillaris, acne inversa, apocrine acne",
+"inss stage 2a, stage 2a (qualifier value), stage iia, stage 2a",
+"identification - mental defense mechanism, identification (defense mechanism), identifications psychological, psychological identification, psychology identifications, identifications psychology, identification, identification psychol, identification psychology, identification - mental defence mechanism, identification psychological, identification - mental defense mechanism (finding), psychological identifications, identification (psychology), psychology identification, identifications (psychology), identification - ment def mech",
+"vessels, blood vascular, blood vessel, blood vessel structure (body structure), blood vessel structure, blood-vessels, vascular, vascular structure (body structure), blood vessels: general terms, blood vessels, section 4 blood vessels, blood vessel trunk, blood vessel nos, vessel blood, human blood vessel, vascular structure, vessels blood, vessel, 40 blood vessels: general terms",
+"metabolism; disorder, metabolism--disorders, general; metabolic disorder, metabolic disorders (diagnosis), disease;metabolic, diseases metabolic, metabolic disorders (disorder), metab dis, metabolic disease nos, generalized metabolic disorder, generalised metabolic disorder, md - metabolic disorders, metabolic derangement, disease metabolic, dis metab, metabolic disorder; general, metabolic disorders, metabolic diseases, disorder of metabolism nos (disorder), metabolism disorder, metabolic disorder nos, unspecified disorder of metabolism, metabolic disorder nos, metabolic disorders: general, rndx metabolic, metabolic disorder unspecified, metabolic disorder, disorder of metabolism nos, disorder;metabolic, metabolism disorders, disorder; metabolism, metabolism disorder nos, thesaurismosis, rndx metabolic (diagnosis), metabolism; disorder general, generalized metabolic disorder (disorder), thesaurismoses, metabolic disease, metabolic disease (disorder)",
+"drug monitors, monitoring drug, drugs monitoring, medication monitoring (treatment), monitor for effects of medication, drugs monitor, drug monitoring, medications monitoring, monitors medication effects, medication.monitoring, monitor effects of medications, medication monitoring, monitor medication actions, medication monitoring (procedure), monitors medication, medication monitoring (regime/therapy)",
+"sulfoiduronate sulfatase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type ii: hunter syndrome, hunter syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis 2, mpsii - mucopolysaccharidosis type ii, sulfoiduronidate sulfatase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-ii, sulpho-iduronate sulphatase deficiency, diseases hunters, type ii; mucopolysaccharidosis, iduronate sulphatase defic, mucopolysaccharide storage disease ii, hunter; syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis type ii (disorder), syndrome; hunter, mucopolysaccharidosis type ii, hunters syndrome, mps 2 - mucopolysaccharidosis 2, iduronate sulfatase defic, gargoylism hunter syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis type ii, hunters syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis ii, iduronate 2-sulfatase deficiency, mps 2, iduronate 2-sulphatase deficiency, mpsii-mucopolysaccharidosis ii, hunter-fraser syndrome, mps2 - mucopolysaccharidosis 2, sulphoiduronidate sulphatase deficiency, mps2, sulpho-iduronate sulfatase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type ii (mps ii), disease hunters, sids deficiency, iduronate sulfatase (ids) deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-ii (disorder), sulfo-iduronate sulfatase (sids) deficiency, deficiency of iduronate-2-sulfatase, hunter-mcalpine syndrome, sulphoiduronate sulphatase def, mucopolysaccharidosis; type ii, iduronate sulfatase deficiency, sulfo-iduronate sulfatase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type 2, hunter disease, iduronate sulphatase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis (mps) ii, deficiency of iduronate-2-sulphatase, x-linked hurler syndrome, deficiency of iduronate-2-sulfatase (disorder), syndrome hunters, syndrome hunter, ids deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type ii: hunter syndrome (diagnosis), mps ii, hunter syndrome gargoylism, sulphoiduronate sulfatase def",
+"deficiencies lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase, alpha-mannosidosis, deficiencies alpha-mannosidase, mannosidosis alpha b lysosomal, mannosidosis, alpha mannosidase deficiency, alpha mannosidosis, deficiency of alpha-mannosidase, alpha-mannosidoses, alpha-mannosidase deficiencies, alpha mannosidase b deficiency, lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase deficiencies, deficiency of alpha-mannosidase (disorder), lysosomal alpha b mannosidosis, alpha-d-mannosidosis, alpha-mannosidase b deficiency, deficiency alpha-mannosidase, alpha-mannosidase deficiency, lysosomal alpha d mannosidase deficiency, alpha-d-mannosidase deficiencies lysosomal, mansa, lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase deficiency, alpha-mannosidosis type i, mannosidosis alpha b lysosomal, alpha-d-mannosidase deficiency lysosomal, deficiency lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase",
+"hdls, pold, leukoencephalopathy hereditary diffuse with spheroids, dementia familial neumann type, gpsc, adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia, hereditary diffuse leucoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids, leukoencephalopathy diffuse hereditary with spheroids, hdls - hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids, alsp, hdls - hereditary diffuse leucoencephalopathy with spheroids, neuroaxonal leukodystrophy, hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids (disorder), subcortical gliosis of neumann, adult-onset leucodystrophy with neuroaxonal spheroids, gliosis familial progressive subcortical, adult-onset leukodystrophy with neuroaxonal spheroids, hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids, autosomal dominant leukoencephalopathy with neuroaxonal spheroids, hereditary diffuse leucoencephalopathy with spheroids, hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids, pigmentary orthochromatic leukodystrophy, leukoencephalopathy with neuroaxonal spheroids autosomal dominant, leukoencephalopathy adult-onset with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia",
+"white matter diseases, brain syndrome white matter, leukoencephalopathy ctcae, brain disease matter white, white matter of brain syndrome nos, leucoencephalopathy, leukoencephalopathies, leukoencephalopathy (diagnosis), leukoencephalopathy nos, leukoencephalopathy, white matter of brain syndrome, brain white matter disease, white matter disease, leukoencephalopathy (disorder), white matter disease (disorder)",
+"axon, axon structure (body structure), axons, axon structure (cell structure), neuraxons, axone, axon structure, neuraxon",
+"leucodystrophy (disorder), leucodystrophies, leucodystrophy nos (disorder), leucodystrophy, leucodystrophy nos, leukodystrophy (disorder), leukodystrophies, degeneration of white matter of brain, leukodystrophy, leukodystrophy nos, leukodystrophy nos",
+"bifunctional enzyme (substance), bifunctional enzyme",
+"deficiency; enzymes, enzyme deficiency, deficiency;enzyme, specific enzyme deficiency (disorder), enzymes; deficiency, deficiencies enzymes, specific enzyme deficiency, deficiency enzymes, deficiency enzyme, deficiencies enzyme",
+"sensitivity, sensitivities, abxbact, antimicrobial susceptibility - finding, finding of antimicrobial susceptibility, finding of antimicrobial susceptibility (finding), antibiotic susceptibility, antimicrobial susceptibility, antibiotic susceptibilities",
+"pressure, pressure nos, pressure (finding), pressures, pressure - action",
+"pressure, pressure - action (qualifier value), pressure - action",
+"fructus, fruits, fruit flavor, dietary fruit, flavorfruit, fruit, fruit (substance)",
+"dietary finding, ther diet, f2 diets, diet therapies, dietary management, dietary, rnax diet actions (treatment), diets therapy, rnax diet actions, actclassdiet, diet, dietary finding (finding), diet therapy, diet (animal life circumstance), diet (treatment), regular diet?, diet ther, diets, therapy diet, diet nos, therapy diet",
+"carotinoid, carotinoid (substance), carotinoids, carotenoids, carotenoid, carotenoids (nos)",
+"e-liquid, e-juice, electronic cigarette liquid (physical object), electronic cigarette liquid",
+"(3r)-3-cyclopentyl-3-(4-(7h-pyrrolo(23-d)pyrimidin-4-yl)pyrazol-1-yl)propanenitrile, product containing ruxolitinib (medicinal product), product containing ruxolitinib, ruxolitinib product, ruxolitinib (medication), ruxolitinib (product), ruxolitinib, chemotherapeutics growth-signaling inhibitors ruxolitinib, ruxolitinib-containing product, ruxolitinib (substance)",
+"premature;menopause, hypergonadotropic amenorrhea, menopause praecox, menopause premature, obsolete precocious menopause, pof, menopause premature, premature ovarian failure, premature menopause (diagnosis), premature menopause ctcae, menopausal; premature, menopause praecox, premature menopause nos (qualifier value), menopause early, climacterium praecox, premature menopause, premature menopause (finding), premature ovarian insufficiency, menopause praecox (qualifier value), premature; menopausal, menopause - premature, premature menopause nos, primary ovarian insufficiency, early menopause",
+"systemic blood pressure, arterial pressure, arterial blood pressure, sbp - systemic blood pressure, blood pressure [dup] (observable entity), pressures arterial blood, systemic arterial pressure (observable entity), pressure arterial, arterial blood pressure (observable entity), blood pressure arterial, bp - blood pressure, sap - systemic arterial pressure, arterial tensions, abp - arterial blood pressure, blood pressures, blood pressure, systemic arterial pressure, blood pressure arterial, arterial pressures, tensions arterial, arterial tension, arterial blood pressures, pressures arterial, blood pressures arterial, sap-systemic arterial pressure, pressure arterial blood, blood pressure (observable entity), tension arterial, systemic blood pressure (observable entity)",
+"immature (qualifier value), immature, prematures, immaturity, premature",
+"hypertension nos, systemic arterial hypertension, arterial hypertension, htn, blood pressure; high, hbp, hypertension arterial, hypertensive disorder systemic arterial (disorder), ht - hypertension, (hypertensive disease) or (hypertension), hyperpiesis, htn - hypertension, bp+ - hypertension, systemic htn, surg comp - hypertension, hypertension arterial, high blood pressure/hypertension, vascular hypertensive disorders, vascular hypertension, complications affecting other specified body systems not elsewhere classified hypertension, raised blood pressure (disorder), high blood pressures, high blood pressure disorder, hypertensive disease nos, blood pressures high, hyperpiesia, hbp - high blood pressure, systemic hypertension, [x]hypertensive diseases, 3-02 hypertensive diseases, high bp, hypertensive disorder systemic arterial, hypertensive diseases, vascular hypertensive disorder, hypertensive disease nos, systemic hypertension (diagnosis), high blood pressure, ht, hypertension, hypertensive disorder, hypertension nos, hypertensive disease, hypertensive cardiovascular disease or syndrome, hypertensive disease nos (disorder), blood pressure high, [x]hypertensive diseases (disorder), (hypertensive disease) or (hypertension) (disorder), arterial hypertension systemic, hypertensive vascular disease, high; arterial tension, blood high pressure, hypertensive disease (disorder), elevated blood pressure, bp - high blood pressure, high; blood pressure, hypertensive vascular degeneration, blood pressure high",
+"activities (qualifier value), activity (observable entity), activities, general activity, activity",
+"disorder of the urea cycle metabolism, cycle disorders urea, inborn urea cycle disorder, disorder of urea cycle, urea cycle metabolism disorder, dis urea cycle metabol, urea cycle disorders inborn, urea cycle disorders, urea cycle disorder, disorders of the urea cycle metabolism, disorder urea cycle, of urea cycle disorder, disorders of urea cycle metabolism, disorder of urea cycle metabolism unspecified, disorder of the urea cycle metabolism (disorder), 6-a5 disorders of the urea cycle metabolism, disorder of the urea cycle metabolism nos, urea cycle; metabolic disorder, disorder of urea cycle metabolism, disorders urea cycle, disorders of metabolism of ornithine citrulline argininosuccinic acid arginine and ammonia, metabolic disorder; urea cycle",
+"disease of brain nos, intracranial central nervous system disorders, cns disorder intracranial, brain--diseases, cns disorders intracranial, brain; disease, brain condition nos, disorder of brain, brain disorder nos, conditions of brain (diagnosis), brain, disease of brain (disorder), disease (or disorder); brain, brain dis, disorder of brain (disorder), brain disorder (nos), intracranial cns disorders, brain conditions (non-specific), brain conditions nos (disorder), brain diseases, unspecified condition of brain, central nervous system intracranial disorders, intracranial cns disorder, brain conditions nos, brain condition, brain conditions, disorder of brain (diagnosis), encephalon diseases, central nervous system disorders intracranial, intracranial cns dis, disease of brain, conditions of brain, brain disorder, disorder of brain unspecified, brain disorders, brains conditions, cns intracranial dis, encephalon disease, cns dis intracranial, brain disease, encephalon dis",
+"lysergate diethylamide measurement, lysergic acid diethylamide measurement, lysergic acid diethylamide measurement (procedure), acid, lsd measurement, lysergide measurement, lysergic acid diethylamide, lysergate diethylamide, lsd",
+"cigarette dosage form, cigarettes, cigarettes (containing tobacco), cig, cigarette dose form, cigarette (physical object), cigarette",
+"nicotiana tabacum, nicotiana tabacum (organism), tobacco plant, nicotiana tabacum antigen, nicotiana tabacum l., commercial tobacco plant, nicotiana tabacums, tabacum nicotiana, american tobacco, nicotiniana tabacum, tobacco",
+"mixed phenotype acute leukaemia, acute mixed lineage leukaemia, mixed phenotype acute leukemia, mpal, acute mixed lineage leukemia, mixed phenotype acute leukemia (morphologic abnormality)",
+"disseminate, disseminating, disseminated (qualifier value), disseminated, dissemination",
+"niobium (substance), niobium 93, niobium-93, niobio, columbio, columbium, nb, niobium",
+"acute leukemia lymphocytic, leukemia acute lymphoblastic, leukaemia lymphoblastic acute, leukemia;acute lymphocytic, acute leukemia lymphoblastic, leukemia lymphoblastic acute, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia nos, leukemia - acute lymphoblastic, lymphocytic leukemia acute, leukemias acute lymphocytic, lymphoblastic leukaemia, acute lymphatic leukaemia, precursor lymphoblastic leukemia, leukemia lymphoblastic acute, all - acute lymphobl leukaemia, acute lymphoid leukaemia disease, leukaemia;acute lymphocytic, all - acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, lymphoid leukemia acute, acute lymphatic leukemia, precursor lymphoblasic leukemia, [m]acute lymphoid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia nos, acute lymphocytic leukemia (all), precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia nos, acute lymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), acute leukemia lymphoid, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia-lymphoma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all), acute lymphoid leukemia, lymphoid leukaemia acute, acute lymphocytic leukemias, acute lymphoblastic leukemia [all], all - acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemias, [m]acute lymphoid leukemia (morphologic abnormality), leukemia lymphocytic acute, acute lymphocytic leukemia, all - acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphoid leukemia disease, leukemia acute lymphocytic, leukemia lymphoblastic, all, leukemia; lymphatic acute, lymphoblastic leukemia nos, [m]acute lymphoid leukaemia, acute lymphocytic leukaemia, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia -retired-, all (acute lymphocytic leukemia), acute lymphoid leukaemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia -retired-, [m]acute lymphoid leukaemia (disorder), lymphatic; leukemia acute, lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphogenous leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (morphologic abnormality), acute leukaemia lymphoblastic, all - acute lymphobl leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia precursor cell type, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphoid leukemia disease (disorder), precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia nos, leukaemias acute lymphocytic, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma, leukemia lymphoblastic malignant",
+"neurological sign or symptom nos, neurological observations (observable entity), neurologic findings, neurologic, neurological signs symptoms, finding neurologic, nervous system finding, findings nervous system, neuro-obs, neurol findings, neurologic finding, neurological findings, neurological finding (finding), nervous system, findings neurologic, neurological findings nos, neuro obs, neurological finding, neurological observations",
+"sulfuric acid calcium salt (1:1), calcium (as sulfate), calcium sulphate (substance), product containing calcium sulfate (medicinal product), calcium sulfate unspecified form, calcium sulfate-containing product, calcium sulfate (substance), calcium sulfate, calcium sulphate (product), product containing calcium sulfate, calcium sulfate unspecified, calcium sulfate (product), calcium sulfate product, calcium sulphate",
+"rndx chronic pain (diagnosis), chronic; pain, chronic pain (diagnosis), pain; chronic, long-lasting pain, pains chronic, pain chronic, chronic pain, pain;chronic, pain chronic, chronic pain (finding), rndx chronic pain, chronic pains",
+"stem cell transplantation autologous, autologous stem cell transplant, autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, transplantation of autologous haematopoietic stem cell, autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation, autologous, transplantation of autologous hematopoietic stem cell (procedure), ahsct, transplantation of autologous hematopoietic stem cell, autologous stem cell transplantation",
+"factor biol, biological factor, factor biologic, biopharmaceutical, biologic agent, biological agent nos, factors biol, biological agents, biological agent (product), agent biologic, biological product, biological substances, biopharmaceuticals, biological products, factors biological, agents biological, biologic agents, biotherapeutic agent, biological factors, biological substance, biological agent, biol factors, biologic, biological substance (substance), biologicals, factors biologic, agents biological, biologic factor, biologics, agents biologic, agent biological, biol factor, biologic factors, biological drug, biological agent (substance), factor biological",
+"nephroma mesoblastic, cmn, nephroma congenital mesoblastic, mesoblastic nephroma (m-89601), congenital mesoblastic nephromas, nephromas congenital mesoblastic, mesoblastic nephroma, [m]mesoblastic nephroma, nephroma; mesoblastic, mesoblastic nephroma (disorder), mesoblastic; nephroma, nephromas mesoblastic, stromal nephroma malignant, mesoblastic nephroma (diagnosis), mesoblastic nephroma congenital, mesoblastic nephroma (morphologic abnormality), mesoblastic nephromas congenital, congen mesoblastic nephroma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma",
+"langerhans cell, cells langerhan, cells langerhans, cells langerhans, langerhans cell (body structure), dendritic cells epidermal, cell epidermal dendritic, langerhans cell, langerhans cell (cell), langerhan cell, langerhans cells, cell langerhans, epidermal dendritic cell, dendritic cell epidermal, cell langerhans, cells epidermal dendritic, epidermal dendritic cells",
+"horn cyst, [m]dermoid cyst (disorder), dermoid cysts, subcutaneous cystic teratoma, dermoid cyst, dermoid cyst benign, benign teratoma, dermoid cyst (disorder), dermoid tumor (morphologic abnormality), dermoid tumor, mature cystic teratoma (disorder), dermoids, benign cystic teratoma, mature teratoma, dermoid cyst nos, mature cystic teratoma (morphologic abnormality), dermoid nos, cyst;dermoid, dermoid cyst (morphologic abnormality), dermoid cyst nos, mature cystic teratoma, dermoid sinus, dermoid cyst (finding), dermoid, cyst dermoid, [m]dermoid cyst, cysts dermoid, cystic teratoma, dermoid cyst -retired-, dermoid tumour",
+"immature teratomas, teratoma malignant, malignant teratomas, teratoma malignant, teratoma malignant no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), teratomas malignant, teratoma malignant (morphologic abnormality), immature teratoma malignant, teratoma malignant no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, teratoblastoma malignant, teratoma malignant no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), teratomas immature, malignant immature teratoma, malignant teratoblastoma, teratoma malignant nos, immature teratoma, grade 2 teratoma, malignant teratoma, embryonal teratoma, teratoma immature, immature teratoma nos, teratoma malignant no icd-o subtype, malignant teratoma (disorder), malignant teratoma (diagnosis), teratoma malignant nos, [m]teratoma malignant nos, malignant immature teratoma (morphologic abnormality)",
+"mature teratoma, teratoma mature cystic, grade 0 teratoma",
+"cytology tests, cyto, cytology (procedure), test;cytology, cytology, cytology procedure, cytology nos, cytology--technique, cytology testing, cytology test",
+"(-)-trans-2-p-mentha-18-dien-3-yl-5-pentylresorcinol, cannabidiol, anticonvulsants cannabidiol, cannabidiol (medication), 13-benzenediol 2-(3-methyl-6-(1-methylethenyl)-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-5-pentyl- (1r-trans)-, (-)-trans-cannabidiol, (1r2r)-5-methyl-4-pentyl-2-(prop-1-en-2-yl)-1234-tetrahydrobiphenyl-26-diol, cannabidiol-containing product, cannabidiol (substance), δ1(2)-trans-cannabidiol, cbd, product containing cannabidiol (medicinal product)",
+"genetics syndrome, inherited disease, genetics syndromes, genetic disease nos, disorders genetic syndrome, genetic syndrome (disorder), disorder genetic, hereditary disease nos, molecular disease, hereditary disease (disorder), genetic disorders, hereditary disorder congenital, hereditary disease, hereditary disorder nos, hereditary diseases, disease hereditary, hereditary disorder, genetic disease (disorder), syndrome genetic disorder, genetic diseases, heritable disorder, hereditary dis, inherited disease nos, hereditary disorders, genetic syndromes, genetic condition, disease genetic, diseases genetic, syndrome genetic, genetics disease, diseases hereditary, genetic syndrome, diseases hereditary, genetic disease, disorders genetic, genetic disorder syndrome, genetic disorder",
+"deutan defect (diagnosis), colorblindness partial deutan series, deutan defect (red-green), red-green dyschromatopsia, reduced red-green discriminatn, red-green color blindness, deuteranomaly, dcb, dyschromatopsia with red-green confusion, green colorblindness, deutan defect, reduced red-green vision, reduced red-green discrimination, red-green colour blindness, deutan defect (disorder), defect deutan, color blindness red-green, deutan colorblindness, deuteranomoly, reduced red-green discrimination (finding), blindness color green red, deuteranopia, green-weak, red green color blindness, color blindness red green, cbd",
+"interleukins (medication), interleukins, interleukin (substance), interleukin (unspecified), interleukins (substance), interleukin nos, recombinant interleukin, cb7 interleukins, recombinant interleukins, il, interleukin, unspecified interleukin, interleukins (product)",
+"gangliosidosis (disorder), ganglioside accumulation in nervous tissue lysosomes, disease gangliosidosis, ganglioside storage disorders, gangliosidoses, storage disease ganglioside, storage disorder ganglioside, gangliosidosis nos, ganglioside storage disease nos, gangliosidosis, ganglioside storage dis, gangliosidosis nos, ganglioside storage disorder, ganglioside storage disease, ganglioside storage diseases, unspecified gangliosidosis, storage diseases ganglioside, gangliosidosis (diagnosis), storage disorders ganglioside",
+"enteral route of drug administration, enteral route of administration, route of administration enteral, enteral route (qualifier value), enter, enteralroute, route of administration: enteral, gastroenteral use, enteral, route of administration: enteral (treatment), enteral route",
+"familial neurovisceral lipidosis, hurler-like syndrome, beta-galactosidase-1 deficiency disease, beta-galactosidosis, caffey syndrome, pseudo-hurlers (diagnosis), landing syndrome, beta galactosidosis, neurovisceral lipidosis, gm1 gangliosidosis, gangliosidosis; gm1, glb1 deficiency, tay-sachs disease with visceral involvement, gm1 gangliosidosis nos, gangliosidosis gm1, g(m1) gangliosidosis, pseudo-hurlers, beta-galactosidase-1 (glb1) deficiency, norman-landing syndrome, gm1 gangliosidosis (disorder), generalized infantile gangliosidosis, gm1 gangliosidosis (disorder), pseudo-hurler disease, gm1 gangliosidosis nos, gm>1< gangliosidosis nos, hurler variant, generalized infantile gangliosidosis with bony involvement, gangliosidosis gm 01, beta-galactosidase-1 deficiency, gm1 gangliosidosis (diagnosis), cerebral gm1 gangliosidosis, gm1 gangliosidosis, beta galactosidase 1 defic, gagliosidosis gm1 type i, gm>1< gangliosidosis, gm gangliosidosis 01, neuronal gm(1) gangliosidosis, gangliosidosis gm1, caffey pseudo-hurler syndrome, gm1; gangliosidosis, gangliosidosis g(m1), beta galactosidase 1 deficiency disease, beta-galactosidase isoenzyme deficiency, generalized gangliosidosis gm1 type i, gm>1< gangliosidosis (disorder)",
+"tetraglycosyl ceramide monosialosyl, ganglioside gm1 nos, monosialotetrahexosylganglioside, monosialosyltetraglycosylceramide, ganglioside gm>1< nos, ganglioside gm1, ganglioside gm-1, ceramide monosialosyl tetraglycosyl, monosialosyl tetraglycosyl ceramide, ganglioside gm-1, ganglioside gm1 nos, gm ganglioside 01, ganglioside gm1, ganglioside gm1, gm1-ganglioside, ganglioside gm>1< (substance), gm1, g(m1) ganglioside, monosialoanglioside gm1, ganglioside gm>1<, gm-1, ganglioside gm1 (substance), ganglioside gm1 (substance), gm1 ganglioside",
+"caloric restriction, calorie restricted diet, restricted caloric, caloric restricted, restricted diet calorie, calorie restricted diets, decreased energy diet, restricting calorie intake, decreased energy diet (regime/therapy), decrease in energy content of the diet compared to the assessed baseline intake of calories for the individual. (source: academy of nutrition and dietetics nutrition informatics committee 2013), diet calorie restricted, restricting calorie intake (procedure), restriction caloric",
+"fasting (regime/therapy), fasting states, fasted state, fasting, fast state, fasting state, fasting (finding), fast",
+"creatinine measurement (procedure), creatinine, blood creatinine, creatinine; blood, creat, creatinine measurement nos, blood creatinine level, lab-based chem measurements creatinine, blood creatinine level (lab test), creatinine measurement, measurement of creatinine (lab test), assay of creatinine, creatinine level test, measurement of creatinine, creatinine blood, test;creatinine, creatinine test, cr",
+"autogenous graft, autografting, autograft (substance), autografts, autologous transplant, autologous transplants, autochtonous graft, transplant autologous, transplants autologous, autograft -retired-, autologous graft, autochthonous graft, autograft material, autotransplant, autologous grafting, autotransplants, autoplast, autograft",
+"37-dimethyl-9-(266-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)2-trans-4-trans-6-cis-8-trans-nonatetraenoic acid, isotretinoin (substance), 13-cis-vitamin a acid, 13-cis retinoic acid, 37-dimethyl-9-(266-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)2-cis-4-trans-6-trans-8-trans-nonatetraenoic acid, isotretinoinum, topical form isotretinoin, isotretinoin (product), isotretinoin product, isotretinoína, 13 cis retinoate, 13-ra, isotrétinoine, product containing isotretinoin in topical dosage form, topical form isotretinoin (product), cis-retinoic acid, retinoic acid 13-cis-, isotretinoin topical, isotretinoin (medication), 37-dimethyl-9-(266-trimethyl-1-cyclohexene-1-yl)2cis-4-trans-6-trans-8-trans-nonatetraenoic acid, 13 cis retinoic acid, neovitamin a acid, 13-cis-retinoic acid, retinoicacid-13-cis, isotretinoin [topical], topical isotretinoin, isotretinoino, isotretinoin-containing product, retinoic acid a cis 013, product containing isotretinoin in topical dosage form (medicinal product form), isotretinoin [topical] (substance), 13-cis-retinoate, isotretinoin [topical] (product), 13 cis acid retinoic, isotretinoin in topical dosage form, cis-ra, product containing isotretinoin, 13-cra, (7e9e11e13z)-retinoic acid, isotretinoin, acid cis retinoic, product containing isotretinoin (medicinal product)",
+"agnosia for pain (finding), pain agnosia, agnosia for pain, analgesia",
+"opiate measurement, opiate alkaloids, opioid receptor agonist product, opium alkaloid (product), alkaloids opiate, opiate, opium alkaloid-containing product, opium alkaloid (substance), opium derivatives, opium alkaloid, opiates (procedure), alkaloids opiate, opiates, product containing opioid receptor agonist (product), alkaloids opium, opiates alkaloid, measurement of opiate, opium alkaloid product, drug screen opiates, drug screen opiates (lab test), product containing opioid receptor agonist, alkaloid opiates, opiates nos, product containing opium alkaloid, product containing opium alkaloid (product), opiates (drug) measurement, opiate alkaloid, opiate (product), assay of opiates, opium alkaloids, opioid receptor agonist-containing product, opiate assay",
+"pain;post-op, pain postsurgical, pain postop, postoperative pains, postoperative pain, pain post-operative, pain post op, post-operative pains, pain postoperative, post-operative pain (diagnosis), postoperative pain nos, pain post-surgical, post-operative pain, postop pain, post-surgical pain, pain post operative, pain postoperative, postoperative pain (finding), postsurgical pain, pain syndromes post-operative, post-op pain, pain post-operative, post operative pain, post surgical pain, pain post-op",
+"adult day care center (environment), adult day care center, day care center adult, day care centers adult, adult day care centers, adult day care centre",
+"mucopolysaccharidosis type i-s, mucopolysaccharidosis type i-s (disorder), mucopolysaccharidosis is, scheies syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis type v, mucopolysaccharidosis i s, scheie disease mps type 1s, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-i-s, scheies syndrome, type i-s mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis type i mild form, mps v formerly, mucopolysaccharidosis 5, mucopolysaccharidosis type v formerly, mucopolysaccharidosis i-s, mucopolysaccharidosis v, mucopolysaccharidosis type v (mps v), scheie, syndrome scheies, mps5 formerly, mps 1-s-mucopolysaccharid i-s, mucopolysaccharidosis type v (diagnosis), mucopolysaccharidosis type is, mps 1-s - mucopolysaccharidosis type i-s, mps1-s, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-i-s (disorder), type i-s mucopolysaccharidosis (diagnosis), mps 5, mucopolysaccharidosis i mild, l-iduronidase deficiency scheie type, mps i s, scheie syndrome",
+"roman numeral vii (qualifier value), roman numeral vii, vii (qualifier value), vii",
+"syndrome morquio, hereditary polytopic enchondral dysostosis, dysostosis enchondralis metaepiphysaria, iv mucopolysaccharidosis type, keratan sulfaturia, hereditary chondrodysplasia, familial osteochondrodystrophy, morquio-ullrich disease, morquio-brailsford syndrome, morquios syndrome, keratansulfaturia, morquios dis, eccentroosteochondrodysplasias, mucopolysaccharidosis type iv (diagnosis), morquio-ullrich syndrome, morquio syndrome or disease, mucopolysaccharidosis 4, mucopolysaccharidosis (mps) iv (a b), disease morquios, eccentro-osteochondrodysplasias, mucopolysaccharidosis type iv, morquio syndrome, disease morquio, morquio-suarez syndrome, osteochondrodystrophy, hereditary osteochondrodystrophy, morquios syndrome, morquio syndrome (disorder), eccentroosteochondrodysplasia, brailsford syndrome or disease, osteochondrodystrophia deformans, morquio-ullrich syndrome or disease, mucopolysaccharide storage disease iv, osteochondrodystrophy; familial, morquio dis, morquio disease, ks mucopolysaccharidosis, syndrome morquios, morquio disease nos, osteochondrodysplasia, mucopolysaccharidosis iv, osteochondrodystrophy (diagnosis), spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia, chondrodystrophia tarda, atypical chondrodystrophy, chondroosteodystrophy, eccentrochondrodysplasia, brailsford-morquio syndrome, type iv; mucopolysaccharidosis, eccentro osteochondrodysplasia, mucopolysaccharidosis type iv, ivs mucopolysaccharidosis type, chondro-osteodystrophy, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-iv, mucopolysaccharidosis type iv (mps iv), morquios disease, mps 4, syndromes morquio, type ivs mucopolysaccharidosis, syndrome morquios, keratan sulphaturia, hereditary enchondral dysostosis, type iv mucopolysaccharidosis, chondrodystrophia congenita tarda, eccentro-osteochondrodysplasia, morquio syndrome nos, morquio-brailsford disease, morquio, mucopolysaccharidosis type ivs, familial osseous dystrophy, mps iv, osteochondrodystrophy deformans hereditary, morquios disease, morquio - brailsford disease, familial; osteochondrodystrophy, morquio syndromes, morquio-brailsford syndrome or disease",
+"nucleotide sequences, base sequence, nucleotide seq, sequences nucleotide, sequences base, sequence, base seq, nucleotide sequence, base sequences, sequence nucleotide, nucleotide sequenc, sequence base, nucleotide sequencing, nucleic acid sequencing, seq, nucleic acid sequence, base sequence (finding)",
+"knee pains, pain in the knees, pain knee, pain of knee region (finding), knee joint pain, pain;musculoskeletal;knee, pain of knee region, musculoskeletal knee pain, pain in unspecified knee, pain of joint of knee (finding), arthralgia of knee, aching in knees, painful knee, aching knee, knee pain musculoskeletal, aching knees, pain;knee, knee pain, pain in knee, gonalgia, arthralgia of knee/patella/tibia/fibula, knees aching, knee joint pain (symptom), knee; joint pain, arthralgias (knees), knee; pain joint, pain of joint of knee, knee joint pain (finding), arthralgia (knee), knee arthralgia, knee(s) pain, knee pain (finding), arthralgia of knee (diagnosis)",
+"coping skills training (regime/therapy), coping skills development assistance individual each 15 minutes, cpng skls devment asistnce n, coping skills training, coping skills training (procedure)",
+"obstruction/occlusion, block nos, blocked, occlusions, obstruction nos, block, occlusion, obstructions, obstruction, blocks, 340-341 obstructions, obstruction nos, occluded, occluding, obstruction (morphologic abnormality)",
+"knee; dislocation, dislocation of knee nos (disorder), knee dislocated, dislocation of knee (diagnosis), dislocated knees, traumatic dislocation of knee joint, knee dislocations, dislocation knee, dislocation of knee joint (disorder), knee dislocation, knee joint dislocation, disloc tibiofemoral jt, dislocation of knee nos, dislocation of knee joint, dislocated knee, dislocations of the knees, dislocation knee, of knee dislocation, dislocations knee, dislocation of knee, traumatic dislocation of knee joint (disorder), dislocation of knee nos, dislocations knee, dislocation; knee, dislocation of tibiofemoral joint",
+"joint dislocations, joint dislocation, dislocations, joint luxation, dislocation of joint (diagnosis), dislocation joint, dislocation of joint, dislocation of joint (disorder), recurrent joint dislocations, dislocated joints, dislocation, dislocation (morphologic abnormality), dislocation nos, injury;dislocation;musculoske, 130 dislocations, dislocated, dislocation/subluxation, dislocated joint, luxated, dislocations joint",
+"companion, mate, significant other (person), partner in relationship (person), partners, mates, marriage or cohabitation partner, spouse or significant other, partner in relationship, partner, significant other",
+"implantation of heart valve nos, implantation of heart valve (procedure), implantation of heart valve, heart valve prosthesis",
+"insulin level, product containing insulin (product), product containing insulin, soluble insulin (substance), unmodified insulin preparation, insulin preparations, insulin product, insulin test, therapeutic insulin, insulin products, insulin preparation nos, insulins, insulin measurement (procedure), insulin product (product), a22 insulin preparations, unmodified insulin product, insulin testing, recombinant insulin, insulin soluble, regular insulin preparation, insulin preparation (substance), insulin soluble, insulin, regular insulin product, ins protein human, insulin-class agent, insulin [epc], insulin levels, regular insulin (substance), insulin regular, insulin measurement, regular insulin, soluble insulin, insulin (substance), insulin regular, insulin level test, test;insulin, insulin preparations (medication), insulin preparation, product containing insulin (medicinal product), insulin-containing product",
+"product containing protein, protein (nos), protein (substance), protein, proteins, protein nos, product containing protein (product), gene product, 62 proteins, protein product, protein preparations (medication), protein-containing product, protein (obsolete), protein preparations",
+"materials, material (substance), materials (substance), material, material (attribute)",
+"blyce, bursa-dependent lymphocytes, bursa-equivalent lymphocyte, b lymphocyte count procedure, b-cell lymphocytes, b-lymphocyte count, b-lymphocyte, bursa dependent lymphocytes, b-lymphocytes, b-cell, b lymphocytes, lymphocyte b cells (lab test), b lymphocyte count, b lymphocyte count (procedure), b lymphocyte, lymphocytes b, b cells, b-cells, lymphocyte bursa-dependent, b lymphocyte (cell), bursa-dependent lymphocyte, b cell lymphocyte, b cell, lymphocytes bursa-dependent, lymphocyte b cells",
+"hiv disease; disease (i.e. caused by hiv disease), [x]unspecified hiv disease, infection; hiv disease as cause, human immunodeficiency virus infection, infections htlv-iii-lav, htlv-iii/lav infection nos, human immunodeficiency virus infection nos, unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease, htlv iii infections, unspecified hiv disease, htlv-iii-lav infection, hiv, infection htlv-iii, hiv infection, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection (diagnosis), diseases due to immunodeficiency virus, hiv infections, immunodeficiency virus disease; human, infections htlv-iii, human t-lymphotropic virus 3 (htlv-iii) infection (diagnosis), [x]human immunodeficiency virus disease (disorder), [x]hiv disease, htlv-iii/lav infection (disorder), htlv-iii/lav infection, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection, htlv iii lav infect, e-363-365 diseases due to immunodeficiency virus, hiv disease; infection, htlv wiii infections, hiv infection nos, t lymphotropic virus type iii infections human, human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder), lymphadenopathy-associated virus (diagnosis), infections hiv, htlv-iii infection, hiv seropositivity or positivity, htlv iii infect, lymphadenopathy-associated virus, human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] infection, human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease, human immunodeficiency virus infection unspecified, hiv disease, human immunodeficiency virus syndrome, htlv wiii lav infections, human immuno virus dis, lymphotropic virus type iii infections human t, htlv-iii-lav infections, human immunodeficiency virus; disease, infection;hiv, htlv-iii infections, human t-lymphotropic virus 3 (htlv-iii) infection, t lymphotropic virus type iii infect human, [x]unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease, human immunodeficiency virus, hiv infect, human immunodeficiency virus disease, [x]human immunodeficiency virus disease, disease (or disorder); hiv disease (resulting from hiv disease), human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease (b20), htlv-iii/lav infection -retired-, [x]unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease (disorder), htlv iii lav infections, disease (or disorder); resulting from hiv disease, infection hiv, t-lymphotropic virus type iii infections human, infection htlv-iii-lav, hiv - human immunodeficiency virus infection",
+"antiretroviral (disposition), antiretroviral",
+"allograft lung (substance), allograft lung",
+"progressive (modifier) (qualifier value), worsens with time, progressing to, progressive (qualifier value), progressive, progressing to (qualifier value), with progression to, progressing, progressive (modifier) [ambiguous]",
+"gc - granulomatous colitis, crohns disease of the colon, crohn; large intestine, regional enteritis of large intestine, crohn disease of colon, crohn disease colon, crohns disease [regional enteritis] of colon, granulomatous colitis, granulomatous; colitis, regional enteritis of the large bowel (disorder), large intestine; regional enteritis, regional; colitis, crohns disease of colon, regional colitis, crohns disease colon, large intestine; crohn, colitis; granulomatous, colon crohn disease, regional enteritis of the large bowel, regional enteritis-large bowel, crohns disease of large intestine, crohns (granulomatous) colitis (diagnosis), colon crohns disease, colonic crohns disease, crohns disease of large bowel (disorder), crohns disease of colon, crohns colitis, crohns disease of the large bowel nos (disorder), crohns disease of the large bowel nos, crohns disease large intestine, colitis (granulomatous), crohns disease of large bowel, colitis granulomatous, reg enteritis lg intest, crohns disease of colon (diagnosis), crohns (granulomatous) colitis, colitis; regional, crohns disease colon, crohns disease of colon (disorder), regional enteritis; large intestine, crohns disease of large intestine (diagnosis), granulomatous colitis (disorder), crohns dis. large bowel nos, crohns colon disease, crohns disease (colon), crohn disease of large bowel, cc - crohns colitis, (crohns colitis) or (crohns disease of the large bowel nos), crohn colitis, (crohns colitis) or (crohns disease of the large bowel nos) (disorder)",
+"cell hematopoietic stem, hemopoietic stem cell, precursor cell, cell hematopoietic progenitor, hematopoietic stem cell, ferrata cell, cells precursor, hematohistioblast, progenitor cell hematopoietic, cells hematopoietic stem, hematopoietic progenitor cell, hscs, hemohistioblast, haematopoietic stem cell, progenitor cells hematopoietic, hsc, hematopoietic stem cells, hematopoietic stem cell (cell), hematopoietic progenitor cells, cells hematopoietic progenitor, blood cell precursor, blood-forming stem cell, hpc, stem cell hematopoietic, stem cells hematopoietic",
+"bigger, greater (qualifier value), greater, larger, great",
+"valganciclovir product, vgcv, product containing valganciclovir, valganciclovir (substance), product containing valganciclovir (medicinal product), valganciclovir-containing product, l-valine 2-((2-amino-16-dihydro-6-oxo-9h-purin-9-yl)methoxy)-3-hydroxypropyl ester, ganciclovir l-valyl ester, valganciclovir, l-valine 2-((2-amino-36-dihydro-6-oxo-9h-purin-9-yl)methoxy)-3-hydroxypropyl ester, valganciclovir (product), ganciclovir l valyl ester, valganciclovir (medication)",
+"closed loop, closed loop (qualifier value), closing loops",
+"plasticity, plasticity (qualifier value)",
+"charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4a (disorder), charcot-marie-tooth disease demyelinating autosomal recessive, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4a, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4a (diagnosis), charcot-marie-tooth neuropathy type 4a, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4a, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4a (disorder), cmt4a, charcot-marie-tooth disease demyelinating autosomal recessive type 4a",
+"hmsn1b, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 1b, charcot-marie-tooth disease type ib, charcot-marie-tooth disease demyelinating type 1b, charcot marie tooth neuropathy type 1b, charcot marie tooth disease type 1b, hmsn 1b, charcot-marie-tooth neuropathy type 1b, charcot marie tooth disease type ib, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 1b, hmsn ib, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy 1b, charcot-marie-tooth disease type ib (disorder), cmt1b, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy ib, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 1b (diagnosis), charcot-marie-tooth disease autosomal dominant with focally folded myelin sheaths type 1b, charcot-marie-tooth disease slow nerve conduction type linked to duffy",
+"4a serotype, serotype 4a, serotype 4a (qualifier value), 4a (qualifier value), 4a",
+"urinary bladder tumors, tumor of urinary bladder, neoplasm bladder, tumor of the urinary bladder, neoplasm urinary bladder, tumors bladder, bladder neopl, neoplasm bladder, tumor of the bladder, tumour of urinary bladder, neoplasms bladder, bladder--tumors, bladder neoplasm nos, urinary bladder neopl, neoplasm urinary bladder, bladder tumors, neoplasm of the bladder, bladder neoplasm, neoplasm of bladder (disorder), neoplasm of bladder, bladder neoplasms, urinary bladder neoplasm, tumor bladder, neoplasm of bladder (diagnosis), neoplasm of the urinary bladder, bladder neoplasm urinary, urinary bladder neoplasms, ngb - new growth of bladder, urinary bladder tumor, bladder tumor, tumor of bladder, neopl bladder, tumor bladder, neoplasm of urinary bladder, bladder cancer",
+"cancer urinary bladder, malign tumor urinary bladder, bladder cancer nos, malignant neoplasm of bladder part unspecified, malignant neoplasm bladder, malignant tumour of urinary bladder, bladder unspecified, cancer of bladder, malig neop bladder nos, ca bladder, malignant neoplasm of bladder, malignant tumor urinary bladder, urinary bladder malignant tumor, bladder cancers, malignant urinary bladder neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder nos (disorder), malignant neoplasm of bladder unspecified, malig neo bladder nos, malignant tumor of the bladder, malignant neoplasm of the bladder, bladder neoplasms malignant, malignant tumor of bladder, malignant urinary bladder tumor, malignant tumor of urinary bladder (disorder), bladder--cancer, urinary bladder cancer, bladder cancer (diagnosis), malign tumour urinary bladder, malignant tumor of the urinary bladder, malignant bladder neoplasm, malignant tumor of urinary bladder, malignant neosplasm of the bladder, malignant neoplasm of the urinary bladder, bladder ca, bladder cancer malignant, ca - bladder cancer, urinary bladder malignant neoplasm, malignant neoplasm urinary bladder, malignant bladder tumor, malignant neoplasm of bladder nos, cancer bladder, cancer of the bladder, malig neop of bladder, neoplasm malig;bladder, malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder, malignant neoplasm of bladder (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder nos, bladder cancer",
+"intravesical, intravesical approach (qualifier value), intravesical approach",
+"superficial bladder carcinoma, carcinoma of bladder superficial, carcinoma of bladder superficial (diagnosis), carcinoma of urinary bladder superficial, carcinoma of urinary bladder superficial (disorder), superficial bladder cancer, superficial urinary bladder cancer, superficial urinary bladder carcinoma, bladder malignant carcinoma superficial",
+"sulfate, sulfates, inorg sulfates, inorganic sulphate, sulfate.inorganic, sulfates inorganic, sulphate, sulfates inorg, inorganic sulfate, inorganic sulfate (substance), inorganic sulfates, sulphates",
+"neoplasm of the kidney, tumor of kidney, kidney tumors, neopl kidney, kidney neopl, childhood kidney tumor, nci ctep sdc kidney neoplasm category terminology, renal tumors, neoplasm renal, neoplasia renal, childhood renal tumor, renal tumours, childhood renal neoplasm, neoplasm of kidney (diagnosis), neoplasia of the kidneys, renal neoplasm nos, kidneys--tumors, childhood kidney neoplasm, kidney tumour, renal tumor, renal neoplasms, neoplasms kidney, renal neoplasm, renal neoplasia, nci ctep simple disease classification kidney neoplasm category terminology, tumors of the kidney, neoplasms renal, kidney neoplasms, tumor of the kidney, kidney neoplasm, neoplasm kidney, neoplasm of kidney (disorder), pediatric kidney neoplasm, tumour of kidney, pediatric renal neoplasm, kidney tumor, kidney tumours, renal neopl, renal tumour, pediatric renal tumor, pediatric kidney tumor, neoplasm of kidney",
+"renal adenosarcoma, tumor wilms, wilms tumor, nephroblastoma nos, wilms tumor, renal cancer wilms, nephroblastomas, tumors wilms, nephroblastoma of kidney, nephroblastoma nos, nephroma nos, wilms tumour, nephroblastoma (m-89603), embryoma; kidney, tumor; wilms, tumor wilms, wt1, wilms tumor (wt), kidney embryonal mixed tumor, [m]nephroblastoma nos, kidney carcinosarcoma embryonal, tumor wilms, kidney nephroblastoma, renal wilms tumor, tumors wilms, wilms tumor and other childhood kidney tumors, wilms tumor of the kidney, renal wilms tumor, wilm tumor, nephroblastoma (morphologic abnormality), nephromas, wilms tumor 1, perlman syndrome, nephroblastoma, wilms tumor and other childhood kidney tumors, kidney; embryoma, embryonal nephroma, wilms tumor (nephroblastoma), kidney embryoma, kidney wilms tumor, wilms tumor, nephroblastoma malignant, nephroblastoma of kidney (diagnosis), nephroma, wilms; tumor, kidney adenomyosarcoma embryonal, tumor wilms, nephroblastoma (wilms tumor), tumor wilms, tumor wilmss, wilms, nephroblastoma (disorder), wilms tumour, wilms tumor of the kidney, embryonal adenosarcoma",
+"adenofibroma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), adenofibroma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), adenofibroma nos, adenofibroma no icd-o subtype, adenofibroma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, adenofibroma nos, adenofibroma, adenofibromas, [m]adenofibroma nos, adenofibroma (disorder)",
+"renal cell adenoma, renal adenoma, adenoma renal, adenoma of kidney, adenoma of kidney (diagnosis), renal tubule adenoma, adenomas renal, kidney adenoma, adenoma renal cell benign, renal cell adenoma (morphologic abnormality), adenomas kidney",
+"cystic nephroma, benign cystic nephroma (morphologic abnormality), adult cystic nephroma, benign cystic nephroma",
+"congenital, at birth, congenital qualifier, congenita, congenital (qualifier value)",
+"adenosina, 9-beta-d-ribofuranosidoadenine, adenosine product, adenosin, adenosine preparation (substance), adenin riboside, beta-d-adenosine, adenosinum, ade-rib, 6-amino-9-beta-d-ribofuranosyl-9h-purine, adenogesic, adenosine (substance), adenine deoxyribonucleoside, product containing adenosine, ado, adenosine preparation (product), adenosine-containing product, 9-β-d-ribofuranosyl-9h-purin-6-amine, product containing adenosine (medicinal product), adenosine preparation, (2r3r4s5r)-2-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-5-(hydroxymethyl)oxolane-34-diol, adenosine - chemical, adenosine agent (product), 9-beta-d-ribofuranosyl-9h-purin-6-amine, adenosine (medication), adenosine, adenosine agent, adenosine - chemical (substance), adénosine",
+"revascularization - action, revascularization - action (qualifier value), revascularisation - action, revascularization surgery, revascularisation, revascularization",
+"severe acute respiratory syndrome nos, severe acute respiratory syndrome, sars-associated coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars), sars-cov-1 infection, respiratory syndrome acute severe, severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) (diagnosis), severe acute respiratory syndrome (disorder), sars-cov infection, sars-associated coronavirus (diagnosis), sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome), sars, sars assoc coronavirus, respiratory syndrome severe acute",
+"potential for infection, rndx infection risk, risk for infection, infection potential, at risk of infection (finding), infection risks, infection risk, po, at risk for infection, at risk of infection, at risk for infection (finding), rndx infection risk (diagnosis), infections risk",
+"epidemic non-a non-b hepatitis, et nanbh, hepatitis water borne, epidemic non-a non-b hepatitis, viral hepatitis type e, viral hepatitis type e (disorder), hepatitis viral non-a non-b enterically-transmitted, hepatitides water-borne, faecal-oral non-a non-b hepatitis, water-borne hepatitides, enterically-transmitted non-a non-b hepatitis, e hepatitis, et-nanbh, hepatitis e, viral hepatitis e, enterically transmitted non a non b hepatitis, hepatitis e virus infection, hepatitis; virus type e, water-borne hepatitis, hepatitis water-borne, enterically transmitted non-a non-b hepatitis, fecal-oral non-a non-b hepatitis, epidemic non a non b hepatitis",
+"skin punch biopsy sample (specimen), skin punch biopsy sample",
+"brain tumor child: meningioma/meningeal tumors, brain tumor adult meningioma, adult cns tumor meningioma, leptomeningioma, meningioma (diagnosis), pediatric meningioma, cns tumor adult meningioma, meningioma, [m]meningiomas, benign meningioma, central nervous system tumor childhood meningioma, meningioma nos, pediatric central nervous system tumor meningioma, fibroblastoma meningeal, meningioma benign no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), [m]meningioma nos (morphologic abnormality), meningioma adult, intracranial neoplasm meningioma, [m]meningiomas (morphologic abnormality), meningioma benign no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, cns tumor meningioma adult, meningioma nos, meningiomas, meningioma benign no icd-o subtype, mgm - meningioma, brain meningioma tumors, central nervous system tumor meningioma adult, adult brain tumor meningioma, endothelioma dural, childhood central nervous system tumor meningioma, meningioma brain tumor, brain tumor meningioma adult, lymphoplasmacyte-rich meningioma, central nervous system tumor meningioma childhood, secretory meningioma, [m]meningioma nos, fibroblastoma arachnoidal, adult meningioma, childhood meningioma, 953 meningiomas, meningioma childhood, brain tumor meningioma, meningioma benign no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), [m]meningioma nos (disorder), meningioma (disorder)",
+"diffuse non-hodgkin lymphoma lymphoblastic, lymphoblastic lymphoma (disorder), diffuse non-hodgkins lymphoma lymphoblastic (clinical), diffuse lymphoblastic lymphoma (ll) (diagnosis), lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma diffuse, lymphoma lymphoblastic, diffuse lymphoblastic lymphoma (ll), malignant lymphoma lymphoblastic (morphologic abnormality), lymphoblastic (diffuse), lymphoblastoma, lymphoblastic (diffuse) non-hodgkins lymphoma, malig lymphoma - lymphoblastic, lymphoblastic malignant lymphoma, lymphoma; lymphoblastic, malignant lymphoma lymphoblastic, malignant lymphoma lymphoblastic -retired-, precursor cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), precursor cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, diffuse lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, malignant lymphoma - lymphoblastic, lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, malignant lymphoma convoluted cell, lymphoblastic lymphoma nos, [m]lymphoblastic lymphoma nos, lymphoma lymphoblastic malignant, lymphoblastic lymphoma diffuse, lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma, lymphoblastic; lymphoma, diffuse lymphoblastic malignant lymphoma, diffuse lymphoblastoma, lymphoblastic lymphoma (ll), lymphoblastoma [obs], lymphoblastoma diffuse, malignant lymphoma convoluted cell [obs], diffuse non-hodgkins lymphoma lymphoblastic (disorder), diffuse lymphoblastic lymphoma, diffuse non-hodgkins lymphoma lymphoblastic, precursor lymphoblastic lymphoma, lymphoblastic lymphoma",
+"postmenopausal state (finding), post menopausal state, postmenopausal, menopause has occurred, postmenopausal (symptom), postmenopausal state",
+"ambulatory (qualifier value), ambulatory - qualifier value, ambulatory",
+"class iv, classes iv, class 4, class 4 (qualifier value)",
+"dabrafenib-containing product, dabrafenib, product containing dabrafenib, dabrafenib (substance), benzenesulfonamide n-(3-(5-(2-amino-4-pyrimidinyl)-2-(11-dimethylethyl)-4-thiazolyl)-2-fluorophenyl)-26-difluoro-, dabrafenib product, product containing dabrafenib (medicinal product), dabrafenib (product)",
+"clinical neurofibromatosis, neurofibromatosis syndrome, neurofibromatosis syndromes, neurofibromatosis syndrome (disorder), neurofibromatosis nos, neurofibromatoses, syndrome neurofibromatosis, [m]neurofibromatosis nos, syndromes neurofibromatosis, neurofibromatosis nos, neurofibromatosis (disorder), [m]multiple neurofibromatosis, neurofibromas, nf - neurofibromatosis, neurofibromatosis (morphologic abnormality), neurofibromatosis, multiple neurofibromatosis, neurofibromatosis unspecified, neurofibromata, neurofibromas multiple, multiple neurofibroma, multiple neurofibromas, neurofibromatosis (diagnosis), neurofibroma multiple",
+"grade i, grade 1 (qualifier value), grade one rank, grade 1",
+"childhood ganglioglioma, ganglioglioma (disorder), glioneuroma, ganglioglioma (morphologic abnormality), ganglioglioma, ganglioglioma nos, ganglioglioma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), ganglioglioma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), neuroastrocytoma, ganglioglioma no icd-o subtype, gangliogliomas, ganglioglioma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype",
+"well-differentiated oligodendroglioma, well-differentiated oligodendrogliomas, oligodendroglioma (disorder), oligodendroglioma nos, oligodendroglioma nos, [m]oligodendroglioma nos, who grade ii oligodendroglial neoplasm, oligodendroglioma well differentiated, well differentiated oligodendroglioma, oligodendrogliomas well-differentiated, oligodendrogliomas, well differ oligodendroglioma, who grade ii oligodendroglial tumor, well differentiated oligodendroglial tumor, oligodendroglioma well differ, oligodendroglioma, oligodendroglioma well-differentiated",
+"neurocytoma -retired-, neurocytoma, neurocytomas, neurocytoma (morphologic abnormality), neurocytoma (diagnosis)",
+"third ventricle of brain, third ventricles, ventricle 3rd, ventricles 3rd, brain third ventricle, ventricle third, third ventricle structure (body structure), third ventricle brain, ventriculus tertius, 3v, third ventricle structure, ventricles third, third ventricle, third ventricle nos, third cerebral ventricle, 3rd ventricle, brain third ventricle, head.third ventricle, 3rd ventricles",
+"formed, forming, formed (qualifier value)",
+"astrocytoma malignant, astrocytomas grade iii, malignant astrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma not otherwise specified, astrocytoma grade iii, grade iii astrocytic tumor, astrocytomas anaplastic, astrocytoma anaplastic, grade iii astrocytomas, high-grade astrocytoma nos, anaplastic astrocytomas, astrocytoma malignant nos, anaplastic astrocytoma, grade iii astrocytic neoplasm, astrocytoma grade iii, astrocytoma anaplastic type, anaplastic astrocytoma nos, grade iii astrocytoma, astrocytoma anaplastic (morphologic abnormality)",
+"infantile - behavior descriptor, infantile (qualifier value), infantile, infantile -retired-",
+"leukemia myelogenous, leukemia myeloid, [m]myeloid leukemias, granulocytic leukemia (disorder), myeloid leukaemia unspecified, myeloid leukemia nos, leukemia; granulocytic, non-lymphoblastic leukemia, myeloid leukemia no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), granulocytic leukemia nos, myeloid leukaemias, leukemia granulocytic, myelogenous leukaemia, myeloid leukemia no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), granulocytic leukaemia nos, leukemia myelocytic, leukaemia myeloid, myeloid leukemia nos, myeloid leukemia, leukemias myelocytic, aleukemic monocytic leukemia [obs], myeloid leukemia no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, myelogenous leukemias, unspecified myeloid leukaemia, leukemias myeloid, leukemic granulocytic, myeloid leukaemia, myeloid leukemia unspecified nos, leukemia granulocytic nos, granulocytic leukaemia, leukemias granulocytic, non-lymphoblastic leukaemia nos, myeloid leukemia - category (morphologic abnormality), myeloid leukemia disease [ambiguous], leukemia granulocytic, myelocytic leukemia nos, non-lymphocytic leukaemia, myeloid (granulocytic) leukemias, myelogenous leukemia nos, leukemia myelogenous, myelocytic leukaemia, aleukaemic monocytic leukaemia [obs], myelocytic leukemias, leukaemia myelogenous, leukemia; myelocytic, [m]myeloid leukemia nos, leukemia myelocytic, 986 myeloid (granulocytic) leukemias, myeloid leukemia - category, myelogenous leukemia, [m]myeloid leukaemia nos, myeloid; leukemia, myeloid leukemia (category), myelogenous leukemia (diagnosis), leukemias myelogenous, [m]myeloid leukaemias, myelosis, myelogenous leukaemia nos, myeloid granulocytic leukemia, myeloid leukemias, myeloid leukaemia - category, leukaemia granulocytic, myeloid leukemia (disorder), myeloid leukemia nos (disorder), leukemia myeloid, unspecified myeloid leukemia, myelocytic leukaemia nos, granulocytic leukemias, non-lymphoblastic leukemia nos, granulocytic; leukemia, myelocytic; leukemia, leukaemia granulocytic nos, myelocytic leukemia, leukemia; myeloid, myeloid leukemia morphology (morphologic abnormality), myeloid leukaemia nos, myeloid leukemia disease (disorder), myeloid leukaemia (category), non-lymphocytic leukemia, [m]myeloid leukemias (morphologic abnormality), myeloid leukaemia nos, granulocytic leukemia, leukemia granulocytic malignant, myeloid leukemia unspecified",
+"lymphocytic (qualifier value), lymphocytic",
+"arresting, arrested (qualifier value), arrested progression, arrest, arrested",
+"blocking, mental block, thought block (finding), thought blocking (physical finding), thought blocking, thought block, blocking of thoughts, mental blocking",
+"gastrointestinal cancers, malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract nos (disorder), gastrointestinal cancer nos, cancers gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal tract cancers, gi cancer, malignant tumor of gastrointestinal tract, cancers digestive, cancers gastrointestinal, cancer gi, cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal cancer (diagnosis), malignant gastrointestinal system neoplasm, cancer gastrointestinal, malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract nos, cancer of gastrointestinal tract, gi neoplasm malignant, malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (disorder), gastrointestinal tract cancer, cancer gastrointestinal, malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (disorder) [ambiguous], cancers gi, gastrointestinal system--cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, gastrointestinal system cancer, malignant neoplasm of gi tract, digestive cancer, malignant gastrointestinal neoplasm, malignant gastrointestinal tract tumours, gastrointestinal neoplasm malignant, gastrointestinal tract cancer nos, malignant gastrointestinal tract tumors, malignant gi tract tumors, malignant digestive system neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract nos, cancer digestive, malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract, digestive cancers",
+"lymphocytes, lymphocyte component of blood (substance), lymphocyte component of blood",
+"rectal (intended site), rectal",
+"cognitive functioning, cognitive functions, cognitive function, cognitive functions (observable entity), cognitive functions (qualifier value)",
+"tibial intercondylar tubercle, tibial intercondylar tubercle (body structure), tibial tubercle, intercondylar tubercle of tibia",
+"reconstruction of ligament nos (procedure), reconstruction of ligament nos, ligament reconstruction (procedure), ligament reconstruction",
+"isolated (qualifier value), bed status - isolated, isolation, isolated",
+"dislocation; knee cap, dislocation of the patella, dislocating patella, disloc patello-femorl jt, dislocation of patellofemoral joint (disorder), dislocation patellar, patellar dislocation, knee cap; dislocation, dislocation; patella, dislocation of patella, patellar dislocations, patellofemoral joint dislocation, dislocation patella, dislocation patellar, patella dislocation, dislocations patella, patella--dislocation, dislocations patellar, dislocation of patellofemoral joint, dislocated patella, dislocated patellofemoral joint, patella; dislocation, displaced patella, patellar luxation (disorder), patellar luxation, dislocated patellae, luxation of patella, dislocated kneecap, dislocation of patella (diagnosis)",
+"pressure monitors, monitoring pressure, pressure monitor (physical object), pressure monitor",
+"therapeutic radiology, radiotherapy, oncol rad, oncology radiation, radiation oncology specialty, oncology radiation, radiation oncology, radiation oncology (qualifier value), rad oncol",
+"enhancement, refractive surgery enhancement, refractive surgery enhancement (procedure)",
+"stigma social, stigmata, stigmas social, stigma, social stigma, stigmata nos, stigma nos, social stigmata, stigma (finding), social stigmas, stigmas",
+"product containing levosimendan (medicinal product), levosimendan (substance), levosimendan product, levosimendan (product), product containing levosimendan, lévosimendan, levosimendanum, levosimendan, levosimendan-containing product, levosimendán",
+"capillary filling normal, normal unit of concentration, tissues, skin appearance normal, how often felt normal question, normal tissue, normal point of maximum impulse, normal capillary refill, normality-based dosing unit, normal abdomen on palpation, normal appearance of extremities, normal precordial palpation finding, tissue nos, normal abdomen on visual inspection, unremarkable, body tissue nos, normal chest appearance, norm, normal capillary refill time, normal (qualifier value), normal device alert level, normal gait, textus, appearance normal skin, normal skin, body tissue, normal assessment finding, normal capillary filling, normal appearance of the extremities, normal male external genitalia, skin appearance normal (finding), normal observation interpretation, normal, body tissues, body tissue structure (body structure), skin normal, normal capillary filling (finding), normal thoracic appearance, normal immune presence, tiss, tissue, how often felt normal, portion of tissue, body tissue structure, tissues (body)",
+"secondary pulmonary hypertension (disorder), pulmonary hypertension secondary, hypertension pulmonary secondary, secondary pulmonary hypertension (diagnosis), secondary pulmonary hypertension, hypertension pulmonary secondary, pulmonary hypertension secondary, secondary pulmonary hypertens.",
+"blood cell production function, hematopoiesis (biological function) (observable entity), hematopoiesis nos, production of blood, hemopoiesis, blood cell formation, hematopoiesis (function), hematopoiesis, haematopoiesis nos, haemopoiesis, hematopoiesis function, blood cell production function (observable entity), hematopoiesis (diagnosis), hematogenesis, hematopoietic process, haematopoiesis, blood cell biosynthesis, hematosis, hematopoiesis function (observable entity), hematopoiesis (biological function) [ambiguous]",
+"dimethyltryptamine n n, n-n-dimethyltryptamine (substance), dimethyltryptamine (dmt), 3-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)indole, nn dimethyltryptamine, dimethyltryptamine, n-n-dimethyltryptamine, 2-(3-indolyl)ethyldimethylamine, 3-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)indole, 1h-indole-3-ethanamine nn-dimethyl-, nn-dimethyl-1h-indole-3-ethylamine, dmt, 3-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]indole, nn-dimethyltryptamine, n n-dimethyltryptamine",
+"abatacept, product containing abatacept (medicinal product), abatacept (medication), product containing abatacept, abatacept-containing product, abatacept product, abatacept (substance), abatacept (product), abatacept recombinant",
+"juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (disorder), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis nos, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (diagnosis), juvenile; arthritis, chronic arthritis juvenile, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis nos (disorder), arthritis;juvenile, childhood arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis nos, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (disorder), juvar, juvenile arthritis (diagnosis), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis rheumatoid juvenile, arthritis juvenile, rheumatoid arthritis juvenile, idiopathic juvenile arthritis, juvenile seropositive arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (aq), jra - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile chronic arthritis (disorder), jra, children rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis juvenile chronic, juvenile; arthritis rheumatoid, arthritis juvenile idiopathic, juvenile rheumatoid a., jca - juvenile chronic arthrit, arthritis juvenile, arthritis; juvenile, juvenile seropositiv arthritis, jca - juvenile chronic arthritis, jra-juvenile rheumatoid arthr, arthritis juvenile rheumatoid, juvenile arthritis unspecified, arthritis rheumatoid juvenile, juvenile rheumatoid arthr.nos, juvenile chronic arthritis, juvenile arthritis, jia, unspecified juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis in children, idiopathic arthritis juvenile, juvenile ra, arthritis; juvenile rheumatoid, arthritis; rheumatoid juvenile",
+"lymphoma t-cell, cells lymphoma t, t-cell and nk-cell non-hodgkins lymphoma, lymphoma t cell, lymphomas non-hodgkins t-cell, t-cell lymphomas, t-cell lymphoma, non-hodgkins t-cell lymphoma, lymphomas t-cell, t-cell lymphoma (disorder), t-cell; lymphoma, lymphoma t-cell, cell lymphoma t, t-cell non-hodgkins lymphoma, t-cell lymphoma (clinical), lymphoma t cell, t-cell lymphoma nos, lymphoma; t-cell, malignant neoplasm lymphoma t-cell, cell lymphomas t, t-cell lymphoma (diagnosis), malignant lymphoma t-cell type, t-cell and nk-cell non-hodgkin lymphoma, t cell lymphoma, lymphoma non-hodgkin lymphoma t-cell, t-cell non-hodgkin lymphoma",
+"4-[(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)methyl]-n-[4-methyl-3-[[4-(3-pyridinyl)-2-pyrimidinyl]amino]phenyl]benzamide monomethanesulfonate, imatinib mesilate (substance), imatinib mesylate, 4-[(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)methyl]-n-[4-methyl-3-[[4-(3-pyridinyl)-2-pyrimidinyl]amino]-phenyl]benzamide methanesulfonate, imatinib mesilate, imatinib methanesulfonate, methanesulfonate imatinib, imatinib mesylate (substance), imatinib (as mesylate), mesylate imatinib",
+"malignant tumour verteb column, malig neop vertebral column, malignant neoplasm of spine, cancer of spine, malignant neoplasm of vertebra, spine cancer, columns spinal, benign neoplasm of vertebral column (disorder), columns vertebral, entire vertebral column (body structure), vertebral column nos, spines, malignant neoplasm of spinal column, structure of vertebral column unspecified, structure of vertebral column, malignant tumor of vertebral column (disorder), spinal column nos, spine nos, column vertebral, backbone, spinal column, spine, benign neoplasm of vertebral column nos, entire spine, benign neoplasm of vertebral column nos (disorder), benign neoplasm of vertebra, entire vertebral column, dorsal spine structure, columna vertebralis, benign neoplasm of vertebral column nos, malignant neoplasm of vertebral column nos, spinal structure (body structure), malignant neoplasm of vertebral column (diagnosis), structure of vertebral column (body structure), cancer spine, dorsal spine, malignant neoplasm of vertebral column nos (disorder), vertebral columns, malignant tumour of vertebral column, malignant tumor of vertebral column, benign neoplasm of vertebral column (diagnosis), benign neoplasm vertebra nos, malignant tumor verteb column, entire spinal column, spinal structure, column spinal, vertebral column (body structure), malig neop vertebral col nos, entire backbone, ca - cancer of spine, malignant neoplasm of spine nos, benign neoplasm of bone structure of spine (disorder), benign neoplasm of spine nos, benign neoplasm of spine (disorder), backbones, malignant neoplasm of vertebral column nos, malignant neoplasm of vertebral column, benign neoplasm of spine, benign neoplasm of vertebral column, benign neoplasm of bone structure of spine, spinal columns, vertebral column",
+"cytotoxic agent (substance), cytotoxic agent, cytotoxic (substance), other cytotoxic drugs (substance), cytotoxic agent nos, agents cytotoxic, cytotoxic drug nos, cytotoxic agent (product), cytotoxic, cytotoxic drug, cytotoxic drugs, other cytotoxic drugs (product), other cytotoxic drugs, agent cytotoxic",
+"complications injuries, complication injury, complication of injury (disorder), complication of injury, injury complication, complication of injury (diagnosis), complications injury",
+"transarterial approach, via artery, transarterial, transarterial approach (qualifier value)",
+"aerobic exercises (regime/therapy), aerobics, aerobics exercise, exercise aerobic, exercises aerobic, aerobic exercise, aerobic activity, aerobic exercises (procedure), aerobic exercises",
+"memory functions unspecified, memory function (qualifier value), memory function, memory g-code, memory device, memory function (observable entity), memory (function), memory functions, memory nos, memory/storage, memory, memory function (observable entity)",
+"memories (observable entity), observat relat retent informat, memory finding (finding), memory observations, observations relating to memory, memory finding, observatns relating to memory, observations relating to retention of information, memory, clinical findings relating to memory, memories",
+"alzheimer type dementia, alzheimer type dementia (atd), alzheimer-type dementia (atd), alzheimers dementia, dementia of the alzheimers type, alzheimer dementia (ad), sclerosis alzheimer, dat - dementia alzheimer type, alzheimer disease (diagnosis), alzheimers dementia, dementia; alzheimer (manifestation), dementia primary senile degenerative, dementia of the alzheimers type nos, ad - alzheimers disease, senile dementia of the alzheimer type, alzheimer-type dementia, alzheimers diseases, alzheimer-type dementia (adt), dementia of the alzheimer type (dat), sdat, alzheimers disease nos, dementia in alzheimers disease, primary senile degenerative dementia, dementia of the alzheimer type, alzheimers dis, alzheimers disease (disorder), simple senile dementia, alzheimers disease pathway kegg, alzheimers disease, alzheimer dis, senile dementia alzheimer type, dementia alzheimer, alzheimer diseases, dementia alzheimer-type (atd), dementia; alzheimer (etiology), alzheimer disease (ad), dementia of alzheimers type, disease;alzheimers, alzheimer sclerosis, alzheimer; sclerosis, dementia in alzheimers dis, sclerosis; alzheimer, dat, alzheimers diseases, alzheimers disease unspecified, dementia alzheimer type, ad, alzheimer syndrome, dementia alzheimer, alzheimer, senile dementia, alzheimer dementia, alzheimer type senile dementia, dats, dat - dementia alzheimers type, dementia senile, alzheimer; dementia (manifestation), alzheimer disease, dementia alzheimers, alzheimers disease, alzheimer dementias, dementia alzheimers type, senile dementia of the alzheimer type (sdat), alzheimer; dementia (etiology)",
+"ethanolamine phosphate, ethanolamine o-phosphate, o-phosphoethanolamine, phosphoric acid 2-aminoethyl phenyl ester, o-phosphocolamine, pe, monoaminoethyl phosphate, petn, eap, phosphoglyceride ethanolamine, ethanolamine phosphoglyceride, o-phosphorylethanolamine, mono(2-aminoethyl) phosphate, phosphorylethanolamine, colamine phosphoric acid, phosphoglycerides ethanolamine, 2-amino-ethanol phosphate, ethanolamine phosphoglycerides, 2-amino-ethanol dihydrogen phosphate, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphonoethanolamine, cephalins, 2-aminoethyl dihydrogen phosphate, ope, phosphatidyl ethanolamine (substance), pea, ethanolamineglycerophospholipids, phosphoryl-ethanolamine, ethanolamine acid phosphate, colaminphosphoric acid, phosphatidylethanolamines, cephalin, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphoethanolamine, phosphoethanolamine (substance), colamine phosphate",
+"thromboembolic disease, thromboembolism, thromboembolic disorder, embolism; thrombus, thromboembolic events, thromboembolism - lesion (disorder), thromboembolic disease (diagnosis), thromboembolisms, blood clot in blood vessel, events thromboembolic, thromboembolism nos, thromboembolus (morphologic abnormality), thromboembolic event, embolism and thrombosis of unspecified site, other venous embolism and thrombosis of unspecified site, thromboembolus, thromboembolism - lesion, thromboembolic disorder (disorder), diseases thromboembolic, disease thromboembolic, thrombus; embolism, thromboembolic; disorder, venous thrombosis nos",
+"emergency medical service, medical emergency services, emergency serv med, emergency service, emergency medical services (qualifier value), emergency service medical, service medical emergency, medical emergency service, emergency medical services, care emergency, emergency med serv, medical service emergency, services emergency medical, emergency services, ems, service emergency medical, emergency care, med serv emergency, medical services emergency, services medical emergency, serv emergency med, emergency services medical",
+"general care newborn, newborn health care, newborn care, routine care of newborn (regime/therapy), routine newborn care, care newborns, routine care of newborn (procedure), routine care of newborn, care newborn, rnax perform newborn care (treatment), newborn care (treatment), caring newborns, rnax perform newborn care, general care of newborn, caring newborn",
+"neonatal (qualifier value), neonatal state nos, neonatal state, neonatal, newborn, neonate nos, newborn nos",
+"prenatal care [brand name], antepartum care of mother, antenatal care, care prenatal, prenatal care brand, prenatal care, antenatal care - a/n, maternity care, rnax perform pregnancy care, rnrx pregnancy care, care antenatal, prenatal care brand of multivitamin, antepartum care, pregnancy care, antenatal care (procedure), ante-natal care, prenatal, fetal, antenatal care (regime/therapy), rnax perform pregnancy care (treatment), rnrx pregnancy care (treatment), antenatal care - an",
+"discussions, discussion (procedure), discussion",
+"[x]dermatopolymyositis unspecified (disorder), wagner-unverricht syndrome, [x]dermatopolymyositis unspecified, dermatomucosomyositis, polymyositis/dermatomyositis, dermatomyositis (diagnosis), dermatomyositis (disorder), polymyositis-dermatomyositis, [x]dermatopolymyositis unspec, dermatomyositis, polymyositis dermatomyositis, dermatopolymyositis (diagnosis), dermatomyositides, dermatopolymyositis, dermatopolymyositis unsp organ involvement unspecified, dm - dermatomyositis, dermatopolymyositis unspec, polymyositis with skin involvement, polymyositis; with involvement of skin, dermatopolymyositis unspecified organ involvement unspecified, dermatopolymyositis unspecified",
+"ventricle nos, heart.ventricle, ventricle (heart), ventricles: general terms, ventricular, heart.ventricles, cardiac ventricular structure (body structure), ventricles (heart), ventricles heart, heart ventricles, ventricles cardiac, heart--ventricles, heart ventricle, cardiac ventricles, ventricle, ventricles, cardiac ventricle, 324 ventricles: general terms, ventricle cardiac, ventricle of heart, cardiac ventricular structure, heart ventricle, ventricle heart, lower chamber of heart",
+"vitamin b 12 binding protein, vitamin b12-binding protein, vitamin b12 binding proteins, transcobalamin nos, tc, vitamin b12-binding proteins, vitamin b12 binding protein, cobalamin-binding proteins, transcobalamins, tcn, protein vitamin b12-binding, vitamin b>12< binding protein, cobalamin binding protein, proteins cobalamin-binding, cobalamin binding proteins, protein cobalamin-binding, vitamin b 12-binding proteins, vitamin b12 binding protein, transcobalamin, vitamin b 12 binding proteins, vitamin b 12-binding protein, b12-binding protein vitamin, transcobalamin (substance), cobalamin-binding protein, proteins vitamin b12-binding, vitamin b a 12 binding proteins",
+"hair dyes, dyes hair, hair colorants, hair dye, dyeing hair, colorants hair, hair dye (substance), dye hair, agents hair coloring, hair coloring agents, coloring agents hair",
+"sensitisation, sensitization (observable entity), sensitization",
+"inflammation of skin, dermatitis nos (disorder), dermatitis unspecified, skin inflamed, dermatitis (diagnosis), cutaneous inflammation, skin inflammation/irritation, skin inflammation nos, skin--inflammation, inflammation of the skin, dermatitis (disorder) [ambiguous], inflammation; skin, dermatitis (nos), dermatitis nos, dermatitides, dermatitis (disorder), skin; inflammation, dermatitis, skin inflammation, dermatitis nos, skin inflammation nos (disorder), inflammation of skin nos",
+"human patch material (substance), human patch material, human patch, patch, patchs, patch (substance)",
+"extended-release film (product), patch-container, extended-release film (qualifier value), extended release film dosage form, extended release film dose form, patch - extended release film, extended release film, er film, film er, extended-release film, patch, xr film, film extended release",
+"surgical patch, patchs, patch, surgical patch (physical object)",
+"substance amount (property), substance amount, *substance amount, substance amount (property) (qualifier value), sub",
+"injections, injection procedure, injection administration, injection method of administration, injection (qualifier value), injection - action (qualifier value), injection - action, rnrx injection administration, injection nos, inj, injection(s), injection (product), injectable, injection (procedure), injection route of drug administration, injection device, 1-050 injections, injection route, injectable dosage form, by injection, administration of injection, injectable dose form, injection product, rnrx injection administration (treatment), injection route of administration, inject, injection procedure (procedure), injection route (qualifier value), injection, injection dosing unit",
+"torasemidum, torasemide (substance), torsemide (medication), 3-pyridinesulfonamide n-(((1-methylethyl)amino)carbonyl)-4-((3-methylphenyl)amino)-, n-(((1-methylethyl)amino)carbonyl)-4-((3-methylphenyl)amino)-3-pyridinesulfonamide, product containing torasemide (medicinal product), torasemide-containing product, torasemida, torsemide-containing product, torasemide product, product containing torasemide, torsemide, 1-isopropyl-3-((4-(3-methylphenylamino)pyridine)-3-sulfonyl)urea, 1-isopropyl-3-((4-m-toluidino-3-pyridyl)sulfonyl)urea, product containing torsemide, torasemide (product), product containing torsemide (medicinal product), torsemide (substance), torasémide, torsemide product, torasemide",
+"epidermal, epithelial cell of skin, epidermal cell, cells epidermal, epidermis, epidermis structure, epidermis structure (body structure), cells epidermic, cell of epidermis, epidermal cells, cell epidermic, epidermic cell, epidermal tissue, cells epidermal, cell epidermal, entire portion of epidermis, cell of the epidermis, cells epidermal [ext], epidermic cells",
+"cardiomyopathy dilated 3b, duchenne-griesinger syndrome, pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy childhood, dystrophy; muscular duchenne type, pseudohypertrophic progressive muscular dystrophy duchenne type, muscular dystrophy childhood pseudohypertrophic, progressive muscular dystrophy duchenne type, pseudohypertrophic childhood muscular dystrophy, duchenne; motor neuron disease, adult pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy, duchenne muscular dystrophy (diagnosis), duchenne pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy, dystrophy; duchenne type, duchenne-griesinger, cardiomyopathy dilated x-linked, muscular dystrophy pseudohypertrophic childhood, duchenne muscular dystrophy (disorder), duchenne de boulogne muscular dystrophy, mild x-linked recessive muscular dystrophy, duchennes muscular dystrophy, childhood muscular dystrophy pseudohypertrophic, muscular dystrophy; duchenne, pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy, duchenne muscular dystrophy, muscular dystrophy duchenne, muscular dystrophy pseudohypertrophic progressive duchenne type, pseudohypertrophic muscular paralysis, duchenne muscular dystrophy (dmd), progressive muscular dystrophy (duchenne), dmd - duchenne muscul dystroph, duchenne type; dystrophy, pseudohypertrophic progressive muscular dystrophy, duchenne; muscular dystrophy, benign x-linked recessive muscular dystrophy, dmd - duchenne muscular dystrophy, muscular dystrophy duchenne, severe generalized familial muscular dystrophy, x-linked muscular dystrophy, x-linked recessive muscular dystrophy, duchenne, pseudohypertrph musc dystrophy, duchenne type progressive muscular dystrophy, pseudohypertrophic adult muscular dystrophy, dmd, duchenne musc. dyst., muscular; dystrophy duchenne type, motor; neuron duchenne, muscular dystrophy pseudohypertrophic, x-linked dilated cardiomyopathy, duchenne dystrophy, progressive muscular dystrophy of childhood, x-linked dilated cardiomyopathy (xlcm), childhood pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy, duchenne syndrome, duchenne myodystrophy, classic x-linked recessive muscular dystrophy, duchenne-type progressive muscular dystrophy, benign duchenne muscular dystrophy, muscular dystrophy duchenne type",
+"male gender, male structure (body structure), male nos, male individual, males (human), human male, m, male structure, human male, males, human males, male sex, man, sex male, male individual nos, male (finding), male",
+"mammals placental, placental mammal, eutherian, eutherians, mammal placental, eutheria, eutherian mammals, placentalia, placental, infraclass eutheria, placental mammals, mammal eutherian, mammals eutherian, eutherian mammal, placento-, infraclass eutheria (organism)",
+"eph toxemia, pre-eclamptic toxemia nos, pre-eclampsia nos, pregnancies toxemia of, of pregnancies toxemia, eph - edema proteinuria and hypertension of pregnancy, pee1, pe - pre-eclampsia, pee, toxaemia of pregnancy, preeclampsia eclampsia 1, eph - oedema proteinuria and hypertension of pregnancy, pre-eclamptic nos, pregnancy; pre-eclampsia, pre-eclampsia, eph - edema/prot/hyper preg, pet - pre-eclamptic toxaemia, pre-eclamptic; toxemia, pre-eclamptic toxaemia, pre-eclampsia toxaemia, preeclampsia eclampsia 1s, eclampsia 1s preeclampsia, gestosis eph, gestosis hypertension-edema-proteinuria, proteinuria-edema-hypertension gestosis, toxemia preeclamptic, toxemia of pregnancy, pet - pre-eclamptic toxemia, of pregnancy toxemia, eclampsia 1 preeclampsia, gestosis proteinuria-edema-hypertension, pre-eclamptic toxemia, proteinuric hypertension of pregnancy, toxemia (pre)eclampsia, eph complex, toxemia of pregnancies, pregnancy toxemias, 1s preeclampsia eclampsia, 1 preeclampsia eclampsia, pre-eclampsia (disorder), unspecified pre-eclampsia, pregnancy toxemia of, unspecified pre-eclampsia unspecified trimester, gestosis edema-proteinuria-hypertension, hypertension-edema-proteinuria gestosis, eph - oedema/prot/hyper preg, pre-eclampsia nos, edema proteinuria hypertension gestosis, preg1, eph gestosis, pre-eclampsia toxemia, pre eclampsia, pre-eclampsia nos (disorder), prot hypertension of pregnancy, toxemia pregnancy, proteinuric hypertension of pregnancy (disorder), toxemia; pre-eclamptic, proteinuria edema hypertension gestosis, toxemia eph, preeclampsia, pregn toxemias, pre-eclampsia (diagnosis), hypertension edema proteinuria gestosis, preeclampsia/eclampsia 1, toxemias pregnancy, edema-proteinuria-hypertension gestosis, pre-eclamptic toxaemia nos, toxemias eph, pregnancy toxemia, pre-eclampsia unspecified, eph toxemias",
+"photoradiations, phototherapy (treatment), therapies photoradiation, light therapy, lighting, light color, radiation/phototherapy nos, lighted, light (qualifier), light exertion, light, phototherapy nos, lightly, phototherapy &/or radiation therapy (procedure), phototherapy/radiation therapy, photoradiation therapy, phototherapies, phototherapy &/or radiation therapy, light therapy (procedure), ther photorad, photoradiation therapies, therapy light, light electromagnetic radiation (physical force), illumination therapy, borg scale rating of perceived exertion score 11, lights, illumination, therapies light, light electromagnetic radiation, phototherapy/radiation therapy (procedure), mental health @ none @ light therapy @ none @ none @ none @ none, photorad ther, therapy photoradiation, light nos, photorad, light therapies, photother, radiation/phototherapy nos (procedure), light color (qualifier value), phototherapy, bright light therapy, photoradiation, light - radiation, light - subjective measurement, actinotherapy, light colour",
+"light color (qualifier value), light colour, light color, light",
+"trisomy g, chromosomal imbalance syndrome pair 21 trisomy, downing syndrome, congenital acromicria syndrome, trisomy 21 down syndrome, trisomy 21 nos, langdon down syndrome, down syndrome unspecified, 21 trisomies, mongoloidism, trisomy 21 down syndrome (diagnosis), complete trisomy 21 syndrome (disorder), down s syndrome, trisomy 21 syndrome, downs syndrome, mongol, 21 trisomy, syndrome downs, trisomy 21 (down syndrome), downs syndrome nos (disorder), mongolism, chromosome; 21 trisomy, chromosome 21 trisomy, g trisomy, chromosome 21 trisomy syndrome, t21 - trisomy 21, complete trisomy 21 syndrome, down, trisomy 21 (morphologic abnormality), trisomy; syndrome 21, downs syndrome unspecified, langdon down, 47xy+21, downs syndrome (disorder), trisomy 21, syndrome downs, 47xx+21, downs syndrome, trisomy; 21, downs syndrome - trisomy 21, syndrome down, downs syndrome nos, syndrome; trisomy 21, down syndrome, morbus down",
+"chemotherapeutics asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi, product containing crisantaspase (medicinal product), cristantaspase, erwinia asparaginase, crisantaspase (product), asparaginase (erwinia), asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi (medication), crisantaspase, crisantaspase product, l-asparaginase (erwinia), l-asparginase (erwinia ), asparaginase-erwinia, erwinia l-asparaginase, crisantaspase (substance), krisantaspaasi, krisantaspas, product containing erwinia asparaginase, crisantaspasum, product containing erwinia asparaginase (medicinal product), asparaginase erwinia chrysanthemi, erwinia chrysanthemi, asparaginase (erwinia chrysanthemi), erwinia l-asparginase, crisantaspase-containing product, erwinia asparaginase (substance)",
+"absence; lens, aphakia was observed, aphakic eye, aphakia (physical finding), eye aphakic, aphakias, aphakic eyes, lens; absent, aphakia (disorder), aphakia (diagnosis), absence of lens, aphakia",
+"lens implantation, implantation of prosthetic intraocular lens (procedure), implantation intraocular lens, insertion of prosthetic lens [pseudophakos], insertion of prosthetic intraocular lens (procedure), insertion of pseudophakos, implantation of intraocular lens, insertion of prosthetic lens, intraocular lens implantation procedure, iol - insertion of intraocular lens, implant lens, intraocular lenses, implants intraocular lens, implantation of prosthetic intraocular lens, insertion of prosthetic intraocular lens, insertion of pseudophakos nos, insertion of intraocular lens, lens implant intraocular, intraocular lens implantation, implanted lens, iol - ins intraoculr lens, intraocular lens implantations, iol - ins intraocular lens, implantation intraocular lens, intraocular lens insertion, insertion of lens prosthesis, lens implantation intraocular, intraocular lens (treatment), implantations intraocular lens, intraocular lense, insertion of pseudophakos not otherwise specified, lens implant, lens implantations intraocular, intraocular lens implant, lens implantation (procedure), insert pseudophakos nos, intraocular lens, implants lens",
+"artificial lens, artificial lens device, artificial intraocular lens, artificial lens device (physical object), intraocular lens, lens intraocular, prosthetic lens, prosthetic lens (physical object)",
+"hydrochloride naloxone, naloxone hcl, naloxone hydrochloride (substance), naloxone hydrochloride [dup] (substance), naloxone hydrochloride (medication), n-allylnoroxymorphone hydrochloride, naloxone hydrochloride",
+"pruritis of skin, pruritus unspecified, pruritus cutaneous, excessive scratching, pruritic disorder nos, pruritus [ambiguous], itch of skin (observable entity), pruritus, pruritus nos, itch of skin, pruritus/itching, pruritic disorders (disorder), itching, itching skin, skin itching, pruritic disorder, pruritus - disorder, pruritis (excl d05 x16), pruritus (finding), itching;skin, [x]pruritus unspecified, pruritus (disorder), itch nos, pruritus of skin, pruritus of skin nos, irritation - sensation, pruritus of skin (finding) [ambiguous], pruritis (excluding d05 x16), pruritus nos (disorder), itch, pruritus;skin, pruritic disorders, pruritus -- quality, skin itch, pruritus (diagnosis), itchy skin, unspecified pruritic disorder, [x]pruritus unspecified (disorder), pruritus [dup] (finding), scratching skin, pruritic dermatitis nos, itching of skin (finding), itching (pruritus), itch skin, itchy, pruritus (symptom), pruritus ctcae, pruritic dermatitis, skin pruritus, itching sensation, itching (finding), pruritus of skin (finding), irritating sensation, pruritis, itch of skin nos, itching of skin, pruritus nos, pruritic disorder (disorder)",
+"feeling relief (finding), relief, feeling relief",
+"trtv, vehicles, treatment vehicle, drug vehicle (product), drug vehicle (substance), agent vehicle, drug vehicle, vehicle",
+"lotion dose form, lotion (ml), lotion dosage form, drug lotion nos, lotion (basic dose form), drug lotion (qualifier value), lotions, drug lotion (product), lotiondrugform, lotion, drug lotion, drug lotion (substance)",
+"computed tomography x ray, computer assisted tomography, cat, tomography x-ray computer assisted, tomography x-ray computerized, tomography x ray computerized, cat - comp axial tomography, tomography x ray computed, x-ray ct scans, ct scan x ray, computerized tomography [ct] scan, cat scans, cat scan nos, computerized axial tomography scan - nos, computerized transverse axial tomogram, 5-08 computerized tomography, ct scan x-ray, computed tomography x-ray, tomography computed x-ray, c a t scan, computerised transverse axial tomography, computerized transaxial tomography nos, computed tomography (procedure), computed tomography x rays, scans x-ray ct, ct x rays, ct scan without iv contrast, ct scan (procedure), computerised transaxial tomography, cat scan - nos (procedure), computerised axial tomogram, computerized axial tomogram, ct scans x-ray, cat scans x-ray, transmission computed tomography, computer-assisted transaxial tomography, computed tomography xray, x-ray tomography computed, computerized transverse axial tomography, scans x-ray cat, computerized tomogram, x-ray cat scans, tomography xray computed, ct xray, computed tomography, ctt, cats scan, computed tomography scan - nos, computed tomography scan - nos (procedure), ct - computerised tomography, computerised axial tomography, ct - computerized tomography, tomodensitometry, computerized axial tomography nos, cat - computerized axial tomography, cat scanning, cat scan x-ray, computerized tomograph scan, computed tomography transmission, computerised tomography [ct] scan, x-ray computerized tomography, computerized tomography x ray, x rays ct, computed x-ray tomography, scan cat, cat procedure scan, computerized transaxial tomography without iv contrast, tomography, x ray ct, catting, ct (computerized tomography), cat scan x ray, x-ray ct scan, x-ray computer assisted tomography, tomography x ray computer assisted, ct scans, scan ct, computerised tomograph scan, tomography transm computed, computerized transaxial tomography, computerised axial tomography scan - nos, computerized tomography without iv contrast, tomography x-ray computed, computerized axial tomography, x ray tomography computed, tomographies computed x-ray, computed x ray tomography, xray computed tomography, cat scan - nos, x-ray computed tomography, tomography transmission computed, computerized tomography, tomography computed, computerized tomography (procedure), computerised transverse axial tomogram, computerised tomogram, x ray computer assisted tomography, ct scan without iv contrast, c.a.t. scan nos, computing tomography, ct, computerized axial tomography (procedure), computerized axial tomography scan - nos (procedure), cat scan procedure, cat - computerised axial tomography, emi scan, scan x-ray cat, computed tomography scan, ct scan, computerised tomography, assisted computer tomography, scan x-ray ct, ctt scan, ct x ray, ct scanning, computerized transaxial tomography without iv contrast, cat scan, c.a.t. scan, x-ray cat scan, computed axial tomography, computerized tomography x-ray, x ray computerized tomography",
+"bronchitis (disorder), bronchitis unspecified (disorder), bronchitides, bronchitis unspecified, bronchitis nos, bronchitis nos, bronchitis not specified as acute or chronic, bronchitis, bronchitis nos (disorder), bronchitis: [unspecified (& chest infection)] or [recurrent wheezy] (disorder), recurrent wheezy bronchitis, bronchitis: [unspecified (& chest infection)] or [recurrent wheezy], bronchial infection, inflammation of bronchus, bronchitis (diagnosis)",
+"burkitts tumors, small non-cleaved cell lymphoma childhood, burkitts lymphoma, burkitts lymphoma of unspecified site (disorder), childhood small non-cleaved cell lymphoma, burkitts lymphoma, burkitts lymphoma nos, burkitt lymphoma nos, malignant lymphoma small noncleaved burkitts diffuse, [m]burkitts tumour, burkitts type malignant lymphoma - small non-cleaved, burkitts tumour non-hodgkins lymphoma, dul childhood, burkitts leukaemia, burkitts lymphoma (diagnosis), burkitt lymphoma unspecified site, burkitts tumor, burkitt lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), small noncleaved cell lymphoma childhood, burkitts type malignant lymphoma - undifferentiated, bl, small non-cleaved cell lymphoma burkitts type, burkitts tumor [obs], pediatric small non-cleaved cell lymphoma, adult diffuse small non-cleaved cell/burkitts lymphoma, tumor burkitt, childhood burkitt lymphoma, burkitt tumor, burkitts lymph - unspec. site, burkitt; lymphoma, lymphoma; burkitt, snc lymphoma adult, diffuse undifferentiated lymphoma childhood, childhood burkitts lymphoma, burkitts type lymphoma-undiff, childhood small noncleaved cell lymphoma, pediatric burkitts lymphoma, burkitt tumor [obs], adult burkitts lymphoma, burkitts tumor nos, malignant lymphoma undifferentiated burkitt type [obs], malignant lymphoma undifferentiated burkitts type, [m]burkitts tumors, malignant lymphoma burkitts, burkitt lymphoma/leukemia (morphologic abnormality), pediatric snc lymphoma, lymphoma small noncleaved cell childhood, lymphoma diffuse undifferentiated adult, non-hodgkins lymphoma burkitts, adult snc lymphoma, snc lymphoma childhood, pediatric burkitt lymphoma, burkitts tumours, malignant lymphoma lymphoblastic burkitts type, nhl burkitt lymphoma (bl), burkitts non-hodgkins lymphoma, lymphoma burkitts, nhl burkitts, lymphoma; undifferentiated cell burkitts type, burkitts tumor non-hodgkins lymphoma, burkitt lymphoma, [m]burkitts tumor, tumor burkitts, [m]burkitts tumor nos, burkitts tumour, malignant lymphoma burkitts type, adult burkitt lymphoma, [m]burkitts tumors (morphologic abnormality), burkitts tumour or lymphoma, lymphoma small non-cleaved cell childhood, burkitt lymphoma/leukemia, adult diffuse small noncleaved cell/burkitts lymphoma, [m]burkitts tumor nos (morphologic abnormality), burkitts lymphomas, [m]burkitts tumours, burkitts tumor or lymphoma, burkitts lymphoma of unspecified site, lymphoma burkitt, lymphoma diffuse undifferentiated childhood, small noncleaved cell lymphoma adult, burkitts tumor, burkitt lymphoma/leukaemia, burkitts lymphoma nos, bl - burkitts lymphoma, diffuse undifferentiated lymphoma adult, [m]burkitts tumour nos, burkitts lymphoma (clinical), burkitts leukemia, tumor; burkitt, burkitts lymphoma - disorder, dul adult, adult small non-cleaved cell lymphoma, childhood snc lymphoma, burkitt lymphomas, burkitts lymphoma nos (disorder), burkitts lymphoma (disorder), burkitt tumour [obs], burk typ lymphom-smll noncleav, lymphoma small noncleaved cell adult, burkitts tumour nos, burkitts tumour [obs], burkitt; tumor, lymphoma burkitt",
+"high intensity, high intensity (qualifier value)",
+"lymphocytes t, lymphocytes thymus-dependent, t-cell, thymus dependent lymphocytes, t-cells, t lymphocytes, t cells, thymus-dependent lymphocyte, lymphocytes j, lymphocyte t, thymus-dependent lymphocytes, t lymphocyte, t cell lymphocyte, t cell, thymus derived lymphocyte, t lymphocyte (cell), cell t, t-lymphocytes, t-lymphocyte, lymphocyte thymus-dependent, cells t",
+"small lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic lymphoid leukaemia, diffuse lymphocytic malignant lymphoma, diffuse well differentiated lymphoma (dlwd) (diagnosis), b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (disorder), lymphocytic lymphoma nos, [m]chronic lymphoid leukaemia, diffuse well differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, lymphoma diffuse lymphocytic well-differentiated, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse well differ, chronic lymphocytic leukemia b-cell, malign lymph-small lymphocytic, b-cell leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia chronic b cell, lymphocytic leukemia b-cell chronic, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia nos, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic nos, lymphocytic lymphoma well differentiated, [m]malig.lymphly-cytwell nos, lymphocytic lymphosarc nos, leukemia lymphocytic chronic, lymphoma small, b cell lymphocytic leukemia, malignant neoplasm lymphoma small b-cell lymphocytic, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, leukemia chronic lymphocytic, leukemia chronic b-lymphocytic, leukemias chronic lymphoblastic, lymphoma small lymphocytic, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic well differentiated nos, leukemia lymphocytic chronic (cll), b-cell malignancy low-grade, malignant lymphoma small lymphocytic diffuse, lymphoma lymphocytic well differentiated, diffuse well differentiated lymphoma (dlwd), cll-chron lymphocyt leukaemia, lymphatic; leukemia chronic, chronic lymphoid leukemia disease, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse well differentiated, diffuse; lymphoma lymphocytic (well differentiated), malignant lymphoma small cell diffuse nos, leukemia lymphocytic chronic b-cell, [m]malignant lymphoma small lymphocytic nos, small cell lymphocytic lymphoma, b-cell cll, lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, lymphocytic lymphosarcoma diffuse, lymphoma well-differentiated lymphocytic, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic cell type, chronic lymphocytic leukemia nos, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), diffuse wdl lymphoma, chronic lymphoblastic leukemias, diffuse well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, cll lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma, leukemia lymphoblastic chronic, lymphoma lymphocytic well differ, b-cell small lymphocytic lymphomas, lymphoma small lymphocytic plasmacytoid, [m]malignant lymphoma lymphocytic well differentiated nos, b cell leukemia, chronic b-cell lymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), small-cell lymphomas, leukemias chronic b-lymphocytic, small lymphocyte b lymphoma (lukes-collins classification), lymphoma cll lymphoplasmacytoid, lymphoma; diffuse small cell, sll, lymphoma lymphoplasmacytoid cll, lymphocytic lymphomas small, lymphoma small cell, lymphoplasmacytoid lymphomas cll, leukemias chronic lymphocytic, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse, cll - chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoma small lymphocytic, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic well differentiated diffuse, malig.lymphly-cytwell nos, chronic b-cell leukemias, chronic lymphocytic leukemia of b-cell type nos, b-cell chronic lymphogenous leukemia, b-lymphocytic leukemia chronic, malignant lymphoma small cell diffuse, lymphoma; diffuse lymphocytic (well differentiated), malignant lymphoma small lymphocytic, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse well-differentiated, b lymphocytic leukemia chronic, lymphocytic lymphoma small, clls, lymphomas cll lymphoplasmacytoid, small lymphocytic lymphoma nos, wdl diffuse lymphocytic, leukemia b-cell chronic, lymphocytic leukemias chronic, diffuse; lymphoma small cell, chronic lymphoblastic leukemia, lymphoblastic leukemias chronic, small lymphocytic lymphomas, b-cell chron lymphocyt leukaem, dwdl lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia b-cell type, b cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, [m]malign lymphsmall lymphocy, leukaemias chronic lymphocytic, lymphocytic lymphoma, cll, diffuse well differ lymphocytic lymphoma, lymphocytic leukemia chronic, b-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia, lymphoid leukaemia chronic, diffuse lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, lymphomas lymphocytic, lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma cll, lymphomas small-cell, b-cell leukemia chronic, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, diffuse lymphocytic well-differentiated lymphoma, chronic b-cell lymphocytic leukemia, lymphocytic lymphoma well differ, cll-chron lymphocyt leukemia, cll - chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, cll lymphoplasmacytoid lymphomas, lymphocytic lymphosarcoma nos, disrupted in b-cell malignancy, chronic lymphocytic leukemia nos, leukemia lymphocytic chronic, b-cell leukemias chronic, b-cell lymphocytic leukemia, chronic b-cell leukemia, [m]chronic lymphoid leukaemia (disorder), chronic b-lymphocytic leukemias, lymphoma small lymphocytic malignant, lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse well differentiated, lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse well differ, malignant lymphoma small lymphocytic nos, well-differentiated lymphoma diffuse lymphocytic, b-cll - b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia chronic b, lymphocytic lymphomas, malignant lymphoma small b lymphocytic, malignant lymphoma - small lymphocytic, small lymphoma, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic lymphoid leukemia, leukemia b-cell chronic lymphocytic, leukemia chronic lymphocytic b-cell, b cell cll, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic, lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse well-differentiated, chronic lymphatic leukaemia, lymphoid leukemia chronic, lymphocytic leukemia chronic, lymphoma lymphocytic, b chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphoid leukemia disease (disorder), chronic leukemia lymphocytic, malignant lymphoma-small cell, chronic lymphogenous leukemia, chronic b-lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia morphology (morphologic abnormality), lymphoma; lymphocytic small cell, chronic lymphocytic leukemias, small b-cell lymphocytic lymphoma, bcll, b-lymphocytic leukemias chronic, lymphoma small-cell, leukemia lymphocytic chronic b cell, leukemia chronic lymphocytic (cll), lymphocytic lymphoma well-differentiated, sl lymphoma, leukemia chronic lymphatic, well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphomas, [m]malignant lymphoma lymphocytic well differentiated nos (morphologic abnormality), malignant lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse, lymphocytic; lymphoma small cell, chronic lymphoid leukaemia disease, b-cll - b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, small-cell lymphoma, lymphocytic leukemia chronic b-cell, leukemia b cell chronic, cll chronic lymphocytic leukemia, leukemia b cell, dlwd lymphoma, [m]chronic lymphoid leukemia, lymphoma lymphocytic well-differentiated, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (cll), hematopoeitic - chronic lymphocytic leukemia (cll), malignant lymphoma small cell nos, b cell leukemia chronic, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic b-cell lymphocytic leukemia (cll), [m]lymphocytic lymphosarcoma nos, b-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma nos, well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, leukemia chronic lymphocytic, lymphoblastic leukemia chronic, malignant lymphoma small lymphocytic (morphologic abnormality), m lymphomalymphocytwell dif, malignant lymphoma - small lymphocytic (disorder), malignant lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse nos, malignant lymphoma - small cell, cll b-cell, diffuse lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia b-cell type, small b-cell lymphocytic lymphoma (diagnosis), leukemias chronic b-cell, lymphomas well-differentiated lymphocytic, chronic lymphatic leukemia, small cell lymphoma, b-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, leukaemia;chronic lymphocytic, lymphocytic lymphomas well-differentiated, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic well differentiated, leukemia; lymphatic chronic, leukemia;chronic lymphocytic, malign lymphsmall lymphocy, b-cll - b-cell chron lymp leuk, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, leukemia chronic b-cell, cll (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), chronic lymphocytic leukemia of b-cell type, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), [m]lymphocytic lymphoma nos, leukaemia lymphocytic chronic, malignant lymphoma small cell, malignant lymphoma small lymphocytic nos, [m]lymphocytic lymphosarc nos, lymphomas small lymphocytic, lymphoma lymphocytic malignant",
+"cells bone, cell of bone, bone cell, cell of bone nos, cell of bone (body structure), bones cells, osseous cell, bone cells, cell of bone (cell)",
+"leukemia prolymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (morphologic abnormality), pll - prolymphocytic leukemia, prolymphocytic leukemia (disorder), [m]prolymphocytic leukaemia, prolymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), leukemias prolymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia -retired-, pll - prolymphocytic leukaemia, [m]prolymphocytic leukemia, prolymphocytic leukemias, pll, prolymphocytic leukemia no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), prolymphocytic leukemia, pro-lymphocytic leukaemia, leukemia; prolymphocytic, pll prolymphocytic leukemia, pro-lymphocytic leukemia, prolymphocytic leukemia (b or t-cell), prolymphocytic leukemia (clinical), prolymphocytic leukaemia (clinical), prolymphocytic; leukemia, prolymphocytic leukaemia, prolymphocytic leukaemia -retired-, prolymphocytic leukemia (b or t), leukemia prolymphocytic",
+"myelomonocytic leukaemia nos, myelomonocytic leukemia nos, leukemia myelomonocytic, leukemia; myelomonocytic, myelomonocytic leukemia, myelomonocytic leukemia (disorder), myelomonocytic leukemia (diagnosis), myelomonocytic; leukemia, myelomonocytic leukaemia",
+"chronic disease granulomatous, granulomatous disease chronic, c-49 chronic granulomatous diseases, congenital dysphagocytosis (diagnosis), cgd - chronic granulomatous disease, chronic granulomatous diseases, cgd - chronic granulomat dis, congenital dysphagocytosis (disorder), granulomatous dis chronic, chronic granulomatous disease (diagnosis), chronic granulomatous disease, chronic granulomatous disease (cgd) of childhood, granulomatous chronic disease, cgd, dysphagocytosis; congenital, granulomatous diseases chronic, chronic granulomatous disease (disorder), congenital dysphagocytosis, chronic granulomatous disease nos",
+"disorders granulomatous, disorder characterized by granuloma formation (disorder), granulomatous disorders, granulomatous disease, disorder characterized by granuloma formation, disorder characterised by granuloma formation, granulomatous disorder, diseases granulomatous, granulomatous disorders (diagnosis)",
+"ectoderm structure, ectoderms, ectoderm, ectoderm nos, ectoderm structure (body structure), ectodermal",
+"malignant brain tumor, brain cancer, brain malignant neoplasm, malignant neosplasm of the brain, neoplasm malig;brain, brain neoplasms malignant, malignant brain neoplasms, malignant neoplasm of brain nos (disorder), malignant neoplasm of brain (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm of brain nos, brain tumor malignant, neopl brain malignant, brain cancer (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm brain, cancer of the brain, malignant neoplasm of brain unspecified, brain malignant tumors, ca brain, cancer brain, brain--cancer, cancer of brain, brain neopl malignant, malignant neoplasm of brain, malignant brain neoplasm nos, brain neoplasm malignant, malignant neopl brain, brain malignant neoplasms, malignant neoplasm of the brain, malignant neoplasm of brain nos, malig neop brain nos, brain cancers, malignant tumor of the brain, brain neoplasm malignant, malignant neoplasm of brain (disorder), malignant brain tumour (disorder), neoplasms brain malignant, brain ca, malignant brain neoplasm, malignant brain tumour, malignant tumor of brain, malignant neoplasms brain, brain unspecified, malig neo brain nos",
+"ipp, ifosfamide, iff, ifo, ifosfamide (substance), ifosfamide product, ifosfamide-containing product, iso-endoxan, product containing ifosfamide (medicinal product), iso endoxan, isosfamide, ifosfamidum, ifosfamida, isoendoxan, 3-(2-chloroethyl)-2-((2-chloroethyl)amino)tetrahydro-2h-132-oxazaphosphorine 2-oxide, naxamide, iphosphamid, 2h-132-oxazaphosphorin-2-amine n3-bis(2-chloroethyl)tetrahydro- 2-oxide, 2-oxo-n3-bis-(2-chloroethyl) tetrahydro-2h-132-oxazaphosphorin- 2-amine, iphosphamide, ifosfamide (product), n3-bis(2-chloroethyl)tetrahydro-2h-132-oxazaphosphorin-2-amine 2-oxide, product containing ifosfamide, ifosfamide (medication), isofosfamide, 3-(2-chloroethyl)-2-[(2-chloroethyl)amino]tetrahydro-2h-132-oxazaphosphorin-2-oxide, ipps, isophosphamide, ifx",
+"childhood diffuse large b-cell lymphoma, diffuse histiocytic lymphoma, malignant lymphoma large cell, lymphoma histiocytic diffuse, lymphoma diffuse large, diff malig lymphoma-large cell, large cell diffuse lymphoma, malignant lymphoma large cell diffuse nos, malignant lymphoma large b-cell diffuse (morphologic abnormality), malignant lymphoma large b-cell, malignant lymphoma large cell diffuse nos, large-cell lymphoma diffuse, malignant lymphoma large b-cell diffuse, histiocytic lymphomas, malignant lymphoma large b-cell diffuse no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, malignant lymphoma histiocytic, lymphoma histiocytic, lymphoma diffuse large b cell non hodgkins, malignant lymphoma large b-cell diffuse no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), lymphoma large b-cell diffuse, malignant lymphoma large cell cleaved and noncleaved, large cell lymphoma diffuse, lymphoma; diffuse histiocytic, malignant lymphoma diffuse large cell, malignant lymphoma - large cell cleaved and non-cleaved, malignant lymphoma large cell diffuse [obs], pediatric diffuse large b cell lymphoma, diffuse large b-cell lymphoma, diffuse large b cell lymphoma, diff malig lymphoma-histiocyt, malignant lymphoma histiocytic diffuse, diffuse large b-cell lymphoma, [m]malig lymphlarge celldiff, [m]malignant lymphoma large cell diffuse nos, diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (dlbcl) nos, large lymphoma diffuse, diffuse non-hodgkins lymphoma large cell (disorder), malignant lymphoma large b-cell diffuse no icd-o subtype, diffuse large lymphoma, diffuse non-hodgkin lymphoma large cell, lymphoma diffuse large-cell, large cell (diffuse) non-hodgkins lymphoma, mal lymphom-large cleav+non cl, diffuse non-hodgkins lymphoma large cell, childhood dlbcl, diffuse large-cell lymphoma, diffuse; lymphoma large cell, diffuse histiocytic lymphoma (dhl), lymphoma diffuse large cell, malig lymphlarge celldiff, diffuse; lymphoma histiocytic, lymphoma; diffuse large cell, large cell (diffuse), lymphoma; large cell (diffuse), lymphoma large lymphoid diffuse, diffuse malignant lymphoma - large cell, diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (dlbcl), histiocytic lymphoma, malignant lymphoma large cell nos, histiocytic lymphoma diffuse, lymphoma diffuse histiocytic, lymphoma large diffuse, diffuse large b-cell lymphomas, diffuse histiocytic malignant lymphoma (dhl), dhl, lymphoma large-cell diffuse, diffuse histiocytic lymphomas, diffuse malignant lymphoma - histiocytic, malignant lymphoma histiocytic nos, diffuse large b-cell lymphoma nos, diffuse non-hodgkins lymphoma large cell (clinical), diffuse large-cell lymphomas, lymphoma large cell diffuse, malignant lymphoma large b-cell diffuse no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), diffuse large cell lymphoma, large lymphoid lymphoma diffuse, dlbcl, dhl (diffuse histiocytic lymphoma), diffuse histiocytic malignant lymphoma (dhl) (diagnosis), adult diffuse large b-cell lymphoma",
+"regulatory t cell, tr cell, t lymphocyte positive for both cd4 antigen and cd25 antigen, cd4+cd25+ t lymphocyte (cell), ntregs, cd4+ cd25+ regulatory t cells, t lymphocyte positive for both cd4 antigen and cd25 antigen (cell), t-regulatory cell, t reg, suppressor t cell, cd4+cd25+ t lymphocyte, cd4+cd25+ regulatory t cells",
+"blood group antibody e, blood group antibody rh5, anti-e, blood group antibody small e (hr), blood group antibody hr, antibody e, antibodies e, little e ab, anti e, blood group antibody e (substance), blood group antibody hr, e antibody",
+"body weight domain, body weight (observable entity), weight (physical finding), subjectweight, weights body, body weight nos, patient weight, weight (body), bodies weight, weighted, body weights, body weight - observation, weighting, weight body, weight, vital signs - weight, body weight, patient_weight, body weight [dup] (observable entity), bw",
+"weight (property) (qualifier value), body weight (observable entity), weight (physical finding), weigh patient, 028 weights, weights (qualifier value), importance weight, subjectweight, weights body, weighing patient, body weight nos, body weight:mass:point in time:^patient:quantitative, weighing, weight (property), weighing patient (procedure), patient weight, weight (body), weighing of patient, bodies weight, measuring someones weight, weighted, body weight:mass:pt:^patient:qn, body weights, body weight - observation, rnax weigh patient, weighting, weight body, weight, vital signs - weight, body weight, weights, patient_weight, body weight [dup] (observable entity), rnax weigh patient (treatment), bw",
+"inad - infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy, pla2g6-associated neurodegeneration, neurodegeneration pla2g6 associated, seitelbergers dis, disease seitelbergers, neuroaxonal dystrophy infantile, inad - infant neuroaxon dystr, seitelberger disease, nbia pla2g6 related, inad1, neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 2a, nbia pla2g6-related, seitelbergers disease, neurodegeneration pla2g6-associated, dystrophy infantile neuroaxonal, spastic amaurotic axonal idiocy, nbia2a, inad, seitelbergers disease, disease seitelberger, pla2g6-related nbia, infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (disorder), infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy, infantil neuroaxonal dystrophy, plan",
+"rheumatiod factor negative, rheumatoid arthritis rf negative (diagnosis), rheumatoid factor negative (finding), factor negative rheumatiod, rheumatoid arthritis rf negative, rheumatoid factor negative, negative rheumatoid factor",
+"mitral valve insufficiency/regurgitation, mitral valve incompetency, insufficiency of mitral valve, mitral regurgitation (diagnosis), mi - mitral incompetence, mitral valve incompetence nos, mitral regurgitations, incompetence mitral, mitral valve insufficiency nos, mr, regurgitation mitral valve, incompetence;mitral, mitral regurgitation (mr), mitral regurgitation, mitral valve regurgitation nos, mitral valve insufficiency, mitral incompetence, mitral (valve) insufficiency, mitral regurgitation nos, mitral valve incompetence, valve regurgitation mitral, incompetence mitral valve, valve incompetence mitral, mrs, mitral valve regurgitation (disorder), insufficiency mitral valve, regurgitation mitral, mitral; insufficiency, mitral valve regurgitation, insufficiency mitral, mitral insufficiency, insufficiency; mitral, mr - mitral regurgitation, valve insufficiency mitral",
+"mitral valvuloplasty (procedure), mitral valvuloplasty, plastic repair mitral valv nos, mitral repair valve, plastic repair of mitral valve nos (procedure), plastic repair of mitral valve, repair of mitral valve (procedure), mitral valvoplasty, mvr - mitral valve repair, mitral valve repair, plastic repair of mitral valve nos, repair of mitral valve, plastic repair of mitral valve (procedure), mitral valve repair nos, mitral valve repair (treatment), valvuloplasty of mitral valve, of mitral valve repair, mvp - mitral valvoplasty",
+"insufficiencies, incompetence, insufficiency (finding), insufficiency",
+"spitting up, regurgitation - mechanism, regurgitates after swallowing (finding), regurgitations, spit up, regurgitation - mechanism (qualifier value), regurgitation (finding), regurgitation of gastric content (finding), regurgitation (symptom), regurgitates after swallowing, regurgitation of gastric content, regurgitation, spits up, regurgitates feed",
+"tricuspid valve insufficiency nos, incompetence;tricuspid, ti - tricuspid incompetence, tricuspid regurgitation nos, tricuspid valve regurgitation, tr - tricuspid regurgitation, tricuspid valve insufficiency, tricuspid valve incompetence, tricuspid (valve); insufficiency, tricuspid valve insufficiency/regurgitation, valve regurgitation tricuspid, tricuspid regurgitation (diagnosis), incompetence tricuspid valve, tricuspid regurgitation (disorder), tricuspid valve regurgitation nos, regurgitation tricuspid valve, tricuspid valve regurgitation, incompetence tricuspid, valve insufficiency tricuspid, insufficiency; tricuspid, insufficiency of tricuspid valve, regurgitation; tricuspid, tricuspid regurgitation, tricuspid valve incompetence nos, tricuspid valve regurgitation (disorder), tricuspid valve insufficiency, tricuspid incompetence, insufficiency tricuspid valve, valve incompetence tricuspid, tricuspid insufficiency, tricuspid (valve); regurgitation, incompetency; tricuspid, tricuspid (valve); incompetency, regurgitation tricuspid, tr",
+"tricuspid valve repair, cardiac tricuspid valve repair, repair of tricuspid valve, tricuspid valvuloplasty (treatment), tricuspid valvoplasty, tricuspid valvuloplasty (procedure), plastic repair of tricuspid valve nos (procedure), plastic repair of tricuspid valve (procedure), tvp - tricuspid valve plasty, plastic repair of tricuspid valve, plastic repair tricuspid valve, tricuspid valve repair valvuloplasty, valvuloplasty of tricuspid valve, plastic repair of tricuspid valve nos, repair of tricuspid valve (procedure), tricuspid valve repair (treatment), tricuspid valvuloplasty, valvuloplasty tricuspid valve, valvuloplasty of tricuspid valve nos, repair of tricuspid valve (procedure) [ambiguous], tvr - tricuspid valve repair, plast repair tricusp valve nos",
+"tricuspid valve disorders nos (disorder), tricuspid valve abnormal, tricuspid valve disease nos, tricuspid valve disorders nos, tricuspid valve disorders, tricuspid valve disorder nos, diseases of tricuspid valve, tricuspid valve disorder (disorder), tricuspid valve disorder (diagnosis), tricuspid valve disorder, tricuspid valve disease",
+"disease (or disorder); mycotic, fungus diseases, disease caused by fungus, infections fungus, fungus disease, fungus infection, mycotic; infection, infection fungal (mycotic), fungal disease, fungal infectious disease, infections fungal, fungus dis, infection fungal, mycoses: general terms, e-400 mycoses: general terms, mycoses (b35-b49), fungal infection nos, fungus infections, fungus infection nos, fungal infection nos, mycotic infection, mycoses nos (disorder), section e-4 mycoses, fungal infection (diagnosis), mycosis nos, disease caused by fungus nos, infection; mycotic, mycotic; disorder, fungal diseases, disease fungal, fungal infections, mycoses (disorder), infection fungus, diseases caused by fungi, [x]unspecified mycosis (disorder), diseases fungal, mycosis, mycosis (diagnosis), infection; fungus, mycosis (disorder), fungal infectious disease nos, infection fungal, [x]unspecified mycosis, disease fungus, fungus; disease, fungal (mycotic), mycoses nos, fungal infection, disease; fungus, infection mycotic, unspecified mycosis, fungal infectious disorders, diseases fungus, fungus; infection, mycotic disease, mycoses, infection;fungus",
+"vulvovaginal moniliasis, candida vulvovaginitis, candidiasis of vulva and vagina, vaginal candidiasis, candidal vulvovaginitis nos (disorder), candidiasis vulvovaginal, vulvovaginitis mycotic, candidal vulvovaginitis (diagnosis), moniliasis vulvovaginal, candidal vulvovaginitis, moniliasis vulvovaginal, thrush vulvovaginal, vulvovaginal candidiasis, candidal vulvovaginitis nos, vulvovaginal candida, candidal vulvovaginitis (disorder), candida albicans vulvovaginitis, candidiasis vulvovaginal, vulvovaginal thrush, candidiasis vagina vulva, vulvovaginitis candida, monilial vulvovaginitis",
+"candidiasis site nos, candidiasis, moniliases, candidal infection nos, candidiasis (disorder), candidosis, moniliasis nos, candidiasis nos, infection; monilia, candida infection, moniliasis, muguet, candidosis nos, monilia infection, monilial infection, candidiasis nos, candida infections, thrush, candidal infection, candida nos, monilia; infection, candidiasis of unspecified site, infection; candidal, candidiasis nos (disorder), moniliasis monilia, candidiasis unspecified, [x]candidiasis unspecified, moniliasis nos, candida; infection, candidiasis (diagnosis), monilia nos, infection by candida species, infection candida, candidiases, e-410 candidiasis, candidal infections, [x]candidiasis unspecified (disorder)",
+"ganglioneuroblastomas, ganglioneuroblastoma (diagnosis), ganglioneuroblastoma malignant, ganglioneuroblastoma, childhood ganglioneuroblastoma, ganglioneuroblastoma (disorder), ganglioneuroblastoma (morphologic abnormality)",
+"(r)-crizotinib, (r)-3-(1-(26-dichloro-3-fluorophenyl)ethoxy)-5-(1-(piperidin-4-yl)-1h-pyrazol-4-yl)pyridin-2-amine, 2-pyridinamine 3-[(1r)-1-(26-dichloro-3-fluorophenyl)ethoxy]-5-[1-(4-piperidinyl)-1h- pyrazol-4-yl], 2-pyridinamine 3-((1r)-1-(26-dichloro-3-fluorophenyl)ethoxy)-5-(1-(4-piperidinyl)-1h-pyrazol-4-yl)-, crizotinib, crizotinibum, crizotinib (substance), chemotherapeutics growth-signaling inhibitors crizotinib, 3-[(1r)-1-(26-dichloro-3-fluorophenyl)ethoxy]-5-[1-(piperidin-4-yl)-1h-pyrazol-4- yl)pyridin-2-amine, crizotinib product, crizotinib (product), product containing crizotinib (medicinal product), crizotinib (medication), product containing crizotinib, crizotinib-containing product",
+"m - metastasis stages, metastasis stages, m classification, m, m stage, m category, metastasis staging, m category (observable entity), stage m, metastasis stages (tumor staging)",
+"artificial sphincter, artificial urethral sphincters, urethral sphincter prosthesis system, sphincters artificial genitourinary, sphincter artificial urinary, prosthesis urethral sphincter, genitourinary sphincter artificial, artificial genitourinary sphincters, prostheses urethral sphincter, artificial genitourinary sphincter, sphincters artificial urinary, urinary sphincter artificial, artificial urinary sphincter, urethral sphincter prostheses, artificial urinary sphincters, genitourinary sphincters artificial, urethral sphincter prosthesis system (physical object), artificial urinary sphincter (physical object), urinary artificial sphincter, artificial sphincters, urinary sphincters artificial, aus - artificial urinary sphincter, aus - artific urinary sphinctr, sphincter artificial genitourinary",
+"ams, ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome, ablepharon macrostomia syndrome, ablepharon macrostomia syndrome (disorder)",
+"car, automobile device, automobile device (physical object), cars, automobiles, automobile",
+"cellular mosaicism (morphologic abnormality), chimerism, cellular mosaicism",
+"antigen e, e, little e ag, blood group antigen rh3, blood group antigen rh, blood group antigen e (rh), blood group antigen e, rh5 (isbt symbol), blood group antigen hr, blood group antigen hr, blood group antigen e (substance), aging e, e antigen, blood group antigen small e (hr), rh3 (isbt symbol), e ag, blood group antigen rh5, blood group antigen rh",
+"sodium bicarbonate-containing product, soda baking, natriumhydrogenkarbonat, sodium hydrogencarbonate, bicarbonate sodium, product containing sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate product, sodium acid carbonate, carbonic acid monosodium salt, vaginal preparations sodium bicarbonate vaginal, sodium bicarbonate (product), bicarb, sodium bicarbonate (substance), sodium bicarbonate (medication), bicarbonates sodium, sodabic, hydrogen carbonate sodium, nahco3, product containing sodium bicarbonate (medicinal product), bicarbs, sodium bicarbonate (obsolete), monosodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate (vaginal), sodium bicarbonate [antacid] (substance), sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium bicarbonate [antacid] (product), sodium bicarbonate, soda bic, sodium bicarbonate (vaginal) (medication), bicarbonate of soda, sodium bicarbonate [antacid], baking soda, sodio bicarbonato",
+"insertion (qualifier value), insertions, placements, inserted, insertion - action, insertion procedure, insert, insertion - action (qualifier value), clinical act of insertion, placement, insertion",
+"labor function, labor (childbirth), labor obstetric, labor function (observable entity), labor, labour, obstetric labor, labor (qualifier value), childbirth labor, birthing labor",
+"working function, working (qualifier value), working, toil, works, work, labor, working function (observable entity), worked",
+"mutation somatic, somatic mutations, somatic mutation abnormality, somatic mutation, somatic mutation (finding)",
+"methylmalonic acidemias, methylmalonic acidemia, methylmalonic aciduria, methylmalonic; acidemia, methylmalonic acidemia nos, isolated methylmalonic acidemia, methylmalonic acidaemia, methylmalonic acidemia (disorder), methylmalonic acidemia (diagnosis), acidemia; methylmalonic, acidemias methylmalonic, elevated circulating methylmalonic acid concentration, disorder; methylmalonic acidemia, methylmalonic acidemia; disorder, mma - methylmalonic aciduria, acidemia methylmalonic",
+"coa (chemical), coenzyme a aa, 3-phosphoadenosine-(5)diphospho(4)pantatheine, coenzyme a (coa), coa, coenzyme a, coenzyme a (substance)",
+"carboxylase (disposition), carboxylase",
+"carboxylase, substance with carboxylase mechanism of action, carboxylase (substance), substance with carboxylase mechanism of action (substance)",
+"atopic; neurodermatitis, atopic neurodermatitis (diagnosis), atopic dermatitis, eczema; allergic, eczema; allergy, atopic dermatitis nos, disseminated neurodermatitides, atopic dermatitis (disorder), eczema; atopic, dermatitis;allergic, endogenous eczema, allergic dermatitis (disorder), allergic dermatitis, dermatitides atopic, atopic neurodermatitides, allergy; dermatitis, eczema atopic, atopic eczema, atopic neurodermatitis, neurodermatitis; atopic, disseminated; neurodermatitis, allergy; eczema, canine atopy, dermatitis;atopic, neurodermatitides disseminated, besniers prurigo, atopic dermatitis unspecified, neurodermatitides atopic, neurodermatitis atopic, atopic neurodermatitis (disorder), neurodermatitis; disseminated, atopic eczematous dermatitis, allergic eczema, disseminated neurodermatitis, atopic; eczema, eczema;atopic, dermatitis atopic, atod, allergic (intrinsic) eczema (disorder), eczema atopic, atopic eczematous dermatitis (diagnosis), constitutional; eczema, ad - atopic dermatitis, eczema allergic, neurodermatitis disseminated, eczema; constitutional, dermatitis; allergic, allergic; dermatitis, atopic dermatitis nos (disorder), neurodermatitis atopic, atopic dermatitis nos, dermatitis allergic, eczema constitutional, constitutional eczema (disorder), constitutional eczema, allergic; eczema, atopic dermatitis chronic, eczema allergic, atopic dermatitides, dermatitis atopic, dermatitis; allergy",
+"glycoprotein syndrome carb defic, congenital disorder of glycosylation syndrome (diagnosis), cdg - carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, congenital disorder of glycosylation, syndrome carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein, congenital disorder of glycosylation syndrome, congenital disorders of glycosylation, glycoprotein syndrome carbohydrate-deficient, carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, carb defic glycoprotein syndrome, carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndromes, syndromes carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein, cdg-carbohyd-def glycprot synd, carbohydr-defic glycoprot synd, carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome (disorder), carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome, carbohydrate deficiency glycoprotein syndrome",
+"septicemia nos, infectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome, infection systemic, septicaemia (disorder), infection systemic, toxemia, (septicaemia nos) or (sepsis) (disorder), sepsis syndrome, infection in blood stream, septic; intoxication general, septicemia (diagnosis), bloodstream infection, unspecified septicemia, systemic infection nos, septicemia (disorder), (septicemia nos) or (sepsis), (septicaemia nos) or (sepsis), blood poisoning, septicemia, unspecified septicaemia, [x]septicaemia unspecified, sepsis (disorder), poisonings blood, generalized infection, septicemias, systemic infections, systemic infectious disease, pois blood, sepsis nos, bloodstream infections, [x]septicemia unspecified (disorder), septic; intoxication, septicaemia unspecified, generalized; infection, sepsis nos, septicemia nos, blood poisonings, poisoning blood, infection; generalized, septicaemia nos, [x]septicemia unspecified, blood pois, infectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome (disorder), septicemia unspecified, intoxication; septic general, blood poisoning nos, intoxication; septic, septicaemia nos, poisoning blood, sepsis, systemic sepsis, systemic infection, infection bloodstream, systemic infection (disorder), septicaemia, septicemia nos (disorder)",
+"malignant neuroglial tumor, [m]glioma malignant, glioma nos (except nasal glioma not neoplastic), malignant neuroglial neoplasm, [m]glioma nos, glioma malignant (morphologic abnormality), malignant glioma - category (morphologic abnormality), gliomas malignant, high grade glioma, glioma malignant no icd-o subtype, malignant glioma (morphologic abnormality), malignant glial neoplasm, malignant glioma, malignant gliomas, malignant glial tumor, glioma (except nasal glioma not neoplastic), glial tumours malignant, high-grade glioma, glial tumors malignant, malignant glioma - category, glioma malignant",
+"obesity childhood onset, pediatric obesity, childhood obesity bmi 95-100 percentile, obesity pediatric, child obesity, childhood obesity, obesity child, obesity childhood, childhood onset obesity, obesity in children, obesity in childhood, childhood obesity (diagnosis), childhood obesity (disorder)",
+"preserving (attribute), preserv, preserving",
+"cardiopulmonary exercise test, cardiopulmonary exercise testing including measurements of minute ventilation co2 production o2 uptake and electrocardiographic recordings, testing cardiopulmonary exercise, exercise tests cardiopulmonary, cardiopulm exercise testing, cardiopulmonary exercise tests, cardiopulmonary exercise test (procedure), tests cardiopulmonary exercise, cardiopulmonary exercise testing, exercise testing cardiopulmonary, exercise test cardiopulmonary, cpet, cpx, test cardiopulmonary exercise",
+"including, has part, includes, include, including (qualifier value), including (qualifier), included, inclusive",
+"erwinia nos, erwinia, erwinia species (organism), 155 erwinia, erwinia winslow et al. 1920 (approved lists 1980) emend. hauben et al. 1999, erwinia citreus, erwinia species, erwinia sp., genus erwinia (organism), genus erwinia, erwinia (organism)",
+"assault battery, battery (assault), battery (event), battery (finding), battery, battery [assault]",
+"erwinia, dickeya samson et al. 2005, genus dickeya (organism), genus dickeya, dickeya",
+"cerebellar childhood pnet, medulloblastoma, pnet infratentorial childhood, infratentorial pnet childhood, pediatric medulloblastoma, [m]medulloblastoma nos, brain tumor child: medulloblastoma, [m]medulloblastoma nos (morphologic abnormality), childhood medulloblastomas, pnet childhood infratentorial, infratentorial pediatric pnet, childhood infratentorial pnet, cns medulloblastoma, adult brain medulloblastoma, brain medulloblastoma, adults medulloblastoma, adult medulloblastomas, medulloblastomas childhood, neuroendocrine tumor medulloblastoma, intracranial neoplasm medulloblastoma, childhood infratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor, brain tumor medulloblastoma, cns tumor medulloblastoma adult, medulloblastoma of cerebellum (diagnosis), infratentorial pnet pediatric, mdb, medulloblastoma (disorder), adult brain tumor medulloblastoma, medulloblastoma nos, medulloblastoma of cerebellum, medulloblastoma brain tumor, primitive neuroectodermal tumor pediatric cerebellar, infratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor pediatric, medulloblastoma nos, medulloblastomas adult, cerebellar pediatric pnet, pnet pediatric cerebellar, infratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor childhood, primitive neuroectodermal tumor pediatric infratentorial, cerebellar primitive neuroectodermal tumor pediatric, primitive neuroectodermal tumor childhood cerebellar, cerebellar pnet childhood, medulloblastoma (morphologic abnormality), medulloblastoma malignant, central nervous system mass lesions cerebellum medulloblastoma, childhood medulloblastoma, medulloblastoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, pnet childhood cerebellar, medulloblastoma pediatric, medulloblastoma no icd-o subtype, cerebellar primitive neuroectodermal tumor childhood, adult cns tumor medulloblastoma, pnet cerebellar pediatric, adult medulloblastoma, cns tumor adult medulloblastoma, pnet cerebellar childhood, mdb - medulloblastoma, childhood cerebellar pnet, pnet pediatric infratentorial, medulloblastoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), childhood cerebellar primitive neuroectodermal tumor, pnet infratentorial pediatric, pediatric infratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor, pediatric cerebellar primitive neuroectodermal tumor, medulloblastoma (diagnosis), primitive neuroectodermal tumor childhood infratentorial, medulloblastoma adult, pediatric cerebellar pnet, cerebellar pnet pediatric, central nervous system tumor medulloblastoma adult, pediatric infratentorial pnet, brain medulloblastoma tumors, brain tumor adult medulloblastoma, medulloblastoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), medulloblastomas, medulloblastoma childhood, infratentorial childhood pnet",
+"neurocognitive disorders mild, mild cognitive disorder (finding), cognitive; disorder mild, mild cognitive impairments, disorders mild neurocognitive, mild cognitive impairment, mild neurocognitive disorder, mild neurocognitive disorders, disorder; mild cognitive, disorder; cognitive mild, mild cognitive disorder (diagnosis), impairments mild cognitive, cognitive impairment mild, cognitive impairment mild, impairment mild cognitive, mild cognitive impairment (diagnosis), disorder mild neurocognitive, neurocognitive disorder mild, mild cognitive disorder, cognitive disorder mild, mild cognitive disorder (disorder), cognitive impairments mild, mci, mild; cognitive impairment",
+"antiviral preparations (substance), agents antiviral, antiviral agent (substance), antiviral drug, antiviral drugs, antiviral agent [tc], substance with antiviral mechanism of action, drug antiviral, product containing antiviral (product), agent antiviral, antiviral, antiviral agent nos, antiviral preparations, antiviral agents (medication), 55b antiviral agents, antiviral agent (product), drugs antiviral, product containing antiviral, antiviral product, substance with antiviral mechanism of action (substance), medicinal product acting as antiviral agent (product), antiviral agent, antiviral preparations (product), medicinal product acting as antiviral (product), antiviral agents, antivirals, antiviral [apc], antiviral-containing product",
+"respiratory syncytial virus infection nos, infections respiratory syncytial virus, respiratory tract syncytial virus infection, respiratory syncytial virus infection, rsv infection, respiratory syncytial virus infections, respirat syncyt virus infect, respiratory syncytial virus infection nos, rsv infections, respiratory syncytial virus infect, respiratory syncytial virus infection (disorder), infection rsv, infect respiratory syncytial virus, respiratory syncytial virus infection (diagnosis), rsv - respiratory syncytial virus infection, rsv - resp syn vir infect",
+"structure of lateral cubital region, structure of lateral cubital region (body structure), lateral cubital region",
+"pain level (observable entity), pain level, levels pain, pain level (physical finding)",
+"sprains, sprain nos, sprain (diagnosis), sprain (morphologic abnormality), sprain, 134 sprains, sprain nos",
+"blinatumomab (medication), blinatumomab (substance), blinatumomab, blinatumomab-containing product, chemotherapeutics blinatumomab, product containing blinatumomab (medicinal product), product containing blinatumomab, anti-cd19 x anti-cd3 bispecific monoclonal antibody",
+"oral susp final, oral suspension (product), suspension oral (final dose form), oral suspension, oral susp, oral suspension final dosage form, oral suspension final, conventional release oral suspension (dose form), oral suspension dose form, suspension oral, oral suspension (qualifier value), conventional release oral suspension, oral suspension dosage form, oral suspension final dose form, oralsuspension, oral suspensions",
+"grade iii, g3, poorly differentiated (grade) (qualifier value), poorly differentiated (grade) [ambiguous], poorly differentiated, differentiated poorly, poorly differentiated (qualifier value)",
+"preoccipital gyrus, gyrus parietalis inferior, prelunate gyrus, gyrus angularis, ag, structure of angular gyrus, gyrus prelunate, angular gyrus, middle part of inferior parietal lobule, angularis gyrus, gyrus angulari, ang, angulari gyrus, structure of angular gyrus (body structure), gyrus angular",
+"belimumab-containing product, product containing belimumab, product containing belimumab (medicinal product), belimumab, biologicals belimumab, belimumab (substance), belimumab product, belimumab (medication), immunoglobulin g1 anti-(human cytokine baff) (human monoclonal lymphostat-b heavy chain) disulfide with human monoclonal lymphostat-b lambda-chain dimer, belimumab (product)",
+"pyruvate kinase activity, atp:pyruvate 2-o-phosphotransferase, pyruvate kinase (substance), pyruvate kinase (& test), ec, pyruvic kinase, pk - pyruvate kinase activity, phosphoenol transphosphorylase, pyk, pyruvate kinase (phosphorylating), pyruvate kinase, assay of pyruvate kinase, pyruvate phosphotransferase, pyruvate kinase measurement, kinase pyruvate, pyruvate kinase measurement nos, pyruvate kinase measurement (procedure), pyruvate kinase test, pk, pyruvate kinase (enzyme) level, phosphoenolpyruvate kinase, fluorokinase (phosphorylating), fluorokinase, pk - pyruvate kinase, pyruvate kinase test (procedure), measurement of pyruvate kinase, pyruvate kinase (& test) (procedure)",
+"tear, rupturing, rupture, ruptured, ruptures, rupture nos, rupture (morphologic abnormality), tearing, serious tear",
+"aneurysm of aorta nos, aortic aneurysm+no rupture nos, aneurysm; aorta, aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture nos, aortic aneurysm nos, aneurysms aortic, aortic aneurysm (diagnosis), aortic aneurysm, aortic aneurysms, aaa, aneurysm aortic, aortic aneurysm nos, aortic aneurysm of unspecified site without mention of rupture, taa, aortic aneurysm of unspecified site without mention of rupture, aneurysm;aortic, aortic aneurysm (disorder), aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture nos (disorder), aa - aortic aneurysm, aneurysm of aorta, aorta aneurysm, aortic aneurysm nos (disorder), aneurysm aortic",
+"aortic aneurysm+no rupture nos, aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture nos (disorder), aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture nos, aortic aneurysm nos, aortic aneurysm of unspecified site without mention of rupture, aortic aneurysm of unspecified site without mention of rupture, aortic aneurysm",
+"neuropathy - (nos), neuropathy (diagnosis), nerve disorders, neuropathy nos, neuropathy (disorder), neuropathy (nerve damage), neuropathy nos, disorders neuropathy, nerve disorders (diagnosis), nerve; disorder, neuropathies, neuropathy",
+"peripheral nerves, peripheral nerve structure (body structure), nerves peripheral, nerve peripheral, nerves peripheral, peripheral nerve structure, nerves (peripheral), peripheral nerve tree, peripheral nerve nos, peripheral nerve structures, a05-a07 peripheral nerve structures, peripheral nerve",
+"tissue specimen, tissue specimen (specimen), tissue sample",
+"promotion (action), promote, promotion (procedure), promotion, promoting, promotions",
+"mobilities, mobility (attribute), mobility, qualitative mobility, mobility - attribute",
+"n+ (tumor staging), n+, neck node tumour involvement, neck node tumor involvement",
+"human immunodeficiency virus, human immunodeficiency virus ii infection category b1, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) ii infection category b1 (disorder), human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) ii infection category b1, hiv ii infection category b1 (diagnosis), infectious disease - viral retrovirus infection hiv infection ii category b1, hiv ii infection category b1",
+"adenosine 5-(trihydrogen diphosphate) 2-(dihydrogen phosphate) p-5-ester with 3-(aminocarbonyl)-1-beta-d-ribofuranosylpyridinium inner salt, phosphate nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide, nadh phosphate, nucleotide triphosphopyridine, nadp, coenzyme a a 02, nad phosphate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (nadp), coenzyme ii, nadph, tpn, dinucleotide phosphate nicotinamide-adenine, nad(h) phosphate, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (substance), triphosphopyridine nucleotide",
+"hepatico-, hepar, hepatic, portal, portal (qualifier value)",
+"tarda, tarda (qualifier value)",
+"grafting pancreas, transplantations pancreas, transplantation pancreas nos, transpl pancreas, pancreatic transplantation (treatment), graftings pancreas, pancreas transplants, transplantation pancreas, pancreatic transplant, pancreas graftings, transplantation of pancreas (procedure), pancreas transplantations, transplantation of pancreas nos, transplantation pancreas, pancreat transplant nos, pancreas grafting, transplantation of pancreas nos, pancreatic transplant (procedure), transplant of pancreas, pancreas transplantation procedures, pancreas transplant, pancreatic transplantation, transplant pancreas, pancreatic transplant not otherwise specified, pancreas of transplantation, transplantation of pancreas, transplantation of pancreas nos (procedure), pancreas transpl, pancreas transplantation",
+"omental (qualifier value), omental, omentums, d46 omentum, omentum nos, omentum, omental fat, omento-",
+"abdominal skin pouch structure, brood pouch, abdominal skin pouch, abdominal skin pouch (body structure), abdominal skin pouch structure (body structure), pouch, marsupial pouch",
+"glucocorticoid hormones, glucocorticoid, glucocorticoid preparation (product), glucocorticoids hormone, glucocorticoids, glucocorticoid preparation, glucocorticoid (product), therapeutic glucocorticoid, glucocorticoid inhalants for obstructive airway disease, product containing glucocorticoid, glucocorticoid hormone, glucocorticoid product, glucocorticoids systemic, product containing glucocorticoid (product), glucocorticoid hormone (substance), glucocorticoid-containing product, glucocorticoid preparation (substance), glucocorticoid (substance)",
+"rndx fatigue (diagnosis), tired, fatigue symptom, frequency of fatigue, energy loss, [d]fatigue, tired out, fatigue intensity, symptom fatigue, fatigue ctcae 5.0, fatigued, fatigue (finding), fatiguing, fatigue - symptom (finding), fatigue ctcae_5, lack of energy (finding), fatigue, loss of energy, feeling of total lack of energy, tatt, lacking energy, fatigue (diagnosis), tiredness (finding), lacking in energy, tired time, fatigue - symptom, decreased energy, feel fatigue, fatigue item bank, fatigues, fatigue symptoms, fatigue distress, energy decreased, [d]tiredness, rndx fatigue, [d]tiredness (situation), lacking in energy (finding), tired all the time, fatigue extreme, decrease in energy, fatigue subordinate domain, lack (of);energy, tiredness, fatigue (lassitude), [d]fatigue (situation), i feel fatigued, time tired, fatigue nos, [d]fatigue (context-dependent category), extreme fatigue, feel fatigued, weariness, lack of energy, [d]tiredness (context-dependent category), fatigue (symptom)",
+"n1 category, n1 cancer stage finding, n1 lymph node finding, n1 regional lymph node stage finding, n1 node finding, n1 node stage, node stage n1, n1 stage (tumor staging), n1 stage finding, n1 regional lymph nodes finding, n1 stage (finding), lymph node stage n1, malig neoplasm tnm stage regional lymph node (n) n1, malig neoplasm tnm stage regional lymph node (n) n1 (diagnosis), n1, node stage n1 (tumor staging), n1 stage, n1 tnm finding, n1 lymph node stage, n1 category (finding)",
+"hepcidin, hepcidin (substance), hepcidins, antimicrobial peptide liver-expressed, peptide liver-expressed antimicrobial, liver expressed antimicrobial peptide, liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide",
+"pncrtect whipple w/o pancreatojejunostomy, pncrtect w/pancreatojejunostomy, pncrtect dstl nr-tot w/prsrv duo chld-typ px, pancreas excision (procedure), pncrtect prox stot w/o pancreatojejunostomy, pancreatectomy nos, pancreas: excision, pancreatectomies, excision of pancreas, pancreatectomy (procedure), pancreas: excisions, pancreatectomy, excision of the pancreas, pancreatectomy (treatment), pancreatectomy proximal subtotal with total duodenectomy partial gastrectomy choledochoenterostomy and gastrojejunostomy (whipple-type procedure); without pancreatojejunostomy, pancreatectomy proximal subtotal with near-total duodenectomy choledochoenterostomy and duodenojejunostomy (pylorus-sparing whipple-type procedure); with pancreatojejunostomy, pancreatectomy distal near-total with preservation of duodenum (child-type procedure), pancreas excision, excision procedures on the pancreas, pancreatectomy proximal subtotal with near-total duodenectomy choledochoenterostomy and duodenojejunostomy (pylorus-sparing whipple-type procedure); without pancreatojejunostomy, 1-5e3 pancreas: excisions",
+"ahg deficiency disease, hemophilias classic, hemophilia as congenital, hereditary factor viii deficiency disease (disorder), hemophilia a (disorder), haemophilia a nos, factor viii disorder congenital, hemophilia classic, hemophilia, ahg deficiency, congenital factor viii disorder, hemophilia as, cong factor viii diord, factor viii hemophilia, factor viii deficiency, classical; hemophilia, sex-linked factor viii deficiency disease, hema, sex-linked factor viii deficiency, hemophilia classical, hereditary factor viii deficiency, hemophilia a congenital, hemophilia; classical, hemophilia; a, hemophilia hereditary, haemophilia a (factor viii), hereditary factor viii deficiency disease, haemophilia, anti-hemophilic globulin; deficiency, classic hemophilia, functional factor viii deficiency, subhemophilia, congenital factor viii deficiency, hemophilia a (diagnosis), classical haemophilia, factor viii deficiency (hemophilia), congenital hemophilia as, hemophilia nos, hemophilia a (factor viii), classical hemophilia, congenital factor viii deficiency disease, hemophilia a, hemophilia familial, a; hemophilia, haemophilia a, deficiency; anti-hemophilic globulin, cong factor viii deficiency, congenital hemophilia a, antihemophilic globulin deficiency, antihemophilic factor a deficiency, classic hemophilias, hemophilia a nos",
+"cardiesophageal junction structure, gastresophageal junction, cardio-esophageal junction, junctions gastroesophageal, oesophagogastric junction, esophagogastric junction, junction gastroesophageal, cardioesophageal junction structure (body structure), cardio-oesophageal junction, gastroesophageal junction, gastro-esophageal junction, cardiesophageal junction, cardioesophageal junction structure, gastroesophageal junctions, gastro-oesophageal junction, junction esophagogastric, esophagogastric sphincter, cardioesophageal junction, gastrooesophageal junction, cardio-oesophageal junction structure",
+"carcinoma esophageal cancer, carcinoma of oesophagus (disorder), carcinoma;oesophagus, esophageal cancer, cancer of oesophagus, carcinoma oesophagus, cancer of esophagus, esophagus carcinoma, carcinoma of esophagus (disorder), carcinoma;esophagus, cancer of the esophagus, carcinoma esophageal, esophageal cancer nos, carcinoma of the esophagus, esophageal cancer carcinoma, esophagus carcinoma, carcinoma of oesophagus nos, esophageal carcinoma, oesophageal carcinoma nos, esca, carcinoma of esophagus nos, oesophageal carcinoma, carcinoma esophagus, carcinoma of oesophagus, carcinoma of the oesophagus, esophageal carcinoma nos, carcinoma of esophagus (diagnosis), carcinoma of esophagus",
+"lung squamous cell carcinoma stage unspecified, cancer cell lungs squamous, epidermoid carcinoma of lung, cancers cell lung squamous, squamous cell carcinoma of lung (disorder), squamous cell lung carcinoma, epidermoid cell carcinoma of the lung, carcinoma cell lung squamous, lung cancer epidermoid, non-oat cell lung cancer squamous cell, epidermoid cell lung carcinoma, epidermoid cell carcinoma of lung, squamous cell carcinoma of lung stage unspecified, squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, epidermoid lung cancer, cancer cell lung squamous, lscc, lung squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cell cancer lung, lusc, squamous cell carcinoma of lung, scc-squam cell carcinoma lung, squamous cell carcinoma of lung (diagnosis), carcinoma cell lungs squamous, squamous cell carcinoma lung, cancer cells lung squamous, scc - squamous cell carcinoma of lung, squamous cell lung cancer, lung cancer squamous cell, lung cancer squamous cell",
+"juniperus communis whole, juniperus nos, communi juniperus, juniperus communis (organism), common juniper, juniper common, juniperus (organism), common junipers, juniperus l., juniperus, juniperus communis l., juniperus communis, juniperus communi, juniper, junipers common",
+"alternating current, alternating current (physical force), ac - alternating current",
+"ar protein human, polymorphic x-linked androgen receptor human, kennedy disease protein human, nr3c4, androgen receptors, testicular feminization protein human, dihydrotestosterone receptors, ar, receptors androgens, receptors androgen, 5 alpha dihydrotestosterone receptor, receptors dihydrotestosterone, spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy protein human, receptors stanolone, recept androgen, nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group c member 4, stanolone receptors, androgens receptors, testosterone receptors, receptor testosterone, alpha-dihydrotestosterone receptor 5, dhtr, dihydrotestosterone receptor, androgen receptor (substance), ar (androgen receptor (dihydrotestosterone receptor; testicular feminization; spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy; kennedy disease)) protein human, dihydrotestosterone receptor human, humara protein human, receptor stanolone, dhtr protein human, androgen receptor human, androgen receptor site, receptor androgen, testosterone receptor, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone receptor, androgen receptor, receptor 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, androgen recept, recept androgens, stanolone receptor",
+"gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist (substance), gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist, gonadotropin releasing hormone inhibitor, gonadotrophin releasing hormone receptor antagonist product, gonadotrophin releasing hormone antagonist, product containing gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist (product), substance with gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist mechanism of action (substance), gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist (product), product containing gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist, gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonists (gnrh-an), gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonists (gnrh-an) (medication), gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist, gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist-containing product, gnrh antagonist, gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist product, substance with gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist mechanism of action",
+"presenile dementia uncomplicated, presenile; dementia, presenile dementia nos (disorder), presenile psychosis, pre-senile dementia, presenile psychosis nos, [x] presenile psychosis nos, [x] presenile dementia nos, presenile dementia, uncomplicated presenile dementia, uncomplicated presenile dementia (diagnosis), dementia presenile, uncomplicated presenile dementia (disorder), presenile dementia nos, psychosis;presenile, pre senile dementia, dementia (presenile), psychosis; presenile, presenile dementia (disorder), presenile dementia - uncomplic, presenile organic psychotic conditions, presenile dementia (diagnosis), presenile; psychosis, dementia, [x]presenile psychosis nos, dementia; presenile, presenile dementia nos, presenile dementia; uncomplicated, dementia presenile",
+"affect, affect function, affect function, affect (function), affects, affect function (observable entity), affect nos, emotional affect, affect function (observable entity), affect (mental function)",
+"scares, fear [dup] (finding), fear (finding), frightened, rndx fear (diagnosis), feeling;frightened, fear (specify), scaring, scare, fear (mental process), fearful, fearing, symptoms fear, afraid, scared, fear, scare scared, focused anxiety, fear of, frightening, fear symptoms, fear focus, fright, rndx fear, fears, fear (symptom), fearfulness",
+"does mobilize (finding), mobilises, does mobilise, mobilizes, mobilized, does mobilize, mobilize",
+"disorder of pulmonary circulation, diseases of pulmonary circulation, disease of pulmonary circulation nos, disorder of pulmon circul, pulmon circulat dis nos, pulmonary circulation diseases, disease of pulmonary circulation, disorders of pulmonary circulation, disease;circulation;pulmonary, pulmonary circulation disease nos, circulation diseases pulmonary, disease of pulmonary circulation (disorder), pulmonary circulation disorder, unspecified disease of pulmonary circulation, diseases of the pulmonary circulation, disorders of pulmonary circulation (diagnosis), pulmonary circulation dis. nos, section 3-4 diseases of the pulmonary circulation, pulmonary circulatory disease, disorder of pulmonary circulation (disorder), pulmonary circulation disease nos (disorder), disease of pulmonary vessels unspecified",
+"4-aminobutyric acid, aminalon, γ-aminobutanoic acid, gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba), 4abu, 4 aminobutyric acid, γ-aminobuttersäure, gamma-aminobutyric acid (substance), butanoic acid 4-amino-, aminalone, piperidic acid, 4-aminobutanoic acid, gaba - gamma-aminobutyric acid, gamma-aminobutyric acid, ω-aminobutyric acid, .gamma.-aminobutyric acid, γ-aminobutyric acid, γ-amino-n-butyric acid, gaba, aminobutyric acid 04, piperidinic acid, gamma aminobutyric acid, 4 aminobutanoic acid",
+"glucose level, sugar test, glucose measurement nos, glucose, glucose measurement (procedure), sugar level test, glucose measurement, gluc, glucose measurements, test;glucose, glucose test, glucose level test",
+"filters blood vena cava, filters greenfield, inferior vena cava filters, filter vena cava inferior, cava filter vena, filter vena cava, filter inferior vena cava, vena cava filter (physical object), vena cava filter, cava filter vena, cava filters vena, filters vena cava, greenfield filters, filter intravascular cardiovascular, inferior vena cava filter, vena cava filters, filters inferior vena cava",
+"filter - medical device, filter device, filter, filter device, filters, filter device (physical object)",
+"subarachnoid haemorrhage nos, sah - subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningeal subarachnoid hemorrhage, subarachnoid bleeding, subarachnoid hemorrhage, haemorrhage subarachnoid, subarachnoid haemorrhage (disorder), subarachnoid hemorrhages, subarachnoid intracranial hemorrhage, hemorrhage subarachnoid, subarachnoid haemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage nos (disorder), subarachnoid hemorrhage (disorder), subarachnoid intracranial haemorrhage, sah (subarachnoid hemorrhage), sah - subarachnoid haemorrhage, hemorrhage subarachnoid, haemorrhage;subarachnoid, subarachnoid hemorrhage unspecified, subarachnoid intracranial hemorrhage (disorder), sahs (subarachnoid hemorrhage), meningeal subarachnoid hemorrhage (diagnosis), hemorrhages subarachnoid, subarachnoid hemorrhage (diagnosis), subarachnoid hemorrhage nos, subarachnoid haemorrhage unspecified, hemorrhage;subarachnoid, hemorrhage; subarachnoid",
+"spinal catheter, spinal catheters, subdural catheter, catheters spinal, spinal catheter (physical object), subdural catheter (physical object)",
+"x-corpor, extracorporeal circulation route of drug administration, extracorporeal (qualifier value), extracorporealcirculationroute, extracorporeal use, extracorporeal, extracorporeal circulation route of administration",
+"social fear (finding), anxiety social, anxiety social, social anxiety, social anxieties, social fear, anxieties social",
+"syndromes neonatal withdrawal, abstinence syndromes neonatal, neonatal drug withdrawal syndrome, newborn drug withdrawal syndr., nas, newborn drug withdrawal syndrome, neonatal substance withdrawals, neonatal abstinence syndromes, neonatal substance withdrawal, withdrawal syndrome neonatal, abstinence neonatal syndrome, neonatal aod abstinence syndrome, neonatal abstinence syndrome, nb drug withdrawal syndr, withdrawal syndrome neonatal, substance withdrawals neonatal, neonatal drug withdrawal syndrome (diagnosis), syndrome; withdrawal drug infant of dependent mother, neonatal withdrawal syndromes, abstinence syndrome neonatal, neonatal alcohol or other drugs abstinence syndrome, substance withdrawal neonatal, withdrawal neonatal substance, withdrawal syndromes neonatal, syndrome neonatal withdrawal, neonatal withdrawal syndrome, syndrome neonatal abstinence, syndromes neonatal abstinence, neonatal abstinence syndrome (disorder), drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn, withdrawal; syndrome drug infant of dependent mother, neonatal narcotic withdrawal syndrome, drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn (disorder), drug withdrawal syndrome neonatal",
+"gastrectomy nos, gastrectomy (treatment), excision of stomach structure (procedure), gastrectomy nos, excision of stomach structure, gastrectomies, gastric resection, gastrectomy (procedure), gastrectomy",
+"vertical, vertical (qualifier value)",
+"early stage, early stages, early stage (qualifier value)",
+"instill (administration method), instill",
+"water therapy, water specimen, dihydrogen oxide, watering, waters, water sampling, product containing water (medicinal product), therapeutic bath, hydrotherapy nos (procedure), hydrotherapy (treatment), water-containing product, water product, bath therapeutic, water sample, h2o - water, hydrotherapy nos, product containing water, water - specimen source codes, sample water, hydrotherapy (procedure), water specimen (specimen), hydrotherapy (regime/therapy), hydrogen oxide, water product (product), therapeutic bath nos, hydrother, hydrotherapies, water, hydrotherapy nos (regime/therapy), agua, hydrotherapy nos, water product (substance), water (substance), hydrotherapy",
+"respiratory distress syndrome acute, ards human, respiratory distress acute, acute respiratory distress syndrome, human ards, acute respiratory distress (disorder), acute respiratory distress syndrome (diagnosis), difficulty breathing (dyspnea) acute respiratory distress, acute respiratory distress (finding), acute respiratory distress (symptom), acute respiratory distress, acute distress respiratory",
+"thyroid hormone (disposition), thyroid hormone",
+"damp, humid, wet, wetting, wet (qualifier value), damping, moist",
+"lysosomal a-14-gluc def-adult, alpha-14-glucosidase acid deficiency late onset, lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency - adult onset, lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency - adult onset (disorder), glycogen storage disease type ii late onset, glycogen storage disease due to acid maltase deficiency late-onset, pompe disease late onset, glycogenosis type ii late onset, glycogen storage disease type ii late onset (disorder)",
+"intravenous infusion (qualifier value), intravenous infusion, infusion intravenous, intravenous infusion (product), intravenous infusion (treatment), iv solution, parenteral administration by intravenous infusion, parenteral administration route intravenous infusion",
+"late-stage cancer, late stage (qualifier value), late stage, late staged, late stages, late (modifier) (qualifier value), later, late, late-stage, late (modifier) [ambiguous], advanced stage, late (qualifier value), tardy",
+"storage disease (disorder), storage disease of lung, storage disease, storage disease nos, thesaurosis, thesaurosis (diagnosis), diseases storage",
+"actclassstorage, stored, storage (procedure), storage area (qualifier value), storage, store, storage area, storing",
+"antibody response, test;antibody, antibody testing, antibody study, antibody test, antibody studies, antibodies tests, antibody tests, antibody studies (procedure), antibodies test, antibody response (lab test)",
+"antibody neutralizing, neutralizing antibody, neutralizing antibodies, antibody neutralizing, neutralising antibody, antibodies neutralizing, neutralizing antibody (substance)",
+"disorder of lymphatics nos, lymphangiopathy nos, diseases of lymph node or lymph vessels, section c-7 diseases of the lymphoid tissues, lymphatic disorders, disorders of lymph node and lymphatics, lymphangiopathies, disorder of lymphatic system, disease lymphatic, diseases of the lymphoid tissues, lymphatic disorder, disorder of lymphoid system, lymphangiopathy, lymphatic disease, lymphatic diseases, lymphatic system disorder, disorder of lymphatic system (diagnosis), disease of lymphoid system (disorder), disorder of lymphatic system (disorder), disord of lymph node+lymphat, disorder of lymphatics, disorders of lymph node and lymphatics (disorder), disorders lymphatic system, disease (or disorder); lymphatic, disorder of lymphoid system (disorder), lymphangiopathy nos, lymphatics--diseases, diseases lymphatic, disease of lymphoid system, lymphatic dis",
+"chemotherapeutics regimen cycle, chemotherapy cycle (procedure), cycle chemotherapy, chemotherapy cycle, chemotherapy cycle (regime/therapy), chemotherapeutics regimen cycle (treatment), chemotherapy cycles",
+"oxytocin preparation (product), 3-isoleucine-8-leucine vasopressin, oxytocin, oxytocin preparation (substance), oxytocin product, oxytocin (medication), oxytocin preparation, oxt, cys-tyr-ile-gln-asn-cys-pro-leu-gly-nh2 cyclic 1-6 disulfide, oxytocin measurement, cyiqncplg-nh2, oxytocin measurement (procedure), vasporessin 3-isoleucine-8-leucine, 1-({(4r7s10s13s16s19r)-19-amino-7-(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)-10-(3-amino-3-oxopropyl)-16-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-13-[(1s)-1-methylpropyl]-69121518-pentaoxo-12-dithia-58111417-pentaazacycloicosan-4-yl}carbonyl)-l-prolyl-l-leucylglycinamide, cys-tyr-ile-gln-asn-cys-pro-leu-gly-nh2, oxytocin human, product containing oxytocin (medicinal product), product containing oxytocin, oxitocina, oxytoxin, recombinant oxytocin, ocytocin, oxytocin-containing product, oxytocics oxytocin, oxytocin (substance)",
+"body composition testing, body composition, body composition (observable entity), compositions body, composition body, body compositions",
+"infants premature, baby born premature, premature baby, infants preterm, prematurity nos, immature;infant, preterm infant (diagnosis), premature infants, premature infant human, immature baby, preterm infant human, prematurity, preterm baby, preemies, preterm infant (disorder), premature babies, infant premature, infant; premature, preterm infant, prematurity of infant, preterm infants, immature infant, infant preterm, infant preterm, premature infant, premature infant (finding), baby premature, infant premature, premature;infant, prematurity of infant (disorder), premature; infant, infants (premature)",
+"cardiac procedures, procedure on heart (procedure), card.proc, procedure on heart, cardiac procedure, heart procedure, heart procedures",
+"pediatric care (regime/therapy), paediatric care, pediatric care",
+"blood - urine - symptom, blood in urine, haematuria, hematuria syndrome (disorder), hematuria, blood in urine - hematuria, blood in urine (& symptom) (finding), haematuria (disorder), syndrome hematuria, blood in urine (symptom), blood in urine - haematuria, unspecified hematuria, haematuria [ambiguous], hematuria nos (finding), urine - blood - symptom, blood in urine - hematuria (disorder), blood in urine (& symptom), hematuria syndrome, haematuria syndrome, hematuria urine blood, hematuria nos, blood in urine (finding), haematuria nos, hematuria ctcae, blood in urine - hematuria (& [symptom]), blood urine, hematurias, blood in urine - haematuria (& [symptom]), hematuria (diagnosis), hematuria unspecified, blood; urinary, blood (in);urine, blood in urine - haematuria (& [symptom]) (finding), urine blood, hematuria syndrome nos, blood hematuria urine, hematuria - symptom, haematuria nos (disorder), unspecified haematuria, blood in urine - symptom, blood in the urine, haematuria - symptom",
+"decision taking, making decisions, making up mind, decision making (observable entity), decisionmaking, decision making behaviour, decision making, decision-making, decision making behavior",
+"in remission (qualifier value), in remission, in remission nos, disease in remission, remission (disorders), inactive disease, remission, remission phase (qualifier value), dormant disease, remission phase, remissions, disease remission, disease activity following therapy inactive",
+"blast cell (body structure), blast, blast cell, blast cell (cell), ferrata cell, hemocytoblast, hematopoietic blast cell, hematohistioblast, haemocytoblast, blasts, hemohistioblast, polyblast, blast cells, haemohistioblast, haematohistioblast",
+"transformation function, transformation nos, transformation (function), transformations, transformation function (observable entity), transformation",
+"g csf recombinant human methionyl, filgrastrim, g-csf - recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, r-methug-csf, r methug csf, g-csf - recombinant human granulocyte-colony, recombinant-methionyl human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, filgrastim (e. coli), recombinant methionyl human granulocyte colony stimulating factor, rg-csf, g-csf - recombinant human, g-csf recombinant human methionyl, filgrastim-containing product, product containing filgrastim (medicinal product), product containing filgrastim, filgrastim, filgrastim (medication), g-csf, filgrastim product, filgrastim (substance), filgrastim (product)",
+"pathologic, pathologic (qualifier value), pathological",
+"hearing impairments, hearing decreased, hearing impairment, loss hearing, hearing losses, hearing loss (diagnosis), hearing defect(s), loss of hearing (symptom), loss of hearing, hearing loss (finding), hearing; defect, hard of hearing, hi - hearing impairment, hearing; loss, hypoacuses, hl - hearing loss, hypoacusis, hearing loss (disorder), hoh - hard of hearing, decreased hearing (finding), difficulty hearing, unspecified hearing loss, hearing defect, defect; hearing, hypacusis, hearing deficit, hearing deficits, hearing loss, hearing impaired, loss (of);hearing, impaired hearing, decreased hearing, hearing reduced, hearing loss nos, loss; hearing, hearing loss nos, person disability type - hearing impaired, impairment;hearing, hearing loss unspecified",
+"syrup, syrups, syrup (substance), syrup - food",
+"t-cell ag, t lymphocyte antigen, t lymphocyte antigen (substance), t-cell antigen",
+"extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (morphologic abnormality), mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, lymphoma mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, mucosa-associated lymphoma (diagnosis), extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, lymphoma malt, marginal zone lymphoma, nodal marginal zone lymphoma, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (malt-lymphoma), lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (malt-lymphoma) (disorder), marginal zone b-cell lymphoma, malt, mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (malt) lymphoma, maltomas, mucosa-associated lymphoma, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [malt-lymphoma], immunocytoma, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, lymphoid tissue mucosa-associated, malt-lymphoma, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma mucosa-associated, marginal zone b cell lymphoma, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (diagnosis), lymphomas malt, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue extranodal, lymphoma mucosa assoc lymphoid tissue, malt lymphoma, lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of reticuloendothelial system (diagnosis), mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, malt lymphomas, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, mucosa-associated lymphoma (disorder), extrnod mrgnl zn b-cell lymph of mucosa-assoc lymphoid tiss, lymphoma mucosa associated lymphoid tissue, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of reticuloendothelial system, maltoma, mucosa assoc lymphoid tissue lymphoma, lymphoma malt, lymphoma b-cell marginal zone, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (disorder)",
+"idiopathic myelofibrosis (chronic), primary myelofibroses, myelosis nonleukemic, nonleukemic myelosis, bone marrow fibroses, myeloscleros + myeloid metapl, myeloid metaplasias, primary myelofibrosis, myelosis non-leukaemic, [m]myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia, chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, myeloses nonleukemic, metaplasias myeloid, fibrosis bone marrow, myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (diagnosis), myelofibrosis primary, myeloid metaplasia agnogenic, metaplasias agnogenic myeloid, myelosclerosis, myelosis non-leukemic, myeloid metaplasia, myelofi w myelo metaplas, myeloid metaplasia , bone marrow fibrosis, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia -retired-, myeloid metaplasias agnogenic, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (morphologic abnormality), myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (disorder), myeloid metaplasia; myelosclerosis, myelofibrosis idiopathic, myelofibroses, myelofibroses primary, agnogenic myeloid metaplasias, mos, aleukemic myelosis, aleukemic; myelosis, nonleukemic; myelosis, myeloscleros.+myeloid metap, idiopathic myelofibrosis, myelosclerosis; with myeloid metaplasia, myelosis; nonleukemic, amm, primary myelofibrosis (diagnosis), myelofibrosis as a result of myeloproliferative disease, [m]myeloscleros.+myeloid metap, metaplasia agnogenic myeloid, myelofibrosis primary, myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia, myeloid metaplasia agnogenic, nonleukemic myeloses, myelosis aleukemic, myelosis nonleukemic, idiopathic bone marrow fibrosis, myeloid metaplasia primary myelofibrosis, myelosis; aleukemic, agnogenic myeloid metaplasia, cimf, metaplasia myelofibrosis myeloid, metaplasia myeloid, megakaryocytic myelosclerosis, fibroses bone marrow, myelofibrosis, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (diagnosis), idiopathic myelofibrosis (diagnosis), myelofibrosis and myeloid metaplasia, myeloscleroses, myelofibrosis/sclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (mmm)",
+"leukemia; undifferentiated, leukaemia undifferentiated, undifferentiated leukaemia, leukemia stem cell, leukaemia stem cell, leukemia; stem cell, leukemia undifferentiated, stem cell leukemia, undifferentiated leukemia, stem cell leukaemia, leukemia undifferentiated cell, undifferentiated; leukemia, stem cell; leukemia, leukemia stem cell",
+"cells cytotoxic, natural killer cell, killer cells, cells natural killer, killer cell, nk-cell (body structure), nk cell, k-cell, nk (natural killer) cell, cells k, natural killer cell (cell), cytotoxic cell, k cell, k cells, nk-lgl, natural killer cells, killer cells natural, killer cell natural, k lymphocyte (cell), k-cell (cell), cell natural killer, cells natural killer, k-cell (body structure), cell nk, nk, natural killer (nk)-cell, nk-cell, nk cells, cells nk, k lymphocyte, nk-cell (cell), natural killer (nk)-cell (cell)",
+"[m]primitive neuroectodermal tumor, primitive neuroectodermal tumor (disorder), primitive neuroepithelial neoplasms, [m]neuroepithelioma nos, pnet nos, tumors primitive neuroectodermal, tumors primitive neuroepithelial, pnet - primitive neuroectodermal tumour, primitive neuroectodermal tumor (morphologic abnormality), primitive neuroepithelial tumors, [m]primit neuroectodermal tumr, neuroepithelioma (morphologic abnormality), primitive neuroectodermal tumour (disorder), primitive; neuroectodermal tumor unspecified site, neuroepithelial neopl primitive, neuroendocrine tumor primitive neuroectodermal, pnets, [m] primitive neuroectodermal tumor, neuroepithelioma, neuroectodermal neoplasm, tumor; neuroectodermal primitive unspecified site, [m]primitive neuroectodermal tumour, neuroectodermal tumor primitive, neoplasms primitive neuroepithelial, [m] primitive neuroectodermal tumour, primitive neuroectodermal tumor (diagnosis), neuroepithelial neoplasm primitive, neopl primitive neuroepithelial, [m]neuroepithelioma nos (morphologic abnormality), pnet - primit neuroect tumour, neuroectodermal; tumor primitive unspecified site, neuroepithelioma (diagnosis), pnet - primitive neuroectodermal tumor, neuroectodermal tumors primitive, neuroectodermal tumor, primitive neuroectodermal tumors, primitive neuroepithelial tumor, primitive neuroectodermal neoplasm, primitive neuroepithelial neoplasm, primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pnet), pnet - primit neuroect tumor, primit neuroectodermal tumr, primitive neuroepithelial neopl, tumor primitive neuroepithelial, neuroepithelioma nos, neuroepithelioma nos, pnet, neuroepithelial tumor primitive, primitive neuroectodermal tum, tumor primitive neuroectodermal, neuroepithelial neoplasms primitive, neuroepithelial tumors primitive, primitive neuroectodermal tumor, primitive neuroectodermal tumor nos, neoplasm primitive neuroepithelial, primitive neuroectodermal tumour, neuroectodermal primitive tumors",
+"central nervous tissue (body structure), central nervous tissue",
+"germ cell cancer nos, malignant tumor of germ cell, malignant germ cell tumor, malignant germ cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality), malignant tumor of the germ cell, malignant neoplasm of the germ cell, malignant neoplasm of germ cell, malignant germ cell neoplasm",
+"stage iii adult hodgkins disease, adult hd stage iii, pediatric hodgkins disease stage iii, pediatric hodgkins disease stage iii, adult hodgkins lymphoma stage iii, hodgkins disease stage iii, hodgkins disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites, hodgkins disease unspecified type involving lymph nodes of multiple sites, childhood hd stage iii, hodgkins lymphoma stage iii, stage iii hodgkins disease childhood, stage iii pediatric hodgkins disease, hodgkins disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder), hodgkins dis nos mult, stage iii pediatric hodgkins lymphoma, stage iii childhood hodgkins disease, pediatric hd stage iii, hodgkins lymphoma stage iii adult, hodgkins disease nos of lymph nodes of multiple sites, ann arbor stage iii childhood hodgkin lymphoma, stage iii hodgkins disease, adult hodgkins disease stage iii, stage iii hodgkin lymphoma, hodgkins disease stage iii childhood, childhood hodgkins lymphoma stage iii, ann arbor stage iii adult hodgkin lymphoma, hodgkins disease nos of lymph nodes of multiple sites (disorder), lymphoma stage iii childhood hodgkins, stage iii adult hodgkin lymphoma, hodgkins lymphoma stage iii childhood, childhood hodgkins disease stage iii, stage iii childhood hd, childhood hodgkins lymphoma stage iii, lymphoma stage iii adult hodgkins, stage iii childhood hodgkin lymphoma, stage iii adult hodgkins lymphoma, hd adult stage iii, hd childhood stage iii, stage iii hodgkins lymphoma, stage iii adult hd, hodgkins disease nos of lymph nodes of multiple sites, hodgkins disease stage iii adult, ann arbor stage iii hodgkin lymphoma, hodgkin disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites, adult hodgkins disease stage iii, hd stage iii childhood, hodgkins disease nos stage iii, stage iii childhood hodgkins lymphoma, pediatric hodgkins lymphoma stage iii, hd stage iii adult, hodgkins dis.nos-multip.sites, hodgkins disease unspecified type lymph nodes of multiple sites",
+"aav2, adeno-associated virus 2 (organism), adeno-associated virus 2, human adeno-satellite virus type 2, adeno-associated virus type 2 (organism), adeno-associated virus-2, adeno-associated virus type 2",
+"worse/declining, worse (modifier) (qualifier value), observation interpretation - worse, worsens, worsened, deteriorate, deterioration of status (qualifier value), deteriorating, worsening, deterioration of status, worse, worsen, worse (qualifier value), worse (modifier) [ambiguous], deteriorates, deteriorated",
+"cetuximab (medication), cetuximab product, cetuximab-containing product, cetuximab, cetuximab (substance), product containing cetuximab, cétuximab, cetuximab (product), cetuximabum, product containing cetuximab (medicinal product)",
+"head neck cancer squamous cell, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma nos, head and neck squamous cell carcinomas, carcinoma squamous cell of head and neck, squamous cell carcinoma head and neck, squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (disorder), scchn, carcinoma cell head neck squamous, squamous cell cancer head and neck, squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck, hnscc, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, carcinomas cell head neck squamous",
+"mps iii, sanfilippo syndrome type a, mucopolysaccharidosis type iiia, sanfilippo syndrome type a, mucopolysaccharidosis type iii-a (diagnosis), mps iii-a, sanfilippo a syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis type 3 a, heparan sulphamidase deficiency, mps iiia, mucopolysaccharidosis type iiia (disorder), mucopolysaccharidosis type 3 a sanfilippo syndrome, sanfilippo a, mps iii-a - mucopolysaccharidosis iii-a, mpsiiia - mucopolysaccharidosis type iiia, mps 3 a, mucopolysaccharidosis type iiia, mucopolysaccharidosis type iiias, deficiency sulfamidase, heparan sulfate sulfatase deficiency, mps iii a, n-sulfoglucosamine sulfohydrolase deficiency, heparan sulphamidase deficienc, heparan sulphat sulfatase def, mp iii, mucopolysaccharidosis iii-a, mps3a, sulfamidase deficiency, mpsiiia - mucopolysacchsis 3a, heparan-n-sulphatase deficien, heparan-n-sulphatase deficiency, sanfilippo syndrome a, deficiencies sulfamidase, mps iii-a-mucopolysachrd iii-a, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-iii-a (disorder), mucopolysaccharidosis mps-iii-a, heparan-n-sulfatase deficien, mucopolysaccharidosis typ iiia, heparan sulfamidase deficiency, heparan sulfamidase deficienc, heparan-n-sulfatase deficiency, type a sanfilippo syndrome, sulfamidase deficiencies, heparan sulphat sulphatase def, heparan sulphate sulphatase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type iii-a, n-sulphoglucosamine sulphohydrolase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis iii-a (disorder)",
+"dna complementary, complementary deoxyribonucleic acid, complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (substance), complementary dna, copies dna, copy dna, complementary dna (substance), cdna, complementary dna (cdna)",
+"intracerebralroute, intracerebral, intracerebral route of administration, intracerebral (qualifier value), i-cere, intracerebral use, intracerebral route (qualifier value), intracerebral route, intracerebral route of drug administration",
+"carries, carry, carried, does carry, does carry (finding)",
+"lysine measurement (procedure), lys, lysine test, lysine measurement nos, lysine measurement, lysine",
+"spinal laminectomy nos, laminectomy spinal, spinal decompression, decompression laminectomy, vertebra laminectomy, spinal laminectomy, ortho-spine: laminectomy, laminectomy (procedure), decompression surgery, laminectomy, laminectomy procedure, laminectomies, neurological surgery laminectomy, excision of lamina of vertebra, laminectomy nos, neurological surgery laminectomy (treatment), excision of lamina of vertebra (procedure), surgical removal of a part of the vertebra",
+"screw (physical object), bone screw device, bone screw, screw bone, bone screws, bones screw, screws bone, screw device, bone screw device (physical object), bones screws, screws, screw fixation bone, screw",
+"instrumentation, instrument device (physical object), instrument, clinical instruments, instrument - device, instrument device, clinical instrument, instuments, instrument nos",
+"spondylolisthesis, slipped backbone, congenital spondylolisthesis (diagnosis), spondylolisthesis nos, spondylolisthesis (disorder) [ambiguous], acquired spondylolisthesis (disorder), acq spondylolisthesis, spondylolisthesis (disorder), spondylisthesis, spondylolisthesis site unspecified, displacement of one backbone compared to another, spondylolithesis, congenital; spondylolisthesis, acquired spondylolisthesis, spl - spondylolisthesis, spondylolistheses, spondylolisthesis (diagnosis), spondylistheses, spondylolisthesis nos, acquired spondylolisthesis nos, spondylolisthesis acquired, spondylolisthesis; congenital, spondylolisthesis congenital, congenital spondylolisthesis (disorder), congenital spondylolisthesis",
+"spondylolisthesis, congenital spondylolisthesis (diagnosis), congenital; spondylolisthesis, spondylolisthesis; congenital, spondylolisthesis congenital, congenital spondylolisthesis (disorder), congenital spondylolisthesis",
+"spasm habit, behavioural tic, habit tic disorder, spasm/tic, habituation spasm, spasms habit, habit; spasm, tic behavioral, spasm habituation, habituation spasms, tics (physical finding), tic; habitual, habit; tic, habitual; spasm, habit spasm, habit tic disorder (diagnosis), tic, habit spasms, spasm; tic, disorder; habit, habit chorea, tic; habit, tic; spasm, spasm; habit, spasm; habitual, habit tic, chorea habit, choreas habit, habit tic (disorder), spasms habituation, tics were seen, habit; chorea, habit choreas, tics, habitual; tic, habit disorder, behavioral tic, chorea; habit",
+"transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms), magnetic stimulation transcranial, stimulation transcranial magnetic, transcranial magnetic stimulat, transcranial magnetic stimulation, tms, transcranial magnetic stimulations, stimulations transcranial magnetic, transcranial magnetic stimulation (procedure), magnetic stimulations transcranial",
+"teen age, adolescence, adolescence (finding), adolescence (12-20), adolescence (function), adolescence period, youth, adolescence - period, teenage, adolescence (qualifier value), adolescence function (observable entity), teen-age, 12-20 years old",
+"greek letter theta (qualifier value), greek letter theta, theta, theta (qualifier value)",
+"sedation, sedation procedure, administration of sedative, sedative therapy (procedure), administration of sedative (procedure), sedative therapy, sedation (procedure), sedation [procedure], sedation procedure nos, sedation nos",
+"product containing naltrexone (medicinal product), naltrexona, naltrexone, morphinan-6-one 17-(cyclopropylmethyl)-45-epoxy-314-dihydroxy- (5alpha)-, 17-(cyclopropylmethyl)-45α-epoxy-314-dihydroxymorphinan-6-one, n-cyclopropylmethylnoroxymorphone, 17-(cyclopropylmethyl)-45-epoxy-314-dihydroxymorphinan-6-one, naltrexone-containing product, naltrexonum, naltrexone (product), naltrexon, product containing naltrexone, naltrexone (substance), n-cyclopropylmethyl-14-hydroxydihydromorphinone, naltrexone product",
+"biliary or urinary stones, stone, stone - body material, calculus, single calculus, stone - body material (substance), stones, calculus nos, calculi, stone nos, body stone, stone - human material, 300-302 calculi, calculus (morphologic abnormality), concretion nos, concretion, stone - human material (substance), single calculus (morphologic abnormality)",
+"ureteroscopic, ureteroscopic (qualifier value)",
+"calculus of ureter, stone;ureter, ureteral calculus, calculus;ureter, ureter; calculus, calculi ureteral, ureteral stone, ureter calculus, ureteral calculi, calculus ureteral, calculus ureteric, calculus; ureter, ureteric calculus, calculus ureteral, ureter calculus, ureteric stone",
+"type i neurofibromatoses, neurofibromatosis type 1 (disorder), von recklinghausen disease, recklinghausens disease of nerve, neurofibromatosis peripheral type, nf1, von recklinghausens disease, multiple non-ossifying fibromatosis, neurofibromatosis type i, clinical von reclinghausens disease, recklinghausen dis of nerve, nf1 - neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis peripheral nf1, neurofibromatosis 1, recklinghausens disease, peripheral neurofibromatoses, recklinghausen disease of nerve, neurofibromatosis type 1 [von recklinghausens disease], neurofibromatosis type i (von recklinghausens disease), phakomatosis recklinghausen, neurofibromatosis (nonmalignant) type, von recklinghausen; disease, type 1 neurofibromatosis, von recklinghausens disease (of nerve), type i neurofibromatosis (diagnosis), von recklinghausens dis, neurofibromatosis type 1 microdeletion syndrome, [m]von recklinghausens dis, neurofibromatosis i, disease recklinghausens, neurofibromatosis, neurofibromatosis peripheral nf 1, type i neurofibromatosis, peripheral neurofibromatosis, recklinghausen disease, neurofibromatosis 1 (disorder), neurofibromatosis type 1 (disorder), neurofibromatosis a 01, neurofibromatoses type i, [m]von recklinghausens disease, neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatoses peripheral, neurofibromatosis type 1 (von recklinghausens disease), recklinghausens neurofibromatosis, type i neurofibromatosis, recklinghausens dis of nerve, recklinghausens disease of nerve, molluscum fibrosum, neurofibromatosis peripheral, type 1 neurofibromatosis, von recklinghausens disease, recklinghausen disease nerve, von recklinghausen dis, von recklinghausens dis, nf1 (neurofibromatosis 1), disease; von recklinghausen, neurofibromatosis type i, neurofibromatosis type 1",
+"causing, causation, causing (attribute)",
+"inoperable, inoperable (qualifier value)",
+"tablet, tablet (unit of presentation)",
+"ascites, [d]ascites (situation), ascites (diagnosis), peritoneal exudate, hydrops abdominis, increasing abdominal distention or ascites, [d]ascites nos, peritoneal dropsy, ascites nos, ascites (disorder), [d]ascites (context-dependent category), abdomen ascites, hydroperitoneum, abdominal dropsy, ascites was discovered, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, ascites ctcae, ascites nos, hydrops; abdominis, ascites (physical finding), [d]ascites nos (situation), abdominis; hydrops, [d]ascites nos (context-dependent category), abdominal ascites, [d]ascites, hydroperitonia",
+"4-n-benzoylstaurosporine, n-((9s10r11r13r)-10-methoxy-9-methyl-1-oxo-2310111213-hexahydro-913-epoxy-1h9h-diindolo(123-gh:321-lm)pyrrolo(34-j)(17)benzodiazonin-11-yl)-n-methylbenzamide, product containing midostaurin, benzoylstaurosporine, chemotherapeutics growth-signaling inhibitors midostaurin, product containing midostaurin (medicinal product), n-benzoylstaurosporine, 4-n-benzoyl staurosporine, midostaurin (substance), midostaurin-containing product, n-benzoyl-staurosporine, midostaurin (medication), midostaurin product, midostaurin, benzamide n-(239101112-hexahydro-9-methoxy-8-methyl-1-oxo-812-epoxy-1h8h-27b12a-triazadibenzo(ag)cyclonona(cde)trinden-10-yl)-n-methyl- (8alpha9beta10beta12alpha)-",
+"safety equipment, protective device, safety equipment (physical object), safety equipment (treatment), device protective, devices protective, device safety, protective device nos, protective device (physical object), protective devices, devices safety, safety device (attribute), safety equipment device or accessory any type, safety device, safety devices",
+"intraluminal route of administration, i-lumin, intraluminal route (qualifier value), intraluminalroute, intraluminal route, intraluminal (qualifier value), intraluminal route of drug administration, intraluminal use, intraluminal",
+"anastomosis of large intestine to anus (treatment), anastomosis of colon to anal canal, anast colon to anal canal, colo-anal anastomosis, anastomosis of large intestine to anus, anastomosis of intestine large-to-anus (procedure), anastomosis of intestine large-to-anus",
+"anastomosis - action (qualifier value), anastomosis surg, anastomoses surgical, surgical anastomoses, surg anastomosis, surgical anastomosis, anastomosis surgical, anastomotic, anastomosis - action, anastomosis",
+"diseases anus, anal disorder, disorder of anus (diagnosis), anal, anus; disorder, anus disorder, anal procedure (treatment), anal orifice, disease (or disorder); anus, disease anus, procedure on anus (procedure), disease anus, disease of anus, anal structure (body structure), disorder of anus (disorder), disorder anus, anus dis, procedures on anus, entire anus, anus diseases, ano-, disease of anus nos, disease of anus (disorder), anus disorders, large intestine anus, anus--diseases, disorder of anus, anal disorders, entire anus (body structure), anal disorder nos, anal disorder nos, anus, 599 anus, anal procedure, anal structure, anus nos, anus disease, procedure on anus, anus procedure",
+"(ca rectum) or (rectum carcinoma), rectum--cancer, cancer of rectum, carcinoma;rectum, carcinoma of rectum, rectum carcinoma, cancer of the rectum, rectal neoplasm malignant carcinoma, rectum cancer, rectal cancer, rectal cancer nos, cancer rectum, carcinoma of rectum (diagnosis), rectal carcinoma, ca rectum, ca - cancer of rectum, carcinoma of the rectum, rectal cancers, (ca rectum) or (rectum carcinoma) (disorder), carcinoma rectum, cancer rectal, rectum cancers, malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectum; carcinoma",
+"agnostic (person), agnostic follower of religion (person), agnostic, agnostic (follower of religion - person)",
+"host response (function), immunoresponse, immune response process, immune state nos, host response function (observable entity), immune response function, immune processes, immune response function (observable entity), immune response, immune status (observable entity), immunity nos, immune state, immune status, process immune, immune response (function), immune response nos, response immune, immune process, host response, immune responses, immune response unspecified, immunity, biological immunity, immune status nos, host response function",
+"unspecified yellow fever, fever yellow, yellow fever (diagnosis), yellow fever unspecified (disorder), fevers yellow, febris; flava, [x]yellow fever unspecified (disorder), yellow fever nos, yellow fever unspecified, flava; febris, yellow fever nos, yellow fevers, yellow fever unspecified, yellow fever (disorder), yellow fever, yellow fever virus infection, [x]yellow fever unspecified, yf - yellow fever",
+"chromosome x, x sex chromosome, x chromosome, chromosomes x, chromosomes x, x chromosomes, female sex chromosome, sex chromosome x, chrx, chromosome x, sex chromosome x (cell structure), chromosomes female sex, sex chromosome x (body structure)",
+"lymphocytoblast, lymphoblasts, lymphoblast, lymphoblastic, lymphoblast (cell)",
+"product containing vincristine (medicinal product), vincristinum, vincrystine, 22-oxovincaleukoblastine, 22-oxovincaleukoblastin, vincristina, product containing vincristine, vcr, vincristine (product), vincristine (substance), vincaleukoblastine 22-oxo-, vincristine product, vincristine, lcr, oxovincaleukoblastine, leurocristine, vincristin, vincristine-containing product",
+"low grade glioma, cns low grade glioma (lgg), low-grade glioma, low grade glioma (morphologic abnormality), lgg",
+"childhood diffuse astrocytoma, diffuse astrocytoma, low-grade astrocytoma nos, diffuse astrocytoma low grade, astrocytoma diffuse malignant, grade ii astrocytic neoplasm, diffuse astrocytoma (morphologic abnormality), astrocytomas grade ii, diffuse astrocytoma nos, diffuse astrocytoma not otherwise specified, grade ii astrocytic tumor, diffuse astrocytoma adult, astrocytoma diffuse, astrocytoma diffuse, grade ii astrocytoma, astrocytoma grade ii, adult diffuse astrocytoma, who grade ii astrocytoma, grade ii astrocytomas",
+"healthcare worker, health professionals, healthcare professional (occupation), health care professionals, health profession, health professional, professional health care, healthcare professional, health care professional",
+"attitude, attitude (observable entity), outlook, attitudes",
+"warfarin, zoocoumarin, 3-alpha-phenyl-beta-acetylethyl-4-hydroxycoumarin, warfarina, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)coumarin, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-2h-1-benzopyran-2-one, warfarin product, warfarin-containing product, warfarin (substance), 3-(.alpha.-phenyl-.beta.-acetylethyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin, 3-(alpha-acetonylbenzyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin, warfarin (product), product containing warfarin, 2h-1-benzopyran-2-one 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-, anticoagulants warfarin, product containing warfarin (medicinal product), 3-(.alpha.-acetonylbenzyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin, 1-(4-hydroxy-3-coumarinyl)-1-phenyl-3-butanone, warfarin (medication)",
+"sclerosing glomerulonephritides focal, glomerulonephritides focal sclerosing, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (fsgs), focal segmental glomsclerosis, focal & segmental glomerulosclerosis, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (disorder), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (diagnosis), focal glomerular sclerosis (disorder), fgs - focal glomerulosclerosis, focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, glomerulosclerosis focal segmental, segmental glomerulosclerosis focal, fgs (focal glomerular sclerosis), hyalinosis focal, fsgs, focal sclerosing glomerulonephritis, glomerulosclerosis focal, focal sclerosing glomerulonephritides, sclerosing glomerulonephritis focal, focal glomerulosclerosis (diagnosis), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, glomerulonephritis focal sclerosing, fsgs - foc segment glomscleros, focal glomerulosclerosis, focal and segmental glomerular sclerosis, glomerulosclerosis focal, focal glomerular sclerosis, fsgs - focal segmental glomerulosclerosis",
+"paravertebral (qualifier value), paravertebral use, paravertebral route (qualifier value), paravertebral route, paravertebral",
+"(-)-1-propyl-26-pipecoloxylidide, product containing ropivacaine (medicinal product), l-n-n-propylpipecolic acid-26-xylidide, product containing ropivacaine, ropivacaine (substance), ropivacaina, (s)-(-)-1-propyl-26-pipecoloxylidide, ropivacaine product, 1-propyl-26-pipecoloxylidide, 1 propyl 26 pipecoloxylidide, ropivacaine, ropivacaine-containing product, ropivacaine (product), (-)-1-propyl-26-dimethyl-2-piperidylcarboxyanilid, ropivacainum, 2-piperidinecarboxamide n-(26-dimethylphenyl)-1-propyl-, (s)-ropivacaine",
+"product containing decitabine (medicinal product), 5aza, decitabine (substance), 4-amino-1-(2-deoxy-beta-d-erythro-pentofuranosyl)-135-triazin-2(1h)-one, 5 aza 2 deoxycytidine, decitabine (medication), 5azadc, decitabine (product), 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine, 5-deoxyazacytidine, decitabine product, decitabine, 2 deoxy 5 azacytidine, 5 deoxyazacytidine, product containing decitabine, 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine, 4-amino-1-(2-deoxy-β-d-erythro-pentofuranosyl)-s-triazin-2(1h)-one, decitabina, 5-aza-dcyd, 5 aza 2 deoxycytidine, deoxyazacytidine, decitabine-containing product, 5 azadeoxycytidine, 2-deoxy-5-azacytidine, 5-azadeoxycytidine, 5-aza-2deoxycytidine, 5-azadc, dac, compound azadc, 5 aza 2 desoxycytidine, dezocitidine, azadc compound",
+"donor lymphocytes for infusion, dli-donor lymphocyte infusion, donor lymphocyte infusion, donor lymphocytes for infusion (specimen)",
+"acute monocytic leukemia fab m5b (disorder), monocytic leukemia, leukemia monocytic malignant, acute monocytic leukemia (fab m5b), m5b - acute monocytic leukaemia, m5b - acute monocytic leukemia, acute monocytic leukemia fab m5b, m5b - acute monocytic leukaem, m5b acute differentiated monocytic leukemia, acute monocytic leukemia, fab m5 (includes all variants), fab m5b, m5, acute monocytic leukaemia fab m5b",
+"died, has died, death (excluding perinatal), death (diagnosis), death, obsolete death, death nos, deceased, end of life, cessation of life, biological death, dead, death (event), death (excl perinatal), deaths, expired/death, end-of-life, expired",
+"death cap, amanita phalloides fruiting body, death cap mushroom, death cup, white amanita, amanita phalloides, amanita phalloides (organism)",
+"has died, death, death nos, o/e - dead - condition fatal, on examination - dead (context-dependent category), on examination - dead, on examination - dead (finding), on examination - dead nos (finding), general body state finding died, o/e - dead, patient dead (& o/e (& condition fatal)) (finding), o/e - dead nos, f-d0 deaths, dead, deaths, dies patient, patient died (physical finding), patient died (finding), o/e - dead (finding), patient dead (& o/e (& condition fatal)), on examination - dead nos, died, death (finding), death nos, patient died, on examination - dead nos (context-dependent category), death; found, o/e - dead nos (finding)",
+"male pattern alopecia, baldness male pattern, male pattern baldness (physical finding), pattern baldness, alopecia androgenetic, male pattern alopecia (disorder), alopecia androgenic, alopecia male pattern, male-pattern baldness, mpb, hereditary alopecia, androgenetic alopecia, baldness male pattern, common baldness, male pattern baldness, baldness; male-pattern, androgenic alopecia",
+"6-piperidin-1-ylpyrimidine-24-diamine 3-oxide, minoxidil [androgen alopecia] (product), minoxidil product, 23-dihydro-3-hydroxy-2-imino-6-(1-piperidinyl)-4-pyrimidinamine, minoxidilum, product containing minoxidil, minoxidil (medication), minoxidil, minossidile, minoxidil [androgen alopecia] (substance), minoxidil (product), product containing minoxidil (medicinal product), 24-pyrimidinediamine 6-(1-piperidinyl)- 3-oxide, minoxidil (substance), minoxidil products, minoxidil [androgen alopecia], minoxidil-containing product, 24-diamino-6-piperidinopyrimidine 3-oxide",
+"laser-generated electromagnetic radiation (physical force), laser beam, beam laser, lasers light, laser lights, laser-generated electromagnetic radiation, laser light, lasered, lasering, laser",
+"laser co2, carbon dioxide laser device, lasers co2, dioxide laser carbon, co2 laser, carbon dioxide laser, lasers carbon dioxide, dioxide lasers carbon, co>2< laser, co 2 laser, laser co2, carbon dioxide laser device (physical object), laser carbon dioxide, co2 laser, carbon dioxide lasers, co2 lasers",
+"solution (substance), solution (liquid), solution nos, solutions, solution",
+"house, domestic (environment), home environment (environment), dwelling, home environment, private home, home, houses, private dwelling, domestic, dwellings, domestic environment, house [environment], home (environment)",
+"hepatoma, hepatic tumour, liver tumors, neoplasms hepatic, liver tumour, hepatic neoplasia, neoplasm of liver, liver tumor no subtype (morphologic abnormality), liver tumor nos, liver neoplasm, neoplasm liver, neoplasm liver, hepatic neoplasias, hepatic neoplasms, liver tumours, hepatic tumors, liver--tumors, neoplasm of the liver, neoplasm of liver (disorder), neopl liver, neopl hepatic, liver tumor no subtype, liver neopl, tumour liver, tumor liver, hepatic neoplasm, neoplasm of liver (diagnosis), hepatic neopl, liver neoplasms, hepatic neoplasm nos, tumour of liver, hepatic tumor, liver tumor, hepatics tumors, liver tumour nos, neoplasms liver, tumor of liver, neoplasm hepatic, hepatic tumours",
+"expectations (qualifier value), expectancy, expectation context (qualifier value), expectation context, expectations, expectancies, expectation (psychology), expectation",
+"disturbance of perception function, perceptual disturbances, disturbance of perception nos, perception disturbance, cognitive functions perceptual disturbances, disturbances perception, disturbance of perception, disturbance of perception function (observable entity), perceptual disturbance, disturbance of perception (function), perceptual disturbances (physical finding)",
+"neuroectodermal; tumor, tumors neuroectodermal, neuroectodermal tumor, neuroectodermal neoplasm, tumor; neuroectodermal, neuroectodermal tumour, tumor neuroectodermal, neuroectodermal tumour nos, neuroectodermal tumors, neuroectodermal tumor nos",
+"[m]germ cell neoplasms, [m]germ cell neoplasm nos, germ cell tumor (disorder), neoplasms germ cell, germ cell neoplasm (morphologic abnormality), germ cell neoplasms, 906-909 germ cell neoplasms, neoplasm of germ cell, germ cell neopl, germ cell neoplasm, germ cell neoplasm nos, germ cell tumour nos, [m]germ cell neoplasms (morphologic abnormality), germ cell tumor (diagnosis), cells germ tumors, germ cell tumor nos, tumor germ cell, tumor of the germ cell, germ cell tumour, germ cell tumour (disorder), [m]germ cell neoplasm nos (morphologic abnormality), tumors germ cell, tumor of germ cell, cell germ tumours, germ cell tumors, neoplasm of the germ cell, neopl germ cell, germ cell tumor",
+"gemcitabin, gemcitabina, gemicitabine, 1-(2-oxo-4-amino-12-dihydropyrimidin-1-yl)-2-deoxy-22-difluororibose, gemcitabine product, gemcitabine-containing product, 22-difluorodeoxycytidine, gemcitabine, 22-dfdc, 4-amino-1-((2r4r5r)-33-difluoro-4-hydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)pyrimidin-2(1h)-one, 22-difluoro-2-deoxycytidine, product containing gemcitabine, dfdc, gemcitabinum, 22 difluorodexoycytidine, 2-deoxy-22-difluorocytidine, 2-deoxy-2-difluorocytidine, product containing gemcitabine (medicinal product), dfdcyd, 2deoxy-22-difluorocytidine, gemcitabine (product), difluorodeoxycytidine, gemcitabine (substance)",
+"concurrent, service request relationship - simultaneous, simultaneously with, concurrent (qualifier value), actrelationshipconcurrentwith, simultaneous, simultaneously, concurrency, simultaneous (qualifier value), concomitant, coincident, concurrent with, concomitantly with",
+"disorder of adenohypophysis, diseases of the anterior pituitary gland, disease of anterior pituitary (disorder), adenohypophyseal disease, front, anterior pituitary disease, fore, diseases adenohypophyseal, front of, adenohypophyseal dis, adenohypophyseal diseases, disorder of anterior pituitary (disorder), anterior (modifier) [ambiguous], diseases of anterior pituitary, disease anterior pituitary, disease adenohypophyseal, pituitary disease anterior, anterior pituitary diseases, b-11-12 diseases of the anterior pituitary gland, disorder of anterior pituitary nos, fronts, disorder of anterior pituitary, anterior (modifier) (qualifier value), diseases anterior pituitary, anterior pituitary dis, disease of anterior pituitary, of front, pituitary diseases anterior, anterior (qualifier value), anterior, disease of anterior pituitary nos, front (qualifier value)",
+"fields stain, fields, fields stain method, fields stain method (procedure), field stain, fields stain (substance), field stain method",
+"ventricular septal defect as current comp following ami, ventric septal defect/curr comp fol acut myocardal infarctn, ventricular septal defect following acute myocardial infarction, ventricular septal defect as current complication following acute myocardial infarction, post-infarction ventricular septal defect, vent sep def/c comp fol ac mi, defect of ventricular septum following myocardial infarction, defect; ventricular septal following acute myocardial infarction, ventricular septal defect following acute myocardial infarction (diagnosis), post-infarc vent septal defec, post-infarction ventricular septal defect (disorder)",
+"physiotherapy nos, pt, physical medicine procedure, physical therapy service, physiatric procedure, treatment physical therapy, rnax perform physical therapy service, physical medicine - physiatric service, fields physical therapy, physiotherapy procedure nos, physical; therapy, physical therapeutics, physical therapies, therapy - physio., physical technique therapy, physical medicine - physiatric procedure, physical therapy, physical therapy procedure nos, physiotherapies, therapy;physical, physical procedures therapy, physical therapy procedure (regime/therapy), rnrx physical therapist service (treatment), physical therapy procedure, physical therapy treatment, physical therapy service (treatment), physical therapy - physiotherapy, physiotherapy techniques, physiotherapy procedure, procedure physical therapy, physical therapy treatments, therapy physical, physical therapy modalities, pt - physiotherapy, physiotherapy (qualifier value), therapy; physical, physical therapy procedure (procedure), rnax perform physical therapy service (treatment), rnrx physical therapist service, therapy physical, physical therapist service, physical therapy techniques, physical therapy modalities (treatment), field physical therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy (field)",
+"assessment for rehabilitation, rehabilitation evaluation, evaluation for rehab. nos (procedure), evaluation for rehab. nos (regime/therapy), evaluation for rehabilitation, assessment rehabilitation, assessment for rehabilitation (procedure), assessment for rehabilitation (regime/therapy), rehabilitation assessment, rehab. evaluation, assess for rehab., evaluation for rehab. nos, rehab evaluation",
+"assessment, physical examination - action, 2-014-016 physical examination procedures, rnrx physical examination, examinations, exams physical, examination, physical examination procedure (procedure), clinical examinations, general physical examination, physical examination -action, physical assessment findings, h&p.px, physical examination nos, examination procedure, physical examination - action (qualifier value), physical exam, clinical examination, examination of patient, physical examination (physical finding), patient examination, general examination, clinical examination nos, examination (procedure), exam physical, assessment physical, pe - physical examination, physical examination procedures, physical examination, physical exams, examination physical, physical assessment (procedure), physical, physical examinations, exam physical, physical assessment, physical assessment nos, physical examination procedure, assessments physical, physical examination nos, physical assessment (regime/therapy), examinations physical, rnrx physical examination (treatment), physical (qualifier value), clinical examination - action, examination - action (qualifier value), general physical exam, examination - action, physical or textual reference to actual test or parameter",
+"needed, patient dependence on (contextual qualifier), need, needs patient, needing, patient needs, need for, needing patient, needs patients, patient need for (contextual qualifier), needs, patient need for (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), patient need, need patients, patient need for, needed patients",
+"exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (diagnosis), epi, inability to properly digest food due to lack of pancreatic digestive enzymes, pancreatic insufficiency exocrine, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, pancreatic insufficiency, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (disorder), insufficiency pancreatic, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (epi), pancreatic insufficiencies, insufficiencies exocrine pancreatic, pancreas insufficiency exocrine, exocrine pancreatic insufficiencies, insufficiencies pancreatic, exocrine pancreas insufficiency, pancreatic insufficiency exocrine, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, pancreatic insufficiencies exocrine, insufficiency exocrine pancreatic",
+"liver operations nos (procedure), 1-5b0 liver: general and miscellaneous operative procedures, liver surgery (treatment), liver operation (procedure), liver: general and miscellaneous operative procedures, operation on liver (procedure), liver surgery, operation liver, operative procedures on the liver, operations on liver, operation on liver, liver operation, operation on liver nos, liver operations nos, surgery liver, liver surgeries, hepatic operation, 1-5b operative procedures on the liver, liver operation nos, surgical procedures on the liver",
+"carotid artery narrowings, artery carotid stenosi, artery stenoses carotid, carotid artery--stenosis, carotid artery stenoses, stenosis carotid artery, stenoses carotid artery, carotid artery narrowing, artery stenosis carotid, stenosis;artery;carotid, stenosis carotid, artery narrowings carotid, stenosis carotid artery, carotid stenoses, carotid artery stenosis (disorder), stenosis carotid, arteries carotid narrowing, narrowings carotid artery, carotid artery stenosis (diagnosis), artery narrowing carotid, carotid artery stenosis, arteries carotid stenosis, narrowing carotid artery, narrowing of carotid artery, stenoses carotid, carotid stenosis, artery carotid stenosis",
+"chronic interstitial lung disease (diagnosis), chronic interstitial lung disease (disorder), chronic interstitial lung disease, lung disease interstitial chronic, chronic infiltrative lung disease",
+"bile duct carcinoma, bile cancer duct, cancer bile duct, bile ducts--cancer, bile ducts cancer of, carcinoma bile duct, bile duct cancers, cancers bile duct, cancer of the bile duct, cancer bile duct, cancer of bile duct, bile duct cancer (including cholangiocarcinoma), bile duct cancer nos, bile ducts cancer, carcinoma of bile duct, bile duct cancer",
+"lenvatinib product, lenvatinib-containing product, 6-quinolinecarboxamide 4-[3-chloro-4-[[(cyclopropylamino)carbonyl]amino]phenoxy]- 7-methoxy-, 4-(3-chloro-4-((cyclopropylaminocarbonyl)amino)phenoxy)-7-methoxy-6-quinolinecarboxamide, lenvatinib (product), 4-(3-chloro-4-(n-cyclopropylureido)phenoxy)-7-methoxyquinoline-6-carboxamide, product containing lenvatinib (medicinal product), lenvatinib (substance), lenvatinib, product containing lenvatinib, 4-{3-chloro-4-[(cyclopropylcarbamoyl)amino]phenoxy}-7-methoxyquinoline-6-carboxamide",
+"physiologic disinhibition, disinhibition, disinhibition function (observable entity), disinhibition function, disinhibition (function)",
+"fibrosis interstitial lungs, fibrosis interstitial, fibrosing interstitial pneumonitis, interstitial fibrosis (morphologic abnormality), fibrosis interstitial, interstitial fibrosis, lung fibrosis interstitial, fibrosis interstitial pulmonary, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis interstitial, interstitial lung fibrosis, pulmonary interstitial fibrosis",
+"expression - action, expression - action (qualifier value), expression (procedure), expression, expression nos, expressions, expression procedure",
+"n3 lymph node finding, node stage n3, n3 regional lymph node stage finding, malig neoplasm tnm stage regional lymph node (n) n3, n3 stage, node stage n3 (tumor staging), malig neoplasm tnm stage regional lymph node (n) n3 (diagnosis), n3 cancer stage finding, n3 tnm finding, n3, n3 stage (tumor staging), lymph node stage n3, n3 node finding, n3 stage (finding), n3 category (finding), n3 lymph node stage, n3 category, n3 node stage, n3 regional lymph nodes finding, n3 stage finding",
+"23:45-di-o-isopropylidene-β-d-fructopyranose sulfamate, topiramate (product), product containing topiramate (medicinal product), tipiramato, tipiramate, topiramate-containing product, topiramate product, topiramate (medication), product containing topiramate, beta-d-fructopyranose 23:45-bis-o-(1-methylethylidene)- sulfamate, tpm, topiramato, topiramatum, topiramate (substance), 23:45-bis-o-(1-methylethylidene)-β-d-fructopyranose sulfamate, 23-45-bis-o-(1-methylethylidene)-beta-d-fructopyranose sulfamate, topiramate",
+"active surveillance (regime/therapy), active surveillance",
+"chorioepithelioma nos, chorioblastoma, choriocarcinoma nos, choriocarcinoma no icd-o subtype, chorionic carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, choriocarcinoma (disorder), choriocarcinoma malignant, choriocarcinoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), [m]choriocarcinoma, chordoepithelioma, syncytioma, chorionepithelioma, choriocarcinoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), choriocarcinoma nos, chorionepithelioma nos, choriocarcinomas, chorioepithelioma, choriocarcinoma (morphologic abnormality), [m]chorioepithelioma, choriocarcinoma (diagnosis), choriocarcinoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, chordocarcinoma",
+"umbilical vesicle, sacs yolk, yolk sacs, yolk sac structure, sac yolk, yolk sac, sac yolk, yolk sac structure (body structure), vitelline sac, vitelline sac of embryo, embryo vitelline sac, embryo vitelline sacs",
+"dermoid cyst of the ovary, dermoid cyst ovarian, cysts dermoid ovarian, benign cystic ovarian teratoma, cyst dermoid ovary, mature cystic teratoma of ovary, ovarian cyst dermoid, dermoid ovarian cyst, cyst dermoid of ovary, cyst; ovary ovarian dermoid, cysts dermoid ovaries, ovarian dermoid cyst, cyst dermoid ovaries, dermoid cyst (& [ovarian]) (disorder), cysts dermoid ovary, benign dermoid cyst of ovary, teratoma ovarian, ovary; cyst dermoid, mature cystic teratoma ovary, dermoid cyst ovary, benign dermoid cyst of ovary (diagnosis), dermoid cyst (& [ovarian]), mature cystic ovarian teratoma, dermoid cyst of ovary (disorder), dermoid cyst of ovary, mature cystic teratoma of ovary (disorder)",
+"seminoma pure, [m]seminoma nos, testicular seminoma (pure), testis seminoma, seminoma nos, seminomas, seminoma (diagnosis), [m]seminoma nos (morphologic abnormality), [m]seminomas, testicular seminoma, seminoma nos, seminoma of the testis, testicular seminoma pure nos, seminoma, testicular seminoma pure, seminoma testis, testicle cancer seminoma, [m]seminomas (morphologic abnormality), testis cancer seminoma, seminoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, seminoma (disorder), testicular cancer seminoma, seminoma (morphologic abnormality), seminoma no icd-o subtype, seminoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), seminoma malignant, seminoma of testis (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm seminoma, seminoma testicular cancer, seminoma of testis, seminoma of testis (disorder), seminoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), seminoma testicular",
+"germ cell endodermal sinus neoplasm of the ovary, germ cell endodermal sinus neoplasm of ovary, ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus neoplasm, endodermal sinus tumor of the ovary, yolk sac tumor of ovary, ovarian endodermal sinus neoplasm, ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour, yolk sac tumor of the ovary, yolk sac tumour of ovary, yolk sac tumor of ovary (diagnosis), ovarian endodermal sinus tumor, yolk sac neoplasm of ovary, germ cell endodermal sinus tumor of the ovary, ovarian yolk sac tumor, ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour, endodermal sinus tumour of ovary, endodermal sinus tumor of ovary, germ cell endodermal sinus tumor of ovary, endodermal sinus tumor ovary, yolk sac neoplasm of the ovary, ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor, endodermal sinus tumor of ovary (diagnosis), ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor, endodermal sinus neoplasm of ovary, endodermal sinus tumor of ovary (disorder), ovarian yolk sac neoplasm, endodermal sinus neoplasm of the ovary, endodermal sinus tumour ovary, ovarian neoplasm malignant germ cell tumor endodermal sinus",
+"embryonal carcinoma ovarian, embryonal carcinoma of ovary (disorder), embryonal carcinoma of ovary (diagnosis), embryonal carcinoma of the ovary, embryonal carcinoma of ovary, ovarian embryonal carcinoma",
+"choriocarcinoma of testis, choriocarcinoma of testis (diagnosis), testis cancer choriocarcinoma, testicular choriocarcinoma nos, choriocarcinoma of testis (disorder), choriocarcinoma testicular, choriocarcinoma of the testis, testicular cancer choriocarcinoma, testis choriocarcinoma, testicular choriocarcinoma, testicle cancer choriocarcinoma",
+"teratoma of the ovary, teratoma ovarian cancer, ovary teratoma, germ cell teratoma of the ovary, ovarian teratoma, teratoma ovary, germ cell teratoma of ovary, teratoma of ovary, ovarian germ cell teratoma, teratoma ovarian, ovarian cancer teratoma, ovary; teratoma, teratoma of ovary (disorder), ovaries teratomas, teratoma ovarian, ovary teratomas, ovarian teratomas, ovary teratoma, teratoma; ovary",
+"extracranial (qualifier value), extracranial",
+"product containing verapamil (medicinal product), verapamilo, vérapamil, verapamilum, verapamil-containing product, verapamil (medication), product containing verapamil, benzeneacetonitrile alpha-(3-((2-(34-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl)methylamino)propyl)-34-dimethoxy-alpha-(1-methylethyl)-, iproveratril, verapamil (product), verapamil, verapamil product, alpha-[3-[[2-(34-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl]methylamino]propyl]-34-dimethoxy-alpha-(1-methylethyl)benzeneacetonitrile, verapamil (substance)",
+"peptides, peptide-containing product, product containing peptide, product containing peptide (product), peptide (substance), peptide, peptide nos, peptide product",
+"hypoparathyroidism nos, hypoparathyroidism (diagnosis), deficiency of parathyroid hormone, deficiency of parathyrin, hypoparathyroidism unspecified, deficiency of pth, hypoparathyroid, hypoparathyroidism nos (disorder), parathyroid; insufficiency, deficiency; parathyroid, hypoparathyroidism (disorder), hypoparathyroidism ctcae, hypoparathyroidism, low parathyroid hormone, parathyroid; deficiency, insufficiency; parathyroid, hypoparathyroidism nos, decreased parathyroid hormone secretion",
+"dietary supplementations, food supplementations, nutritional supplement (substance), nutritional supplementspecial formulas, food supplement, dietary supplements, dietary supplements (medication), supplements dietary, supplemental nutrition, supplement, nutrient supplementation (product), supplement food, nutrient supplementation (substance), nutrient supplementation, nutritional supplementation, food supplements, nutritional supplements, nutritional supplement (product), nutritional supplement, supplements food, foods supplements, supplementations dietary, dietary supplement",
+"drug ointment nos, ointment, ointment (substance), unguents, ointments, ointmentdrugform, salve, drug ointment (product), ointment (basic dose form), ointment (qualifier value), unguent, oint, ointment dosage form, drug ointment (substance), ointment nos, drug ointment, salves, ointment (product), ointment dose form",
+"gastrointestinal device (physical object), gastrointestinal device",
+"bowel obstruction causing colic vomiting and constipation, intestinal obstruction co-occurrent and due to decreased peristalsis (disorder), gastrointestinal atony, ileus nos, intestinal obstruction co-occurrent and due to decreased peristalsis, bowel ileus, ileus, ileus of intestine, ileus of bowel, ileus ctcae, ileus (disorder), ileus (diagnosis), non-mechanical ileus, ileus gi (functional obstruction of bowel i.e. neuroconstipation)",
+"bowels, bowel nos, intestines nos, intestino-, intestinal tract nos, intestinal structure, structure of intestine unspecified, structure of intestine, intestines, gut, intestinal (qualifier value), intestinal tract, intestinal, bowel, intestinal structure (body structure), intestine",
+"postoperative diet, post-operative progressive diet, post-operative progressive diet nos, postoperative progressive diet, diet post-operative progressive, postoperative progressive diet (finding)",
+"7-chloro-4-(4-(ethyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)-1-methylbutylamino)quinoline, hydroxychloroquine, oxychloroquine, oxichlorochine, hidroxicloroquina, hydroxychlorochin, hydroxychloroquinum, hcq, hydroxychloroquine (product), 2-(n-(4-(7-chlor-4-chinolylamino)-4-methylbutyl)ethylamino)ethanol, oxychlorochin, product containing hydroxychloroquine, 2-((4-((7-chloro-4-quinolyl)amino)pentyl)ethylamino)ethanol, hydroxychloroquine-containing product, product containing hydroxychloroquine (medicinal product), oxichloroquine, 7-chloro-4-[5-(n-ethyl-n-2-hydroxyethylamino)-2-pentyl]aminoquinoline, 7-chloro-4-[4-(n-ethyl-n-β-hydroxyethylamino)-1-methylbutylamino]quinoline, 7-chloro-4-(4-(n-ethyl-n-β-hydroxyethylamino)-1-methylbutylamino)quinoline, ethanol 2-((4-((7-chloro-4-quinolinyl)amino)pentyl)ethylamino)-, hydroxychloroquine (substance), (±)-hydroxychloroquine, hydroxychloroquine product",
+"abnormal drug tolerance, abnormal drug tolerance (disorder)",
+"cascara sagrada, product containing cascara, cascara (substance), cascara product, cascara sagrada (medication), cascara, product containing cascara (medicinal product), cascara (product), sacred bark, cascara-containing product, laxatives cascara sagrada, cascara sagrada extract, cascara sagrada fluid extract, cascara sagrada oral fluid extract, cascara sagrada@@oral@fluid extract",
+"abiraterone-containing product, abiraterone product, androsta-516-dien-3-ol 17-(3-pyridinyl)- (3beta)-, abiraterone, abiraterone (substance), (3β)-17-(pyridin-3-yl)androsta-516-dien-3-ol, abiraterona, 17-(3-pyridyl)androsta-516-dien-3beta-ol, product containing abiraterone, product containing abiraterone (medicinal product)",
+"excision procedures on the testis, orchiectomy (treatment), orchidectomy nos, orchidectomy, castration, castrations, testis excision, testicle excision, gonadectomies, orchiectomies, orchidectomy nos, total orchidectomy, orchiectomy nos, orchidectomies, male gonadectomy nos, excision of testis, male gonadectomy, orchidectomy (procedure), orchiectomy, castration surgical, testis excision (procedure), total orchidectomy (procedure), orchiectomy (procedure), male castration, surgical castration, gonadectomy",
+"castrate-sensitive prostate cancer, hormone sensitive prostate cancer (disorder), hormone sensitive prostate cancer (diagnosis), castration-sensitive prostate cancer, hormone sensitive prostate cancer",
+"contact with, contact with (contextual qualifier), contact, contacting, contact with (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value)",
+"attack nos, initiation disorder, disease onset, attack, onset of illness nos, onset of illness (finding), onset disorder, onset (disorders), initiation of disorders, onset of illness, disorder onset, diseases onset, disease/disorder onset, onset of illness (finding) [ambiguous]",
+"document type, documentation, document, document type:type:pt:document:nom, document type:type:point in time:document:nominal",
+"donor renal transplantation (procedure), donor renal transplantation, donor renal transplant, donor renal transplant (treatment)",
+"relative to, relative to (attribute)",
+"mycophenolate, mycophenolate (medication)",
+"transplanted organ rejection (disorder), organs rejection transplanted, transplanted organ rejection, organ transplant rejection, organ rejection transplants",
+"kidney disorder due to diabetes mellitus, disorder of kidney co-occurrent and due to diabetes mellitus (disorder), nephropathy - diabetic, diabetes mellitus with renal manifestation (disorder), diabetes with renal manifestations (diagnosis), nephropathy diabetic, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy (diagnosis), diabetes + nephropathy, diabetes with renal manifestations, nephropathy diabetic, nephropathy; diabetes (manifestation), diab.mell. with nephropathy, diabetes; nephropathy (manifestation), diabetic renal manifestation, diabetic kidney diseases, disorder of kidney due to diabetes mellitus (disorder), kidney disease diabetic, diabetes mellitis with nephropathy nos, renal disorder associated with diabetes mellitus, diabetic kidney problems, diabetic renal disease, disorder of kidney due to diabetes mellitus, diabetic nephropathies, diabetes mellitus: [with renal manifestation] or [nephropathy] (disorder), diabetic nephropathy nos, nephropathy;diabetic, diabetic nephropathy syndrome, diabetes + nephropathy (& [kimmelstiel-wilson syndrome]), diabetes mellitus: [with renal manifestation] or [nephropathy], disorder of kidney co-occurrent and due to diabetes mellitus, diabetic renal disease (disorder), diab.mell.+nephropathy nos, diabetes mellitis with nephropathy nos (disorder), nephropathies diabetic, diabetes mellitus with renal manifestation, diabetes + nephropathy (& [kimmelstiel-wilson syndrome]) (disorder), kidney diseases diabetic, diabetes with renal manifestations (disorder), diabetic kidney disease",
+"segmental (qualifier value), segmental",
+"infection of bloodstream, infection of bloodstream (disorder), bloodstream infection",
+"vitc - ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid [urine ph - no drugs here] (substance), product containing ascorbic acid, ácido ascórbico, ascorbic acid (medication), ascorbinsäure, ascorbate, ascorbic acid [nutrition] (product), ascorbic acid (vit c), ascorbic acid [urine ph], l-(+)-ascorbic acid, vitamin c product, l ascorbic acid, vitamin c preparation nos, vitamin c level test, ascorbic acid (substance), vitamin c preparations, ascorbic acid [urine ph - no drugs here] (product), vitamin c preparation (product), acidum ascorbinicum, vitamin c preparation (substance), vitamin c each test, ascorbic acid [urine ph - no drugs here], vitamin c measurement, ascorbic acid product, assay of ascorbic acid blood, vitamin c, vitamin-c, ascorbic acid [nutrition] (substance), ascorbic acid measurement (procedure), c vitamin, 2-(12-dihydroxyethyl)-45-dihydroxy-furan-3-one, ascorbic acid preparation, a46 vitamin c preparations, product containing ascorbic acid (medicinal product), ascorbic acid [nutrition], vitamins ascorbic acid, acid l-ascorbic, vitamin c preparation, ascorbic acid-containing product, vitc, ascorbic acid measurement, vitamin c (ascorbic acid), acidum ascorbicum, vtmn c ea.tst, l-ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin c) blood, acid ascorbic, ascorbic acid, acide ascorbique, vitamina c, assay of ascorbic acid, vit c",
+"mong language, hmong, hmn, first vernacular chuanqiandian miao, hmong language (qualifier value), mong, hmong language",
+"vitamin e (substance), vit e, vitamin e each test, vitamin e assay, vitamin e measurement, assay of tocopherol alpha vitamin e, vitamin e blood level test, vitamin e product, a51 vitamin e preparations, vitamin e measurement (procedure), vitamin e level, vitamin e and vitamin e derivative, 34-dihydro-2578-tetramethyl-2-(4812-trimethyltridecyl)-2h-1-benzopyran-6-ol, vitamin e (d-alpha tocopherol), vit-e, vitamin e and vitamin e derivative (substance), alpha tocopherol measurement, vtmn e ea.tst, vitamin e preparations, product containing vitamin e (medicinal product), product containing vitamin e (product), vitamin e, 2578-tetramethyl-2-(4812-trimethyltridecyl)chroman-6-ol, measurement of alpha tocopherol (vitamin e), product containing vitamin e and vitamin e derivative (product), vitamin-e, alpha tocopherol, vitamin e preparation nos, e vitamin, vitamin e and vitamin e derivative-containing product, product containing vitamin e, vitamin e preparation (substance), 578-trimethyltocol, vitamin e test, tocopherol (vit e), vitamin e (medication), vitamin e preparation, assay of vitamin e, vitamin e preparation (product), tocopherol measurement, vite, altcphrl, tocopherol alpha (vitamin e), tocopherol, vitamin e (tocopherol), vitamin e-containing product, vitamin e compound",
+"intravascular, within blood vessels, intravascular (qualifier value), intravascular route of drug administration, i-vasc, intravascularroute, intravascular route of administration, intravascular route, intravascular route (qualifier value)",
+"primary graft failure, primary graft failure nos, primary graft failure (finding), non-immunologic graft failure, graft failure non-immunologic, non-immunologic graft failure nos",
+"fasd, fetal alcohol syndrome (disorder), syndrome fetal alcohol, fetal alcohol syndrome (dysmorphic), fetal alcohol effects, embryopathia alcoholica, fas - fetal alcohol syndrome, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, syndrome; fetal alcohol (dysmorphic), fetus; alcohol syndrome, fae, foetal alcohol syndrome, fetal; alcohol syndrome (dysmorphic), fetal alcohol effect, fetal alcohol syndrome, fas, fetal alcohol syndrome (fas), alcohol; syndrome fetal (dysmorphic), syndrome; alcohol fetal (dysmorphic), fas - foetal alcohol syndrome, alcohol; syndrome fetal, fetal alcohol syndrome (diagnosis), alcohol; fetal syndrome (dysmorphic), alcohol fetal syndrome, embryofetal alcohol syndrome (efas), alcoholic embryopathy, arbd, embryofetal alcohol syndrome",
+"choline (as bitartrate), bitartrate choline, product containing choline bitartrate (medicinal product), choline bitartrate (substance), bitartrate choline, choline bitartrate (medication), product containing choline bitartrate, choline bitartrate, choline bitartrate (product)",
+"primary care provider [identifier], primary care provider (occupation), primary care provider:identifier:point in time:provider:nominal, primary care doctor, primary care provider, pcp, primary care physician, primary care provider:id:pt:provider:nom, primary health care provider",
+"pediatric cardiology specialty, paediatric cardiology, pediatric cardiology (qualifier value), cardiology paediatrics, pediatric cardiology, paediatric cardiology (qualifier value), cardiology pediatric, cardiology paediatric",
+"hlh - hypoplastic left heart syndrome, left hypoplastic heart, hypoplastic lt heart syndrome, left heart hypoplastic, syndrome; hypoplastic left-heart, hypoplastic left-heart; syndrome, heart hypoplastic left, hypoplasia; heart left heart syndrome, hlhs - hypoplastic left heart syndrome, heart; hypoplasia left heart (syndrome), hypoplasia; heart left heart (syndrome), hypoplastic left heart syndrome (diagnosis), left heart syndrome hypoplastic, hypoplastic left heart, underdeveloped left heart, hypoplastic left heart syndrome (disorder), heart; hypoplasia left heart syndrome, heart hypoplastic left syndrome, hypoplasia left heart, hypoplasia; left heart syndrome, hlhs - hypoplas left heart syn, hlh - hypoplast lt heart syndr, left heart hypoplasia syndrome, left heart syndrome; hypoplasia, hypoplas left heart synd, syndrome; heart hypoplastic left, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, hypoplasia of left heart",
+"of site, site of (attribute), site of",
+"kt, kit - unit of product usage (qualifier value), kit, kit dosing unit, kit - unit of product usage, kits, kit (qualifier value)",
+"thoracic aorta aneurysm, thoracic aortic aneurysms, aorta thoracic aneurysm, aneurysms thoracic, aortic aneurysm thoracic, aneurysm thoracic aortic, aorta thoracic; aneurysm, intrathoracic; aneurysm, aneurysm aorta thoracic, aneurysm of thoracic aorta (diagnosis), aneurysm of thoracic aorta, aneurysm thoracic, thoracic aneurysm, aortic aneurysms thoracic, aneurysm of thoracic aorta (disorder), aneurysm aortic thoracic, thoracic aortic aneurysm (disorder), aortic aneurysm thoracic, aortic thoracic aneurysm, aneurysm; intrathoracic, aneurysm; thoracic aorta, intrathoracic aneurysm, aneurysm;intrathoracic, aneurysm thoracic, thoracic aortic aneurysm",
+"basd - bile acid synthetic defect, bile acid synthesis disorder, synthetic defect of bile acids, bile acid synthetic defect, synthetic defect of bile acids (disorder)",
+"pharynx; inflammation, inflamed throat (disorder), inflammation; throat, pharyngitis (disorder), infections throat, sore throat, pharyngitides, inflammation of the throat, pharyngitis, pharyngitis nos, pharyngitis nos, pharyngeal inflammation, throat inflamed, pharynx inflamed, inflammation;throat, inflammation of pharynx (physical finding), irritation of the throat, inflammation; pharynx, pharyngitis ctcae, throat soreness, pharyngitis (diagnosis), inflamed throats, throat inflammation, infection throat, inflamed;throat, throat; inflammation, inflamed throat (finding), inflammation throat, pharynx inflammation, soreness throat, inflammation of pharynx, inflamed throat, throat infection",
+"long duration, long duration (qualifier value)",
+"pvd - peripheral vascular disease, circulatory disorder peripheral, peripheral angiopathy (diagnosis), peripheral vascular disease nos (disorder), diseases peripheral vascular, circulatory disorders peripheral, vasc. dis. periph. nos, peripheral vascular dis. nos, angiopathy; peripheral, pvd - periph vascular disease, vascular diseases peripheral, angiopathy peripheral, disorder vascular peripheral, peripheral vascular diseases, periph vascular dis nos, disease peripheral vascular, peripheral vasc.disease nos, peripheral vascular disease peripheral angiopathy, pvds, arterial diseases peripheral, peripheral vascular disorder, peripheral vascular disease (& [nos]), peripheral vascular disease nos, peripheral vascular disease (disorder), disorder peripheral vascular, peripheral vascular disorder nos, peripheral vascular disease (& [nos]) (disorder), peripheral angiopathy, peripheral blood vessel disorder, peripheral vasc. disease nos, peripheral angiopathies, peripheral angiopathy nos, pvd-peripheral vascular disease, vascular dis peripheral, peripheral; angiopathy, peripheral vascular disease (pvd), peripheral vascular disease unspecified, pvd, vascular disorder peripheral, peripheral angiopathy nos, pvd (peripheral vascular disease), vascular disease peripheral, peripheral vascular dis, disease;peripheral vascular, peripheral vascular disease unspecified, angiopathies peripheral, peripheral vascular disease, disease (or disorder); peripheral vascular, peripheral vascular disease nos, peripheral vascular disease (diagnosis), dis peripheral vascular, vascular disease peripheral, peripheral arterial disease",
+"steroid (substance), steroid nos, steroid, steroids given for rheumatic fever, product containing steroid, steroids given for kawasaki disease, steroid-containing product, steroid compound, product containing steroid (product), steroid product, steroids",
+"genetics testing, genetic testing, genetic tests, genetic screening method, test;genetic, genetic examination, testing genetic, testing genetic, genetic analysis, genetic testing [select method/result first then analyte], genetic test (procedure), genetic screening test, genetic testing (lab test), genetic test, genetics test",
+"prevention stroke, stroke prevention, preventions stroke, stroke prevention (procedure), cva prevention, prevention strokes",
+"respir, by inhalation, by inhalation (route) (qualifier value), inhalation route, route of administration inhalation, inhalation, route of administration inhalation (treatment), inhalation route of administration, respiratory (inhalation), inhalation oral, inhalation use, inhalation intrapulmonary, inhalation route of drug administration, respiratory use, inhalation respiratory, by inhalation (route), inh",
+"powder inhaler dry, dry powder inhaler (device), dry powder inhaler, dry powder inhalers, dry powder inhaler (physical object), inhaler dry powder, inhalers dry powder, powder inhalers dry",
+"subcutaneous injection (procedure), subcutaneous injection nos, subcutaneous injection, subcutaneous injections, injection subcutaneous, inject subcutaneous, injections subcutaneous, injection subcutaneous, injections subcutaneous, sc - subcutaneous injection, subcutaneous inject, subcutaneous injection nos (procedure)",
+"financially poor (finding), poor, financially poor, living in poverty, low income, economic deprivation, social problem - poverty, pauper, severe lack of money, poverty status, economic hardship, poverty",
+"poor - grade, poor - grade value, poor grade, poor, poor - grade (qualifier value)",
+"accelerated (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), accelerates, accelerated (contextual qualifier), accelerate, accelerated",
+"central stimulant (substance), stimulants cns, stimulants of cns, central nervous stimulants system, cns stimulating drugs, stimulant, stimulants, central nervous system stimulants (medication), central nervous system stimulant, central stimulants, central stimulant (product), analeptic agent, central nervous system stimulant nos, central stimulant, cns stimulant, cns stimulants, stimulants central, analeptics, central nervous system stimulants, central stimulant nos",
+"adrenal corticosteriods, corticoid preparation (product), corticosteroid, adrenal cortical hormone (substance), adrenal cortex hormone-containing product, adrenal cortical hormone-containing product, product containing corticosteroid (product), corticosteroid and corticosteroid derivative-containing product, anacal suppository (disorder), corticoids, cortex hormone adrenal, corticosteroids, corticosteroids [resp], adrenal cortex hormone (substance), adrenal corticosteroid, adrenal cortex hormones, corticoid preparation (substance), product containing corticosteroid, corticoid preparation nos, hormone adrenal cortex, product containing adrenal cortex hormone (product), corticosteroids [respiratory use], adrenal cortical hormone nos, anacal suppository, adrenal cortex hormone, therapeutic corticosteroid, corticosteroids [respiratory use] (product), corticoid, corticosteroids [skin], corticosteroid product, hormones adrenal cortex, adrenal cortical hormone, anacal pessary, adrenal cortex steroids, product containing corticosteroid and corticosteroid derivative (product), corticosteroids [skin] (substance), adrenal corticosteroids, corticoid preparation, corticosteroids [respiratory use] (substance), adrenocorticosteroids, corticosteroids [skin] (product)",
+"alpha-1 antitrypsin, alpha-1-antitrypsin test, alpha-1 antitrypsin measurement, alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha-1-antitrypsin measurement (procedure), alpha-1-antitrypsin measurement, a1antryp, alpha-1 anti-trypsin, alpha 1 anti trypsin, serum trypsin inhibitor, alpha 1 antitrypsin test",
+"lifting (observable entity), lifted, lifting function (observable entity), lift, lifting, lifting (qualifier value)",
+"electric stimulations, electrical stimulation, electrical stimulation (qualifier value), stimulation electrical, electrical stimulation (treatment), electrical stimulations, electric stimulation technique, stimulations electric, stimulations electrical, es - electrical stimulation, modalities electrical stimulation, electric stimulation, stimulation electrical, stimulation electric",
+"tachycardias, pulse increased, high pulse rate, fast heart rate (symptom), heart beat; rapid, quick pulse, rapid pulse, increased heart rate, rapid; heart, tachycardia (finding), increased pulse rate, heart rate fast, racing heart, heart race, tachycardia (diagnosis), tachycardia - pulse, increase in heart rate, a tachycardic pulse was noted, tachycardia by ecg finding, tachycardia nos, pulse fast (finding), fast heartbeat, fast heart rate, rapid heart beat, heartbeats increased, heart rate high, heart racing, heart rate increased, [d]tachycardia unspecified (context-dependent category), pulse fast, tachycardia unspecified, tachycardia by pulse, tachycardia by pulse (physical finding), tachycardia (by pulse measurement), rapid heart rate, heart; frequency high, [d]tachycardia unspecified (situation), tachycardia by ekg finding, [d]rapid heart beat, tachycardia, rapid; heart beat, pulse rapid, [d]tachycardia unspecified, pulse rate increased, heartbeat (pulse);fast, fast pulse, tachycardia nos, cardiac arrhythmia tachycardia, heartbeat (pulse);rapid, rapid heartbeat",
+"electric defibrillation, electric countershock, cardioversion electrical, countershock electric, cardiac electroversions, cardioversion;arrhythmia, cardioversion (procedure), cardiac electroversion, electrical cardioversions, defibrillation (treatment), defibrillation, electroversion cardiac, cardioversions, electrical cardioversion nos (procedure), cardioversion -electric, cardioversion, conversion of cardiac rhythm nos, cardioversion and stimulation, countershocks electric, electrical cardioversion (& defibrillation) (procedure), electrical cardioversion, electric countershock heart resuscitation, electrical cardioversion (& defibrillation), cardioversions electrical, electric countershocks, electric defibrillations, electroversions cardiac, electric cardioversion, electrical cardioversion nos, cardioversion (procedure) [ambiguous], cardiac countershock nos, defibrillations electric, cardioversion nos, defibrillation electric, cardiac countershock, conversion of cardiac rhythm",
+"kidney operations nos (procedure), renal surgery, kidney surgical procedures, kidneys surgery, renal operations, kidney surgeries, renal operation nos, kidney operation nos, surgery kidney, procedures renal, kidney operations nos, operation on kidney nos, operative procedures on the kidney, operations renal, renal operation, operation on kidney, kidney surgery, kidney operation (procedure), operations on kidney, renal procedure, operation on kidney (procedure), kidney operations, kidney surgery (treatment), 1-71 operative procedures on the kidney, surgical procedures on the kidney, kidney operation",
+"warm air, air warmed, warm air (substance)",
+"forced (qualifier value), force, forcing, forced, forces, force (physical force)",
+"physiological homeostasis, homeostasis, homoeostasis, metabolic equilibrium, homeostatic, homeostasis function, homeostasis (function), homeostasis- body function that maintain internal balance by adjusting its physiological processes., homeostatic process, autoregulation, homeostasis function (observable entity)",
+"artificial larynx any type, prostheses laryngeal, artificial larynxes, larynx prosthesis, artificial larynx, prosthesis laryngeal (taub), laryngeal prosthesis, laryngeal, prostheses larynx, laryngeal prostheses, artificial larynges, larynxes artificial, larynx artificial, larynx prosthesis (physical object), prosthesis laryngeal, larynges artificial, artificial larynx (physical object)",
+"spasmodic dysphonia, laryngeal dystonia (disorder), laryngeal dystonia",
+"dystonic dysphonia (disorder), dystonic dysphonia",
+"childhood desmoplastic small round cell tumor, desmoplastic small round-cell neoplasm, desmoplastic small round cell tumor (morphologic abnormality), polyphenotypic small round cell tumor, small-cell tumors desmoplastic, desmoplastic small round cell tumor, desmoplastic small-cell tumors, desmoplastic small-cell tumor, small-cell tumor desmoplastic, small round cell tumor desmoplastic adult, tumors desmoplastic small-cell, pediatric desmoplastic small round cell tumor, tumor desmoplastic small-cell, desmoplastic small round-cell tumor, tumor desmoplastic small round cell adult, desmoplastic small cell tumor, adult desmoplastic small round cell tumor, dsrct, desmoplas. small round cell tumor, desmoplastic small round cell tumour",
+"ss, synoviomas, sarcoma synovial, synovial sarcoma nos, synovioma malignant, [m]synovioma nos, [m]synovial sarcoma nos, sarcomas synovial, synovioma of joint (diagnosis), synovial sarcoma not otherwise specified, synovioma nos, synovioma nos, sarcoma synovial malignant, synovioma, synovial sarcoma, malignant synovioma, sarcoma synovial, synovial sarcoma of soft tissue, synovial sarcomas, synovial sarcoma of soft tissue (diagnosis), synovioma of joint, synovial cell sarcoma, synovial sarcoma (morphologic abnormality), synovial sarcoma (disorder), synovial sarcoma (diagnosis), synovial sarcoma nos",
+"stage 4b, ivb stage, stage 4b (qualifier value), stage ivb",
+"structure of upper respiratory tract cavity, structure of upper respiratory tract cavity (body structure), upper respiratory tract cavity, upper airway",
+"airways, airway device (physical object), airway nos, airway, airway device nos, airway devices, aw - airway, artificial airways, airway equipment, airway device, airway equipments, artificial airway",
+"lipogranuloma, lipoid granuloma, lipid granuloma, xanthogranuloma, fibroxanthogranuloma, lipogranulomatosis, lipogranuloma nos, lipogranuloma (disorder), lipogranuloma (morphologic abnormality)",
+"agents anticancer, chemotherapy agents cancer, other antineoplastic agents (product), chemotherapeutic agent, antineoplastic drugs, anti-neoplastic agents, other antineoplastic agents (substance), agents antineoplastic, agent cancer chemotherapy, antineoplastic agent (product), cancer drug, medicinal product acting as antineoplastic agent (product), anti-cancer agents, cancer chemotherapy drug, chemotherapy drug cancer, other antineoplastic agents, antineoplastics, anticancer agent, anticancer agents, chemotherapy drugs cancer, antineopl agents, antitumor agent, cancer chemotherapeutic agents (medication), agent antitumor, antineoplastic drug, cancer chemotherapeutic agents, cancer chemotherapy drugs, agents antineoplastics, drug antitumor, antineoplastic agent nos, agents chemotherapeutic anticancer, drugs cancer chemotherapy, antitumor drug, anti-tumor agents, cancer chemotherapy agents, antineoplastic agents, antineoplastic_agent, chemotherapy agent cancer, chemotherapy agent, antineoplastic agent, antineoplastic, antiproliferative drugs, antitumor agents, tumor-specific treatment agents, agents cancer chemotherapy, agents antineoplastic, anti-tumor drugs, agent antineoplastic, drug antineoplastic, cancer chemotherapy agent, agents antitumor, chemotherapeutic agents neoplastic disease, antiproliferative agents, antitumor drugs, drug cancer chemotherapy, drugs antineoplastic, 78 antineoplastic agents, chemotherapeutic anticancer drug, drugs antitumor, drug chemotherapeutic anticancer, agent anticancer, antineoplastic agent [tc], antineoplastic agent (substance), chemotherapeutic anticancer agents",
+"carcinoma of vagina, cancer of the vagina, carcinoma vagina, carcinoma of vagina (disorder), carcinoma vaginal, vaginal cancer nos, carcinoma of the vagina, vagina carcinoma, vaginal carcinoma, cancer of vagina, vagina cancer, vaginal cancer, carcinoma of vagina (diagnosis)",
+"neck structure, cervical, cervico, neck, cervical (qualifier value), collum, neck nos, neck (volume), cx - cervical, neck anatomy, cervico-, neck (anatomy), neck structure (body structure), necks, d16 neck",
+"malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri nos (disorder), malignant cervical tumor, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri nos, cervix uteri unspecified, malignant tumor of cervix uteri, mal neo cervix uteri nos, cancer of cervix, neoplasm malig;cervix, malignant cervix uteri tumor, malignant neoplasm of cervix, malignant tumor of the uterine cervix, malignant uterine cervix neoplasm, malignant neoplasm cervix, malignant cervical neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri, malignant tumor of the cervix, ca cervix, malignant neoplasm of the uterine cervix, malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri, malignant tumor of uterine cervix, malignant neosplasm of the cervix, cancer of the uterine cervix, cervical cancer, malignant tumor of cervix, malignant neoplasm of cervix (diagnosis), malig neop cervix uteri nos, malignant cervix tumor, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri unspecified, malignant neoplasm of uterine cervix, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri (diagnosis), malignant cervix uteri neoplasm, malignant cervix neoplasm, malignant tumour of cervix, cervical neoplasm malignant cervix uteri, malignant uterine cervix tumor, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri unspecified site, cervix neoplasms malignant, malignant neoplasm of the cervix, malignant tumor of the cervix uteri, malignant tumour of cervix (disorder), malig neop cervix uteri, malignant tumor of cervix (disorder)",
+"carcinoma adenosquamous, adenosquamous carcinomas, adenosquamous carcinoma (morphologic abnormality), adenosquamous cell carcinoma (disorder), adenosquamous cell carcinoma, mixed adenoca+squamous cell ca, carcinomas adenosquamous, mixed adenoca+epidermoid ca, mixed adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma (diagnosis), adenosquamous carcinoma, mixed adenocarcinoma and epidermoid cell carcinoma, mixed adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma (disorder), mixed adenocarcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma, carcinoma adenosquamous malignant",
+"vaginal cancer squamous cell, vaginal cancer epidermoid carcinoma, vagina squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina, squamous cell carcinoma of vagina, vaginal epidermoid cell carcinoma, carcinoma epidermoid cell vaginal, epidermoid carcinoma of the vagina, vagina carcinoma epidermoid, vagina cancer squamous cell carcinoma, vaginal squamous cell cancer nos, vaginal cancer squamous cell carcinoma, vaginal squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoma squamous cell vaginal, vaginal squamous cell carcinoma nos, squamous cell cancer of vagina, vagina cancer epidermoid cell carcinoma, epidermoid cell carcinoma of vagina, squamous cell carcinoma of vagina (diagnosis), squamous cell carcinoma of vagina (disorder), vaginal squamous cell carcinoma not otherwise specified, vagina epidermoid cell carcinoma, vaginal cancer epidermoid cell carcinoma, vaginal epidermoid carcinoma, epidermoid cell carcinoma of the vagina, vagina epidermoid carcinoma, epidermoid carcinoma of vagina",
+"vaginal, vaginal (intended site)",
+"temsirolimus-containing product, product containing temsirolimus, product containing temsirolimus (medicinal product), 42-(3-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpropanoate)rapamycin, temsirolimus, rapamycin 42-(3-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpropanoate), temsirolimus (product), rapamycin 42-(22-bis(hydroxymethyl)propionate), temsirolimus (substance), temsirolimus (medication), temsirolimus product",
+"torus nos, torus, torus (morphologic abnormality), toru",
+"rhabdomyosarcoma alveolar, monomorphous round cell rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma 2, rms2, arms, alveolar; rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma; alveolar, alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (disorder), alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas, alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (morphologic abnormality), alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm myosarcoma rhabdomyosarcoma alveolar, rhabdomyosarcomas alveolar, rmsa, alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma",
+"type cell, cells types, cell types, type of cell, type of cell (attribute), cell type, cell typing, type of cell (qualifier value), cells type",
+"rapamycin, sirolimus (substance), measurement of sirolimus (procedure), sirolimus measurement, sirolimus (medication), slm, product containing sirolimus, sirolimus (product), sirolimus, sirolimusum, sirolimus product, (-)-rapamycin, assay of sirolimus, product containing sirolimus (medicinal product), rapa, sirolimus level, drug screen quantitative sirolimus, 9101213142122232425262732333434a-hexadecahydro-927-dihydroxy-3-((1r)-2-((1s3r4r)-4-hydroxy-3-methoxycyclohexyl)-1-methylethyl)-1021-dimethoxy-6812142026-hexamethyl-2327-epoxy-3h-pyrido(21-c)(14)oxaazacyclohentriacontine-15112, sirolimús, sirolimus-containing product, measurement of sirolimus",
+"duration, duration (temporal concept), has duration, duration (qualifier value), duration (attribute), durations, duration (property), durations (qualifier value), with duration, duration (property) (qualifier value)",
+"hosp, hospitals, hospital nos, hospital environment, in hospital, hospital, hospital (environment)",
+"newborn icu, newborn intensive care units (nicu), neonatal icu, neonatal intensive care units, nicu, environment intensive care unit neonatal, neonatal icus, environment: neonatal icu (treatment), icus newborn, environment: neonatal icu, icu neonatal, neonatal intensive care unit, newborn intensive care unit, icu newborn, intensive care units neonatal, neonatal intensive care unit (environment), newborn icus, neonatal intensive care unit (nicu), pediatric neonatal intensive care unit, icus neonatal, newborn intensive care units",
+"ataluren (substance), 3-[5-(2-fluorophenyl)-124-oxadiazol-3-yl]benzoic acid, ataluren",
+"ending, ended, stop, end, stop (qualifier value)",
+"tréprostinil, treprostinil, product containing treprostinil (medicinal product), treprostinil (product), treprostinil product, treprostinil (substance), ((1r2r3as9as)-2-hydroxy-1-((3s)-3-hydroxyoctyl)-233a499a-hexahydro-1h-cylopent(b)naphthalen-5-yl)oxy)acetate, treprostinilo, treprostinilum, treprostinil-containing product, product containing treprostinil",
+"minute (diminutive), minute, minutes, minute (qualifier value)",
+"n6, n6 (finding)",
+"pulmonary hypertension (& [primary]), primary pulmonary hypertension (disorder), hypertension;pulmonar;idiopath, hypertension primary pulmonary, primary pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary hypertension idiopathic, pulmonary hypertension (& [primary]) (disorder), prim pulm hypertension, pulmonary hypertension essential, idiopathic pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary hypertension primary, primary pulmonary hypertension (diagnosis), essential pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary primary hypertension, pulmonary hypertension primary, ppht - primary pulm hyperten, hypertension;pulmonar;primary, ppht - primary pulmonary hypertension, hypertension pulmonary primary",
+"lymphocytic tissue, lymphoid normal, lymphocytic tissue structure (body structure), lymphoid tissue, tissues lymphatic, tissues lymphoid, lymphatic tissues, tissue lymphoid, lymphatic tissue, lymphatic tissue (body structure), tissue lymphoid, lymphocytic tissue structure, lymphatic organs, tissue lymphatic, lymphoid tissues",
+"surgery, surgery general, general surgery (qualifier value), surg, surgery general, surgery.general, general surgery, general surgery specialty",
+"use of (attribute), using, use of, using (attribute)",
+"1-00 general operative procedures, surgery nos, surgery, surg procedure operative, surgery operative, operation (surgery), surgical treatments, h&p.surg proc, procedures operative surgical, surgical procedure, surgical intervention, operative procedure, procedures operative, surgical procedures operative, surgical procedure nos, surgical, surgery procedure, surg, surgery (qualifier value), surgical treatment, operative surgery, operation nos, surgical procedure (procedure), procedure operative surg, section 1-0 generic operative procedures, operative surg procedures, operation, surgeries, surgical procedure operative, surgical procedures, procedure operative surgical, general operative procedures, operative procedures, surgically, operative surgical procedure, operative procedure nos, surgery (treatment), surgical (qualifier value), procedure operative, procedures operative surg, procedure surgical, surg procedures operative, procedures surgical, operation nos, generic operative procedures, operative surg procedure, surgical interventions, operative surgical procedures",
+"plural (modifier) (qualifier value), many, plurals, multi, numerous, multiple -retired-, plural, multiple, more, numerous (qualifier value), multiple (qualifier value), plural (modifier) [ambiguous]",
+"room of building - study, study, study (environment)",
+"fusion procedure, fusion, fusions, fusion procedure (procedure)",
+"trailing, post, after, post device, status post, after values, after values (qualifier value)",
+"csc, csr-central serous retinopathy, central serous chorioretinopathy, central serous retinopathy (diagnosis), central serous retinopathies, serous retinopathies central, central serous choroidopathy, serous chorioretinopathy central, centr serous chorioretinopathy, central serous; retinopathy, serous retinopathy central, chorioretinopathies central serous, serous chorioretinopathies central, chorioretinopathy central serous, choroidoretinopathy; central serous, central serous chorioretinopathy (disorder), chorioretinopathy; central serous, retinopathy central serous, cent serous retinopathy, central serous chorioretinopathies, retinopathy; central serous, central serous retinopathy, csr - central serous retinopathy, retinopathies central serous, central serous retinopathy (disorder), csc - central serous choroidopathy",
+"muscular disorders, myopathies, myopathic disease, myopathy nos, muscular dis, myopathy, myopathic syndrome nos, muscular disorder, [x]disorder of muscle unspecified, disorders of muscles (m60-m63), myopathy unspecified, skeletal muscle disease, myopathic condition, muscle disorder, muscle tissue disease, myopathic disease nos, a-51 myopathies, disorder of skeletal and/or smooth muscle (disorder), muscle disorder nos, muscle disease or syndrome, myopathic diseases and syndromes, disorder of muscle -retired-, disease (or disorder); muscle, unspecified disorder of muscle, disorder of muscle unspecified, myopathy (disorder), disorder muscle, disorder of muscle, myopathic syndrome, disorder of muscle (disorder), muscular disease, myopathic disease or syndrome, [x]disorder of muscle unspecified (disorder), muscle disease, disorder of muscle unspec, disorder of muscle nos, disorders of muscles, skeletal muscle disorder, myopathic changes, muscles--diseases, myopathy nos, [x]disorder of muscle unspec, muscular diseases, muscle disorders, myopathy unspecified, disorder of skeletal and/or smooth muscle, disorder of muscle (diagnosis), myopathic conditions, myopathies (diagnosis), muscle dis",
+"unspecified joint disorder, arthrosis nos, joint disease nos, joint disorder (diagnosis), arthrosis nos, arthropathy nos of unspecified site (disorder), arthropathy (disorder), joints--diseases, arthropathy (diagnosis), [x]arthrosis, section 1-2 diseases of the joints, arthropathy nos-unspec, joint dis, disorder joint, arthropathy nos, arthropathy nos of unspecified site, disease of joint, joint disorder nos of unspecified site, disease (or disorder); joint, osteoarthrosis; joint, joint diseases, arthropathy unspecified, joint disorder, arthropathies nos, unspecified arthropathy, unspecified disorder of joint, unspecified joint disorder site unspecified, diseases of the joints, joint disord.nos-site unspecif, unspecified joint disorder other site, disorder of joint nos, arthropathy, arthropathic, diseases of joints, joint disorder nos, arthropathies nos (disorder), arthropathies, arthropathy nos-site unspecif., disease of the joints, arthropathy nos, joint disorder nos of unspecified site (disorder), articular disease, joint; disorder, joint dysfunction, disorder of joint, joint disease, arthropathy nos (disorder), joint disorder unspecified, arthropathy (nos), unspecified disorder of joint site unspecified, joint disorders nos (disorder), arthrosis, arthrosis unspecified, joint dis nos-unspec jt, [x]arthrosis (disorder), arthropathy unspecified site unspecified, dysfunction;joint, joint disorders, joint disorders nos",
+"osseous, structure bone, bones, bone skeletal, bone (organ), skeletal bone, bone nos, bones set, bone organ, bone structures, ossa, set of bone organs, bone, bone structure, bones structure, bone structure (body structure), os, set of bones, bones structures, bones nos, skeleton system",
+"muscular, muscles organs, muscle, muscles nos, muscle nos, muscles, musculus, muscle organ, myotendinous unit, muscle (organ), skeletal muscle organ",
+"comprehension, understand, understands, understanding function, understanding (function), understanding nos, adccmp, understanding function (observable entity), cdisc adas-cog - comprehension, understood, understanding, knowledge or comprehension",
+"referrals, referral by (observable entity), referral procedure, message type - patient referral, referral (qualifier value), patient referral nos, referral, 0-205-206 patient referrals, referral by, referral (procedure), referral by (treatment), patient referrals, referral (administrative concept), patient referral, referred, patient referral (procedure)",
+"clinical overweight, overweight (finding), overweight (bmi<30), overweight (physical finding), patient overweight, overweight (bmi 25-30), overweight, over weight, overweight (diagnosis), overweight (bmi <30)",
+"clinical trials as topic, trial, clinical trial as topic, clinical_trial, clinical trials (procedure), clinical trials unspecified, clinical trial, clinical trials, clinical trial (procedure), clintrial",
+"stage 3 (qualifier value), stage level 3, stage iii, third stage, stage 3, stage level 3 (qualifier value)",
+"role, generic role, functional role, role generic, role (role)",
+"right-sided, right, right (qualifier value), dextros, dextro, right sided, righting, right sides, right side, rt - right, r-, right sided (qualifier value)",
+"immunoglobulin g4 anti-(human programmed cell death 1); humanized mouse monoclonal (228-l-proline(h10-s>p))gamma 4 heavy chain (134-218)-disulfide with humanized mouse monoclonal kappa light chain dimer (226-226:229-229)-bisdisulfide, pembrolizumab-containing product, chemotherapeutics pembrolizumab, product containing pembrolizumab (medicinal product), pembrolizumab (substance), pembrolizumab, humanized mouse monoclonal (228-l-proline(h10-s>p))gamma 4 heavy chain (134-218)-disulfide with humanized mouse monoclonal kappa light chain dimer (226-226:229-229)-bisdisulfide, product containing pembrolizumab, immunoglobulin g4 anti-(human programmed cell death 1), pembrolizumab (medication), lambrolizumab, pembrolizumab product",
+"now and then, episodic (qualifier value), episodic, recurrent",
+"ther, therapeutic interventions, therapeutic procedure nos, therapeutic procedure nos, therapy nos, therapeutic proced, treatments, procedure - therapeutic, therapeutic procedure, method treatment, therapy, treatment, therapeutic procedure [ambiguous], therapeutics, any_therapy, therapy (regime/therapy), treat, therapeutic, therapeutic intervention, therapeutic method, therapeutic procedure (procedure), tx, therapy (regime/therapy)(procedure), methods treatment, therapies, therapy (treatment), treatment method, therapeutic technique, any therapy",
+"genexpr, expression gene, gene expressions, expression gene, gene expression (finding), gene expression level analysis, expression, gene expression, expressed, expressions gene",
+"stage level 2, second stage, stage ii, stage level 2 (qualifier value), stage 2, stage 2 (qualifier value)",
+"benign peritoneal neoplasm, benign neoplasm of peritoneum (diagnosis), neoplasm of uncertain behavior of peritoneum (disorder), serous membrane of abdomen, wall of peritoneal sac, d44-d46 peritoneum, peritoneum, benign tumour of peritoneum, peritoneal neoplasm of uncertain behavior, peritoneum (serous membrane) structure, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of peritoneum (diagnosis), benign neoplasm of peritoneum, benign neoplasm of the peritoneum nos, benign neoplasm of the peritoneum, human peritoneal membrane, serous membrane of abdomen nos, neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of peritoneum, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of peritoneum, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of peritoneum, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of peritoneum, benign neoplasm of the peritoneum (disorder), uncert. neopl. peritoneum, peritoneal, benign tumor of peritoneum, peritoneum (serous membrane) structure (body structure), peritoneum nos",
+"primary tumors, prcdth, mains, main, primary neoplasm, primary operation, primary operation (qualifier value), cause of death.primary, principal (qualifier value), primary tumor, principals, true primary, primary cause of death, primary, true primary (qualifier value), principal",
+"true primary, primary, true primary (qualifier value)",
+"fallopian tube cancer, cancers fallopian tube, cancer of fallopian tube, carcinoma of the fallopian tube, carcinoma of fallopian tube (diagnosis), fallopian tube cancer nos, fallopian tube carcinoma, carcinoma of fallopian tube, carcinoma of fallopian tube (disorder), fallopian tube carcinoma, fallopian tube cancers, cancer of the fallopian tube, fallopian tube cancer carcinoma, fallopian tube ca, cancer fallopian tube",
+"alcoholic drink intake, alcohol consumption, alcohol consumption nos, alcohol ingestion, use; alcohol, alcohol consumption history (history), drinking alcohol, drinking (alcohol), alcohol; use, consumption alcohol, history of alcohol consumption (history), alcohol consumption (history), alcohol consumption nos (observable entity), alcohol drinking, alcohol quantity/frequency, alcohol use, drinking alcohol, alcohol intake, habit alcohol drinking, alcohol use (diagnosis), alcohol consumption nos (finding), habits alcohol drinking, ai - alcohol intake, consumption alcohol, etoh - alcohol intake, ethanol intake, etoh use, intake alcohol, drinking, alcoholic beverage intake, alcohol drinking habits, alcoholic beverage consumption, drinking habit alcohol, alcohol intakes, alcohol uses, history of alcohol consumption, alcohol intake (observable entity), alcoholic beverage intake (observable entity), alcohol drinking habit, drink alcohol, intake alcohol, alcohol product use, alcohol consumption history",
+"intervention regime (regime/therapy), intervention regimes (procedure), intervention regimes (regime/therapy), intervention regimes, intervention regime, intervention, interventions, intervention (procedure), intervention (regime/therapy)",
+"diagnostic imaging nos, diagnostic imaging (procedure), diagnostic imaging, imaging diagnostic, diagnostic imaging not elsewhere classified, diagnostic imaging nos, imaging (procedure), imaging diag, medical imaging, clinical imaging, imaging, diag image, dental diagnostic imaging, imaging by method, imaging by method (procedure), imaging procedure",
+"brain condition nos, brain disease, structure of brain, brain conditions (non-specific), disease (or disorder); brain, disease of brain, brain diseases, intracranial cns disorders, nervous system brain, cns disorder intracranial, suprasegmental levels of nervous system, bra, brain structure, br, entire brain, brains, cns disorders intracranial, brain conditions, disorder of brain, brain condition, brain; disease, central nervous system disorders intracranial, conditions of brain (diagnosis), encephalon, brain--diseases, central nervous system intracranial disorders, intracranial cns disorder, human brain, unspecified condition of brain, intracranial cns dis, brain, disorder of brain (diagnosis), suprasegmental structures, cns dis intracranial, brain disorder, disorder of brain unspecified, brains conditions, encephalon dis, brain disorder nos, brain dis, vertebrate brain, disease of brain (disorder), brain conditions nos, brain disorder (nos), encephalon diseases, cerebral, brain conditions nos (disorder), intracranial central nervous system disorders, disorder of brain (disorder), conditions of brain, entire encephalon, disease of brain nos, cns-brain, brain structure (body structure), encephalon disease, entire brain (body structure), brain nos, cns intracranial dis, brain disorders",
+"imaging techniques (qualifier value), imaging procedures, imaging technic, imaging (procedure), imaging techniques, imaging technique (qualifier value), medical imaging, diagnostic imaging technique, imaging technique, imaging, imaging procedure",
+"combine nos, combine, combines, combine device, combine device (physical object)",
+"procedure on brain (procedure), procedure on brain, procedure on brain (treatment), brain procedure",
+"tomogr mr, magnetic resonance imaging (mri), magnetic resonance imaging service (procedure), mr tomography, 5-09 magnetic resonance imaging, mri scan (procedure), magnetic resonance imaging - action (qualifier value), magnetic resonance study (procedure), nuclear magnetic resonance, mri scan, nmr scan, mr tomogr, nmr tomography, magnetic resonance: [imaging] or [study] (procedure), magnetic resonance imaging nos, nmr - nuclear magnetic reson, medical imaging magnetic resonance / nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance nos (procedure), steady state free precession mri, magnetic resonance imaging - action, nmr - nuclear magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance technique, mr imaging, zeugmatography, nmr tomogr, tomography nmr, imaging magnetic nuclear resonance, zeugmatogr, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance study, magnetic resonance imaging scan, magnetic resonance imaging service, magnetic resonance imaging (procedure), mr, tomogr nmr, mri, mri - magnetic resonance imaging, imaging nmr, tomography mr, nmr, imaging magnetic resonance, nmri, nuclear magnetic resonance nos, nmr imaging, steady-state free precession mri, mri - magnetic reson imaging, magnetic resonance imaging [mri], mr - magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance: [imaging] or [study], mri nos",
+"scanners, scanner, scanning systems, scanner (physical object)",
+"dc - direct current, direct current, direct current (physical force)",
+"unmarried person, single - unmarried, person single, single person, single persons, single, maritally unattached, single (& [unmarried]), persons single, single person (finding), unmarried, single (& [unmarried]) (finding)",
+"association [mental function], association, associations, assoc, mental association, association (attribute)",
+"weak heart nos, hearts weak, heart congestive failure, failure heart, heart weakness, heart; disease congestive, cardiac failures, heart failure nos, heart weaknesses, hf - heart failure, failure; heart, failure;congestive cardiac, congestive heart disease, congestive diseases heart, congestive heart failure (diagnosis), chf, chf nos, congestive heart failure chf, myocardial failure nos, chf (congestive heart failure), insufficiency; cardiac, ccf - congestive cardiac failure, heart insufficiency, heart failure nos (disorder), ccf - congestive cardiac fail, congestive heart failure, myocardial failure, heart failure (nos), congestive heart failure unspecified, congestive heart failure (chf), cardiac; insufficiency, congestive failure heart, congestive heart failure nos, cardiac insufficiency, weak heart, cardiac function failed, failure heart congestive, heart: [weak] or [failure nos], insufficiency heart, failure; heart congestive, insufficiency - cardiac, heart failure ctcae, heart failure congestive, insufficiency cardiac, heart failure, heart failure and other functional disorders, heart failure unspecified, cardiac failure (nos), congestive cardiac failure, heart failure (disorder), insufficiency;cardiac, heart failures, failure;heart, weak; heart, heart failure; congestive, disease congestive heart, ccf, heart: [weak] or [failure nos] (disorder), weakness;heart, heart; weakness, congestive; heart, cardiac; failure, cardiac failure (diagnosis), cardiac function failure, heart; insufficiency, heart; congestive, congestive cardiac fail, cardiac congestive failure, congetive cardiac failure, congestive disease heart, failure; cardiac, failures heart, insufficiency; heart, cardiac failure nos, heart failure nos, failure cardiac, chf - congestive heart failure, congestive heart failure (disorder), 3-16 heart failure and other functional disorders, cardiac failure congestive, heart failure congestive, cardiac failure nos, cardiac failure, congestive failure hearts, congestive failures heart, heart failure/congestive heart failure, failure;cardiac, failure congestive heart, cardiac failure congestive",
+"*^patient, patient (person), patients, ^patient, lay user/patient, pt, patient",
+"congestive heart failure unspecified, congestive heart failure (disorder), chf - congestive heart failure, heart failure; congestive, congestive heart failure (chf), disease congestive heart, heart congestive failure, cardiac failure congestive, ccf, congestive failure heart, congestive heart failure nos, cardiac failure congestive, heart; disease congestive, cardiac failures, heart failure congestive, failure heart congestive, congestive; heart, failure; heart congestive, failure;congestive cardiac, congestive heart disease, congestive diseases heart, cardiac failure, congestive heart failure (diagnosis), heart failure congestive, congestive failure hearts, chf, chf nos, congestive failures heart, congestive heart failure chf, heart failure, chf (congestive heart failure), heart; congestive, heart failure/congestive heart failure, congestive cardiac fail, cardiac congestive failure, congetive cardiac failure, congestive disease heart, ccf - congestive cardiac failure, failure congestive heart, congestive cardiac failure, ccf - congestive cardiac fail, congestive heart failure",
+"singular (qualifier value), solitary, singular, only, singles, single, single - numerical descriptor, alone",
+"association, relations, relationship (attribute), related, relationship, relationships, relationships (qualifier value)",
+"system loinc axis 4, system, system (attribute), device system (physical object), system dosing unit, system (unit of presentation), loinc axis 4, drug delivery system category, system of devices, systems, device system, system - kit",
+"sensor, sensor (device), sensor device (physical object), sensor device, device sensor, sensors",
+"cardiovascular disorders: general terms, cardiovascular disorder (nos), [x]cardiovasc diseaseunspecif, cvs disorders nos, cardiovasc dis, cardiovascular disease (cvd), disease of cardiovascular system (disorder), disease cardiovascular, cvd - cardiovascular disease, cv disorders, cardiovascular; disorder, disorder of cardiovascular system (disorder), disease;cardiovascular, general cardiovascular system diseases and syndromes, diseases and syndromes of cardiovascular system, disease (or disorder); cardiovascular, cardiovascular disorder nos, cardiovascular diseases, disorder cardiovascular (nos), disease or syndrome of cardiovascular system, cardiovascular disorder, cardiovascular disease unspecified, diseases cardiovascular, section 3-0 diseases affecting the entire cardiovascular system, cvs - cardiovascular system diseases, cardiovascular disorders (diagnosis), cardiovascular disease, cvd, diseases affecting the entire cardiovascular system, [x]cardiovascular disease unspecified (disorder), 3-00 cardiovascular disorders: general terms, ascvd, cvd nos, disorder of cardiovascular system, cardiovascular system diseases, disease of cardiovascular system, disease of cardiovascular system nos, cardiovascular disorder nos, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cardiovasc diseaseunspecif, cardiovascular system disease, cvs disease, cardiovascular disease nos, cvs disease - cardiovascular system disease, cardiovascular system--diseases, chapter 3 diseases of the cardiovascular system, cardiovascular disorders, cardiovascular disorders general, [x]cardiovascular disease unspecified",
+"long-term, long-term (qualifier value), long term, term long, long terms",
+"product containing fluoride (medicinal product), fluoride nos, fl, fluoride product, fluoride (fl), fluoride salt nos, fluoride salt, product containing fluoride, fluoride preparation, fluoride (substance), fluoride salt (substance), fluoride ion, fluoride products, fluoride, product containing fluoride (product), fluorides, fluoride product (product), fluorine-, fluoride-containing product, fluoride product (substance), f-",
+"mutation abnormality, genetic change, genetic alteration, genome mutation, genetic mutation (finding), genomic mutation, genetic mutations, mutations, mutation (genetics), mutated, genetic mutation, mutation, alterations genetic",
+"cystic disorder fibrosis, fibrocystic disease, mucoviscidosis, cystic fibrosis (diagnosis), cystic fibrosis (cf), disease fibrocystic pancreas, cystic fibrosis nos, cystic fibrosis (disorder), cystic fibrosis nos (disorder), cf (cystic fibrosis), cystic fibrosis (disorder) [ambiguous], cystic fibrosis, cystic; fibrosis, fibrocystic disease of pancreas, cystic fibrosis unspecified, pancreas cystic fibrosis, fibrosis cystic, cf - cystic fibrosis, disease; fibrocystic, cystic fibrosis pancreas, fibrocystic; disease, cf, diseases fibrocystic, disease fibrocystic, disease;fibrocystic, fibrosis; cystic",
+"functions (qualifier value), function (observable entity), function (attribute), fcn, functioning, function, functions (observable entity), functional, functions",
+"rheumatoid factor nos, factor rheumatoid testing, rheumatoid factor nos (procedure), rheumatoid factor measurement (procedure), test rheumatoid factor, rheumatoid factor level, rheumatoid factor test, test;rheumatoid factor, rf, rheumatoid factor, factor rheumatoid test, rheumatoid factor measurement nos, rheumatoid factor measurement, factor rheumatoid",
+"intention - attribute, intention, intention - mental process, intent, intentions, intention - attribute (attribute)",
+"procedural approach nos, procedural approach (qualifier value), procedure approach (attribute), procedure approach, approaches, anatomic modifiers of procedural approaches, procedural approach",
+"intention - attribute, intention, intentional, act mood - intent, has intent, has intent (attribute), intention - mental process, intent, intended, intentions, actmoodintent, intention - attribute (attribute), intentional (qualifier value)",
+"administration (procedure), administering, administration, treatment, administration procedures, administration procedure, administration (substance)",
+"disease recurrent, disease in relapse, recurrent (modifier) [ambiguous], relapse in viscera, recurrent disease nos, blood relapse, relapsing -retired-, relapse (disorders), client/patient relapse, relapse following intervention for kawasaki disease, relapsing (qualifier value), relapsing, global relapse in viscera, recurrent disease, lymph node relapse, global relapse in lymph nodes, global relapse in blood, recurring, disease relapse, relapses, recurrent disease (finding), global relapse, skin relapse, global relapse in skin, recurrent, relapse site not specified, diseases--relapse, viscera relapse, recurrent (qualifier value), relapse in skin, relapse in lymph nodes, disorder relapse, relapse, relapse phase, relapse in blood, recurrent (modifier) (qualifier value), relapse phase (qualifier value), relapsed disease, recurrent disease (disorder)",
+"remitting, remitting (qualifier value), remit",
+"effective (modifier) [ambiguous], effective (qualifier value), effective, effective (modifier) (qualifier value)",
+"highly, euphoria (symptom), high feeling, observation value - high, feel high, international prognostic scoring system for myelodysplastic syndrome high risk category, euphoria (finding), revised international prognostic scoring system for myelodysplastic syndrome high risk category, euphoric mood, feeling high (finding), elevated, high (qualifier value), abnormally high, mood euphoric, ipss-r risk category high, euphoria, high, message waiting priority - high, emotionally high, euphoric, high (finding), mood euphoric (physical finding), felt high, high risk, higher, ipss risk category high, high level, ipss-r high risk, elevate, ipss high risk, feeling high, high mitosis-karyorrhexis index, abnormally high (qualifier value), euphorias",
+"lung grafting, lung transplant, lung transplantation procedures, transplantation of lung, lung transplant (treatment), surgery lung transplant, lungs--transplantation, transplantations lung, transplant of lung nos, lung transplantation not otherwise specified, transplantation of lung nos (procedure), transplantation lung, lung transplant (procedure), lung transplantations, transpl lung, lung graftings, lung transplant nos, grafting lung, lung transplants, 1-28d lungs and pleura: transplantations and transpositions, transplant of lung (procedure), graftings lung, ltx - lung transplant, transplant of lung, transplantation of lung nos, transplant;lung, lungs and pleura: transplantations and transpositions, cardio/pulm: lung transplant, lung transplantation, lung transpl, en bloc lung transplantation",
+"neoplasms nos, neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps), tumours, neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (including cysts and polyps), malignant benign and unspecified neoplasms cysts polyps (diagnosis), neopl, neoplasms nos (disorder), tumor nos, ng - new growth, neoplasm nos, neoplasms, neoplasia, tumors, neoplastic disease, neoplasm - benign malignant unspecified (including cysts polyps), tumour nos, [m]neoplasms nos (morphologic abnormality), malignant benign and unspecified neoplasms cysts polyps, other neoplasm, tumour, oncological abnormality, 800 neoplasms nos, neoplasm (nos), ng - neoplastic growth, tumour nos, new growth nos, [m]neoplasms nos, new growth, neoplasias, oncology, neoplasm nos, neoplastic syndrome, neoplasm (morphologic abnormality), tumor, neoplasm, neoplastic growth, tumor nos, neoplasms nos",
+"solid dose form (product), solid dose form (qualifier value), solid dosage form, basic dose form with solid state of matter (basic dose form), solids, solids (medication), solid, solid dose form, basic dose form with solid state of matter",
+"combined, combined (qualifier value), combination",
+"immune, immune (qualifier value)",
+"antibodies, little nos ab, unidentified ab, not otherwise specified antibody, ab, little not otherwise specified antibody, antibody product, product containing antibody (product), unidentified antibody, antibody (substance), antibody, antibodies in vitro diagnostic, product containing antibody, antibody nos, nos ab, antibody-containing product",
+"immunoglobulins, immunoglobulins nos, globulins immune, immunoglobulin measurement (procedure), immunoglobulins nos (procedure), globulinimmune, presence of immunoglobulin, immune globulin, product containing immunoglobulin, immune globulins, product containing immunoglobulin (product), immunoglobulin products (substance), antibody, immunoglobulin product, igs - immunoglobulins, immunoglobulin measurement, immunoglobulin-containing product, immunoglobulins (& [level]), immune globulin unspecified formulation, immunoglobulin structure (substance), immunoglobulin measurement nos, immunoglobulin products, ig, immunoglobulins / antibodies, immunoglobulin products (product), ig nos, immglb, immunoglobulin structure, c8 immunoglobulins, detection of immunoglobulin (procedure), detection of immunoglobulin, globulin immune, immunoglobulin, immunoglobulins (& [level]) (procedure), immunoglobulin level test, immunoglobulin (medication), immunoglobulin (substance), immunoglobulin nos, ig unspecified formulation",
+"clinic, clinics outpatient, ambulatory, outpatient care facility, clinics outpatients, ambulatory care site (environment), facility ambulatory care, facilities ambulatory care, acf, clinics outpatient, clinic outpatient, amb, clinic outpatient, ambulatory treatment center, ambulatory care facilities, ambulatory care facility, outpatient clinics, outpatient clinic, ambulatory care site, ambulatory care site nos",
+"i ab, anti i, blood group antibody i (substance), d35-d36 i blood group antibodies, blood group antibody i, i antibody, i nos ab, i blood group antibodies, i system antibody, anti i (substance), i nos, blood group antibody i nos, i not otherwise specified antibody",
+"cell type, cellula, set of cells, cell counts, cells, cell count procedure, cell numbers, cell nos, cellular, cell structure, counts cell, cells count, cell types, cell count, cells counts, cell count (procedure), cell number, cell structure (cell structure), cells set, normal cell, cellular structure, cellular structures, the cell, cell count (observable entity), numbers cell, cells (biology), e00 the cell, cell counting, count cell, cell, number cell, cell structure (body structure)",
+"neoplasms mammary, neoplasm of the breast, mammary tumors, neoplasm of breast (diagnosis), breast neoplasm diagnosis, animal mammary neoplasm, location of neoplasm of breast, breast tumor, mammary neopl, mammary neoplasms, tumor of the breast, neoplasia of the breast, tumors breast, neoplasm animal mammary, mammary neoplasm animal, tumor of breast, tumours of the breast, neoplasms breast, breast neoplasm, animal mammary neoplasms, neoplasm of breast, breast tumors, mammary neoplasm, breast tumour, mammary tumor, breast neoplasms, tumour of breast, breast neoplasm nos, neoplasms animal mammary, breast--tumors, location of neoplasm of breast (diagnosis), neopl breast, neoplasm mammary, mammary neopl animal, neopl mammary, neoplasm of breast (disorder), neoplasm breast, breast tumours, breast neopl, neoplasm breast, tumor breast, mammary neoplasms animal",
+"ca lung, malignant neoplasm of lung nos, malignant neoplasm of lung (diagnosis), cancers lungs, lung malignant tumors, lung cancer malignant, pulmonary cancer, malignant neoplasm of lung, cancer of lung, pulmonary cancers, lung malignant tumours, malignant lung neoplasm, lung cancer (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm of the lung, cancer lung, neoplasm malig;lung, lung cancers, lung cancer nos, ca - lung cancer, malignant tumor of the lung, malignant lung tumor, cancers lung, lung neoplasm malignant, malignant tumor of lung, malignant tumor of lung (disorder), malignant neosplasm of the lung, lungs--cancer, cancer of the lung, lungs cancer, cancers pulmonary, malignant lung tumors, lung cancer, cancer pulmonary, malignant neoplasm lung, malignant tumour of lung, lung malignancy, lung malignancies, cancer pulmonary",
+"entire neck (body structure), neck nos, chest pain radiating to neck, collum pancreatis, neck of pancreas (body structure), neck anatomy, necks, radiating chest pain in neck, chest pain radiating to neck (symptom), entire neck, passive joint movement of neck (finding), neck structure (body structure), collum, pancreatic neck, neck structure, neck of pancreas, cervical, neck (anatomy), neck of the pancreas, d16 neck, neck (volume), neck, pancreas neck",
+"carcinoma of lung, cancer of lung, malignant epithelial neoplasm of lung (disorder), of lung carcinoma, malignant epithelial neoplasm of lung, carcinoma of lung (diagnosis), carcinoma of the lung, carcinoma lung, pulmonary carcinoma, cancer of the lung, carcinoma lungs, carcinoma;lung, lung cancer (all types), lung carcinoma, carcinoma;respiratory, lung cancer nos, lung cancer, carcinomas lung",
+"primary malignant neoplasm of lung, primary malignant neoplasm of lung (disorder), primary malignant neoplasm of lung (diagnosis), lung malignant neoplasm primary, lung cancer",
+"positive for, rule, positive finding, b-raf1 gene rearrangement, positive charge, braf gene rearrangement, positive (qualifier value), ruled, v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog b1 gene rearrangement, b-raf gene rearrangement, braf rearrangement, ruled in, positive, rulings, positive number, positive (+), ruling, expressed",
+"nil (qualifier value), nil",
+"origins, beginnings, origin (attribute), origins (qualifier value), begin, origin, start, beginning",
+"biologic, biologically, biologic (qualifier value), biological",
+"young (qualifier value), young, youngs",
+"corrected, remediate, remediated (finding), corrected (qualifier value), remediated",
+"fibrose, fibrous tissue formation, fibrosis (formation of excess fibrous connective tissue), fibroses, fibrosis (qualifier value), fibrosis nos, fibrosis nos, fibrosis, fibrous thickening, fibroplasia nos, fibrosis assessment, fibroplasia, fibrosis (morphologic abnormality), desmoplasia, fibrous repair, fibrous replacement",
+"motivational counseling, motivational interview, interviewing motivational, motivational enhancement therapy, motivational interviewing intervention, motivational interviewing (qualifier value), motivational interviewing, mi",
+"american joint committee on cancer, ajcc (tumor staging), american joint committee on cancer (tumor staging), american joint committee on cancer (ajcc) (tumor staging), ajcc tumor staging, ajcc, american joint committee on cancer (ajcc)",
+"roman numeral iii, iii, iii (qualifier value), roman numeral iii (qualifier value)",
+"receptor (substance), receptor, receptors, proteins receptor, receptor proteins, receptor protein, protein receptors, protein receptor",
+"sleep management, management sleep, sleep management (procedure)",
+"289-28a apneas, apneic episodes, [d]apnea (situation), not breathing, breathing stop, stops breathing (finding), [d]apnoea (situation), pulmonary arrest, apnoeic, apnea (physical finding), [d]apnoea, apnoea, apnoea nos, [d]apnea (context-dependent category), has stopped breathing, apnea nos, stops breathing, apneas, breathing stops, apnea (finding), apneic, breathing stopping, apnea nos, apnea ctcae, absence of spontaneous respiration, stopped breathing, apnoeas, apnea, [d]apnea",
+"laboratory testing, laboratory procedures, general laboratory procedures, lab test, laboratory procedure - general - nos (procedure), lab tests, laboratory test, laboratory; test, general laboratory procedures and services, general laboratory procedure (procedure), laboratory (cms temporary codes), section 3-0 general laboratory procedures and services, laboratory procedure, laborat proced - general - nos, laboratory test (procedure), laboratory procedure - general - nos (context-dependent category), tests, laboratory procedure - general - nos, laboratory procedures and services, test, investigation - lab.general, general laboratory procedure nos, general laboratory procedure, laboratory test panel, test lab. - general, laboratory test nos, general laboratory procedure -retired-, chapter 3 laboratory procedures and services, laboratory procedures -general (situation), lab. test - general, laboratory procedure nos (procedure), laboratory procedure nos, investig.- lab.general, labs testing, lab testing, laboratory procedures -general (context-dependent category), labs test, laboratory procedures (procedure), laboratory tests, laboratory procedure (procedure), procedure lab.-general, laboratory procedure - general - nos (situation), laboratory procedures -general, test; laboratory",
+"tests (qualifier value), tests (procedure), testings, tests, tested, test, testing",
+"hp, pancreatitis hereditary, hereditary chronic pancrtitis, pancreatitis chronic, hereditary pancreatitis, familial chronic pancreatitis, familial pancreatitis with increased cancer syndrome, familial pancreatitis, familial chronic pancreatitis (disorder), hereditary pancreatitis (disorder), pctt, hpc, hereditary chronic pancreatitis, hereditary chronic pancreatitis (diagnosis), hereditary pancreatitis syndrome",
+"mrna translations, translation protein, protein synthesis ribosomal, biosynthesis protein, protein anabolism, translation, genetic translation (finding), genet translation, protein synthesis, synthesis ribosomal protein, peptide biosynthesis ribosomal, biosynthesis ribosomal peptide, translation mrna, ribosomal protein synthesis, biosynthesis ribosomal protein, genetic translations, peptide biosyn ribosomal, translation genet, genetic translation, protein biosynthesis, translation genetic, protein translation, mrna translation, protein biosyn, protein formation, protein biosynthesis ribosomal, biosynthesis protein, proteins--synthesis, ribosomal peptide biosynthesis, ribosomal peptide biosyn, protein biosynthetic process, ribosomal protein biosynthesis",
+"compliance patient, compliance with treatment, client compliances, compliant, client compliance, compliance (psychology), compliance, adherence patient, client adherence, adherence client, cooperation patient, patient compliance, treatment compliance, compliance behavior, compliance behavior (observable entity), therapy compliance, compliance with treatment (history), compliance behaviour, compliance client, patient cooperation, patient adherence",
+"management procedures, management procedure (procedure), management, oversight, managing, supervision, management procedure, management (procedure), managed",
+"preventive monitoring (procedure), monitor, monitoring, preventive monitoring, preventive monitoring (regime/therapy)",
+"aware, awareness, cognitive function: awareness (function), situation awarenesses, cognitive function: awareness, situational awareness, awarenesses, awarenesses situational, situational awarenesses, awareness situational, situation awareness, awarenesses situation, cognitive function: awareness (observable entity), awareness situation",
+"membrum superius, forelimb nos, limbs upper, upper extremity nos, extremities upper, arm, superior member, extremity upper, structure of upper extremity unspecified, extremity-upper, forelimb, upper limb, limb upper, fore limb, d8 upper extremities, upper limb structure (body structure), upper extremity, upper extremities, upper limb structure, structure of upper extremity, upper limbs, upper limb nos",
+"measurement technique, measurement technique (qualifier value), measurement procedure (procedure), measurement - action, measurement - action (qualifier value), measurements, measurement (qualifier value), measurement procedure, measurement in general, measure, measurement",
+"body, body structure (body structure), body structures, body structure, structure body",
+"scale of values, scale - rank (attribute), intellectual scale, scale - rank, scale",
+"structure of upper extremity between shoulder and elbow, brachium, brachial region, arm, arm upper, entire ua - upper arm, entire arm between shoulder and elbow, entire arm, entire upper arm (body structure), upper arm structure (body structure), arms upper, arms, brachiums, structure of upper arm unspecified, arm (anatomy), proximal segment of free upper limb, upper arms, ua - upper arm, upper arm, structure of upper arm, structure of upper extremity between shoulder and elbow (body structure), entire upper arm, upper arm structure, regio brachialis, arm nos, arm between shoulder and elbow",
+"functions (qualifier value), function (attribute), function (observable entity), functioning, fcn, functional (qualifier value), function, functions (observable entity), functional relationship, functional, functions",
+"inhaling (qualifier value), ih, inhalation, in breathing, breathing, inhalations, inspiration (function), inspir, inspiration (breathing), inspiration function, inhale, respiratory aspiration, inspirations, inhaling (observable entity), inspiration, breathing in, inhal, inspiration respiratory, inhaling, inspiration function (observable entity), respiratory inspiration, inspiration (observable entity), inspired, inspiratory, breathing inspiration, inhaled",
+"pulmonary hypertension, pulm hypertension, hypertension pulm, pulmonary hypertension nos, pulmonary hypertensions, pht - pulmonary hypertension, hypertensive pulmonary vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension (disorder), hypertension caused by lung disease, hypertension; pulmonary, hypertension pulmonary, pulmonary hypertension nos, pulmonary hypertension (diagnosis), pulmonary hypertension disorder, hypertension pulmonary, pulmonary hypertension ctcae, pulmonary; hypertension",
+"ph++ (qualifier value), ph++",
+"circulatory system, vascular heart, cardiovascular organ system, cardiovascular system, entire cardiovascular system (body structure), cardiovascular systems, {circulatory system}, cardiovascular system nos, cardiovasc system, cardiovascular system body, organ system cardiovascular, entire cardiovascular system, systema cardiovasculare, body system cardiovascular, structure of cardiovascular system (body structure), structure of cardiovascular system, cardiovascular structure, cv system, circulatory systems, entire cvs - cardiovascular system, cardiovascular structure (body structure), cardiovascular, cardio-pericardial, cardiovascular body system, sections 3-4 cardiovascular system, structure of cardiovascular system unspecified, circulatory, cvs - cardiovascular system, circulatory system nos",
+"idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (disorder), ipah, idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, pah, pulmonary arterial hypertension, hypertension idiopathic pulmonary, primary pulmonary hypertension, pht, pulmonary hypertension primary, hypertension primary pulmonary, pulmonary hypertension idiopathic, idiopathic pulmonary hypertension",
+"pulmonary (intended site), pulmonary",
+"actinio, actinium (substance), ac element, actinium, challenge agent characterization domain, ac, challenge agent characterization, actinium nos",
+"self harm intentional, self-destructive behaviour, behavior self-injurious, deliberate self harm, behaviors self injurious, autoagression, behavior self destructive, self-abusive behavior, intentional self injuries, self injury nonsuicidal, deliberate self-harm, self-injurious behavior, behaviors destructive self, sib - self-injurious behavior, non suicidal self injury, behavior destructive self, self injury intentional, behaviors self destructive, self-injurious behavior (symptom), self harm, self-abusive behaviour, self destructive behavior, sib - self-injurious behaviour, self injurious behavior, self injury, self-destructive behaviors, self-injurious behaviour, non-suicidal self injury, psychological symptoms self-injurious behavior, self-destructive behavior, self destructive behaviour, harm self, behaviors injurious self, self-harm deliberate, self-injurious behavior (finding), intentional self injury, nonsuicidal self injury, intentional self harm, self-injurious behaviors, nonsuicidal self injuries, self-harm, non-suicidal self injuries, self injurious behaviour, self-injury, self damage, self inj behavior, self injury non-suicidal, behavior self-destructive",
+"acetylcysteine [eyes] (substance), acetylcysteine [resp], n-acetylcysteine, l-acetylcysteine, l cysteine n acetyl, nac, n-acetyl-l-(+)-cysteine, l-cysteine n-acetyl-, acetylcysteine [paracet pois], acetylcysteine n, acetylcysteine [eyes] (product), acetylcysteine as mucolytic (medication), l-alpha-acetamido-beta-mercaptopropionic acid, acetyl cysteine, acetylcysteine product, acetylcysteine (product), acetyl cysteine l n, acetylcysteine-containing product, acetylcysteine [respiratory use], acetilcisteina, acetylcysteine - chemical (substance), l-α-acetamido-β-mercaptopropionic acid, n-acetyl-3-mercaptoalanine, acetylcysteine (medication), n-acetyl cysteine, product containing acetylcysteine (medicinal product), acetylcysteine as mucolytic, n acetyl l cysteine, acetylcysteine [paracetamol poisoning treatment] (substance), acetylcysteine (substance), (2r)-2-acetylamino-3-sulfanylpropanoic acid, acetylcysteine [paracetamol poisoning treatment] (product), acetylcysteine [eyes], (r)-mercapturic acid, n acetylcysteine, acid mercapturic, acetylcysteine [respiratory use] (product), acetylcysteine, mercapturic acid, acetylcysteine [respiratory use] (substance), acetylcysteine [paracetamol poisoning treatment], n-acetyl-l-cysteine, acetylcysteinum, (r)-2-acetylamino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid, product containing acetylcysteine, acetylcysteine - chemical",
+"self harm intentional, self-destructive behaviour, behavior self-injurious, deliberate self harm, behaviors self injurious, autoagression, behavior self destructive, self-abusive behavior, intentional self injuries, self injury nonsuicidal, deliberate self-harm, self-injurious behavior, behaviors destructive self, sib - self-injurious behavior, non suicidal self injury, behavior destructive self, self-harm (finding), self injury intentional, behaviors self destructive, self-damage, self-injurious behavior (symptom), self harm, self-abusive behaviour, self destructive behavior, sib - self-injurious behaviour, self injurious behavior, self injury, self-destructive behaviors, self-injurious behaviour, non-suicidal self injury, psychological symptoms self-injurious behavior, self-destructive behavior, self destructive behaviour, harm self, behaviors injurious self, self-harm deliberate, self-injurious behavior (finding), intentional self injury, nonsuicidal self injury, intentional self harm, self-injurious behaviors, nonsuicidal self injuries, self-harm, non-suicidal self injuries, self injurious behaviour, self-injury, self damage, self inj behavior, self injury non-suicidal, behavior self-destructive",
+"syndrome parkinsons, idiopathic parkinsons disease, diseases parkinsons, palsy shaking, parkinson disease, palsy shaking, paralysis; agitans, diseases parkinsons, diseases parkinson, parkinsons disease idiopathic, disease;parkinsons, paralysis agitans, parkinsons dis lewy body, disease parkinson s, paralysis agitans parkinsonism, palsy; shaking, idiopathic parkinson dis, parkinsons dis, lewy body parkinsons disease, parkinson dis idiopathic, parkinson disease idiopathic, parkinson disease (pd), parkinsons disease nos (disorder), agitans; paralysis, parkinson disease lewy body, parkinsons disease nos, parkinson disease (diagnosis), idiopathic parkinson disease, shaking palsy, disease parkinsons, parkinsons, primary parkinsonism, disease idiopathic parkinsons, disease parkinsonss, parkinsons disease (disorder), parkinsons disease, idiopathic parkinsonism, parkinsons dis, lewy body parkinson dis, idiopathic parkinsons dis, parkinsons disease, parkinson dis, parkinsons syndrome, paralysis;agitans, lewy body parkinson disease, disease disorders parkinsons, parkinson`s disease, bodies disease lewy parkinsons, parkinsons dis idiopathic, pd - parkinsons disease, paralysis agitans , shaking; palsy, parkinson s disease, parkinsons disease lewy body, parkinsonism primary, parkinsons disease nos",
+"alkali, alkalising, base, alkali nos, alkali (substance), alkalis, alkalies",
+"base (qualifier value), base - rx component type, unit dose - base, based, dental base, base, base nos, base (substance), alkalinity, basic, base (chemistry), nitrogenous base, anatomical base, bases (medication), base - unit of product usage (qualifier value), base - unit of product usage, base - general qualifier, bases",
+"patient status observation nos, assessment & intervention patient status observation, surveillance active, observation, patient observation, 0-301 patient status observations, deferred therapy, patient observation (treatment), waiting watchful, management expectant, active surveillance, expectant management, patient status observation, observations, patient status observations, patient status observation (procedure), patient status observation (treatment), patient observation nos, watchful waiting",
+"novel, new, new (qualifier value), new [dup] (qualifier value)",
+"administration of anaesthesia, generic anaesthesia procedure, anesthesia procedure, anaesthesia, administration of anesthesia (procedure), procedure anesthesia, anesthesia, anaesthesia nos, anesthesia procedures, administration of anesthesia, anesthesia nos, generic anesthesia procedures, anesthesia procedure (procedure), anesthesias, anesthesia procedure nos, anaesthesia procedure nos, anesthesia for, generic anesthesia procedure, 1-c0 generic anesthesia procedures, generic anesthesia procedure (procedure), anaesthesia procedure, anesthesia nos, section 1-c anesthesia procedures",
+"biomedical device, biomedical equipment device (physical object), hospital medical and surgical equipment, hospital medical and/or surgical equipment (physical device) (physical object), device, medicaldevice, medical device, device med, medical equipment (physical object), medical devices, devices med, med device, medical equipment, device medical, medical device nos, hospital medical and/or surgical equipment (physical device), general biomedical device (physical object), sections 1-2 hospital medical and surgical equipment, 10 general medical devices, biomedical device (physical object), general medical devices, devices medical, devices, general biomedical device, clinical device, biomedical devices, hospital medical and/or surgical equipment, med devices, clinical equipment, biomedical equipment (physical object), device general medical, biomedical equipment",
+"[iu], international unit, unit international, cdisc sdtm unit of measure terminology, international unit(s), unit - nci thesaurus property, u, unit of measurement, f2, international unit of biological activity, international units, iu, international unit (qualifier value), {enzyme}.u, {u}, unit of measure (qualifier value), storage unit, unit, medication units of measure, medication_units_of_measure, storageequipment, enzyme u, sdtm-unit, units (attribute), unit device, unit of measure, uom, storage device, ie, unit - catalytic activity, unit(s), enzyme unit, ius, unit (qualifier value), international units (qualifier value), iu (qualifier value), units",
+"flavouring agent, flavoring agents, enhancer flavor, additive flavor, flavor enhancers, flavoring, flavoured, enhancers flavor, flavouring, flavos, agents flavoring, flavors, flavoring agent, flavored, additives flavor, flavoring (substance), flavor additive, flavorings, flavoring agent (substance), flavor, flavor additives, agent flavoring, flavour, flavor enhancer",
+"e cigarettes, e cigarette, e-cigarettes, vape, e cigs, cigarette electronic, cigarettes electronic, e-cigs, electronic nicotine delivery system, electronic cigarette (physical object), electronic cigarettes, electronic cigarette, e-cigarette, e-cig, e cig",
+"substance abuse drug, rndx drug abuse, drug abuse nos, recreational drug use, abuse; drugs, medication abuse, drug abuse, abuse;drug(s), drug abuse nos, harmful use, abuse, disorder drug abuse, abuse drug, rndx drug abuse (diagnosis), drug abuse (diagnosis), drugs of abuse, drug abuse (disorder)",
+"addiction nos, psychological symptoms behavior compulsive behavior addiction, addiction -retired-, addictive behaviour, addictive behaviors, addictive behavior, behavior addictive, addiction (symptom), behavior addictive, dependence addictive, addiction, addictions, behaviors addictive, addiction (finding)",
+"psyche nos, psyche structure (body structure), mind nos, psyche, minds, mind, mental, mental process, psyche structure",
+"salpingectomy nos, tubal excision, tubectomies, salpingectomy (treatment), tubal excisions, excision procedures on the oviduct/ovary, salpingectomy, salpingectomy nos, tubectomy, fallopian tube excision, salpingectomy (procedure), salpingectomies, salpingectomy nos (procedure), fallopian tube excision (procedure), fallopian tube: excision",
+"inferior, sub-, beneath, inferior (qualifier value), infra-, below (qualifier value), subjacent, under, inferior (modifier) (qualifier value), inferior (modifier) [ambiguous], below",
+"unspecified diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus nos diagnosed, dm - diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus (dm), diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus (diagnosis), diabete mellitus, diabetes (dm), disorder diabetes mellitus, diabetes nos, diabetes mellitus (disorder), diabetes mellitus (e08-e13), diabetes mellitus nos, diabetes, diabetes mellitus nos, dm",
+"result (navigational concept), result (administrative concept), experimental result, what subject filter - result, outcome, result",
+"dyslipidemia, dyslipidemias, high blood cholesterol/triglycerides, dyslipidemia (diagnosis), dyslipidaemia, dyslipidemia (disorder)",
+"metastatic malignant neoplasm in the liver, liver metastases, secondary malignant neoplasm of liver (diagnosis), secondary liver cancer, secondary cancer of liver, cancer metastatic to liver, metastatic cancer to liver, 2-malig neop liver, liver cancer metastatic, metastatic neoplasm to the liver, cancer of liver secondary, secondary malignant neoplasm of liver nos, metastases to liver nos, hepatic metastasis, secondary malignant neoplasm of liver (disorder), liver metastatic cancer to, secondary malignant neoplasm of liver, metastasis to liver, liver secondaries, metastatic malignant neoplasm to the liver, metastatic neoplasm of liver, cancer metastatic to liver, secondary malignancy of liver, malignant neoplasm of liver specified as secondary, metastasis of malignant neoplasm to liver (diagnosis), liver secondary cancer, metastasis to liver (disorder), hepatic metastases, metastases to liver, metastatic malignant neoplasm to liver nos, second malig neo liver, metastatic malignant neoplasm to liver, malignant neoplasm of liver secondary, liver metastasis, metastasis of malignant neoplasm to liver, metastatic tumor to the liver, secondary malignant neoplasm liver, metastatic liver cancer, hepatic neoplasm secondary",
+"cytokine preparation, cytokine-containing product, cytokine, cytokines, product containing cytokine, cytokine nos, product containing cytokine (product), cytokine preparation (substance), cytokine product, cytokine (substance), cytokine preparation (product)",
+"infiltration, infiltrations (procedure), infiltration (procedure), infiltrations",
+"modulate, modulated (qualifier value), modulated, modulating, modulation",
+"hepatic neoplasm malignant, hepatic cancers, liver cancer of, liver--cancer, hepatic neoplasm malignant nos, cancer of the liver, liver cancers, liver unspecified, cancers liver, malignant neoplasm of liver (diagnosis), cancer hepatic, malignant neoplasm of liver (disorder), liver malignant tumors, malignant neo liver nos, malignant neosplasm of the liver, malignant neoplasm of liver, malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified, cancers hepatic, liver neoplasm malignant, neoplasm malig;liver, liver cancer, hepatocellular cancers, malignant hepatic neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified, malignant tumour of liver, hepatic neoplasms malignant, cancer of liver, malignant neoplasm of liver not specified as primary or secondary, hepatic tumor malignant, malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified (disorder), cancer hepatocellular, ca - liver cancer, hepatocellular cancer, malignant liver tumour, liver cancer (diagnosis), malignant tumor of liver, hepatic tumour malignant, malig neoplasm of liver not specified as primary or sec, cancers hepatocellular, malignant neoplasm of liver nos, liver tumor or cancer, malig neop liver unspecified, malignant liver tumor, malignant tumor of liver (disorder), cancer liver, hepatic cancer",
+"antihyperlipemics evolocumab, evolocumab product, evolocumab (medication), product containing evolocumab (medicinal product), evolocumab (substance), product containing evolocumab, evolocumab-containing product, evolocumab",
+"greater than 5.0, high risk of toxic accumulation, high risk, risk high, drug accumulation greater than 5, high risk (qualifier value)",
+"grade high, major (modifier) (qualifier value), lieutenant commander, major, lcdr, severe (severity modifier) (qualifier value), us military commissioned officer o4, gravy, o4, gravis, maj, gravies, severe (severity modifier), major (modifier) [ambiguous], united states military commissioned officer o4 (qualifier value), major , major (qualifier value), united states military commissioned officer o4, severe, high grade, severely, gravi",
+"myocardial infarction (disorder), attacks hearts, mi - myocardial infarction, electrocardiographic myocardial infarction, myocardial infarction by ekg finding, myocardial infarction (diagnosis), ecg: myocardial infarction (finding), infarction;myocardial, myocardial infarction nos, infarction;heart, cardiac; infarction, cardiovascular strokes, syndrome myocardial infarction, ecg infarction myocardial, ecg: myocardial infarction, heart attack, infarcts myocardial, infarction of heart, myocardial infarction syndrome, ekg findings of infarction, myocardial infarction ecg, electrocardiogram: myocardial infarct nos (finding), myocardial infarcts, infarct myocardial, ami, attacks coronary, myocardial infarctions, heart attacks, cardiac infarction, ecg: myocardial infarct nos, infarct myocardial, attack - heart, mies, ekg findings of infarction (finding), infarctions myocardial, ecg myocardial infarction, electrocardiogram: myocardial infarct nos, attack coronary, cardiovascular stroke, myocardial infarct, myocardial infarction ecg assessment, myocardial infarction ctcae, stroke cardiovascular, ekg: myocardial infarction, electrocardiogram finding of infarction, infarcts myocardial, attack heart (nos), strokes cardiovascular, infarctions myocardial, heart attack nos, cardiac infarct, ecg: myocardial infarct nos (finding), myocardial infarction (mi), myocardial infarction by ecg finding, myocardial infarction, infarction; myocardial, infarctions (myocardial), attacking heart, heart infarction, myocardial infarction nos, infarction of heart nos, myocardial necrosis, coronary attack, attack hearts, electrocardiogram: myocardial infarction (finding), cardiac infarction nos, mi, electrocardiographic myocardial infarction (finding), electrocardiogram: myocardial infarction, infarction myocardial, disorder infarction myocardial, electrocardiogram finding of infarction (finding)",
+"years, annum, year, transaction counts and value totals - year, a, precision - year, yr, year (qualifier value)",
+"men, man, male population group, human male, man (person)",
+"lower, lowered, lower (qualifier value), lowers, lowering, lower - spatial qualifier",
+"coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis; coronary (artery), atherosclerosis of coronary artery (disorder), coronary sclerosis, coronary artery sclerosis, coronary atherosclerosis, atheroscleroses coronary, myocardial ischemia, cardiac ischemia, plaque build-up in arteries supplying blood to heart, cardiac; sclerosis, coronary (artery) sclerosis, coronary artery arteriosclerosis, coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, coronary; sclerosis, ischaemic heart disease, ashd, atherosclerosis of coronary artery, coronary (artery) atherosclerosis, coronary arteriosclerosis (disorder), disease (or disorder); arteriosclerotic coronary (artery), cardiac sclerosis, coronary arteriosclerosis, coronary arterioscleroses, atherosclerosis of coronary artery (diagnosis), coronary atheroscleroses, sclerosis; coronary, arteriosclerosis coronary, myocardial ischaemia, arteriosclerosis; coronary, atherosclerosis of native coronary artery, atherosclerosis coronary artery, sclerosis; cardiac, heart; arteriosclerosis, atherosclerotic coronary vascular disease, arteriosclerosis coronary artery, coronary atherosclerosis (disorder), coronary artery diseases, arteriosclerosis; heart, atherosclerosis coronary, atherosclerotic heart disease nos, coronary atheroma, arteriosclerotic heart disease, coronary; arteriosclerosis, obsolete coronary atherosclerosis, disease;atherosclerotic;heart, ashd - atherosclerotic heart disease, arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease, atherosclerotic heart disease, arterioscleroses coronary, coronary artery disease, cardiac ischaemia, disease (or disorder); arteriosclerotic heart, coronary artery atherosclerosis, coronary arteriosclerosis (diagnosis)",
+"coronary heart disease, heart disease coronary, coronary diseases, diseases coronary, coronary disease, heart; disease coronary, chd (coronary heart disease), coronary dis, coronary heart dis, coronary disorders, cad, diseases coronary heart, heart diseases coronary, coronary heart diseases, disease coronary, coronary disorder, chd - coronary heart disease, disease coronary heart",
+"unexplained cough (finding), unexplained cough",
+"chronic course - prolonged duration, chronic (qualifier value), chronic",
+"nose disorder, nasal disorder, nasal disorder nos, nose (nasal passage), disorder nasal, disorders nose, disease nose, procedure on nose, disorder of nose, entire nose (body structure), nasals, procedures on nose, nose--diseases, nasal structure, nose diseases, nasal procedure (procedure), diseases nose, naso-, structure of nose, diseases nose, nasal, diseases nasal, procedure on nose (procedure), disease of the nose (disorder), nasal procedure, rhino-, disease or syndrome of nose, nasus, structure of nose unspecified, nose nos, disorders nasal, disorder of nose (diagnosis), disease (or disorder); nose, nasal (qualifier value), 21 nose, disease of the nose, nasal diseases, nose, disorders nasal, nose dis, nose disease, disorder of the nose (disorder), noses, nasal disease, disorder of the nose, nose; disorder, nasal disorders, nasal structure (body structure), disease nasal, entire nose, disease nose, disease of the nose nos",
+"sleep (qualifier value), sleeps, sleep nos, sleep functions unspecified, sleep function, sleep (biological function) (observable entity), sleep brand of diphenhydramine hydrochloride, sleep, sleeping, sleep function (observable entity), sleep functions, sleep (biological function) [ambiguous]",
+"transcranial electrical stimulation (procedure), electrical stimulation transcranial, stimulation transcranial electrical, stimulations transcranial electrical, transcranial electrical stimulations, transcranial electric stimulat, electrical stimulations transcranial, transcranial electrical stimulation",
+"cognitive function, function cognitive, cognitive functions, cognition, cognition nos, cognition/thought processes, 904 cognition, cognitions, functions cognitive",
+"increases, heightened, increased, increase, increase (qualifier value)",
+"training (regime/therapy), processing id - training, training programs, training, program training, training program, program training, programs training, instruction, functional training, functional training (procedure), training (procedure), programs training",
+"inflammation nos, inflammatory reaction nos, inflammation nos, inflammatory reaction, inflammation (morphologic abnormality), inflammation (qualifier value), inflammations, inflammation, inflamm",
+"tube (unit of presentation), tube",
+"biomedical tube device, tube device (physical object), tubes, tube, tube device, tube device, tube nos",
+"mammogram nos, mammography, mg, mammography procedures, mammograms, mam, mammography procedure, radiographic examination of breast nos, mammogram, radiography of breast, mammography (procedure), mammogr, mammography nos, mammogram (procedure), mammographies, radiographic examination of breast",
+"exfoliation nos, scaling (observable entity), scaling of skin nos, desquamation nos, scaling of skin (symptom), exfoliation of skin, desquamative state, peeling of skin, scaling -retired-, peel, skin desquamation nos, exfoliation, exfoliated, shedding of scales, desquamation function, exfoliate, desquamation, exfoliation (physical finding), peeling;skin, desquamation of skin, exfoliation nos, skin appearance peeling (physical finding), desquamation was seen, exfoliating, flaking skin, skin scales (physical finding), peeling of skin (finding), peeling skin, skin desquamation, scaling, scaling of skin, desquamation (physical finding), skin scaling, peeling skins, skin peeling (symptom), exfoliation was seen, desquamation (function), skin peeling, skin exfoliation, scaling of the skin, skin flaking, scaly skin, desquamation; skin, scales, dropping of scales, scaling skin, 415 desquamation, skin peel, skin scales, skin appearance peeling, desquamation function (observable entity), peels, peeling, scales were seen, flaking of skin",
+"periodontal operation, periodontal operation (procedure), periodontal surgeries, periodontal surgery (treatment), periodontal surgery",
+"bacteria sp., bacterial count (procedure), bacterial count measurement, bacteria latreille peletier de saint fargeau serville & guerin 1825, unknown eubacteria, bacterial count, unknown bacteria, unidentified bacteria, unknown eubacterium, 100 bacteria, bacteria , unidentified bacterium, bact, bacterium (organism), domain bacteria (organism), counts bact, bacteria (organism), bacterial counts, bacterium, bacteria latreille et al. 1825, unidentified eubacterium, bacterium sp., count bacterial, superkingdom bacteria (organism), bacteria stick insect, bact counts, bact count, bacterial sp., bacteria , bacteria , bacteria, bacteria., unclassified bacterium, bacterium nos, bacteria nos, bacteria eubacteria, count bact, eubacteria, domain bacteria, superkingdom bacteria, counts bacterial, bacteria bacterium",
+"htlv iii test positive, htlv iii seropos, htlv iii seroconversion, htlv wiii seropositivity, hiv seroconversions, hiv seropositivity, hiv; positive, htlv-iii seroconversion, hiv positve, hiv antibody positivity, hiv positives, human immunodeficiency virus positive, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) seropositivity, seropositivities htlv-iii, positivities hiv antibody, seropositivity aids, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) positive (finding), hiv +, antibody positive aids test, htlv-iii seroconversions, aids seropositivities, aids seroconversions, antigen positive aids test, positive; hiv-test, hiv positive (finding), seroconversions htlv-iii, positivity anti-hiv, antibody positivities hiv, hiv test positive, human immunodeficiency virus seropositivity (disorder), seroconversions hiv, seropositivities hiv, hiv seropos, hiv seropositivity (disorder), htlv-iii seropositivities, hiv test positve, hiv seropositivity (diagnosis), hiv-test; positive, seropositive (aids test), antibody positivity hiv, hiv; test positive, positive hiv antibody test, hiv seropositivities, seropositivities aids, seroconversions aids, htlv-3 antibody positive, serology positive for hiv, hiv positive nos, human immunodeficiency virus seropositivity, hiv seropositive nos, htlv iii seropositivity, anti-hiv positivity, test; hiv positive, positivities anti-hiv, serology positive for human immunodeficiency virus, hiv seroconversion, htlv-iii seropositivity, positive test for hiv, seropositivity hiv, hiv seropositive, positive; hiv, anti-hiv positivities, seropositive htlv iii, hiv (+), hiv antibody positivities, hiv immunoassay positive, aids seroconversion, seroconversion hiv, positive hiv, aids seropositivity, antihiv positivity, hiv positive, seroconversion htlv-iii, human immunodeficiency virus positive (finding), hiv antibody pos, aids seropos, seroconversion aids, hiv pos, anti hiv pos, anti hiv positivity, hiv positivity, htlv wiii seroconversion, hiv+, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) seropositivity (disorder), seropositivity htlv-iii, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) positive, seroconversion hiv, positivity hiv antibody",
+"organ donor, organ donor (qualifier value), donor;organ, donors organ, organ donor (person), donors organ, organ donors, donor organ, organ donor nos",
+"tissue transplanting, transplanted tissue or organ, grafts tissue, transplanted organ nos, transplanted tissue, transplant, transplant (body structure), organ tissue transplants, tissue transplants, transplant tissue, tissue graft - material, tissue transplant, graft, transplanted organ or tissue, transplanted organ/tissue, [v]unspecified transplanted organ or tissue (situation), [v]unspecified transplanted organ or tissue, tissue graft - material (substance), [v]transplanted organ or tissue (situation), tissue grafts, transplanting, transplant graft (substance), transplant nos, grafting, [v]unsp.transplanted organ/tis, graft transplant, graft tissue, [v]transplanted organ or tissue (context-dependent category), [v]transplanted organ, organ tissue transplant, [v]transplanted organ or tissue, transplanted, [v]transplanted organ/tissue, transplant tissue, grafts, transplants, 155 transplants, tissue graft, transplants tissue, health status influenced by organ or tissue transplant, graft nos, unsp.transplanted organ/tis, [v]transplanted tissue, transplant graft, transplanted organ, unspecified transplanted organ or tissue, transplanted tissue nos, [v]unspecified transplanted organ or tissue (context-dependent category), graft tissue",
+"microfracture (morphologic abnormality), microfracture, fracture micro, micro fractures, microfractures, fractures micro, micro fracture",
+"symptomatic presentation, symptomatic, symptomatic (qualifier value), symptomatic therapy, currently has symptoms, symptomatic treatment",
+"history of present illness (finding), history of present illness (symptom), history of (present illness) (contextual qualifier) (context-dependent category), history of, history of (present illness) (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), hos, free text hpi, hpi, history present illness, ho, history of (present illness) (contextual qualifier), history of present illness, history nos, history of (present illness) (contextual qualifier) (situation), history, hpi [use for free text], pi - present illness, history of (present illness)",
+"defect of articular cartilage, chondral defect, articular cartilage defect, fracture of articular cartilage, fracture articular cartilage, defect of articular cartilage (disorder)",
+"damage, tissue damage nos, damages, tissue damage, damages tissue, damage (morphologic abnormality), damage nos, damage tissues",
+"cartilage, set of cartilages, cartilaginous, cartilage nos, portion of cartilage tissue, cartilagenous, cartilages, cartilaginous tissue structure, cartilaginous tissue structure (body structure), cartilaginous tissue nos, cartilage (tissue), cartilages set, human cartilage, cartilage tissue, cartilage tissue (body structure), cartilaginous tissues, 1a7 cartilaginous tissues, cartilaginous tissue, cartilage tissues",
+"afutuzumab, obinutuzumab (substance), obinutuzumab (product), obinutuzumab product, obinutuzumab, obinutuzumab (medication), product containing obinutuzumab (medicinal product), obinutuzumab-containing product, product containing obinutuzumab, chemotherapeutics obinutuzumab, immunoglobulin g1 anti-(human cd20 (antigen)) (human-mouse monoclonal ga101 heavy chain) disulfide with human-mouse monoclonal ga101 kappa-chain dimer, humab(cd20)",
+"2 phases, phase 2 (qualifier value), phase 2",
+"grafts, graft (substance), graft, graft material (attribute), graft material",
+"cystic fibrosis of the lung (disorder), cystic fibrosis of the lung, cystic fibrosis of lung, pulmonary cystic fibrosis, mucoviscidosis involving the lung, cystic fibrosis pulmonary, cystic fibrosis of lung (diagnosis), pulm cystic fibrosis, cystic fibrosis lungs, cystic fibrosis lung",
+"mapping - action, mapping (action), mapping, mapping - action (qualifier value)",
+"fibrosis pulmonary, pulmonary fibrosis (disorder), fibroses pulmonary, fibroses pulm, pulmonary; fibrosis, cirrhosis of lung, cirrhosis of lung nos, cirrhosis lung, fibrosis of lung, lung cirrhosis, pulm fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibroses, fibrosis lungs, fibrosis lung, pulmonary fibrosis (diagnosis), lung fibrosis, fibrosis of lung (disorder), pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, fibrosis pulm, fibrosis of lung nos, pulmonary fibrosis ctcae, fibrosis pulmonary, fibrosis;pulmonary, fibrosis; lung, fibrosis; pulmonary, lung; fibrosis, ipf, pulm fibroses",
+"arthritis rheumatoid, rheumatoid arthritis systemic, gout rheumatic, ra, systemic rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis nos, arthritis or polyarthritis rheumatic, rh arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis unspecified, rheumatoid arthritis (diagnosis), rheumatoid; arthritis, arthritis rheumatoid, rheumatoid disease, rheumatoid arthritis (disorder), chronic rheumatic arthritis, r arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis nos (disorder), atrophic; arthritis, atrophic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis or polyarthritis atrophic, arthritis rheumatic, rheumatic gout, ra - rheumatoid arthritis, rha - rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis; rheumatoid, arthritis; atrophic, ra (rheumatoid arthritis), proliferative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis unspecified site unspecified",
+"stenosis aortic valve, aortic valvular stenosis (diagnosis), aortic valve stenosis (disorder), stenosis aortic, stenosis - aortic, aortic stenosis (disorder), valve stenoses aortic, aortic valve; stenosis, stenosis of aorta, aortic (valve) stenosis, stenosis aortic, aortic valve stenoses, stenosis; aortic valve, as, aortic valve stenosis, stenosis of aortic valve, stenoses aortic valve, valvular aortic stenosis, aorta; stenosis valve, stenosed aortic valve, aortic valve--stenosis, aortic valve; stricture, aortic valve stenosis nos, stenose aortic, stenosis aortic valve, aortic stenosis, stenosis aorta, narrowing of aortic valve, stenosis;aortic, stenoses aortic, aortic valvular stenosis, valve stenosis aortic, aorta stenosis, as - aortic stenosis",
+"asymptomatic, asymptomatic presentation, symptomless, no symptoms, absence of symptoms, asymptomatic (finding), no symptoms (symptom)",
+"transcatheter approach, transcatheter approach (qualifier value), transcatheter",
+"cardiac disorder nos, cardiopathy nos, disease cardiac, disease or syndrome of heart, heart disease disorder, heart disease (diagnosis), morbus cordis nos, heart disorders, heart disease, disease hearts, heart disease nos, cardiac disorder, diseases disorders heart, morbus; cordis, heart dis, heart--diseases, heart diseases, heart disorder, diseases and syndromes of heart, heart diseases: general terms, cardiac disorders, heart disease unspecified, disorder of heart, unspecified heart problem, 3-10 heart diseases: general terms, card, section 3-1 heart diseases, disorder heart, morbus cordis nos, syndrome heart disease, cardiac diseases, disease disorders heart, rndx cardiac (diagnosis), cardiopathy, disease;heart, cardiac disease, heart disease (disorder), morbus cordis, heart disease nos (disorder), heart disease nos, cordis; morbus, diseases of the heart, cardiac dis, cardiopathies, rndx cardiac, heart trouble, disorder cardiac (nos)",
+"thrombolysis nos, thrombolysis function, thrombolysis, thrombolytic, thrombolysis function (observable entity), thrombolysis (function)",
+"ischaemic arm, upper limb ischemia (disorder), ischemic arm, upper limb ischemia, upper limb ischaemia, ischemia upper limb, upper limb ischemia (diagnosis)",
+"ischaemic, ischemic, ischemic (qualifier value)",
+"argatroban product, 4-methyl-1-(n(2)-(3-methyl-1234-tetrahydro-8-quinolinesulfonyl)-l-arginyl)-2-piperidinecarboxylic acid, product containing argatroban (medicinal product), mpqa, argatroban (substance), 1-[5-guanidino-2-[(3-methyl-1234-tetrahydroquinolin-8-yl)sulfonylamino]pentanoyl]-4-methyl-piperidine-2-carboxylic acid, argatroban (product), 1-(5-((aminoiminomethyl)amino)-1-oxo-2-(((1234-tetrahydro-3-methyl-8-quinolinyl)sulfonyl)amino)pentyl)-4-methyl-2-piperidinecarboxylic acid, product containing argatroban, argipidine, mmtqap, argatroban (medication), argatroban-containing product, argatroban",
+"embolus pulmonary, embolism pulmonary, pulmonary; embolism, embolism pulmonary, pulm embolism, pulmonary embolus, embolism; pulmonary, pe (pulmonary embolism), embolism lung, pe - pulmonary embolism, lung embolism, pulmonary embolism nos, emboli pulmonary, pulmonary embolism (diagnosis), blood clot in lungs, pulm embolisms, pulmonary emboli, pulmonary embolism, pe, blood clot in artery of lung, pulmonary artery embolism, pulmonary embolisms, embolism;pulmonary, embolisms pulmonary, blood clots in the lung, embolism pulm, pulmonary embolism (disorder), embolus - pulmonary, embolisms pulm",
+"thrombus (sponge genus), blood clotting, clots blood, thrombus, blood clot nos, thrombosis/thrombus, blood coagulum, clot blood, clot blood, thrombosis, blood coagulum nos, blooding clotting, thrombus (morphologic abnormality), thrombotic, blood clot (morphologic abnormality), 351 thrombi, clots, blood clot, clot, thrombi, thrombus nos, blood clots",
+"direct type of relationship, direct (qualifier value), direct, direct relation",
+"chemical reduction, electron gain, reduction (chemical) function, reduction (chemical), reduction chemical, reduction, reduction (chemical) function (observable entity), reductions, reduction (chemical) (function)",
+"reduction - action, reduction plasty, reduction plasty (qualifier value), surgical reduction, reduction, reductions",
+"embolism, emboli, 353-354 emboli, embolus, embolus (morphologic abnormality), embolism embolus, embolus nos, embolism nos, embolism - lesion",
+"intrinsic drive, drive, drive (observable entity), drive [mental process], drives",
+"stress - value, stress, w stress, state of stress, stressed, stress bismuth subsalicylate, stress (qualifier value), stress nos, stress (finding), stress [brand name], stress; state, state; stress, stress brand, pressure nos",
+"stress psychologic, life stresses, mental stress, stress conflict anxiety, stress psychological, psychological stress, psychologic stress, stresses psychological, stress life, stress; mental, stressor psychological, psychological stressor, stresses life, mental; stress, psychological stressors, stressors psychological, stress mental, life stress, psychological stresses",
+"related (finding), related, involved in social relationships, related personal status",
+"reaction (qualifier value), reaction, reactiv, reactivity",
+"injury - disorder, injury from an external force, wounds and injuries, injury nos, injury unspecified, injuries and wounds, traumatic injury, trauma assessment and care, injury traumatic, traumatic injury (disorder), traumatic injuries, unspecified injury, trauma nos, injury (disorder), wounds and inj, injuries wounds, wounds injuries, traumatic disorders, trauma nursing specialty, wounds injury, inj, traumatic disorder, injuries wounds, wounds inj, inj wounds, trauma, traumas, injuries, injury and wounds, wounds and injury, injury, trauma (diagnosis), injuries wound, wound, trauma nos, injury nos (disorder), injury nos",
+"traumatic, traumatic (qualifier value)",
+"aspergillosis invasive pulmonary, acute invas pulm aspergillosis, pulmonary aspergilloses invasive, invasive bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, pulmonary aspergillosis invasive, pulmonary invasive aspergillosis, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (diagnosis), aspergillosis invasive pulmonary, acute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, ipa, acute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (disorder), invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (disorder), invasive pulmon aspergillosis, pulmonary aspergillosis - invasive, pulmonary aspergillosis invasive, pulmonary aspergillosis invasive type",
+"tablet dose form, tab, tablet dose form (qualifier value), tableting, medicine tablets, tablet (pharmacologic), tablet dosage form, tabletdrugform, tablet (basic dose form), tablets, medicines tablet, tablets (medicine), tablet (product), tablet, tablet dose form (product), product tablet",
+"smoking tobacco, smoking (tobacco), tobacco smoking behavior, tobacco smoking behavior (history), tobacco smoking behaviour - finding, smoking, smoking tobacco, tobacco smoking behavior - finding, finding of tobacco smoking behavior (finding), finding of tobacco smoking behaviour, tobacco smoking behaviour, tobacco smoking, finding of tobacco smoking behavior, tobacco smoking behavior (observable entity)",
+"disease recurrent, relapse site not specified, disease relapse, diseases--relapse, disease in relapse, recurrent disease, recurrent disease (finding), recurrent disease nos, relapse, relapsed disease, recurrent disease (disorder)",
+"clergymans sore throat, husky voice, hoarseness symptom nos, hoarse voice quality, phonation disorder, hoarseness of voice, [d]hoarseness (situation), [d]hoarseness, hoarsenesses, hoarseness - throat symptom, hoarse, hoarse voice, speech phonation dysphonia, dysphonia clericorum, [d]dysphonia (situation), hoarseness symptom, dysphonia -retired-, hoarseness, [d]hoarseness (context-dependent category), dysphonia nos, hoarseness;voice, hoarseness (symptom), hoarseness voice, [d]dysphonia (context-dependent category), dysphonia (physical finding), hoarse (finding), inability to produce voice sounds, phonation dis, voice hoarseness, croaky voice, hoarseness symptom nos (finding), dysphonia (disorder), [d]dysphonia, dysphonia (finding), dysphonia, phonation disorders",
+"perception nos, perceiving, 950 perception, perceived, perception function (observable entity), perception, perceptions, perception function, perception (observable entity), perceptual functions, processing sensory, sensory processing, perceptual functions unspecified, perception (function)",
+"functional disorder (disorder), functional disturbance, pathophysiology, functional disorder nos, functional disorder (finding), functional disorders, functional disturbance nos, functional disorder, malfunction, dysfunction, dysfunction nos, physiopathology, malfunction nos",
+"only - dosing instruction fragment (qualifier value), only, only - dosing instruction fragment",
+"approved protocol - clinical study status, day type - approved, approved clinical study protocol, approved, approved protocol, approved (qualifier value), approval, approve",
+"ventricular assist device (physical object), artificial ventricles, device ventricular assist, assist device ventricular, ventricle artificial, heart ventricle artificial, assist devices ventricular, ventricles artificial, artificial ventricle, ventricular assist device, vads, circulatory assist units cardiac ventricular, ventricular assist device (treatment), ventricle-assist device, circulatory assist units ventricular, heart ventricles artificial, ventricular assist devices, ventricles artificial heart, ventricle artificial heart, devices ventricular assist, artificial heart ventricles, artificial heart ventricle, assist device ventricular, device ventricle-assist, assisted device ventricular, ventricle-assist devices, devices ventricle-assist, ventricle assist device",
+"services surgical, surgical service, surgical service (qualifier value), surgical",
+"encounter due to surgical follow-up, surgical follow-up, [v]surgical follow-up (situation), [v]surgical follow-up (context-dependent category), surgical follow-up (finding), [v]surgical follow-up",
+"living arrangement - family, families, family coverage, family (social concept), family (qualifier value), family (taxonomic), family group, family, coverage level - family, family collection, family nos, familial",
+"schooling nos (observable entity), education nos, educational status, educational achievements, academic achievement, educational achievement (observable entity), training level, education (finding), schooling, status educational, education level, achievements educational, level of educational attainment, level of education attained, achievement educational, educational status (observable entity), educational level nos, education, educational attainment, attainment level (education), educational qualification, educational level, educational attainment level, educational achievement, achievement educ, educ achievement, educational level attained, status educ, educational level (history), educational level attained (history), schooling (observable entity), educational background, schooling nos, educ status, level educational attainment, education level completed, edulevel",
+"well teen, well adolescent (finding), healthy teen, healthy teenager, well adolescent, healthy adolescent, well teenager",
+"education family, education of family, education of family member, family education (regime/therapy), family education (treatment), family education (procedure), education of family (situation), family education",
+"responsible person, person responsible, custodian, responsible to, responsible, responsible to (attribute)",
+"emotion (observable entity), affective state, emotion nos, emotional functions unspecified, emotion finding (finding), emotion, emotional functions, emotion finding, emotion (function), emotion function (observable entity), emotional, emotions",
+"reactive hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, macrophage activation syndrome (diagnosis), syndrome macrophage activation, macrophage activation syndrome, macrophage activation syndrome (disorder), mas",
+"conduct, conducting, behavior nos, behaviour nos, conduct nos, behavioral, finding relating to behavior (finding), behavior finding, behaviours, conation, finding relating to behaviour, behavior:-:pt:^patient:-, conducts, behavior:-:point in time:^patient:-, behavioural finding, behavioural response to stimulus, comportment, behavioral finding, behavior finding (finding), behaviour finding, behaviour, conation nos, behaviors, behavior, finding relating to behavior, behavioral response to stimulus, behavior and/or conation finding",
+"fusion of joint, ankylosis nos, ankylosis was seen, fusion of joint nos, ankylosis (morphologic abnormality), joint ankylosis, ankyloses, joint fusion, joint ankylosis-site unspecif., joint ankylosis of unspecified site, joint ankylosis of unspecified site (disorder), frozen joints, ankylosis of joint, ankylosis of joint site unspecified, fusion; joint, ankylosis of joint (physical finding), ankylosis of joint nos, joint; fusion, ankylosis-unspec, joint fused, ankylosis of joint (diagnosis), ankylosed joints, ankylosis, ankylosis of joint nos (disorder), 135 ankyloses, frozen joint, ankylosis of joint (disorder)",
+"minor pelvic cavity, cavity pelvic, cavity of pelvis proper, intrapelvic, structure of cavity of true pelvis, pelvic cavity, cavitas pelvis (pelvica), cavitas pelvina, cavities pelvic, structure of cavity of true pelvis (body structure), cavity of true pelvis, pelvis minor, pelvic cavity structure, lesser pelvis, pelvis, space of pelvic compartment, true pelvis, pelvis (volume), cavitas pelvis, pelvic cavity structure (body structure), cavity of lesser pelvis",
+"long, long (qualifier value), long data type, long heart murmur, elongated, long variable, lengthened (qualifier value), lengthen, long (modifier) [ambiguous], lengthened, long value, long murmur, has length, prolonged, long (modifier) (qualifier value), lengthens",
+"arthrodesis of sacroiliac joint (treatment), sacroiliac arthrodesis, arthrodesis of sacroiliac joint, arthrodesis of si joint, sacroiliac arthrodesis (procedure)",
+"frequency of pain question, sense of pain, pain:-:point in time:^patient:-, did you have any pain yesterday or today, pain nos, pain, dolor, pain frequency, pain (b280-b289), pain (various), how often pain, administration method - pain, pain by anatomic descriptor ctcae, feel pain, pain distress, pain unspecified, pain ctcae, have you had pain, pain nos, had pain, i have pain, have pain, pain intensity, part hurts, pain finding, usual severity pain, severity of pain, a26-a29 types of pain, pain observations, have any pain, pain (symptom), pain finding (finding), rndx unspecified pain, pain distress question, ache, how much distress pain, pains, types of pain, pain symptoms, painful, frequency of pain, pain (finding), pain:-:pt:^patient:-, pain severity, unspecified pain, rndx unspecified pain (diagnosis), the frequency of your pain",
+"deformities, fetal anomaly, deformity nos, defect congenital, defect birth, congenital anatomic abnormality, abnormalities congenital, anomaly, dysgenesis, malformation, anomalous formation nos, congenital anomaly nos (disorder), congenital malformations (diagnosis), developmental defect, dysmorphisms, cm - congenital malformation, congenital anomaly or birth defect, fetal developmental abnormality, congenital abnormality, anatomic abnormality, abnormal development nos, congenital anatomical abnormality, congenital deformity nos, congenital abnormality nos, congenital malformations, foetal developmental abnormality, developmental disturbance, anomaly anomaly congen, deformity, defects congenital, congenital deformity nos, congenital malformation, developmental malformation, congenital deformity, developmental anomaly nos, defects congen, anatomical abnormality, abnormality, congenital; deformity, scong, congenital anomaly unspecified, foetal malformation, congenital defects, congenital malformation nos, congenital malformation (disorder), congenital abnormality nos, malformations, fetal malformation, section 2 congenital anomalies, dysmorphism, abnormal development, abnormalities, developmental defect nos, defect/deformity congenital, congen abnorm, malformation nos, developmental malformation nos, congenital deformity (disorder), abnormality congenital, congenital defect nos, congen defects, deformity (morphologic abnormality), congenital anomaly nos, congenital or acquired anatomic abnormality, anatomical deformity, abnorm congen, congenital anomaly, congenital anomalies of fetus, congenital anomaly nos, congenital abnormalities, developmental abnormality, developmental anomaly, deformity; congenital, congenital malformation (morphologic abnormality), congenital or acquired anatomical abnormality, congenital anomalies, congenital deformity (morphologic abnormality), congenital defect, congenital anomaly (disorder), anomalous formation, birth defect, developmental anomaly (morphologic abnormality), congenital malformation unspecified, fetal development abnormality, developmental malformations, congenital defect/deformity, dysgenesis nos, anomaly congenital, congenital anomaly (morphologic abnormality), birth defects, deformity (finding), fetal anomaly (diagnosis)",
+"joint surgeries, joint operation nos, joint operation, joints surgery, joint surgery, operation on joint, operation on joint structures nos, operation on joint (procedure), operation on joint structures, operation on joint nos",
+"acquired deformity, acquired anomaly, acquired deformity nos, acquired deformity nos, deformity nos, deformity acquired, acquired deformity (morphologic abnormality), acquired deformity nos (disorder), 317-318 acquired deformities, acquired deformities",
+"entire lumbar region (body structure), entire lumbar region, lumbar region, lumbar region (body structure)",
+"iga type nephritis, iga glomerulonephritis, igan, immunoglobulin a nephropathy, segmental glomerulonephritis, bergers disease, glomerulonephritis; iga, iga/igg nephropathy of berger, disease berger, igan - iga nephropathy, nephropathy iga, immunoglobulin a nephropathy (disorder), bergers disease, glomerulonephritis iga, bergers dis, glomerulonephritides iga, idiopathic focal nephritis with mesangial deposits of iga, nephropathy iga, iga nephropathy (diagnosis), nephropathy 1 iga, mesangial iga/igg disease, focal glomerulonephritis, berger dis, iga; nephropathy, nephritis iga type, nephropathy immunoglobulin a, glomerulonephritis iga, iga nephropathy 1, nephropathy; iga, berger disease, iga nephropathy (disorder), glomerulonephritis focal, iga nephropathy",
+"dupuytrens disease, dupuytrens disease, dupuytren disease, dupuytrens disease (disorder)",
+"muscle contracture (disorder), contracture of muscle, contracture; muscle, contractures muscles, contractures nos, contractures muscle, contracture of muscle site unspecified, contracture, contracture of muscle (disorder), contracture muscle, muscle; contracture, contracture nos, muscle contracture (diagnosis), contracture;muscle(s), muscle contracture, contracture (morphologic abnormality), contracture of muscle unspecified site, contractures",
+"release - action, releasing, release, released, release - action (qualifier value)",
+"dupuytrens disease of palm with contracture (disorder), contractures dupuytrens, contracture dupuytrenss, dupuytrens disease of palm with contracture, dupytrens contracture, dupuytrens contracture, dupuytren contractures, dupuytrens contracture syndrome, contracture of palmar fascia (disorder), contracture dupuytrens, contractures dupuytrens, fibromatosis palmar, dupuytrens contracture (diagnosis), dupuytrens contracture was observed, contracture; dupuytren, dupuytren disease of palm with contracture, dupuytrens disease of palm, contracture of palmar fascia, fascia palmaris; retraction, palmar fibromatosis, contracture dupuytren, palmar; fibromatosis, dupuytren contracture, contracture dupytrens, dupuytrens contracture (disorder), dupuyt dis-palm + contracture, palmar fascia contracture, fibromatosis dupuytrens, retraction; fascia palmaris, dupuytrens disease of palm (disorder), dupuytrens contracture of hand, contractures dupuytren, contracture dupuytren, contracted palmar fascia, dupuytrens contracture of hand, fibromatosis; palmar, hand(s) dupuytrens contracture(s), palmar fascial fibromatosis [dupuytren], palmar fascial fibromatosis, dupuytren disease of palm, dupuytren, dupuytren; contracture, dupuytrens contracture (physical finding), contracture: (dupuytrens) or (palmar fascia) (disorder), palmar fibromatosis (disorder), dupuytrens contracture, contracture dupuytrens, contracture: (dupuytrens) or (palmar fascia), dupuytrens contracture (morphologic abnormality)",
+"left sided, lt - left, left, left sides, left side, levo-, left-sided, left (qualifier value), left sided (qualifier value)",
+"right-sided, right, right sided, right sided (qualifier value)",
+"disorder of hand, hand disease, diseases hand, disease of hand, disease hands, diseases hands, disease hand, disorder of hand (diagnosis), disorder of hand (disorder), disease of hand (disorder)",
+"response to pain finding, pain responses, response to pain (observable entity), response pain, pain response, response to pain",
+"premature;newborn, delivery premature, early onset of delivery, premature newborn, births preterm, birth premature, premature delivery, newborns premature, premature pregnancy delivered (finding), early onset of delivery (diagnosis), delivery; premature, delivery; early onset, premature birth, premature birth nos, birth; premature, preterm delivery, early onset of delivery (finding), premature newborn nos, premature birth of newborn (finding) [ambiguous], newborn premature birth, birth preterm, premature pregnancy delivered, preterm births, births premature, immature; birth, early onset; delivery, premature delivery of affected infants, preterm, premature neonate, pregnancy; early delivery (spontaneous), premature births, delivery preterm, delivery: [early onset] or [premature] (disorder), premature birth of newborn, premature; delivery, deliveries preterm, shortened gestation time, premature; birth, delivery: [early onset] or [premature], premature childbirth nos, birth; immature, premature neonate nos, premature birth of newborn (finding), early onset of delivery nos, premature/immature newborn, newborn premature, births premature, prematurity, early onset of delivery nos (finding), neonates premature, pre-term, birth premature, pregnancy delivered premature, birth preterm, births.preterm, births preterm, premature, premature childbirth, premature birth of newborn nos, premature delivery (finding), preterm birth",
+"bioassay nos, bioanalytical assays, biologic assays, bioassay (procedure), biological assays, assay, bioassay, assay biological, bioassays, biologic assay, assays biological, biological assay, assays biologic, assay biol, assay biologic, biol assays, assays biol, biol assay",
+"aviators, pilot - aircraft (occupation), pilot - aircraft, pilots - aircraft, aircraft pilots, co-pilots, co-pilot, pilots (aircraft), pilots, aviator, co pilot, pilot",
+"transplant; rejection, rejection transplant, transplantation rejection, graft rejections, graft rejection (finding), cellular graft rejection nos, transplant failure due to rejection, transpl rejection, rejection graft, graft rejection immunologic, rejection graft, rejection transplant, immunologic graft rejection nos, cellular graft rejection, rejection transpl, transplantation rejections, rejections graft, transplant rejections, rejection; transplant, transplant rejection, immunologic graft rejection, rejections transplant, rejection transplantation, graft rejection nos, graft rejection, rejections transplantation",
+"complications, complication, other complication, complication nos, complication (disorder), complication (attribute), complication -retired-, complications medical, medical complication",
+"complication of transplant (disorder), transplant disorder, complications transplant, transplant complications, complication of transplant",
+"paediatrics, pediatric medicine, pediatrics (field), pediatric service (qualifier value), pediatric specialty, paediatric speciality, the field of medicine specializing in children, pediatric specialty (qualifier value), paediatric, paediatric service, paediatrics (qualifier value), pediatrics, pediatric service",
+"olaparib product, chemotherapeutics olaparib, product containing olaparib, olaparib (product), product containing olaparib (medicinal product), olaparib-containing product, 4-(3-{[4-(cyclopropylcarbonyl)piperazin-1-yl]carbonyl}-4-fluorobenzyl)phthalazin-1(2h)-one, olaparib (substance), olaparib (medication), olaparib",
+"investigational therapy or treatment, pharmacologic agent, drug, pharmacologic substance, agent (attribute), pharmacological substance, pharmaceutical agent, protocol agent, studyagent, study treatment, agent, drug substance, pharmaceuticals, study agent, trt",
+"persistent (modifier) (qualifier value), persistent (qualifier value), persistent, persistent (modifier) [ambiguous]",
+"[m]adenocarcinoma nos, carcinoma in adenoma, adenoma malignant, adenocarcinoma no subtype (morphologic abnormality), adenocarcinoma nos, [m]adenocarcinomas, adenocarcinomas, malignant adenomas, malignant adenoma, adenocarcinoma malignant, adenocarcinoma, malignant adenomatous neoplasm (diagnosis), [m]adenocarcinoma nos (morphologic abnormality), adenocarcinoma no subtype, malignant adenomatous neoplasm (disorder), adenocarcinoma (diagnosis), adenomas malignant, malignant adenomatous neoplasm, adenocarcinoma nos",
+"primary undifferentiated carcinoma of endometrium, primary undifferentiated carcinoma of endometrium (disorder), primary undifferentiated carcinoma of endometrium (diagnosis), undifferentiated endometrial carcinoma, endometrial undifferentiated carcinoma",
+"serous, serous (qualifier value)",
+"usage, usage (attribute), usages, use, uses, employ",
+"dextrose unspecified, sugar level test, glucose preparation, glucose preparations, glucose (dextrose) (medication), dextrose (substance), glucose nos, dextrose preparation (substance), glucose preparation (substance), glucose measurements, dextrosa, foods glucose (dextrose), d-glucose, test;glucose, d-glucose preparation, glucoses, glucose test, glucose preparation (product), glucose level test, dextrose (medication), gluc, dextrose product, grape sugar, glucose measurement nos, glucose-containing product, glucosa, glucose measurement (procedure), endocrine glucose, glucose, glucose [endocrine] (substance), glucose level, product containing glucose, glucose measurement, d-glucopyranose monohydrate preparation, dextrose preparation, 6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-2345-tetrol, foods dextrose, glucose [endocrine], sugar test, glucose [endocrine] (product), d(+)-glucose, product containing glucose (medicinal product), glucose product, dextrose unspecified form, dextrose preparation (product), dextrose, glucose (dextrose), glucose (substance), d glucose",
+"continuous heart murmur, continued, ongo, ongoing, all of the time, murmur continuous, chief complaint continuously present, continue, continuous murmur (finding), continuous (qualifier value), continuous murmur [ambiguous], continuous, continuing, continuous murmur, continual, heart murmur continuous",
+"sympathetic reflex dystrophia, algodystrophy, sudecks atrophy, reflex sympathetic dystrophy [ambiguous], sudeks atrophy, sudecks atrophy (disorder), sympathetic dystrophy reflex, complex regionl pain syndrom i, sympathetic reflex dystrophias, sudeks atrophy (disorder), atrophy; sudeck, rsds (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), algodystrophy (disorder), reflex dystrophia sympathetic, crps - complex regional pain syndrome type i, complex regional pain syndrome i, rnd, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (disorder), type i complex regional pain syndrome, sudeks atrophy, sudeck, crps (complex regional pain syndrome) type i, crps type is, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (& sudeks atrophy) (disorder), reflex sympathetic dystrophies, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, crps i, dystrophy reflex sympathetic, crps type i, rsds, atrophy sudeks, rsd - reflex sympath dystroph, sympathetic dystrophies reflex, crps-complex regn pain synd i, unsp rflx sympth dystrph, dystrophy;reflex sympathetic, sudeck; atrophy, sudeks atrophies, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (& sudeks atrophy), rsd - reflex sympathetic dystrophy, syndrome reflex sympathetic dystrophy, reflex sympathetic dystrophy unspecified, reflex neurovascular dystrophy, rsd (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), sudek atrophy, atrophies sudeks, sudecks atrophy (diagnosis), sudecks syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome type i, pain syndrome type i complex regional, complex regional pain syndrome type i (diagnosis), complex regional pain syndrome type i (disorder), type i crps, algoneurodystrophy, pain syndrome type i regional complex, atrophy sudek, complex regional pain syndrome type 1, complex regional pain syndrome type i, dystrophies reflex sympathetic, reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (rsds)",
+"followed by, condition following, following [ambiguous], status post (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), subsequent, status post (qualifier value), next, following, after (attribute), fo, status post (contextual qualifier), following (attribute), status post (contextual qualifier) [ambiguous], status post, as a result of, following (qualifier value), after, status post -retired-, sp",
+"at risk context (qualifier value), at risk, at risk context",
+"distal (qualifier value), far from, distal, outermost, far",
+"bone radius, bones radius, radius nos, bone radius, bone tissue of radius, radius bone, bone structure of radius, bone of radius, radial bone, bone structure of radius (body structure), of radius bone, radius",
+"syndrome, cluster symptom, syndromes, syndrome nos, symptom cluster, symptom clusters, genetic syndrome associated with congenital heart defect, clusters symptom",
+"fracture closed, fracture nos-closed, closed #bones unspecified, closed fracture of bones unspecified (disorder), closed bone fracture (diagnosis), closed fracture, fractures closed, fracture of unspecified bone closed, close fracture, closed fracture of bones unspecified, fracture closed (morphologic abnormality), closed fracture of bone, closed fractures, closed fracture of bone (disorder), fracture closed nos, 121 closed fractures, fracture-closed, closed bone fracture",
+"regional, localized disease, localised disease, disease local, local (qualifier value), disease localized, local-regional, local-regional anatomy, local disease nos, diseases localize, localized disease nos, local, locoregional, local (modifier) [ambiguous], local (modifier) (qualifier value), local disease (finding), local remote control state - local, local disease",
+"closed approach - access (qualifier value), closed approach, close, closing, closed (qualifier value), closed approach - access, bed status - closed, closed",
+"pelade, alopecia (disorder), obsolete alopecia areata, loss of hair (finding), calvities, (alopecia) or (thinning of hair) (disorder), circumscripta; alopecia, alopecia nos, patchy loss of hair, alopecia areata, falls hair, alopecia nos (disorder), alopecia (diagnosis), hair falling, alopecia; circumscripta, vitiligo capitis, alopecia unspecified, alopecia disorders, alopecia (physical finding), circumscribed alopecia, baldness, alopecia, losses hair, hair thinning (physical finding), alopecia circumscripta, thinning hair, alopecia areata (diagnosis), (alopecia unspecified) or (baldness) or (hair loss) (disorder), thinning of hair, hair; loss, loss of hair, alopecia unspecified, falling hairs, areata alopecia, circumscribed alopecia (disorder), falling hair, alopecia nos, loss; hair, (alopecia) or (thinning of hair), aa - alopecia areata, hair losses, bald, alopecia; areata, alopecias, alopecia celsi, hair absent, areata; alopecia, (alopecia unspecified) or (baldness) or (hair loss), alopecia areata unspecified, hair loss, alopecia areata (disorder), patchy hair loss, multifocal alopecia, hair thinning, hair loss disorder, alopecia areata, alopecia unspecified (disorder), loss (of);hair, loss hair",
+"alopecia (disorder), loss of hair (finding), calvities, (alopecia) or (thinning of hair) (disorder), alopecia nos, falls hair, alopecia nos (disorder), alopecia (diagnosis), hair falling, alopecia unspecified, alopecia disorders, alopecia (physical finding), baldness, alopecia, losses hair, hair thinning (physical finding), thinning hair, (alopecia unspecified) or (baldness) or (hair loss) (disorder), thinning of hair, hair; loss, loss of hair, alopecia unspecified, falling hairs, falling hair, alopecia nos, loss; hair, (alopecia) or (thinning of hair), hair losses, bald, alopecias, hair absent, (alopecia unspecified) or (baldness) or (hair loss), hair loss, hair loss/alopecia (scalp or body), alopecia ctcae, hair thinning, hair loss disorder, alopecia areata, alopecia unspecified (disorder), loss (of);hair, loss hair",
+"catheter tip specimen (specimen), catheter tip, catheter tip submitted as specimen (specimen), catheter tip submitted as specimen, ctp, catheter tip specimen",
+"depression; severe, severe; depression, depression severe, severe depression (diagnosis), severe depression, severe depression (disorder)",
+"cortex of cerebrum, cx, structure of pallium (body structure), cortical plates, cortices cerebral, cortex, structure of cerebral cortex, structure of cerebral cortex (body structure), pallium, cortex (cerebral), cerebral cortex (body structure), cortex of cerebral hemisphere, plate cortical, cortex cerebral, cortex cerebrus, cerebri cortex, cortex cerebri, cortical plate (ctxpl), cortical, cerebrus cortex, cerebral gray matter, grey matter, cortical plate, cerebral cortices, structure of pallium, cerebral grey matter, plates cortical, cortical plate (areas), cortex cerebralis, cerebral cortex",
+"adrenal cortex structure (body structure), adrenal cortex, cortex of adrenal gland, suprarenal cortex, adrenal cortex nos, cortical, adrenal cortex structure, cortex of suprarenal gland, cortex (glandula suprarenalis), cortex glandulae suprarenalis, cortex adrenal",
+"administration of drug or medicament via epidural route (procedure), injection epidural, medication administration: epidural (procedure), epidural injection, epidural, epidurals, medication administration: epidural, administration of drug or medicament via epidural route",
+"disorder depressive, disorder;depressive, depression, depressive disorder, depressivity, depressive; disorder, depression (diagnosis), depressive disorders, neurosis; depressive, disorders depressive, depressive disorder nos, mood disorder of depressed type (disorder), depressive neuroses, disorder; depressive, depressive dis, neuroses depressive, mood disorder of depressed type, depressive disorder (disorder), neurosis depressive, mood disorder with depressive feature, depressive; neurosis, depressive neurosis, depression; behavioral disorder, depressive disorder nos, 9-52 depressive disorders, depression nos, [x]depressive disorder nos, depressive illness",
+"depression, depression - motion, depression - motion (qualifier value), depression motion, push down or depress",
+"pelviolithotomy renal, removal of calculus from renal pelvis by incision, removal renal stones, of renal stone removal, pyelolithotomy (procedure), pelviolithotomy, renal calculus removal, kidney removal stones, pyelotomy; with removal of calculus (pyelolithotomy pelviolithotomy including coagulum pyelolithotomy), kidney stone removal, pyelolithotomy, kidney removal stone, removal of renal stone, pyelotomy with removal of calculus, pyelotomy for removal of calculus, pyelolithotomy renal, renal stone removal, of kidney stone removal, pyelotomy w/removal calculus, removal of kidney stone, removal of kidney stones",
+"stone;kidney, nephroliths, calculus renal, stone kidney, calculus;kidney, nephrolithiasis, calculus renal nos, kidney stone (disorder), calculus kidney, renal calculus or stone, nephrolith, calculi kidney, renal stones, kidney calculi, renal calculus nos (disorder), calculi renal, kidney stones, kidney calculus, kidney calculus, calculus kidney, renal calculus nos, calculus renal, kidneys--calculi, stone in kidney, stone;renal, calculus; nephritic, renal calculus, calculus of kidney, renal stone, nephrolithiasis calcium oxalate, stones kidney, kidney stone, renal calculi, calculus; kidney",
+"stone;kidney, nephrolithiasis nos, nephrolithiasis nos (disorder), nephrolithiasis (disorder), renal lithiasis, nephroliths, calculus renal, stone kidney, calculus;kidney, nephrolithiasis nos, nephrolithiasis, lithiasis renal, calculus renal nos, kidney stone (disorder), calculus kidney, renal calculus or stone, nephrolith, calculi kidney, calculus disorders, renal stones, kidney calculi, renal calculus nos (disorder), calculi renal, kidney stones, kidney calculus, kidney calculus, nephrolithiasis (diagnosis), (calculus of kidney) or (nephrolithiasis nos), calculus kidney, renal calculus nos, calculus renal, (calculus of kidney) or (nephrolithiasis nos) (disorder), kidneys--calculi, stone in kidney, stone;renal, calculus; nephritic, renal calculus, calculus of kidney, renal stone, nephrolithiasis calcium oxalate, stones kidney, kidney stone, renal calculi, calculus; kidney",
+"diagnost endoscopy ureter nos, ureteroscopy, diagnostic endoscopic examination of ureter nos (procedure), ureteral endoscopy diagnostic, diagnos endoscopic exam ureter, diagnostic endoscopy of ureter (procedure), cystoscopy of ureter, diagnostic endoscopic examination of ureter, diagnostic endoscopy of ureter, diagnostic endoscopic examination of ureter nos, diagnostic endoscopic examination of ureter (procedure), ureteral endoscopy (diagnostic)",
+"mult myeloma in relapse, multiple myeloma in relapse, relapse multiple myeloma, multiple myeloma in relapse (diagnosis), relapse multiple myeloma (disorder), multiple myeloma in relapse",
+"blood tumor, malignancies hematological, haematologic malignancy, malignant hematologic neoplasm, haematological malignancy, hematologic malignancy (disorder), neopl hematol, hematologic malignancy, hematological neoplasm, hematological neoplasms, malignancies hematologic, bone carcinoma marrow, malignancy hematol, bone marrow carcinoma, neoplasm hematological, blood cancer, haematological neoplasm, hematologic neoplasms, carcinoma;blood, neoplasm hematologic, carcinoma bone marrow, hematological malignancies, neoplasms hematological, haematologic neoplasm, hematol malignancy, cancer blood, hematological tumor, hematologic neoplasm, hematologic malignancies, neoplasms hematologic, hematologic cancer, hematol malignancies, hematologic neoplasm (disorder), malignancies hematologic, hematological tumors, malignancy hematological, hematological malignancy, malignancy hematologic, carcinoma;bone;marrow, blood cancers, hematol neopl, malignancies hematol",
+"sarcoma germinoblastic, malignant lymphoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, lymphoma, reticulolymphosarcomas, [m]malignant lymphoma nos (disorder), malignant lymphoma - category, lymphosarcoma, lymphoma nos, malignant lymphoma nos of unspecified site, germinoblastic sarcomas, malignant lymphoma nos (disorder), lymphomas, childhood lymphoma, lymphoma (hodgkin and non-hodgkin), cancer of lymphatic system, malignant lymphoma - category (morphologic abnormality), germinoblastomas, malignant lymphomas, malignant lymphoma (disorder), adult lymphoma, malignant lymphoma no icd-o subtype, malignant lymphoma nos of unspecified site (disorder), germinoblastoma, [m]lymphoma nos, germinoblastic sarcoma, malignant lymphoma (diagnosis), malignant lymphoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), lymphomatous, malignant lymphoma (category), malignant lymphoma nos, lymphoma morphology, malignant lymphoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), lymphoma (hodgkins and non-hodgkins), lymphoma nos, lymphoma morphology (morphologic abnormality), [m]malignant lymphoma nos, malignant lymphoma nos, pediatric lymphoma, sarcomas germinoblastic, malig.lymphoma nos-unspec site, lymphoma malignant, lymphomas malignant, reticulolymphosarcoma, lymphomas malignant, lymphoma malignant, [m]reticulolymphosarcoma nos, lymphoma (clinical), malignant lymphoma (clinical), malignant lymphoma",
+"application (procedure), application method of administration, application procedure (administrative) (procedure), application (attribute), application procedure, application procedure (administrative), administrative application procedure, applications, application - attribute, application nos, application procedure (administative) (procedure), application",
+"minimal change nephrosis, nephrotic syndrome minimal change, nephrotic syndrome with lesion of minimal change glomerulitis, mcns - minimal change nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome with lesion of minimal change glomerular disease, minimal change nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome with lesion of minimal change glomerulonephritis, idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, mcns-minimal change neph synd, nephrotic syndrome with lesion of minimal change nephrotic syndrome",
+"ren (nephros), benign neoplasm of kidney nos, kidney benign tumor, renal uncertain neopl., neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of kidney, kidneys procedure, benign renal tumor, neoplasm benign;kidney, benign renal neoplasm nos, procedures on kidney, renal neoplasm of uncertain behavior, benign neoplasm of kidney (disorder), kidney procedures, benign renal tumour, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of kidney, benign neoplasm of kidney nos, procedure on kidney (procedure), benign tumor kidney, entire kidney, ren, renal tumor benign, kidney, renal neoplasms benign, kidney procedure, renal neoplasm benign, benign kidneys tumors, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kidney (disorder), kidneys, ren(o)-, benign renal neoplasm, kidney nos, benign neoplasm of kidney, entire kidney (body structure), neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kidney (diagnosis), nephr(o)-, procedure on kidney, kidney neopl.- benign, benign kidney tumors, benign tumor of kidney, renal neopl.- benign, nephros, renal benign neoplasms, reno-, kidney structure, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kidney nos, procedures kidney, neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of kidney nos, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kidney, benign tumor of the kidney, urinary system kidney, benign tumour of kidney, benign neoplasm of kidney (diagnosis), kidney structure (body structure), benign kidney tumor, renal, renal benign neoplasm, renal neoplasm of uncertain behaviour, 71 kidneys, benign neoplasm of the kidney, renal structure, neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of kidney, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kidney [dup] (disorder), benign kidney neoplasm, uncert. neopl. kidney",
+"adapted, changing (qualifier value), altered, modification, change, changing (modifier) [ambiguous], changing, adapt, changed, altered (qualifier value), change in, modified, changing (modifier) (qualifier value), changes",
+"hoover technique, functional method, hoover technique (procedure), hoover treatment, functional technique, functional treatment, hoover method",
+"disorders enzymes, enzymopathy (disorder), enzymopathy nos, enzymopathy nos, enzyme disorder nos, general enzymopathies, enzyme disorder, enzymopathy, disorders enzyme, enzymopathy (diagnosis)",
+"morphometry nos, morphometric analysis, morphometric analysis (procedure), morphometric analysis nos, morphometry, surgical pathology morphometric analysis (procedure), surgical pathology morphometric analysis",
+"1-deoxygalactostatin, migalastat (medication), migalastat, migalastat (substance), enzyme replenishers migalastat, migalastat-containing product, product containing migalastat (medicinal product)",
+"(zzz)-6912-octadecatrienoic acid, gamolenic acid (product), γ-linolenic acid, 18:3 (n-6), acid gamma-linolenic, gamoleic acid, γ-linolensäure, product containing gamolenic acid (medicinal product), acid gamolenic, 6912-octadecatrienoic acid, all-cis-octadeca-6912-trienoic acid, (6912)-linolenic acid, gamma linolenic acid, gamolenic acid-containing product, product containing gamma-linolenic acid, all-cis-6912-octadecatrienoic acid, octadeca-6912-triensäure, gamolenic acid (substance), gamma-linolenic acid, product containing gamma-linolenic acid (medicinal product), gamma-linolenic acid (substance), gamma-linolenic acid product, 6912-octadecatrienoic acid (zzz)-, 6-cis9-cis12-cis-octadecatrienoic acid, 6 9 12-octadecatrienoic acid, gamolenic acid, acid gamma-linolenic, fatty acid 18:3 n-6, gla, (6z9z12z)-octadecatrienoic acid",
+"enzyme disorder lysosomal, inborn lysosomal enzyme disorder, disorder of lysosomal enzyme (disorder), lysosomal enzyme; defect, disorder of lysosomal enzyme nos, lysosomal storage diseases, diseases lysosomal storage, lysosomal enzyme dis, disorder lysosomal enzyme, lysosomal storage disorder, lysosomal storage disease, lysosomal enzyme disorder, disorder of lysosomal enzyme, phospholipidosis, disease lysosomal storage, disorders lysosomal enzyme, lysosomal enzyme defect, enzyme disorders lysosomal, disorders of lysosomal enzymes, lysosomal storage disorders, lysosomal enzyme disorders, section 6-7 disorders of lysosomal enzymes, lysosomal storage dis, lysosomal storage disease (disorder), defect; lysosomal enzyme, disorder of lysosomal enzymes",
+"scales pediatric, infant scale device, pediatric scale, pediatric scales, infant scale, infant scale device (physical object), scales infant, infant scales",
+"chronic graft-versus-host disease (diagnosis), chronc graft-vs-host dis, cgvhd, chronic gvhd, chronic graft-versus-host disease (disorder), gvhd chronic, graft versus host disease chronic, chronic graft versus host disease, chronic, chronic graft-versus-host disease, chronic gvh disease",
+"graft-vs-host diseases, gvhd, homol wasting dis, runt dis, graft-versus-host diseases, graft-vs-host disease, runting syndrome, disease graft-versus-host, gvhd-graft-versus-host disease, graft versus host disease [ambiguous], graft versus host dis, diseases graft-vs-host, gvh disease, graft vs host dis, graft versus host disease (disorder), diseases graft-versus-host, disease homologous wasting, disease graft host vs, host vs graft disease, graft vs. host disease, graft vs host disease, disease graft versus host, graft-versus-host-disease, gvhd (graft-versus-host disease), graft-versus-host disease , graft-versus-host nos, gvhd - graft-versus-host disease, disease runt, graft versus host diseases, runt disease, homologous wasting disease, autoimmune foreign transplant disease, disease graft-vs-host, graft-versus-host disease (disorder), graft-versus-host disease unspecified, disease graft host versus, gvh, graft-versus-host disease (diagnosis), graft versus host disease, graft versus host disease nos, host versus graft disease, graft-versus-host disease",
+"alpha-difluoromethylornithine, (rs)-25-diamino-2-(difluoromethyl)pentanoic acid, eflornithine (product), 2-(difluoromethyl)-dl-ornithine, eflornithine (substance), α-difluoromethylornithine, alpha-difluoromethyl ornithine, difluoromethylornithine, dfmo, dl-alpha-difluoromethylornithine, product containing eflornithine (medicinal product), 2-(difluoromethyl)ornithine, ornithine 2-(difluoromethyl)-, eflornithine, dl-alpha-difluoromethylornithine, eflornithine-containing product, eflornithine product, alpha difluoromethylornithine, 2-difluoromethylornithine, dl alpha difluoromethylornithine, difluoromethylornithine (dfmo), ornithine alpha-difluoromethyl, difluromethylornithine, product containing eflornithine, alpha difluoromethyl ornithine",
+"followed by, followed by [ambiguous], followed by (qualifier value), fb, follows, followed, follow, followed by (attribute)",
+"guide surgical instrument, guide device, guide, guides, guide (physical object), guide - clinical instrument",
+"molecule, molecule (substance), molecules",
+"congenital adrenogenital syndrome, hyperplasia congenital adrenal, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (disorder), cah-congenit adren hyperplasia, adrenal hyperplasia syndrome congenital, hyperplasia congen adrenal, congenital adrenal gland hyperplasia, hyperplasia congenital adrenal, hyperplasia; adrenal congenital, adrenal congenital hyperplasia, adrenal hyperplasias congenital, adrenal hyperplasia congenital, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (diagnosis), cah - congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adrenogenital syndrome, hyperplasias congenital adrenal, adrenal hyperplasia, hyperplasia adrenal congenital, congenital adrenal hyperplasia nos, adrenogenital disorder, congenital adrenal hyperplasias, adrenal hyperplasia congenital, adrenal hyperplasia congen, adrenal; hyperplasia congenital, congen adrenal hyperplasia, congenital adrenal hyperplasia",
+"perfusion pump device, perfusion pump, pump perfusion, pump infusion, pumps infusion, pumps perfusion, infusion pump (physical object), infusors, infusion pump, perfusion pumps, perfusion pump device (physical object), infusor, infusion pumps, peristaltic pumps",
+"non-human parturition function, non-human parturition function (observable entity), farrowing, parturition, delivery",
+"interval, intervals, parameterized data type - interval, interval (qualifier value), window",
+"adrenal gland disorder, adrenal disease, gland diseases adrenal, disease of adrenal gland, adrenal gland disorder nos, adrenal disorders, adrenal diseases, adrenal disorder nos, disorder of adrenal gland unspecified, disorder of adrenal gland nos, disorder of adrenal gland, adrenal gland diseases, adrenal glands--diseases, adrenal disease glands, diseases adrenal gland, disorder adrenal (nos), adrenal diseases gland, adrenal disease nos, diseases of adrenal gland, disorders of adrenal glands, adrenal disorders gland, disease of adrenal gland nos, adrenal disordered, adrenal gland disorder nos (disorder), adrenal gland disorders, adrenal gland dis, unspecified disorder of adrenal glands, gland disease adrenal, disease of adrenal gland (disorder), adrenal gland disease, diseases adrenal glands, diseases of the adrenal glands, unspecified disorders of adrenal glands, disease adrenal gland, adrenal disorder, adrenal disorders (diagnosis), adrenal disorder gland, disorder of adrenal gland (disorder), section b-7 diseases of the adrenal glands, adrenal glands disorders, adrenal disease gland",
+"metabolic hereditary disorder, errors metabolism inborn, inborn error of metabolism nos, inborn errors metabolisms, errors inborn metabolism, error inborn metabolism, metabolism inborn error, metabolisms inborn errors, errors inborn metabolism, metabolism errors inborn, metabolic hereditary disorder (disorder), iem - inborn error metabolism, metabolism error inborn, inborn errors metabolism, metab inborn err, inborn error of metabolism, inborn metabolism errors, metabolism inborn errors, inborn error of metabolism nos, inborn metabolism disorder, inborn error metabolism, inborn error of metabolism (disorder), inborn metabolism error, congenital metabolic disorder, iem - inborn error of metabolism, metab err inborn, metabolism inborn errors of, inborn err metab, inborn errors of metabolism, ibem - inborn error of metabolism, metabolism inborn errors, ibem - inborn error of metabol, congenital metabolism disorder, errors metabolisms inborn",
+"hyperplasias: general terms, hyperplasia (morphologic abnormality), 720-721 hyperplasias: general terms, hyperplasia nos, hypercellular, hyperplasia nos, 72 hyperplasias, hyperplasia, cellular proliferation, proliferation cellular, hyperplastic, hypercellularity, abnormal enlargement of an organ or a tissue, hyperplasias",
+"child life stage, childhood function (observable entity), childhood (qualifier value), childhood - period, childhood (finding), childhood (function), childhood",
+"cartridge, cartridge (unit of presentation)",
+"clotting, blood coagulation tests, tests blood coagulation, coagulation tests blood, blood coagulation procedure, clotting screen, coagulation, coagulation screening, blood coagulation procedures, blood coagulation panel (procedure), coagulations studies, section 3-1 blood coagulation procedures, coagulation profile, bleeding time test, blood coagulation screen nos, blood coagulation test (procedure), coag, blood coagulation screen, test blood coagulation, clotting screening, blood coagulation testing, coagulation system screening, blood coagulation panel, coag tests blood, coagulation screen, blood coagulation test, coagulation studies, coagulation procedures, blood coag tests, coagulation study, tests blood coag, coagulation test blood, blood coagulation procedure nos, blood coagulation panel nos, clotting screening (procedure)",
+"actual blood loss, blood loss, blood loss of (nos), actual blood loss (observable entity)",
+"communication (attribute), communication, communications, communicative",
+"malignant neoplasm of unspecified site nos (disorder), malignant neoplasm without specification of site, malig neop of unspec site, neoplasm/cancer, malignant growth, unclassified tumour malignant, mal neo wout specfctn/site, [x]malignant neoplasm without specification of site, malignancy unspecified site, malignant neoplasm of unspecified site nos, neoplasms - malignant, ca, ca - unspecified site nos, ca - unspecified site, malignant neoplasm (diagnosis), cancer (nos), malignancy, malignant neoplastic disease (disorder), neoplasm malignant, malignant tumor (disorder), malignant tumor, tumour malignant, neoplastic disease malignant, [x]mal neo wout specfctn/site, malignant tumoral disease, malignant neoplasm of unspecified site, (neoplasms) or (cancers), tumor malignant, malignant tumour, malignant neoplasm nos, cancers, neoplasm malignant, neoplasms malignant, unclassified tumor malignant, tumor; unclassified malignant, cancer unspecified site, [x]malignant neoplasm without specification of site (disorder), (neoplasms) or (cancers) (disorder), malignant tumours, ca - cancer, ^cancer, tumor malignant nos, tumor; malignant unclassified, malignancies, malig neop of unspec site nos, cancer nos, malignancy nos, malignant neoplasms, malignant neoplastic disease, malignant tumour (disorder), cancer (diagnosis), cancer nos, malignant tumors, ca - unspecified site nos (disorder), cancer, malignant neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of unspecified site (disorder)",
+"address (property), address (property) (qualifier value), address",
+"old episode, old, old (qualifier value), old episode (qualifier value)",
+"dural arteriovenous fistula, dural arteriovenous fistulas, arteriovenous dural fistula, arteriovenous fistula dural, arteriovenous fistulas dural, dural arteriovenous fistula (disorder)",
+"arteriovenous, av - arteriovenous, arteriovenous (qualifier value)",
+"repetitions, repeat (qualifier value), repeats, repeatedly, repetition, repeating, replicate, repeat object, repeated, repetition of, repeat pattern, repeat",
+"implant device, procedure implants:finding:point in time:^patient:narrative, implanted device, procedure implants narrative, implant, implanted, implant (physical object), procedure implants:find:pt:^patient:nar, implant prosthesis, implant nos, implant -retired-, implantable, prosthesis or implant, implants, biomedical implant, implant (product), implant device (physical object)",
+"letrozole, letrozole (medication), letrozol, letrozole (product), letrozole (substance), lotrozole (product), benzonitrile 44-(1h-124-triazol-1-ylmethylene)bis-, ltz, letrozole product, lotrozole, 44-(1h-124triazol-1-ylmethylene)dibenzonitrile, product containing letrozole (medicinal product), letrozole-containing product, 44-(1h-124-triazol-1-yl-methylene)-bis(benzonitrile), product containing letrozole",
+"product containing palbociclib (medicinal product), 6-acetyl-8-cyclopentyl-5-methyl-2-{[5-(piperazin-1-yl)pyridin-2-yl]amino}pyrido[23-d]pyrimidin-7(8h)-one, palbociclib (medication), product containing palbociclib, 6-acetyl-8-cyclopentyl-5-methyl-2-((5-(piperazin-1-yl)pyridin-2-yl)amino)pyrido[23-d]pyrimidin-7(8h)-one, palbociclib product, palbociclib, palbociclib (substance), pyrido(23-d)pyrimidin-7(8h)-one 6-acetyl-8-cyclopentyl-5-methyl-2-((5-(1-piperazinyl)-2-pyridinyl)amino)-, 6-acetyl-8-cyclopentyl-5-methyl-2-((5-(piperazin-1-yl)pyridin-2-yl)amino)-8h-pyrido(23-d)pyrimidin-7-one, 6-acetyl-8-cyclopentyl-5-methyl-2-(5-piperazin-1-ylpyridin-2-ylamino)-8h-pyrido(23-d)pyrimidin-7-one, palbociclib-containing product, chemotherapeutics cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors palbociclib",
+"primary malignant neoplasm of breast (disorder), primary malignant neoplasm of breast, breast neoplasm malignant primary, primary malignant neoplasm of breast (diagnosis)",
+"recurrences tumor, recurs, recurrent malignant neoplastic disease, recurred, recurrent tumour, recurrent cancer, date of recurrence, recurrent malignant neoplasm, tumor recurrence, recurrence, date of diagnosis of recurrence, recur, neoplasm recurrence, recurrent neoplasm, recurrence date, recurring, neoplasm recurrence nos, recurrent malignant neoplastic disease (disorder), recurrent malignant tumor, recurrence (qualifier value), recurrent malignant neoplastic disease (diagnosis), recurrence of tumour, recurrences, recurrence (disease attribute), recurrent tumor, recurrent tumor (finding), recurrent, recuring, relapse/recurrence, recurrent tumor (qualifier value), recurrence of tumor, malignant neoplasm recurrent, recurrence tumor",
+"scored, score (attribute), adhd hyperactive symptoms mean score:score:point in time:^patient:quantitative:calculated, scores (qualifier value), score, scores, adhd hyperactive symptoms mean score:score:pt:^patient:qn:calculated, adhd hyperactive symptoms mean score [calculated], scoring",
+"respiratory syncytial virus, human respirat syncytial virus, respiratory syncytial virus human, rsv - human resp syncytial vir, human respiratory syncytial virus, rsv, human orthopneumovirus, rsv - human respiratory syncytial virus, human respiratory syncytial virus (organism), hrsv, human rsv",
+"respiratory infection upper, upper respiratory tract infection (urti), infection of the upper respiratory tract, uri - upper respiratory infection, u.r.i., infections upper respiratory tract, infections upper respiratory, urti (upper respiratory tract infection), upper respiratory infection (uri), respiratory tract infection upper, infection;upper resp tract, upper respiratory tract inflammation, infection upper respiratory, upper respiratory infect, upper resp tract infection, cold, urti - infection of the upper respiratory tract, upper respiratory tract infecn, uri, upper respiratory infection nos (disorder), urti - infectn upper resp trct, upper respiratory infection nos, upper respiratory tract infections, upper respiratory infection, respiratory tract infection, upper respiratory tract infection, upper respiratory infections, uri (upper respiratory infection), upper respiratory infection (diagnosis), infection of the upper respiratory tract (disorder), upper respiratory infection (disorder), infect upper respiratory, infection of upper resp tract, upper respiratory infect.nos, upper respiratory infection nos, upper respiratory tract infection nos, upper respiratory tract infectious disease, urti",
+"microbial colonization, id, infectious disease (diagnosis), infectious disorder, communicable infectious disease, contagious disease nos, infectious; disease, infectious disorders, communicable disease nos, contagious disease (disorder), clinical infection, infectious disease nos, infectious disease (disorder), infection unspecified, disease;infectious, disease infectious, communicable disease (disorder), communicable disease, contagious disease (navigational concept), infectious disease nos, disorder due to infection, communicable disease nos (disorder), infec, unspecified infection, rndx infection unspecified (diagnosis), infection, infective disorder, infectious diseases, contagious disease, communicable diseases, contagious diseases, transmissible disease nos, disease caused by microorganism, communicable disease (navigational concept), disease communicable, rndx infection unspecified, infectious or communicable disease, infectious, diseases communicable, communicable dis, infections and infestations, transmissible disease (disorder), transmissible disease, infectious disease, diseases infectious, infection nos, communicable disease [ambiguous], infectious diseases and manifestations, disease due to infection, infect dis",
+"respiratory; complications, respiratory complication, complications; respiratory, respiratory complication (disorder), respiratory complication nos, respiratory complications",
+"ibuprofen [cns analgesic] [see j28..] (substance), ibuprofeno, ibuprofen [musculoskeletal use 2], ibuprofen product (substance), benzeneacetic acid alpha-methyl-4-(2-methylpropyl)-, ibuprofen, ibuprofen (medication), product containing ibuprofen, ibuprofen (product), ibuprofen product, ibuprofene, ibuprofen [cns analgesic] [see j28..], ibuprofen-containing product, alpha-methyl-4-(2-methylpropyl)benzeneacetic acid, (.+ -.)-p-isobutylhydratropic acid, (4-isobutylphenyl)-α-methylacetic acid, (±)-α-methyl-4-(2-methylpropyl)benzeneacetic acid, product containing ibuprofen (medicinal product), non-prescription ibuprofen (medication), (±)-2-(p-isobutylphenyl)propionic acid, non-prescription ibuprofen, ibuprofen [musculoskeletal use] (substance), propionic acid-ibuprofen, 4-isobutylhydratropic acid, p-isobutylhydratropic acid, ibuprofen pmr, ibuprofen (substance), α-(p-isobutylphenyl)propionic acid, (±)-ibuprofen, (±)-p-isobutylhydratropic acid, ibuprofen [musc-skel use 2], ibuprofen [musculoskeletal use 2] (product), ibuprofen [musculoskeletal use] (product), ibuprofen products, ibuprofen [musculoskeletal use], ibuprofen [cns analgesic] [see j28..] (product), (rs)-ibuprofen, α-(4-isobutylphenyl)propionic acid, ibuprofenum, ibuprofen [musculoskeletal use 2] (substance), ibuprophen, ibuprofen (otc), ibuprofen [musc-skel], ibuprofen [cns analgesic], 2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propanoic acid",
+"chemotherapy, chemotherapy procedure, drug therapy, pharmacotherapy, neoplasm/cancer chemotherapy, antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen (procedure), neoplasm; chemotherapy, chemo, chemotherapy; neoplasm, chemotherapy (treatment), chemotherapy nos, therapy medication, drug therapy treatment, drug therapies, cancer pharmacotherapy, drugs therapies, therapy drug, chemotherapies, chemotherapy cancer general, medications therapy, medication therapy, treatment with medication, drug ther, chemotherapy (procedure), drug therapy (procedure), neoplasm/cancer pharmacotherapy, pharmacother, administration of antineoplastic agent (procedure), cancer; chemotherapy, ther drug, cancer chemotherapy regimen, pharmacotherapeutics, chemotherapeutics regimen, pharmacological treatment, cancer chemotherapy (regime/therapy), chemotherapy (nos), antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen (regime/therapy), chemother, drug therapy nos (procedure), chemotherapy procedures, chemotherapy regimen, cancer chemotherapy, dt - drug therapy, chemotherapy nos, ct - chemotherapy, pharmaceutical therapy nos, drug treatment (drug therapy), pharmacotherapies, antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen, therapies drug, therapy (drug), neoplasm chemotherapy, drug therapy nos, neoplasm pharmacotherapy, chemotherapeutics regimen (treatment), chemotherapy; cancer, pharmacological treatments, chemotherapy regimens, administration of antineoplastic agent",
+"chemotherapy, neoplasm/cancer chemotherapy, antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen (procedure), chemo, neoplasm; chemotherapy, chemotherapy; neoplasm, chemotherapy nos, cancer pharmacotherapy, chemotherapies, chemotherapy (procedure), neoplasm/cancer pharmacotherapy, cancer; chemotherapy, cancer chemotherapy regimen, chemotherapeutics regimen, cancer chemotherapy (regime/therapy), antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen (regime/therapy), chemotherapy regimen, cancer chemotherapy, antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen, neoplasm chemotherapy, neoplasm pharmacotherapy, chemotherapeutics regimen (treatment), chemotherapy; cancer, chemotherapy regimens",
+"alport syndrome (diagnosis), hematuria nephropathy deafness syndrome, hemorrhagic familial nephritis, hematuric familial nephropathy, hearing loss-nephritis syndrome, nephritis with nerve deafness hereditary, hematuric hereditary nephritis, alports syndrome (disorder), hereditary nephritis-deafness syndrome, syndrome alport, nephropathy and deafness hereditary, alport, hereditary nephritis alports syndrome, hemorrhagic hereditary nephritis, dickinson syndrome, hereditary nephritis-deafness-abnormal thrombogenesis syndrome, deafness-nephritis syndrome, hereditary nephritis , alport syndrome (as ats), syndrome alport, hereditary nephritis, hematuria-nephropathy-deafness syndrome, congenital hereditary hematuria, hereditary familial congenital hemorrhagic nephritis, hereditary hematuria syndrome, alport syndrome (disorder), alports syndrome, alport syndrome, hereditary interstitial pyelonephritis, syndrome hematuria-nephropathy-deafness, alports syndrome",
+"product containing collagen, collagen [hemostatic] (product), collagen, collagen [hemostatic], collagens, collagen product, collagen product (substance), collagen product (product), collagen (substance), product containing collagen (medicinal product), collagen [haemostatic], collagen [hemostatic] (substance), collagen (medication), collagen-containing product",
+"membrane basement, basement membranes, membrana basalis, membranes basement, basement membrane of connective tissue, basement membrane, basement membrane (body structure), basement membrane nos, membrane basement",
+"hematuria; benign, essential hematuria, benign hematuria (disorder), benign haematuria, benign hematuria, benign; hematuria, hematuria essential, essential haematuria",
+"humans, human - origin (qualifier value), homo sapiens linnaeus 1758, 85b family of man, man (taxonomy), human, homo sapiens (organism), human (organism), human general, man, homo sapiens (living organism) (organism), homo sapiens (living organism) [ambiguous], family of man, man modern, human - origin, homo sapiens, modern man, man and woman",
+"serotype (observable entity), serotype (qualifier value), serovars, serotype, serotypes (qualifier value), serovar, serotype (attribute), serotypes",
+"cloning vectors, vectors (qualifier value), vector, vectors, vector cloning, vector cloning, cloning vector, vectors [cloning vectors], vectors cloning",
+"care critical, care of intensive care unit patient (procedure), intensive care unit patient, critical care, care of intensive care unit patient (regime/therapy), care of intensive care unit patient",
+"feeling ill, illness unspecified, sickness (finding), illnesses, sick, ailment, illness nos, sickness, sicknesses, illness, ailments, sickness nos, illness (finding)",
+"corona virus infection, infections coronavirus, coronavirus infection (diagnosis), coronavirus, [x]coronavirus infectionunspc, coronavirus infection, [x]coronavirus infection unspecified, infection; viral coronavirus, corona infection virus, [x]coronavirus infection unspecified (disorder), coronavirus infect, coronavirus infection unspecified, coronavirus infectionunspc, coronavirus infections, infection coronavirus, corona infections virus, infect coronavirus, coronavirus infection (disorder)",
+"oral staging, oral psychosexual phase, oral psychosexual phase (finding), oral stage, psychosexual phase oral, oral phase",
+"hypophyseal dwarf, isolated somatotropin deficiency, dwarfism: [pituitary] or [hypophyseal (& lorain-levi)], short; stature lorain-levi, pituitary dwarf, hyposomatotropic dwarfism, dwarfism (pituitary), growth hormone deficiency (diagnosis), gh deficiency, isolated hgh deficiency, dwarfism; pituitary, hypophyseal dwarfism, pituitary dwarfism (disorder), prepubertal dwarfism, ighd - isolated growth hormone deficiency, dwarfism: [pituitary] or [hypophyseal (& lorain-levi)] (disorder), growth hormone deficiency, lorain; dwarfism, growth hormone defic dwarfism, hypopituitary dwarfism, isolated deficiency of growth hormone in children, dwarfism growth hormone deficiency, hyposomatotrophic dwarfism, dwarfism pituitary, pituitary dwarfism nos, isolated somatotropin deficiency disorder, stature; short lorain-levi, lorain - levi dwarfism, isolated deficiency of hgh, paltaufs dwarf, prepuberal dwarfism, growth hormone deficiency dwarfism, isolated growth hormone deficiency, pituitary nanism, dwarf hypophyseal, isolated somatotropin deficiency (disorder), pituitary dwarfism nos (disorder), stature; short hypophyseal, pituitary dwarfism (disorder) [ambiguous], isolated human growth hormone deficiency, isolated gh insufficiency, somatotropin deficiency, isolated deficiency of growth hormone, levi-lorain dwarf, isolated growth hormone insufficiency, pituitary; dwarfism, nanism pituitary, short; stature hypophyseal, dwarfism pituitary, pituitary dwarfism, dwarfism; lorain, isolated gh deficiency, dwarfs pituitary, lorain-levi dwarfism, ighd - isol growth horm defic, isolated deficiency of human growth hormone, lorain-levi short stature, dwarfism growth hormone defic",
+"stage 2b, stage 2b (qualifier value), stage 2 lower case b, stage iib",
+"pre-pubertal (finding), pre-pubertal",
+"2b, 2b (qualifier value)",
+"dosage forms oral, oral (intended site), 51 mouth, cavity oral, oral cavity structure (body structure), mouth (anatomy), per os, orally, oral route, route of administration oral, oral route of administration, mouths, oral cavity nos, cavitas oris nos, per oral, oral route (qualifier value), route of administration: oral (treatment), oral cavity, oral dosage form, mouth nos, oralroute, intraoral route of administration, oral dosage form (qualifier value), buccal cavity, oral route of drug administration, body cavity oral, by mouth, mouth anatomy, cavity of mouth, po - oral, route of administration: oral, oral (qualifier value), oral dose form (dose form), use oral, oral dosage form (product), oral dose form, mouth structure, cavitas oris, mouth, anatomy mouth, po - per os, peroral route, po, oral, oral use, po - per oral, buccal cavity nos, anatomies mouth, oral cavity structure, per oral route",
+"pituitary growth hormone, sth, gh-n, sth (somatotropic hormone), human growth hormone hgh, somatotropic hormone, gh, human growth hormone (hgh), growth hormone, hgh human hormone growth, somatotropin, human growth hormone (substance), hghn, somatotrophin, somatotropic hormone (sth), growth hormone human, somatropin (human), hgh growth hormone, hgh human growth hormone, ghn, hgh (human growth hormone), growth hormone hgh, growth hormone 1, hgh - growth hormone, gh - growth hormone, human growth hormone, somatotropin (human), hgh, somatropin",
+"pituitary growth hormone, growth hormone level, sth, somatotropin preparation (product), assay growth hormone (hgh), somatrophic hormone (substance), gh-n, human growth hormone hgh, somatotropic hormone, sth (somatotropic hormone), gh, somatotropin-containing product, human growth hormone (hgh), growth hormone, growth hormones (medication), hgh human hormone growth, somatotropin, human growth hormone (substance), somatotropin preparation, human growth hormone level, product containing somatotropin, growth hormone measurement (procedure), hghn, growth hormones, product containing somatotropin (medicinal product), somatro, assay of growth hormone human, somatotrophin, somatotropic hormone (sth), growth hormone human, somatropin (human), hgh growth hormone, hgh human growth hormone, growth hormone human (hgh) (somatotropin), ghn, somatrophic hormone, somatotropin product, growth hormone level test, growth hormone product, somatotrophic hormone, growth hormone measurement, hgh (human growth hormone), growth hormone hgh, growth hormone 1, hgh - growth hormone, somatotropin preparation (substance), gh - growth hormone, human growth hormone, somatotrophin measurement, somatrophic hormone (product), somatotropin (human), somatotropin (substance), hgh, growth hormone preparation, somatropin, measurement of human growth hormone (hgh), growth hormone pituitary, somatotropin measurement",
+"agave, agaves, agave l. 1753, agave (organism), agave nos",
+"differential quality, differential (qualifier value), differential",
+"nivolumab product, product containing nivolumab, nivolumab (product), nivolumab, nivo, nivolumab-containing product, nivolumab (medication), nivolumab (substance), chemotherapeutics nivolumab, product containing nivolumab (medicinal product)",
+"brain tumor childhood glioblastoma multiforme, childhood glioblastoma, cns tumor grade iv adult astrocytoma, cns tumor childhood glioblastoma multiforme, astrocytoma childhood anaplastic, glioblastoma nos, adult cns tumor glioblastoma multiforme, pediatric anaplastic astrocytoma, glioblastoma multiforme, childhood malignant cerebral astrocytoma, glioblastoma multiforme (gbm), cancer glioblastoma multiforme, adult glioblastoma, obsolete glioblastoma, childhood high-grade cerebral astrocytoma, adult glioblastoma multiforme, pediatric glioblastoma multiforme, astrocytoma grades 3-4, glioblastoma multiforme adult, brain tumor glioblastoma multiforme, childhood cerebral astrocytoma high-grade, cns tumor adult grade iv astrocytoma, central nervous system tumor astrocytoma grade iv childhood, glioblastoma multiforme adult, gbm - glioblastoma multiforme, anaplastic astrocytoma childhood, brain tumor child: glioblastoma, glioblastoma (morphologic abnormality), [m]glioblastoma nos, adult brain tumor glioblastoma multiforme, glm - glioblastoma multiforme, central nervous system tumor astrocytoma grade iv adult, grade iv adult astrocytic tumor, spongioblastoma multiforme, glioblastoma multiforme (disorder), childhood anaplastic astrocytoma, who grade iv glioma, pediatric cerebral astrocytoma high-grade, astrocytoma grade iv, glioblastoma nos, brain tumor adult: glioblastoma, gbm, grade iv adult astrocytic neoplasm, high grade childhood supratentorial astrocytoma, [m]glioblastoma multiforme (& nos), astrocytoma grade iv adult, glioblastomas, grade iv pediatric astrocytic tumor, grade iv astrocytic neoplasm, brain tumor adult grade iv astrocytoma, grade iv pediatric astrocytic neoplasm, cns tumor childhood grade iv astrocytoma, grade iv childhood astrocytoma, intracranial neoplasm glioblastoma multiforme, cns glioblastoma (gbm), glioblastoma multiforme childhood, astrocytoma grade iv childhood, cns tumor adult glioblastoma multiforme, glioblastoma, astrocytomas grade iv, brain tumor childhood grade iv astrocytoma, childhood glioblastoma multiforme, cns tumor grade iv childhood astrocytoma, [m]spongioblastoma multiforme, grade iv childhood astrocytic tumor, grade iv adult astrocytoma, grade iv astrocytomas, glioblastoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, glioblastoma; unspecified site, glioblastoma multiforme (diagnosis), grade iv childhood astrocytic neoplasm, gbm (glioblastoma), childhood brain tumor glioblastoma multiforme, glioblastoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), [m]glioblastoma multiforme (& nos) (disorder), childhood cns tumor glioblastoma multiforme, glioblastoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), grade iv astrocytic tumor, brain tumor adult glioblastoma multiforme, [m]glioblastoma multiforme, glioblastoma no icd-o subtype, glioblastoma not otherwise specified, glioma glioblastoma multiforme, [m]glioblastoma nos (morphologic abnormality), grade iv astrocytoma",
+"3-methyl-4-oxo-34-dihydroimidazo(51-d)(1235)tetrazine-8-carboxamide, methazolastone, imidazo[51-d]-1235-tetrazine-8-carboxamide 3 4-dihydro-3-methyl-4-oxo-, tmz, 8-carbamoyl-3-methylimidazo(51-d)-1235-tetrazin-4(3h)-one, temozolomide (substance), 34-dihydro-3-methyl-4-oxoimidazo(51-d)-1235-tetrazine-8-carboxamide, temozolomide-containing product, 8-carbamoyl-3-methylimidazo[51-d]-1235-tetrazin-4(3h)-one, temozolomidum, temozolomide (product), temozolodida, temozolomide product, temozolomida, temozolomide, 34-dihydro-3-methyl-4-oxoimidazo[51-d]-1235-tetrazine-8-carboxamide, temozolomide (medication), temozolomid, product containing temozolomide, 34-dihydro-3-methyl-4-oxoimidazo(51-d)-as-tetrazine-8-carboxamide, témozolomide, product containing temozolomide (medicinal product)",
+"tinnitus ringing/buzzing ear, tinnitus nos, observation of tinnitus, noises in;ear, tinnitus ctcae 5.0, ringing in ear, symptoms tinnitus, ringing in the ear, tinnitus aurium, unspecified tinnitus, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), ears noises, unspecified tinnitus (finding), ringing in the ears, ringing in ear (finding), tinnitus nos (finding), ringing buzzing tinnitus, ear noises, tinnitus symptom nos (finding), tinnitus (finding), tinnitus ctcae 3.0, (tinnitus) or (hearing noises) (disorder), ringing in ears, tinnitus (symptom), tinnitus, tinnitus unspecified, ringing (in);ear, ear; murmur, finding of tinnitus, tinnitus nos, hearing noises, ears ring, tinnitus symptom nos, ear noise, tinnitus unspecified ear, noises in head, ringing-buzzing-tinnitus, ringing/buzzing/tinnitus, tinnitus symptom (non-specific), tinnitus (diagnosis), tinnitus (disorder), tinnitus ctcae_5, ringing of ears, ears ringing, noises in ear (finding), (tinnitus) or (hearing noises), ear ringing sound, tinnitus ctcae_3, noises in ear, noise in ears, murmur; ear, ear ringing, finding of tinnitus (finding)",
+"biological toxin, toxin-containing product, product containing toxin (product), product containing toxin, toxin (disposition), toxin, toxins biological, toxin (substance), toxin product, biological toxins, toxins, toxin nos",
+"injection of medication nos, injection of therapeutic substance nos (procedure), rnrx injection administration (treatment), injection nos, injection (procedure), injection of therapeutic substance nos, shot, injection administration, injection of therapeutic substance, injection, injection of therapeutic agent, injection of therapeutic agent nos, injection - action (qualifier value), injection procedure (procedure), injection procedure, injection of therapeutic substance (procedure), injection(s), injection procedures, injections procedure, 1-050 injections, injection of drug nos, rnrx injection administration, injection - action, injection of therapeutic subst, administration of injection, injections, injection therap substance nos, injection of therapeutic agent (procedure), injection of therapeutic substance nos",
+"vestibulocochlear organ, auris, vestibulocochlear apparatus, ear, ear and related structures, organum vestibulocochleare, ears, ear structures, ear structure, ear-related structure, system vestibulocochlear, ear structure (body structure), ear (anatomy), vestibulocochlear system, apparatus vestibulocochlear, hearing apparatus",
+"chem mgmt, rnax provide chemotherapy care (treatment), chemotherapy management, chemotherapy care (regime/therapy), rnrx chemotherapy care (treatment), chemotherapy care, care chemotherapy, rnrx chemotherapy care, rnax provide chemotherapy care",
+"ng, untreated, not treated for, did not receive therapy or drug for, did not receive therapy or drug for (contextual qualifier), did not receive therapy or drug for (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), ng - did not receive therapy or drug for",
+"doxorubicinum, doxorubicina, hydroxyl daunorubicin, doxorubicine, product containing doxorubicin, product containing doxorubicin (medicinal product), adm, (1s3s)-3-glycoloyl-3512-trihydroxy-10-methoxy-611-dioxo-1234611-hexahydrotetracen-1-yl 3-amino-236-trideoxy-α-l-lyxo-hexopyranoside, dox, 512-naphthacenedione 10-((3-amino-236-trideoxy-alpha-l-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy)-78910-tetrahydro-6811-trihydroxy-8-(hydroxyacetyl)-1-methoxy- (8s-cis)-, (8s-cis)-10-[(3-amino-236-trideoxy-alpha-l-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-78910-tetrahydro-6811-trihydroxy-8-(hydroacetyl)-1-methoxy-512-naphthacenedione, (8s-cis)-10-[(3-amino-236-trideoxy-alpha-l-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-78910-tetrahydro-6811-trihydroxy-8-(hydroxyacetyl)-1-methoxy-512-naphthacenedione, doxorubicin, doxorubicin (substance), doxorubicin-containing product, 14-hydroxydaunomycin, doxorubicin (product), doxorubicin product, hydroxyldaunorubicin, 14-hydroxydaunorubicine, (8s-cis)-10-((3-amino-236-trideoxy-α-l-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy)-78910-tetrahydro-6811-trihydroxy-8-(hydroxyacetyl)-1-methoxy-512-naphthacenedione, adr",
+"triple negative malignant neoplasm of breast (disorder), tnbc - triple-negative breast cancer, triple-negative breast neoplasms, triple-negative breast cancer, hormone receptor negative malignant tumor breast triple, triple negative malignant neoplasm of breast (diagnosis), breast cancer triple-negative, er-negative pr-negative her2-negative breast cancer, triple negative breast cancer, breast neoplasms triple-negative, er negative pr negative her2 negative breast cancer, triple negative breast neoplasms, triple-negative breast neoplasm, triple negative malignant neoplasm of breast, triple negative breast cancer metastatic, er-negative pr-negative her2-negative breast neoplasms, triple-negative breast cancers, breast cancers triple-negative, er negative pr negative her2 negative breast neoplasms, breast neoplasm triple-negative, triple negative breast neoplasm",
+"nodular (qualifier value), nodular, nodular -retired-",
+"invasive (qualifier value), invasive lesion, invasive procedure, invasive",
+"c, cum, with, plus, with (attribute), w, pl, addition, in addition to",
+"components, component, component object, component (attribute)",
+"alcohol grain, ethyl alcohol causing toxic effect, product containing ethyl alcohol (medicinal product), toxic effect of ethanol nos, alcohol (ethyl), ethanol measurement (procedure), 1-hydroxyethane, product containing ethanol, alcohol level, ethanol, product containing ethyl alcohol, alcohol ethyl, drinking alcohol, ethyl alcohol product, alcohol measurement (procedure), alcohols levels, ethyl alcohol (substance), ethyl alcohl causng tox effect, product containing ethanol (medicinal product), etoh - ethanol, toxic effect of grain alcohol, alcohol ethyl, etoh level, methylcarbinol, ethyl alcohol causing toxic effect (disorder), etoh - alcohol, spiritus vini, ethanol intoxication, alcohol measurement, alcohol (grain), äthanol, ethyl alcohol-containing product, ethanol causing toxic effect, ethyl alcohol causing toxic effect nos (disorder), éthanol, ethyl alcohol causing toxic effect nos, measurement of alcohol, ethyl alcohol measurements, alcohols, toxic effect of ethanol, absolute ethanol, ethanol measurement nos, ethanol-containing product, alcohol level test, ethanol (substance), drug screen quantalcohols, ethanols, dehydrated ethanol, alcohol measurement nos, alcohol etílico, drug screen quantitative alcohols, toxic eff ethyl alcohol, alkohol, hydroxyethane, alcohol measurement (lab test), alcohol, ethyl alcohol, alcohol anhydrous, alcoholethyl, etoh, alcohol denatured, alcohol denatured, äthylalkohol, etanol, toxic effect of ethyl alcohol, alcool éthylique, toxic effect of ethyl alcohol (disorder), ethanol measurement, grain alcohol, ethyl alcohol-toxic effect nos, ethyl alcohol (product), alcohol measurements",
+"anxiety reduction, alleviating anxiety, reducing anxiety, alleviating anxiety (procedure)",
+"30-l-asparagine-32-l-threonine-87-l-valine-88-l-asparagine-90-l-threonineerythropoietin (human), product containing darbepoetin alfa (medicinal product), darbepoetin alfa (hamster), darbepoetin alfa #1 (substance), darbepoetin alfarecombinant, nesp, novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein, alfa darbepoetin, darbepoetin alfa (product), darbepoetin alfa product, product containing darbepoetin alfa, darbepoetin alfa-containing product, darbepoetina alfa, darbepoetin alfa (substance), darbepoetin alfa, darbepoietin alfa, darbepoetin alfa (medication), darbepoetin",
+"artificial kidney dialysis, extracorporeal dialysis, hd - haemodialysis, kidney dialysis nos, hemodialysis procedure, renal dialysis (procedure), dialysis - renal, dialysis - hemodialysis, haemodialysis procedure, renal dialysis nos, renal dialysis, hemodialyzed, extracorporeal haemodialysis, artificial kidney dialysis nos, extracorporeal hemodialysis, dialysis hemodialysis, kidney; dialysis, hd - hemodialysis, extracorporeal hemodialysis nos, hemodialysis (treatment), dialysis; renal, kidney dialysis, dialysis renal, renal dialyses, hemodialysis, hemodialysis (procedure) [ambiguous], hemodialysis nos, haemodialysed, haemodialysis procedure (procedure), dialyses renal, hemodialysis procedures, hemodialysis (procedure), dialysis, haemodialysis, hemodialyses, renal dialysis (treatment), hemodialysis therapy",
+"associating, assoc, aw, associated, associated with (attribute), associated with",
+"artificial kidney dialysis, extracorporeal dialysis, hd - haemodialysis, kidney dialysis nos, hemodialysis procedure, administration via hemodialysis, dialysis - hemodialysis, haemodialysis procedure, hemodialysis route, renal dialysis, hemodialyzed, extracorporeal haemodialysis, artificial kidney dialysis nos, haemodialysis route, extracorporeal hemodialysis, dialysis hemodialysis, kidney; dialysis, hd - hemodialysis, extracorporeal hemodialysis nos, hemodialysis (treatment), dialysis; renal, hemodialysis route (qualifier value), kidney dialysis, hemodialysis, hemodialysis (procedure) [ambiguous], hemodialysis nos, haemodialysed, hemo, drug administration via hemodialysis, haemodialysis route (qualifier value), haemodialysis procedure (procedure), hemodialysis procedures, hemodialysis (procedure), haemodialysis, hemodialyses, hemodialysis therapy",
+"triple (qualifier value), triplet, triple, triplicate, making three identical copies",
+"breast cancer invasive nos, infiltrating carcinoma of breast, infiltrating breast cancer, invasive breast cancer, invasive carcinoma of breast, breast cancer invasive, infiltrating breast carcinoma, invasive carcinoma of the breast, invasive breast carcinoma, invasive mammary carcinoma, invasive carcinoma of breast (disorder), infiltrating carcinoma of the breast",
+"donepezil product, domepezil, donepezil (product), donepezil (substance), donepezil-containing product, product containing donepezil, 1h-inden-1-one 23-dihydro-56-dimethoxy-2-((1-(phenylmethyl)-4-piperidinyl)methyl)-, donepezilo, product containing donepezil (medicinal product), donepezil, donepezilum",
+"health impaired, impairment (finding), health impairment, impairment, impaired health, health impairments, impairments",
+"very low, low very, very low (qualifier value)",
+"feeling content, feeling content (finding), contentedness, contentment, content",
+"toxic effect/tobacco+ nicotine, toxic effect of tobacco and nicotine (disorder), nicotine tobacco, tobacco and nicotine, tobacco and nicotine (substance), toxic effect of tobacco and nicotine, tobacco nicotine",
+"injury due to exposure to external causes, injury due to exposure to external cause, exposures, exposure nos, effects of exposure to external cause nos, effect of exposure to external cause, d-64 effects of exposure to external causes, exposure, adverse effect;exposure, injury due to exposure to external cause (disorder), effects of exposure to external causes, exposure nos, exposures problem",
+"atria heart, atria cardiac, atrium heart, heart atrium, atrial structure (body structure), heart atrium, atrium of heart, atria of heart, atria, cardiac atrium, upper chambers of the heart, atrium, heart atria, atrial structure, atrium nos, cardiac atria, atrium (heart), auricle of heart, atria (heart), atrial, heart.atria",
+"cryptogenic, cryptogenic (qualifier value), origin unknown, unknown origin, unknown (origin), unknown (origin) (qualifier value), agnogenic, idiopathic, idiopathic cause, cryptogenic -retired-",
+"neu proto-oncogene protein, erbb2, erbb 2 proto oncogene protein, proto-oncogene protein her-2, proto-oncogene protein erbb-2, cd340 antigens, cd340 antigen, erbb proto oncogene protein 002, oncogene protein her-2/neu, erbb-2 proto-oncogene protein, erbb 2 receptor protein tyrosine kinase, receptor neu, erbb-2 receptor protein-tyrosine kinase, proto oncogene proteins c erbb 2, neu proto-oncogene protein, neu receptor, her-2 proto-oncogene protein, antigens cd340, proto-oncogene protein neu, metastatic lymph node gene 19 protein, her proto oncogene protein 002, receptor erbb-2, c erbb protein 002, oncogene protein her-2/neu (substance), proto-oncogene protein p185(neu), erbb receptor protein tyrosine kinase 002, proto-oncogene protein her-2, erbb-2 receptors, neu proto oncogene protein, erb b2 receptor tyrosine kinases, p185erbb2 protein, receptors erbb-2, erbb-2 receptor, oncogene protein her 2, proto oncogene protein her 002, proto-oncogene protein neu, c-erbb-2 protein, c-erbb-2 proto-oncogene, tyrosine kinase type cell surface receptor her2, c erbb 2 protein, proto-oncogene c-erbb-2, p185(c-neu), her2, her 2 proto oncogene protein, neu receptors, erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinases, neu, tyrosine kinase-type cell surface receptor her2, her-2, proto-oncogene proteins c-erbb-2, proto oncogene protein her 2, proto oncogene protein p 185 neu, oncogene protein her-2",
+"her2 positive metastatic breast cancer, metastatic human epidermal growth factor 2 positive carcinoma of breast, metastasis from human epidermal growth factor 2 positive carcinoma of breast (disorder), metastasis from human epidermal growth factor 2 positive carcinoma of breast",
+"induction, induced, induced (qualifier value), induce, inducible, induce (action), inducing",
+"leukemia chronic b-cell, b cell leukemia chronic, lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma cll, chronic b-lymphocytic leukemias, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, leukemia chronic lymphocytic b-cell, lymphocytic lymphoma, lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse well differ, cll lymphoplasmacytoid lymphomas, cll - chronic lymphocytic leukemia, cll chronic lymphocytic leukemia, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (disorder), chronic lymphoid leukemia disease, leukemia lymphocytic chronic, leukemia chronic b-lymphocytic, lymphoblastic leukemias chronic, cll lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma, chronic leukemia lymphocytic, lymphomas small-cell, cll b-cell, chronic b-cell lymphocytic leukemia, leukemias chronic b-lymphocytic, chronic lymphatic leukaemia, b-cell malignancy low-grade, b cell leukemia, lymphoma small, chronic lymphoid leukemia, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse well differ, leukemia chronic lymphocytic, chronic lymphocytic leukemia of b-cell type, b-cell leukemia, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, b-cell leukemias chronic, lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse well differentiated, lymphoma small lymphocytic plasmacytoid, b-cell lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), b lymphocytic leukemia chronic, lymphocytic lymphoma well-differentiated, lymphocytic lymphoma well differ, leukemia b cell, lymphoma lymphoplasmacytoid cll, lymphocytic lymphoma small, chronic b-cell lymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), lymphoid leukemia chronic, lymphocytic lymphomas well-differentiated, chronic lymphocytic leukemias, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, chronic b-lymphocytic leukemia, leukemia lymphocytic chronic (cll), lymphoid leukaemia chronic, [m]chronic lymphoid leukaemia, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia b-cell type, bcll, lymphocytic leukemia chronic, small-cell lymphomas, chronic lymphogenous leukemia, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), leukemia lymphoblastic chronic, small lymphocytic lymphoma, lymphoma cll lymphoplasmacytoid, small lymphocytic lymphomas, b-cell chronic lymphoid leukemia, disrupted in b-cell malignancy, diffuse well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic b-cell lymphocytic leukemia (cll), lymphoma small-cell, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, leukemia;chronic lymphocytic, leukemia b cell chronic, leukemia chronic lymphatic, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse well-differentiated, b-cll - b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, small-cell lymphoma, lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse well-differentiated, leukaemias chronic lymphocytic, b-cll - b-cell chron lymp leuk, b chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoma lymphocytic well differentiated, leukemia lymphocytic chronic b cell, chronic lymphocytic leukemia of b-cell type nos, b-lymphocytic leukemia chronic, lymphomas well-differentiated lymphocytic, b-cell cll, lymphocytic leukemias chronic, leukemia lymphocytic chronic b-cell, chronic lymphoid leukaemia, lymphoma lymphocytic well differ, chronic lymphocytic leukemia b-cell, leukemia chronic lymphocytic, leukemia; lymphatic chronic, lymphocytic leukemia chronic, well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphomas, leukaemia lymphocytic chronic, lymphocytic leukemia chronic b, lymphomas small lymphocytic, lymphoma small lymphocytic, cll-chron lymphocyt leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia b-cell type, leukemia b-cell chronic lymphocytic, chronic lymphoblastic leukemia, b cell lymphocytic leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia b-cell chronic, cll - chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, lymphomas cll lymphoplasmacytoid, leukemia chronic lymphocytic (cll), well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia nos, leukaemia;chronic lymphocytic, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, lymphoblastic leukemia chronic, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (cll), lymphatic; leukemia chronic, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia nos, chronic lymphoblastic leukemias, b-cll - b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, leukemia lymphocytic chronic, leukemias chronic lymphoblastic, diffuse well differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, clls, [m]chronic lymphoid leukemia, cll-chron lymphocyt leukaemia, b cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse well differentiated, cll (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), chronic lymphoid leukemia disease (disorder), chronic lymphoid leukaemia disease, lymphomas lymphocytic, diffuse well differ lymphocytic lymphoma, lymphoma lymphocytic well-differentiated, lymphoplasmacytoid lymphomas cll, b-cell chronic lymphogenous leukemia, b-lymphocytic leukemias chronic, lymphoma lymphocytic, lymphocytic lymphoma well differentiated, b-cell leukemia chronic, leukemia b-cell chronic, lymphocytic leukemia chronic b-cell, leukemias chronic b-cell, chronic lymphocytic leukemia morphology (morphologic abnormality), chronic b-cell leukemias, lymphocytic lymphomas small, hematopoeitic - chronic lymphocytic leukemia (cll), lymphoma small cell, b-cell chron lymphocyt leukaem, lymphocytic lymphomas, cll, b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, chronic b-cell leukemia, [m]chronic lymphoid leukaemia (disorder), chronic lymphatic leukemia, small lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia nos, small cell lymphoma, b cell cll, lymphoma well-differentiated lymphocytic, lymphocytic leukemia chronic b cell, leukemias chronic lymphocytic",
+"muromonab-cd3 product, muromonab-cd3 monoclonal antibody, muromonab cd3, muromonab-cd3-containing product, okt3, anti-cd3 monoclonal antibody okt 3, anti-cd3, product containing muromonab-cd3 (medicinal product), muromonab-cd3 (substance), muromonab-cd3 (orthoclone okt3), muromonab, muromonab-cd3 (murine), monoclonal antibody okt 3, monoclonal antibody okt3, product containing muromonab-cd3, anti-cd3 monoclonal antibody okt3, muromonab-cd3 (medication), moab okt 3, muromonab-cd3, muromonab-cd3 (product), moab okt3",
+"human c-peptide, human proinsulin c-peptide, c peptide (substance), c peptides, c-peptide, c peptide, proinsulin c peptide, insulin c-peptide, proinsulin c-peptide (human), c-peptide proinsulin, c-peptide (substance), connecting peptide, c-peptide human, proinsulin c-peptide, c peptide proinsulin",
+"product containing iron (product), iron preparation, iron preparation (product), iron measurement, iron measurement nos, iron measurement (procedure), ferric ion, iron level test, reduced iron, iron each test, iron dietary, fe element, iron product, iron preparation nos, fe, iron reduced, product containing iron (medicinal product), iron preparation (substance), iron agent (substance), fe++, iron ea.tst, iron nos, iron drug, assay of iron, iron dietary, dietary iron, iron preparations (medication), iron level, product containing iron, iron-56, iron-containing product, iron, ferrum, hematinics iron preparations, iron (substance), iron product (product), iron 56, measurement of iron, fe+++, hierro, iron preparations, eisen, iron levels, fer, fe - iron, iron agent, iron elemental",
+"bind, binding - action, binding action, binding - action (qualifier value), binds, bound, binding",
+"onset, onset of, with onset, with onset (qualifier value), onset of (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), with onset -retired-, onset of (contextual qualifier), onset (attribute)",
+"non-small cell carcinoma of lung, non-small cell cancer of the lung, lung carcinoma non-small-cell, non-small cell carcinoma of the lung, carcinoma cell lung non-small, carcinoma non small cell lung, non small cell lung carcinoma, carcinoma cell lung non small, non-small-cell lung carcinomas, carcinomas non-small-cell lung, carcinoma non-small-cell lung, non-small cell lung cancer nos, non small cell lung cancer nos, cancer cells lung non small, non-small-cell lung carcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer, lung carcinoma non small cell, cancer cell lung non small, small non cell lung cancer, lung cancer nonsmall cell, lung carcinomas non-small-cell, non-small cell lung carcinoma, non-small cell carcinoma of lung (diagnosis), nsclc - non-small cell lng can, non-oat cell lung cancer, lung non-small cell carcinoma, nsclc, non-small cell cancer of lung, lung cancer non-small cell, nsclc - non-small cell lung cancer, cancer cell lung non-small, non small cell lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer nos, lung cancer non-small cell, nonsmall cell lung carcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer (disorder), lung cancer non small cell, carcinoma non-small cell lung, nonsmall cell lung cancer",
+"small cell carcinoma of lung, small cell lung cancer, pulmonary small cell carcinoma oat cell, lung oat cell carcinoma, small cell lung cancer (sclc), lung cancer small cell, lung malignant carcinoma oat cell, oat cell lung carcinoma, oat cell lung cancer, cancer cell lung oat, lung small cell carcinoma, oat cell carcinoma of lung, small cell carcinoma of lung (diagnosis), small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung, lung carcinoma oat cell, small cell lung carcinoma, oat cell cancer, small cell carcinoma, oat cell carcinoma of the lung, lung cancer small cell, small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of lung, small cell lung cancer stage unspecified, sclc, pulmonary small cell carcinoma , cancer cell lung small, sclc1, lung cancer oat cell, oat cell carcinoma of lung (disorder), lung small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, lung cancer small cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma of lung (disorder), small cell cancer of the lung, small cell carcinoma of the lung, carcinoma small cell lung, sccl, lung carcinoma small cell, lung malignant carcinoma oat cell (diagnosis), sclc - small cell lung cancer",
+"2-methyl-4-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-10h-thieno[23-b][15]benzodiazepine, product containing olanzapine (medicinal product), olanzapine (substance), 2-methyl-4-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-10h-thieno(23-b)(15)benzodiazepine, olanzapin, olanzapine-containing product, olanzapinum, olanzapine product, olanzapina, product containing olanzapine, olanzapine (product), olanzapine (zyprexa), olanzapine, olanzapine (medication)",
+"finding of vomiting (finding), vomiting (finding), frequency of vomiting, emesis, being sick, vomiting nos, vomiting symptoms (disorder), [d]vomiting (context-dependent category), vomit, how often vomited, throw up, i have been vomiting, vomiting unspecified, vomiting disorder, throwing up, [d]emesis (situation), vomiting (symptom), how often vomiting, vomited, vomiting symptoms, vomiting was observed, vomiting (disorder), vomits, vomiting nos (disorder), finding of vomiting, observation of vomiting, gastric contents; regurgitation, vomiting ctcae, vomiting nos (finding), symptoms vomiting, have been vomiting, [d]emesis (context-dependent category), vomiting symptom (finding), bothered by vomiting, vomiting, vomiting frequency, how much distress vomiting, vomiting (physical finding), [d]emesis, regurgitation; gastric contents, vomiting disorder (disorder), usual severity vomiting, vomiting symptom, [d]vomiting, vomiting nos, [d]vomiting (situation)",
+"nausea (disorder), nausea, nausea [presence], nausea (finding), feel nausea, symptoms nausea, nausea subscale, nausea ctcae 5.0, bothered by nausea, nausea ctcae 3.0, had nausea, nausea:prthr:pt:^patient:ord, sick feeling, nausea visual analogue scale, [d]nausea (context-dependent category), how much nausea did you have during this period, frequency of nausea, nausea symptoms, how often nausea, how much distress nausea, feeling bilious, feel sick, feeling queasy, nauseating, nauseated, have you felt nauseated, finding of nausea, have nausea, nauseas, nausea nos (finding), [d]nausea (situation), symptom nausea, nausea:presence or threshold:point in time:^patient:ordinal, visual analogue nausea scale, finding of nausea (finding), nausea frequency, nausea ctcae_5, [d]nausea, queasy, rndx nausea, c/o - nausea, feeling sick, rndx nausea (diagnosis), nauseous, how much nausea during this period, usual severity nausea, nausea ctcae_3, how often have nausea, observation of nausea, nausea nos, i have nausea, nausea symptom, nausea (symptom)",
+"benzamide 4-(4-((2-(4-chlorophenyl)-44-dimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)methyl)-1-piperazinyl)-n-((3-nitro-4-(((tetrahydro-2h-pyran-4-yl)methyl)amino)phenyl)sulfonyl)-2-(1h-pyrrolo(23-b)pyridin-5-yloxy)-, chemotherapeutics venetoclax, venetoclax, venetoclax (medication), product containing venetoclax (medicinal product), 4-{4-[(4-chloro-55-dimethyl[3456-tetrahydro[11-biphenyl]]-2-yl)methyl]piperazin-1-yl}-n-(3-nitro-4-{[(oxan-4-yl)methyl]amino}benzene-1-sulfonyl)-2-[(1h-pyrrolo[23-b]pyridin-5-yl)oxy]benzamide, venetoclax (substance), product containing venetoclax, venetoclax product, bcl-2 inhibitor gdc-0199, 4-(4-((2-(4-chlorophenyl)-44-dimethylcyclohex-1-en-1-yl)methyl)piperazin-1-yl)-n-((3-nitro-4-((tetrahydro-2h-pyran-4-ylmethyl)amino)phenyl)sulfonyl)-2-(1h-pyrrolo(23-b)pyridin-5-yloxy)benzamide, venetoclax-containing product",
+"lp(a), lipoprotein (a) (substance), assay of lipoprotein(a), lipoprotein (a) level, a lp, apo(a), measurement of lipoprotein (a), a lipoprotein, lp a, lipoprotein (a) measurement, lipoprotein a measurement, lipoprotein (little a), apolipoprotein(a), lipoprotein (a), lipoprotein lp(a), lpa, lipoprotein a, lipoprotein little a, lipoprotein (a) measurement (procedure), lipoprotein(a), lipoprotein-a",
+"accepts, establishing, accepted, established (qualifier value), accepted (qualifier value), accept, established, accepting, establish",
+"electrocardiographic myocardial infarction, myocardial infarction by ekg finding, ecg: myocardial infarction (finding), ecg infarction myocardial, ecg: myocardial infarction, ekg findings of infarction, myocardial infarction ecg, electrocardiogram: myocardial infarct nos (finding), ecg: myocardial infarct nos, ecg myocardial infarction, ekg findings of infarction (finding), electrocardiogram: myocardial infarct nos, ekg: myocardial infarction, electrocardiogram finding of infarction, myocardial infarction, electrocardiogram: myocardial infarction (finding), myocardial infarction by ecg finding, electrocardiographic myocardial infarction (finding), electrocardiogram: myocardial infarction, ecg: myocardial infarct nos (finding), electrocardiogram finding of infarction (finding)",
+"pad (morphologic abnormality), pad mass, pad, pad nos",
+"myasthenia gravis paralytica, goldflam-erb, myasthenia gravis disorder, myasthenia gravis nos, erb-goldflam syndrome, myasthenia gravis, myasthenia; gravis, mg, erb-goldflam, myasthenia gravis (mg), erb-goldflam disease, myasthenia gravis nos, mg - myasthenia gravis, myasthenia gravis (diagnosis), myasthenia gravis (disorder), myasthenia gravis nos (disorder), gravis; myasthenia",
+"per period (qualifier value), /period, per period, /period (qualifier value), period",
+"magnetic resonance imaging (mri) of vessels, magnetic resonance angiographies, magnetic resonance angiography (procedure), angiographies magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance angiography nos, mri angiography, mri angiogr, vascular mri, angiography mri, angiogr mr, vascular magnetic resonance imaging (procedure), magnetic resonance imaging of vessels, angiography magnetic resonance, vascular magnetic resonance imaging, angiographies mri, mri angiographies, magnetic resonance imaging of vessels (procedure), vascular mri (procedure), magnetic resonance angiography, mra, mr angiogr, mra (magnetic resonance angiography), magnetic resonance angiography (mra)",
+"heart failure with normal ejection fraction (disorder), heart failure with normal ejection fraction (diagnosis), cardiac failure with normal ejection fraction, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, heart failure with normal ejection fraction",
+"origin of organ (attribute), origin of organ, organ of origin",
+"organising, organizing, organized (qualifier value), organized, organised, organis, organize, organization",
+"renal disorder, renal disorder nos, renal disorders, disorder of kidney, kidney disease (disorder), renal diseases, renal; disease, nephropathies, disease kidney, renal disorder nos, kidney disorder, renal disease (diagnosis), nephropathy nos, nephropathy, disorder kidney, kidney disease nos, renal disease, kidney dis, nephrologic disease, kidney diseases, kidney disease, disease of kidney, renal disease nos, nephropathy (diagnosis), nephropathy nos, diseases kidney, renal disorders: nonspecific, disorder;kidney, diseases kidneys, kidneys--diseases, renal disorder (diagnosis), kidney disease nos, kidney disorders, kidney disease nos (disorder), renal disease nos, disorder renal",
+"chronic failure (finding), chronic failure",
+"cerebral hemorrhages, ich - intracerebral hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage (ich), brain hemorrhage cerebral, cerebral hemorrhage (disorder), rupture;blood vessel;brain, haemorrhage intracerebral, hemorrhage;cerebral, hemorrhage of cerebrum, intracerebral haemorrhage nos, cerebral parenchymal haemorrhage, haemorrhage cerebral, hemorrhages cerebral brain, intracerebral hematoma, cerebral parenchym hemorrhage, cerebral haemorrhage, rupture of blood vessel in brain, cva - cerebrovascular accident due to intracerebral haemorrhage, cerebral haemorrhages, cerebral brain hemorrhages, cerebral parenchymal hemorrhages, cva - cerebrovascular accid due to intracerebral hemorrhage, cerebrum hemorrhages, parenchymal hemorrhages cerebral, cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage, parenchymal hemorrhage cerebral, cerebral parenchym haemorrhage, bleeding in brain, rupture of blood vessels in the brain, stroke - intracerebral haemge, intra-cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage (disorder), intracerebral haemorrhage, cerebrum hemorrhage, cva - cerebrovascular accident due to intracerebral hemorrhage, haemorrhagic cerebrum, intracerebral; hemorrhage, hemorrhages intracerebral, hemorrhage intracerebral, cva -intracerebral haemorrhage, stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage, hemorrhages cerebral parenchymal, intracerebral haematoma, intracerebral hemorrhage (disorder), cva -intracerebral hemorrhage, brain hemorrhages cerebral, hemorrhages cerebral, parenchymatous hemorrhage, haemorrhage;cerebral, intracerebral hemorrhages, hemorrhage cerebrum, ich - intracerebral haemorrhag, hemorrhage cerebral brain, hemorrhages cerebrum, cerebral haemorrhage nos, cerebral hemorrhage nos, intracerebral hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage nos, cerebral bleeding, hemorrhagic cerebrum, hemorrhage; intracerebral, hemorrhage cerebral, intracerebral hemorrhage (diagnosis), cerebral hemorrhage nos (disorder), cerebral haemorrhage nos (disorder), stroke due to intracerebral hemorrhage, ich - intracerebral haemorrhage, intra-cerebral hemorrhage, intracerebral haemorrhage unspecified, cerebral brain hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage nos (disorder), intracerebral hemorrhage nos, cva - cerebrovascular accid due to intracerebral haemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage unspecified, cerebral haemorrhage (disorder), hemorrhage cerebral, intracerebral haemorrhage (ich), hemorrhage cerebral parenchymal, hemorrhage intracerebral, intracerebral haemorrhage nos, intracerebral bleed",
+"haematopoietic, organa haemopoietica, hematopoietic system structure (body structure), system hematopoietic, hematopoietic system, hematopoietic system structure, hematopoietic body system, hematopoietic system nos, hematologic body system, hematologic organ system, organ system hematologic, hemopoietic system, haematopoietic system nos, haematopoietic system, haematopoietic system structure, body system hematologic, hematopoietic systems",
+"as virus (organism), virus, as virus, viru",
+"human polyomavirus (type bk), polyomavirus bk, polyomavirus type bk, papovavirus bkv, human polyomavirus type bk bkv, polyomavirus bk human, bk virus, human polyomavirus type bk, bk polyomavirus, polyomavirus bk, bk virus bkv, bk virus (organism), polyomavirus hominis 1, bkv - bk virus, human polyomavirus bk, bkv, bk polyomavirus (organism), human polyomavirus bkv, human polyomavirus 1",
+"infection;bladder, bladder infection, bladder; infection, infective cystitis (diagnosis), bladder infections, cystitis infective, infection of bladder, infection bladder, infective cystitis, bladder infection nos, infection; bladder, infections bladder, infective cystitis (disorder), infectious cystitis",
+"pd, course of disorder, disease progression, disease progression nos, progression, progressions disease, course of illness, disease progressions, dis progression, courses disease, progressive disease, progression disease, disease course, course illness, course of illness (attribute), disorder course",
+"cabinet, cabinets, cabinet (physical object)",
+"disease progression, tumor progression (finding), disease course, progression (attribute), progression, progressions disease, course of illness, dis progression, neoplasm progression, courses disease, neoplastic progression, neoplasm progression nos, cancer progression, course of illness (attribute), tumour progression, course of disorder, tumor progression, disease progression nos, disease progressions, progression disease, course illness, disorder course",
+"serotonins, serotonin (substance), 5-hydroxy tryptamine, serotonin, 1h-indol-5-ol 3-(2-aminoethyl)-, 5-hydroxytryptamine measurement, hydroxytryptamine (5-), srtonin, ht 05, enteramine, serotonin level test, hydroxytryptamine a 05, assay of serotonin, 3-(2-aminoethyl)-1h-indol-5-ol, 5 ht, serotonin measurement (procedure), 5ht, sérotonine, serotonin (hormone) level, 5 hydroxy tryptamine, thrombocytin, serotonin measurement, thrombotonin, 5 hydroxytryptamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-ht - 5-hydroxytryptamine, hippophaine, measurement of serotonin, 5-ht",
+"carcinoid tumor of the gastrointestinal system, carcinoid tumor of gastrointestinal tract (disorder), gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor g1, gastrointestinal net g1, neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract carcinoid tumor, digestive carcinoid tumor, carcinoid tumor gastrointestinal, gi carcinoid tumor, carcinoid tumor of the gastrointestinal tract, carcinoid gastrointestinal tumors, carcinoid tumor of gastrointestinal tract, carcinoid tumor of gi system, digestive system neuroendocrine tumor g1, carcinoid tumour of gastrointestinal tract, carcinoid tumor of the digestive system, gastrointestinal system carcinoid tumor, carcinoid tumor of gastrointestinal tract (diagnosis), carcinoid tumor of the gi system, carcinoid tumor of gastrointestinal system, digestive system carcinoid tumor, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumour, carcinoid tumour of the gastrointestinal tract, gct, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor, carcinoid tumor of digestive system",
+"carcinoid tumour pulmonary, carcinoid tumor of lung (disorder), carcinoid tumor of lung, carcinoid tumour of lung, carcinoid tumor pulmonary, carcinoid tumor of lung (diagnosis), lung carcinoid tumor, carcinoid lung tumors, pulmonary carcinoid tumor, carcinoid tumor pulmonary, pulmonary carcinoid tumour, carcinoid lung tumor, carcinoid tumor of the lung, carcinoid pulmonary tumors, of carcinoid lung tumor, carcinoid lung tumour, carcinoid tumor lung",
+"has grade, grading (attribute), histologic grade, histologic grade (observable entity), with grade, grading, histopathology grade, tumor_grade, grade (attribute), grades (qualifier value), histological_grade, histological grade, grade (qualifier value), grades, tumor grade, grade (high/low), grade nos, histopathologic grade, histological grade (procedure), grade",
+"product containing liraglutide (medicinal product), liraglutida, antidiabetics liraglutide, liraglutide (product), arg34lys26-(n-ε-(γ-glu(n-α-hexadecanoyl)))-glp-1[7-37], n26-(hexadecanoyl-gamma-glutamyle)-(34-arginine)glucagon-like-peptide-1-(7-37)-peptide, liraglutide recombinant, product containing liraglutide, liraglutide product, n²⁶-(n-hexadecanoyl-l-gamma-glutamyl)-[34-l-arginine]glucagon-like peptide 1-(7-37)-peptide, liraglutide (medication), liraglutide (genetical recombination), n²⁶-(hexadecanoyl-gamma-glutamyle)-[34-arginine]glp-1-(7-37)-peptide, liraglutide, liraglutidum, liraglutide (substance), liraglutide-containing product, liraglutide (rdna origin)",
+"concept model range (foundation metadata concept), range, concept model range",
+"certolizumab pegol product, certolizumab, certolizumab pegol (product), product containing certolizumab pegol (medicinal product), product containing certolizumab pegol, certolizumab pegol, czp, certolizumab pegol (substance), certolizumab pegol-containing product, certolizumab pegol (medication)",
+"chronic inflammatory disease, chronic inflammatory disorder (diagnosis), chronic diseases inflammatory, chronic inflammatory disorder, chronic inflammatory disorder (disorder), inflammatory disorder chronic",
+"pharmacokinetic studies, pharmacokinetic study nos, pharmacokinetic study (procedure), pharmacokinetic study, pharmacokinetic, pk study",
+"stage ib, stage 1b (qualifier value), stage 1b",
+"psoriasis arthropathic, arthropathic; psoriasis (manifestation), psoriasis arthropathica, psoriatic arthropathy (diagnosis), psoriatic arthropathy nos (disorder), arthropathic; psoriasis (etiology), psa (psoriatic arthritis), arthritis psoriatica, psoriatic arthropathy, psoriasis; arthropathic (etiology), arthropathy;psoriatic, psoriatic arthropathies, pa - psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis with arthropathy (disorder), arthritic psoriasis, arthropathic psoriasis, arthritis psoriatics, pa (psoriatic arthritis), psoriasis arthritic, arthropathies psoriatic, arthritis;psoriatic, arthritis psoriatic, arthropathic psoriasis unspecified, psoriasis; arthropathic (manifestation), psoriasis with arthropathy, psoriatic arthritis (disorder), psoriasis arthropathy, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis psoriatic, psoriasis arthropathic, psoriatic arthropathy nos, arthropathy psoriatic, arthropathy psoriatic, arthropathic psoriasis (diagnosis), psa - psoriatic arthritis",
+"5-(4-chlorophenyl)-24-diamino-6-ethylpyrimidine, pyrimethamine-containing product, 24-diamino-5-(p-chlorophenyl)-6-ethylpyrimidine, primethamine, 24-diamino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-6-ethylpyrimidine, pyrimethamine product, pyrimethamine (medication), 24-diamino-5-chlorophenyl-6-ethylpyrimidine, pyriméthamine, pyrimethamine (product), pirimetamina, pyrimethaminum, pyrimethamine (substance), cd, 24-pyrimidinediamine 5-(4-chlorophenyl)-6-ethyl-, 5-(4-chlorophenyl)-6-ethyl-24-pyrimidinediamine, pyrimethamine, product containing pyrimethamine (medicinal product), 5-(4-chlorophenyl)-6-ethyl-24-diaminopyrimidine, product containing pyrimethamine",
+"axial spondyloarthritis, axial spondyloarthritis (disorder)",
+"arthropathy gout, gout arthritis, arthritis due to gout (diagnosis), arthritis; gout, arthropathy; gouty, gouty arthropathy, gouty arthritis (disorder), gout; arthritis, gouty arthritis of unspecified site, articular gout (disorder), gouty arthritis nos, articular gout, gouty arthritis [ambiguous], joints gout affected, gouty arthritides, arthritis due to gout, arthritis gout, arthritides gouty, articular gout nos, arthritis gouty, joints gout affected (finding), gouty arthropathy (diagnosis), gouty arthritis, gouty arthropathy nos, gouty arthropathy (disorder), gouty; arthropathy, uratic; arthritis, gouty arthropathy unspecified, gouty arthritis-site unspecif., gouty arthritis nos, gouty arthritis nos (disorder), gouty arthritis of unspecified site (disorder), arthritis; uratic, arthritis gouty, arthritis due to gout (disorder)",
+"pregnancy function (observable entity), pregnancy nos, mammalian gestation, female pregnancy, pregnancy (diagnosis), 840-841 pregnancy, pregnancies, pregnancy nos, gestation nos, pregnancy, pregn, pregnancy (qualifier value), pregnancy function, pregnancy (symptom), gestation",
+"entire endocrine system, endocrine gland/system, endocrine structure (body structure), organ system endocrine/metabolic, system endocrine, systema endocrinum, endocrine systems, endocrine system structure, b0 endocrine system: general terms, endocrine system, body system endocrine/metabolic, endocrine/metabolic body system, endocrine, metabolic/endocrine body system, section b endocrine system, endocrine/metabolic organ system, endocrine structure, endocrine system in general, systems endocrine, hormonal system, endocrine system: general terms, structure of endocrine system (body structure), endocrine glands system, structure of endocrine system, entire endocrine system (body structure)",
+"fibrosis idiopathic pulmonary, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis nos (disorder), cfa - crypt fibros alveolitis, cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (diagnosis), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, alveolitis; fibrosing, fibrosis idiopathic ipf pulmonary, alveolitis chronic diffuse sclerosing, pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic, fibrosing alveolitis (idiopathic), fibrocystic pulmonary dysplasias, fibrosis idiopathic pulmonary, cfa - cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis chronic form (disorder), pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic, dysplasia fibrocystic pulmonary, idiopath pulmon fibrosis, alveolitis chronic diffuse fibrosing, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (disorder), alveolitis fibrosing, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis chronic form, diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitides, fibrosis; lung idiopathic, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (diagnosis), fibrosing alveolitides cryptogenic, usual interstitial pneumonia, alveolitis fibrosing, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis, pulmonary fibroses idiopathic, fibrosing alveolitis cryptogenic, carrington-liebow syndrome, lung; fibrosis idiopathic, pulmonary dysplasia fibrocystic, ipf - idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, ipf, idiopathic pulmonary fibroses, cryptogen fibrosing alveolitis, cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, fibrocystic pulmonary dysplasia, fibrosing alveolitis, ipf - idiopath pulm fibrosis, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis nos, fibrosing; alveolitis, diopathic pulmonary fibrosis",
+"myelodysplastic syndrome (mds), myelodysplastic syndrome (morphologic abnormality), myelodysplastic syndrome susceptibility to, [x]myelodysplastic syndrome unspecified (disorder), dysmyelopoiesis, oligoblastic leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome/neoplasm, syndrome; preleukemic, mds, myelodysplastic syndrome nos, preleukaemic syndrome, [x]myelodysplastic syndrome unspecified, myelodysplastic synd nos, syndrome dysmyelopoietic, myelodysplastic syndromes, dysmyelopoietic syndrome, preleukaemia, preleukemia, hematopoeitic - myelodysplastic syndrome (mds), smoldering leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, myelodysplastic; syndrome, myelodysplastic syndrome (clinical), smouldering leukaemia, myelodysplastic syndrome nos, preleukemic; syndrome, syndromes myelodysplastic, myelodysplastic syndrome unspecified, myelodysplastic neoplasm, myelodysplastic syndrome (morphology) -retired-, myelodysplasia (disorder), myelodysplasia, syndromes dysmyelopoietic, [x]myelodysplastic syndunspec, 998 myelodysplastic syndrome, syndrome; myelodysplastic, preleukemic syndrome, myelodysplastic syndunspec, myelodysplastic syndrome (disorder), myelodysplasia (diagnosis), myelodysplastic syndrome (diagnosis), dysmyelopoietic syndromes, syndrome myelodysplastic, myelodysplastic syndrome (morphology), [m]myelodysplastic syndrome, myeloid dysplasia, mds - myelodysplastic syndrome",
+"childhood myelodysplastic syndrome (disorder), childhood myelodysplastic syndromes, childhood mds, childhood myelodysplastic syndrome (diagnosis), myelodysplastic syndrome, childhood myelodysplastic syndrome, myelodysplastic syndrome childhood",
+"mother cell, cells mother, cell progenitors, hemocytoblasts, mother cells, blast cell, blast cells, cells stems, cell stem, cells progenitors, stem cell, cells progenitor, cell progenitor, progenitor cell, cell progenitor, cells stem, progenitor cells, cell mother, stem cells, hemocytoblast, stem cell (body structure), stem cell (cell)",
+"arterial pressure monit, monitoring arterial pressure, systemic arterial pressure monitoring (procedure), monitoring of arterial pressure, monitoring of systemic arterial pressure, systemic arterial pressure monitoring, arterial pressure monitoring, systemic arterial pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)",
+"[x]dystonia unspecified (finding), muscle dystonia, dystonia disorders, dystonic dis, dystonic movements, dystonia dis, dystonia (disorder), dystonia (finding), involuntary twisting movements, dystonia, dystonia muscle, [x]dystonia unspecified (disorder), dystonia (physical finding), [x]dystonia unspecified, dystonias, abnormal muscle twitching or contraction, involuntary twisting movements (symptom), dystonic disorder, dystonia disorder, dystonic disorders, dystonia (diagnosis), dystonia unspecified, dystonia was noted",
+"use (qualifier value), use, use - dosing instruction imperative (qualifier value), use - dosing instruction imperative",
+"acid citric cycle, cycle tricarboxylic acid, tricarboxylic acid cycle, the citric acid cycle, the krebs cycle, citric acid cycle, krebs cycle pathway -retired-, cycle kreb, cycles tricarboxylic acid, cycles citric acid, tricarboxylic acid cycle pathway, cycle citric acid, cycles krebs, krebs cycle pathway (function), tca cycle, krebs cycle pathway, krebs cycle pathway function (observable entity), cycle krebs, szent-gyorgyi-krebs cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycles, krebs cycle pathway function, krebs cycle pathway (substance), krebs cycle, krebs cycle, citric acid cycles, cycle krebs, citric acid cycle pathway, kreb cycle",
+"prev med therapy support / assist patient smoking cessation, smoking and tobacco use cessation interventions, smoking cessation intervention, smoking cessation behavior support, cessation interventions smoking, smoking cessation behaviour support, smoking cessation assistance (regime/therapy), smoking cessation assistance (treatment), advice cessation smoking, smoking cessation assistance",
+"transluminal atherectomy percutaneous, atherectomy nos, transluminal atherectomies percutaneous, removal of atherosclerotic plaque from artery, atherectomy (treatment), atherectomy procedure, percutaneous atherectomy, atherectomy, percutaneous transluminal atherectomies, percutaneous transluminal atherectomy, atherectomy percutaneous, atherectomy of artery, atherectomies transluminal, percutaneous atherectomies, atherectomies percutaneous transluminal, atherectomies, removal of atherosclerotic plaque from artery nos, atherectomy percutaneous transluminal, transluminal atherectomy, atherectomy (procedure), atherectomies percutaneous, transluminal atherectomies, atherectomy transluminal",
+"angioplasty - consent type, angioplasty of blood vessel (procedure), angioplasty, guidance for angioplasty, angioplasty - action (qualifier value), angioplasty - action, cryoplasty, angioplasties, angioplasty (treatment), angioplasty of blood vessel, intraluminal angioplasty, angioplasty nos",
+"orbital (qualifier value), orbital",
+"implanting, procedure implants, implant procedure, surgical implantation (procedure), implantation procedure nos, insertion procedure, implantations, implantation nos, implant procedures, implantation, implantation procedure, placement, device placement, implantation - action, insertion procedure nos, implant nos, insertion, placement of implant, implantation procedure (procedure), 1-055 implantations, implant, implant procedure nos, insertion nos, implantation (procedure), surgical implantation, placement of device",
+"stent (physical object), stented, stent device, stenting, stents, stent device (physical object), stent nos, stent, stent device",
+"geographic regions, areas, area, areas geographic, geographic site, geogr locations, geographic area, area (qualifier value), geographic location, geographic locations, geographic region, region",
+"heart nos, benign cardiac tumor, malignant tumour of heart, malignant tumor of heart, malignant heart tumor, malignant neoplasm of heart nos, unspecified cardiac neoplasm, unspecified benign neoplasm of heart (diagnosis), entire heart (body structure), heart cancer, cardiac neoplasm malignant, benign heart neoplasm, malignant cardiac tumor, 32 heart, heart ca, malignant tumor of heart (disorder), malignant heart neoplasm, unspecified benign neoplasm of heart, benign tumor of the heart, benign neoplasm of heart (disorder), benign neoplasm of heart nos, hearts, cardiac structure, cardiac, heart structure (body structure), malignant neoplasm of the heart, structure of heart unspecified, malignant neoplasm of heart nos (disorder), malignant neopl heart, cardiac cancers, malignant tumor of the heart, benign heart tumor, malig neop heart nos, benign neoplasm heart, cor, benign neoplasm of the heart, benign neoplasm of heart, benign tumor of heart, entire heart, heart, cardi(o)-, malignant cardiac neoplasm nos, coronary, cardiac neoplasm malignant nos, malignant neoplasm of heart (diagnosis), benign tumour of heart, cardiac neoplasm malignant, benign neoplasm of heart (diagnosis), cardiac structure (body structure), benign cardiac neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of heart, malignant cardiac neoplasm, cardio-, heart structure, malignant neoplasm of heart nos",
+"sweat test for chloride, cystic fibrosis sweat test, sweat chloride, cystic fibrosis sweat test (procedure), chloride sweat, sweat chloride (& level), sweat chloride test, chloride measurement sweat, sweat chloride (& level) (procedure), sweat test for chloride (lab test), sweat chloride level, chloride sweat test",
+"cl-, chlorine, chloride (substance), chloride ions, chloride, chlorine-, cl- element, cl - chloride, chloride ion (cl), cl, chloride ion, cl -",
+"hypophosphatasia (disorder) [ambiguous], hypophosphatasias, deficiency of alkaline phosphatase (disorder), alkaline phosphatase deficiency, deficiency of alkaline phosphatase, hypophosphatasia (disorder), hypophosphatasia, deficiency of alkaline phosphatase (disorder) [ambiguous], hypophosphatasia (diagnosis), hypophosphatasia nos",
+"oncology, oncologic, cancer oncology, oncologic (qualifier value), oncology field, oncology (field)",
+"bradycardia nos, heart beat; slow, decrease in heart rate, heart rate low, slow; heart beat, bradycardia (finding), pulse rate decrease marked, slow heart rate (symptom), [x]bradycardia unspecified (finding), [x]bradycardia unspecified (situation), bradycardias, bradycardia (disorder), slow heartbeat, decreased heart rate, [x]bradycardia unspecified, slow heart beat, heart rate decreased, bradycardia by ekg finding, pulse rate decrease, pulse slowing, bradycardia by ecg finding, bradyarrhythmia, slow heart rate, low pulse rates, heartbeat (pulse);slow, [x]bradycardia unspecified (context-dependent category), slow pulse, bradyarrhythmias, cardiac arrhythmia bradycardia, decreasing heart rate, heart; slow, heart rate slow, low heart rate, pulse slow, pulse slowed, bradycardia unspecified, heart; frequency low, slow; heart, heart rate slowing, pulse rate low, brachycardia, low pulse rate, slow heartbeats, bradycardia nos, bradycardia",
+"disabilities, disability nos (finding), disability nos, disability (finding), disability nos, 001-002 body disability and failure states, body disability and failure states, disability:type:pt:^patient:nom, disability:type:point in time:^patient:nominal, disability type, disability",
+"haemorrhage abnormal, abnormal bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis, bleeding diathesis -retired-, bleeding diathesis, bleeding disorders, bleeding tendencies, bleeding tendency, hemorrhage abnormal, bleeding predisposition, tendency to bleed (observable entity), disability due to bleed disord, bleeding disorder, tendency to bleed, bleeding diathesis (disorder), bleeding abnormal, diathesis; bleeding, bleeding; diathesis",
+"unipolar depressive illness, major depression, unipolar depressions, major depressive disorders, depression unipolar, major depressive illness, depressive disorders major, depressive dis major, major depressive disorder, major depression nos, major depression nos, depression unipolar, unipolar depression, mdd, depressions unipolar, major depressive disorder nos, depressive disorder major, major depressive disorder (diagnosis), major depressive dis, major depressive disorder nos, depressive disorder major, major depressive disorder (disorder)",
+"probe nos, probe device, probe, probes, probe device, probe device (physical object)",
+"neurological disorders, disease (or disorder); nervous system, disorders nervous system, neurological disease, disorder nervous system, neurological disorder, nervous system disorders, diseases of the nervous system, nerv, neurologic disorders, neurologic disorder, nervous disorders, neurologic disorders (diagnosis), neurologic disorder nos, nervous system disorder, disease nervous system, disease;neurological, disease of nervous system, disease of nervous system (disorder), nervous system; disorder, disease (or disorder); neurological disorder nervous system, nervous system disease, disorder neurologic, disorder nervous system, nerve diseases, cns disorder nos, neurological disorder nos, nervous system--diseases, nervous system disorders nos, diseases nervous system, disorder neurological, nervous system dis, neurologic diseases, unspecified disorders of nervous system, disorder; nervous, diseases of the nervous system (g00-g99), unspecified nervous system problem, disorders of the nervous system, nervous system disorders nos (disorder), neurological dis, neurolog dis, disorders neurological, centr & periph nervous system disorders, nervous system diseases, nervous; disorder, nervous system disease or syndrome, disorder of nervous system (disorder), nervous system disorder nos, disorders neurologic, disorder of nervous system nos, disorder of nervous system, disorders nervous systems",
+"product containing amino acid (product), amino acid preparation, amino acids measurement, aminoacids, amino acids measurement nos, amino acids unspecified, product containing amino acid, aa, amino acids, amino acid nos, amino acid preparations, aa - amino acid, test;amino acids, amino acid measurement, amino acids nos, amino acid preparation (product), amino acid, amino acid product, amino acid test, acids amino, aminoacid, measurement of amino acid, amino acids measurement (procedure), measurement of amino acid (procedure), amino acid-containing product, acid amino, amino acids test, amnoacid, amino acid preparation (substance), amino acid (substance), amino acid preparations (medication), amino acids source unspecified",
+"disorder of system, disorder system, disorders system, system disorder, disorders systems, disorder of system (navigational concept)",
+"general medical service, general, general medical service (procedure), general medical service (qualifier value)",
+"pharmacological, pharmacologic (qualifier value), pharmacologic",
+"acute monoblastic leukemia, myeloid leukemia acute m5, monocytic leukemia acute, leukemia myeloid acute m5, leukemia monocytic malignant, monoblastic leukemia acute, acute monocytic leukemia fab m5, myeloid leukemia schilling-type, acute monocytic leukemia, monocytic leukemia, acute monocytic leukemia fab m5b, leukemia schilling-type myeloid, leukemias acute monoblastic, acute monocytic leukaemia, acute monocytoid leukemia, amol, leukemia acute monocytic, m5b - acute monocytic leukaemia, acute monocytic leukaemia fab m5, leukemia monoblastic acute, leukemia myeloid acute m 05, acute monocytic leukemia (diagnosis), monocytic leukaemia acute, myeloid leukemia schilling type, leukemia monocytic acute, fab m5, acute monocytic leukemia (fab m5b), leukemia monocytic acute, acute monoblastic leukemias, monocytic; leukemia acute, m5, monocytic leukemias acute, myeloid leukemia acute m 05, acute monocytic leukemia morphology, m5b - acute monocytic leukaem, acute monocytic leukemia fab m5 (disorder), [m]acute monocytic leukaemia (disorder), leukemia myeloid schilling-type, m5b - acute monocytic leukemia, acute monocytic leukemias, [m]acute monocytic leukaemia, monoblastic leukemias acute, fab m5 (includes all variants), m5b acute differentiated monocytic leukemia, acute monocytic leukemia fab m5b (disorder), disorder: acute monocytic leukemia fab m5 (disorder), aml-m5, monoblastic leukaemia nos, acute monoblastic leukaemia, schilling-type myeloid leukemia, leukemias acute monocytic, acute monocytic leukaemia fab m5b, leukemia myeloid schilling type, acute monocytoid leukaemia, leukemia monoblastic acute, fab m5b, acute monocytic leukemia morphology (morphologic abnormality), [m]acute monocytic leukemia",
+"leukemia no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), [m]leukaemias unspecified, all types of leukemia, [m]leukemia unspecified nos (morphologic abnormality), leukemias general, [m]leukaemia unspecified nos, leukemia (disorder), types leukemia, leukemias, leukemia no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), chronic leukaemia [obs], leukaemia morphology, 980 leukemias nos, leukaemia nos, unspecif. cell type leukaemia, leukemia no icd-o subtype, leukemia unspecified, leukemia nos, leukaemia no icd-o subtype, [m]leukemia unspecified nos, leukemia (diagnosis), [m]leukemia nos (morphologic abnormality), unspecified leukaemia, leukemia disease, leukemia unspecified without mention of remission, leukemia nos without mention of remission, chronic leukemia [obs], leukemia nos (disorder), leukaemia of unspecified cell type, leukemia of unspecified cell type (disorder), leukaemia unspecified nos, leukemia, leukemias types, [m]leukemias unspecified (morphologic abnormality), leukemia malignant, leukemia types, type leukemia, leukaemia unspecified, unspecified leukemia without mention of remission, leukemia morphology, leukemia unspecified, aleukaemic leukaemia [obs], [m]leukaemia nos, leukaemia, leukaemia disease, leukemia unspecified nos, unspecif. cell type leukemia, aleukemic leukemia [obs], unspecified leukemia, [m]leukemia nos, leukemias unspecified, [m]leukaemia nos (disorder), leukemia morphology (morphologic abnormality), leukaemia of unspecified cell type (disorder), leukemia disease (disorder), leukemia type, leukemia of unspecified cell type, leukemias nos, leucocythemias, subacute leukemia [obs], leukaemias, leukaemias unspecified, leucocythaemia, leukaemia unspecified without mention of remission, leukemia nos, leukaemia unspecified, blood (leukemia), [m]leukemias unspecified, 980-994 leukemias, unspecified leukemias, leukaemia nos without mention of remission, subacute leukaemia [obs], leukaemia nos, leucocythaemias, leukemia no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, leucocythemia, unspecified leukaemia without mention of remission",
+"myelofibrosis; acute, acute myelofibrosis (disorder), panmyelosis (acute), acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis, acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis (diagnosis), acute (malignant) myelosclerosis, [m]acute myelofibrosis, acute myelofibrosis nos, acute panmyelosis nos, acute myelofibrosis -retired-, myeloproliferative disease acute, acute; myelofibrosis, acute panmyelosis (diagnosis), [m]acute panmyelosis, acute malignant myelofibrosis, malignant myelosclerosis [obs], acute (malignant) myelofibrosis, acute myelofibrosis (morphologic abnormality), acute myelofibrosis (clinical), acute myelofibrosis, [m]acute myelofibrosis (morphologic abnormality), acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis (morphologic abnormality), acute myelosclerosis, apmf, acute panmyelosis (disorder), myelofibrosis acute, acute panmyelosis, acute myelofibrosis (diagnosis), [m]acute panmyelosis (disorder)",
+"cell-free deoxyribonucleic acid, cell-free dna, dna circulating, circulating cell-free dna, dna cell-free, cell free deoxyribonucleic acid, cell free dna, cell free deoxyribonucleic acid (substance), deoxyribonucleic acid cell-free, cfdna, acid cell-free deoxyribonucleic, circulating dna, cirdna",
+"kidneys rejection transplanted, acute allograft nephropathy, kidney rejection transplant, kidney transplant; rejection, rejection of renal transplant, renal transplant rejection (disorder), kidney transplant rejection, kidney rejection transplants, acute kidney allograft nephropathy, rejection; transplant kidney, renal transplant rejection (diagnosis), rejection of renal transplant (treatment), kidney transplant rejection, rejection renal transplant, kidney rejections transplant, renal transplant rejection",
+"degeneration nos, degeneration (morphologic abnormality), degenerate, degenerative abnormality (morphologic abnormality), tissue degeneration, degeneration, abnormal degeneration, degenerative change, degenerative abnormalities, degenerations, degenerates, degenerative changes, degenerating, degenerative abnormality, degenerated, degenerative, section 5 degenerative abnormalities, 50 degenerations",
+"degenerative disease, degenerative disorders, degenerative disorder (diagnosis), degenerative disorder, degenerative disorder (disorder)",
+"non-organic psychoses, non-organic psychotic condition, [x] psychosis nos, non-organic psychosis (disorder), [x]unspec nonorganic psychosis, [x]unspecified nonorganic psychosis (disorder), nos psychosis, psychosis; nonorganic, unspecified nonorganic psychosis, non-organic psychosis nos (disorder), non-organic psychoses (disorder), psychosis, psychosis nos, [x]unspecified nonorganic psychosis, non-organic psychosis nos, nonorganic psychosis, nonorganic origin; psychosis, nonorganic psychosis nos, unspec nonorganic psychosis, non-organic psychosis, non-organic psychotic condition (diagnosis)",
+"nerve trunk each instance of which is the tract arising from some optic chiasma consisting of fiber segments frm some ipsilateral temporal and contralateral nasal retinas proceeding backward around some cerebral peduncle and dividing into a lateral and a medial root; the roots end in some superior colliculus and lateral geniculate body respectively., nervus, nerve structure (body structure), nerve structures, entire nerve (body structure), nerve, neural subtree, entire nerve, neural tree (organ part), nerves, nerve nos, nerve structure",
+"ophthalmological disorder [ambiguous], ocular structure, a-70 disorders affecting the globe, eye disease, unspecified disorder of eye, unspecified disorder of eye (disorder), disorders of globe (diagnosis), orbital region structure (body structure), structure of orbital region (body structure), structure of eye proper (body structure), disorder of globe nos, ocular disease, ?eye, disorder eye, eye specimen source code, disorder of globe unspecified, unspecified disorder of globe, globe, disorder of globe (disorder), globe disorder, disorders affecting the globe, general eye diseases and syndromes, disease of eye (disorder), eye region structure, eye disorders, eyeball structure, disease;eye, disorder of eyeball, orbital region structure, diseases and syndromes of eye, ocular carcinoma in situ, carcinoma in situ of eyeball (diagnosis), carcinoma in situ of eyeball, carcinoma in situ of eye (disorder), disease of eye, ophthalmopathy, eyes, disease of eye nos, structure of eye proper, entire eye, structure of eyeball, diseases of the eye, disorder of eye unspecified, structure of orbital region, eye dis, entire eye (body structure), eye structure, eye--diseases, ophthalmological disorder (disorder), regio orbitalis, orbital part of face, ocular, ophthalmological disorder, disease of eyeball, disorders of globe nos, section a-7 diseases of the eye, carcinoma in situ of eye nos, optic, disorder of globe, eye (anatomy), orbital region, carcinoma in situ of eye (diagnosis), ophthalmopathy nos, eye disorder nos, ophthalmic, eye diseases, cancer in situ of eye, eye disorder (nos), eyeball, eye (body structure), eye disease or syndrome, entire globe, ca in situ eye, eyeballs, occular disease, eye, disorders of globe, disorder of eye region, oculopathy, disorder of eye proper (disorder), eye disorder, disorder of eye, eye disorders (diagnosis), disorder of orbital region, disease (or disorder); eyeball, oculus, ophthalmic disorders, disorder of globe nos, bulbus oculi, disorders of the globe, carcinoma in situ of eye, eye region structure (body structure), eye structure (body structure), eye; disorder, eye nos, eye specimen, disorder of globe -retired-, disorder of eye proper, disorder of eye region (disorder), disorders of globe nos (disorder)",
+"stenosed, stenosed (qualifier value), stenos, stenosing, stenotic",
+"protective drug nos, agents protective, agent protective, 930 protective agents, protective agent (product), protective drugs, protectant, protectants, protective agent, protective drug, protective agents, drugs protective, protectant nos, drug protective, protective agent (substance)",
+"valve (physical object), valve",
+"reparative closure (procedure), closure - action (qualifier value), closure, 1-084 closures, surgical closure nos, reparative closure, closure nos, closure - action, surgical closure, closures",
+"ablation - action (qualifier value), local ablative therapy, ablation, ablation nos, local ablation therapy, ablation - action, ablation therapy",
+"aortic valve replacement transcatheter (treatment), tavi, transcatheter aortic valve implantation (procedure), transcatheter aortic valve implantation, tavr -transcatheter aortic valve replacement, transcatheter aortic valve implant, aortic valve replacement transcatheter, tavi - transcatheter aortic valve implantation, transcatheter aortic valve replacement, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (procedure)",
+"percutaneous replacement of aortic valve using fluoroscopic guidance, transcatheter aortic valve implantation, tavr - transcatheter aortic valve replacement, percutaneous replacement of aortic valve using fluoroscopic guidance (procedure), tavi - transcatheter aortic valve implantation, transcatheter aortic valve replacement",
+"shifting, shift nos, abnormal changes in position, shift, shifted, shift (morphologic abnormality), shift displacement, shifts",
+"aorta dissection, aortic dissection, dissection; aorta, dissection aortic, dissection of aorta (diagnosis), dissection aorta, dissection of unspecified site of aorta, dissection of aorta, dissection of aorta (disorder), dissecting aneurysm of aorta, dissecting aortic aneurysm unspecified site, dissections aortic, dissection of aorta unspecified site, dsct of aorta unsp site, aorta; dissection, dissection aortic, tear in inner wall of large artery that carries blood away from heart, aortic dissections, dissection of aorta [any part], dissecting aneurysm of aorta unspecified site, aorta dissections",
+"polydactyly myopia syndrome, polydactyly myopia syndrome (disorder), postaxial polydactyly with progressive myopia, polydactyly-myopia syndrome, pms, czeizel brooser syndrome, polydactyly postaxial with progressive myopia, postaxial polydactyly-progressive myopia syndrome",
+"eurasian swift, swift, hirundo apus, apus apus (organism), mauersegler, apus apus, apus apus (linnaeus 1758), common swift",
+"median sternotomies, median sternotomy (procedure), median sternotomy, sternotomy median, median sternotomy [ambiguous], sternotomies median, median sternotomy (treatment)",
+"refractory heart failure, refractory heart failure (diagnosis), refractory heart failure (disorder), cardiac failure refractory",
+"patient assistance, patient assistance (procedure), assisting procedures, patient assistance nos, assisting (procedure), assist, assisting procedure, assisting",
+"walk, walking (function), walking (activity), on foot, walking, walking (qualifier value), by foot, walking nos, walking (observable entity), ambulation, walking function (observable entity)",
+"exercises remedial, therapeutic exercises, rehabilitation exercise, therapies exercise, exercise rehabilitation, remedial exercises, exercises (regime/therapy), exercises treatments and procedures, therapy exercise, exercise physical therapy, therapeutic exercise nos, exercise therapy (treatment), section 7-3 therapeutic exercises, exercises rehabilitation, therapy exercise, rnrx rehabilitation exercise (treatment), exercises, rnrx rehabilitation exercise, exercise therapies, exercise therapy (regime/therapy), exercise remedial, pt exercises, exercise ther, exercises (procedure), ther exercise, remedial exercise, physical therapy exercises, exercise therapy (procedure), therapeutic exercise, exercises therapy, therapeutic exercise (regime/therapy)(procedure), exercises rehabilitation, physical therapy exercises (treatment), therapeutic exercise (regime/therapy), exercise rehabilitation, exercise therapy, rehabilitation exercises",
+"walking with patient - mobilization (procedure), ambulation assistance, walking with patient - mobilization, exercise therapy: ambulation, rnrx ambulation therapy (treatment), assistance with ambulation, rnrx ambulation therapy, ambulation therapy, walking with patient - mobilis, walking with patient - mobilisation, rnax perform ambulation therapy, rnax perform ambulation therapy (treatment), ambulation therapy (regime/therapy), ambulation therapy (procedure), walking with patient - mobilization (regime/therapy)",
+"limping, claudication, lameness (finding), limping (finding), lameness of quadruped, lameness, lower extremity exertional pain, lower extremity pain walking, leg pain with walking, lameness of biped limb, limping (symptom), claudication (finding), limps, walking leg pain, claudications, limping as symptom, lameness of quadruped (finding), limped, gait limp, limp, lame",
+"obsessive-compulsive disorder (disorder), obsessive-compulsive neuroses, obsessive-compulsive; neurosis, obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd), obsessive-compulsive reaction, obsessive-compulsive disorder nos, anancastic neurosis, [x]obsessive-compulsive disorder unspecified, neurosis obsessive-compulsive, obsessive compulsive neurosis, obsessive-compulsive; reaction, neurosis; obsessive-compulsive, disorders obsessive-compulsive, obsessive-compulsive dis nos, neurosis; anankastic, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, disorder obsessive-compulsive, obsessive compulsive disorder (disorder), obsessive-compulsive disorder nos (disorder), [x]obsessive-compulsive disorder unspecified (disorder), anankastic; neurosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder unspecified, ocd - obsessive-compuls disord, disorder; obsessive-compulsive, ocd, anankastic personalities, ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder), reaction obsessive-compulsive, obsessive compulsive disorder nos, obsessive-compulsive; disorder, obsessive-compulsive dis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (diagnosis), obsessive-compulsive psychoneurosis or reaction, anankastic neurosis, disorder;obsessive-compulsive, [x]obsessve-complsve dis unsp, obsessive compulsive dis, personality anankastic, obsessive-compulsive disorders, personalities anankastic, neuroses obsessive-compulsive, anankastic personality, neurosis obsessive compulsive, obsessive-compulsive neurosis or reaction, obsessve-complsve dis unsp, reaction; obsessive-compulsive, obsessive compulsive disorder, ocd - obsessive-compulsive disorder",
+"personality obsessive-compulsive, anancastic personality disord, obsessive compulsive personality disorder (diagnosis), (anankastic personality) or (anankastic personality disorder) (disorder), anancastic personality, obsessive-compulsive personality trait, anankastic; personality disorder, anankastic personality disorder (disorder), obsessional personality (disorder), obsessive-compulsive personality, personalities obsessive-compulsive, personality disorder; anankastic, obsessive-compulsive personality trait (finding), ocd, personality disorder; obsessive, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, personality disorder obsessive compulsive, obsessive-compulsive dis, obsessional personality (& disorder), obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, obsessional personality (& disorder) (disorder), obsessive-compulsive personalities, anankastic personality (disorder), anankastic personality disord, (anankastic personality) or (anankastic personality disorder), obsessional personality disorder, obsessive compulsive personality, obsessional personality disord, anankastic personality, obsessional personality, anankastic personality disorder, anancastic personality disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder (disorder)",
+"individual, person, person (person), persons, person [dup] (person), peoples, people",
+"discontinue - dosing instruction imperative, discontinue, discontinue - dosing instruction imperative (qualifier value)",
+"greek letter alpha (qualifier value), greek letter alpha, alpha (qualifier value), alpha",
+"ca - disseminated cancer, generalised cancer, disseminated ca -unspecif site, dissemin.ca unsp. site, generalized cancer, disseminated malignant neoplasm, cancers metastatic, disseminated malignancy, disseminated malignancy nos (disorder), generalize malignancy, cancer metastatic, widespread metastatic malignant neoplastic disease (disorder), widespread metastatic malignant neoplastic disease (diagnosis), metastatic cancer, malig neo disseminated, generalised malignancy, disseminated cancer, malignant neoplasm disseminated, disseminated malignant neoplasm without specification of site, metastatic cancer widespread malignant neoplastic disease, disseminated malignancy nos, widespread metastatic malignant neoplastic disease, disseminated malignancy (disorder), malignant neoplasm disseminated, generalized malignancy",
+"tumor marker monitoring (regime/therapy), tumor marker monitoring, tumour marker monitoring (regime/therapy), tumour marker monitoring",
+"ca 27.29, ca 27-29 antigen, ca27-29, cancer antigen 27-29 (substance), cancer antigen 27-29, cancer antigen 27.29, ca 27-29, ca27.29, cancer ag 27-29, ca 27.29 antigen",
+"tumour stage, stages, stage (attribute), stages (qualifier value), staging tumours, stages tumors, phases, phase, phase (qualifier value), phased, stage, phase (attribute), tumor stage (observable entity), staging tumors, stage tumor, tumor stage",
+"2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid, (-)-(s)-proline, proline (substance), l-(-)-proline, l-α-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid, l-prolin, l-proline (substance), proline measurement nos, proline (medication), proline measurement (procedure), proline measurement, proline, (-)-2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid, pro, l-alpha-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid, l-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid, proline test, (s)-2-carboxypyrrolidine, l-prolina, l proline, (s)-2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid, prolinum, l-proline, (-)-proline, prolina, (s)-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid, (2s)-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid, p",
+"informed patients, informing patient, informed patient, informing patients, informing patient (procedure)",
+"newborn infant, neonates, newborn infants, newborn human (0-6 weeks), 0-6 weeks old, infant newborn, infants newborn, newborns, infants (newborn), newborn, newborn (person), newborn baby, neonate, neonatal, infant newborn",
+"hospitalized, hospitalizes, patient in hospital (finding), patient in hospital, hospitalize",
+"cardiac surgery procedure nos, heart surgery (treatment), surg procedures heart, cardiac surgery procedure, heart procedure (procedure), heart operations nos (procedure), surg procedure heart, cardio/pulm: heart surgery (general), procedure cardiac surg, surgical procedures heart, heart procedure, operative procedure on heart nos, heart operation, operative procedure on heart, operative procedures on the heart, surgical procedures cardiac, heart surgeries, operation on heart nos, heart surgery procedure, heart surgery, procedures cardiac surgical, heart surgical procedure, surgical procedure heart, heart operations nos, heart surg procedures, procedure heart surg, 1-31 operative procedures on the heart, heart procedure [ambiguous], cardiac surgery, procedures heart surg, cardiac surgical procedure, procedure cardiac surgical, heart surgical procedures, cardiac surg procedures, surg procedure cardiac, surgical procedure cardiac, operation on heart (procedure), procedure heart surgical, heart surg procedure, cardiac surg procedure, heart operations, cardiac operations, procedures heart surgical, cardiac operation, procedures cardiac surg, operation on heart, cardiac operation nos, surg procedures cardiac, cardiac surgery procedures, cardiac surgical procedures",
+"acute normovolemic haemodilution, iad, acute normovolemic hemodilution (procedure), acute isovolemic hemodilution, intraoperative autologous donation, acute normovolemic hemodilution",
+"transfusions, transfusion nos, transfusion, transfusion (procedure), transfusions (treatment)",
+"globin abnormality, hemoglobinopathies congenital, haemoglobin disorder nos, diseases hemoglobin, haemoglobinopathy, haemoglobinopathy nos, hemoglobin disorders, hemoglobin disorder, hemoglobin disease, haemoglobin disease nos, haemoglobin disorder, haemoglobinopathies, hemoglobin disorder nos, disorders hemoglobin, hemoglobinopathy nos, hemoglobinopathies, hemoglobinopathy nos, c-20 hemoglobinopathies, haemoglobinopathy nos, hemoglobinopathy (diagnosis), haemoglobin disease, hemoglobinopathy, globin abnormality nos, hemoglobinopathy (disorder), hemoglobin disease nos, hemoglobinopathies / iron metabolism, haemoglobinopathies congenital",
+"sections c-1-3 red blood cell disorders, red blood cell disorders: general terms, blood cell disorders red, blood cells disorder red, blood cells disorders red, red blood cell disorder (diagnosis), red blood cell disorder, red cell blood disorders, red blood cell disorder (disorder), red blood cell disorder nos, red blood cell disorders, c-10 red blood cell disorders: general terms",
+"dependent - ability, dependents, dependent (qualifier value), dependent",
+"dependent for dressing (finding), needs assistance in putting on clothes or stays undressed, dependent, dresses with help, dressing (includes tying shoes fastening fasteners) with help, dependent dressing, dressing dependent, dependent for dressing",
+"diamond blackfan anaemia, chronic constitutional pure red cell aplasia (disorder), hypoplastic congenital anemia, congenital hypoplastic anemia (disorder), blackfan diamond syndrome, diamond-blackfan anaemia, blackfan diamond disease, blackfan-diamond, anemia blackfan diamond, chronic congenital agenerative anemia, pure hereditary red cell aplasia, anemia hypoplastic congenital, infantile red blood cell aplasia (diagnosis), hypoplastic congenital anemias, diamond blackfan anemia, anemia diamond blackfan type, chronic constitutional pure red cell aplasia, diamond-blackfan type anemia, diamond-blackfan anemia, erythrogenesis imperfecta, red cell; aplasia congenital, blackfan-diamond anemia, anemia blackfan diamond, blackfan diamond anaemia, congenital anemias hypoplastic, erythroblastopenias inherited, congenital red cell aplasia (diagnosis), anemia diamond-blackfan type, diamond-blackfan; anemia, anemias hypoplastic congenital, erythrogenesis imperfectas, pure red cell; aplasia congenital, cong. pure red cell aplasia, congenital pure red cell aplasia, red cell aplasia pure hereditary, congenital pure red cell anemia, inherited erythroblastopenia, congenital erythroid hypoplastic anemia, anemia; diamond-blackfan, congenital red cell aplasia, diamond anemia blackfan, inherited erythroblastopenias, erythroblastopenia inherited, disease blackfan-diamond, congenital hypoplastic anemia, familial hypoplastic anaemia, congenital; pure red cell aplasia, infantile red blood cell aplasia, anemia diamond-blackfan, aplasia; red cell congenital, chronic constitutional pure red cell anaemia, infantile red blood cell aplasia (blackfan-diamond), anemia diamond blackfan, pure red cell; anemia congenital, congenital anemia hypoplastic, blackfan-diamond disease, anemia congenital hypoplastic of blackfan and diamond, imperfectas erythrogenesis, congenital pure red cell aplasia (disorder), diamond blackfan syndrome, blackfan-diamond syndrome, congenital pure red cell anaemia, congenital hypoplastic anemia of blackfan and diamond, imperfecta erythrogenesis, congenital red blood cell aplasia (blackfan-diamond), anemia; pure red cell congenital, chronic constitutional pure red cell anemia, blackfan - diamond syndrome, blackfan diamond anemia, diamond-blackfan syndrome, congenital (pure) red cell aplasia, dba",
+"hemoglobinuria (finding), haemoglobinuria, haemoglobinuria nos, hemoglobinuria ctcae 5.0, hemoglobinuria nos, hemoglobin uria, [d]hemoglobinuria (situation), hemoglobinuria (diagnosis), hemoglobinuria ctcae_3, hemoglobinuria, [d]haemoglobinuria, haemoglobin uria, hemoglobinuria ctcae_5, [d]hemoglobinuria (context-dependent category), hemoglobinuria ctcae 3.0, [d]hemoglobinuria, hemoglobin positive urine, [d]haemoglobinuria (situation), hemoglobin in urine",
+"low blood neutrophil level since birth, congenital neutropenia (disorder), agranulocytosis genetic infantile, kostmanns syndrome, severe infantile genetic neutropenia, infant genetic agranulocytosis, genetic infantile agranulocytosis, kostmanns disease, severe infantile genetic agranulocytosis, obsolete congenital neutropenia, autosomal dominant or sporadic congenital neutropenia, scn, congenital neutropenia (diagnosis), congenital agranulocytosis, kostmann, infantile genetic agranulocytosis (diagnosis), agranulocytosis infantile genetic, agranulocytosis infantile genetic, congenital neutropenia, severe congenital neutropenia, infantile genetic agranulocytosis, primary neutropenia, neutropenia severe congenital",
+"hematol, hematologic, haematology, hematology nos, haematology nos, hematology (discipline), hematology (field), hematology",
+"malignant disease, diseases malignant, disease malignant, malignant disease (disorder)",
+"beta+ thalassemia (disorder), beta+ thalassemia (disorder), beta^+^ thalassemia (disorder), beta+ thalassaemia, beta+ thalassemia nos, beta^+^ thalassemia nos, beta^+^ thalassaemia, beta + thalassemia, beta plus thalassaemia, beta+ thalassemia nos, beta+ thalassaemia, beta^+^ thalassemia, beta plus thalassemia, beta+ thalassemia, beta + thalassaemia, beta+ thalassemia, beta-plus-thalassemia, beta plus thalassemia (disorder)",
+"malignant - descriptor, malignant (qualifier value), malignant",
+"toxic effect (disorder), toxicities, toxicity, toxics, toxic effect, toxic effect of, tox, effects toxics, toxic",
+"household composition, lives, composition of household (history), living, household composition (observable entity), composition of household, lives with, lw - lives with",
+"injury to kidney, injury of kidney nos, injury of kidney unspecified, injuries kidneys, injury to kidney nos (disorder), injury to kidney nos, injury renal, kidney injury (diagnosis), renal injury nos, injury of kidney (disorder), renal injury nos, unspecified injury of kidney, injury kidney, injuries renal, kidney injury, injury of kidney, kidney; injury, injuries kidney, renal injury, injury; kidney",
+"injury - disorder, injury (disorder), traumatic injury (disorder), injury from an external force, trauma, injuries, injury, injury nos, injury unspecified, unspecified injury, wound, inj, injury nos (disorder), traumatic injury, injury nos",
+"mediated, mediating, mediate, mediate (qualifier value), mediates",
+"stress fracture, stress; fracture, fractures fatigue, march fracture (diagnosis), march fracture; fracture, stress reaction, [q]stress fracture, fatigue; fracture, fracture of metatarsal bone(s) march fracture, fracture;stress, stress fracture (diagnosis), fracture stress, fracture march, fatigue fractures, march fracture, fracture; fatigue, fractures march, fatigue fracture, stress fracture (disorder), [q] stress fracture, stress fractures, fractures stress, fracture fatigue, fracture; march fracture, foot march, stress fracture nos, march fracture (disorder), fracture; stress, stress fracture (morphologic abnormality), march fractures",
+"stress physiological, stress physiological, physiological stress (attribute), physiological stress, physiological stresses, stress physiol, physiol stress",
+"coping behavior, behavior coping, coping behaviour, behaviors coping, coping behavior (observable entity), coping behavior:, coping, coping behaviors, rndx coping (diagnosis), cope, coping behavior: (history), cope coping behavior, rndx coping",
+"anxiety state (finding), anxiety states, anxiety state unspecified, state; anxiety, anxiety state nos, anxiety state nos (finding), anxiety state unspecified (finding), state anxiety, anxiety state, anxiety state unspecified, anxiety; state",
+"air-space shadowing, airspace opacification, lung consolidation, lung consolidations, consolidation of lung, air space opacification, consolidation lung, pulmonary consolidation, airspace consolidation, lung consolidation (disorder), consolidation;lung, consolidation lungs, consolidation of lung nos, consolidation",
+"high, abnormally high, abnormally high (qualifier value)",
+"colony stimulating factor product, colony stimulating factor preparation, mgi-1 protein, product containing colony stimulating factor, colony-stimulating factor, csf, colony stimulating factor (csf), colony-stimulating factors (medication), mgi 1 protein, df3 colony-stimulating factors, product containing colony stimulating factor (product), colony stimulating factor, mgi-1, inducer myeloid cell-growth, colony-stimulating factor nos, colony stimulating factor (substance), colony stimulating factors, colony stimulating factor preparation (product), myeloid cell growth inducer, cell-growth inducer myeloid, colony-stimulating factor (substance), colony stimulating factor-containing product, colony-stimulating factors, myeloid cell-growth inducer, colony stimulating factor preparation (substance)",
+"infusion (procedure), infusion, infusion technique (qualifier value), infusion procedures, infusion nos, infusion - action (qualifier value), infusion technique, infusion procedure, infusion - action, infusions",
+"oncogens, oncogen, carcinogenic chemical compound, carcinogen, oncogenic substance, 29 carcinogens, cancer causing agents, carcinogenic chemical nos, carcinogen (substance), carcinogenic chemicals, carcinogenic chemical, carcinogen nos, oncogenic substance nos, chemical carcinogen, carcinogens chemical, carcinogens",
+"detoxification method, detoxifications, detoxification therapy (regime/therapy)(procedure), aod detoxification, detoxification therapy (regime/therapy), detoxification nos, detoxification therapy (treatment), alcohol or other drugs detoxification, detoxification, detoxication therapy, detoxication therapy nos, detoxification therapy, detoxification therapy nos, detoxification procedure, detoxification (regime/therapy)",
+"desiccation - action, desiccation - action (qualifier value), dry, desiccate, drying, desiccation, dessication",
+"dryness, dry, dry skin, dry skin (symptom), drying, dried, skin dryness, dry skin (physical finding), dessication, desiccation - action (qualifier value), special handling code - dry, desiccate, anhydrotic skin, desiccation - action, dry;skin, dryness (characteristic), dry (qualifier value), desiccation, dry skin (finding), skin dry",
+"powder physical state, powder, powder (basic dose form)",
+"bt - body temperature, temperature (property) (qualifier value), body temperature (function) (observable entity), body temperatures, body temperature - observation, body temperature observable, body temperature (observable entity), body temperature finding, body temperature (function), temperatures body, temperature body, temperature; body, temp, body temperature observation, body temperature observable (observable entity), body; temperature, temperature, temperature (body), body temperature, body temperature nos, body temperature finding (finding), temperature (property), entity handling - body temperature, 03 body temperature",
+"body_system, body system, system structure body, organ systems, body system (body structure), body system nos, structure system body, organ system, organs system, body system structure (body structure), body system -retired-, body apparatus nos, system organ, organs systems, body system structure, body systems",
+"changes temperature, change temperature, temperature change (physical force), temperature change",
+"product containing interleukin-2, il2 protein, product containing interleukin-2 (medicinal product), interleukin ii, lymphocyte mitogenic factor, tsf, etaf, recombinant interleukin-2, lymphocyte blastogenic factor, il2, il 002, interleukin 2 precursor, interleukin 002, interleukin-2 (medication), interleukin-2, t-cell growth factor, interleukin-2-containing product, t cell stimulating factor, tcgf, interleukine 2, recombinant interleukin 2 (substance), mitogenic factor, interleukin 2, thymocyte stimulating factor, il 2, tsf (thymocyte stimulating factor), mitogenic factor lymphocyte, epidermal thymocyte activating factor, interleukin 2 (product), tcgf (t cell growth factor), co-stimulator, il-2, interleukin-2 (substance), recombinant interleukin 2, costimulator, t cell growth factor, lymphocyte mitogenic factor (substance), t-stimulating factor, t-cell stimulating factor, interleukin-2 product",
+"myopathy congenital with myopathic facies scoliosis and malignant hyperthermia, myopathy congenital bailey-bloch, myopathy congenital with cleft palate and malignant hyperthermia, mypbb, nam, congenital myopathy cleft palate. malignant hyperthermia syndrome, congenital myopathy cleft palate and malignant hyperthermia, native american myopathy, native american myopathy (disorder)",
+"expanded, expanding, expanding (qualifier value), expand",
+"short (qualifier value), short value, short (modifier) [ambiguous], short (modifier) (qualifier value), shortest, short heart murmur, short murmur, short data type, short, short variable",
+"e test, test e, e tests, e test (qualifier value), tumbling e test, e test (procedure), e game",
+"counts cell, cell count (procedure), cell counts, cell number, cells count, numbers cell, cells, cell count (observable entity), cell count, cells counts, cell counting, cell count procedure, cell numbers, count cell, number cell",
+"mediastinum nos, benign neoplasm of mediastinum nos, mediastinal neoplasm of uncertain behavior, benign neoplasm of the mediastinum, benign mediastinal tumor, benign neoplasm of mediastinum (disorder), benign neoplasm of mediastinum nos, d33 mediastinum, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of mediastinum (diagnosis), benign neoplasm of mediastinum nos (disorder), benign mediastinal neoplasm, mediastinum, benign tumor of the mediastinum, benign tumour of mediastinum, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of mediastinum nos, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of mediastinum, mediastinal, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of mediastinum, mediastinal structure, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of mediastinum (disorder), benign neoplasm of mediastinum (diagnosis), neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of mediastinum, benign tumor of mediastinum, mediastinal neoplasms benign, mediastinal (qualifier value), mediastinal structure (body structure), mediastinal part of chest, benign neopl. mediastinum nos, entire mediastinum (body structure), benign mediastinal neoplasms nos, neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of mediastinum nos, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of mediastinum [dup] (disorder), structure of mediastinum, benign mediastinal neoplasm nos, entire mediastinum, benign neoplasm of mediastinum, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of mediastinum, uncert. neopl. mediastinum, benign neo mediastinum",
+"rna messenger, messenger rna, mrna, rna messenger (mrna), messenger ribonucleic acid, messengerrna, messenger rna (substance), messenger rna (mrna), messenger ribonucleic acid (substance)",
+"vaccine therapy, product containing vaccine (product), product containing vaccine, vaccine nos, vaccine (substance), vaccine, vaccine product (medicinal product), therapeutic vaccine nos, vaccines, vaccine product (product), therapeutic vaccine, vaccine (product), therapeutic vaccine (substance), vaccines (medication), vaccineentitytype, vaccine product, b6 vaccines, therapeutic vaccine (product), therapeutic vaccines",
+"ribonucleinicum acidum/ribon, non-polyadenylated rna, ribonucleic acid, obsolete rna, rna location, ribonucleinicum acidum / ribonucleic acid, r, rna (ribonucleic acid), ribonucleic acid (rna), rna, gene products rna, rna gene products, rna non-polyadenylated, ribonucleic acids, rnas, obsolete rna location, ribonucleic acid measurement, acid ribonucleic, rna - ribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid nos, rna measurement, non polyadenylated rna, ribonucleic acid (substance), rna non polyadenylated",
+"anxious; sensation, visual analogue anxiety scale, anxiety symptom, rndx anxiety, excessive persistent worry and fear, anxious, anxiety disorder, anxiety; complaint, anxiety (finding), anxiety scale (basc-2), [x]anxiety disorder unspecified (disorder), anxiousness (& symptom) (finding), feeling;anxious, disorders anxiety, anxious behavior, angst, [x]anxiety disorder unspecified, anxiety scale, anxiety disorder [ambiguous], anxiousness (& symptom), anxiety (symptom), rndx anxiety (diagnosis), [x]anxiety disord unspecified, anxiety, anxiousness - symptom, anxiety disorder (diagnosis), anxiety symptoms nos, anxiety disord unspecified, 9-81 anxiety disorders, disorder anxiety, anxiety disorder nos, anxiety disorder nos, reaction anxiety, disorder;anxiety, feel anxious, anxiety dis, anxiety disorders, anxiety ctcae 5.0, anxiety symptoms, anxiety visual analogue scale, symptoms anxiety, anxiety ctcae 3.0, anxiety disorder unspecified, unfocused anxiety, unspecified anxiety disorder, anxiety nos, anxiety disorder (disorder), anxiety ctcae_5, anxiousness, anxieties, anxiety reaction, anxiety ctcae_3, feeling anxious",
+"retinoblastoma (disorder), malignant retinoblastoma of eye, [m]retinoblastoma nos, rb1, retinal glioblastoma, retinoblastoma (m-95103), retinoblastoma, glioma retinal, cancer retinoblastoma eye, glioblastomas retinal, neuroblastoma retinal, retinal neuroblastomas, retinoblastoma nos, malignant retinoblastoma of eye (diagnosis), retinal gliomas, retinoblastoma malignant, cancers retinoblastoma eye, eye cancers retinoblastoma, retinoblastoma (diagnosis), rb, retinoblastoma eye cancer, retinal neuroblastoma, [m]retinoblastomas, retinal glioma, [m]retinoblastoma nos (morphologic abnormality), retinoblastoma (morphologic abnormality), retina glioma, gliomas retinal, disorders retinoblastoma, glioblastoma retinal, [m]retinoblastomas (morphologic abnormality), retinoblastomas, retinoblastoma - morphology, retinal glioblastomas, rb - retinoblastoma, neuroblastoma of the retina, retinoblastoma eye cancers, neuroblastomas retinal, nci ctep simple disease classification retinoblastoma sub-category terminology, eye cancer retinoblastoma, neuroblastoma of retina, nci ctep sdc retinoblastoma sub-category terminology, retinoblastoma nos",
+"cerebroside lipidoses glucosyl, diseases glucocerebrosidase deficiency, disease gauchers, lipidoses glucosyl cerebroside, lipidosis syndrome cerebroside, glucocerebrosidase deficiency disease, cerebroside lipidosis glucosyl, diseases gauchers, glucosylceramidase deficiency, glucosylceramidase deficiency chronic type, lipidosis glucosyl cerebroside, glucosylceramide beta glucosidase defic dis, glucosylceramide lipidoses, glucocerebrosidase deficiency type i, acid beta glucosidase defic dis, glucocerebrosidosis, deficiency disease glucocerebrosidase, gaucher dis, gaucher disease (diagnosis), thesaurismoses kerasin, kerasin histiocytosis, gaucher disease type i, kerasin thesaurismoses, adult gaucher disease, glucocerebrosidase defic dis, kerasin histiocytoses, glucosyl cerebroside lipidoses, lipoid histiocytosis (kerasin type), kerasin lipoidoses, gauchers dis, deficiency glucocerebrosidase, lipoid histiocytoses (kerasin type), lipidosis; cerebroside, lipidoses glucosylceramide, lipidosis cerebroside, splenomegaly; gauchers, glucosylceram b-glucosidas def, lipidosis glucosylceramide, cerebroside lipoidosis gauchers adult form, glucosylceramide beta-glucosidase deficiency disease, chronic adult gauchers disease, gauchers disease, glucosylceramide beta-glucosidase deficiency (disorder), acid beta-glucosidase deficiency disease, glucosylceramide lipidosis, lipidosis syndromes cerebroside, deficiencies glucocerebrosidase, familial splenic anemia, gaucher syndrome, gauchers diseases, cerebroside lipidosis, histiocytosis kerasin, histiocytosis lipoid (kerasin type), deficiency diseases glucocerebrosidase, cerebroside; lipidosis, kerasin thesaurismosis (disorder), splenomegaly gaucher, lipoidosis kerasin, disease gauchers, acid beta-glucosidase deficiency, gauchers disease type i, disease gaucher, gaucher splenomegaly, syndrome gaucher, cerebroside lipoidosis , chronic non-neuropathic gauchers disease (disorder), gaucher disease, glucosylceramide beta-glucosidase deficiency, cerebroside lipidosis syndromes, chronic non-neuropathic gauchers disease, gaucher disease type i (diagnosis), glucocerebrosidase deficiency diseases, disease gauchers, disease gaucher, chronic non-neuropathic gaucher disease, glucocerebrosidoses, thesaurismosis kerasin, cerebroside lipidosis syndrome, gauchers disease, histiocytoses kerasin, glucosyl cerebroside lipidosis, glucocerebrosidase def type i, kerasin thesaurismosis, gauchers disease nos, gauchers disease [ambiguous], disease gauchers, glucocerebrosidase deficiency, histiocytosis lipid kerasin type, glucocerebrosidase deficiencies, lipoidoses kerasin, kerasin lipoidosis, histiocytoses lipoid (kerasin type), syndrome cerebroside lipidosis, disease glucocerebrosidase deficiency, syndromes cerebroside lipidosis, anemia splenic familial, gauchers disease (disorder)",
+"oxidize, oxidations, oxidation function (observable entity), oxidation (function), oxidation, electron loss, oxidation function",
+"type i; mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 (diagnosis), alpha-l-iduronidase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-i, mpsi-mucopolysaccharidosis i, i mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis type 1, mucopolysaccharide storage disease i, mucopolysaccharidosis type i (mps i), mucopolysaccharidosis 1, mps i, mucopolysaccharidosis type i, lipochondrodystrophy, mucopolysaccharidosis type 1, lipochondrodystrophy (diagnosis), lipochondrodystrophies, mucopolysaccharidosis type i, iduronidase deficiency disease, l-iduronidase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type i [ambiguous], mpsi - mucopolysaccharidosis type i, mucopolysaccharidosis; type i, mucopolysaccharidosis type i (disorder), mucopolysaccharidosis i, alpha-l-iduronidase (ida idua) deficiency, mps 1, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-i (disorder), mucopolysaccharidosis is, mucopolysaccharidosis (mps) i",
+"disorder of bone (disorder), bone disorder, osteopathy, disorder of bone unspecified (disorder), bone disorders nos, osteopathia nos, bone disorder (nos), diseases bone, osteopathy nos, disorder of bone, bone disorders, bone disease, bone disease nos, bone disorder (diagnosis), disease;bone, disorder of bone unspecified, unspecified disorder of bone, disease (or disorder); bone, osteopathia, osteopathy nos (disorder), disorder bone (nos), bone diseases, bone; disorder, bones disease, bone dis, disease bone, diseases of the bones, disease of bone, disease of bone nos, the diseases of bones, bone disorder nos, section 1-6 diseases of the bones, bone disorderes nos, disease of bone (disorder), diseases of bones, bones--diseases, bones disorders, bones diseases",
+"endocrine disorder nos, unspecified endocrine disorder, endocrine system disorder, endocrinopathy nos, endocrine diseases, endocrine disturbance nos, endocrine disease, imbalance hormonal, endocrine system disease nos, system disease endocrine, disease of endocrine gland (disorder), endocrine disorder unspecified, endo, disorders endocrine, diseases endocrine, endocrine problem, chapter b diseases of the endocrine system, hormone disturbance nos, endocrine gland disease nos, diseases endocrine, endocrine disorder, disease (or disorder); gland, disorder of endocrine system (disorder), hormonal imbalance, endocrine dis, disorders endocrine glands, disease endocrine, disease endocrine system, endocrine problem nos, disease (or disorder); endocrine glands, disorder endocrine gland, imbalance; endocrine, endocrine gland disease nos (disorder), diseases endocrine systems, disturbance endocrine, endocrine system diseases, hormone disturbance, disorder of endocrine system, disease endocrine system, diseases endocrine glands, endocrine glands--diseases, disease of endocrine glands nos, endocrine disturbance nos, endocrine; gland disorder, endocrine gland disease, endocrine disturbance nos (disorder), endocrine disorder (nos), endocrinopathy, disorder endocrine, disorder; endocrine, disease of endocrine gland, general endocrinopathies, endocrine; imbalance, endocrinopathies, diseases endocrine gland, endocrine disorder nos (disorder), endocrine; disorder, endocr./nutrit/metabol.disease, endocrine disorders, diseases of endocrine system, system diseases endocrine, endocr/nutrit/metabol disease &/or endocrine disorders &/or hormone disorders (disorder), endocr/nutrit/metabol disease &/or endocrine disorders &/or hormone disorders, disease endocrine, diseases of the endocrine system, diseases endocrine system, endocrine disturbance, of the endocrine diseases system, disorder;endocrine, endocrine problems, dysendocrinism, disorder of endocrine gland, diseases endocrine system, disorders endocrine system, thyroid or other glandular disorders, endocrine system dis, endocrine disorders (diagnosis), dis endocrine system, endocrine system disease, disturbance; endocrine, endocrine system disease (disorder), endocrine disorder nos",
+"pneumonias idiopathic interstitial, idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis, idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (diagnosis), pneumonia idiopathic interstitial, idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, iip, interstitial pneumonia idiopathic, idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, interstitial pneumonia idiopathic, idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (disorder), interstitial pneumonias idiopathic",
+"arterial structure, arteriae, procedures on arteries, arteries set, arterial structure (body structure), anatomy arteries, arterial tree (organ part), arteries (anatomy), artery procedures, arteris, arteri, artery procedure, artery, arteries anatomy, arterial subtree, arterial procedures, set of arteries, arterial vessel, arteries, arterial tree, procedure on artery, arteria, arterial procedure, procedure on artery (procedure), arterial tree organ part, arterial, artery nos",
+"plugs, plug (physical object), plug",
+"arterial embolization, arterial embolization (treatment), transarterial embolization, transarterial embolisation, tae, transarterial embolization (procedure)",
+"embolization therapeutic, embolization ther, therapeutic embolization, embolization - action (qualifier value), embolisation, embolisation procedure, ther embolization, therapeutic embolisation, embolization therapy, therapy embolization, embolotherapy, embolization procedure, embolotherapies, embolizations therapeutic, embolizations, embolisation - action (qualifier value), embolization, therapeutic embolizations, embolisation - action, embolization procedure (procedure), embolization - action, guidance for embolization",
+"hematology procedure, test hematol, hematologic technique, hematology - general, hematology technique, test hematological, haematology test (procedure), hematology test (procedure), test blood, hematologic test, blood analysis, tests hematological, tests hematologic, blood testing, hematologic tests, tests hematol, hematol test, hematological test, test;blood, blood test nos, tests hematological, haematology - general, blood analysis (lab test), hematological tests, blood test (procedure), haematology test, blood tests, hematology test (lab test), blood test, hematol tests, hematological testing, hematology testing, hematology, blood--analysis, hematology tests, tests blood, hematologic testing, hematology test, test hematologic, blood test procedure",
+"bx - biopsy, biopsy procedure, specimen source codes - biopsy, biopsy - action (qualifier value), bx, biopsies, biopsy - action, consent type - biopsy, biopsy, biopsy nos, biopsy procedures on the pharynx adenoids and tonsils, biopsied, biopsy (procedure), biopsy nos",
+"learning nos, learn, learning (function), learned, learning, learning function (observable entity), learning function",
+"carcinoma colon, colon cancer carcinoma, carcinoma of colon, colon carcinoma, carcinoma colon cancer, bowel carcinoma large, colon cancer, carcinoma of the colon, carcinoma of colon (disorder), carcinoma of colon (diagnosis), carcinoma intestine large, large intestine malignant carcinoma of colon, carcinoma;colon, colon carcinoma, colonic carcinoma",
+"diagnostic dental procedure nos, diagnostic dental procedures, diagnostic dental procedure, dental diagnostic procedure, diagnostic, diagnostic dental procedure (procedure), dental procedures (diagnostic), orodental test, diagnostic dental procedures (procedure)",
+"detective, detectives, detective (occupation)",
+"opiate agonist (product), opioid (product), opiate agonist agent, opioids in any form, opiates in any form, opiate product, opioids, substance with opioid receptor agonist mechanism of action, opiate agonist product, opiate (substance), opiate agonist (substance), opiate agonists, substance with opioid receptor agonist mechanism of action (substance), opioid receptor agonist, 606-607 opiate agonists, opiate agonist nos, opioid product, opioid agent, opioid, opioid (substance), opiate agonist",
+"housings, lodging, housed, living in house, housing, housed (finding), housing nos, housing nos (observable entity), housing device, hous",
+"narcotic dependence, addiction opioid, addiction opiate, opioid type drug dependence, narcotism, dependence opioid, unspecified opioid dependence (disorder), dependence opiate, opioid type dependence unspecified, opioid type dependence unspecified use, dependence; opioids, unspecified opioid dependence, opioid addiction, opiate dependence, opioid type dependence, opioids; dependence, dependence narcotic, opioid dependence (disorder), addiction opiate, opioid dependence (diagnosis), opiate addiction, opioid dependence, dependence; opiate, opioid dependences, opioid dependence-unspec, opioid addictions, [x]drug addiction - opioids, dependence opiates, dependence on opiates",
+"gaucher disease type ii, gauchers disease type ii, gd ii, gaucher dis type 2, type 2 gaucher disease, infantile gauchers disease, gaucher disease type ii, glucocerebrosidase deficiency type ii, gaucher disease infantile, acute neuronopath gaucher dis, acute neuronopathic gaucher dis, gaucher disease acute neuronopathic type, gaucher dis infantile, glucocerebrosidase def type ii, glucosylceramidase deficiency acute type, gauchers disease ii infantile form (cerebral), infantile gaucher disease, infantile gaucher dis, gd2, gaucher dis acute neuronopathic, acute neuronopathic gaucher disease, type 2 gaucher dis, gaucher disease type 2, disease infantile gaucher, acute neuronopathic gauchers disease, gauchers disease type ii, infantile cerebral gauchers disease, acute cerebral gauchers disease, gaucher disease type ii (diagnosis), gaucher disease type 2 (disorder), acute neuronopathic gauchers disease (disorder), gaucher disease acute neuronopathic, cerebral acute gaucher disease, gaucher disease infantile cerebral, gaucher disease type 2",
+"milk breast, milk human, breast milk, human milk (medication), foods milk human, breasts milk, breast milk (substance), mothers milk (substance), bm - breast milk, mothers milk, human milk",
+"breast composition, mammographic breast composition finding (finding), mammographic breast composition finding",
+"cow milk, pasteurized cows milk, cow milk allergenic extract, cow milk (medication), cows milk, cows milk, cows milk, milk cows, foods milk cow, milk, milk cow, cows milk (substance), milk cows",
+"milk (substance), foods milk, milk - dietary, milk nos, milk (medication), milk",
+"gestation, gestational (qualifier value), gestational",
+"ciclofosfamide, ctx, cyclophosphamide (product), product containing cyclophosphamide (medicinal product), 2h-132-oxazaphosphorin-2-amine nn-is(2-chloroethyl)tetrahydro-2-oxide, (+-)-cyclophosphamide, cytophosphane, nn-bis(2-chloroethyl)tetrahydro-2h-132-oxazaphosphorin-2-amine 2-oxide, cyclophospham, cyclophosphanum, 2h-132-oxazaphosphorin-2-amine nn-is(2-chloroethyl)tetrahydro-2-oxide monohydrate, cyts, product containing cyclophosphamide, bis(2-chloroethyl)phosphoramide cyclic propanolamide ester, cyclophosphamid, cyclophosphamidum, cpm - cyclophosphamide, claphene, cyclophosphan, syklofosfamid, cyclophosphamide (substance), cyclophosphamide, cyclophosphamide (medication), cyt, cyt - cyclophosphamide, cpm, cyclophosphane, (rs)-cyclophosphamide, (-)-cyclophosphamide, ctx - cyclophosphamide, ciclofosfamida, cyclophosphamide product, mitoxan, cyclophosphamide-containing product, 2-[bis(2-chloroethylamino)]-tetrahydro-2h-132-oxazaphosphorine-2-oxide",
+"irrinotecan, (+)-7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecine 10-[14-bipiperidine]-1-carboxylate, irinotecan (product), irinotecan-containing product, product containing irinotecan, product containing irinotecan (medicinal product), 7-ethyl-10-[4-(1-piperidino)-1-piperidino]carbonyloxycamptothecin, irinotecan, irinotecan product, (+)-irinotecan, irinotecan lactone, irinotecan (substance), (14-bipiperidine)-1-carboxylic acid (4s)-411-diethyl-341214-tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-314-dioxo-1h-pyrano(34:67)indolizino(12-b)quinolin-9-yl ester, [14-bipiperidine]-1-carboxylic acid (s)-411-diethyl-341214-tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-314-dioxo-1h-pyrano[34:67]indolizino[12-b]quinolin-9-yl ester, (+)-(4s)-411-diethyl-4-hydroxy-9-[(4-piperidino-piperidino)carbonyloxy]-1h-pyrano[34:67]indolizino[12-b]quinol-314(4h12h)-dione, irinotecanum",
+"938-948 gliomas, [m]gliomas (morphologic abnormality), gliomas, glioma, glial neoplasm, glial cell tumor, [m]glioma nos, glial tumors, glioma (morphologic abnormality), glioma nos, neuroglial neoplasm, [m]glioma nos (morphologic abnormality), glial tumor, [m]gliomas, tumor glial cell, neoplasm of the neuroglia, gbm pathway, tumor of neuroglia, neuroglial tumor, glial cell tumors, tumors glial cell, tumor of the neuroglia, glioma; unspecified site, glioblastoma multiforme pathway, glioma (disorder), glioma (diagnosis), glioma nos, glioma pathway, neoplasm of neuroglia",
+"inside, internal (modifier) (qualifier value), code system type - internal, insides, intrinsic, internal (qualifier value), internal, intrinsics, internal (modifier) [ambiguous], internally, intramural, inner",
+"malignant soft tissue neoplasm nos, malignant tumor of soft tissue (disorder), malignant neoplasm of soft tissue (disorder), soft tissue tumor malignant, malignant neoplasm of soft tissue (diagnosis), sarcomas, malignant neop of soft tissue, cancer of the soft tissue, neoplasm malig;soft tissue, mesenchymal malignant tumor, malignant tumour of soft tissue, malignant soft tissue neoplasm, malig tumour of soft tissue, malignant tumor of soft tissue, malignant neosplasm of the soft tissue, malig tumor of soft tissue, soft tissue tumor malignant, sarcoma, malignant neoplasm of soft tissue, soft tissue cancer, malignant neoplasm of soft tissues, malignant soft tissue tumor, soft tissue tumour malignant, malignant tumor of the soft tissue, malignant neoplasm of the soft tissue",
+"regional enteritis, regional enteritis (crohns disease), enteritis regional, crohnss disease, crohns disease, crohnss, crohns disease (disorder), regional enterocolitis, cd - crohns disease, crohn s disease, regional enteritis - crohns disease, eleocolitis, disease;crohns, disease crohns, disease crohn, crohns regional enteritis, crohns diseases, regional enteritis nos, crohns disease, crohns dis, crohns, crohn dis, crohns diseases, cicatrizing enterocolitis, crohn disease, crohn, granulomatous enteritis nos, granulomatous enteritis, morbus crohn, inflammatory bowel disease - ibd1, inflammatory bowel disease (crohn disease) 1, regional enteritis - crohn, crohns disease unspecified, crohns enteritis, inflammatory bowel disease regional enteritis, crohn s, crohns disease [regional enteritis], granulomatous enteritis and colitis, enteritis (regional), inflammatory bowel disease - ibd1 (diagnosis), crohns disease nos, disease crohns, crohns disease nos, inflammatory bowel disease 1, crohn diseases, ibd1, re - regional enteritis, crohns disease (diagnosis)",
+"pervasve develop dis unsp, pervasive; developmental disorder, [x]pervasve develop dis unsp, [x]pervasive developmental disorder unspecified, [x]pervasive developmental disorder unspecified (disorder), ppd - pervasive devel disorder, developmental disorder pervasive, developmental disorder pervasive, pervasive developmental disorder unspecified, pervasive developmental disorders, pervasive developmental disorder (disorder), development disorder pervasive, autistic disorders spectrum, pervasive development disorder, pervasive developmental disorder (pdd), autistic continuum, pervasive development disorders, ppd - pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified pervasive developmental disorder, pdd, pervasive developmental disorder nos, developmental disorders pervasive, autistic spectrum disorder (disorder), autism spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorders (diagnosis), pervasive developmental disord, [x]autistic spectrum disorder, developmental disorder; pervasive, pervasive developmental disorder, autistic spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder nos",
+"feces infusion donor, fmt, poop transplant, fecal microbiota transplantations, infusions donor feces, feces infusions donor, faecal microbiota transplantation, intestinal microbiota transfers, fmt - fecal microbiota transplant, fecal transplantations, fecal transplants, transplants fecal, microbiota transfers intestinal, fecal bacteriotherapy, fecal transplant (treatment), transplant fecal, donor feces infusions, transfer intestinal microbiota, transplantation fecal microbiota, donor feces infusion, transplantations fecal microbiota, transfers intestinal microbiota, fmt - faecal microbiota transplant, fecal material transplantation, faecal bacteriotherapy, transplantation fecal, faecal transplant, fecal transplantation, fecal microbiota transplantation (procedure), transplantations fecal, infusion donor feces, faecal transplantation, fecal transplant, microbiota transplantation fecal, stool transplant, microbiota transplantations fecal, poo transplant, intestinal microbiota transfer, microbiota transfer intestinal, fecal microbiota transplantation",
+"ulcerative colitis, ulcerative; colitis, colitis ulcerosa, ulcerative colitis (diagnosis), colitis;ulcerative, idiopathic proctocolitis nos, colitis gravis, colitis gravis nos, inflammatory bowel disease ulcerative colitis, idiopathic proctocolitis -retired-, ulceratve colitis unspcf, idiopathic proctocolitis (disorder), colitis ulcerative, proctocolitis idiopathic, proctocolitis idiopathic, uc - ulcerative colitis, colitis ulcerative, idiopathic proctocolitis, ulcerative colitis as main diagnosis for the colon, colitis; ulcerative, ulcerative colitis nos, uc, inflammatory bowel disease ulcerative colitis type, idiopathic proctocolitis nos (disorder), ulcerative colitis (disorder), ulcerative colitis as reason for lower g.i. examination, ulcerative colitis unspecified",
+"low confidentiality, low exposure, low (qualifier value), low",
+"conditioning (psychology), conditioned response, conditioning function, conditioning process, conditioning (function), conditioning, conditioning nos, conditioning psychology, conditioned, conditioning function (observable entity), conditioning psychological, psychological conditioning",
+"laser vaporisation - action, vaporisation, laser photoablation of tissue, ablation laser, laser vaporization - action (qualifier value), laser vaporization - action, laser vaporisation, contact laser vaporization, pulsed laser tissue ablation, vaporization laser, ablation laser tissue, laser ablation - action, laser ablation - action (qualifier value), laser coagulation, vaporization, laser ablation, photoablation, laser tissue ablation, laser vaporization, tissue ablation laser, contact laser vaporization (treatment), laser destruction",
+"deviant, abnormal (qualifier value), abnormal (modifier) [ambiguous], abnormal, observation interpretation - abnormal, abnormal (modifier) (qualifier value)",
+"successes, successful, success, successful (qualifier value)",
+"epileptic fits nos, a-30 clinical epilepsy diagnoses, seizures syndromes, attacks epileptic, epilepsy (diagnosis), epilepsy, seizure disorders, seizure epileptic, attack - epileptic, epileptic seizures, disorder epilepsy, epilepsy types, caducus; morbus, epilepsy nos, epileptics, epileptic attack, epilepsy; cerebral, epileptic; convulsions, disorder seizures, epileptic disorder, ef - epileptic fit, epileptic disorder nos, disorders seizure, seizure disorder (diagnosis), epilepsy all types, epilepsy; cortical, syndrome seizure, epilepsy nos (disorder), convulsions; epileptic, seizures syndrome, epileptic seizures nos, epilectic attack nos, seizure;epileptic, convulsion epileptic, epileptic fits, epilepsy (disorder), seizure syndrome, seizure disorder nos, epileptic convulsions nos, cerebral; epileptic, epileptic seizure, epileptic convulsions nos, epilepsies, epileptic seizures nos, seizure syndromes, seizure dis, morbus; caducus, types of epilepsy, epileptic; syndrome, epileptic fits nos, epilepsis, (epilepsy) or (epileptic attack) (disorder), clinical epileptic syndromes and seizures, syndrome; epileptic, seizure disorder (disorder), disorders seizures, epileptic fit, epileptic attack nos, epilepsia, seizure disorder, epileptic convulsions, (epilepsy) or (epileptic attack), ep - epilepsy, epilepsy; fit, clinical epilepsy diagnoses, epileptic, disorder seizure, disorders epileptic, a-30-31 clinical epileptic syndromes and seizures, epilepsy unspecified, epilepsy nos",
+"focal, focally, focal (qualifier value), foci, focus, foci of, focused",
+"total excision of pancreas, pancreatectomy total, total excision of pancreas nos, total pancreatectomy, pancreatectomy total, removal of pancreas, total pancreatectomy (procedure), total excision of pancreas nos (procedure), total excision of the pancreas, total pancreatectomy (treatment), tp - total pancreatectomy",
+"activated protein c inhibitor (substance), serpina5, plasminogen activator inhibitor-3, acrosomal serine protease inhibitor, alpha-1 antiproteinase, protein c inhib, planh3, proci, serpin a5, serpina5 protein human, pci, antitrypsin, plasminogen activator inhib type 3, plasminogen activator inhibitor iii, protein c inhibitor, type 3 plasminogen activator inhibitor, type 3 plasminogen activator inhib, plasma serine protease inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhib 3, pai 03, activated protein c inhib, activated protein c inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor 03, protein c inhibitor.activated, substance with activated protein c inhibitor mechanism of action, substance with activated protein c inhibitor mechanism of action (substance), serine or cysteine proteinase inhibitor clade a member 5, protein c inhibitor human, serpin a5 protein human, protein c inhib activated, protein c inhibitor activated, pai-3, plasminogen activator inhibitor-3 (substance), plasminogen activator inhibitor 3, serpin peptidase inhibitor clade a (alpha-1 antiproteinase antitrypsin) member 5 human, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 3",
+"phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase, pi3 kinase, p120-pi3k, ec, 3 kinases pi, phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase gamma p110 gamma, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, 1 phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, phosphoinositide-3-kinase catalytic gamma polypeptide, 3 pi kinase, p110gamma, pi3k, phosphatidylinositol kinase 01 03, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic 110-kd gamma, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, pik3cg, type iii phosphoinositide 3-kinase, ptdins-3-kinase subunit p110-gamma, 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform, phosphoinositide-3-kinase gamma catalytic subunit, pi3-kinase p110 subunit gamma, ec, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic 110-kd gamma, pi3-kinase, ptdins-3-kinase, pik3cg protein human, pik3-gamma, phosphoinositide 3 kinase, ptdins-3-kinase subunit gamma, phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, pi 3 kinase, pi3-kinase subunit gamma, p110-gamma, phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, ptdins-3-kinase p110, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic gamma polypeptide, phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase 110 kda catalytic subunit gamma, 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (substance), phosphatidylinositol 45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform, kinase phosphoinositide 3, phosphoinositide-3-kinase catalytic gamma polypeptide human, serine/threonine protein kinase pik3cg, pi3kgamma, type i phosphatidylinositol kinase, phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform, phosphatidylinositol kinase 03, pi3k-gamma, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic gamma, pi3kgamma protein human, phosphatidylinositol-45-bisphosphate 3-kinase",
+"nci ctep sdc osteosarcoma sub-category terminology, osteosarcoma malignant, sarcoma osteogenic, osteosarcoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, osteosarcoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), bone cancer osteogenic sarcoma, tumors osteosarcoma, tumor osteosarcoma, osteosarcoma no icd-o subtype, osteochondrosarcoma, bone sarcoma, osrc, osteogenic sarcomas, osteogenic sarcoma nos, bone sarcomas, sarcomas osteogenic, osteosarcoma nos, sarcoma osteogenic, childhood osteosarcoma, osteosarcoma, osteosarcoma tumor, osteosarcoma tumors, osteosarcoma - disorder (disorder), osteosarcoma - disorder, osteoid sarcoma, childhood osteogenic sarcoma, pediatric osteosarcoma, nci ctep simple disease classification osteosarcoma sub-category terminology, osteosarcoma in children, osteosarcoma (disorder), osteogenic sarcoma, osteosarcomas, osteosarcoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), [m]osteosarcoma nos, osteosarcoma nos, bone cell cancer",
+"osteosarcoma of bone (diagnosis), bone cancer, osteosarcoma of bone, osteosarcoma of bone (disorder), bone osteosarcoma, osteosarcoma",
+"transplant present, transplant present (finding), transplant; present, transplant recipient",
+"cozymase, dinucleotide dihydronicotinamide adenine, adenine dinucleotide dihydronicotinamide, nucleotide diphosphopyridine, dinucleotide nicotinamide-adenine, adenosine 5-(trihydrogen diphosphate) p-5-ester with 3-(aminocarbonyl)-1-beta-d-ribofuranosylpyridinium inner salt, 3-carbamoyl-1-beta-d-ribofuranosylpyridinium hydroxide 5-ester with adenosine 5-pyrophosphate inner salt, nad, adenosine 5-(trihydrogen diphosphate) 5-5-ester with 3-(aminocarbonyl)-1-beta-d-ribofuranosylpyridinium hydroxide inner salt, beta-nad, dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, coenzyme a a 01, codehydrogenase i, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (substance), diphosphopyridine nucleotide, coenzyme i, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (nad), 3-carbamoyl-1-beta-d-ribofuranosylpyridinium hydroxide 5-5-ester with adenosine 5-(trihydrogen pyrophosphate) inner salt, nad+, dpn, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, co-i, nadide",
+"currents, current, currently, current (qualifier value), current (present time)",
+"degree, levels (qualifier value), levels, level",
+"brain concussion, cerebral; concussion, concussion (brain), brain; blast, mtbi - mild traumatic brain injury, concussive injury, cerebri; commotio, brain concussions, commotio; brain, concussion injury of brain (disorder), concussion (disorder), concussion; brain, concussion brain, brain concussion, brain--concussion, concussion cerebral, concussion injury of brain (diagnosis), concussion; cerebral, cerebral concussions, concussion injury of brain, concussions, concussion (diagnosis), commotio cerebri, concussion nos (disorder), concussion disorder, commotio, brain; commotio, injury;concussion;head, concussion nos, mild traumatic brain injury, concussion, cerebral concussion, concussion unspecified, brain; concussion",
+"simvastatinum, simvastatina, hmg-coa reductase inhibitors simvastatin, simvastatin product, simvastatin, simvastatin (product), simvastatin (substance), 22-dimethylbutyric acid 8-ester with (4r6r)-6-(2-((1s2s6r8s8ar)-126788a-hexahydro-8-hydroxy-26-dimethyl-1-naphthyl)ethyl)tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-2h-pyran-2-one, simvastatin-containing product, [1s-[1alpha3alpha7beta8beta(2s*4s*)8abeta]]-123788a-hexahydro-37-dimethyl-8-[2-(tetrahydro-4-hydroxy-6-oxo-2h-pyran-2-yl)ethyl]-1-naphthalenyl 22-dimethylbutanoate, simvastatin (medication), simvastatine, product containing simvastatin, product containing simvastatin (medicinal product)",
+"chronic eosinophilic leukemia (morphologic abnormality), chronic eosinophilic leukemia not otherwise specified, chronic eosinophilic leukaemia, chronic eosinophilic leukemia (disorder), chronic eosinophilic leukemia (diagnosis), chronic eosinophilic leukemia nos, chronic eosinophilic leukemia, cel/hypereosinophilic syndrome, chronic eosinophilic leukemia/hypereosinophilic syndrome, cel, eosinophilic leukemia, chronic leukemia eosinophilic",
+"autologous t cells transduced with retroviral vector encoding an anti-cd-19 cd28/cd3-zeta chimeric antigen receptor, axicabtagene ciloleucel product, product containing axicabtagene ciloleucel, axicabtagene ciloleucel, axicabtagene ciloleucel (medication), chemotherapeutics axicabtagene ciloleucel, axicabtagene ciloleucel-containing product, product containing axicabtagene ciloleucel (medicinal product), axicabtagene ciloleucel (substance)",
+"sodium benzoate product, product containing sodium benzoate, benzoic acid sodium salt, sodium benzoate, sodium benzoate (substance), benzoate sodium, product containing sodium benzoate (medicinal product), sodium benzoate-containing product, benzoate sodium, sodium benzoate (product), sodium benzoate [dup] (substance)",
+"occasional (qualifier value), occasional, occasional (29-5%), infrequent (qualifier value), occcasional, occcasional (qualifier value), infrequent, rare, infrequently",
+"renal; failure, insufficiency; renal, renal impairment, impairment renal, kidney insufficiencies, renal failures, failures renal, kidney failures, renal insufficiency syndrome nos, renal failure syndrome nos, kidney; insufficiency, renal insufficiency syndrome, impaired renal function, renal disorders renal impairment, failure;renal;nos, function impaired renal, failure renal, renal failure not otherwise specified, syndrome renal failure, kidney insufficiency, renal failure unspecified, kidney; failure, renal impairment (diagnosis), kidney failure, insufficiency;renal, failure kidney, kidney impairment, renal failure nos, impairments renal, renal insufficiency, renal failure, renal failure unspecified, renal failure (diagnosis), renal impairment (disorder), rf - renal failure, renal failure syndrome, insufficiency renal, renal failure unspecified (disorder), failure; renal, renal failure (disorder), renal failure syndrome (disorder), failure kidney, insufficiency kidney, renal insufficiency (diagnosis), renal insufficiency (disorder), renal insufficiencies, renal impairment nos, unspecified kidney failure, esrd, renal dysfunction, failures kidney, unspecified renal failure",
+"essential tremor (hereditary), benign essential tremor (disorder) [ambiguous], essential tremor (finding), tremor; essential, tremor essential, benign essential tremor syndrome, essential; tremor, tremor benign essential, tremor physiological, essential tremor benign, essential tremors, essential benign tremor, tremors essential, benign essential tremor (disorder), presenile tremor syndrome, physiological tremor, tremors benign essential, benign essential tremor, essential benign tremors, essential tremor (disorder), essential tremors benign, tremor essential, benign essential tremors, essential tremor",
+"fertility test, fertility (function), fertility, fertility nos, fertility investigations, fertility function, fertility studies, fertility analyses, fe, infertility testing, ability to conceive (observable entity), fertility domain, fertility testing, ability to conceive, infertility studies, infertility study (procedure), fertility study, fecundability, tests for infertility, infertility studies (procedure), testing fertility, fertility tests, fertility function (observable entity), infertility study, fecundity, fertilities, infertility tests, infertility tests nos, infertility study nos, fert, fertile, test infertility, infertility test",
+"effects chemotherapy, chemotherapy effect, effects of chemotherapy (disorder), effects of chemotherapy (finding), chemotherapy effects, effects of chemotherapy",
+"trastuzumab (product), anti-erb-2, monoclonal antibody her2, product containing trastuzumab, monoclonal antibody c-erb-2, trastuzumab-containing product, anti-erbb2 monoclonal antibody, rhumab her2, anti-c-erb-2, trastuzumab product, trastuzumab (substance), moab her2, anti-erbb-2, anti-p185-her2, c-erb-2 monoclonal antibody, beta trastuzumab, immunoglobulin g 1 (human-mouse monoclonal rhumab her2gamma1-chain antihuman p185(sup c-erbb2) receptor) disulfide with human-mouse monoclonal rhumab her2 light chain dimer, product containing trastuzumab (medicinal product), anti-c-erbb2 monoclonal antibody, trastuzumab, her2 monoclonal antibody, trastuzumab (hamster), trastuzumab beta, anti-her2/c-erbb2 monoclonal antibody, trastuzumab (medication)",
+"rnax perform pain control (treatment), giving pain relief, rnax perform pain control, pain control, rnrx pain control, controlling pain, relieving pain, rnrx pain control (treatment), pain control (procedure)",
+"analgesics drugs, painkillers, analgesics [tc], analgesic (product), pain medicine, drugs analgesic, anodynes, analgesic product (substance), medicinal product acting as analgesic agent (product), pain medicines, pain relievers, anodyne, analgesic drugs, analgesic preparation, analgesics, pain-relief medication, pain killer drug, analgesic agents, analgesic nos, analgesics (pain medication), analgesic drug, analgesic (substance), analgesic agent, analgesic, analgesics (medication), pain relieving drugs, analgesics drug, pain killers, agents analgesic, analgesic product, pain medication",
+"c sections, cesarian section, delivery by cesarean section unspecified, section - cesarean, deliveries abdominal, caesarean section nos, ceasarian section, cesarean sections, cs - caesarean section, cesarean birth, womens health: c-section, c section, c-sections (ob), cesarean section (procedure), abdominal delivery, cesarian sections, caesarean section nos, cs - cesarean section, cesarean section and removal of fetus, caesarian sections, caesarean section, delivery by caesarean section unspecified, abdominal deliveries, cesarean section, caesarean sections, cesarean delivery, cesarean delivery procedures, caesarian section delivery, caesarean section (procedure), cesarean section (treatment), caesarean birth, cesarean section nos, caesarian section, delivery abdominal, cesarean section nos, section - caesarean, cesarian section delivery, cesarean deliveries, c-section (ob), cesarean section of unspecified type, caesarean delivery, caesarean section (c-section) delivery, c-section, c section (ob)",
+"cesarean delivery nos, cesarean delivery unspecified, deliveries by cesarean (finding), deliveries by cesarean, caesarean delivery, cesarean delivery (diagnosis), cesarean delivery unspecified (finding), deliveries by caesarean, caesarean section, caesarean delivery unspecified, cesarian section delivery, cesarean delivery nos (finding), cesarean delivery, cesarean section (finding), caesarian section delivery, caesarean delivery nos",
+"after surgery, after surgery period, po - postoperative, postoperative periods, postoperative period (qualifier value), post-operative, periods postoperative, postoperative, period postoperative, postoperative (post-op), postop, postop period, postoperative period",
+"systemic sclerosis unspecified, system; sclerosis, scleroderma syndrome (disorder), pss - progressive syst scleros, scleroderma syndrome, progressive scleroderma, systemic sclerosis, progressive systemic sclerosis, scleroderma, pss, ssc diffuse sclerosis, scleroderma systemic, scleroderma diffuse, pss - progressive systemic sclerosis, pss (progressive systemic sclerosis), sclerodermas, systemic; sclerosis, sclerosis; system, systemic scleroderma, diffuse scleroderma, progressive system sclerosis, systemic sclerosis (disorder), sclerosis; systemic progressive, sclerosis; systemic, scleroderma;progressive, diffuse sclerosis, sclerosis systemic, ss - systemic sclerosis, systemic; sclerosis progressive",
+"biochemical, biochemical evidence of disease, biochemical diagnosis, biochemical response, bed-biochemical evidence of disease, biochemical markers diagnosis, biochemical (qualifier value)",
+"epidermolysis; bullosa, acanthosis bullosa, dermatitis bullosa hereditaria, keratolysis bullosa hereditaria, epidermolysis bullosa nos, bullosa epidermolysis, epidermolysis bullosa, epidermolysis bullosa (disorder), epidermolysis bullosa unspecified, fox disease, bullous recurrent eruption, bullosa; epidermolysis, epidermolysis bullosa (diagnosis), eb - epidermolysis bullosa, acantholysis bullosa",
+"irradiation (physical force), irradiation",
+"response therapeutic, finding related to therapeutic response (finding), response to treatment nos, finding related to therapeutic response, response to treatment nos (context-dependent category), response to treatment, therapeutic response, therapeutic response (function), response treatments, response to treatment nos (situation), response to treatment (situation), successful treatment, successful treatments, therapeutic response function (observable entity), therapeutic response function, response to treatment (context-dependent category)",
+"leuciscus idus (linnaeus 1758), idus idus, leuciscus leuciscus idus, ide fish, cyprinus idus linnaeus 1758, leuciscus idus (organism), leuciscus idus, ide, cyprinus idus, orfe, silver orfe",
+"surgical removal, excision, excisions, excision nos, removal techniques, surgical removal - action (qualifier value), removal surgical procedure, surgical resection, incision and removal, -ectomy, leucotome, excision - action, excisional, resection, surgical removal (procedure), abscission, sr - surgical removal, resection nos, surgical excision (qualifier value), procedure removal surgical, excision procedure, ectomy, procedures removal surgical, extirpation nos, 1-03 excisions, extirpation, incision of t site to remove m, removal surgical, surgical removal - action, excision - action (qualifier value), excision (procedure), surgical excision, abscission nos, excision nos (-ectomy), removal technique, removals, removal nos, removal, incision and removal nos",
+"remove, removing (action), removes (attribute), removes, removal",
+"implant (unit of presentation), implant",
+"left ventricular assist device, assisted device left ventricular, left ventricular assist devices, assist device left ventricular, assist devices left ventricular, left ventricular assist device (physical object)",
+"tubes fallopian, tubes uterine, mammalian oviduct, oviducts mammalian, uterine tubes, fallopian tube, fallopian tubes, oviduct mammalian, oviduct nos, oviduct, uterine salpinx, tube uterine, tuba uterina, fallopian tube structure (body structure), uterine salpinges, mammalian oviducts, uterine tube, fallopian tube structure, salpinx uterine, fallopian tube nos, salpinx, tube fallopian, fallopian tube structures, salpinx uterina, salpinges uterine, 88 fallopian tubes",
+"intraperitoneal route, peritoneal infusion, intraperitoneal route of administration, intraperitoneal route of drug administration, intraperitonealroute, intraperitoneal infusion, ip, ip - intraperitoneal, intraperitoneal (intended site), intraperitoneal (qualifier value), intraperitoneal use, intraperitoneal route (qualifier value), intraperitoneal, i-periton",
+"common terminology criteria for adverse events grade 5, ctcae grade 5, fatal, standard toxicity grade 5, death related to adverse event, grade 5, aesdth, common terminology criteria for adverse events grade 5 (finding), 5, fatal (qualifier value), grade 5 death related to adverse event",
+"immunodeficiency syndromes primary, immunodeficiency syndrome primary, primary immune deficiency disorder (diagnosis), primary immunodeficiency disorder, primary immunodeficiency disease, primary immune deficiency disorder (disorder), primary immunodeficiency syndrome, immunodeficiency disorder primary, primary immune deficiency disorder nos, primary immune deficiency syndrome, primary immune deficiency disease, immunodeficiency primary, immunodeficiency diseases primary, primary immune deficiencies, primary immune deficiency disorders, primary immunodeficiency syndromes, primary immunodeficiency disorders, primary immune deficiency syndromes, primary immune deficiency disorder, immunodeficiency disease primary, deficiency primary immune, primary immunodeficiency, primary immunodeficiency diseases, immune deficiency primary, primary immune deficiency, immune deficiency disorder primary, immunodeficiencies primary, primary immune deficiency diseases",
+"lymphocytic cell, lymphocytic, marrow lymphocyte, lymphocyte, lymphocyte nos, lymph cell, lymphocytes, lymphocytic cell nos, blood lymphocytic cell, lymphocyte (cell), blood lymphocyte",
+"common variable hypogammaglobulinemias, immunodeficiency common variable, late onset immunoglob defic, common variable; immunodeficiency, acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia, cvid - comm variab immunodefic, primary acquired hypogammaglobulinemia, common variable immunodefic, cvid, primary dysgammaglobulinemia, common immunodeficiency variable, common variable immunodeficiency, acquired primary hypogammaglobulinemia, hypogammaglobulinemia common variable, cvag, common variable agammaglobulinaemia, secondary hypogammaglobulinemia, common variable agammaglobulinemia, hypogammaglobulinemia acquired, immunodefic common variable, acquired dysgammaglobulinemia, primary acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia, common variable immunodeficiency unspecified, common variable; agammaglobulinemia, common variable immunodeficiencies, immunodeficiencies common variable, late onset immunoglobulin deficiency, common variable hypogammaglobulinemia (diagnosis), hypogammaglobulinemias common variable, acquired; agammaglobulinemia, acquired agammaglobulinemia late onset, common variable hypogammaglobulinaemia, comm var hypogammaglobulinaem, cvid - common variable immunodeficiency, cvi-common variabl imunodefncy, variable hypogammaglobulinemia common, common variable immune deficiency, congenital non-sex-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, acquired hypogammaglobulinemias, acquired hypogammaglobulinaem, congenital dysgammaglobulinemia, hypogammaglobulinemias acquired, acquired agammaglobulinemia, variable hypogammaglobulinemias common, common variable immunodeficiency (disorder), common variable agammaglobulinemia (disorder), sporadic hypogammaglobulinemia, immunodeficiency; common variable, acquired hypogammaglobulinemia, common variable immune deficiency (cvid), common varied immunodeficiency, agammaglobulinemia; common variable, agammaglobulinemia; acquired, common variable hypogammaglobulinemia, immunodeficiency common variable, variable immunodeficiency syndrome, common variabl immunodef, cvi - common variable immunodeficiency",
+"undernutrition [ambiguous], malnourishment, deficiencies nutritional, dietary deficiency, nutritional defic, diet; deficiency, deficiency disorders nutritional, undernourished (finding), deficiency; diet, undernutrition, malnutrition, undernutrition syndrome nos, malnourished, deficiency, malnutrition (e40-e46), undernutrition nos, deficit nos, malnutrition nos, undernourished, deficiency nutritional, malnutrition nos (disorder), acquired deficiency, deficiencies disorders nutritional, underfed, malnutrition (diagnosis), disorder of nutrition, undernutrition syndrome, malnutrition syndrome, insufficiency; nourishment, deficiency state, malnourishments, undernutrition (disorder), poor nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, insufficiency; dietary, nutrition poor, nourishment; insufficiency, nutritional deficiency",
+"nutritional deficiencies (disorder), insufficiency - dietary, undernutrition [ambiguous], malnourishment, deficiencies nutritional, deficiency; nutritional, dietary deficiency, deficiency (attribute), nutritional defic, diet; deficiency, deficiency disorders nutritional, undernourished (finding), nutritional deficiency finding, nutritional deficiencies (diagnosis), deficiency; diet, deficient (qualifier value), nutrition deficiency nos, undernutrition, nutritional deficiency unspecified, malnutrition, undernutrition syndrome nos, deficiency;nutritional, deficients, nutritional deficiency nos, nutritional deficiency disorder (disorder), malnourished, deficiency, nutritional deficiency nos, malnutrition (e40-e46), nutritional deficiency disorder, undernutrition nos, deficit nos, nutritional; deficiency, malnutrition nos, 6-101-109 nutritional deficiencies, undernourished, deficiency nutritional, malnutrition nos (disorder), deficiency -nutritional, unspecified nutritional deficiency, acquired deficiency, deficiencies disorders nutritional, nutritional deficiency disorder nos, nutritional deficiency (disorder), underfed, malnutrition (diagnosis), disorder of nutrition, disease (or disorder); nutritional deficiency, deficiency of (attribute), deficit, undernutrition syndrome, malnutrition syndrome, nutritional deficiency nos (disorder), insufficiency; nourishment, deficiency state, nutritional deficiency (finding), malnourishments, nutritional deficiency state, undernutrition (disorder), poor nutrition, deficient, insufficiency; dietary, nutritional deficiencies, nutrition poor, nourishment; insufficiency, deficiency of, nutritional deficiency",
+"alemtuzumab (medication), alemtuzumab product, alemtuzumab-containing product, product containing alemtuzumab (medicinal product), product containing alemtuzumab, anti-cd52 monoclonal antibody, alemtuzumab (substance), alemtuzumab, alemtuzumab (hamster), monoclonal antibody cd52, alemtuzumab (obsolete), anti-cd52 antibody, ldp-03, moab cd52, alemtuzumab (product)",
+"phosphate (substance), phosphate product (substance), inorganic phosphate, product containing phosphate, phosphate ion, phosphate, po4 - phosphate, product containing phosphate (product), phosphate product (product), phosphate product",
+"thyroid gland tumor, neoplasm of thyroid, thyroid cancer, tumor of the thyroid gland, thryoid neoplasia, thyroid neoplasm nos, thyroid gland--tumors, tumour of thyroid gland, neoplasm of thyroid gland, thyroid tumours, neoplasm located in the thyroid gland, thyroid neoplasm location: thyroid gland, neoplasm of thyroid gland (diagnosis), neoplasm of the thyroid gland, neoplasms thyroid, gland neoplasms thyroid, neopl thyroid, thyroid neoplasms, gland thyroid tumours, thyroid neoplasm location: thyroid gland (diagnosis), thyroid neopl, gland thyroid tumors, thyroid tumour, tumor thyroid, neoplasm of thyroid gland (disorder), neoplasm thyroid, tumor of thyroid, thyroid neoplasm, tumor of the thyroid, neoplasm of the thyroid, thyroid neoplasia, thyroid gland neoplasm, thyroid tumors, thyroid tumor, tumor thyroid gland, neoplasms thyroid, neoplasia of the thyroid gland, tumor of thyroid gland, neoplasm thyroid",
+"gland thyroid, thyroid gland nos, b6 thyroid gland, head and neck thyroid, thyroid gland, thyroid structure (body structure), glandula thyroidea, thyroids, glands thyroid, thyroid glands, thyroid structure, thyroid, thyroid nos",
+"myofibromatosis (morphologic abnormality), [m] myofibromatosis (morphologic abnormality), myofibromatoses, infantile myofibromatosis, infantile hemangiopericytoma, multicentric myofibromatosis, juvenile fibromatosis, myofibromatosis (disorder), [m] myofibromatosis, myofibromatosis",
+"translocations, translocation genet, chromosome translocations, chromosomal translocation process, translocation (genetics), genetic translocations, chromosomal translocation (morphologic abnormality), chromosomal translocation nos, translocation chromosomal, chromosome; translocation, chromosomal translocations, translocations chromosomal, translocation, chromosome translocation, translocation (chromosome), t, translocations genetic, chromosomal translocation, translocation genetic, translocation; chromosomes, 614 chromosomal translocations, genetic translocation, chromosomes translocation",
+"thyroid cancers, thyroid neoplasms malignant, malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland, malignant neosplasm of the thyroid gland, thyroid cancer, malignant tumor of the thyroid, malignant neoplasm of the thyroid gland, malig tumor thyroid gland, thyroid gland cancer, malign neopl thyroid, malignant neoplasm of the thyroid, malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland (diagnosis), malignant tumour of thyroid gland, malignant tumor of thyroid, malig tumour thyroid gland, malignant tumour of thyroid gland (disorder), malignant thyroid gland neoplasm, malignant tumor of thyroid gland, malignant thyroid tumor, thyroid neoplasm malignant, neoplasm malig;thyroid gland, malignant tumor of thyroid gland (disorder), malignant neoplasm of thyroid, malignant thyroid neoplasm, cancer of the thyroid, malig neop thyroid gland, cancer of thyroid, malignant neoplasm thyroid, malignant thyroid gland tumor, thyroid ca, malignant tumor of the thyroid gland",
+"unspecified disorder of thyroid, disease of thyroid gland nos, diseases of the thyroid gland, section b-8 diseases of the thyroid gland, thyroid disorder, disease of thyroid gland, disease (or disorder); thyroid, thyroid; disorder, thyroid disorders, thyroid dis, thyroid diseases, thyroid abnormalities, thyroid disorder nos, disorder of thyroid gland nos, thyroid gland diseases, disorders of thyroid gland (e00-e07), thyroid gland disorders, thyroid disorder nos, disorder thyroid, thyroid gland disorder, thyroid disorder nos (disorder), hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism and other disorders, disease thyroid, diseases thyroid, thyroid disease, disorder of thyroid unspecified, disorder of thyroid gland (disorder), thyroid gland--diseases, abnormal thyroid, disease of thyroid gland (disorder), thyroid gland disease, thyroid disorder (diagnosis), diseases of thyroid gland, disorder of thyroid gland, disorder of thyroid nos, thyroid abnormal, b-80 hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism and other disorders, thyroid, disorders of thyroid gland, thyroid disease nos",
+"tumor site:anatomy:point in time:specimen:nominal, tumour site, site of neoplasm, tumor site nom (spec), site of neoplasm (attribute), tumor site:anat:pt:specimen:nom, tumor site, site tumor, site of tumor, site of tumour, site of tumor (attribute), tumor site (observable entity), site tumour",
+"tissue tumor, samples tissue tumor, tumour tissue, tissue tumours, tumor, tumour tissue sample, tissue tumors, tumor tissue sample, tumor sample, tissues tumor, tumor tissue, tumor tissue sample (specimen)",
+"non-small cell, small non cell, cell non-small, non-small cell (qualifier value), non small cell",
+"factor ix complex (human), factor ix complex (substance), pcc, christmas factor, coagulation factor ix complex human, prothrombin complex concentrate, plasma concentrate factor ix, ptc, factor ix complex agent, factor ix agent, factor ix complexhuman, factor ix complex preparation (substance), factor ix fraction, factor ix complex (obsolete), factor ix complex human, factor ix preparation, apcc, factor ix complex human, coagulation factor ix ii vii and x in combination, factor ix complex preparation, 4f-pcc, coagulation factor ix, factor ix, factor ix complex, factor ix complex agent (substance), prothrombin complex concentrate (human)",
+"tiss, textus, tissues, tissue, body tissues, normal, body tissue structure (body structure), body tissue nos, body tissue, normal tissue, body tissue structure, portion of tissue, tissue nos, tissues (body)",
+"hair specimen, hair sample, hair, hair samples, hair specimen (specimen)",
+"rehabilitation procedures and services, rehab.asistnce, rehabilitative, physical health services / rehabilitation, rehabilitation therapy nos, rehabilitation medical, rehabilitation nos, care rehabilitation, rehabilitations, rehabilitation assistance, rehabilitation therapy (procedure), rehabilitation and training modalities, treatment rehabilitation, rehabil, rehabilitation program, programs rehabilitation, rehabilitation, rehabilitation care, rehabilitation treatments, rehabilitation treatments and procedures, rehabilitation therapy, rehabilitation treatment, rehabilitation therapy (regime/therapy), rehab, therapy rehabilitation, rehabilitation (treatment)",
+"neuropathic pain (finding), neuropathic pain",
+"sanguis, peripheral blood, hematopoietic and lymphoid system disease, blood peripheral, peripheral blood nos, haema, blood and lymphatic disorders, blood - peripheral, peripheral whole blood, hematopoietic and lymphoid system disorder, whole blood specimen, blood, reticuloendothelial system blood, whole blood, c2 blood, hemic and lymphatic diseases, portion of blood, hemic lymphatic dis, blood and lymphatic system disorders, blood and lymphatic system disorders (diagnosis), blood nos, peripheral blood (substance), blood (substance), bld",
+"reticuloendothelial system blood, blood - peripheral, whole blood, peripheral blood, peripheral blood (substance), blood peripheral, peripheral blood nos, blood",
+"resonance, resonance lesion attribute, resonance (attribute)",
+"medical doctors, dr, medical doctor, medical doctor (occupation), physician, physicians, 061 medical doctors, physician (occupation), doctors, roleclassphysician, doctor",
+"genet recombination, recombinations genetic, genetic recombinations, genetic recombination, dna recombination process, recombinations, genetic recombination (finding), dna recombination (naturally occurring), recombination, recombination genet, recombination genetic, dna recombination",
+"healed wounds, structure resulting from tissue repair process, heals wounds, healing wound, repairing tissues, wound heal, wound healing nos, repair, repair tissue, tissue repair nos, healings wound, structure resulting from tissue repair process (morphologic abnormality), healing following injury nos, healing following injury, repair following injury, healing, healing wounds, observation of wound healing, heals, repair nos, tissue repair, wound healing, repairs, finding of wound healing (finding), wound repair, heal, repair following injury nos, wound healings, healings, repairing, wound healing (finding), finding of wound healing",
+"repair - action (qualifier value), surgical repair nos, surgical repair - action, repair, repairs, 1-080 surgical repairs, repair surgical, surgical repair (procedure), surgical repairs, repairing, repair - action, surgical repair - action (qualifier value), repair nos, surgical repair",
+"enzalutamide (medication), enzalutamide (substance), enzalutamida, benzamide 4-(3-(4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-55-dimethyl-4-oxo-2-thioxo-1-imidazolidinyl)-2-fluoro-n-methyl-, chemotherapeutics enzalutamide, enzalutamide-containing product, product containing enzalutamide, enzalutamide, product containing enzalutamide (medicinal product), enzalutamide product, enzalutamide (product)",
+"androgen (substance), androgen level (procedure), therapeutic androgen, agents androgenic, androgenic compounds, receptor agonist androgen, androgen product, androgen-containing product, androgens (medication), androgenic steroid (substance), androgen measurement, androgens, agonist androgen receptor, androgen receptor agonist, androgen, androgen receptor agonist product, androgenic agents, compounds androgenic, product containing androgen receptor agonist, product containing androgen receptor agonist (product), product containing androgen, androgenic preparation (product), androgenic steroid, substance with androgen receptor agonist mechanism of action, androgens nos, androgenic preparation, androgenic preparations, product containing androgen (product), a05 androgenic preparations, androgen level, receptor agonists androgen, substance with androgen receptor agonist mechanism of action (substance), androgens measurement, androgen receptor agonist-containing product, androgen receptor agonists, androgenic drug nos, androgenic preparation (substance), androgen nos, androgenic drug, androgen preparation nos, agonists androgen receptor, androgen level test, androgen preparation",
+"relapsed carcinoma, relapsed cancer, cancer recurrent, recurrent cancer, recurrent carcinoma",
+"carcinoma of prostate gland (diagnosis), carcinoma of the prostate, carcinoma;prostate, cancer of prostate, prostate carcinoma, ca - carcinoma of prostate, prostate carcinoma, carcinoma of prostate (disorder), carcinoma prostatic, carcinoma prostate, prostatic carcinoma, prostate cancer nos, cancer of the prostate, carcinoma of prostate, prostate cancer, carcinoma prostatic, prostatic cancer carcinoma, carcinoma of prostate gland",
+"product containing apalutamide (medicinal product), 4-(7-(6-cyano-5-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-3-yl)-8-oxo-6-thioxo-57-diazaspiro(3.4)octan-5-yl)-2-fluoro-n-methylbenzamide, apalutamide, apalutamide product, apalutamide (substance), 4-[7-(6-cyano-5-trifluoromethylpyridin-3-yl)-8-oxo-6-thioxo-57-diazaspiro[3.4]oct-5-yl]-2-fluoro-n-methylbenzamide, product containing apalutamide, anti-androgens apalutamide, apalutamide-containing product, apalutamide (medication)",
+"dyskeratosis congenita (dc dkc), cole syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita (disorder), dyskeratosis congenital, zinsser-engman-cole syndrome, cole-engmann-zinsser syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita syndrome, zinsser-cole-engmann syndrome, congenita dyskeratosis, congenital dyskeratosis, cole-rauschkolb-toomey syndrome, dkc, engman syndrome, congenital; dyskeratosis, zinsser syndrome, dkc - dyskeratosis congenita, dyskeratosis congenita, zinsser-cole-engman syndrome, dyskeratosis; congenital",
+"globulin nos, globulin, globulins, globulin (substance), serum globulin",
+"obesity treatment, obesity care, obesity care (regime/therapy)",
+"life pattern nos, lifestyle (history), life style nos, life style (life style), lifestyle, life pattern, lifestyles, life styles, life style (social concept), section 3 life style, lifestyle (finding), life style",
+"tolerance drug, drug tolerance nos, tolerance, drug tolerance (observable entity), tolerances drug, tendency of drug tolerance, drug tolerances, drug tolerance (disorder), drug tolerance, tolerance (drug), drugs tolerance",
+"tolerance (function), tolerance function (observable entity), tolerance, tolerances, tolerance function, tolerance nos, physiologic tolerance",
+"scintigraphies, radionuclide studies, radionuclide study, radionuclide lymphangiogram, radioisotope study (procedure), isotope studies, scintigraphy nos, radioisotope study, radioisotope scan, scanning radioisotope, gamma camera imaging, isotope scanning, radioisotope studies, imaging gamma camera, isotope scan, radionuclide imaging/scanning, ri scan, radioisotope scanning, scan, nuclear medicine scan, radionuclide scans, radionuclide scan, nuclear medicine imaging procedure, isotope study, nm - nuclear medicine, scintigr, nuclear medicine, radionuclide scanning nos, scanning or imaging radionuclide, radionuclide scanning and imaging, radioisotope scan (procedure), nuclear medicine imaging procedure (procedure), scanning, imaging radionuclide, scintigraphy, isotope scans, radioisotope scan nos, radioisotope scans, cystographic isotope studies, radionuclide scanning, nuclear scans, radionuclide imaging, thyroid imaging, radionuclide scanning (procedure), nuclear medicine imaging, liver imaging, radioimaging",
+"tolerance test oral (procedure), oral tolerance test, tolerance test oral",
+"genome, genomes, genomic, genome - anatomical entity, genome (substance), genome nos",
+"ewings sarcoma-primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pnet), peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (diagnosis), neuroectodermal tumor peripheral, sarcoma ewings, peripheral primitive neuroectodermal neopl, neuroepitheliomas peripheral, neuroectodermal tumors peripheral, peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor, ewing tumor of bone, neuroepithelioma peripheral, peripheral neuroepitheliomas, peripheral primitive neuroectodermal neoplasm, primitive peripheral neuroectodermal tumor, ewing sarcoma / peripheral neuroectodermal tumor, (ppnet) peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors, extracranial primitive neuroectodermal tumor, peripheral neuroectodermal tum, ewing sarcoma / peripheral neuroectodermal tumour, peripheral neuroectodermal tumour, peripheral pnet, ewing sarcoma / peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (morphologic abnormality), peripheral neuroepithelioma, ewing sarcoma / pnet, malignant neoplasm primary peripheral neuroectodermal tumor, ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pnet), neuroectodermal tumors primitive peripheral, peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumors, peripheral neuroectodermal tumors, neuroectodermal neoplasm peripheral primitive, peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (morphologic abnormality), pnet, peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour, ewings sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pnet), neuroectodermal tumor peripheral primitive, ppnet, primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pnet), peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (disorder), peripheral neuroectodermal tumor, peripheral neuroectodermal neoplasm, ewings family of tumors, primitive neuroectodermal tumor extracranial, peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (pnet), ewing sarcoma/peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pnet), tumors peripheral neuroectodermal, primitive neuroectodermal tumor peripheral, tumor peripheral neuroectodermal, ewing sarcoma/pnet, neuroectodermal neopl peripheral primitive",
+"embryonal; hepatoma, childhood hepatoblastoma, hepatoblastoma (disorder), hepatoblastomas, hepatoma; embryonal, hepatoblastoma of liver, hepatoblastoma, hepatoblastoma (clinical), hbl - hepatoblastoma, hbl, pediatric embryonal hepatoma, hepatoblastoma nos, embryonal hepatoma, hepatoblastoma malignant, hepatoblastoma (morphologic abnormality), pediatric hepatoblastoma, hepatoblastoma childhood, hepatoblastoma of liver (diagnosis)",
+"carcinoma kidney, renal cell carcinoma nos, carcinoma; renal cell, renal cell carcinomas, kidney adenocarcinoma of, adenocarcinoma of kidneys, renal cell carcinoma (disorder), cancer cells renal, carcinoma cells renal, adenocarcinoma of kidney (diagnosis), renal cancer adenocarcinoma, carcinoma renal cell malignant, adenocarcinoma of kidney, adenocarcinoma; renal cell, cell renal cancer, nephroid carcinomas, kidney adenocarcinoma, renal cell; carcinoma, renal cell adenocarcinomas, renal cell cancer, renal cell carcinoma - morphology, renal carcinoma, carcinoma nephroid, renal cell carcinoma stage unspecified, nci ctep sdc renal cell carcinoma sub-category terminology, renal cell adenocarcinoma, nephroid carcinoma, cancer starting in small tubes in kidneys, grawitz tumour, renal cell carcinoma (morphologic abnormality), nci ctep simple disease classification renal cell carcinoma sub-category terminology, adenocarcinoma renal, carcinoma renal, renal cell carcinoma (diagnosis), renal cell carcinoma stage unspecified, hypernephroid carcinomas, of kidney carcinoma, hypernephroma, carcinomas renal cell, cancer cell renal, kidney carcinoma, carcinoma renal, carcinomas renal, grawitz tumor, adenocarcinoma kidneys, renal cell carcinoma-morpholog, rccs, adenocarcinoma renal cell, renal cell; adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma renal, carcinoma;kidney, carcinoma cell renal, renal cell carcinoma unclassified, rcc, adenocarcinoma of the kidney, carcinoma renal cell, renal adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinomas renal cell, renal adenocarcinomas, cancer renal cell, renal carcinomas, carcinoma of kidney, renal cell cancers, adenocarcinoma cells renal, adenocarcinoma of kidney (disorder), renal cell carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma nos",
+"g2 stage, g2 stage (tumor staging), g2, moderately differentiated (g2), grade 2, grade ii, g2 grade, tumour grade g2, g2: moderately differentiated, g2 grade (finding), tumor grade g2",
+"carcinoma kidney, renal cell carcinoma nos, carcinoma; renal cell, renal cell carcinomas, kidney adenocarcinoma of, adenocarcinoma of kidneys, renal cell carcinoma (disorder), kidney (including renal cell) cancer, cancer cells renal, carcinoma cells renal, adenocarcinoma of kidney (diagnosis), renal cancer adenocarcinoma, kidney cancer, carcinoma renal cell malignant, adenocarcinoma of kidney, adenocarcinoma; renal cell, cell renal cancer, nephroid carcinomas, kidney adenocarcinoma, renal cell; carcinoma, renal cell adenocarcinomas, renal cell cancer, renal cell carcinoma - morphology, renal carcinoma, carcinoma nephroid, renal cell carcinoma stage unspecified, renal cell adenocarcinoma, nephroid carcinoma, cancer starting in small tubes in kidneys, grawitz tumour, renal cell carcinoma (morphologic abnormality), adenocarcinoma renal, carcinoma renal, renal cell carcinoma (diagnosis), renal cell carcinoma stage unspecified, hypernephroid carcinomas, of kidney carcinoma, hypernephroma, carcinomas renal cell, cancer cell renal, kidney carcinoma, carcinoma renal, carcinomas renal, grawitz tumor, adenocarcinoma kidneys, renal cell carcinoma-morpholog, rccs, renal cancer, adenocarcinoma renal cell, renal cell; adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma renal, kidney cancer nos, carcinoma;kidney, carcinoma of kidney (diagnosis), carcinoma cell renal, renal cell carcinoma unclassified, rcc, adenocarcinoma of the kidney, carcinoma renal cell, renal adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinomas renal cell, renal adenocarcinomas, cancer renal cell, renal carcinomas, carcinoma of kidney, renal cell cancers, adenocarcinoma cells renal, adenocarcinoma of kidney (disorder), renal cell carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma nos",
+"soft tissue; sarcoma, sarcoma soft tissue, soft tissue sarcomas, sarcoma of soft tissue, sarcomas soft tissue, non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft-tissue sarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma, sarcoma of soft tissue (diagnosis), non-rhabdo. soft tissue sarcoma, sarcoma of the soft tissue, connective tissue sarcoma, sarcoma of soft tissue (disorder), non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcoma nos, malignant soft tissue tumors, sarcoma; soft tissue, sarcoma soft tissue",
+"[m]tumour cells uncertain whether benign or malignant, tumour cells?benign/?malig, unspecified tumour cell nos, unspecified tumor cell nos, tumor cells uncertain whether benign or malignant, tumour cells, [m]tumour cells?benign/?malig, [m]tumor cells uncertain whether benign or malignant (cell), tumour cells nos, [m]unspecified tumor cell nos, [m]unspecified tumour cell nos, tumor cell, tumor cells?benign/?malig, [m]unspecified tumor cell nos (cell), [m]tumor cells?benign/?malig, tumor cells nos, [m]tumor cells uncertain whether benign or malignant, [m]unspecified tumor cell nos (morphologic abnormality), neoplastic cell, tumor cell (cell), tumor cells uncertain whether benign or malignant (morphologic abnormality), tumour cell, tumor cells, tumour cells uncertain whether benign or malignant, tumor cells (morphologic abnormality), [m]tumor cells uncertain whether benign or malignant (morphologic abnormality)",
+"deliver (product), deliver [veterinary product], deliver, deliver (veterinary product), deliver (substance)",
+"atrophy muscular sma spinal, sma, spinal muscle wasting, muscular atrophy spinal, spinal muscular atrophy nos, atrophy spinal muscular, amyotrophies spinal, spinal muscular atrophy (diagnosis), spinal muscle atrophy, spinal muscl atrophy nos, atrophy muscular spinal, inherited spinal muscular atrophy, spinal muscular atrophy nos (disorder), spinal muscular atrophy unspec, spinal muscle degeneration, spinal muscular atrophy (disorder), muscular atrophy inherited spinal, spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified spinal muscular atrophy (disorder), muscular atrophy spinal, spinal amyotrophy, amyotrophy spinal, inherited spinal muscular atrophy (diagnosis), atrophies muscular spinal, spine muscle atrophy, spinal muscular atrophy nos, spinal amyotrophies, atrophy spinal muscular, muscle spinal atrophy, sma - spinal muscular atrophy, muscular spinal atrophy, spinal muscular atrophy unspecified",
+"acute recurrent pancreatitis (diagnosis), acute (recurrent) pancreatitis, recurrent acute pancreatitis, acute recurrent pancreatitis (disorder), acute recurrent pancreatitis, pancreatitis acute recurrent, acute pancreatitis recurrent, recurrent acute pancreatitis (disorder)",
+"diag bile/panc duc ret end nos, endoscopic catheterization of pancreatic duct and bile duct systems (procedure), cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde, diagnostic endosc retrograde exam bile+pancreatic ducts nos, diagnostic endoscopic retrograde examination of bile duct and pancreatic duct, endoscopic catheterization of pancreatic duct and bile duct systems, ercp-end retro chol-pancreatog, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography [ercp], endosc retro cholangiopa, endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, retrograde cholangiopancreatography endoscopic, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography -retired-, end retrograde cholo-pancreat, retrograde cholangiopancreatogr endoscopic, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (procedure), ercp - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, diagnostic endoscopic retrograde examination of bile duct and pancreatic duct nos, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographies, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (procedure) [ambiguous], endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogr, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ercp), cholangiopancreatogr endoscopic retrograde, ercp, cholangiopancreatographies endoscopic retrograde, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (treatment), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, diagnostic endoscopic retrograde examination of bile duct and pancreatic duct (procedure), ercp nos, diagnostic endoscopic retrograde examination of bile duct and pancreatic duct nos (procedure), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography nos, endoscopic catheterisation of pancreatic duct and bile duct systems, endoscopic retrograde choledochopancreatography, erp, ercp (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), retrograde cholangiopancreatographies endoscopic, diag bile/panc duct retr endos, diagnostic endoscopic retrograde exam bile+pancreatic ducts",
+"retrograde direction, backward, retrograde, retrograde direction (qualifier value)",
+"umbilical cord nos, umbilical cord structure (body structure), cords umbilical, cord umbilical, umbilical cord, umbilical cords, umbilical cord structure, f18 umbilical cord",
+"unrelated (finding), unrelated",
+"acute leukemias, acute leukemia of unspecified cell type, acute leukemia morphology including blast cell or undifferentiated leukemia, leukemia; acute, leukaemia of unspecified cell type acute, leukemia acute, acute leukemia nos (disorder), acute leukaemia morphology including blast cell or undifferentiated leukaemia, acute leukemia nos, acute leukaemia, acute leukemia disease, acute leukemia disease (disorder), acute leukemia not otherwise specified, acute leukaemia of unspecified cell type, [m]acute leukaemia nos, acute leukaemias, acute; leukemia, acute leukaemia nos, leukemia of unspecified cell type acute, acute leukaemia nos (disorder), leukemia acute, acute leukaemia disease, acute leukemia nos, acute leukaemia nos, acute leukemia morphology including blast cell or undifferentiated leukemia (morphologic abnormality), [m]acute leukemia nos, stem cell acute leukemia, leukaemia acute, acute leukemia (diagnosis), acute leukemia",
+"cell myeloma, cells myeloma, myeloma cell, myeloma cell nos, myeloma cell (body structure), myeloma cell (cell)",
+"intersex (diagnosis), undifferentiated, disorders of sex development, sexual differ dis, disorder of sexual differentiation (disorder), disorders sex differentiation, sexual differentiation disorders, differentiation disorder sex, dsd, sex differentiation disorders, disorder sex differentiation, differentiation disorders sex, differentiation disorder sexual, hermaphroditism (diagnosis), hermaphrodism, herms, sex differ dis, hermaphroditism syndrome, differentiation disorders sexual, intersex, hermaphroditism, card, hermaphrodite, differences of sex development, sex differentiation disorder, herm, disorder of sexual differentiation, hermaphroditism (disorder) [ambiguous], intersexuality, sexual differentiation disorder, intersex conditions, disorder of sexual differentiation nos, conditions affecting reproductive development, intersex (finding), intersexed, disorder sexual differentiation, hermaphroditism (disorder), disorders sexual differentiation",
+"lymphosarcoma cell leukemia, lymphosarcoma cell leukaemias, 985 lymphosarcoma cell leukemia, [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia nos, leukemia; lymphosarcoma cell, lymphosarcoma cell leukmias, lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia, [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukemia (morphologic abnormality), lymphosarcoma cell leukemias, lymphosarc cell leukaemia, [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukemia nos (morphologic abnormality), lymphosarcoma; cell leukemia, [m]lymphosarc cell leukaemia, lymphosarcoma cell; leukemia, [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukemia nos, [m]lymphosarc.cell leukaem.nos, [m]lymphosarc cell leukemia, lymphosarcoma cell leukemia (morphologic abnormality), [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukemia, [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia, [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukaemias, cell leukemia; lymphosarcoma, lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia nos, [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukmias, [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia (disorder), [m]lymphosarcoma cell leukemias, lymphosarc.cell leukaem.nos, lymphosarcoma cell leukemia nos, lymphosarc cell leukemia, lymphosarcoma cell leukemia (disorder), lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia -retired-, lymphosarcoma cell leukemia -retired-",
+"fludarabine (product), 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl-2-fluoroadenine, 2-fluoro-9-beta-arabinofuranosyladenine, fludarabine (substance), product containing fludarabine, f-ara-a, 9h-purin-6-amine 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl-2-fluoro-, 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl-2-fluoro-9h-purin-6-amine, fludarabine product, fludarabinum, 2-fluorovidarabine, 2-f-araa, product containing fludarabine (medicinal product), 2-fluoroadenine arabinoside, fludarabine, f ara a, 2-fluoro ara-a, fludarabina, fludarabine-containing product",
+"cytomegaloviral infection, cmv - cytomegalovirus infection, salivary gland virus disease, cytomegaloviral infections, hcmv infection, cytomegalovirus disease (diagnosis), salivary gland virus dis, cytomegalovirus disease, diseases cytomegalic inclusion, salivary gland; inclusion disease, cmv infection, cytomegalic inclusion disease, inclusion disease, cmv cytomegalovirus infection, cytomagalovirus infection, disease (or disorder); inclusion disease salivary gland, cytomegalovirus (cmv), [x]cytomegaloviral disunspec, disease (or disorder); inclusion disease (cytomegaloviral), cytomegalovirus infections, inclusion diseases cytomegalic, cytomegalovirus, inclusion disease cytomegalic, cytomegalovirus infection, [x]cytomegaloviral disease unspecified (disorder), disease cytomegalic inclusion, infect cytomegalovirus, cytomegalovirus infect, cmv, cytomegalic inclusion dis, inclusion diseases, cytomegalic inclusion diseases, cytomegalus virus infection, infections cytomegalovirus, cytomegaloviral disease unspecified, cytomegalovirus infection (disorder), cmv infections, cytomegalovirus infection nos, cytomegaloviral disunspec, cytomegaloviral disease, infection cytomegalovirus, [x]cytomegaloviral disease unspecified, cmv - cytomegalovirus infec, inclusion dis, disease due to cytomegalovirus, inclusion disease; salivary gland",
+"vertebral column: manipulations, manipulation of spine requiring anesthesia any region, manipulation of spine nos, manipulation of back nos, manipulation of the vertebrae - non-surgical (procedure), manipulation of spine nos, manipulation of the vertebrae - non-surgical, manipulation spinal, manipulation of vertebral column nos, manipulation of spine requiring anaesthesia any region, manipulation spine, manipulation of spine (procedure), manipulation of the vertebrae, manipulation of back, manip of vertebrae - non-surg, manipulation of spine (regime/therapy), manipulation spine requiring anesthesia, manipulation of spine nos (regime/therapy), retired procedure (procedure) [38066008], manipulations spinal, spine manipulation, manipulation spinal, manipulation of spine nos (procedure), manipulation of vertebral column, manipulation of spine, 1-13e vertebral column: manipulations, retired procedure [38066008], spinal manipulation",
+"prevent (product), prevent (substance), prevent [brand name], prevent",
+"acute-on-chronic, chronic acute, acute chronic, acute-on-chronic (qualifier value), acute on chronic",
+"regiones dorsalis, structure of back of trunk and/or neck, back of body proper, back structure including back of neck (body structure), back structure including back of neck, back structure, structure of back of trunk and/or neck (body structure), back, dorsum, posterior part of body proper, back (of neck and trunk)",
+"acute back low pain, acute low back pain, acute low back pain (disorder), acute lower back pain (symptom), pain;back low;acute, acute low back pain (finding), lower back pain acute, acute back pain - lumbar, acute lower back pain",
+"medical service (procedure), chapter 2 medical procedures and services, service medical, medical service, medical procedures and services, medical referral type, medical school type, medical (qualifier value), medical",
+"subacute, subacute course, subacute (qualifier value)",
+"acute pain (finding), pains acute, rndx acute pain, acute pain (diagnosis), pain; acute, acute onset pain (finding), pain acute, [d]acute pain (situation), acute pain nos, acute pain, rndx acute pain (diagnosis), acute onset pain, [d]acute pain, acute; pain, [d]acute pain (context-dependent category), acute pains, pain acute",
+"supportive care (procedure), supportive care/therapy, support, supportive therapy, supportive care modality, supportive care (treatment), supportive care, supportive care (regime/therapy), support therapy, therapy supportive, support (regime/therapy)(procedure), support therapy (treatment), support (regime/therapy)",
+"stage 2 lower case a, stage 2a, stage iia, stage 2a (qualifier value)",
+"moderate-to-severe, severe moderate, moderate to severe (qualifier value), moderate to severe",
+"gastrointestinal tract liver, liver disorder nos (disorder), liver dis, dietary supplements liver preparations, liver preparation (substance), benign liver tumour, liver disease unspecified, procedure liver, [x]diseases of the liver, liver disease nos, benign tumor liver, extracts liver, body system hepatic, liver diseases of, benign tumour of liver, ld - liver disease, unspecified disorder of liver, hepatic disorders, benign hepatic neoplasm, benign tumor of liver, liver preparations, procedure on liver, disorder liver, hepatic pathology, disease;liver, livers, liver structure (body structure), hepatic disorder (nos), benign liver neoplasm, liver brand, disorder hepatic, benign liver neoplasms, disease liver, liver extract (medication), procedures on liver, liver procedure, liver extract product, hepatic disease, liver [brand name], benign liver tumors, disorder of liver, diseases of the liver, hepatic disorders (diagnosis), liver extract, product containing liver extract (medicinal product), 5-80-81 diseases of the liver, disease of liver [ambiguous], digestive system procedure of liver, procedure on liver (procedure), hepatic neoplasm benign, hepatic: hepatocellular, disorder of liver (disorder), 62 liver, liver, entire liver, hepatic diseases, liver disorder nos, benign neoplasm of liver (disorder), liver preparation, liver; disease, liver nos, liver neoplasm benign, hepar, diseases of liver, hepatopathy, disease of liver, fector hepaticus, [x]diseases of the liver (disorder), benign neoplasms of liver, liver brand of vitamin b 12, liver--diseases, liver diseases, structure of liver, disease of liver (disorder), benign livers tumors, hepatic disease nos, liver disorder, liver - benign neopl., entire liver (body structure), product containing liver extract, disease hepatocellular, benign neoplasm of liver nos, disorder; liver, benign neoplasm of liver, hepatic disorder nos, liver benign tumor, hepatic disease (nos), liver extract preparation, liver extract-containing product, benign liver tumor, dietary supplements liver extract, benign hepatic neoplasm nos, diseases liver, procedure of liver, liver structure, liver preparations (medication), liver extract (substance), benign liver tumours, disease of liver nos, procedure of liver (treatment), liver preparation (product), liver procedures, benign neoplasm of liver (diagnosis), hepatic disorder, hepatic organ system, diseases of liver (k70-k77), hepatocellular disease, organ system hepatic, liver disease nos, liver disease, hepatic body system, liver extracts, liver and intrahepatic bile duct disorder, liver disorders",
+"myocardial dysfunction right cardiac ventricle, dysfunction of right cardiac ventricle, dysfunction of right cardiac ventricle (disorder), right cardiac ventricle dysfunction, right cardiac ventricle dysfunction (diagnosis), right ventricular cardiac dysfunction",
+"cardiac sarcoidosis (disorder), heart sarcoid disease, cardiac sarcoidosis, sarcoidosis cordis",
+"osteopetrosis - precocious type (disorder), autosomal recessive lethal osteopetrosis, severe osteopetrosis, infantile malignant osteopetrosis, autosomal recessive malignant osteopetrosis, osteopetrosis - precocious type, osteopetrosis- precocious type, infantile malignant osteopetrosis (disorder) [ambiguous], infantile malignant osteopetrosis (disorder)",
+"14-dimethanesulfonoxybutane, 14-butanediol dimethylsulfonate, bus, 14-bitanediol dimethanesulfonate esters, busulfan, busulfan-containing product, 14-butanediol dimethanesulfonate, busulphan, product containing busulfan, bussulfam, busulfanum, busulfan (product), bu, 14-butanediol dimethanesulfonate, 14-di(methanesulfonyloxy)butane, busulfano, tetramethylene bis(methanesulfonate), product containing busulfan (medicinal product), busulfan product, sulfabutin, methanesulfonic acid tetramethylene ester, 14-dimesyloxybutane, 14-di(methylsulfonyloxy)butane, busulfan (substance), 14-bis(methanesulfonoxy)butane, tetramethylene bis[methanesulfonate], 1 4-bis[methanesulfonoxy]butane, busulfan (medication), myeleukon, methanesulfonic acid tetramethylene ester, bsf",
+"inherited, hereditary (qualifier value), heritable, inherit, inheriting, hereditary",
+"disease albers-schonberg, osteopetrosis [dup] (disorder), albers-schoenberg disease, harder denser fracture-prone bones, albers-schonberg disease, bone; thickening, congenital osteopetrosis, thickening; bone, osteopetrosis generalisata, albers schoenberg disease, albers schönberg disease, bone thickened, osteopetrosis (disorder), osteopetrosis, marble bone, albers-schönberg syndrome, osteosclerosis fragilis generalisata, osteopetrosis [ambiguous], marble bones, albers-schoenberg syndrome, disease albers-schoenberg, osteosclerosis fragilis generalisatas, albers schoenberg dis, albers-scho?nberg syndrome, albers-schonberg syndrome, osteopetrosis - congenita type, albers schonberg disease, osteopetrosis (diagnosis), osteopetrosis nos, ivory bones, albers-schönberg, bones; marble, albers-schönberg disease, thicken bone, osteosclerosis fragilis, marble; bones, albers-sch?nberg disease, albers-schoonberg syndrome, disease albers-schönberg, osteosclerosis generalized congenital, disease marble bone, bones disease marble, bone thickening, bones thickening, marble bone dis, osteopetroses, marble bone disease, albers-scho@nberg syndrome, albers-schoönberg syndrome",
+"mannosidosis nos, diseases mannosidase deficiency, mannosidosis, deficiency diseases mannosidase, mannosidase deficiency disease, mannosidosis (disorder), mannosidase deficiency, mannosidase defic syndromes, mannosidosis (diagnosis), mannosidoses, mannosidase deficiency syndromes, mannosidase deficiency syndrome, deficiency syndromes mannosidase, mannosidase defic dis, mannosidase deficiency diseases, deficiency disease mannosidase, deficiency syndrome mannosidase",
+"hdl lipoproteins, hdls, hdl, alpha lipoprotein, hdl - high density lipoprotein, heavy lipoproteins, high densitiy lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein (hdl), lipoprotein high-density, high density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, lipoprotein.alpha, high-density lipoproteins, high density lipoprotein (substance), lipoproteins hdl, alpha lipoproteins, high density lipoproteins (hdl), alpha-lipoproteins, hdl: the good cholesterol, lipoproteins heavy, lipoprotein high density, alpha-lipoprotein, high density lipoproteins, lipoproteins high-density, density lipoprotein high",
+"congenital anomaly of frontal bone trigonocephaly c syndrome, trigonocephaly c syndrome (disorder), opitz trigonocephaly syndrome, syndrome c, trigonocephaly c syndrome (diagnosis), c syndrome, trigonocephaly syndrome, trigonocephaly c syndrome",
+"brain syndromes, encephalopathy unspecified, encephalopathy not elsewhere classified, unspecified brain disease, unspecified encephalopathy (disorder), encephalopathy unspecified, encephalopathies, encephalopathy (diagnosis), unspecified encephalopathy, brain syndrome, encephalopathy nos, encephalopathy, encephalopathy nos",
+"cerebral disorder nos, cerebral disorder, cerebral disease or syndrome, cerebral abnormality nos, cerebral disorder (finding), cerebral diseases and syndromes",
+"deficiency of oxidase, oxidase deficiency, deficiency of oxidase (disorder)",
+"involvement with, involvement (attribute), involving, affected, involved (modifier) (qualifier value), involved (modifier) [ambiguous], affecting, involvement, involved (qualifier value), involved",
+"allergic reaction caused by substance, allergy disorder, hypersensitivity (qualifier value), immune hypersensitivity disorder (disorder), allergic state (disorder), allergic disorder, emotional hypersensitivity (finding), allergic/hypersensitivity, allergic reaction (nos), allergic; reaction, reaction hypersensitivity (nos), hypersensitivity (finding), immune hypersensitivity disorder, atopic and/or hypersensitivity state, allergic reactions, reaction allergic (nos), hypersensitivity, hypersensitivity reaction, hypersensitivity/allergic reaction, disorder due to allergic reaction (disorder), hypersensitive, allergy unspecified, allergic disorders, allergic disorder (disorder), (allergy unspecified) or (hypersensitivity nos), sensitivity, allergic reaction nos (disorder), hypersensitive mood, allergy, hypersensitivity nos, emotional hypersensitivity (symptom), allergic reaction nos, hypersensitivity symptom, allergic state nos, immune hypersensitivity reaction (disorder), allergic reaction caused by substance (disorder), overly sensitive, hypersensitivity reactions, allergic reaction nos, hypersensitivities, allergic reaction (disorder), allergy disorders, hypersensitivity reaction (nos), reaction; hypersensitivity, highly sensitive, emotional hypersensitivity, sensitive, allergy nos, hysn, hypersensitivity reaction nos, allergy (disorder), allergic reaction to substance (disorder), disorder due to allergic reaction, allergic reaction, allergic reaction to substance, allergy unspecified (disorder), allergy nos, (allergy unspecified) or (hypersensitivity nos) (disorder), hypersensitivity symptoms, allergic state, hypersensitivity reaction (disorder), allergy/allergic reaction nos, reaction; allergic, hypersensitivity; reaction, allergy/allergic react nos, allergies, disorder due to immune hypersensitivity reaction",
+"sensitivity (finding), emotional sensitivity, personality sensitivity, sensitivity (personality), sensitivity",
+"pressure, pressure (property) (qualifier value), pressure (property)",
+"reflecting, reflected, reflects, reflecting (finding), reflect",
+"vegetable, vegetables, dietary vegetable, vegetable (substance)",
+"habit, behaviour pattern nos, habits, habit nos, habits (observable entity), behavior patterns, behavior pattern, habit (finding), behaviour pattern, behavior pattern nos, behaviorial habits",
+"cultivated apple fruit juice, apple juice (substance), apple fruit juice, apple juice",
+"classical hodgkin lymphoma nos, classic hodgkin lymphoma, classical hodgkin lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), classical hodgkin lymphoma (disorder), classical hodgkins lymphoma, classical hodgkin lymphoma, chl",
+"lymphoma hodgkins, hodgkins paragranuloma -retired-, hodgkins diseases, lymphogranulomatosis malignant, hodgkin disease granuloma (diagnosis), hodgkin lymphoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, hodgkins disease unspecified type, hodgkins disease nos (disorder), hd - hodgkins disease, hodgkin granuloma [obs] (morphologic abnormality), hodgkins granuloma-unsp. site, hodgkins disease, hodgkins disease nos, paragranuloma; hodgkin, hodgkin lymphoma nos, hodgkin lymphoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), hodgkins paragranuloma of unspecified site, hodgkins paragranuloma (clinical), malignant lymphoma hodgkins, hodgins, hodgkin granuloma [obs], hodgkin`s disease, hodgkin disease nos, lymphomas hodgkins disease, hodgkin disease (diagnosis), hodgkin lymphoma unspecified, disease hodgkins, [m]hodgkins disease nos (disorder), hodgkins disease nos unspecified site (disorder), lymphoma;hodgkins, hodgkin disease paragranuloma (diagnosis), hodgkins disease, hodgkins dis, hodgkin granuloma, hodgkins paragranuloma nos, hodgkins paragranuloma of unspecified site (disorder), granuloma hodgkins, malignant lymphoma hodgkin, hodgkin; granuloma, hodgkins lymphoma, lymphoma hodgkin classic, lymphoma; hodgkin, [m]hodgkins disease nos (morphologic abnormality), malignant; granuloma, malignant lymphogranuloma, [m]hodgkins disease nos (& [lymphogranuloma malignant]), hodgkins granuloma (clinical), lymphoma hodgkin, hodgkins paragranuloma nodular, hodgkin granuloma (morphologic abnormality), hodgkin disease paragranuloma, lymphogranuloma malignant, hodgkins paragranuloma nos, [m]hodgkins disease nos (& [lymphogranuloma malignant]) (disorder), disease hodgkins, hodgkin disease granuloma, hodgkins granuloma of unspecified site, hodgkin paragranuloma [obs], hodgkins lymphomas, malignant granuloma, hodgkins granuloma nos (disorder), hodgkin paragranuloma nos, malignant hodgkins lymphoma, [m]lymphogranuloma malignant, lymphogranulomatosis, hodgkins disease nos, [m]lymphogranuloma malignant (morphologic abnormality), hodgkin lymphoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), hodgkins paragranuloma nos (disorder), hodgkins paragranuloma (disorder), hd, granuloma hodgkin, lymphoma hodgkin, granuloma malignant, [m]hodgkins disease, hodgkin dis, hodgkins disease (clinical), malignant granulomas, lymphogranulomatosis (malignant), hodgkins disease nos unspecified site, hodgkins lymphoma disease, lymphogranulomas malignant, hodgkin disease, hodgkins disease systemic, granuloma hodgkins, hodgkins granuloma, [m]hodgkins disease nos, malignant lymphoma hodgkins type, hodgkins disease/lymphoma, hodgkins paragran-unspec site, hodgkins granuloma, hodgkins granuloma of unspecified site (disorder), hodgkin lymphomas, hodgkins lymphomas, hodgkin; lymphoma, hodgkins disease unspecified, 965-966 hodgkins disease, hodgkins paragranuloma, granuloma; hodgkin, hl, hodgkin, hodgkins paragranuloma (morphologic abnormality), hodgkin lymphoma, hodgkins granuloma (disorder), hodgkin lymphoma no icd-o subtype, hodgkin paragranuloma nodular [obs], disease; hodgkin, granuloma; malignant, hodgkins disease (disorder), lymphoma hodgkins, [m]hodgkins granuloma, hodgkins lymphoma nos, hodgkins lymphoma, malignant lymphogranulomatosis, disease;hodgkins, hodgkin; paragranuloma, malignant lymphogranulomas, hodgkin disease (hd), [m]hodgkins paragranuloma (morphologic abnormality), disease hodgkin, hodgkins granuloma nos, [m]hodgkins paragranuloma, chl",
+"blood pressure--measurement, blood pressure result, blood pressure finding (finding), blood pressure finding, blood pressure (observable entity), bp (blood pressure), taking blood pressure, blood pressure taking nos, pressure blood, rnrx blood pressure, blood pressure determinations, bp - blood pressure, rnax take blood pressure (treatment), bp, blood pressure measurements, taking of bp, rnrx blood pressure (treatment), blood pressure (physical finding), blood pressure taking, rnax take blood pressure, blood pressure measurement, blood pressure taking (procedure), blood pressure, blood pressure nos, take blood pressure, blood pressure determination, measuring blood pressure, determination blood pressure",
+"nervous systems autonomic, involuntary nervous system, entire autonomic nervous system (body structure), autonomic nervous system structure (body structure), system vegetative nervous, nervous system vegetative, systems visceral nervous, autonomic nervous system nos, nervous system visceral, nervous system autonomic, a96-a99 autonomic nervous system, ans, systems autonomic nervous, entire autonomic nervous system, systema nervosum (pars autonomica), system autonomic nervous, nervous systems vegetative, visceral nervous system, systems vegetative nervous, systema nervosum autonomicum, ans - autonomic nervous system, autonomic nervous system (ans), visceral nervous systems, autonomic nervous system, vegetative nervous system, autonomic, system visceral nervous, vegetative nervous systems, nervous systems visceral, autonomic nervous systems, autonomic nervous system structure, entire ans - autonomic nervous system, autonomic nerves",
+"blood pressure result, blood pressure finding (finding), blood pressure, blood pressure finding, blood pressure (physical finding), bp (blood pressure), blood pressure measurements",
+"sympathetic nerve structure, nerves sympathetic, nerve sympathetic, sympathetic nerve nos, sympathetic nerve, sympathetic nerve structure (body structure)",
+"urea, carbamide, harnstoff, urea test, urea level test, product containing urea (medicinal product), urea measurement nos, measurement of urea, lab-based chem measurements urea, debriding agents carbamide preparations, test;urea, measurement of urea (lab test), carbamide preparations, karbamid, tests urea, urea product, urea (substance), urea measurement (procedure), carbamide preparations (medication), urea measurement, product containing urea, carbonyldiamide, urea-containing product, test urea, urea (medication), urea (product), testing urea",
+"acid (substance), acid nos, acid substances, acidity, acids, acid, acidic, acids (medication)",
+"sequence / results flag - cyclical, event cycle, cyclic (qualifier value), cycle, cyclic, cycles, cyclical",
+"tobacco, nicotiana l., tobaccos, nicotiana nos, nicotiana (organism), nicotiana, nicotianas, nicotiniana",
+"product containing inotuzumab ozogamicin, inotuzumab ozogamicin (medication), chemotherapeutics inotuzumab ozogamicin, product containing inotuzumab ozogamicin (medicinal product), inotuzumab ozogamicin product, inotuzumab ozogamicin (substance), inotuzumab ozogamicin, inotuzumab ozogamicin-containing product",
+"post-chemotherapy, post-chemotherapy (qualifier value)",
+"leukemia lymphoblastic, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, lymphoblastic leukemia, all, leukemia acute lymphoblastic, lymphoma lymphoblastic, all1, precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia (diagnosis), leukemia acute lymphocytic, leukemia lymphoblastic acute, leukemia lymphocytic acute, precursor cell lymphoblastic leukaemia, precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia (morphologic abnormality), precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia not phenotyped, acute lymphocytic leukemia, precursor lymphoblastic leukemia, lymphoblastic leukemia acute, leukemia lymphoid acute, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia precursor-cell type, leukemia acute lymphoid, lymphoid leukemia acute, precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia lymphoma, acute lymphoid leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia acute, acute lymphoblastic leukemia precursor-cell type, lymphoblastic lymphoma, precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma, leukemia precursor cell lymphoblastic, precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia, precursor cell lymphoblastic leukaemia not phenotyped",
+"phenotype determination (procedure), phenotype (finding), phenotype, finding of phenotype (finding), phenotype finding, phenotypes, phenotype determination, phenotype - finding, phenotypic expression, phenotyping, phenotype finding (finding)",
+"nervous system nos (body structure), structure of nervous system (body structure), neurologic systems, nervous system structure, system nervous, neurologic body system, systema nervosum, nervous system nos, systems nervous, neurologic organ system, body system neurologic, structure of nervous system, organ system neurologic, nervous system structure (body structure), ns - nervous system, neurologic system, nervous system nos, nervous systems, nervous system",
+"phenotype determination (procedure), phenotyping, phenotype, phenotype determination",
+"neurostimulation of spinal cord tissue (procedure), spinal cord stimulation, neurostimulation spin cord tis, neurostimulation procedures of spinal cord tissue (procedure), neurostimulation of spinal cord tissue, cord spinal stimulation, stimulation spinal cord, cord stimulation spinal, stimulation spinal cord, neurostim spinal cord tis, scs, neurostimulation procedures of spinal cord tissue, scs - spinal cord stimulation",
+"prevention relapse, prevention of disorder recurrence, relapse preventions, preventions relapse, relapse prevention, prevention relapse, relapse prevention (procedure), relapse prevention (qualifier value)",
+"younger child, younger child (person)",
+"screening procedure, screening health, health screenings, screenings, health screening, screening procedures, screen, general disease screening procedures, 2-06 general disease screening procedures, screening procedure nos, screening (procedure), health problem screening, health problem screening (procedure), screening nos (procedure), health screens, screening nos, health survey each 15 minutes, hlth screening, screening, health screen, screening procedure (procedure)",
+"fibromatosis, fibromatosis nos, fibromatosis nos, fibromatosis (morphologic abnormality), fibromatosis (disorder), fibromatoses",
+"cancer in situ, carcinoma in situ no icd-o subtype, carcinoma in situ site unspecified, carcinoma in situ - category (morphologic abnormality), carcinoma in situ no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), carcinoma in situ malignant, intraepithelial carcinoma, carcinoma in situ - category, cis, carcinoma in situ nos, carcinoma in-situ, carcinoma in situ nos (disorder), carcinoma intraepithelial, ca in situ nos, carcinoma in situ, carcinoma in situ (diagnosis), carcinoma preinvasive, carcinoma in situ morphology, stage 0 disease, carcinoma in situ nos, carcinoma in situ (morphologic abnormality), intraepithelial carcinoma nos, preinvasive carcinoma, [m]carcinoma in situ nos (disorder), [m]carcinoma in situ nos, carcinoma in situ tumour (disorder), carcinoma in situ tumor, cis - carcinoma in situ, carcinoma in situ tumour, carcinoma in situ no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), carcinoma in situ (clinical), carcinoma in situ unspecified, carcinoma in situ (disorder), epithelial tumor in situ malignant, non-invasive carcinoma, carcinoma in situ no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, in situ carcinoma, carcinoma situ, in-situ carcinoma, carcinoma in situ disorder (disorder)",
+"teratomas benign, teratoma benign, cystic teratoma, teratoma benign (morphologic abnormality), teratoma cystic, teratoma benign, teratoma differentiated, teratoma mature, differentiated teratoma, teratoma differentiated type, benign teratoma, benign teratomas",
+"nervous system neopl, nervous system tumors, tumors nervous system, nervous system--tumors, nervous system tumours, neoplasm of nervous system, tumor nervous system, cancer nervous system, nervous system tumor, nervous system neoplasm nos, cancers nervous system, nervous system--cancer, nervous system tumour, neoplasm of the nervous system, neoplasia of the nervous system, neopl nervous system, tumors of the nervous system, tumor of nervous system, neoplasms nervous system, nervous system cancer, neoplasm nervous system, nervous system neoplasm, tumor of the nervous system, nervous system neoplasms, tumour of nervous system, neoplasm of nervous system (disorder)",
+"specimen collection (procedure), rnax specimens (treatment), collection specimens, of specimen collection, collection sample, specimen collection, rnax specimens, specimen collection nos, collection specimen, sample collection, collection of specimen (procedure), 3-02 specimen collection, specimen collections, collections specimen, collections specimen, specimen handling and disposition, collection of specimen, collection specimen",
+"mental retardation-macroorchidism syndrome, martin-bell-renpenning syndrome, syndrome martin-bell, fragile syndrome x, fra(x)(q27-28) syndrome, fxs, x-linked mental retardation-fragile site 1 syndrome, x-linked mental retardation and macroorchidism, syndrome marker x, renpenning syndrome 2, fragile x; syndrome, escalante syndrome, x linked mental retardation and macroorchidism, chromosome x fragility syndrome, fragile xq syndrome, fra(x)(28) syndrome, marker x syndromes, x-linked mental retardation with fragile x syndrome, mental retardation x-linked associated with marxq28, syndromes fragile x, fragile x syndrome autism, x fragile syndrome, macro-orchidism-marker x (momx) syndrome, martin-bell syndrome (mbs), fragile x syndrome (diagnosis), fra(x)(q27) syndrome, fragile site mental retardation 1, mar(x) syndrome, syndrome; fragile x, marker x syndrome, disorder fragile x syndrome, fraxa - fragile x syndrome, fragile x syndromes, martin bell syndrome, fragile x syndrome (disorder), fragile x-mental retardation syndrome, syndromes marker x, autism-fragile x syndrome, x-linked mental deficiency-megalotestes syndrome, martin-bell syndrome, fragile x syndrome, fra(x) syndrome, syndrome fragile x, x-linked mental retardation-fragile site 1 syndrome (fraxe 1), fragile-x syndrome, fragile site mental retardation 1 (fmr1), fragile x mental retardation syndrome, autism-fragile x (afrax) syndrome, macro-orchidism-marker x syndrome, fragile-x syndrome (fxs), autism fragile syndrome x",
+"transdermal gel, conventional release transdermal gel (dose form), transdermal gel dosage form, conventional release transdermal gel",
+"administer, administer - dosing instruction imperative, administer (qualifier value), administer - dosing instruction imperative (qualifier value)",
+"carbidopa-containing product, product containing carbidopa, l-α-methyldopahydrazine, (-)-l-alpha-hydrazino-34-dihydroxy-alpha-methylhydrocinnamic acid monohydrate, benzenepropanoic acid alpha-hydrazino-34-dihydroxy-alpha-methyl- monohydrate (s)-, benzenepropanoic acid alpha-hydrazino-34-dihydroxy-alpha-methyl-(s)-, carbidopa (substance), (-)-l-alpha-hydrazino-34-dihydroxy-alpha-methylhydrocinnamic acid, methyldopahydrazine, (αs)-α-hydrazino-34-dihydroxy-α-methylbenzenepropanoic acid, (s)-carbidopa, (s)-(-)-carbidopa, carbidopa (medication), carbidopa product, alpha-methyldopahydrazine, alpha-methyldopa hydrazine, carbidopum, carbidopa, carbidopa (product), product containing carbidopa (medicinal product), cbd, l-3-(34-dihydroxyphenyl)-2-methyl-2-hydrazinopropionic acid",
+"enteral, enteral route of administration, route of administration: enteral (treatment), route of administration: enteral, enteral (intended site), enteral route, enter, enteric, enteral route of drug administration, gastroenteral use, route of administration enteral, enteral route (qualifier value), enteral (qualifier value), enteralroute",
+"gangliosidoses gm2, gangliosidosis; gm2, gm2 gangliosidosis (disorder), gm2 gangliosidosis, gangliosidoses gm2, gm2 gangliosidosis unspecified, gangliosidoses gm 02, gm>2< gangliosidosis (disorder), gangliosidosis gm2, deficiency of beta-n-acetylhexosaminidase isoenzymes, gm2 gangliosidose, gm>2< gangliosidosis, gm gangliosidoses 02, gm2 gangliosidosis nos, g(m2) gangliosidoses, gm2 gangliosidosis, gm 2 gangliosidosis, gm2 gangliosidosis (diagnosis), gm2 gangliosidoses, gm2 gangliosidoses, gm2 gangliosidosis (disorder), gm2; gangliosidosis, gm2 gangliosidosis nos, gm 2 gangliosidosis (disorder), gangliosidose gm2, gm>2< gangliosidosis nos",
+"infantile gm2 gangliosidosis, infantile gm2 gangliosidosis (disorder), infantile gm2 gangliosidosis, infantile gm 2 gangliosidosis (disorder), infantile gm 2 gangliosidosis, infantile gm>2< gangliosidosis (disorder), infantile gm2 gangliosidosis (disorder), infantile gm>2< gangliosidosis",
+"budnj, miglustat (medication), product containing miglustat, n-butyldeoxynojirimycin, n-butyl deoxynojirimycin, miglustat (substance), n-(n-butyl)deoxynojirimycin, n-butyl-1-deoxynojirimycin, 345-piperidinetriol 1-butyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-(2r-(2alpha3beta4alpha5beta))-, n-butylmoranoline, miglustat product, butyldeoxynojirimycin, miglustat (product), miglustat, 15-(butylimino)-15-dideoxy-d-glucitol, miglustatum, miglustat-containing product, n-(n-butyl)deoxy-nojirimycin, product containing miglustat (medicinal product), nb-dnj",
+"caloric restrictions, low calorie diet, low energy diet, caloric restriction, diet low-calorie, low caloric diet, kilocalorie control diet, calorie restricted diet, calorie diets low, calorie restricted diet (finding), diet calorie restricted, calorie controlled diet, low-calorie diet, low-calorie diets",
+"prolonged (qualifier value), long, prolonged release mechanism of action, lengthen, long (modifier) [ambiguous], lengthened (qualifier value), lengthened, prolonged, has length, long (modifier) (qualifier value), lengthens",
+"humans, hominoid, homo, homo linnaeus 1758, homos, genus homo, genus homo (organism)",
+"data types - time, has time, time (property), with time (qualifier value), value type - time, time (property) (qualifier value), t, *time (e.g. seconds), instructions for use of the cpt codebook - time, has timing, with time, time (foundation metadata concept), has time (qualifier value), has time -retired-, time duration (property) (qualifier value), time (attribute), time, time dimension, times",
+"high dose (qualifier value), high dose",
+"magnesium (as sulfate), magnesiumsulfat, magnesium sulfate (medication), magnesium so4, magnesium sulfate unspecified, magnesium sulfate whiskers, magnesium sulphate, magnesium sulfate unspecified form, magnesium(ii) sulfate, product containing magnesium sulfate, magnesium sulfate-containing product, sulfuric acid magnesium salt (1:1), sulfate magnesium, mgso4, magnesium sulfate (substance), magnesium sulfate (1:1), magnesium sulfates, magnesium sulfate product, magnesium sulfate (product), product containing magnesium sulfate (medicinal product), mineral supplements magnesium sulfate, magnesium sulfate",
+"unit intensive care, intensive care unit, care critical units, intensive care unit (icu), care intensive units, intensive care unit (environment), critical care unit, icu - intensive care unit, environment: intensive care unit, environment: intensive care unit (treatment), itu, i.c.u., environment intensive care unit, care intensive unit, icu, care critical unit, intensive care units, icu intensive care units, i c u",
+"pain insensitivity, feels no pain, analgesia, no sensitivity to pain (finding), no sensitivity to pain, absence of sensibility to pain, pain anesthesia, anesthesia to pain, anaesthesia to pain, insensitivity to pain, absence of pain sensation",
+"alcohol dependence scale (ads), ads - alcohol dependence scale, alcohol dependence scale, alcohol dependence scale (assessment scale), ads",
+"iv types, 4 type, 4 types, types iv, type iv, type 4 (qualifier value), bristol stool type 4, iv type, type 4",
+"deficiency gusb, mucopolysaccharidosis type vii, mucopolysaccharidosis type vii (disorder), type vii mucopolysaccharidosis, syndrome sly, deficiencies gusb, beta-glucuronidase deficiencies, mucopolysaccharidosis type vii, beta glucuronidase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-vii (disorder), mps vii - mucopolysaccharidosis vii, mps 7, mucopolysaccharidosis viis, gusb deficiencies, deficiency of beta-glucuronidase, deficiency; beta-glucuronidase, mps vii-mucopolysaccharid vii, mps vii, gusb deficiency, beta-glucuronidase deficiency mucopolysaccharidosis, beta-glucuronidase deficiency, deficiencies beta-glucuronidase, mucopolysaccharide storage disease vii, mucopolysaccharidosis vii, mucopolysaccharidosis 7, mucopolysaccharidosis type vii (diagnosis), sly syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-vii, beta-glucoronidase; deficiency, sly dis, mps7, b glucuronidase deficiency, deficiency beta-glucuronidase, disease sly, mucopolysaccharidosis type viis, gus deficiency, sly disease, type vii; mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis (mps) vii, slys syndrome, type viis mucopolysaccharidosis, deficiency of beta-glucuronidase (disorder), viis mucopolysaccharidosis",
+"n-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase deficiencies, mucopolysaccharidosis 6, deficiency of n-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase, syndrome maroteaux-lamy, n-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type 6, type vi mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis vi, type 6 mucopolysaccharidosis, n-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphatase deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis (mps) vi, maroteaux - lamy syndrome, deficiency arsb, maroteaux-lamy syndrome i, mps 6, maroteaux-lamy syndrome (disorder), deficiency of n-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase (disorder), deficiency of n-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphatase, maroteaux-lamy syndrome, dwarfism polydystrophic, arsb - arylsulfatase b defic, mps6, mps vi, arylsulfatase b (arsb) deficiency, arylsulphatase b deficiency, arsb - arylsulphatase b defic, mps vi-mucopolysaccharidos vi, deficiency arylsulfatase b, arsb deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis mps-vi, n-acetylgalactosam-4-sulph def, maroteaux lamy syndrome, arylsulfatase b deficiencies, mucopolysaccharide storage disease vi, maroteaux-lamy disease, mucopolysaccharidosis type vi, type vi; mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidosis chondroitin sulfate b, arsb deficiencies, mps vi - mucopolysaccharidosis vi, arylsulfatase b deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis chondroitin sulphate b, deficiency n-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase, arsb - arylsulphatase b deficiency, mucopolysaccharidosis type vi (mps vi), maroteaux-lamy syndrome nos, deficiencies arylsulfatase b, maroteaux-lamy syndrome (diagnosis), mucopolysaccharidosis type vi, deficiencies n-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase, arsb - arylsulfatase b deficiency, maroteaux-lamy, deficiencies arsb, polydystrophic dwarfism",
+"[joint degeneration] or [osteoarthritis nos], degenerative polyarthritis nos, primary oa, arthritis degenerative, degenerative arthropathy nos, djd, degenerative diseases joint, degenerative joint disease nos, degenerative disease joint, osteoarthritides, osteoarthrosis (oa), oa, degeneration;joint(s), osteoarthrosis nos, joint degeneration, degenerative disease joints, oa - osteoarthrosis, degenerative arthropathy (disorder), arthritis degenerative, oa - osteoarthritis, o a, degenerative arthritis, degenerative arthritides, arthritis senescent, degenerative arthropathy, osteoarthritis nos of unspecified site, osteoarthritis nos, arthritides degenerative, oa osteoarthritis, arthritis; hypertrophy, degenerative joint disease, o/a, osteoarthritis and allied disorders, degenerative arthritis nos, degenerative osteoarthritis, hypertrophic arthritis nos, osteoarthritis nos of unspecified site (disorder), osteoarthritis (diagnosis), osteoarthritis degenerative, osteoarthroses, a o, arthritis osteoarthritis, joint(s) degeneration, joint; osteoarthrosis, arthritis hypertrophic, hypertrophic arthritis, osteoarthrosis, hypertrophy; arthritis, osteoarthritis unspecified site, osteoarthritis arthritis, osteoarthritis (& [allied disorders]), osteoarthritis (disorder), osteoarthritis nos (disorder), osteoarthrosis (disorder), osteoarthrosis (diagnosis), osteoarthrosis unspecified whether generalized or localized, hypertrophic polyarthritis nos, arthrosis, osteoarthritis nos-site unspec, degenerative joint disease (disorder), osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis degenerative, arthropathy degenerative, osteoarthritis (m15-m19), oas, degenerative polyarthritis (disorder), degenerative polyarthritis, joint disease degenerative, osteoarthritis nos, arthritis;degenerative, osteoarthritis;degenerative, hypertrophic polyarthritis, [joint degeneration] or [osteoarthritis nos] (disorder)",
+"knee osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis of the knee, oa knee, knee osteoarthrosis, osteoarthritis nos of knee, gonarthrosis, degenerative joint disease of knee, osteoarthrosis of knee (diagnosis), osteoarthritis susceptibility 6, oa - osteoarthritis of knee, knee osteoarthritis nos, osteoarthritis knee, osteo arthritis knees, os6, osteoarthritis knee, osteoarthritis;knee, knee djd (degenerative joint disease), osteoarthritis of knee, knee osteoarthritides, osteoarthritis of knee unspecified, osteoarthritis of knee (disorder), osteoarthritis knees, knee djd, osteoarthrosis of knee, osteoarthritis nos of knee (disorder), osteoarthritis of knee (diagnosis)",
+"mental blocking, blocking, blocks, thought block, blocked, thought blocking (physical finding), blocking of thoughts, blocking (qualifier value), thought blocking, blockade, block, thought block (finding), mental block",
+"duloxetine-containing product, duloxetina, n-methyl-3-(1-naphthalenyloxy)-2-thiophenepropanamine, duloxetine (medication), product containing duloxetine (medicinal product), product containing duloxetine, duloxetine, duloxetine product, duloxetine (product), duloxetine (substance), n-methyl-3-(1-naphthalenyloxy)-3-(2-thiophene)propanamide",
+"injury knee ligament, injury of ligament of knee, knee ligament injury, injuries knee ligaments, injuries knee ligament, ligament knee injury, injury of knee ligament (diagnosis), injury of ligament of knee (disorder), injury of knee ligament",
+"ligament injury, injuries ligament, ligament injuries, damage to ligament, ligament injury nos, injury ligament, ligament injury (disorder), injury ligament (diagnosis), injuries ligaments, damage to ligament(s)",
+"aortic valve structure (body structure), valve aortic, valva aortae, aortic valves, valves aortic, aortic valve structure, 354 aortic valve, aortic valve nos, aortic valve, av - aortic valve",
+"investigates, investigates (attribute), investigated, investigating, investigate",
+"hypertrophy (morphologic abnormality), hypertrophic, hypertrophy, hypertrophy nos, enlargement, hypertrophy nos, hypertrophied, 71 hypertrophies, enlargement nos, enlargements, hypertrophy [dup] (morphologic abnormality), hypertrophies",
+"state prediabetic, borderline diabetes, pre-diabetes nos, pre-diabetes, prediabetes (finding), prediabetes syndrome, diabetes borderline, prediabetic state, prediabetes, pre-diabetic, pre diabetes, prediabetic states, [d]prediabetes, prediabetes (disorder), pre diabetic, pre diabetics, states prediabetic",
+"turnover technique, turnover, turnovers, turnover technique (qualifier value)",
+"degenerative disc disease nos (disorder), degeneration intervertebral disc, degenerative intervertebral disk, disk degradations, degeneration of intervertebral disks, disc degenerations, intervertebral disk degeneration, disc degeneration intervertebral, degeneration of intervertebral disc site unspecified, intervertebral disc degeneration nos, degeneration disc, disc degradation, intervertebral disc degenerative disorder, disc disease degenerative, degradation disk, intervertebral disc; degeneration, disk degradation, intervertebral disk degenerations, disc degeneration, disk degeneration intervertebral, degeneration of intervertebral disc nos, degenerative disc disease nos, intervertebral disc degenerative disease, degeneration disc intervertebral, disk degeneration, degeneration of intervertebral disc (diagnosis), disc degradations, degenerated intervertebral disc, disc degeneration nos, degeneration disk, disc degenerative disease, degradation disc, degenerative disc diseases, degenerative disc disease, vertebral disc degenerative disorder, degeneration; intervertebral disc, degeneration of intervertebral disc (disorder), degeneration of intervertebral disc, interverteb disc degeneration, vertebral disc degenerative disease, degenerative disc disease nos, disk degenerations, degeneration intervertebral disk, disc disease degenerative, degeneration disc, intervertebral disc degeneration, intervertebral disc degenerations",
+"anti-retroviral agents, product containing antiretroviral (product), substance with antiretroviral mechanism of action, antiretrovirals (medication), antiretroviral-containing product, product containing antiretroviral, agents antiretroviral, antiretroviral agent (substance), agents anti-retroviral, substance with antiretroviral mechanism of action (substance), antiretroviral, medicinal product acting as antiretroviral agent (product), antiretroviral product, medicinal product acting as antiretroviral (product), antiretroviral agents, agents antiretroviral, anti retroviral agents, antiretrovirals, antiretroviral agent",
+"hair follicle structure, follicles, hair follicles, hair follicle, follicle hair, follicles hair, folliculus pili, hair follicle structure (body structure)",
+"extracorporeal photochemotherapies, extracorporeal photopheresis, photopheresis extracorporeal, photopheresis extracorporeal, extracorporeal photophoresis, photophoresis, extracorporeal photopheresis (procedure), therapeutic photopheresis, photochemother extracorporeal, extracorporeal photochemotherapy, extracorporeal photochemother, photochemotherapy extracorporeal, photopheresis (treatment), photochemotherapies extracorporeal, photopheresis, therapeutc photopheresis",
+"bo, bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans (disorder), ob - obliterativ bronchiolitis, obliterative bronchiolitis (disorder), obliterative; bronchiolitis, obliter.fibrous bronchiolitis, obliterative bronchiolitis nos, obliterating fibrous bronchiolitis, bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome, fibrosa obliterans; bronchiolitis, bronchiolitis; obliterative, obliterative bronchiolitis, bronchiolitis obliterans, obliterative bronchiolitis (diagnosis), bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans, bronchiolitis obliterans (diagnosis), bronchiolitis; fibrosa obliterans, obliterating fibrous bronchiolitis (disorder), ob - obliterative bronchiolitis, bronchiolitis obliterative",
+"colitis (nos), colitis (diagnosis), colitis, colitis nos, colon nos inflammation, colitis nos, colon inflamed, colitis (disorder), colon inflammation, colitis ctcae, colitides, colon (non-specific) inflammation, already mapped above aaha id #: 727, inflammation of colon",
+"her-2 positive malignant carcinoma of breast (diagnosis), her2-positive carcinoma of breast, breast neoplasm malignant her2-positive, her2 positive breast carcinoma, human epidermal growth factor 2 positive carcinoma of breast, her2 positive breast cancer, her2-positive carcinoma of breast (disorder), her2 overexpressing breast carcinoma, erbb2 overexpressing subtype of breast carcinoma, her2+ breast cancer, her2 overexpressing subtype of breast carcinoma, human epidermal growth factor 2 positive carcinoma of breast (disorder), her2/neu-positive breast cancer, her2-positive breast cancer, her-2 positive malignant carcinoma of breast",
+"graft acceptance (finding), reconstitution by graft, graft acceptance, engraftment",
+"ntbc, maribavir product, maribavir (product), maribavir-containing product, 56-dichloro-2-(isopropylamino)-1-beta-l-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole, product containing maribavir, benzimidavir, maribavir (substance), product containing maribavir (medicinal product), maribavir, benzimidazol-2-amine",
+"unipolar, unipolar (qualifier value)",
+"charcot marie tooth hereditary neuropathy, atrophy peroneal muscular, peroneal muscle atrophy, charcot marie disease, charcot marie tooth syndrome, marie-charcot-tooth, atrophy muscular peroneal, muscular atrophies peroneal, peroneal muscular atrophy nos, peroneal muscular atrophy nos (disorder), charcot-marie-tooth hereditary neuropathy, hereditary neuropathy charcot-marie-tooth, charcot-marie-tooth, charcot marie dis, charcot-marie disease, charcot marie tooth disease, neuropathic muscular atrophy, cmt - charcot-marie-tooth dis#, charcot-marie-tooth atrophy, atrophy; charcot-marie-tooth, charcot-marie-tooth disease, peroneal muscular atrophy, charcot marie tooth muscular atrophy, charcot-marie-tooth disease (disorder), charcot-marie-tooth; atrophy, cmt - charcot-marie-tooth disease, peroneal muscular atrophies, peroneal muscular atrophy syndrome, hereditary sensory-motor neuropathy nos, charcot-marie-tooth disease (diagnosis), atrophies peroneal muscular, charcot-marie-tooth syndrome, muscular atrophy peroneal, syndrome charcot-marie-tooth, charcot marie tooth dis",
+"cmt4c, charcot-marie-tooth neuropathy type 4c, cmt 4c, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4c (diagnosis), charcot-marie-tooth disease demyelinating autosomal recessive type 4c, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4c (disorder), charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4c, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 4c",
+"history of - disorder (context-dependent category), history of disorder, history of disorder (situation), history of - disorder, history of - disorder (situation), h/o: disorder",
+"type (attribute), type, types, type (property) (qualifier value), type - attribute, with type, types (qualifier value), property type (attribute), with type (attribute), attribute type, property type, type (property), kind",
+"serotype 4c, 4c serotype, 4c, serotype 4c (qualifier value), 4c (qualifier value)",
+"unresponsive, unresponsive (finding), unresponsive behavior, not responsive",
+"carcinoma urinary bladder, bladder carcinoma nos, carcinoma bladder, carcinoma;bladder, urinary bladder cancer, carcinoma of urinary bladder, bladder carcinoma urinary, carcinoma of the urinary bladder, urinary bladder carcinoma, carcinoma of the bladder, carcinoma of bladder (disorder), carcinoma of bladder, cancer of bladder, cancer of the urinary bladder, bladder cancer, bladder cancer carcinoma, cancer of the bladder, bladder carcinoma, cancer of urinary bladder, carcinoma of bladder (diagnosis)",
+"intravesical, intravesical (intended site)",
+"carcinoma of bladder invasive, carcinoma of bladder invasive (diagnosis), invasive bladder cancer, bladder malignant carcinoma invasive, carcinoma of urinary bladder invasive, carcinoma of urinary bladder invasive (disorder)",
+"cns cancer, malignant pediatric tumor of the central nervous system, malignant childhood tumor of cns, malignant neoplasm of central nervous system (diagnosis), malignant neoplasm of central nervous system unspecified, malignant cns neoplasm, malignant tumor of the central nervous system, malignant pediatric neoplasm of central nervous system, malignant childhood central nervous system tumors, malignant tumor of cns, malignant tumor of central nervous system, childhood malignant cns tumors, malignant childhood tumor of the cns, malignant childhood neoplasm of the cns, malignant pediatric central nervous system tumor, malignant central nervous system neoplasms of childhood, central nervous system cancer, malignant pediatric tumor of the cns, malignant neoplasm of central nervous system, malignant neoplasm of central nervous system (disorder), central nervous system neoplasm, cns malignant neoplasms, malignant cns tumor, malignant pediatric central nervous system neoplasm, malignant central nervous system tumors of childhood, cns malignancy, malignant neoplasm of central nervous system nos, childhood malignant central nervous system tumors, central nervous system--cancer, cancer of central nervous system, malignant neoplasm of central nervous system nos, cancer of the cns, malignant cns neoplasms, malignant childhood tumor of central nervous system, malignant pediatric neoplasm of the cns, malignant central nervous system neoplasm, malignant childhood neoplasm of central nervous system, neurological cancer, malignant pediatric cns tumor, malignant pediatric tumor of cns, malignant childhood central nervous system neoplasms, malignant neoplasm of the central nervous system, [x]malignant neoplasm/cns unsp, cancer of cns, malignant neoplasm of cns, central nervous system neoplasms malignant, malignant childhood tumor of the central nervous system, malignant childhood neoplasm of the central nervous system, cancer of the central nervous system, [x]malignant neoplasm of central nervous system unspecified (disorder), childhood malignant central nervous system neoplasms, malignant pediatric neoplasm of cns, malignant tumor of the cns, malignant childhood central nervous system neoplasm, neurological tumor cns, malignant pediatric tumor of central nervous system, cns malignancies, malignant pediatric cns neoplasm, central nervous system unspecified, malignant neoplasm of the cns, childhood malignant cns neoplasms, malignant childhood cns neoplasm, cancer central nervous system, malignant childhood cns tumor, malignant pediatric neoplasm of the central nervous system, malignant childhood neoplasm of cns, malignant central nervous system tumor, cns neoplasms malignant, [x]malignant neoplasm of central nervous system unspecified, malignant neoplasm/cns unsp, malignant childhood central nervous system tumor",
+"sulfate measurement, sulfate, sulfate measurement (procedure), sulphate measurement, levels sulfate, sulphate level, sulphate, sulfate level",
+"classification, systematics, class, classified, classification systems, classifications, classifieds, categorization, classify, classification system (qualifier value), classifying, classification system, classification (attribute), classified (qualifier value)",
+"world health organization tumor classification (observable entity), who tumor classification, world health organization tumor classification, who tumour classification, tumour classification, who tumor classification (observable entity), who classification of tumors, classification tumors, classification tumours, world health organization (who) tumor classification, world health organization (who) tumor classification (observable entity), classifications tumor, tumors--classification, world health organisation (who) tumour classification, tumor classification",
+"carcinomas medullary, medullary carcinomas, medullary carcinoma not otherwise specified, medullary carcinoma nos, medullary carcinoma, carcinoma medullary, medullary adenocarcinoma, medullary carcinoma (morphologic abnormality), medullary carcinoma (diagnosis), medullary carcinoma nos, [m]medullary carcinoma nos (morphologic abnormality), [m]medullary carcinoma nos",
+"rhabdoid tumors, rhabdoid tumor nos, rdt, [m] rhabdoid sarcoma, tumor rhabdoid, sarcoma rhabdoid, tumors rhabdoid, rhabdoid tumors malignant, rhabdoid sarcoma, malignant rhabdoid tumour, malignant rhabdoid tumor (morphologic abnormality), rhabdoid tumor, rhabdoid tumour, rhabdoid sarcoma (disorder), [m]rhabdoid sarcoma, malignant rhabdoid tumor",
+"renal medullary carcinoma, renal medullary carcinoma (morphologic abnormality), renal medullary carcinoma (diagnosis), kidney medullary carcinoma, renal medullary carcinoma (disorder)",
+"infancy (qualifier value), infantile state, infancy (function), infancy, infant stage, infancy - period, infantile, infancy nos",
+"well differentiated, differentiating, well differentiated (qualifier value), grade i, differentiate, differentiates, g1, differentiated nos, well differentiated (grade) (qualifier value), well differentiated (grade) [ambiguous], differentiated",
+"contrast material, media contrast, contrast medium, agent contrast, radiographic contrast material, contrast drugs, contrast media, materials contrast, contrast agent (procedure), contrast, agents contrast, contrast agent, radiographic contrast media, contrast media nos, contrast materials, contrast agents, material contrast, contrast media (product), contrast media (substance)",
+"percutaneous coronary interventions (pci), pci, coronary revascularization percutaneous, revascularizations percutaneous coronary, intervention percutaneous coronary, percutaneous coronary interventions, pci - percutaneous coronary intervention, revascularization percutaneous coronary, percutaneous coronary revascularization, coronary intervention percutaneous, percutaneous coronary intervention, percutaneous coronary intervention (procedure), interventions percutaneous coronary, percutaneous coronary revascularizations, coronary interventions percutaneous, coronary revascularizations percutaneous",
+"transmission (qualifier value), transmitted, transmission, transmittal, transmission process",
+"bartonella strong et al. 1915 (approved lists 1980) emend. birtles et al. 1995, rochalimaea nos, grahmia, genus bartonella, grahamella nos, rocha-limae, rochalimea, grahamella (ex brumpt 1911) ristic and kreier 1984, bartonella species, rochalimaea, rochalimaea (macchiavello 1947) krieg 1961, bartonella, grahamella, 2a4 bartonella, bartonella strong et al. 1915 (approved lists 1980) emend. brenner et al. 1993, rochalimea nos -retired-, genus bartonella (organism), bartonella nos, 2a5 grahamella, grahamella (organism), bartonella (organism), rochalimea nos (organism)",
+"great, larger, large (qualifier value), large, big, greats",
+"cryptogenic cirrhosis (diagnosis), cryptogenic cirrhosis (of liver), cryptogenic cirrhosis of liver, cirrhosis cryptogenic, cryptogenic cirrhosis (disorder), cirrhosis cryptogenic, cryptogenic cirrhosis",
+"tumor brain, brain tumor (diagnosis), brain neoplasm, brain tumor nos, brain tumors, brain cancer, brain neopl, brain tumour nos, brain neoplasms, brain tumor, neoplasms brain, neoplasm of the brain, tumor of the brain, bt - brain tumor, neoplasm of unspecified nature of brain (disorder), brain tumours, neoplasm of brain, tumor of brain, brain neoplasm nos, brain tumor nos [ref.20909], neoplasm of brain (diagnosis), neopl brain, neoplasm of unspecified nature of brain, neoplasm brain, brain tumour, neoplasm of brain (disorder), brain--tumors, brain neopl.unspecified nature, bt - brain tumour",
+"meningioma benign no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), meningioma, meningioma nos, meningioma benign no icd-o subtype, meningioma benign no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, benign meningioma, meningioma benign no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), mgm - meningioma",
+"exemestane product, product containing exemestane (medicinal product), exemestano, exemestane-containing product, exemestane, examestane, exemestane (medication), exemestanum, exemestane (product), exemestane (substance), product containing exemestane, 6-methyleneandrosta-14-diene-317-dione",
+"causes, causalassessment, cause, disease/disorder etiology, causalities, science of etiology, aetiology, disorder by cause, etiology, disease causation, general etiology, disorder etiology, disease cause, caused by, etiology (attribute), causation, causality, disease etiology",
+"absence of therapeutic response, treatment failure, absence of therapeutic response (finding)",
+"bridges, bridge, type of bridge, type of bridge device, type of bridge (attribute)",
+"over rolling, does roll over, rolls over, does roll over (finding), roll over",
+"tramétinib, product containing trametinib, trametinib (substance), trametinib-containing product, trametinib (product), trametinibum, product containing trametinib (medicinal product), trametinib, trametinib product, n-(3-{3-cyclopropyl-5-[(2-fluoro-4-iodophenyl)amino]-68-dimethyl-247-trioxo-3467-tetrahydropyrido[43-d]pyrimidin-1(2h)-yl}phenyl)acetamide",
+"[m]neurofibroma nos (morphologic abnormality), neurofibroma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, neurofibroma, neurofibroma (who grade i), [m]neurofibromas, neurofibroma (disorder), neurofibroma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), neurofibroma no icd-o subtype, neurofibroma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), neurofibroma nos, neurofibroma benign, neurofibroma (morphologic abnormality), neurofibromas, neurofibroma nos, [m]neurofibroma nos",
+"grade 1, g1 stage (tumor staging), grade i, well differentiated (g1), tumour grade g1, g1: well differentiated, g1, g1 grade, g1 grade (finding), g1 stage, tumor grade g1",
+"astrocytoma (disorder), astrocytoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), gliomas astrocytic, astrocytoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), astrocytic neoplasm, astroglioma, astrogliomas, astrocytoma no icd-o subtype, astrocytoma nos, astrocytomas, astrocytoma, astrocytic tumor, childhood astrocytoma, [m]astrocytoma nos, astrocytoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, astrocytic gliomas, astrocytoma childhood, glioma astrocytic, astrocytoma nos, astrocytic glioma",
+"oligodendroglioma well-differentiated, oligodendroglioma, [m]oligodendroglioma nos (morphologic abnormality), oligodendroglioma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, well-differentiated oligodendrogliomas, oligodendroglioma well differentiated, well-differentiated oligodendroglioma, who grade ii oligodendroglial neoplasm, well differentiated oligodendroglial tumor, oligodendroglioma no icd-o subtype, oligodendroglioma (morphologic abnormality), oligodendroglioma nos, oligodendroglioma nos, who grade ii oligodendroglial tumor, oligodendroglioma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), oligodendroglioma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), oligodendrogliomas well-differentiated, [m]oligodendroglioma nos, well differentiated oligodendroglioma, oligodendroglioma not otherwise specified, oligodendrogliomas, oligodendroglioma well differ, well differ oligodendroglioma, oligodendroglioma (disorder)",
+"ganglioneuroma (schwannian stroma-dominant), ganglioneurofibroma, ganglioneuroma (disorder), ganglioneuroma (morphologic abnormality), gangliocytomas, gangliocytoma (morphologic abnormality), ganglioneuromas, neural crest tumor benign, ganglioneuroma [dup] (morphologic abnormality), ganglioneuroma benign, gangliocytoma, ganglioneuroma",
+"widespread, diffuse (qualifier value), diffuses, diffuse",
+"juvenile astrocytoma (morphologic abnormality), childhood astrocytic tumour, pediatric astrocytic tumor, pediatric astrocytic neoplasm, astrocytoma; juvenile unspecified site, astrocytic tumors childhood, astrocytic tumor, juvenile astrocytoma, childhood astrocytic neoplasm, juvenile; astrocytoma unspecified site, childhood astrocytic tumor",
+"pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (disorder), pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, pleomorphic xantho-astrocytoma, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (morphologic abnormality), childhood pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, [m]pleomorphic xanthoastrocyt, pleomorphic xanthoastrocyt, [m]pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, [m] pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma",
+"umbilical cord blood, blood cord, cord bloods, cord blood, cord blood umbilical, cord blood (substance), cord bloods umbilical, unmanipulated cord blood, bloods umbilical cord, umbilical cord bloods, blood umbilical cord, bloods cord, blood - cord",
+"lymphoid leukemia no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), lymphocytic leukaemia nos, lymphatic leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), lymphocytic leukemias, lymphoid leukaemia, leukemia lymphocytic, lymphoid leukemia no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, aleukaemic lymphoid leukaemia [obs], aleukemic lymphatic leukemia [obs], leukemias lymphoid, unspecified lymphoid leukemia, lymphoblastic leukemia, leukemias lymphocytic, [m]lymphoid leukemias (morphologic abnormality), unspecified lymphoid leukaemia, leukemia lymphocytic malignant, aleukemic lymphoid leukemia [obs], lymphoid leukemias, leukaemia lymphocytic, leukaemia lymphatic, lymphoblastic leukaemia nos, [m]lymphoid leukemia nos, aleukemic lymphocytic leukemia [obs], lymphoid leukemia disease [ambiguous], [m]lymphoid leukaemia nos, leukemia lymphoid, lymphoid leukaemia unspecified, lymphocytic leukaemia, lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia [obs], lymphatic leukaemia nos, lymphoid leukemia no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), [m]lymphoid leukemias, lymphoid leukaemias, lymphoid leukemia, lymphoid leukemia nos, leukemia; lymphoblastic, lymphatic leukaemia, lymphoblastic leukemia nos, lymphoblastic; leukemia, aleukaemic lymphocytic leukaemia [obs], lymphoid leukemia unspecified, lymphosarcoma cell leukemia [obs], lymphoid leukaemia nos, leukemia lymphoid, aleukaemic lymphatic leukaemia [obs], leukemia lymphocytic, lymphoid leukemia no icd-o subtype, lymphogenous leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia nos, lymphoid leukemia (disorder), leukemia lymphoblastic, lymphoid leukemia disease (disorder), lymphoid leukemia nos, 982 lymphoid leukemias, lymphatic; leukemia, leukemia; lymphatic, lymphoid leukaemia nos, lymphoid leukemia nos (disorder), leukemia lymphatic, lymphatic leukemia nos, lymphocytic leukemia, leukaemia lymphoid, [m]lymphoid leukaemias, lymphoid leukaemia no icd-o subtype",
+"cardiac arrest- asystole, asystoles, cardiac arrest ctcae 5, cardiac arrest unspecified (disorder), heart; arrest, cardiac arrest ctcae, ca - cardiac arrest, arrest heart, arrest [as an cardiac arrest], arrested, arrest cardiac, ventricular arrest, asystole, stoppage; heart, ventricular asystole, heart; stoppage, standstill cardiac, arrest; ventricular, arrest; cardiac, heart stops beating, ventricular asystolia, cardiac arrest - asystole, cardiac arrest, cardiac arrest (diagnosis), cardiac arrest (disorder), asystole (finding), sca, arrest, asystole (disorder), cardiac asystole, asystole (diagnosis), ventricular; arrest, asystolia, heart arrest, arrest cardiac, cardiac arrest unspecified, cardiac standstill, asystolic",
+"block, block (unit of presentation)",
+"retards, retard, retarding, retarded (slowed) (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), retarded, retarded (slowed) (contextual qualifier)",
+"intracellular, intracellular (qualifier value)",
+"neoplasm gastrointestinal, tumor of the gastrointestinal system, gi tract tumor, neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract, tumour of gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal neoplasm nos, neopl gastrointestinal, neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (disorder), neoplasm of gastrointestinal system, gi tumor, gut tumor, gi neoplasia, neoplasm of the gi tract, neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract (diagnosis), gastrointestinal system neoplasm, neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract, digestive system neoplasm, gastrointestinal tumors, gastrointestinal neopl, neoplasm of gi system, tumor of gastrointestinal tract, neoplasm of the gi system, tumor of gi system, neoplasia gi, tumor of gut, gastrointestinal neoplasms, gastrointestinal tumor, tumour of gut, tumor gastrointestinal tract, digestive tumor, gastrointestinal neoplasm, neoplasm of the digestive system, neoplasm of digestive system gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal system tumor, gi system neoplasm, gastrointestinal tract neoplasia, gastrointestinal tract tumor, gi neoplasm, neoplasm of the gastrointestinal system, tumor of the digestive system, digestive neoplasm, tumor of gastrointestinal tract (disorder), digestive system tumor, gi system tumor, neoplasms gastrointestinal, tumour gastrointestinal tract, tumor of gastrointestinal system, neoplasm of digestive system, gastrointestinal tract neoplasm, tumor of the gi system, gastrointestinal tract tumour, tumor of digestive system",
+"adoption life event, adoption (procedure), adoption nos, adoption, adoptions, adoption (life event - finding), adoption life event (finding)",
+"rectal, recto-, rectal (qualifier value), recto",
+"patellas, patella (invertebrate), kneecap, structure of patella (body structure), patella linnaeus 1758, knee bone nos, entire patella (body structure), knee cap, bone patella, patella nos, patellar, patella , structure of patella, patella, lower extremity>patella, entire patella, bone structure of patella, kneecaps, bone structure of patella (body structure), knee bone, knee caps",
+"tuberositas tibiae, structure of tibial tuberosity, tibial tuberosity, tibia tuberosity, structure of tibial tuberosity (body structure), tuberosity of tibia, tibial tubercle",
+"distances, distance (qualifier value), distance",
+"medial (modifier) (qualifier value), medial, medial (modifier) [ambiguous], medial (qualifier value)",
+"track, track (course), track (environment), tracks",
+"all arteries, all arteries nos, arteri, arteries, artery, arterial system, arterial system structure, system arterial, arterial system structure (body structure), arteris",
+"before surgery, preoperative (qualifier value), pre-operative, preoperative",
+"ivermectin-containing product, anthelmintics ivermectin, ivermectine, ivermectin (substance), ivermectinum, ivermectin (product), ivermectina, product containing ivermectin (medicinal product), ivermectin (medication), avermectin a1a 5-o-demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-2223-dihydro-25-(1-methylethyl)-, product containing ivermectin, ivermectin, ivermectin product",
+"adult cell stem, adults cells stem, somatic stem cells, adult stem cell, adult cells stem, adult stem cell, somatic stem cell (cell), adult stem cells, stem cell somatic, stem cells adult, somatic stem cell, somatic adult stem cells, stem cells somatic, adult somatic stem cells",
+"engagement, engaging, engaged to be married (finding), engaged to be married, engaged to be married (history), engaged, wedding engagement, betrothal",
+"ejections, ejection as a sports activity, ejection, ejection function (observable entity), ejection (qualifier value)",
+"gait normal, gait normal (finding), gait-normal, normal gait, gait normal",
+"percent normal, normal percent, normal %, % normal (qualifier value), % normal",
+"availability, availability of (contextual qualifier), availability of (contextual qualifier) (qualifier value), available, availability of",
+"bats, bat - animal, 848-84f order chiroptera - bats, order chiroptera - bat, order chiroptera - bat (organism), chiroptera species, bat (organism), chiroptera, bat nos, bat, order chiroptera, order chiroptera (organism), order chiroptera - bats, chiroptera speies",
+"peripheral blood stem cell, stem cells peripheral, stem cell peripheral, pbsc, peripheral stem cells, peripheral stem cell, cell peripheral stem, peripheral blood stem cell (cell), peripheral blood stem cells",
+"jca - juvenile chronic arthrit, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (diagnosis), arthritis;juvenile, juvenile chronic arthritis (disorder), juvenile idiopathic arthritis, chronic arthritis juvenile, juvar, arthritis juvenile, jca - juvenile chronic arthritis, juvenile arthritis, juvenile arthritis (diagnosis), idiopathic arthritis juvenile, juvenile; arthritis, arthritis juvenile rheumatoid, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis juvenile, arthritis juvenile idiopathic, rheumatoid arthritis juvenile, jia, juvenile arthritis unspecified, arthritis juvenile chronic, juvenile chronic arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (disorder), idiopathic juvenile arthritis, arthritis; juvenile",
+"cells lymphoma stem, lymphoma stem cell, malignant lymphoma stem cell type, malignant lymphoma stem cell type (morphologic abnormality), malig lymphomastem cell type, stem cell lymphoma",
+"product containing etoposide, 9-[(46-o-ethylidene-beta-d-glucopyranosyl]-588a9-tetrahydro-5-(4-hydroxy-35-dimethoxyphenyl)furo[34:67]naphtho[23-d]-13-dioxol-6(5ah)-one, etoposido, etoposidum, etoposide-containing product, trans-etoposide, (-)-etoposide, etoposide, 4-demethylepipodophyllotoxin 9-[46-o-ethylidene-beta-d-glucopyranoside, 9-[(46-o-ethylidene-beta-d-glucopyranosyl]oxy)-588a9-tetrahydro-5-(4-hydroxy-35-dimethoxyphenyl)furo[34:67]naphtho[23-d]-13-dioxol-6(5ah)-one, etoposide (substance), etoposide (medication), 4-demethylepipodophyllotoxin 9-[46-o-ethylidene-beta-d-glucopyranoside], eposide, 4-demethylepipodophyllotoxin 9-(46-o-(r)-ethylidene-beta-d-glucopyranoside), furo(34:67)naphtho(23-d)-13-dioxol-6(5ah)-one 9-((46-o-ethylidene-beta-d-glucopyranosyl)oxy)-588a9-tetrahydro-5-(4-hydroxy-35-dimethoxyphenyl)- (5r-(5alpha5abeta8aalpha9beta(r*)))-, 9-((46-o-ethylidine-beta-d-glucopyranosyl)oxy)-588a9-tetrahydro-5-(4-hydroxy-34-dimethyloxyphenyl)furo(34:67)naptho-(23-d)-13-dioxol-6(5ah)-one, demethyl epipodophyllotoxin ethylidine glucoside, etoposide (product), etoposide product, epeg, epeg - etoposide, 4-demethylepipodophyllotoxin β-d-ethylideneglucoside, product containing etoposide (medicinal product)",
+"123-propanetriyl nitrate, glyceryl trinitrate, glycerin trinitrate, product containing nitroglycerin, glyceryl trinitr [generic add], glycerol trinitrate, 123-propanetriol trinitrate, product containing glyceryl trinitrate, nitroglycerin-containing product, glyceryl trinitrate [generic additions], glycerol nitric acid triester, trinitroglycerol, nitroglycerin (product), trinitrine, nitroglycerol, glyceryl trinitrate-containing product, nitroglycerin (medication), glyceryl trinitrate (product), glyceryl trinitrate [generic additions] (product), trinitrate glyceryl, glyceryl trinitrate (substance), nitroglycerin (substance), glyceryl trinitrate product, glyceroli trinitratis, trinitroglycerin, nitroglycerin product, nitroglycerine, ng, 123-propanetrioltrinitrate, 123-propanetriol trinitrate, nitroglicerina, product containing glyceryl trinitrate (medicinal product), glyceroltrinitrat, gtn - glyceryl trinitrate, nitroglycerin, propane-123-triyl trinitrate, glyceryl trinitrate [generic additions] (substance)",
+"adult b acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2); bcr-abl1, ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia, b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34;q11.2); bcr-abl1, childhood b acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34;q11.2); bcr-abl1, ph positive all, childhood b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34;q11.2); bcr-abl1, philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (disorder), philadelphia positive childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, philadelphia positive precursor lymphoblastic leukemia, b acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34;q11.2); bcr-abl1, philadelphia chromosome positive childhood precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia, philadelphia chromosome positive childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia philadelphia chromosome positive, b acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2); bcr-abl1, ph+ all, philadelphia-positive all, ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (diagnosis), ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (morphologic abnormality), philadelphia positive childhood precursor lymphoblastic leukemia, ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia, philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia, philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, adult b acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34;q11.2); bcr-abl1, philadelphia positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia, philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia, childhood b acute lymphoblastic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2); bcr-abl1",
+"cytotoxic, cytotoxic (disposition)",
+"imatinib (product), 4-[(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)methyl]-n-[4-methyl-3-[[4-(3-pyridinyl)-2-pyrimidinyl]amino]phenyl]benzamide, α-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-3-((4-(3-pyridyl)-2-pyrimidinyl)amino)-p-toluidide, product containing imatinib (medicinal product), imatinibum, imatinib (medication), imatinib-containing product, imatinib (substance), alpha-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-3-((4-(3-pyridyl)-2-pyrimidinyl)amino)-p-tolu-p-toluidide, imatinib, imatinib product, product containing imatinib",
+"services (qualifier value), clinical service, service, services, clinical services",
+"complication related to pregnancy (disorder), complicated pregnancies, complicated;pregnancy, complication related to pregnancy, complicating pregnancy, complications pregnancy, unspecified complication of pregnancy, section 8-1 complications related to pregnancy, complication pregnancy, pregnancy complications (diagnosis), complication of pregnancy nos, complication pregnancy, pregnancy complications (disorder), of pregnancy complications, pregnancy; complications, pregnancy complicated, pregnant with complication, pregnancy complication nos (disorder), complications of pregnancy, compl pregn, complications of pregnancy nos, complicated pregnancy, complicates pregnancy, complications pregnancies, complication related to pregnancy nos, pregnancy complication nos, complication of pregnancy, pregnancy complications of, complications related to pregnancy, complications pregnancy related, pregnancy complication, pregnant with complication (history), pregn compl, complicated pregnancy nos, complications pregnancy, pregnancy complications nos, pregnancy complications, pregnancy complications nos (disorder), pregnancy--complications, pregnancy complicated",
+"serum bilirubin raised (situation), hyperbilirubinemia, elevated bilirubin, bilirubin increased, bilirubin elevated, bilirubin increased level, blood bilirubin increased (lab test), bilirubin increased levels, blood bilirubin increased, bilirubins elevated, increased bilirubin level, serum bilirubin raised (finding), raised bilirubin, hematology nonspecific abnormal findings blood bilirubin increased, increased bilirubin level (finding), serum bilirubin raised, increased bilirubin, high blood bilirubin levels, serum bilirubin concentration increased above normal",
+"hepatocellular carcinoma, hcc - hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cancer hepatocarcinoma, cell carcinomas liver, hepatocellular carcinoma of liver, hepatocellular carcinoma nos, malignant hepatoma, liver cell cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), cell carcinoma liver, primary carcinoma of liver (diagnosis), liver carcinoma, hepatic cell carcinoma, carcinoma of liver cell, cancers adult liver, primary carcinoma of liver, hepatocellular carcinoma (morphologic abnormality), primary carcinoma of liver cells, hepatocellular carcinoma of liver (diagnosis), liver neoplasm malignant carcinoma, cancer adult liver, carcinomas liver cell, hepatocellular carcinomas, hepatomas, hepatoma malignant, liver cell carcinoma (clinical), adult liver cancers, liver cell cancer, hepatoma nos, hepatocellular cancer, hepatocarcinoma, carcinoma liver, carcinoma of the liver cells, hepatic carcinoma, carcinoma of liver, carcinoma of liver specified as primary, liver cancer adult, liver neoplasm malignant carcinoma primary, [m]hepatocellular carcinoma nos, lihc, carcinoma; hepatic cell, carcinoma hepatocellular malignant, carcinoma hepatocellular, hepatocellular; carcinoma, carcinoma of liver cells, carcinoma hepatocellular, lcc - liver cell carcinoma, liver cell carcinoma, primary carcinoma of the liver cells, carcinoma; hepatocellular, lcc, liver cancers adult, hepatoma, carcinoma liver cell, adult liver cancer, liver carcinoma primary, liver cell carcinoma (disorder), carcinomas hepatocellular, primary carcinoma of liver (disorder), liver cell carcinomas, hepatocellular carcinoma nos, [m]hepatocellular ca. nos, hepatocellular carcinoma (clinical), hcc, liver cell carcinoma adult, hepatic cell; carcinoma, carcinoma of liver (diagnosis), hepatocellular ca. nos",
+"concurrency, concurrent, concurrent with, simultaneous, coincident, concurrent (qualifier value), actrelationshipconcurrentwith",
+"complaint (finding), main complain, the chief complaint is:, complaint, chief complaint (symptom), complaints, cc, chief complaint, complaints present, presenting complaint (finding), chief complaint (finding), presenting complaint, primary complaint, complaint nos",
+"subjective (qualifier value), subjective observation (qualifier value), subjective observation, subjective",
+"flash (qualifier value), flash",
+"pulmonary thromboembolism (diagnosis), pulmonary thromboembolism (disorder), pulm thromboembolism, thromboembolisms pulm, thromboembolism pulmonary, pulmonary thromboembolisms, pte - pulmonary thromboembolism, pe - pulmonary thromboembolism, pulmonary thromboembolism, pulm thromboembolisms, pte - pulmon thromboembolism, thromboembolism pulmonary, thromboembolisms pulmonary",
+"triage (procedure), triaging, triage, triage (medicine), triages",
+"bale out, emergency (qualifier value), emergency",
+"emergency care (treatment), emergency care, rnrx emergency care, rnrx emergency care (treatment)",
+"emergency treatments, emergency therapies, therapy emergency, treatments emergency, emergency treatment nos, emergency treatment nos (procedure), emergency therapy, emergency care, treatment emergency, emergency ther, emergency treatment (procedure), therapies emergency, ther emergency, emergency treatment method, emergency treatment",
+"deferred (qualifier value), studyprotocol deferred, deferred, delay, delayed -retired-, query priority - deferred, deferral, delayed (qualifier value), defer, protocol deferred, delayed",
+"finding of neonate (finding), finding of neonate, neonate nos, neonatal findings (physical finding), newborn finding, newborn (finding), neonatal state, newborn nos, finding of newborn, newborn, neonatal findings, neonatal state nos, neonate, newborn (diagnosis), observation of neonate",
+"maternity care, caring maternity, care pregnancy, care maternity, pregnancy care, antenatal / postnatal care (procedure), antenatal / postnatal care, antenatal/postnatal care (regime/therapy), antenatal/postnatal care",
+"focused, has focus (attribute), has focus, focus",
+"adult type dermatomyositis (disorder), adult dermatomyositis, dermatomyositis adult type, dermatomyositis, dermatomyositis nos, adult onset dermatomyositis, adult type dermatomyositis, adult onset dermatomyositis (disorder)",
+"technetium, technetium (substance), tc, technetium nos, tc element",
+"14-diaminobenzene, p-phenylenediamine-containing product, para-phenylenediamine, paraphenylene diamine fr base, 4-phenylenediamine, p-phenylenediamine product, p phenylenediamine, 14-phenylenediamine base, paraphenylene-diamine, product containing p-phenylenediamine (medicinal product), 14-phenyldiamine, paraphenylene diamine free base, p-phenylenediamine, 14-phenylenediamine, ppda, 4-aminoaniline, p-diaminobenzene, p-phenylenediamine (substance), 14-benzenediamine, black henna, ppd, paraphenylenediamine (substance), p-phenylenediamine (product), product containing p-phenylenediamine, paraphenylenediamine",
+"dark (qualifier value), dark color (finding), dark colour, dark, dark color, dark color (qualifier value)",
+"contact dermatitis (diagnosis), contact dermatitis nos, eczema - contact, dermatitis - contact, dermatitis venenata nos, sensitivity contact, contact; dermatitis, eczema; contact, unspecified contact dermatitis, dermatitis; contact, dermatitis contact nos, contact dermatitis nos, contact; eczema, dermatitides contact, contact dermatitis nos (disorder), contact dematitis, contact dermatitis, contact sensitivities, sensitivities contact, dermatitis contact, contact eczema, dermatitis venenata, contact sensitivity, contact dermatitis syndrome, unspecified contact dermatitis unspecified cause, cd - contact dermatitis, dermatitis;contact, eczema contact, contact dermatitides, dermatitis contact, dermatitis venenata (diagnosis), contact dermatitis/eczema, contact dermatitis (disorder)",
+"patch, body tissue patch material, body tissue patch material (substance)",
+"patch (unit of presentation), patch",
+"patch, plaque lesion, plaque (morphologic abnormality), patch -retired-, plaques, patch nos, plaque nos, plaque (lesion), patch (morphologic abnormality), plaque",
+"sweeteners artificial, dietary supplements artificial sweeteners, sweetener artificial, artificial sweetener (substance), sweeteners artificial, artificial sweeteners, artificial sweeteners (medication), artificial sweetener",
+"oligoarticular (qualifier value), oligoarticular",
+"polyarthritis unspecified, inflammatory polyarthropathies, inflamm.polyarthropathy nos, polyarthritides, [x]inflammatory polyarthropathies (disorder), unspecified inflammatory polyarthropathy, polyarthritis nos, polyarticular arthritis, inflammatory polyarthropathy nos, inflammatory polyarthropathy, polyarthritis nos, inflammatory polyarthropathy site unspecified, inflammatory polyarthropathy (disorder), polyarthritis (disorder), polyarthritis, arthritis multiple joint involvement, inflammatory polyarthropathy nos (disorder), inflamm polyarthrop nos, polyarthropathy inflammatory, [x]inflamtry polyarthropathies, [x]inflammatory polyarthropathies, inflamtry polyarthropathies, inflammatory polyarthropathy (diagnosis), inflammatory polyarthropathy nos, polyarthropathy nos -inflammat, inflammatory arthritis of multiple joints, inflammatory polyarthropathy or polyarthritis nos, polyarthritis (diagnosis), inflammatory polyarthropathies (m05-m14)",
+"furosemide (medication), frusemide, furosemide, benzoic acid 5-(aminosulfonyl)-4-chloro-2-((2-furanylmethyl)amino)-, frusemid, fursemide, furosemide (product), furosemid, furosemidu, furosemida, furosemide product, frs, furosemidum, product containing furosemide, product containing furosemide (medicinal product), furosemide-containing product, furosemide (substance)",
+"diuretic, diuretics (medication), water pills, diuretic agent, 720-724 diuretics, diuretic (product), diuretic nos, diuretics, medicinal product acting as diuretic (product), diuretic (substance)",
+"preliminary, preliminary (qualifier value)",
+"placentomes (body structure), placental, uncertain neoplasm of placenta nos, entire placenta (body structure), neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of placenta, placental structure, entire placenta, placentome, placenta specimen code, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of placenta (diagnosis), neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of placenta, uncert. neopl. placenta, neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of placenta, uncertain neoplasm of placenta nos (disorder), placenta specimen, placenta nos, placental structure (body structure), placenta, placentas, neoplasm of uncertain behavior of placenta [dup] (disorder), neoplasm of uncertain behavior of placenta (disorder), neoplasm of uncertain behavior of placenta, placentomes, uncert. neopl. placenta nos, unc behav neo placenta",
+"cytoscopy, cystourethroscopy (separate procedure), cystoscopies, endoscopy of urinary bladder, cystoscopy transurethral, transurethral cystoscopy (procedure), 1-747 bladder: endoscopy, endoscopy of bladder nos, urethrocystoscopy, cystourethroscopy, bladder: endoscopy, endoscopic examination bladder, cystoscopy, cystoscopy nos, cystoscopy (procedure), endoscopy of bladder, endoscopy of urinary bladder (procedure), transurethral cystoscopy, endoscopic examination of bladder, cystourethroscopy (treatment), cystourethroscopy (procedure)",
+"excision of muscle nos (procedure), myectomy, myectomy nos, resection of muscle nos, excision of muscle nos, myectomy procedure, excision of muscle, medical and surgical @ muscles @ resection, muscles excision, myectomy (procedure), medical and surgical @ muscles @ excision, excision of muscle nos, muscle resection, excision of muscle (procedure), resection of muscle, muscles resection",
+"hexaminolevulinate hydrochloride (substance), hexaminolevulinate hydrochloride, hexaminolevulinate hcl",
+"stratifying, stratified, stratified (qualifier value)",
+"lens crystalline, lens of eye (body structure), lens eye, structure of lens of eye, lens, eye lens, lens clear, lens ocular, ocular lens, lens structure, lens clear (finding), structure of lens of eye (body structure), lens (eye), crystalline lens, eye lens, lens nos, lens eye, crystalline lens nos, lens of eye",
+"lens intraocular, implants intraocular lens, intraocular lens, artificial intraocular lens, intraocular lens implant device, lenses intraocular, artificial lens, intraocular lenses, iol - intraocular lens implant, artificial intraocular lens (physical object), intraocular lense, intraocular lens implant (physical object), implantable intraocular lens device component, intraocular lens implant, lens intraocular",
+"cataract unspecified, eye disease; cataract, cataract (diagnosis), cataract, cataract nos, cataract (disorder) [ambiguous], cataract ctcae_3, cataract; eye disease, cataract (m-54510), cataract (morphologic abnormality), cataract nos (disorder), cataracts, cat. - cataract, cataract ctcae 3.0, unspecified cataract, cataract form (observable entity), cataract unspecified, cataract form, opacity of the lens, cataract nos, a-735-739 cataracts, cataract ctcae_5, cataract ctcae 5.0, cataract (disorder)",
+"cutaneous t-cell lymphoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality), lymphoma cutaneous t-cell, lymphomas cutaneous t-cell, t-cell non-hodgkins lymphoma of the skin, primary cutaneous t-cell lymphoma (disorder), cutaneous t cell lymphoma, primary cutaneous t-cell lymphoma (diagnosis), t-cell lymphoma cutaneous, ctcl - cutan t-cell lymphoma, cutaneous t-cell lymphoma no international classification of diseases for oncology subtype, cutaneous t-cell non-hodgkin lymphoma, primary cutaneous t-cell lymphoma, lymphoma t cell cutaneous, cutaneous t-cell lymphomas, cutaneous t-cell non-hodgkins lymphoma, ctcl, cutaneous t-cell lymphoma no icd-o subtype (morphologic abnormality), ctcl - cutaneous t-cell lymphoma, t cell lymphoma cutaneous, cutaneous t-cell lymphoma, t-cell non-hodgkins lymphoma of skin, cutaneous t-cell lymphoma no icd-o subtype, t-cell lymphomas cutaneous, lymphoma t-cell cutaneous, t cell cutaneous lymphoma, cells cutaneous lymphomas t, pctcl, primary cutaneous t-cell non-hodgkins lymphoma, skin malignant lymphoma mature t-cell cutaneous primary, primary cutaneous t-cell non-hodgkin lymphoma, skin t-cell non-hodgkins lymphoma, cutaneous t-cell lymphoma (morphologic abnormality)",
+"exercise-induced delayed-onset myotonia, fluctuating myotonia, mf, myotonia fluctuans (diagnosis), myotonia fluctuans (disorder), exercise induced delayed onset myotonia, myotonia fluctuans",
+"genetic crossing over, nonsister chromatid exchange, crossing over genetic, genetic crossing-over, cross over, crossing overs, genetic crossing over (finding), crossing-over genetic, crossing over (genetics), crossing over, crossing over genet",
+"vehicle (transportation), vehicle (physical object), vehicle",
+"conventional release cutaneous lotion (dose form), lotions topical, topical lotion, conventional release cutaneous lotion, topical lotion dose form, cutaneous lotion, topical lotion dosage form",
+"chronic obstructive airway disease, cold - chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cafl - chron airflow limitatn, chr obstruc pulmonary dis nos, lung; obstruction disease chronic, obstructive airways disease (chronic), chronic obstructive airways disease nos (disorder), chronic obstructive lung dis, chronic airway disease, copd - chron obstr pulmon dise, chronic obstructive airway dis, chronic pulmonary obstruction, disease (or disorder); respiratory tract obstructive chronic, chro irreversible airway obstr, chronic airflow limitation, hyperactive airway disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, cal - chronic airflow limitation, obstruction; lung disease chronic, cold - chron obstruc lung dise, pulm dis chronic obstructive, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease nos, lung; disease obstructive (chronic), copd, chronic airway obstruction; not otherwise specified, disease (or disorder); respiratory tract chronic obstructive, coad, respiratory tract; disorder obstructive chronic, chronic obstructive airways disease nos, copd nos, chronic obstructive lung disease nos, cold, chronic obstructive airway disease nos, chronic obstruct airways disease, coad-chron obstruc airway dise, chronic obstructive lung disease [ambiguous], airway obstruction chronic, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease finding, chronic obstructive pulm dis, chronic airway obstruction, obstruction; airway chronic, chronic obstr airways disease, coad - chronic obstructive airways disease, chronic obstructive lung disease (disorder), chronic obstr.airway dis.nos, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd), copd - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic irreversible airway obstruction, airway; obstruction chronic, cafl - chronic airflow limitation, chron obstruc pulmon disease, chron obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic airways disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease unspecified, chronic obstr lung disease, chronic obstr pulmon disease, cold (chronic obstructive lung disease), respiratory tract; disorder chronic obstructive, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease finding (finding), chronic obstructive lung disease nos, chronic obstructive airways disease, chronic obstruc airway disease, cal - chron airflow limitation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (diagnosis), chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy, pulmonary disease chronic obstructive",
+"computerized axial tomography scan - nos (procedure), computerized tomography x-ray, scan x-ray ct, transmission computed tomography, tomography transm computed, c.a.t. scan, computed tomography scan - nos, diagnostic laminographic examination, diagnostic tomographic examination, tomography x-ray computed, computed tomography x ray, computerized transverse axial tomography, xray computed tomography, ct scan, computerized tomography x ray, x-ray computer assisted tomography, tomographic imaging, ct scans x-ray, cat - comp axial tomography, x-ray ct scans, x ray ct, computerised tomography, cats scan, x-ray cat scan, tomography x ray computer assisted, tomographic imaging procedure, computed x-ray tomography, catting, tomography computed, scans x-ray cat, computerized axial tomography (procedure), c.a.t. scan nos, diagnostic tomography, computerized axial tomogram, computerised transverse axial tomography, cat scan - nos, diagnostic tomography nos, tomography x-ray computerized, tomographic imaging procedure (procedure), ct scanning, computed tomography scan - nos (procedure), x-ray computed tomography, ct - computerized tomography, tomography transmission computed, cat scan x-ray, tomograms, computerized tomography without iv contrast, computerised tomograph scan, computed tomography, tomography computed x-ray, x-ray tomography computed, tomography x-ray computer assisted, ct scan without iv contrast, ct x ray, computerized transaxial tomography, computerised transaxial tomography, cat scan, computerized axial tomography scan - nos, x-ray computerized tomography, cat procedure scan, tomographic imaging - action, tomographies, computerized transverse axial tomogram, computed tomography x rays, x rays ct, ct xray, ct scan x ray, cat scan x ray, scan ct, ct (computerized tomography), computerized transaxial tomography without iv contrast, computerized transaxial tomography nos, computerized tomography [ct] scan, x ray computer assisted tomography, diagnostic tomographic examination nos, ct, emi scan, cat scan nos, ct scan without iv contrast, x ray tomography computed, 5-08 computerized tomography, scan x-ray cat, computerised tomogram, computerized tomography, scan cat, tomography - nos, computerized tomography (procedure), computed tomography transmission, computed tomography scan, tomographic imaging - action (qualifier value), ct - computerised tomography, computer assisted tomography, computerized axial tomography nos, tomography - nos (procedure), computed x ray tomography, cat - computerized axial tomography, tomography x ray computed, tomographies computed x-ray, computed tomography xray, computerised axial tomogram, cat scan - nos (procedure), computerized axial tomography, cat scanning, ct scan x-ray, computerized transaxial tomography without iv contrast, x-ray ct scan, computed axial tomography, scans x-ray ct, computerized tomogram, ctt scan, tomodensitometry, tomogr, tomography, diagnostic laminographic examination nos, tomographic imaging plain radiologic - action, tomographic imaging plain radiologic - action (qualifier value), computerised tomography [ct] scan, cat scans, ct x rays, cat - computerised axial tomography, tomography xray computed, tomography x ray computerized, computed tomography x-ray, cat scan procedure, computerised axial tomography scan - nos, computer-assisted transaxial tomography, x-ray cat scans, assisted computer tomography, cat scans x-ray, computerized tomograph scan, ctt, computed tomography (procedure), computing tomography, ct scans, ct scan (procedure), tomography (procedure), computerised axial tomography, c a t scan, diagnostic tomography (procedure), cat, tomogram, computerised transverse axial tomogram, x ray computerized tomography",
+"obstructed, obstructive, obstructed (qualifier value)",
+"b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, b-cell acute lymphob leukaemia, b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, b-cell acute lymphob leukemia, b cell precursor type acute leukemia, leukemia precursor cell lymphoblastic b-cell, b-cell type acute leukemia, mature b-cell leukaemia burkitt type, pro b, common precursor b all, precursor b-lymphoblastic leukemia (b-precursor all), b-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia (diagnosis), pro-b all, b-cell precursor type acute leukemia, pre-pre-b all, b-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia, pre-b, b-cell type acute leukaemia nos, b-all, precursor b-cell lymphoblastic leukemia, b cell acute lymphocytic leukemia, precursor b-lymphoblastic leukemia, c-all, precursor b-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (morphologic abnormality), mature b-cell leukemia burkitt type, b-cell lymphoblastic leukemia, pre-b all, b-precursor all, c all, precursor b-cell lymphoblastic leukaemia, b acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute b cell lymphocytic leukemia, b-cell type acute leukemia nos, precursor b-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (diagnosis), acute b-cell lymphocytic leukemia, b-cell type acute leukaemia, b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (disorder), common all",
+"disease risk, risk for disease, at risk of disease, disorder risk, at risk of disease (finding), disorders risk, disease risks, diseases risk",
+"donor graft, donor graft (substance), graft donor",
+"marrow (bone), procedure on bone marrow, bone marrow structure, whole body>bone marrow, marrow bone, reticuloendothelial system bone marrow, c1 bone marrow, bm - bone marrow, bone marrow operations, haematopoietic marrow, hematopoietic marrow, bone marrow, medulla ossea, bone marrow procedures, all bone marrow, bone marrow structure (body structure), bone mar, medulla ossium, procedure on bone marrow (procedure), bone marrow procedure, bone marrow (body structure), all bone marrow (body structure), procedures on bone marrow, bone marrow nos, bone marrow procedure (procedure)",
+"heme (substance), haem, protoheme ix, hematin, ferrate(2-) (712-diethenyl-381317-tetramethyl-21h23h-porphine-218-dipropanoato(4-)-n21n22n23n24)- dihydrogen (sp-4-2)-, heme, ferroheme, heme b, heme group, ferroprotoporphyrin, benz(b)indeno(12-d)pyran-9(6h)-one 6a7-dihydro-346a10-tetrahydroxy-, haeme, protoheme, hematein, hemes, reduced hematin, hem",
+"pancytopenia nos (disorder), pancytopenia (diagnosis), pancytopenia (disorder), pancytopenia, bone marrow failure, pancytopenia (finding), pancytopenia nos, pancytopenias, low blood cell count",
+"traumatic encephalopathies, traumatic enceph, brain injuries traumatic, tbis (traumatic brain injuries), traumatic brain injuries, brain injuries traumatic, traumatic brain injury (tbi), tbi, traumatic brain damage (diagnosis), trauma brain, brain damage traumatic, encephalopathies traumatic, traumatic; encephalopathy, enceph traumatic, brain injury (traumatic), inj brain traumatic, brain damage - traumatic, traumatic brain injury nos, encephalopathy traumatic, brain injury traumatic, traumatic brain injury, brain damage - traumatic (disorder), encephalopathy; traumatic, traumatic encephalopathy (disorder) [ambiguous], injury;brain;traumatic, brain trauma, traumatic brain inj, traumas brain, injury brain traumatic, tbi (traumatic brain injury), brain traumas, brain inj traumatic, traumatic brain injury (disorder), brain injury due to trauma, traumatic brain injury (diagnosis), traumatic encephalopathy (disorder), traumatic encephalopathy, brain damage (traumatic), brain injury traumatic, tbi (traumatic brain injuries), traumatic brain damage",
+"bone marrow transpl, bone marrow transplant (procedure), grafting of bone marrow nos, bone marrow transplant, transplantation of bone marrow (procedure), bone marrow transplant (bmt), transfusion of bone marrow, transplantation bone marrow, bmt, bone marrow transplantations, transplantation of bone marrow, marrow transplantation, bone marrow transplant bmt, bone marrow trnsplnt nos, grafting bone marrow, bone marrow transplants, bone marrow transplant (treatment), bone marrow transplantation, graft of bone marrow nos, bone marrow transplant nos, bone marrow--transplantation, bmt - bone marrow transplant, transplant;bone marrow, bone marrow grafting, graft of bone marrow nos (procedure), bone marrow graft, transplantation of bone marrow nos, grafting of bone marrow nos (procedure), transpl bone marrow, bone marrow transplant not otherwise specified, bone marrow transplant nos",
+"alkylator, alkylating agent, product containing alkylating agent (product), alkylating agent-containing product, alkylating agent nos, alkylating drugs, alkylating agents, product containing alkylating agent, alkylating agent (product), agents alkylating, agents alkylating, alkylating drug, agent alkylating, alkylating agent product, alkylating agents (medication), alkylators, alkylating agent (substance)",
+"atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (morphologic abnormality), att/rht, primary malignant rhabdoid tumor of the brain, atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor, cns rhabdoid tumor, malignant brain rhabdoid neoplasm, at/rt, primary malignant brain rhabdoid neoplasm, primary malignant rhabdoid tumor of brain, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (who grade iv), malignant rhabdoid neoplasm of the brain, rhabdoid tumor of the central nervous system, rhabdoid neoplasm of the central nervous system, malignant brain rhabdoid tumor, central nervous system rhabdoid tumor, rhabdoid neoplasm of cns, rhabdoid tumor of cns, rhabdoid tumor of the cns, rhabdoid neoplasm of central nervous system, malignant rhabdoid neoplasm of brain, rhabdoid tumor of central nervous system, primary malignant rhabdoid neoplasm of the brain, malignant rhabdoid tumor of the brain, rhabdoid neoplasm of the cns, cns rhabdoid neoplasm, central nervous system rhabdoid neoplasm, primary malignant brain rhabdoid tumor, malignant rhabdoid tumor of brain, primary malignant rhabdoid neoplasm of brain, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour",
+"structure of tentorium cerebelli, cerebellar tentorium, entire tentorium, cerebelli tentorium, tentorium (body structure), tentorium, entire tentorium cerebelli, tentorium cerebelli (body structure), entire tentorium cerebelli (body structure), tentorium cerebelli, structure of tentorium cerebelli (body structure)",
+"convulsion, [d]convulsions (context-dependent category), seizure (finding), fits nos, [d]convulsion nos (context-dependent category), fits, convulsions, seizure (physical finding), fit - convulsion (finding), seizure nos, fit - convulsion, fits, seizure, [d]convulsion nos (situation), convulsion/seizure, [d]fit (context-dependent category), convulsion (nos), seizure nos, fits - convulsions (disorder), fitted, [d]fit, [d]convulsion nos, seizure d, epileptic seizure, [d]convulsions (situation), [d]convulsions, seizures, convulsion nos, convulsion nos, fit, convulsions nos, fit nos, sz, [d]fit (situation), [d]seizure nos, fitting, a70-a72 convulsions, fits - convulsions, convulsions (symptom), convulsion (disorder), fit(s)",
+"cart19, cd19car-cd3zeta-4-1bb-expressing autologous t lymphocytes, tisagenlecleucel (medication), car.cd19-redirected t cells, tisagenlecleucel-containing product, chemotherapeutics tisagenlecleucel, tisagenlecleucel product, tisagenlecleucel-t, cart-19, product containing tisagenlecleucel (medicinal product), tisagenlecleucel (substance), product containing tisagenlecleucel, autologous cart-19 tcr:4-1bb cells, tisagenlecleucel, tisagenlecleusel",
+"malignant lymphoma follicle center, nodular malignant lymphoma (diagnosis), nodular lymphoma nos, [m]nodular lymphosarcoma nos, germinoblastoma; follicular, mal.lymcentr-blas/cytfoll, malignant lymphoma centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (morphologic abnormality), follicular lymphoma, reticulosarcoma - follicular or nodular, follicular low grade b-cell lymphoma (disorder), malig.lymphoma nodular nos, nodular malignant lymphoma, follicular non-hodgkin lymphoma, giant follicular lymphomas, lymphoma nodular, lymphomas follicular, nodular lymphoma, follicular low grade b-cell lymphoma (diagnosis), nodular lymphoma (brill - symmers disease), nodular lymphosarcoma (diagnosis), brill-symmers disease, malignant lymphoma follicular nos, lymphoma giant follic, foll low grade b-cell lymphom, lymphoma; nodular, follicular lymphoma: [non-hodgkins] or [nos], follicular non-hodgkins lymph, [m]giant follicular lymphoma, follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma, [m]mal.lymcentr-blas/cytfoll, [m]malig.lymphoma nodular nos, malignant neoplasm lymphoma b-cell low grade follicular, lymphoma; follicular, nodular lymphosarcoma, nodular lymphoma (disorder), giant follicular lymphosarcoma (diagnosis), follicular low grade b-cell lymphoma, lymphoma; lymphocytic nodular, nodular; lymphoma lymphocytic, nodular (follicular) lymphoma, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic nodular nos, (nodular lymphoma: brill-symmers disease) or (reticulosarcoma - follicular or nodular) (disorder), malignant neoplasm nodular lymphoma follicular, lymphocytic lymphoma nodular, malignant lymphoma follicle centre follicular, follic lymphoma, brill-symmers disease, brill symmers dis, lymphoma follicular, [m]malignant lymphoma nodular nos (& [brill - symmers disease]) (disorder), follicular lymphomas, follicular lymphomas giant, brill symmers disease, follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma unspecified, giant follicular lymphosarcoma, follicular [nodular] non-hodgkins lymphoma, malignant lymphoma follicular, lymphosarcoma; follicular, lymphoma follic, lymphomas nodular, malignant lymphoma nodular, lymphoma follicular malignant, germinoblastoma follicular, follicular lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), nodular; lymphoma, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic nodular, malignant lymphoma nodular nos, follicular centre cell lymphoma, malignant lymphoma centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (disorder), lymphomas giant follicular, m lyomacentrbl-centrcytfoll, follicular; lymphosarcoma, giant follicular lymphoma, [m]follicular lymphosarcoma nos, follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma (disorder), follic lymphoma giant, [m]malignant lymphoma nodular nos (& [brill - symmers disease]), (nodular lymphoma: brill-symmers disease) or (reticulosarcoma - follicular or nodular), nodular and follicular lymphomas, follicle center lymphoma, [m]malignant lymphoma nodular nos (morphologic abnormality), malignant lymphoma nodular nos, [m]brill - symmers disease, disease brill-symmers, nodular lymphoma of unspecified site (disorder), nodular lymphomas, follicular lymphoma unspecified, follicular malignant lymphoma - centroblastic-centrocytic (diagnosis), follicular lymphosarcoma, follicular lymphoma nos, brill-symmers, follicular lymphoma (diagnosis), malignant lymphoma centroblastic-centrocytic follicular, lymphoma follicular, [m]malignant lymphoma centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (morphologic abnormality), follicular lymphoma: [non-hodgkins] or [nos] (disorder), malignant lymphoma follicle center follicular, malignant lymphoma centroblastic-centrocytic follicular -retired-, lymphoma giant follicular, nodular lymphoma nos (disorder), giant follic lymphoma, nodular lymphoma-unspec. site, follicular lymphoma giant, malignant neoplasm lymphoma follicular - centroblastic-centrocytic, lymphosarcoma follicular, nodular lymphocytic lymphoma, lymphoma; nodular lymphocytic, brill - symmers disease, follicular; germinoblastoma, [m]malignant lymphoma centroblastic-centrocytic follicular, follicular malignant lymphoma - centroblastic-centrocytic, lymphoma follicular centre cell, malignant lymphoma follicle centre, lymphocytic; lymphoma nodular, malignant lymphoma follicular nos, nodular lymphoma of unspecified site, [m]malignant lymphoma nodular nos",
+"anti e, blood group antibody e (rh), antibody e, blood group antibody rh, blood group antibody rh3, e antibody, antibodies e, blood group antibody rh, e ab, blood group antibody e, blood group antibody e (substance)",
+"defic syndrome immunol, deficiency syndromes immunologic, unspecified immunity deficiency (disorder), syndrome immunologic deficiency, defic syndromes immunol, immunity deficiency nos, syndrome immunological deficiency, immunodeficiency disorders (diagnosis), immune deficiency disorder disease or syndrome, syndromes immunologic deficiency, immunodeficiencies, immunologic deficiency syndromes, immunodeficiency disorder (disorder), deficiency;immune, hypoimmunity, immunologic deficiency, immunodeficiency nos, immunodeficiency disorder, immunol defic syndromes, immunodeficient, decreased immune function, immunodeficiency, immune deficiency disorder, immunological deficiency syndrome, immune deficiency disorders diseases and syndromes, deficiency syndrome immunologic, immunologic deficiency syndrome, immunodeficiency unspecified, immunodeficiency nos, immunological deficiency syndromes, immunodeficiency syndrome, unspecified immunity deficienc, deficiency syndrome immunological, syndromes immunological deficiency, immunodeficiency (disorder), immunol defic syndrome, immune deficiency, immunodeficiency disease, immunodeficiency disorders, immunodeficient nos, unspecified immunity deficiency, deficiency syndromes immunological, immunodeficiency syndromes",
+"carbohydrate diet (finding), carbohydrates diet, carbohydrate diet nos, carbohydrates diets, carbohydrate diet, carbohydrate diets, diet carbohydrate",
+"weigh patient, rnax weigh patient, bodies weight, weight, weighing of patient, weighing, weighing patient (procedure), body weight, weighting, measuring someones weight, rnax weigh patient (treatment), weighing patient, weighted, body weights",
+"collagen disease, rheumatism (diagnosis), collagen disease nos (disorder), rheumatism nos, collagen disorder nos, rheumatic dis, rheumatologic problem, musculoskeletal pain disorder, rheumatics, rheumatism unspecified, locomotor pain disorder, connective tissue disease, rheumatologic disorder (diagnosis), collagen disease nos, disorder collagen (nos), collagen disorder (nos), rheumatism nos, diseases collagen, collagen disorders, rheumatism, inflammatory rheumatism, rheumatologic disorder, collagen disorder nos, disease collagen, collagen dis, disease;collagen, rheumatologic disease, collagen disease (disorder), collagen diseases, collagen disease nos, rheumatic, rheumatic disease, diseases rheumatic, rheumatic diseases, collagen disorder, rheumatism (disorder), disease rheumatic, rheumatism unspecified (disorder), rheumatism unspecified, rheumatism unspecified site unspecified, musculoskeletal pain disorder (finding), collagen vascular disease",
+"plan, planned, planned (qualifier value), planning",
+"streptococcal rheumatic joint disease, rheumatic joint disease (diagnosis), arthritis due to rheumat fever, articular rheumatic fever, rheumatic joint disease (disorder), rheumatic joint disease, rheumatic joint disease nos, arthritis due to rheumatic fever, articular rheumatic fever nos",
+"newton per square metre, newton per square meter, newton/square meter, pascal (qualifier value), pa, pa (qualifier value), pascal, n/sq. m, newton/square metre, n/m2, p",
+"mitral valve disorders, rheumatic mitral valve disease (& [chronic]) (disorder), abnormal mitral valve, disease mitral valve, mitral valve disease unspecified, mitral valve abnormal, mitral valve disorders nos, mitral valve; disorder, mitral rh valve dis., rheumatic mitral valve changes (finding), rheumatic mitral valve disease, disease (or disorder); mitral(valve) (rheumatic), rheumatic mitral valve disorder (diagnosis), mitral valve diseases, mitral valve diseases (& [rheumatic]) (disorder), rheumatic mitral valve disorder, mitral valve diseases (& [rheumatic]), mitral valve disorders nos (disorder), rheumatic mitral (valve) disorder (chronic) nos, mitral valve disorder nos, rheumatic valve mitral disease, mitral valve; disorder rheumatic, mitral valvular disease, mvd - mitral valve disease, rheumatic mitral valve disease (& [chronic]), rheumatic mitral valve diseases, rheumatic disease of mitral valve nos, mitral valve disorder rheumatic, mitral valve disorder (disorder), rheumatic disease of mitral valve (disorder), mitral valve disorder (diagnosis), rheumatic mitral valve changes, diseases of mitral valve, mitral valve disease nos (disorder), mitral valve disorder, mitral valve disease, valvular disease (mitral), mitral valve disease nos, rheumatic disease of mitral valve",
+"spitting up, regurgitates after swallowing (finding), regurgitates after swallowing, regurgitation, spit up, regurgitations, regurgitates feed, spits up",
+"spitting up, regurgitation, regurgitation - mechanism (qualifier value), regurgitations, regurgitation - mechanism",
+"medical therapy (procedure), medical therapies (procedure), medical therapies, medical therapy",
+"disease (or disorder); tricuspid (valve) (rheumatic), rh. tricuspid valve disease, rheumatic tricuspid valve disorder nos, tricuspid valve disease unspecified, rheum tricuspid valve disease, rheum.tricuspid valve dis.nos, tricuspid (valve); disorder (rheumatic), tricuspid valve rheumatic disease, diseases of tricuspid valve, tricuspid disease, rheumatic tricuspid valve disorder (diagnosis), rheumatic tricuspid valve disease nos, rheumatic tricuspid valve disease, rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases, tricuspid valve disease, rheumatic tricuspid valve disorder, rheumatic tricuspid valve disease nos, rheumatic disease of tricuspid valve (disorder), rheumatic tricuspid valve disease nos (disorder), rheumatic disease of tricuspid valve, rheumatic disease of tricuspid valve nos",
+"antifungal agents, substance with antifungal mechanism of action, fungicides ther, agent antifungal, antifungal, fungicidal drug (substance), antifungal drugs, antifungal agent nos, antifungal (substance), fungicidal drug (product), antifungal agent, antifungal agent [tc], product containing antifungal (product), antifungal agents (medication), medicinal product acting as antifungal (product), therapeutic fungicides, antifungal drugs (substance), agents antifungal, ther fungicides, drugs fungicidal, fungicidal drug, antifungals, medicinal product acting as antifungal agent (product), product containing antifungal, antifungal preparation (substance), antifungal drugs (product), antifungal preparation, antifungal product, antifungal-containing product, antifungal preparation (product), substance with antifungal mechanism of action (substance), antifungal drug, fungicides therapeutic",
+"antifungal (disposition), antifungal",
+"pulmonary aspergillosis, aspergillosis bronchopulmonary, bronchopulmonary aspergillose, aspergilloses bronchopulmonary, aspergillosis bronchopulmonary, bronchopulm asperg, bronchopulmonary aspergilloses, aspergillose bronchopulmonary, asperg bronchopulm, bronchopulmonary aspergillosis",
+"fungal microorganism (organism), mycete, kingdom fungi (organism), fungal microorganisms, fungus present, fungi measurement, fungal, fungus, fungal microorganism, section 4 fungi - mycetae, fungi: general terms, fungus nos, 400 fungi: general terms, fungi, fungi - mycetae, fungus (organism), kingdom fungi, fungus (lab result)",
+"((3-iodophenyl)methyl)guanidine, metaiodobenzylguanidine (substance), m iodobenzylguanidine, iobenguane (substance), meta iodobenzylguanidine, meta-iodobenzylguanidine, mibg, mibg - metaiodobenzylguanidine, iobenguane, 3-iodobenzylguanidine, m-iodobenzylguanidine, iodobenzylguanidine 03, migb - metaiodobenzylguanidine, 3 iodobenzylguanidine, metaiodobenzylguanidine",
+"131iodine, product containing iodine-131 (medicinal product), iodine-131-containing product, iodine-131, iodine-131 (product), iodine i 131, iodine i-131, iodide i-131, product containing iodine-131, bound iodide i-131, 131 iodine (substance), i-131 (1), iodine-131(diagnostic), 131i radioisotope, ^131^iodine (substance), i-131, 131iodine (substance), i131 isotope, iodine-131(diagnostic) (substance), 131-iodine, iodine-131(diagnostic) (product), 131-i, iodide i-131, iodotope, i131 - iodine 131, iodine-131 (substance), i-131 radioisotope, 131 iodine, iodine-131 product, iodine 131, ^131^iodine, iodine 131 (medication), i 131",
+"product containing dexrazoxane, dexrazoxane product, (+)-(s)-44-(1-methyl-12-ethanediyl)di(26-piperazinedione), (+)-12-bis(35-dioxo-1-piperazinyl)propane, 26-piperazinedione 44propylenedi-(p)-(8ci), 2 6-piperazinedione 44-propylenedi- (p)- (8ci), razoxane (s)-isomer, dexrazoxane-containing product, (+)-(s)-44-propylenedi-26-piperazinedione, 4-[(2s)-2-(35-dioxopiperazin-1-yl)propyl]piperazine-26-dione, dexrazoxane (product), dexrazoxano, dexrazoxan, razoxane (+)-form, dexrazoxanum, 26-piperazinedione 4 4-(1-methyl-12-ethanediyl)bis- (s)- (9ci), dexrazoxane, dexrazoxane (substance), dzr, soluble icrf (l-isomer), 26-piperazinedione 44-(1-methyl-12-ethanediyl)bis-(s)-(9ci), product containing dexrazoxane (medicinal product), dextrorazoxane",
+"stress incontinence (& symptom) (finding), rndx stress urinary incontinence, stress; incontinence, incontinence; stress, stress incontinence genuine, urinary stress incontinence, stress urinary incontinence, stress incontinence, stress urinary incontinence (disorder), gsi - genuine stress incontinence, rndx stress urinary incontinence (diagnosis), stress incontinence (diagnosis), si - stress incontinence, genuine stress incontinence (diagnosis), incontinence urinary stress, urinary incontinence stress, gsi - genuine stress incontin, incontinence urinary stress, stress incontinence urinary, incontinence stressed urinary, genuine stress incontinence (finding), stress bladder incontinence, incontinence when straining, urinary incontinence stress, urine; incontinence stress, genuine stress incontinence (disorder), bladder incontinence stress, stress incontinence (& symptom), stress incontinence - symptom, incontinence stress, stress incontinence of urine, incontinence; urinary stress, genuine stress incontinence, incontinence;urine;stress, incontinence - stress, incontinence stress urinary",
+"receptor chimeric antigen, chimeric t cell receptors, antigen receptor chimeric, non-native antigen receptor, car, t-cell receptor chimeric, receptor chimeric t-cell, chimeric antigen receptors, artificial antigen receptor, receptors chimeric antigen, receptors artificial t-cell, chimeric antigen receptor (substance), chimeric t-cell receptors, artificial t cell receptors, t-cell receptors chimeric, receptors chimeric t-cell, t-cell receptors artificial, car - chimeric antigen receptor, chimeric antigen receptor, chimeric t-cell receptor, chimeric immunoreceptors, chimeric t cell receptor, immunoreceptors chimeric, artificial t-cell receptors, antigen receptors chimeric",
+"recept antigen t cell, t-cell antigen receptors, t cell receptors, receptors t-cell antigen, t-cell antigen receptor site, antigen receptors t cell, antigen receptors t-cell, t cell recept, t-cell receptor (tcr), t cell antigen recept, t cell receptor, tcr, t-cell receptors, receptor t-cell antigen, t-cell receptor, receptor t-cell, t-cell antigen receptor (substance), t cell antigen receptor, major histocompatibility complex receptor, recept t cell antigen, antigen receptor t-cell, t cells--receptors, antigen recept t cell, receptors t-cell, t-cell antigen receptor, receptors t cell antigen, receptors antigen t-cell, mhc receptor",
+"antigen e, blood group antigen e (rh), e antigen, blood group antigen rh, rh3 (isbt symbol), blood group antigen rh, blood group antigen e (substance), blood group antigen rh3, blood group antigen e, e",
+"receptors antigen, antigen receptor, recept antigen, native antigen receptor, antigen receptors, antigen receptor site, receptor antigen, antigen recept, antigen receptor (substance)",
+"plant poke, inkberry, phytolacca decandra / pokeroot / pokeweed, poked, plants poke, poking, red stem pokeweed, phytolacca americana (organism), phytolacca americana, pokeberry, phytolacca decandra/pokeroot, common pokeberry, pokeweeds, phytolacca americana whole, pokeweed, virginia poke, common pokeweed, phytolacca americana l., poke plants, phytolacca decandra l., poke plant, phytolacca decandra, poke",
+"placement, placement action, placed, placement (qualifier value), place, placement - action",
+"extradural anesthesias, la - la epidural block, la - local anesthetic epidural block, epidural anesthesias, therapeutic epidural spinal anesthesia, peridural anaesthesia, peridural anesthesia, local anaesthet epidural block, extradural block, epidural anesthesia (procedure), local anaesthetic epidural block, anesthesias epidural, anesthesia peridural, extradural anesthesia, therapeutic epidural spinal anesthesia (treatment), peridural anesthesias, anesthesias extradural, epidural peridural anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, anesthesias peridural, epidural block, anesthesia epidural, epidural analgesia, epidural anaesthesia, local anesthetic epidural block, anesthesia extradural, la - local anaesthetic epidural block",
+"language nos, language function, language nos, language function (observable entity), language (function), language, language nos (observable entity), languages, language name",
+"cord blood specimen, cord blood specimen (specimen), bldco, cord blood sample",
+"controlled by, controlled by (attribute), cy",
+"intramolecular transferase activity, mutases, substance with mutase mechanism of action, mutase (substance), mutase (biological function) (substance), transferases intramolecular, mutase, mutase -retired-, mutase (biological function), intramolecular transferases, mutase activity, substance with mutase mechanism of action (substance), mutase (disposition)",
+"mutase (disposition), mutase",
+"dermatosis, dermatoses nos (disorder), dermatological disorder, dermatologic condition, disease (or disorder); skin, skin disorder nos, dermatological diseases, dermatological disorders, cutaneous disorders, skin disorder (nos), dermatoses nos, integumentary disease, skin; disorder, disease or syndrome of skin, dermatosis nos, dermatologic disorders, cutaneous disorder, skin diseases and manifestations, disorder of skin (disorder), dermatosis nos, dermatological disease, diseases disorders skin, skin condition, skin disorders (diagnosis), skin disorder diagnosis, skin disease, diseases and syndromes of skin, dermatologic disease, disease skin, skin disorders nos, disorder skin, disease of skin nos, disorder of skin, disease integumentary, dermatologic diseases, disease of skin, disease of skin (disorder), skin--diseases, diseases skin, dermatoses, dermatologic condition (diagnosis), skin conditions, skin dis, skin disorder nos, disorders skin, skin diseases, skin disorders, dermopathy, disease;skin, diseases integumentary, of skin disease, disorder skin (nos), disease disorders skin, dermatological disorder (disorder), dermatopathy, skin disorder",
+"eczemas, eczematous dermatitis nos, eczematous rash, eczematoid dermatitis, unclassifiable eczema, eczema (diagnosis), eczema: [discoid] or [nos] (disorder), eczema nos (disorder), eczema nos, eczema, eczema (disorder), eczematoid dermatitis (diagnosis), dermatitis; eczematous, eczematous; dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, dermatitis eczematous, eczema nos, eczema ctcae, dermatitis eczematoid, dermatitides eczematous, eczema [ambiguous] (disorder), eczematous dermatitis, unclassifiable eczema (disorder), eczematous skin lesions, eczema: [discoid] or [nos], eczematous dermatitides",
+"systemic infection (disorder), generalized; infection, blood poisoning, septicemia (diagnosis), [x]septicaemia unspecified, sepsis nos, sepsis (invertebrate), septicemia nos (disorder), (septicaemia nos) or (sepsis), septicemia nos, [x]septicemia unspecified (disorder), septic; intoxication general, septicaemia nos, septicaemia, bloodstream infections, unspecified septicemia, generalized infection, septicemias, infection; generalized, intoxication; septic general, septicaemia unspecified, intoxication; septic, septicemia nos, systemic sepsis, systemic infectious disease, septicaemia nos, septic; intoxication, infection bloodstream, infection systemic, blood pois, (septicemia nos) or (sepsis), poisonings blood, systemic infection, unspecified septicaemia, pois blood, blood poisonings, systemic infection nos, septicaemia (disorder), septicemia, (septicaemia nos) or (sepsis) (disorder), sepsis ctcae, sepsis, septicemia (disorder), infectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome (disorder), poisoning blood, toxemia, infection systemic, blood poisoning nos, septicemia unspecified, infectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis syndrome, systemic infections, poisoning blood, sepsis nos, infection in blood stream, bloodstream infection, sepsis (disorder), [x]septicemia unspecified",
+"disorder of immune system, immunological diseases, diseases of the immune system, disease of immune system, disease immunological, diseases of immune system, disorder; immune, immune disorder, immunologic disorder, disorder immune system (nos), disease immunologic, immune disease, immun, immune system diseases, immune system disorder (nos), diseases of the immune system: general terms, immune dysfunction, immunological dis, disease of immune system nos, immune disease nos, disorder of immune system (navigational concept), immune system and disorders, immunologic disease, disease of immune system (disorder), disorder of immune system nos, immune disorders, immune system disorder, immune system disease, immunologic disorders, c-50 diseases of the immune system: general terms, immune; disorder, dis immune system, immunologic diseases, section c-5 diseases of the immune system, disorder of immune system (disorder), immune disorder nos, immune diseases, immunol dis, immune system disorder nos, immune disorder (nos), disorder immune system, immune system disorders, immunologic disorders (diagnosis), disease immune system, immunological disease, immunity disorders, unspecified immune system problem, immune system dis, disease immune",
+"h3, influenza a virus subtype h3, influenza a virus h3 subtype, influenza a virus subtype h3 (organism)",
+"presented, presentation (attribute), presenting, presentations, presentation, present",
+"donor liver transplants, liver donor, donor liver, donor for liver transplant (person), liver donor transplant, donors liver, liver; donor, liver transplant donor, donor liver transplant, donor; liver, donor for liver transplant, liver transplant donor (diagnosis)",
+"gemtuzumab ozogamicin (medication), gemtuzumab ozogamicin (substance), gemtuzumab ozogamicin product, gemtuzumab-ozogamicin, gemtuzumab ozogamicin, product containing gemtuzumab ozogamicin (medicinal product), product containing gemtuzumab ozogamicin, gemtuzumab ozogamicin-containing product, hp67.6-calicheamicin, calicheamicin-conjugated humanized anti-cd33 monoclonal antibody, gemtuzumab ozogamicin (product)",
+"daunorubicinum, dauno rubidomycine, 512-naphthacenedione 8-acetyl-10-((3-amino-236-trideoxy-alpha-l-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy)-78910-tetrahydro-6811-trihydroxy-1-methoxy- (8s-cis)-, (8s-cis)-8-acetyl-10-[(3-amino-236-trideoxy-alpha-l-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-78910-tetrahydro-6811-trihydroxy-1-methoxy-512-naphthacenedione, daunorubicin product, product containing daunorubicin, daunorubicin (substance), (8s-cis)-8-acetyl-10-((3-amino-236-trideoxy-α-l-lyxo-hexopyrannosyl)oxy)-78910-tetrahydro-6811-trihydroxy-1-methoxy-512-napthacenedione, daunorubicin-containing product, daunorubicin, daunorubicina, daunomycin, 512-naphthacenedione 8-acetyl-10-[(3-amino-236-trideoxy-alpha-l-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-78910-tetrahydro-6811-trihydroxy-1-methoxy- (8s-cis)-, dauno-rubidomycine, product containing daunorubicin (medicinal product), leukaemomycin c, daunorrubicina, rubomycin c, dnm, daunorubicin (product), rubomycin, acetyladriamycin, l-lyxo-hexopyranoside 3beta-acetyl-1234611-hexahydro-3512-trihydroxy-10-metldioxo-1a-naphthacenyl 3-amino-236-trideoxy-alpha-, daunorubicin (medication), drb, (+)-daunomycin, dnr, rubidomycin, daunorubicine",
+"cytarabine (liposomal), cytarabine liposome, liposomal cytarabine, cytarabine liposome (substance), product containing cytarabine liposome, cytarabine liposomal (product), cytarabine liposome product, encapsulated cytarabine, cytarabine liposomal (dspc/dspg), product containing cytarabine liposome (medicinal product), cytarabine liposomal",
+"battery (physical object), batteries medical device, electrical battery, electrical battery device, battery, batteries, electrical battery device (physical object)",
+"fumarates, fumarate (substance), fumarate",
+"cis-diaminedichloroplatinum, cis-diamminedichloridoplatinum, cisplatin (substance), cis-diamminedichloroplatinum, cisplatin, cddp - cisplatin, dichlorodiammineplatinum, cis diamminedichloroplatinum, cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(ii), cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(ii), platinum diaminedichloro- cis- (8ci), diaminedichloroplatinum (substance), diamminodichloride platinum, cacp, cis-platinum ii, platinum diamminedichloro- (sp-4-2)-, cis dichlorodiammineplatinum, diamminedichloroplatinum cis 02, peyrones chloride, cddp, cis platinum compound, cisplatino, ddp, product containing cisplatin (medicinal product), cysplatyna, cisplatinum, c.i. 77795, cisplatina, cis-diammine-dichloroplatinum, pdd, peyrones salt, cis-platinum ii diamine dichloride, cisplatin (medication), cis-dichloroammine platinum (ii), dichlorodiammineplatinum cis 02, cismaplat, platinum diamminodichloride, (sp-4-2)-diamminedichloroplatinum, cis-platinum compound, cis-ddp, diaminedichloroplatinum, cis-platinum, cis-diamminedichloro platinum (ii), cis platinum, platinum metallicum, platinoxan, cpdd, cisplatin-containing product, product containing cisplatin, cis-platinum compound nos, cis-platinous diamine dichloride, cisplatin (product), cisplatin product",
+"infected (morphologic abnormality), infect, infected, infects, infecting",
+"antiviral, antiviral (disposition)",
+"entire lateral cubital region, entire lateral cubital region (body structure), lateral cubital region",
+"tendon disorder (disorder), disorders tendons, disorder tendon, tendon disorder, disorders tendon, tendon disorders, disorder of tendon (diagnosis), disorder of tendon, tendon disorder nos, tenden disorder, tendinopathy, disorder of tendon (disorder), disorder of tendon nos, tendinous disorders",
+"stat (qualifier value), stat, immediate testing, immediately (qualifier value), statim, immediate (qualifier value), immediately, immediate, stat (do immediately), query priority - immediate",
+"tendonitis nos, tendinitis nos (disorder), teninitis, tendinitis nos, tendinitis (disorder), tendinitides, tendinitis, tendonitis, tendonitides, tendonitis (diagnosis), inflammatory disorder of tendon, tendonitis nos, disease (or disorder); tendon inflammatory, tendon; disorder inflammatory, inflammation; tendon, tendon; inflammation, tendinitis nos, tendon inflamed",
+"pain wounds, wound pain (finding), wound pain, pain wound",
+"localize, localised, limited area, localized, localized (qualifier value), localizing",
+"genetic selection (finding), selection, selection genetic, selection (genetics), genetic selection",
+"grade 3 (qualifier value), grade iii, grade three rank, grade 3",
+"g3 grade, g3: poorly differentiated, tumour grade g3, poorly differentiated (g3), g3 stage (tumor staging), g3 stage, grade 3, g3 grade (finding), g3, grade iii, tumor grade g3",
+"alanylglutamine product, amino acid preparations alanylglutamine, alanylglutamine, alanylglutamine (substance), product containing alanylglutamine (medicinal product), alanyl-glutamine, alanyl glutamine, l-alanyl-l-glutamine, ala-gln, ag, n(2)-l-alanyl-l-glutamine, l-alanyl-l-glutamine (product), l-alanyl/l-glutamine, ala-gln - alanylglutamine, alanylglutamine (medication), alanylglutamine-containing product, product containing alanylglutamine",
+"glomerulonephritides membranous, nephropathy membranous, membranous nephropathy, nephropathy membranous, mgn, chronic nephritic syndrome diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis (disorder), membranous glomerulonephritis nos, chronic nephritic syndrome with diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritic syndrome w diffuse membranous glomrlneph, membranous nephropathy (diagnosis), mgn - membranous glomerulonephritis, glomerulopathy extramembranous, chron nephritic syndrom difuse membranous glomerulonephritis, membranous glomerulonephropathy, membranous glomerulonephritis (diagnosis), extramembranous glomerulopathy, chron neph syn df mbrn glomnph, glomerulonephritis membranous, membranous glomerulonephritides, membranous glomerulonephritis (disorder), chronic nephritic syndrome with diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis (diagnosis), mgn - membranous gn, glomerulonephropathy membranous, glomerulonephritis membranous, glomerulopathy membranous, membranous nephropathy nos, chronic nephritic syndrome diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis, membranous glomerulopathy, membranous glomerulonephritis",
+"first-line therapy, primary therapy, first line of therapy, primary treatment, first line treatment, first line treatment (procedure), first line therapy, first-line treatment",
+"face masks, masks, mask, masks (treatment), mask (physical object)",
+"abdominal aorta aneurysm, aorta abdominalis; aneurysm, aneurysm aorta abdominal, abdominal aortic aneurysms, abdominal; aneurysm, aortic aneurysms abdominal, aneurysm of abdominal aorta, abdominal aneurysm, abdominal aortic aneurysm (disorder), aneurysms abdominal aortic, aneurysm of abdominal aorta (diagnosis), aneurysm;abdominal aortic, aaa, aneurysm; abdominal, abdominal aortic aneurysm (aaa), aneurysm abdominal, aaa - abdominal aortic aneurysm, aneurysm abdominal aortic, abdominal aortic aneurysm, aortic aneurysm abdominal, aaa-abdominal aortic aneurysm, aorta abdominal aneurysm, abdominal aneurysms, aaa (abdominal aorta aneurysm), aneurysm; abdominal aorta, aaa (abdominal aortic aneurysm)",
+"malignant tumour of abdomen, abdomen and/or pelvis structure, abdomen nos, malignant neoplasm of abdomen (disorder), cavity of compartment of abdomen, abdomen, malignant tumor of abdomen, abdominopelvic cavity structure (body structure), body cavity abdominal, intraabdominal, abdominopelvic region, space of abdominal compartment, entire abdomen (body structure), abdominal, abdominal cancers, cavitas abdominis, cavity abdominal, abdominopelvic regions, abdominal cavity, cavity of abdominal compartment, abdomen (volume), abdomen cancer, malig neo abdomen, cancer abdomen, abd, malignant neoplasm of the abdomen (diagnosis), abdominal cavity nos, abdomen total, abdominopelvis, malignant tumor of abdomen (disorder), structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or content of abdominopelvic cavity and/or anterior abdominal wall, abdomen and pelvis, abdominopelvic structure (body structure), radiating chest pain in abdomen, d40-d44 abdomen, abdomen+, cavities abdominal, abdomen and/or pelvis structure (body structure), malignant neoplasm of ill-defined site of abdomen, abdomens, abdominal structure, malignant tumor of ill-defined site of abdomen, malignant neoplasm of the abdomen, abdominopelvic structure, abdominal cancer, abdominopelvic cavity structure, entire abdomen, cancer abdominal, abdominal cavities, abdominal structure (body structure), abdomen+pelvis, intra-abdominopelvic structure and/or anterior abdominal wall, structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or content of abdominopelvic cavity and/or anterior abdominal wall (body structure), malignant neoplasm of abdomen, abdomen--cancer, abdominal cavity structure, cavitas abdominalis, abdominal cavity structure (body structure)",
+"ascend, ascending (qualifier value), sequencing - ascending, ascend (action), ascending",
+"density, density (physics), physical density, density (qualifier value), den, densities, mass to volume ratio",
+"markers biol tumor, marker tumor metabolite, biochemical tumor markers, marker neopl metab, tumor markers biologic, tumor metab marker, tumor metabolite marker, metabolite marker tumor, metabolite markers neoplasm, biochemical tumour marker, markers tumor metabolite, biomarkers tumor, markers biologic tumor, biologic tumor marker, tumor metabolite markers, marker biochemical tumor, markers biochem tumor, tumor markers biol, tumor biomarkers, markers biological tumor, biochem tumor markers, metab markers neopl, biological tumor marker, marker biochem tumor, markers neopl metab, carcinogen markers, tumor biomarker, biol tumor marker, biomarker tumor, tumor markers biological, markers tumor metab, marker biol tumor, biochemical tumor marker (substance), tumor marker biologic, markers neoplasm metabolite, tumor marker biological, tumor markers biochemical, biological tumor markers, metabolite markers tumor, neopl metab markers, tumor marker biochemical, biologic tumor markers, biol tumor markers, marker neoplasm metabolite, neoplasm metabolite markers, marker biologic tumor, biochemical tumor marker, tumor markers biochem, markers biochemical tumor, metabolite marker neoplasm, marker tumor metab, metab markers tumor, neoplasm metabolite marker, markers carcinogen, marker biological tumor",
+"joints--range of motion, range of joint movement (observable entity), joint flexibility, flexibility joint, range of motion articular, range of joint motion, mobility, range of joint movement, joint range of motion, range of motion, range-of-motion tests and/or measurements, joint mobility, joint range of movement",
+"mobility - assessment, mobility finding (finding), mobility finding, mobility nos, mobility nos, mobility (function), mobility (observable entity), finding of mobility, mobility, mobility status, mobility nos (finding), mobility as a finding, finding of mobility (finding), mobility function (observable entity), observation of mobility, mobility - assessment (observable entity)",
+"artery disorder, disorder of artery nos, arterial disorder nos, disorder of artery, arteriopathy, arteriopath, disease of arteries arterioles and capillaries, arterial vascular disease, disorder of artery [ambiguous], artery diseases, 3-81-82 diseases of the arteries, arterial disease (disorder), arterial disease, disease of artery, arteriopathic disease, diseases of the arteries, arterial disorders, arterial diseases, arterial disorder, artery; disorder, disease of artery (disorder), disease (or disorder); artery, generalised arterial disease, generalized arterial disease, disorder of artery (disorder), vascular arterial disease, artery disease, disease of artery nos, artery disorders, disease of artery [ambiguous]",
+"atypical lipomatous tumor, atypical lipoma (morphologic abnormality), superficial well differentiated liposarcoma, atypical lipomatous tumour, atypical lipomas, well differentiated liposarcoma, well differentiated liposarcoma of superficial soft tissue, lipoma-like liposarcoma, superficial well differentated liposarcoma, lipoma atypical, lipomas atypical, alt, atypical lipoma",
+"porphyrin metabolism disorder nos, porphyria nos (disorder), porphyrinopathy nos, porphyria nos, disorder of porphyrin metabolism, disorders of porphyrin metabolism (disorder), disorder of porphyrin metabolism nos, hematoporphyria, porphyria, disord of porphyrin & haem met, dis porphyrin metabolism, porphyrias, porphyrinopathies, porphyria (disorder), porphyrin metabolism disorders, porphyrin; metabolic disorder, disorder of porphyrin and heme metabolism, porphyrinopathy (disorder), disorder of porphyrin and hem metabolism, unspecified porphyria, disorder porphyrin, porphyria nos, porphyrin disorders, disorders of porphyrin metabolism, porphyrin metabolism disorder, disorder of porphyrin metabolism (diagnosis), disorder of porphyrin metabolism (disorder), porphyrinopathy, disorder of porphyrin and haem metabolism, porphyrin disorder, disorder of porphyrin and heme metabolism (disorder), porphyria (diagnosis), metabolic disorder; porphyrin, 6-88 disorders of porphyrin metabolism, disorders porphyrin",
+"nevirapine (substance), nevirapina, 6h-dipyrido(32-b:23-e)(14)diazepin-6-one 11-cyclopropyl-511-dihydro-4-methyl-, nevirapine-containing product, nevirapine, nvp, nevirapine (product), 11-cyclopropyl-511-dihydro-4-methyl-6h-dipyrido(32-b:23-e)(14)diazepin-6-one, product containing nevirapine (medicinal product), nev, product containing nevirapine, nevirapine product, nevirapine (medication)",
+"intermittent, chief complaint intermittently present, intermittent (qualifier value)",
+"porphyrias acute, porphyria acute, acute intermittent porphyrias, aip, aip-acute intermittent porphyr, acute intermittent porphyria (disorder) [ambiguous], porphyria acute intermittent, swedish porphyria, swedish genetic porphyria, acute intermittent porphyria (disorder), porphyria; acute intermittent, acute intermittent porphyria (aip), acute; intermittent porphyria, aip (acute intermittent porphyria), porphyrias acute intermittent, pyrrole porphyria, porphyria acute intermittent, acute intermittent porphyria, porphyria acute, pyrroloporphyria, intermittent porphyria acute, acute porphyria, acute porphyrias, acute intermittent porphyria (diagnosis), pyrroloporphyria (diagnosis), aip - acute intermittent porphyria, porphyria intermittent acute, intermittent acute porphyria, intermittent porphyrias acute, intermittent acute porphyria syndrome",
+"during values (qualifier value), during values, peri, intra",
+"volunteer worker, personnel volunteer, voluntary worker, voluntary helper, volunteer personnel, voluntary workers, voluntary worker (person), volunteer, volunteer helper, volunteer workers, volunteering, voluntary helper (person), volunteer helper (person), volunteers, worker volunteer, worker voluntary, volunteer staff",
+"pouch, pouch (unit of presentation)",
+"fatigue management, management of fatigue, management of fatigue (regime/therapy)",
+"sclerose, scleroses, sclerotic, sclerosis nos, sclerosis, fibrosclerosis, sclerosis (morphologic abnormality), hardening of the tissue",
+"diseases inflammatory, inflammatory disease, inflammatory disorder, disease inflammatory, inflammatory disorder (diagnosis), disorders inflammatory, inflammatory disorder (disorder)",
+"complement proteins, complement system proteins, complement thermolabile serum protein complex with cytotoxic effect, complement component protein, complement thermolabile serum protein complex with cytotoxic effect (substance), proteins complement system, proteins complement, complement, complement protein, protein complement, complement (serum protein), complement nos, complements",
+"[d]hyperglycaemia (situation), hyperglycemia (disorder), hyperglycemic disorder, blood glucose level above normal (finding), hyperglycaemia, high blood sugar level, elevated blood sugar, high glucose level in blood, blood sugar; high, hyperglycemic disorder (disorder), [x]hyperglycemia unspecified (context-dependent category), glucose in blood specimen above reference range, sugar; blood high, [d]hyperglycemia (situation), hyperglycaemia nos, blood glucose increased above normal, hyperglycemias, [d]hyperglycemia (context-dependent category), hyperglycemia ctcae, elevated blood glucose, [d]hyperglycaemia, elevated glucose, high blood sugar, hyperglycaemia nos, hyperglycaemic disorder, hyperglycemia, hyperglycemia unspecified, blood; sugar high, glucose in blood specimen above reference range (finding), blood glucose concentration increased above normal, [x]hyperglycemia unspecified, hyperglycemia nos, hyperglycaemia unspecified, blood glucose increased, [x]hyperglycaemia unspecified, hyperglycaemia (disorder), high blood glucose, hyperglycemia (diagnosis), hyperglycemia nos, blood glucose level above normal, [d]hyperglycemia, high; blood sugar, [x]hyperglycemia unspecified (finding)",
+"lutz-lewandowsky disease, epidermodysplasia verruciformis (disorder), epidermodysplasia verruciformis of lewandowsky-lutz, lewandowsky lutz disease, lewandowsky-lutz dysplasia, ev, lewandowsky-lutz disease, lutz lewandowsky disease, disease lutz-lewandowsky, epidermodysplasia verruciformis, lewandowsky lutz dis, lutz lewandowsky dis, disease lewandowsky-lutz, epidermodysplas verruciformis",
+"egf receptors, epidermal growth factor-urogastrone receptor (substance), proto-oncogene c-erbb-1 protein, epidermal growth factor receptor protein-tyrosine kinase, epidermal growth factor receptor family proteins, egfr, recept epidermal growth factor, erbb protein human, receptors epidermal growth factor, recept egf, egf recept, proto-oncogene protein erbb-1, epidermal factor growth receptors, receptor egf, ec, c-erbb-1, her1 protein human, receptor erbb 1, her1, cell proliferation-inducing protein 61, c-erbb-1 protein, erbb-1 receptor, cell growth inhibiting protein 40, c erbb 1 protein, erbb1, erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 1, erbb protein, erbb-1 proto-oncogene protein, epidermal growth factor receptor, epidermal growth factor-urogastrone receptor, epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr), her-1, receptors egf, proto oncogene c erbb 1 protein, c erbb protein 001, receptor epidermal growth factor, recept epidermal growth factor urogastrone, c-erbb-1 protein proto-oncogene, proto-oncogene c-erbb-1, epidermal growth factor recept, receptor tyrosine protein kinase erbb 1, egfr protein human, urogastrone receptor, receptors epidermal growth factor urogastrone, erbb-1, erbb 1 proto oncogene protein, epidermal growth factor-urogastrone receptor site, receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbb-1, egf receptor, erbb proto oncogene protein 001, epidermal growth factor receptor (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog avian) protein human, epidermal growth factor receptor measurement, receptors epidermal growth factor-urogastrone, epidermal growth factor receptor family protein, receptor erbb-1",
+"esophagus neoplasms, esophagus neopl, neoplasms esophagus, oesophageal neoplasm, neoplasm of esophagus, esophageal masses, neopl esophageal, oesophageal neoplasm nos, esophageal neoplasm, neoplasm esophagus, neoplasm of oesophagus, esophageal tumors, esophageal cancer, esophageal neoplasms benign and malignant, esophageal mass, neoplasms esophageal, esophageal tumor or cancer, esophageal tumor, esophagus neoplasm, tumour of oesophagus, tumor of esophagus, neoplasm esophageal, esophageal neoplasms, neoplasm of the esophagus, tumor of the esophagus, neoplasm of esophagus (diagnosis), esophageal neoplasm nos, esophageal neopl, esophagus--tumors, neoplasm of esophagus (disorder), esophagus tumors, esophagus tumor",
+"esophagus unspecified, oesophageal neoplasms malignant, ca oesophagus nos (disorder), malignant esophagus tumor, oesophageal neoplasm, ca oesophagus, ca esophagus, cancer esophagus, malig neop oesophagus nos, (malignant neoplasm of oesophagus nos or oesophageal cancer, malignant neoplasm of esophagus nos, cancer of oesophagus, malignant neosplasm of the esophagus, esophageal malignant tumor, malignant neoplasm of esophagus nos (disorder), malignant esophageal neoplasm, ca esophagus nos (disorder), malig neop esophagus, ca - cancer of oesophagus, malignant neosplasm of the oesophagus, oesophageal cancer nos, esophageal cancer, ca oesophagus nos, malignant neoplasm of oesophagus, esophageal neoplasms malignant, esophagus cancer, esophageal cancer (diagnosis), malignant tumor of the esophagus, oesophagus unspecified, cancers esophageal, cancer of the esophagus, malignant neoplasm of esophagus unspecified site, (malignant neoplasm of oesophagus nos or oesophageal cancer (disorder), esophageal cancer nos, malignant tumor of esophagus, malignant tumour of oesophagus, malignant neoplasm of oesophagus nos, (malignant neoplasm of esophagus nos or esophageal cancer, esophagus--cancer, mal neo esophagus nos, neoplasm malig;esophagus, oesophagus cancer, malig neop oesophagus, oesophageal cancer, ca esophagus nos, malignant esophageal tumor, malignant neoplasm of the esophagus, ca - cancer of esophagus, malignant neoplasm of esophagus (diagnosis), cancer of esophagus, malignant neoplasm of esophagus unspecified, neoplasm malig;oesophagus, malignant neoplasm of oesophagus nos, cancer esophageal, esophageal cancers, malignant tumor of esophagus (disorder), malig neop esophagus nos, malignant neoplasm of esophagus nos, cancers esophagus, malignant neoplasm of oesophagus unspecified, malignant neoplasm of esophagus, esophagus cancers, malignant tumour of oesophagus (disorder)",
+"minor (modifier) [ambiguous], littles, smalling, minor (modifier) (qualifier value), little, minor, small, minute, small (qualifier value), smaller, minutes, lesser",
+"travel (event), traveling function (observable entity), travel charge, traveling (function), traveling, travel, travels, traveling (observable entity), travelling",
+"memory short term, immediate memories, memory shortterm, immediate memory, memories short-term, memory work, immediate memory function (observable entity), memory short term, memory short-term, short-term memory, memory short-term, immediate memory function, working memories, memories shortterm, working memory, short-term memory (physical finding), short term memory, short-term memories, shortterm memory, immediate memory (function), memory working, shortterm memories, memories immediate, memory immediate",
+"sense of direction, direction compound, sense of direction function (observable entity), sense of direction (function), direction (attribute), sense of direction function, direction, direction brand of orthodontic bonding material",
+"hormone-refractory prostate cancer, castrate-resistant prostate cancer, castration-resistant prostate cancer, prostate gland malignant hormone refractory cancer, crpc, metastatic castration-resistant prostate carcinoma, hormone refractory prostate cancer (disorder), castration-resistant prostate carcinoma, hrpc, hormone refractory prostate cancer, hormone refractory prostate cancer (diagnosis)",
+"dementia progressive, dementia (disorder), [x]primary degenerative dementia nos, amentia, [x]senile dementia nos, [x]senile psychosis nos, organic dementia, dementia disorders, [x]unspecified dementia, dementias, dementia nos, dementia progressive, [x] senile dementia nos, dementia neurological, unspecified dementia, [x] unspecified dementia, [x] primary degenerative dementia nos, dementia disorder, progressive dementia, amentias, dementia (diagnosis), [x] senile dementia depressed or paranoid type, dementing neurological disease or syndrome, dementia, dementia nos, dementia unspecified, [x] senile psychosis nos, [x]unspecified dementia (disorder), dementia; progressive (etiology)",
+"person in the family (person), familymember, people in the family, family people, family members, person in the family, family person, family member",
+"malignant lymphoma lymphocytic poorly differentiated diffuse [obs], mantle-zone lymphomas, mantle zone lymphoma, lymphocytic lymphoma poorly differentiated diffuse, diffuse lymphocytic lymphoma poorly differentiated, mantle cell lymphoma, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse poorly differentiated, diffuse pdl lymphoma, lymphomas mantle-cell, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic intermediate differentiation diffuse, lymphoma mantle-zone, [m]malg lymphlymint difndif, diffuse lymphocytic lymphoma poorly-differentiated, diffuse; lymphoma lymphocytic poorly differentiated, [m]malignant lymphoma lymphocytic intermediate differentiation diffuse, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic intermediate differentiation nodular [obs], lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse poorly differ, diffuse lymphocytic lymphoma poorly differ, malign lymphomalymphocyticintermediate differn diffuse, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic poorly differentiated diffuse, lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse poorly-differentiated, lymphoma centrocytic small cell, [m]malign lymphomalymphocyticintermediate differn diffuse, malignant lymphoma lymphocytic intermediate differentiation diffuse [obs], centrocytic small-cell lymphoma, mantle zone lymphoma [obs], lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse intermediate differentiated, mantle-cell lymphomas, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse poorly-differentiated, lymphocytic lymphosarcoma intermediate differentiation, lymphoma mantle cell, lymphomas mantle-zone, mantle-zone lymphoma, [m]malignant lymphoma lymphocytic intermediate differentiation diffuse (morphologic abnormality), lymphomas centrocytic small-cell, lymphocytic lymphoma diffuse poorly differ, lymphoma small-cell centrocytic, diffuse poorly-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, dpdl lymphoma, lymphocytic lymphosarcoma intermediate differentiation diffuse, mantle-cell lymphoma, lymphoma; diffuse lymphocytic poorly differentiated, lymphoma mantle-cell, centrocytic small-cell lymphomas, malg lymphlymint difndif, malignant lymphoma centrocytic [obs], lymphoma centrocytic small-cell, lymphoma lymphocytic diffuse intermediate differ, small-cell lymphoma centrocytic, mantle cell lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), small-cell lymphomas centrocytic",
+"anorexia mentalis, anorexia nervosa unspecified, anorexia nervosa (diagnosis), nervosa anorexia, anorexia nervosa, anorexia nervosas, anorexia nervosa (disorder), anorexia; nervosa, an - anorexia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, nervosas anorexia, nervosa; anorexia",
+"anemia; fanconi, panmyelopathy fanconi, fanconis pancytopenia syndrome, pancytopenia congenital, fanconis familial refractory anemia, fanconis anemia (diagnosis), fanconi; anemia, fanconis anaemia, primary erythroid hypoplasia, anemia fanconis, fanconi panmyelopathy, fanconis familial refr.anaem., fanconi hypoplastic anemia, anemia fanconi, fanconi syndrome, fanconis anemia, anemias fanconi, fanconi pancytopenia syndrome, anemia fanconi, fanconi anemia, congenital pancytopenia, anemia fanconis, congenital; pancytopenia, fanconis hypoplastic anaemia, fa, fanconi anaemia, fanconi dysplasia, congenital aplastic anemia, fanconis hypoplastic anemia, anemia fanconis, fanconis familial refractory anaemia, pancytopenia; congenital, fanconis syndrome, constitutional aplastic anemia, fanconi anemias, fanconi pancytopenia, fanconis anemia (disorder)",
+"influenza human, flus, influenzae, flu human, grip, influenza in humans, human flu, influenza nos, influenza nos, grippe, influenza (diagnosis), influenza (disorder), human influenzas, influenzas human, flu syndrome, flu, influenza, syndrome flu, influenza nos (disorder), influenza in human, influenzas, human influenza",
+"irrad whole body, total body irradiation (procedure), whole-body radiation, sct_tbi, whole body radiation, radiation whole body, tbi, whole-body irradiations, irrad total body, whole-body irradiation, irradiation whole body, total-body irradiation prior to stem cell transplant, whole-body radiations, irradiations whole-body, total body irradiations, body irradiation total, whole body rad, irradiation whole-body, total-body irradiation, total body irradiation, irradiations total body, whole body irradiation, total body irrad, irradiation total body, radiation whole-body, whole body irrad, radiations whole-body, rad whole body",
+"mobilising (finding), mobilising, mobilisation, mobilis, mobilization (procedure), mobilize, mobilization, mobilizations, mobilization nos, mobilizing, mobilized, mobilizing (procedure), mobilizing (regime/therapy), therapeutic mobilization",
+"right heart catheterization, introduction of catheter into right heart, catheterization of right heart (procedure), cardiac catheterisation right heart, rt heart cardiac cath, right heart catheterization (procedure), catheterisation of right heart, right heart catheterisation, catheterization right heart, cardiac catheterization right heart, catheterization heart right, right heart cardiac catheterization, cardiac catheterization right heart nos, catheterization of right heart",
+"hth, hypothalamus, hypothalamic structure, a46-a48 hypothalamus, preoptico-hypothalamic areas, preoptico hypothalamic area, preoptico-hypothalamic region, preoptico-hypothalamic area, brain hypothalamus, hypothalamus nos, hypothalamic, hy, area preoptico-hypothalamic, areas preoptico-hypothalamic, hypothalamic structure (body structure)",
+"magnetism, magnetism (physical force), magnetic",
+"pulmonary vein thrombosis, pulmonary venous thrombosis, pulmonary venous thrombosis (disorder), pulmonary venous thrombosis (diagnosis), venous thrombosis pulmonary",
+"optical filter (physical object), optical filter, filter",
+"filtration technique, filtrations, filtration technique (qualifier value), fractionation filtration, filtration - action (qualifier value), filtration - action, filtration",
+"subdural catheter (physical object), subdural catheter, spinal catheter",
+"aneurysmal (qualifier value), aneurysmal",
+"closure by wire, wiring - action (qualifier value), closure by wire (procedure), wiring - action, wiring",
+"energy, energy (finding), vitality",
+"sleeve, device component or accessory, sleeves, sleeve (physical object)",
+"steatohepatitis nonalcoholic, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic steatohepatitides, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (disorder), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, nash - nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, steatohepatitis non-alcoholic, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (diagnosis), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (nash), steatohepatitides nonalcoholic",
+"ards - acute respiratory distress syndrome, syndrome; shock-lung, a.r.d.s., shock-lung syndrome, respirat distress synd-adult, distress; respiratory syndrome adult, adult respiratory distress syndr, shock-lung; syndrome, acquired respiratory distress syndrome, adult respiratory distr syndr, respiratory distress; syndrome, respiratory distress; syndrome adult, wet lung, ards - adult resp distr syndr, ards - adult respiratory distress syndrome, vietnam lung, a r d s, wet lung syndrome, syndrome; respiratory distress, respiratory distress syndrome adult, respiratory distress syndrome, shock; lung, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ards), adult respiratory syndrome, wet-lung syndrome adult, adult respiratory distress syndrome (disorder), distress; respiratory syndrome adult, danang lung, distress respiratory syndrome adults, syndrome; respiratory distress adult, respiratory distress syndrome acute, shock lung, syndrome adult respiratory, adult respiratory distress syndrome, distress syndrome; respiratory adult, congestive atelectasis, hyaline; disease membrane adult, acute respiratory distress syndrome, lung; shock, adult respiratory stress syndrome, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ards) (diagnosis), acute respiratory distress syndrome (disorder), rds, respiratory distress syndrome adult, adult hyaline membrane disease, ards, syndrome adult respiratory distress, respiratory; distress syndrome adult, respiratory; distress syndrome, adult rds, resp. distress synd. - adult, syndrome respiratory distress adult, pulmonary capillary leak syndrome, adult respiratory distress syndrome nos, pulm capillary leak syndrome, distress syndrome; respiratory, acquired resp distress syndrom, respiratory distress syndrome (finding)",
+"instill - dosing instruction imperative (qualifier value), instill - dosing instruction imperative, instillation, instil, instill, drop instillation route of administration",
+"b30-b31 thyroid hormones, hormone thyroid, thyroid hormones, thyroid hormones (product), thyroid hormone, thyroid hormone nos, hormones thyroid, thyroid agent, thyroid hormones (substance), thyroid hormone (substance), thyroid gland hormone",
+"water sampling, water specimen (specimen), sample water, water sample, water specimen, water",
+"dropsy nos, oedema - symptom, edema:finding:point in time:^patient:ordinal, swelling/edema, oedema nos (finding), edema (physical finding), [d]dropsy (context-dependent category), oedema unspecified, excess fluid, oedemas, edema nos, edema, hydrops (morphologic abnormality), [d]oedema, waterlogged, [d]dropsy (situation), edema - symptom, edemas, edema (observable entity), swelling, swelling due to excess fluid, [d]edema nos (situation), edema - lesion, edema:find:pt:^patient:ord, interstitial oedema, edema (finding), [d]edema (situation), edema interstitial, [d]oedema nos, edema nos (finding), edematous, [d]edema nos, oedema - lesion, edema (morphologic abnormality), [d]edema (context-dependent category), [d]dropsy, edema (diagnosis), dropsies, 363-364 edemas, [d]edema nos (context-dependent category), watery swelling, oedema nos, hydrops nos, edema unspecified, interstitial edema, edema (nos), [d]edema, [d]oedema (situation), hydrops, [d]oedema nos (situation), oedematous, dropsy, oedema, oedema nos, edema nos",
+"liothyronine sodium, liothyronine sodium preparation (substance), liothyronine sodium preparation (product), sodium l-triiodothyronine preparation, t3 thyronine sodium preparation, liothyronine sodium (substance), liothyronine sodium (medication), t>3< thyronine sodium preparation, liothyronine sodium preparation, sodium liothyronine, t3 thyronine sodium preparation, liothyronine sodium [dup] (substance), thyroid preparations sodium liothyronine",
+"iv, parenteral infusion procedure, administration intravenous, intravenous infusion procedures (procedure), ivi - intravenous infusion, iv - intravenous infusion, intravenous infusions, intravenous infusion procedurs, infusion intravenous, vein infusion, intravenous infusion procedures, iv infusion, intravenous infusion, parenteral infusion, intravenous administration, infusion intravenous, intravenous infusion (procedure), intravenous infusion nos, infusions intravenous, ivi - intavenous infusion",
+"glycogen storage disease type 2, deficiency of alpha-glucosidase (disorder), lysosomal alpha 1 4 glucosidase defic dis, glycogenosis 02, acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency, lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency (disorder), deficiency disease acid maltase, pompes disease, acid maltase deficiency disease, deficiency of glucoamylase, deficiency acid alpha-glucosidase, deficiencies acid alpha-glucosidase, deficiency of glucan 14-alpha-glucosidase (disorder), maltase acid deficiency, amd - acid maltase deficiency, glycogenosis: [generalized] or [pompes disease] or [type 2], glycogenosis: [generalised] or [pompes disease] or [type 2], acid maltase defic dis, deficiency of glucoinvertase, lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency, gsd ii, amd, gsd2s, deficiency of alpha glucosidase, generalised glycogenosis, deficiency gaa, glycogen storage disease type ii [ambiguous], generalized glycogenosis, lysosomal alpha glucosidase deficiency disease 01 04, glycogenosis: [generalised] or [pompes disease] or [type 2] (disorder), glycogenosis type ii, gsd type ii, glycogen storage disease type ii, deficiency disease lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase, type iis glycogenosis, deficiencies gaa, gsd2, alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency, deficiency of alpha-glucosidase, maltase deficiency, deficiency of glucan 14-alpha-glucosidase, alpha glucosidase deficiency, defic dis acid maltase, lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency disease, pompe, deficiency of maltase, pompes dis, alpha-glucosidase deficiency, alpha 14 glucosidase deficiency, gaa deficiencies, deficiency of gamma-amylase, lysosomal alpha 14 glucosidase deficiency disease, disease pompes, type ii glycogen storage disease, glycogenosis type ii, defic dis lysosomal alpha 1 4 glucosidase, lysosom alpha-14-glucosid def, glycogen heart disease, deficiency of glucosidosucrase, acid maltase deficiency, disease pompe, glycogen storage disease type ii (diagnosis), glycogenoses generalized, glycogen storage dis ii, deficiency of exo-14-alpha-glucosidase, generalized glycogenoses, deficiency of amyloglucosidase, glycogenosis 2, acid alpha-glucosidase deficiencies, pompe disease, pompe dis, pompes disease, acid alpha glucosidase deficiency, deficiency of acid maltase, deficiency of lysosomal alpha-glucosidase, alpha-glucosidase deficiency acid, generalized glycogenosis (disorder), alpha-glucosidase deficiencies, glycogenosis type 2, lysosomal glucosidase deficiency, alpha-glucosidase deficiencies acid, type ii glycogenosis, gaa deficiency, glycogen storage disease type ii (disorder), 2 glycogenosis, disease pompes, glycogenosis generalized, glycogen storage disease ii, glycogen storage disease type ii, deficiency of maltase-glucoamylase",
+"deficiencies acid maltase, alpha-glucosidase deficiency, alpha 14 glucosidase deficiency, deficiencies alpha-14-glucosidase, deficiency acid maltase, alpha-14-glucosidase acid deficiency, type ii glycogen storage disease, deficiency alpha-14-glucosidase, glycogenosis type ii, lysosoml a-14-gluc def-infant, pompes disease, glycogen storage disease due to acid maltase deficiency, lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency - infantile onset, glycogen heart disease, maltase deficiencies acid, acid maltase deficiency, glycogen storage disease type ii, glycogenosis due to acid maltase deficiency, glycogen storage disease type ii (disorder), alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency, generalised glycogen storage disease of infants, generalized glycogen storage disease of infants, acid maltase deficiencies, lysosomal alpha-14-glucosidase deficiency - infantile onset (disorder), pompe disease, alpha-14-glucosidase deficiencies",
+"disorder types, diseases types of, types of diseases (disorder), diseases type, disease type, types of disorders, types diseases, disorders type, disorder type, disorders types, types of diseases, type disease, diseases types, disease types",
+"storage area, storage, storage area (qualifier value)",
+"antibodies blocking, blocking antibody, blocking antibody (substance), neutralizing antibody, antibody block, blocking antibodies",
+"central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor (who grade iv), central primitive neuroectodermal tumor nos, cns primitive neuroectodermal neoplasm, cns primitive neuroectodermal tumor, central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor, cpnet, central nervous system embryonal tumor nos, central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal neoplasm, central nervous system embryonal tumor not otherwise specified, cns pnet, cns embryonal tumor not otherwise specified, cns embryonal tumor nos, central primitive neuroectodermal tumour, central nervous system pnet, central primitive neuroectodermal tumor, central primitive neuroectodermal neoplasm",
+"compressed, compressing (action), compressing (qualifier value), compress, compressing",
+"intranasal approach, intranasal, intranasal approach (qualifier value)",
+"toddlers, toddler (qualifier value), toddler, toddler (age group)",
+"chronic obstruction, chronic obstruction (morphologic abnormality)",
+"total (qualifier value), in toto, total",
+"congenital heart disease, congenital heart disorder, chd - congenital heart disease, disease (or disorder); heart congenital, congenital heart disease nos, disease heart congenital (nos), congenital heart disease nos, congenital disease of heart, congenital heart disease (diagnosis), heart disease congenital, heart diseases congenital, congenital cardiac disorders, heart; disease congenital, congenital heart disease (disorder)",
+"2-amino-19-dihydropurine-6-thione, 6h-purine-6-thione 2-amino-17-dihydro- (9ci), 2 amino 6 purinethiol, 2-aminopurine-6-thiol, 6h-purine-6-thione 2-amino-17-dihydro-, 6-mercaptoguanine, 6-tg, 6-mercapto-2-aminopurine, 2-amino-6-mercaptopurine (thioguanine), 2-amino-6-mercaptopurine (thioguanine) (medication), tioguanine product, thioguanine-containing product, thioguanine, product containing tioguanine, 6 thioguanine, tg, thg, 2-aminopurine-6-thiol hemihydrate, 2-amino-6-purinethiol, 2-amino 6mp, thioguanine (medication), tioguanin, 6-amino-2-mercaptopurine, 6 mercaptoguanine, thioguanine product, 2-amino-6-mercaptopurine, thioguanine hydrate, 6-thioguanine, tioguanine-containing product, 2-amino-6-merkaptopurin, product containing tioguanine (medicinal product), 2-aminopurine-6(1h)-thione, thioguanine 06, tioguanine, product containing thioguanine (medicinal product), 2-amino-17-dihydro-6h-purine-6-thione, tioguanine (substance), tioguanina, tioguaninum, 2-mercapto-6-aminopurine, product containing thioguanine, 2-aminopurin-6-thiol, thioguanine (substance), thioguanine (product)",
+"refractory anaemia with excess blasts, raeb - refractory anaemia with excess of blasts, refractory anaemia with excess blasts (clinical), refract anaem+excess blasts, [m] refractory anemia with excess of blasts, refractory anemia with excess blasts (diagnosis), refractory anemia with excess blasts (raeb), refractory anemia with excess blasts (clinical), raeb nos, refractory anemia with excess of blasts (morphologic abnormality), anemia refractory with excess blasts, leukemia smoldering, raem, anemia; refractory with excess of blasts [raeb], refractory anemia with excess of blasts [raeb], refractory anemia with excess blasts (morphologic abnormality), refractory; anemia with excess of blasts [raeb], refractory anemia with excess blasts, smoldering leukemia, refractory anaemia with excess of blasts, refractory anemia with excess of blasts, smouldering leukaemia, [m] refractory anaemia with excess of blasts, [m]refractory anaemia with excess of blasts, myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts, refractory anemia with excess blasts (disorder), refr anaem with excess blasts, refractory anemia with an excess of blasts, raeb - refractory anemia with excess of blasts, raeb-refrac anaem+excess blast, refractory anemia with excess of blasts (disorder), refractory anemia with excess of blasts -retired-, mds-eb, [m]refract anaem+excess blasts, refractory anemia with excess of blasts unspecified, smouldering leukemia, leukemias smoldering, refractory anaemia with an excess of blasts, raeb, smoldering leukemias, refractory anaemia with excess of blasts -retired-, refrac anaem with excess blast, [m]refractory anemia with excess of blasts, anemia refractory with excess of blasts, raeb - refractory anemia with excess blasts, raeb - refractory anaemia with excess blasts, leukemia smouldering, raeb-refrac anaem+exces blasts",
+"blasts, blast, blast (physical force), blasted",
+"blasts, blast, blast cells, blast count blood (procedure), blood blast count (lab test), blast count, blood blast count, blast cells nos, blast count blood, blast count procedure",
+"excessive, excessively, excessive daily salt intake, excessive (qualifier value)",
+"cr, in full remission (qualifier value), cr-complete response, complete response, complete remission, in full remission, in complete remission (qualifier value), cancer-free, full remission, in complete remission",
+"congenital deafness (diagnosis), deafness;congenital, congenital; deafness, congenital hearing loss, congenital deafness (disorder), deafness; congenital, congen sensorineural deafness, congenital sensorineural deafness, hereditary deafness, deafness congenital, deafness hereditary, hearing loss congenital, congenital deafness, hearing loss congenital, congenital deafness nos",
+"leukocytopheresis, leukocytophereses, leukopheresis, leucapheresis, therapeutic leukopheresis, therapeutic leukopheresis (treatment), leukocytaphereses, leukophereses, therapeutic leukocytapheresis, leukopheresis (procedure), leukapheresis, leukaphereses, therapeutc leukopheresis, leukocytapheresis",
+"extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (morphologic abnormality), marginal zone b-cell lymphoma, lymphoma mucosa associated lymphoid tissue, lymphoma mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, malt lymphomas, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (diagnosis), extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (malt-lymphoma), marginal zone lymphoma (diagnosis), malt-lymphoma, mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, marginal zone lymphoma (disorder), mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, marginal zone b cell lymphoma, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma (diagnosis), lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, marginal zone lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), marginal zone lymphoma, mucosa-associated lymphoma (diagnosis), lymphoid tissue mucosa-associated, mzl, marginal zone lymphoma -retired-, lymphoma malt, mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of reticuloendothelial system, mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (malt) lymphoma, lymphomas malt, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (malt-lymphoma) (disorder), maltomas, mzbcl, mucosa-associated lymphoma, extrnod mrgnl zn b-cell lymph of mucosa-assoc lymphoid tiss, mucosa assoc lymphoid tissue lymphoma, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma (morphologic abnormality), extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (disorder), mucosa-associated lymphoma (disorder), nodal marginal zone lymphoma, lymphoma mucosa assoc lymphoid tissue, marginal zone lymphoma nos, maltoma, malt, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma mucosa-associated, lymphoma malt, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, lymphoma b-cell marginal zone, immunocytoma, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [malt-lymphoma], malt lymphoma, extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue extranodal, marginal zone b-cell lymphoma of reticuloendothelial system (diagnosis)",
+"myeloid metaplasia, primary myelofibrosis (diagnosis), myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia, primary myelofibrosis, myelofibrosis primary, myelofibrosis, myeloid metaplasias agnogenic, myelosis aleukemic, agnogenic myeloid metaplasias, bone fibrosis marrow, idiopathic myelofibrosis, myelosis non-leukaemic, myelosis-non-leukaemic, myelofibroses, myelosis nonleukemic, cimf, myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (diagnosis), [m]myeloscleros.+myeloid metap, myelosis; aleukemic, aleukemic; myelosis, aleukemic myelosis, metaplasias agnogenic myeloid, agnogenic myeloid metaplasia, mos, myelosis nonleukemic, myelosclerosis (disorder), mf - myelofibrosis, mmm, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (diagnosis), bone marrow fibroses, myelofibrosis primary, myelofibrosis and myeloid metaplasia, myelofibrosis as a result of myeloproliferative disease, myelofibrosis nos, myelosis-non-leukemic, myelosis non-leukemic, nonleukemic myeloses, myelosis; nonleukemic, myeloid metaplasia , myeloid metaplasia; myelosclerosis, myelofibrosis/sclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (mmm), myeloscleros + myeloid metapl, metaplasias myeloid, idiopathic bone marrow fibrosis, fibroses bone marrow, myeloscleroses, myeloses nonleukemic, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (disorder), metaplasia myeloid, myfibros, [m]myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia, nonleukemic; myelosis, myelofi w myelo metaplas, myeloid metaplasia primary myelofibrosis, myelofibrosis assessment, myeloid metaplasia agnogenic, primary myelofibroses, nonleukemic myelosis, amm, metaplasia myelofibrosis myeloid, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia -retired-, fibrosis bone marrow, myelofibrosis (diagnosis), metaplasia agnogenic myeloid, bone marrow fibrosis, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (morphologic abnormality), fibrosis bone marrow, myelofibroses primary, myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia, myelofibrosis nos, idiopathic myelofibrosis (diagnosis), myeloscleros.+myeloid metap, myelosclerosis nos, myelofibrosis idiopathic, idiopathic myelofibrosis (chronic), myelosclerosis, chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, myelofibrosis (disorder), megakaryocytic myelosclerosis, myelosclerosis; with myeloid metaplasia, myeloid metaplasias, myeloid metaplasia agnogenic",
+"residual disease, residual tumour, tumour residual, residual tumor, residual_disease, residual tumor (qualifier value), residual tumours, residual tumors",
+"lymphosarcoma cell (body structure), lymphosarcoma cell, lymphosarcoma cell (cell)",
+"product containing vemurafenib, vémurafénib, vemurafenib product, vemurafenibum, 1-propanesulfonamide n-(3-((5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1h-pyrrolo(23-b)pyridin-3-yl)carbonyl)-24-difluorophenyl)-, vemurafenib (medication), vemurafenib (product), chemotherapeutics growth-signaling inhibitors vemurafenib, vemurafenib (substance), vemurafenib, product containing vemurafenib (medicinal product), vemurafenib-containing product",
+"neurons tracts and fibers, neural tissue (body structure), portion of neural tissue, tissues nervous, tissue nervous, nervous tissue, structure of nervous tissue, a02-a03 neurons tracts and fibers, neural tissues, tissues nerve, neural tissue nos, nerves tissue, nervous tissues, neural tissue, structure of nervous tissue (body structure), nervous tissue (body structure), textus nervosus, neurons nerve tracts and nerve fibers, nerve tissue, human nerve tissue, tissue nerve, nerve tissues",
+"all nervous tissue, nervous tissue, neural tissue, nerve tissue, all nervous tissue (body structure)",
+"neuroblastoma of brain, cerebral neuroblastoma, central nervous system neuroblastoma, neuroblastoma of brain (disorder), cerebral hemispheric neuroblastoma, cerebral neuroblastoma pnet, malignant neuroblastoma of brain (diagnosis), neuroblastoma of the cerebral hemispheres, neuroblastoma of cerebral hemispheres, malignant neuroblastoma of brain, neuroblastoma of cerebrum, neuroblastoma of the cerebrum",
+"laboratory services, laboratory:-:point in time:^patient:-, laboratory (environment), laboratory, laboratories, laboratory:-:pt:^patient:-, referral type - laboratory, diagnostic service section id - laboratory, laboratory observation, lab",
+"respiratory distress syndrome perinatal, distress respiratory syndromes, respiratory distress syndrome (neonatal), infant respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory distress of newborn, irds - idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome, distress; respiratory newborn, idiopathic respiratory distress of newborn, rds - respiratory distress syndrome of newborn, idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome (disorder), resp distress synd of newborn, idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome [irds or rds] of newborn, respiratory distress syndrome idiopathic, respiratory distress newborn (diagnosis), respiratory distress syndrome infant, respiratory distress of newborn unspecified, respiratory distress syndrome, distress; respiratory syndrome (idiopathic) (newborn), irds of newborn, resp distress syndrome neonatal, newborn respiratory distress syndrome, idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome nos, respiratory distress newborn, wet lung disease of newborn, cardiorespiratory distress syndrome of newborn, infantile respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory distress syndrome newborn, respiratory distress syndrome of newborns, respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn, respiratory distress syndrome of newborn, surfactant deficiency syndrome neonatal, respiratory distress syndrome newborn, respiratory distress syndrome of newborn (disorder), respiratory distress syndrome in newborn, congenital alveolar dysplasia, pulmonary hypoperf.syn.newborn, respiratory distress syndrome in neonate, rds-resp distress synd newborn, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory distress syn, irds - idiopath resp dist synd, distress respiratory syndrome, respiratory; distress syndrome (idiopathic) (newborn), respiratory distress syndrome neonatal, idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome, idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome of newborn, pulmonary hypoperfusion syndrome of newborn, syndrome respiratory distress newborn, rds type i, newborns rds, rds, distress respiratory syndrome newborn, respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn (disorder), respiratory syndrome distress, newborn rds, neonatal respiratory distress, rds of newborn, respiratory distress syndrome of newborn (diagnosis)",
+"worsen, worsens, worsening pattern, deteriorating, worsening, worsening (qualifier value), worse",
+"salvage procedure, salvage, salvage procedure (qualifier value)",
+"h and e staining method, hematoxylin and eosin, hematoxylin and eosin staining method, h&e staining method, hematoxylin and eosin staining (procedure), hematoxylin and eosin stain, h and e, haematoxylin and eosin stain method, hematoxylin and eosin staining, haemotoxylin and eosin (h&e), hematoxylin and eosin stain method (procedure), h&e stain, haematoxylin and eosin staining, h and e staining, haematoxylin and eosin stain, h&e, hematoxylin and eosin stain method, h&e staining",
+"rhodium metallicum / rhodium, rhodium nos, rhodium metallicum, rh element, rhodium (substance), rhodium metallicum/rhodium, rhodium-103, rhodium, rhodium 103, rh",
+"finding of rh genotype (finding), rh genotype, rhesus genotype, rh genotype - finding, rh, finding of rh genotype",
+"lysine product, lysine, (s)-αε-diaminocaproic acid, lysine-containing product, product containing lysine, 6-ammonio-l-norleucine, (s)-lysine, lysine measurement, lysina, lysine acid, l-lysine, lysine test, l-26-diaminocaproic acid, l-lys, lysine measurement (procedure), lysine measurement nos, lysine (product), l lysine, l-alphaepsilon-diaminocaproic acid, product containing lysine (medicinal product), lys, lysine (medication), (s)-26-diaminohexanoic acid, l-lysin, lysinum, lysine (substance), l-lysine (substance), l-lysine (obsolete)",
+"screws bone, bone screw device, screw, bone screw, screw bone, bone screw device (physical object), screw fixation bone, bone screws, bones screws, bones screw",
+"pedicles (substance), pedicles, pedicle (substance), pedicle",
+"slipping, slipping (event), slipping (finding), slipped, slip",
+"grade 1 spondylolisthesis, spondylolisthesis grade 1, spondylolisthesis grade 1 (disorder), spondylolisthesis grade 1, [q] spondylolisthesis grade 1 (qualifier value), [q] spondylolisthesis grade 1",
+"spinal stenosis of lumbar region (disorder), spinal stenosis of lumbar region, lumbar canal stenosis, spinal stenosis lumbar region, spinal stenosis lumbar region nos, spinal stenosis of lumbar region (diagnosis), lumbar spine stenosis, lumbar spinal canal stenosis, spinal lumbar stenosis, spinal stenosis lumbar, spinal stenosis; lumbar region, lumbar spinal stenosis, lumbar region spinal stenosis, spinal stenosis of lumbar region nos, narrow lumbar spinal canal",
+"stenoses spinal, spinal stenosis nos, stenosis - spinal, spinal stenosis nos (disorder), spinal stenosis unspec.region, stenosis spinal, ss - spinal stenosis, stenosis;spinal, spinal; stenosis, spinal stenoses, spinal stenosis site unspecified, spinal stenosis of unspecified region (disorder), spinal stenosis of unspecified region, spinal stenosis (disorder), spinal narrowing, spinal stenosis nos, spinal stenosis unspecified region, stenosis; spinal, spinal stenosis (diagnosis), spinal stenosis",
+"involuntary movements repeated muscle twitches (tics), [x]tic disorders, tic disorder (disorder), tic disorders, 9-15 tic disorders, tic disorder unspecified (finding), [x]tic disorders (finding), tic (finding), recurrent muscle twitches (symptom), tics, tic dis, disorders habit, tic disorder unspecified, tic disorder, tic disorder unspecified (disorder), tic nos, tic disorder nos, tic nos, tic [dup] (finding), tic nos (finding), habit disorder, tic, recurrent muscle twitches, tic disorder nos, unspecified tic disorder, tic disorder unspecified, tic disorder (diagnosis)",
+"child syndromes, child syndrome, syndrome child, ichthyosiform erythroderma unilateral with ipsilateral malformations especially absence deformity of limbs, congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and limb defects, child syndrome (disorder)",
+"bursting sensation quality, bursts, burst, bursting sensation quality (qualifier value), bursting (qualifier value), bursting",
+"patient ventilated, patients ventilated, patient ventilated (finding), ventilated patient",
+"product containing dexmedetomidine, dexmédétomidine, dexmedetomidine-containing product, 1h-imidazole 4-(1-(23-dimethylphenyl)ethyl)- (r)-, dexmedetomidine (substance), dexmedetomidine (product), dexmedetomidin, (+)-4-((s)-α23-trimethylbenzyl)imidazole, dexmedetomidinum, dexmedetomidina, dexmedetomidine product, (+)-4-((s)-alpha23-trimethylbenzyl)imidazole, dexmedetomidine, product containing dexmedetomidine (medicinal product)",
+"26-dichloro-n-2-imidazolidinylidenebenzenamine, clonidine (product), n-(26-dichlorophenyl)-45-dihydro-1h-imidazol-2-amine, clofenil, clonidine-containing product, 1h-imidazol-2-amine n-(26-dichlorophenyl)-45-dihydro-, clonidine (medication), clonidin, clonidinum, clonidine, product containing clonidine, 2-((26-dichlorophenyl)imino)imidazolidine, clonidine product, clonidine (substance), clonidina, product containing clonidine (medicinal product), klofenil",
+"ureter calculus removal, ureteric calculus removal, ureter calculus removal (procedure)",
+"clear surgical margin, tumor free margins, clear (modifier) (qualifier value), score 0, negative surgical margins, clear (qualifier value), surgical margin negative, surgical margins negative, clear (modifier) [ambiguous], margin tumor-free, remote control command - clear, tumor-free margin, tumor-free margins, clear margin, all margins pathologically negative, margins tumor-free, clear, has clarity, negative surgical margin, epidermal cgvhd score 0",
+"ureterolithiasis (disorder), ureteric calculus (disorder), stones ureteral, ureterolithiases, stone ureteral, ureterolithiasis, ureteral calculi, calculus of ureter (diagnosis), ureter calculus, uerterolithiasis, stone ureter, calculus ureteric, calculus ureteral, ureteral stone, ureteral calculus, stones ureteric, ureteric stone, ureteric stone (disorder), ureter stone, ureteric calculus, calculus of ureter, stones ureter, stone ureteric",
+"neurofibroma plexiform, neuromas plexiform, pachydermatoceles, plexiform neurofibroma (disorder), neurofibromas plexiform, neurofibroma plexiform, tumor royale, plexiform neuroma, pachydermatocele, elephantiasis neuromatosis, elephantiasis neuromatoses, plexiform neurofibroma, neuroma plexiform, plexiform neurofibroma (morphologic abnormality), plexiform neurofibromas, plexiform neuromas",
+"significant, significant (qualifier value), significance, event seriousness - significant",
+"conventional release oral capsule, conventional release oral capsule (dose form), oral capsule dose form, oral capsule (qualifier value), oralcapsule, oral capsule, oral capsule (product), oral capsule dosage form",
+"tab, tablet dosing unit, tablet - unit of product usage (qualifier value), tablet - unit of product usage, u2, {tbl}, tablet",
+"digestion, digestive, functions of the digestive system, digestive tract function (observable entity), digestive tract function, protein digestion, digestive system function (function), protein digestion (research activity), digestion treatment, digestive system functions, digestive tract function nos, digestion nos, digestive system function, digestive system function (observable entity), digestions, digestive tract function (function)",
+"congo the democratic republic of the, congo the democratic republic of, zaire, democratic republic of the congo, congo (kinshasa), belgian congo, cod, cd, zaire (geographic location)",
+"bypass, bypass nos",
+"colon or rectum, colorectal, colorectal (qualifier value)",
+"anastomosis nos, anastomosis - action (qualifier value), anastomosis surg, anastomosis, anastomosis - action, anastomoses surgical, anastomotic, anastomosis (morphologic abnormality), anastomose, surgical anastomoses, anastomosis surgical, surg anastomosis, anastomoses, anatomical anastomosis, surgical anastomosis",
+"rectum tumor, neoplasm of the rectum, rectal neopl, neoplasm of rectum, tumor rectal, rectal tumor, neopl rectal, rectal tumor or cancer, tumour of rectum, rectal neoplasm, neoplasm rectal, rectal neoplasms, rectum--tumors, neoplasm rectum, tumor of the rectum, neoplasm of rectum (disorder), neoplasm of rectum (diagnosis), rectal tumors, neoplasms rectal, rectal neoplasm nos, rectum neoplasms, tumor of rectum, rectum neoplasm, rectum neopl",
+"anal (qualifier value), anal",
+"carisoprodol (product), muscle relaxants skeletal carisoprodol, (rs)-2-{[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]methyl}-2-methylpentyl isopropylcarbamate, 2-methyl-2-propyltrimethylene carbamate isopropylcarbamate, product containing carisoprodol (medicinal product), carisoprodol-containing product, isopropylmeprobamate, (1-methylethyl)carbamic acid 2-(((aminocarbonyl)oxy)methyl)-2-methylpentyl ester, carisoprodol (substance), carbamic acid (1-methylethyl)- 2-(((aminocarbonyl)oxy)methyl)-2-methylpentyl ester, isobamate, isopropyl meprobamate, (±)-2-methyl-2-propyl-13-propanediol carbamate isopropylcarbamate, carisoprodolo, carbamic acid 2-isopropylcarbamoyloxymethyl-2-methyl-pentyl ester, carisoprodolum, n-isopropy-2-methyl-2-propyl-13-propanediol dicarbamate, carisoprodol (medication), carisoprodate, product containing carisoprodol, carisoprodol, 2-methyl-2-propyl-13-propanediol carbamate isopropylcarbamate, carisoprodol product, isomeprobamate",
+"agnosticism, agnosticism (religion/philosophy) [ambiguous], agnostic movement, agnostic, agnostic movement (religion/philosophy), agnosticism (religion/philosophy)",
+"yellow fever vaccination, immunization yellow fever, yellow fever immunization, administration of vaccine product containing only yellow fever virus antigen, immunization yellow fever, yellow fever immunisation, fever immunizations yellow, administration of yellow fever vaccine, administration of vaccine product containing only yellow fever virus antigen (procedure), yellow fever vaccination (procedure), fever vaccination yellow, vaccination against yellow fever",
+"yellow fever vaccines, flavivirus yellow fever virus 17d-204 whole, yellow fever vaccine (medication), yellow fever virus strain 17d-204 live antigen, fever vaccines yellow, yellow fever virus live antigen a, yellow fever virus strain 17d (live attenuated), yellow fever vaccine, fever vaccine yellow, vaccines viral yellow fever, yellow fever, live attenuated yellow fever virus 17d-204 strain ag, yellow fever vaccine live, live attenuated yellow fever virus 17d-204 strain antigen, yellow fever vaccine (product), antigen of live attenuated yellow fever virus 17d-204 strain (substance), yellow fever vaccine product, yellow fever vaccine (substance), antigen of live attenuated yellow fever virus 17d-204 strain, yellow fever live attenuated, yellow fever virus strain 17d-204 live (attenuated) antigen, vaccine yellow fever, yellow fever virus 17d/tiantan live antigen",
+"very long chain fatty acid, c26:0, c26:0 (vlcfa), vlcfa, fatty acids.very long chain, very long chain fatty acid (substance)",
+"prognostic score, prognostic score (attribute)",
+"drugs test, drug studies, studies drug evaluation, drug evaluation studies, drug evaluations, testing of a drug, drugs evaluation, clinical drug trials, drug tests, study drug, drugs testing, study drug evaluation, drug clinical trials, evaluation study drug, clinical trial drug, drugs study, evaluations drug, drug test, evaluation drug, clinical drug trial (procedure), drugs--testing, clinical drug trials (procedure), drugs evaluations, drug evaluation study, evaluation drug, clinical drugs trials, drug clinical trial, evaluation studies drug, clinical drug trial, drug study, clinical drugs trial, clinical trials drug, drug evaluation",
+"astrocytoma low grade, brain tumor malignant astrocytoma grades i & ii low grade, low grade astrocytoma (diagnosis), astrocytoma low grade, low grade astrocytoma",
+"sexual behavior, sexual activity nos, finding related to sexual behaviour, sexual relations, finding relating to sexual behaviour or practice, sexual behavior (observable entity), activity sexual, sexual activity nos (finding), sexual activity, sexual behavior (symptom), behavior sexual, finding related to sexual behavior (finding), sex behavior, sexual activity (finding), finding relating to sexual behavior or practice, 9b0 sexual behaviors, finding related to sexual behavior, sexual behaviour finding, sexual behavior finding (finding), sexual behaviour, sexual behavior finding, sexual states, finding relating to sexual behavior or practice (finding), sexual behaviour nos, sex, activities sexual, sexuality, sexual behaviors, sexual, behavior sex, sexually, sexual behavior nos, sexual behavior (finding), sexual activities",
+"about the same, maintained, maintaining (action), maintained (qualifier value)",
+"valve disorder aortic, aortic valve disorder nos, aortic valve disorder unspecified, aortic valve disorders nos (disorder), aortic valve disorders, aortic valvular disease, aovd, aortic valve defects, aortic valve disease nos, aortic valve disorders nos, aortic valve defect, aortic valvular heart disorder, disease (or disorder); aortic valve (heart), aortic valve disorder, aortic valvular heart disease, diseases of aortic valve, aortic defects valve, aortic valvular disorders, heart disease aortic, avd - aortic valve disease, heart; disease aorta (valve), valve disease aortic, aortic valve disease, disease (or disorder); heart aorta (valve), aortic valve disorder (diagnosis), aortic valve diseases, aortic valve disorder (disorder), aortic valve; disorder, aortic heart disease, aortic heart diseases",
+"localized disease, localised disease, disease local, disease localized, local disease nos, diseases localize, local, localized disease nos, local disease (finding), local disease",
+"injection solution, solution for injection, inj sol, conventional release solution for injection (dose form), injectable solution dose form, injectable solution dosage form, injectable solution, injection solution (product), injection solution, conventional release solution for injection, injection solution (qualifier value)",
+"osteopathic combined treatment method (procedure), combined treatment, osteopathic combined treatment method, osteopathic combined method, combined technique, combined method, osteopathic manipulation combined technique, osteopathic manipulation combined technique (procedure), osteopathic manipulation combined method, combined treatment method",
+"monocytic leukemia -retired-, schilling-type monocytic leukaemia, monocytic leukemia (disorder), monocytic leukemia (morphologic abnormality), monocytic leukaemia, monocytic leukemia, monocytic leukemias, unspecified monocytic leukaemia, monocytic leukemia unspecified, monocytic leukaemia unspecified, [m]monocytic leukaemia nos (disorder), schilling-type monocytic leukemia, monocytic leukemia nos (disorder), leukaemia monocytic nos, [m]monocytic leukaemias, schillings leukemia, schilling-type monocytic leuk, leukemia; monocytic, monocytic leukaemia -retired-, unspecified monocytic leukemia, monocytic leukemia unspecified nos, monocytic leukaemias, monocytic; leukemia, monocytic leukaemia nos, [m]monocytic leukaemia nos, leukemia monocytic, [m]monocytic leukemia nos, [m]monocytic leukemias (morphologic abnormality), leukemia monocytic, [m]monocytic leukemias, monocytic leukemia nos, monocytic leukaemia nos, monocytic leukemia (diagnosis), monocytoid leukemia, leukemia monocytic nos, 989 monocytic leukemias, leukaemia monocytic, monocytic leukemia nos",
+"heart; donor, donors heart transplant, donor heart, heart donor, donor for heart transplant, donors heart, donor for heart transplant (person), donor; heart",
+"capsuledrugform, caps, patient caps, drug capsule, capsule dosage form, capsule dose form (product), capsule drugs, capsule-container, capsule (basic dose form), capsule drug, cap, capsule, cap (physical object), capsules (pharmacy), capsules, capsule (pharmacologic), capsule (product), drug capsule (product), capsule dose form, capsule dose form (qualifier value), drug capsule (substance)",
+"cardio/pulm: heart transplant, heart transplantations, heart transplantation, heart transplants, heart graft, cardiac transpl, transplantation of heart (procedure), heart graftings, transplantation of heart (treatment), grafting heart, heart--transplantation, cardiac transplant, transplant;cardiac, transplantation cardiac, transplantation of heart, cardiac transplantation, httx - heart transplant, transpl cardiac, cardiac transplants, transplantation heart, transpl heart, heart grafting, transplantations cardiac, heart transpl, transplantations heart, transplantation of heart nos, heart transplant, ctx - cardiac transplant, cardiac transplantations, htx - heart transplant, graftings heart, heart transplant (procedure)",
+"androgenic alopecia (disorder), alopecia androgenet, androgenet alopecia, androgenetic alopecia, aga, androgenic alopecia (diagnosis), alopecia hereditaria (disorder), pattern baldness, baldness pattern, alopecia hereditary, androgenic alopecia unspecified, androgenic alopecia, alopecia; androgenic, atrophic follicular dysplasia, atrophic follicular dysplasia (finding), alopecias androgenic, alopecia hereditaria, androgenic alopecias, androgenic; alopecia, alopecia androgenetic, alopecia androgenic",
+"lasering, laser (physical object), laser, electromagnetic laser, laser device (physical object), laser device, radiation laser, lasered, lasers",
+"sol pharm, drug solution (substance), drug solution nos, solutions pharmaceutical, pharmaceutic solutions, pharmaceutical solutions, solutions (pharmacy), drug solution (qualifier value), solutions pharmaceutic, drug solution, drugs solution, solution, pharm sol, drug solution (product)",
+"self administration, self-administratn of medicatn, drug self administration, self-administration of medication, self-administration of drugs, self-administration of medication (procedure), self administration (drugs), self administrations, self-administration, administration self, self admin, administrations self, admin self",
+"does stand alone (finding), does stand alone, stand alone",
+"secondary carcinoma nos, carcinoma secondary, secondary carcinoma nos (disorder), secondary carcinoma",
+"psilocybin (substance), indocybin, 1h-indol-4-ol 3-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)- dihydrogen phosphate (ester), 3-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)-1h-indol-4-ol dihydrogen phosphate ester, psilocybin [dup] (substance), psilocibina, 4-phosphoryloxy-omega-nn-dimethyltryptamine, psilocibin, 4-phosphoryloxy-nn-dimethyl-tryptamine, psilocybin, psilocybine, psilocybinum",
+"surrounding (qualifier value), surrounds, circumscribed, surroundings, surround, surrounding, surrounded, circumscribed (qualifier value), peri",
+"ret gene, ret receptor tyrosine kinase, ret proto-oncogene (multiple endocrine neoplasia and medullary thyroid carcinoma 1 hirschsprung disease) gene, ptc, men2b, hirschsprung disease 1, multiple endocrine neoplasia and medullary thyroid carcinoma 1, men2a, cadherin-related family member 16, ret protooncogene, ret, ret51, cdhf12, mtc1, ret proto-oncogene (substance), hscr1, cdhr16, rearranged during transfection, genetic analysis ret proto-oncogene assay, ret gene (lab test), rearranged during transfection protooncogene, ret proto-oncogene, genes ret",
+"dendrite (cell structure), dendrite (body structure), dendritic, dendrites, dendrite",
+"dendrite (cell structure), dendritic (qualifier value), dendrite (body structure), dendritic, dendrites, dendrite",
+"adenocarcinoma pancreas, adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, pancreatic neoplasm malignant adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of pancreas (diagnosis), adenocarcinoma - pancreas, adenocarcinoma of pancreas, pancreas adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of pancreas (disorder)",
+"intravascular lines, vascular line (physical object), line, intravascular line, vascular line",
+"blood group antibody globoside, p ab, blood group antibody gb4 cer, p not otherwise specified antibody, blood group antibody p nos, blood group antibody gb4cer, p blood group antibodies, blood group antibody isbt glob1, blood group antibody isbt 003.002, d3d p blood group antibodies, blood group antibody p, p nos ab, p antibody, blood group antibody isbt 209.001, blood group antibody p (substance), blood group antibody gb>41< anti-trypsin, trypsin inhib alpha 1 antitrypsin, alpha>1< protease inhibitor, alpha1 anti-trypsin (substance), alfa-1-antitripsina, antiprotease alpha 1, alpha1-proteinase inhibitor (product), alpha 1 anti-trypsin, alpha-1 antitrypsin, 1 alpha antitrypsin, alpha1-proteinase inhibitor (substance), alfa1 antitrypsin, alpha1 protease inhibitor, alpha 1 antitrypsin, alpha-1-antiproteinase, api, alpha 1 proteinase inhib, alpha1 anti-trypsin, alpha1 anti-trypsin, alpha1-proteinase inhibitor, alpha 1-antiproteinase, alpha antitrypsin a 01, alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor, alpha 1 protease inhibitor, alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha-1 protease inhibitor, 1-antiproteinase alpha, alpha>1< anti-trypsin (substance), alpha protease inhibitor 01, alpha 1 antiproteinase, a1pi, alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 1 proteinase inhibitor, inhibitor alpha 1-proteinase, trypsin inhibitor alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha-1-antiprotease, serpin a1, alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor, alpha 1-protease inhibitor, alpha1 protease inhibitor, trypsin inhibitor alpha 1 antitrypsin, alpha1 anti-trypsin (substance), alpha proteinase inhibitor 01, trypsin inhibitor alpha antitrypsin 01, a-1at - alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha 1 protease inhib, aat - alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor, alpha 1 antiprotease",
+"alpha1-proteinase inhibitor (human) (medication), human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor, aat, alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor human, a1at, alpha-1 antitrypsin, alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor (human), alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor human, human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor product, alpha 1 antitrypsin, alpha-1-antiproteinase, substance with human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor mechanism of action, human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor (product), substance with human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor mechanism of action (substance), alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor human, product containing human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor (medicinal product), alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor, product containing human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor (product), product containing human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor, alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (human), a1pi, alpha1-proteinase inhibitor (human), alpha1-proteinase inhibitor human, human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor-containing product, human alpha1 proteinase inhibitor (substance), alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor human, alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor (human), alfa 1-proteinase inhibitor (human), alpha-1-proteinase inhibitorhuman, .alpha.1-proteinase inhibitor human, a1p1",
+"lifts, lift (physical object), lift, hoist device, hoist, hoist [device], hoist (physical object), hoists",
+"impulse control disorder unsp., impulse control disorder unspecified, 9-75 impulse control disorders, disorders impulse control, impulse control disorder, impulse control disorder nos, disruptive impulse control and conduct disorders, icd, disruptive impulse control and conduct disorder, disruptive impulse-control and conduct disorder (diagnosis), impulse control dis, control disorder impulse, impulse control disorder nos, impulse-control disorder, disruptive impulse-control and conduct disorders, impulse-control disorder nos, impulse control disorder nos (disorder), impulse control disorder unspecified (disorder), impulse control disorder (disorder), impulse control disorder (diagnosis), disruptive impulse-control and conduct disorder, impulse control dis nos, impulse control disorders, impulse-control disorders",
+"cardiac dysrhythmia unspecified, arrhythmia nos, irregular heartbeat, cardiac arrhythmia unspecified, arrhythmia cardiac, cardiac; dysrhythmia, dysrhythmia; cardiac, rhythm; abnormal, dysrhythmia(s), cardiac arrhythmia (nos), arrhythmias, cardiac dysrhythmias, cardiac rhythm disorder, heart arrhythmia, cardiac arrhythmia nos, arrhythmias cardiac, cardiac rhythm disturbances, rhythm heart; abnormal, cardiac rhythm abnormal, heart arrhythmias, cardiac dysrhythmias nos, defect conduction (nos), dysrhythmia, cardiac arrhythmia irregular pulse, cardiac rhythm disturbance, cardiac arrhythmias, arrhythmias (heart), arrhythmia nos, cardiac rhythm irregular, cardiac arrhythmia (disorder), abnormal heart rhythms, cardiac arrhythmia nos, cardiac dysrhythmia nos, cardiac dysrhythmia (disorder), arrhythmia (finding), dysrhythmia cardiac, arrhythmia, disorder; rhythm heart, arrhythmia cardiac (nos), cardiac dysrhythmia nos, heart: rhythm, cardiac rhythm disorder (diagnosis), arrhythmia (nos), rhythm; disorder, dysrhythmia;cardiac, ectopic beats all types, heart rhythm disorders, disorder of heart rhythm, cardiac dysrhythmia, disturbance; rhythm heart, arrhythmia (cardiac) nos, arrythmia, cardiac dysrhythmia nos (disorder), irregular heart beat, dysrhythmias, cardiac arrhythmia",
+"blankets, blanket device (physical object), blanket, blanket device",
+"normothermia, normothermic, normothermia (qualifier value)",
+"forced, force, mechanical force, force (physical force), forces, mechanical force (physical force), forces mechanical",
+"forced air warming blanket (physical object), forced air warming blanket",
+"2-901 spastic dysphonias, dysphonia spastic, dysphonia spastic, spastic dysphonia nos, spastic dysphonia was observed, spasmodic dysphonia, spastic; dysphonia, dysphonia spasmodic, spastic dysphonias, spastic dysphonia, spastic dysphonia (physical finding), dysphonia; spastic, spastic dysphonia (disorder), dysphonia spasmodic, speech phonation spastic",
+"vibration (& treatment) (procedure), vibration, vibration nos, vibration (procedure), vibration - treatment (procedure), vibration treatment, vibration - treatment (regime/therapy), vibration (& treatment), vibration - treatment, vibration nos (regime/therapy), vibration nos (procedure)",
+"laryn, laryngeal use, laryngeal route, laryngeal route (qualifier value), laryngealroute, laryngeal, laryngopharyngeal use, laryngeal route of drug administration, laryngeal route of administration",
+"17-allyl-314-dihydroxy-45α-epoxymorphinan-6-one, naloxone product, naloxone-containing product, product containing naloxone (medicinal product), morphinan-6-one 45-epoxy-314-dihydroxy-17-(2-propenyl)- (5alpha)-, naloxone (substance), naloxone (product), nalossone, 1-n-allyl-14-hydroxynordihydromorphinone, naloxona, (-)-naloxone, product containing naloxone, naloxone, naloxonum",
+"anti-trail receptor 2 monoclonal antibody hgs-etr2, immunoglobulin g1 anti-(vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (ec or protein-tyrosine kinase receptor flk-1 or cd309 antigen) extracellular domain); human monoclonal imc-1121b γ1 heavy chain (219-214)-disulfide with human monoclonal imc-1121b κ light chain (225-225:228-228)-bisdisulfide dimer, ramucirumab-containing product, product containing ramucirumab, anti-trail r2 mab hgs-etr2, product containing ramucirumab (medicinal product), immunoglobulin g1 anti-(human vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type vegfr-2 extracellular domain) (human monoclonal imc-1121b γ-chain) disulfide with human monoclonal imc-1121b κ-chain dimer, chemotherapeutics ramucirumab, ramucirumab (substance), ramucirumab (product), monoclonal antibody hgs-etr2, ramucirumab, ramucirumab (medication), ramucirumab product",
+"ivb stage, stage ivb (qualifier value), stage 4 lower case b, stage ivb",
+"laboratory studies (procedure), laboratory studies, laboratory study",
+"airway structure, airway structures, breathing passages, airway, airway structure (body structure), airway nos, respiratory airway, airways",
+"nerve stimulation test nos, neurostimulation procedure, neurostimulation procedure nos, nerve stimulation test, neurostimulation, neurostimulation procedure (procedure), neurostimulation nos, nerve stimulation tests nos",
+"carrier state nos, carrier of disorder, carrier states, disease carrier, carrier of disorder (finding), carrier nos, carrier, carrier (of);disease, carrier of disease, disease carrier state, carrier state, carrier state (disease)",
+"vagina--cancer, malignant vaginal neoplasm, malignant tumour of vagina, vaginal neoplasms malignant, malign neopl vagina, cancer vaginal, vagina cancers, cancers vagina, malignant neoplasm of vagina (diagnosis), vaginal neoplasm malignant, vaginal cancer nos, malignant neoplasm of vagina nos, malignant vaginal tumor, malignant tumour of vagina (disorder), malignant neoplasm of vagina nos, cancer of the vagina, malignant tumor of the vagina, cancers vaginal, cancer of vagina, malignant neoplasm of vagina, cancer vaginal, vagina cancer, malignant vagina neoplasm, malignant tumor of vagina (disorder), cancer vagina, malignant tumor of vagina, malig neop vagina nos, malignant neoplasm of vagina nos (disorder), vaginal cancer, vaginal cancers, malignant vagina tumor, cancer vagina, malignant neoplasm of the vagina",
+"isohaemagglutinin, blood group antibody a, isohemagglutinin, anti a, isohemagglutinin a, blood group antibody a nos, isohaemagglutinin a, blood group antibody a (substance)",
+"dietary fiber, fiber, dietary fibre, dietary fiber measurement, dietary fibres, fibers dietary, fiber dietary, dfiber, bulk, dietary fiber (substance), dietary fibers",
+"carcinoma of the cervix, carcinoma uterine cervix, carcinoma cervical, carcinoma cervix uteri, cancers uterine cervical, cervical cancer uterine, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri nos, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri nos (disorder), collum carcinoma, malignant uterine cervix neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri unspecified, cervical neoplasm malignant cervix uteri, malignant tumor of the cervix uteri, malignant cervical neoplasm, malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri, uterine cervical cancers, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri (diagnosis), cervix carcinoma, malignant neoplasm cervix, carcinoma of cervix, uterine cervix carcinoma, cancer cervix, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri, malignant neoplasm of cervix, cervix neoplasms malignant, carcinoma of the cervix uteri, malignant tumor of the uterine cervix, cervical carcinoma, cervical cancers uterine, uterine cervical cancer, malignant neosplasm of the cervix, malignant tumor of cervix, malignant cervical tumor, malignant cervix uteri tumor, cervical carcinoma nos, malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri unspecified site, carcinoma of cervix uteri, carcinoma cervix uterine, neoplasm malig;cervix, malignant tumor of cervix (disorder), cervix cancer, malig neop cervix uteri nos, malignant neoplasm of the uterine cervix, carcinoma;cervix, carcinoma of cervix (diagnosis), malignant tumor of cervix uteri, carcinoma cervix, malig neop cervix uteri, uterine cervix cancer, cervical cancer (diagnosis), cervical cancer, malignant cervix uteri neoplasm, carcinoma of the uterine cervix, malignant cervix tumor, malignant tumor of the cervix, cervix uteri--cancer, ca cervix, cancers cervix, carcinoma uterine cerix, cervix uteri unspecified, carcinoma of cervix , malignant neoplasm of the cervix, ca cervix uteri nos (disorder), carcinoma of cervix invasive, malignant tumor of uterine cervix, malignant tumour of cervix (disorder), malignant tumour of cervix, cancer of the uterine cervix, carcinoma of cervix (disorder), cervix uteri cancer, cervical cancer nos, cancer of cervix, malignant cervix neoplasm, cancer of uterine cervix, cervical ca, cancer uterine cervical, cervical carcinoma (uterus), cervical cancers, malignant uterine cervix tumor, uterine cervix carcinoma, mal neo cervix uteri nos, cancer of the cervix, carcinoma of uterine cervix, malignant neoplasm of uterine cervix, cervical cancer (all types), cervix uteri carcinoma, malignant neoplasm of cervix (diagnosis), ca cervix uteri nos",
+"vaginal cancer stage 0, stage 0 vaginal cancer, neoplasia; intraepithelial vagina grade iii, benign neoplasm vagina, intraepithelial neoplasia of the vagina grade 3 ajcc v6, vaginal carcinoma in situ ajcc v6, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia iii [vain iii], vaginal structure (body structure), stage 0 carcinoma of the vagina, vaginal structure, vag, vagina, vaginal intraepith neop gr iii, procedures on vagina, carcinoma in situ of vagina, benign neoplasm of vagina (disorder), vaginal, grade iii vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia ajcc v6, carcinoma in situ of the vagina ajcc v6, vain 3 ajcc v6, benign tumor of vagina, vain iii - vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade iii, vaginal cancer stage 0, figo stage 0 carcinoma of the vagina, cancer of vagina stage 0, medical procedure on vagina (procedure), vaginal cancer stage 0 ajcc v6, birth canal, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia iii, entire vagina (body structure), vagina nos, benign vaginal neoplasm, carcinoma in situ of vagina (diagnosis), 82 vagina, benign tumors vaginal, vain - vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia 3, carcinoma of the vagina stage 0, benign neoplasm of the vagina, vagina carcinoma in situ, medical procedure on vagina, benign neoplasm vagina nos, procedure on vagina (procedure), vaginal intraepithelial neoplasm grade iii, entire vagina, carcinoma in situ of vagina nos, benign vaginal tumour, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (disorder), figo stage 0 vaginal carcinoma, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade iii, benign neoplasm of vagina (diagnosis), vagina carcinoma in situ ajcc v6, vain iii, procedure on vagina, vain - vag intraepith neop 3, grade 3 vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia ajcc v6, vagina/vaginal, grade iii squamous intraepithelial neoplasia of vagina (diagnosis), benign neoplasm vagina nos (disorder), vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3, vain grade 3 ajcc v6, stage 0 vaginal cancer ajcc v6, vagina (mmhcc), vaginas, mouse vagina, carcinoma in situ vagina, benign neoplasm of vagina, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 ajcc v6, carcinoma in situ of vagina ajcc v6, benign tumor of the vagina, cancer in situ of vagina, cancer of the vagina stage 0, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade iii, vag intraepith neop 3, vaginal cancer in situ, vaginal neoplasm benign, carcinoma in situ vagina, vaginal neoplasms benign, benign vaginal neoplasms, vagina; intraepithelial neoplasia grade iii, stage 0 cancer of the vagina, vain iii, figo stage 0 carcinoma of vagina, grade iii squamous intraepithelial neoplasia of vagina, vain iii-vag intraep neop iii, medical procedure on vagina nos, vagina cancer stage 0, vain iii ajcc v6, figo stage 0 vagina carcinoma, ajcc stage 0 vaginal cancer v6, genital system female vagina, vagino-, intraepithelial neoplasia of vagina grade 3 ajcc v6, benign tumour of vagina, stage 0 vagina cancer, benign vaginal tumor, carcinoma in situ of vagina (disorder), benign neoplasm of vagina nos",
+"cervix uteri squamous cell carcinoma, cervical epidermoid carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma of cervix, cancer cells cervix squamous, squamous cell carcinoma of cervix uteri, squamous cell carcinoma of cervix (diagnosis), cervical squamous cell carcinoma nos, cervical squamous cell carcinoma not otherwise specified, cervical cancer squamous cell carcinoma, epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix, cancer cell cervix squamous, squamous cell carcinoma cervix, squamous cervical cancer, squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix, cervical squamous cell carcinoma, uterine cervix squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cell cancer of the cervix, uterine cervix cancer squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma of cervix (disorder), sqamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, cervical cancer squamous cell, cervix squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoma;cervix;squam cell, uterine cervical cancer squamous cell carcinoma, cancer of the cervix squamous cell, squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, squamous cell carcinoma cervical, carcinoma of the cervix squamous cell, squamous cell ca of cervix, squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri, squamous cell cervical cancer, carcinoma cell cervix squamous, squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix, cervical squamous cell cancer, cervix cancer squamous cell carcinoma",
+"curietherapy, radiation brachytherapy, brachytherapy procedure, brachyther, radiation therapy radioactive source, brachytherapy, radiation internal, plesiotherapy radiation, brachytherapy procedure (procedure), brachytherapy radioisotope, brachytherapy (procedure), internal radiation therapy, contact radiation therapy procedure, internal radiation brachytherapy, radioisotope brachyther, implants radiation, brachyther radioisotope, brachytherapy nos, brachytherapy procedure nos, radiation therapy radioactive source (treatment), brachytherapy intracavitary, curiether, brachytherapy - action (qualifier value), radioisotope brachytherapy, implant radiation, brachytherapy nos, contact radiation therapy procedure nos, brachytherapy - action, internal radiation, brachytherapies",
+"ad, actinomycin-c1, dactinomicina, dactinomycinum, actinomycin c1, actd, actinomycin i1, 2-amino-nn-bis(hexadecahydro-259-trimethyl-613-bis(1-methylethyl)-1471114-pentaoxo-1h-pyrrolo(21-i)(1471013)oxatetra-azacyclohexadecin-10-yl)-46-dimethyl-3-oxo-3h-phenoxazine-19-dicarboxamide, dactinomycin (medication), meractinomycin, actinomycin a iv, actinomycin x 1, dactinomycin (product), 2-bis[cyclo(n-methyl-l-valyl-sarcosyl-l-prolyl-d-valyl-l-threonyl)]-19 dimethyl-46 3h-phenoxazinone-3, dactinomycine, dactinomycin - chemical (substance), dactinomycin (substance), product containing dactinomycin, dactinomycin product, product containing dactinomycin (medicinal product), actinomycin d, dactinomycin - chemical, actinomycin iv, actinomycin-d, dactinomycin-containing product, dactinomycin, actinomycin-[thr-val-pro-sar-meval], act-d, dact, actinomycin-d (medication)",
+"alternates, alternating, alternating (qualifier value), alternating with, alternate",
+"embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas, rhabdomyosarcoma pediatric embryonal, rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, pediatric embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (morphologic abnormality), erms, rhabdomyosarcoma; embryonal, rhabdomyosarcoma childhood embryonal, malignant neoplasm myosarcoma rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, rhabdomyosarcomas embryonal, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (diagnosis), embryonal pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (disorder), embryonal; rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal childhood, childhood rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, embryonal childhood rhabdomyosarcoma, childhood embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal",
+"therapeutic evaluation (procedure), therapeutic evaluation",
+"cranial nerves tenth, vagus nervus, pneumogastric nerves, nerves x, nerves pneumogastric, nerve tenth cranial, vagus nerve [x], nerve x cranial, nervus vagus [x], cranial nerve x, vagus nerve tree, vagus nerve structure (body structure), nerve vagus, nerve x, 10n, tenth cranial nerve, vagus nerve, nerves tenth cranial, vagus nerves, nerve xs, nerve pneumogastric, vagus nerve nos, vagus nerve structure, nerves vagus, cranial nerve tenth, vagus nervus, tenth cranial nerve nos, vagus nerve x, tenth cranial nerves, nerve vagus, pneumogastric nerve, nervus vagus, vagus",
+"therapeutic ischemia, ischemia, ischaemia, ischemia (diagnosis), ischemia (disorder), ischaemia nos, ischaemia nos, ischemias, ischemia nos, ischemia procedure, ischemia nos",
+"environment hospital, hospital, hospital (environment), hospital environment, environment: hospital (treatment), hospital environment (environment), environment: hospital",
+"mutations nonsense, nonsense, nonsense mutation, stop gain, nonsense mutation (finding), nonsense mutations, premature termination abnormality, mutation nonsense, premature termination mutation",
+"juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (jmml), juvenile chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, jcml, juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia, leukemia myelomonocytic juvenile, myelomonocytic leukemias juvenile, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (diagnosis), juv chronic myeloid leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, jmml, juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia, juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia (diagnosis), leukemia juvenile myelomonocytic, leukemia juvenile myelomonocytic, juvenile chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia, juvenile chronic myeloid leukaemia, juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia, juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia (disorder), myelomonocytic leukemia juvenile, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemias, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (morphologic abnormality), juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia nos, jcml - juv chron myel leukaem, jcml - juvenile chronic myeloid leukaemia, jcml - juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (disorder), juv chronic myeloid leukaemia",
+"rao, chronic alveolar emphysema of horses, heave, recurrent airway obstruction, heaves (disorder), broken wind, heaves, recurrent airway obstruction (disorder), copd, chronic airway disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of horses, allergic bronchiolitis, reactive airway disease, small airway disease",
+"sedates, under sedation, sedated state, sedated (finding), sedation [status], sedate, [d]sedation (context-dependent category), [d]sedation (situation), sedated, sedating, [d]sedation, sedation",
+"covid-19 virus disease, disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder), hcov-19 infection, covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), 2019 ncov disease, infection 2019-ncov, sars-2 infection, 2019 novel coronavirus disease, coronavirus disease 19, infection covid-19 virus, 2019-ncov infection, 2019-ncov diseases, sars cov 2 infection, sars-cov-2 disease, covid-19, covid 19 virus disease, infection sars-cov-2, covid-19 infection (diagnosis), covid-19 virus infections, human coronavirus 2019 infection, 2019-ncov disease, covid-19 virus diseases, sars-cov2 infection, coronavirus 2019-ncov infection, disease covid-19 virus, 2019 novel coronavirus infection, sars-cov-2 infections, disease 2019-ncov, virus disease covid-19, virus infection covid-19, disease 2019 coronavirus, disease caused by 2019 novel coronavirus, coronavirus 2019-ncov, covid 19 virus infection, disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, disease caused by wuhan coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection, sars2 infection, covid-19 virus infection, sars-cov2 disease, 2019-ncov infections, coronavirus disease 2019, covid 19, disease caused by 2019 novel coronavirus (disorder), sars-cov-2 infection, covid19 (disease), covid-19 infection, 2019 ncov infection, sars coronavirus 2 infection, covid19, coronavirus disease-19, disease caused by 2019-ncov",
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/app/mailers/admin_mailer.rb b/app/mailers/admin_mailer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da8ea89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/mailers/admin_mailer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AdminMailer < ApplicationMailer
+ def system_id_error(system_id, errors)
+ @system_id = system_id
+ @errors = errors
+ @system_info = SystemInfo.current
+ mail(from: @system_info.default_email, to: @system_info.default_email, reply_to: @system_info.default_email, subject: "#{system_id} is invalid, requires update.")
+ end
diff --git a/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb b/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c60c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: 'from@example.com'
+ layout 'mailer'
diff --git a/app/mailers/study_mailer.rb b/app/mailers/study_mailer.rb
index fd885b4..174105f 100644
--- a/app/mailers/study_mailer.rb
+++ b/app/mailers/study_mailer.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
class StudyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def contact_team(to, name, email, phone, message, system_id, brief_title, system_info)
@name = name
@@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ def contact_team(to, name, email, phone, message, system_id, brief_title, system
from = %("#{name}" <#{email}>)
- mail(from: @system_info.default_email, to: to, reply_to: email, subject: "Someone is interested in your study")
+ mail(from: @system_info.default_email, to: to, bcc: @system_info.study_contact_bcc, reply_to: email, subject: "Someone is interested in your study")
def email_me(email, message, trial, contacts, eligibility, age)
@@ -24,8 +23,9 @@ def email_me(email, message, trial, contacts, eligibility, age)
@age = age
@conditions = @trial.conditions_map
@interventions = @trial.interventions
- system_info = SystemInfo.current
+ @system_info = SystemInfo.current
- mail(from: system_info.default_email, to: email, reply_to: email, subject: "StudyFinder - #{trial.brief_title}")
+ mail(from: @system_info.default_email, to: email, bcc: @system_info.default_email, reply_to: email, subject: "StudyFinder - #{trial.brief_title}")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/models/approval.rb b/app/models/approval.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34204a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/approval.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class Approval < ApplicationRecord
+ self.table_name = 'approvals'
+ belongs_to :trial
+ belongs_to :user
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/models/condition.rb b/app/models/condition.rb
index 42e7a3c..b798c37 100644
--- a/app/models/condition.rb
+++ b/app/models/condition.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
class Condition < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'study_finder_conditions'
+ has_many :condition_groups
scope :recent_as, ->(duration){ where('created_at > ?', Time.zone.today - duration ).order('created_at DESC') }
def self.find_range(start_date, end_date)
diff --git a/app/models/condition_group.rb b/app/models/condition_group.rb
index 35ecb60..152a5ef 100644
--- a/app/models/condition_group.rb
+++ b/app/models/condition_group.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
class ConditionGroup < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'study_finder_condition_groups'
- belongs_to :condition
+ belongs_to :condition, counter_cache: true
belongs_to :group
- belongs_to :trial_condition, foreign_key: :condition_id, primary_key: :condition_id
+ belongs_to :trial_condition, foreign_key: :condition_id, primary_key: :condition_id, optional: true
diff --git a/app/models/group.rb b/app/models/group.rb
index 1bf268e..d3ea88b 100644
--- a/app/models/group.rb
+++ b/app/models/group.rb
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ def conditions_empty?
def study_count
- trials.where(visible: true).distinct.count(:id)
+ if SystemInfo.trial_approval
+ trials.where(visible: true, approved: true).distinct.count(:id)
+ else
+ trials.where(visible: true).distinct.count(:id)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/models/subgroup.rb b/app/models/subgroup.rb
index 9fc4faa..89a5d6a 100644
--- a/app/models/subgroup.rb
+++ b/app/models/subgroup.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
class Subgroup < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'study_finder_subgroups'
belongs_to :group, optional: true
+ has_many :trial_subgroups
+ has_many :trials, through: :trial_subgroups
validates_presence_of :name
diff --git a/app/models/system_info.rb b/app/models/system_info.rb
index 74ef7ef..109e1b6 100644
--- a/app/models/system_info.rb
+++ b/app/models/system_info.rb
@@ -1,13 +1,49 @@
class SystemInfo < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'study_finder_system_infos'
- has_many :trial_attribute_settings#, optional: true
+ has_many :trial_attribute_settings
accepts_nested_attributes_for :trial_attribute_settings, allow_destroy: false, reject_if: :all_blank
validates_presence_of :secret_key, :default_email, :initials, :school_name
- # validates_format_of :secret_key, with: /[^0-9a-z]/i
def self.current
+ def self.trial_approval
+ self.first.try(:trial_approval)
+ end
+ def self.alert_on_empty_system_id
+ self.first.try(:alert_on_empty_system_id)
+ end
+ def self.secret_key
+ self.first.try(:secret_key)
+ end
+ def self.trial_attribute_settings
+ self.first.try(:trial_attribute_settings)
+ end
+ def self.display_study_show_page
+ self.first.try(:display_study_show_page)
+ end
+ def self.captcha
+ self.first.try(:captcha)
+ end
+ def self.ga_version
+ self.first.try(:google_analytics_version)
+ end
+ def self.default_email
+ self.first.try(:default_email)
+ end
+ def self.study_contact_bcc
+ self.first.try(:study_contact_bcc)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/models/trial.rb b/app/models/trial.rb
index 3c7d10e..dd0feab 100644
--- a/app/models/trial.rb
+++ b/app/models/trial.rb
@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ class Trial < ApplicationRecord
include Elasticsearch::Model
include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks
+ validates :system_id, presence: true
+ validates :system_id, uniqueness: true
index_name "study_finder-trials-#{Rails.env}"
- belongs_to :parser
+ belongs_to :parser, optional: true
has_many :trial_interventions
has_many :trial_keywords
@@ -19,6 +22,9 @@ class Trial < ApplicationRecord
has_many :conditions, through: :trial_conditions
has_many :condition_groups, through: :trial_conditions
+ has_many :trial_subgroups
+ has_many :subgroups, through: :trial_subgroups
has_many :trial_sites
has_many :sites, through: :trial_sites
@@ -32,6 +38,8 @@ class Trial < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :photo
+ has_one :approval
scope :recent_as, ->(duration){ where('updated_at > ?', Time.zone.today - duration ).order('updated_at DESC') }
def self.import_from_file(file)
@@ -44,9 +52,18 @@ def self.find_range(start_date, end_date, attribute = "updated_at")
where("#{Trial.connection.quote_column_name(attribute)} between ? and ?", start_date, end_date ).order("#{Trial.connection.quote_column_name(attribute)} DESC")
+ def simple_description
+ simple_description_override || simple_description_from_source
+ end
+ def simple_description_from_source
+ self[:simple_description]
+ end
def display_title
+ return nil if brief_title.blank?
display = brief_title
- unless acronym.nil?
+ unless acronym.blank?
display += ' (' + acronym + ')'
@@ -57,23 +74,19 @@ def self.active_trials
def min_age
- if minimum_age.nil?
- age = 0
- else
+ if minimum_age =~ /\d/
age = minimum_age.to_f
+ else
+ age = 0.0
- age
def max_age
- if maximum_age.nil?
- age = 1000
- else
+ if maximum_age =~ /\d/
age = maximum_age.to_f
+ else
+ age = 1000.0
- age
def interventions
@@ -89,12 +102,16 @@ def conditions_map
def category_ids
- condition_groups.map { |e| e.group_id }
+ condition_groups.map { |e| e.group_id }.uniq
+ end
+ def subcategory_ids
+ trial_subgroups.map { |e| e.subgroup_id }
def keyword_suggest
- input: trial_keywords.where.not(keyword: nil).map { |k| k.keyword.downcase }
+ input: trial_keywords.where.not(keyword: nil).map { |k| k.keyword.try(:downcase) }
@@ -118,6 +135,28 @@ def condition_values
+ def subgroup_values
+ subgroups.map(&:name).sort
+ end
+ def update_subgroups!(subgroups)
+ return if subgroups.nil?
+ existing_subgroups = subgroup_values
+ subgroups_to_add = subgroups - existing_subgroups
+ subgroups_to_delete = existing_subgroups - subgroups
+ transaction(requires_new: true) do
+ trial_subgroups.includes(:subgroup).where(Subgroup.table_name => { name: subgroups_to_delete }).delete_all
+ subgroups_to_add.each do |subgroup|
+ trial_subgroups.create(subgroup: Subgroup.find_or_initialize_by(name: subgroup, group_id: category_ids))
+ end
+ end
+ __elasticsearch__.update_document
+ end
def update_keywords!(keywords)
return if keywords.nil?
@@ -179,19 +218,20 @@ def update_locations!(location_data)
def update_interventions!(intervention_data)
return if intervention_data.nil?
existing_interventions = trial_interventions.as_json
interventions_to_add = intervention_data - existing_interventions
interventions_to_delete = existing_interventions - intervention_data
transaction(requires_new: true) do
interventions_to_delete.each do |intervention_to_delete|
- interventions.where(intervention_to_delete).delete_all
+ trial_interventions.where(intervention_to_delete).delete_all
interventions_to_add.each do |intervention_to_add|
- intervention_type: intervention_to_add[:type],
+ trial_id: self.id,
+ intervention_type: intervention_to_add[:intervention_type],
intervention: intervention_to_add[:intervention]
@@ -203,12 +243,25 @@ def update_interventions!(intervention_data)
# ===============================================
# Elasticsearch Configuration & Methods
# ===============================================
+ if Rails.application.config.respond_to?(:synonyms_path)
+ synonym_list = { synonyms_path: Rails.application.config.synonyms_path }
+ else
+ synonym_list = { synonyms: Modules::TrialSynonyms.as_array }
+ end
settings analysis: {
analyzer: {
+ search_synonyms: {
+ tokenizer: 'standard',
+ filter: [ 'graph_synonyms', 'asciifolding', 'lowercase' ]
+ },
en: {
tokenizer: 'standard',
- filter: ['asciifolding', 'lowercase', 'english_filter', 'synonym']
+ filter: ['asciifolding', 'lowercase', 'custom_stems', 'english_filter']
+ },
+ no_stem: {
+ tokenizer: 'standard',
+ filter: ['asciifolding', 'lowercase']
typeahead: {
tokenizer: 'standard',
@@ -216,9 +269,18 @@ def update_interventions!(intervention_data)
filter: {
- synonym: {
- type: 'synonym',
- synonyms_path: 'analysis/synonyms.txt'
+ graph_synonyms: {
+ type: 'synonym_graph',
+ **synonym_list,
+ updateable: true
+ },
+ custom_stems: {
+ type: 'stemmer_override',
+ rules: [
+ 'racism => racism',
+ 'african => african',
+ 'american => american'
+ ]
english_filter: {
type: 'kstem'
@@ -227,8 +289,9 @@ def update_interventions!(intervention_data)
} do
mappings dynamic: 'false' do
- indexes :display_title, type: 'text', analyzer: 'en'
- indexes :simple_description, type: 'text', analyzer: 'en'
+ indexes :display_title, type: 'text', analyzer: 'en', search_analyzer: 'search_synonyms'
+ indexes :simple_description, type: 'text', analyzer: 'en', search_analyzer: 'search_synonyms'
+ indexes :simple_description_override, type: 'text', analyzer: 'en', search_analyzer: 'search_synonyms'
# indexes :eligibility_criteria, type: 'text', analyzer: 'snowball'
indexes :system_id
indexes :min_age, type: 'float'
@@ -236,17 +299,21 @@ def update_interventions!(intervention_data)
indexes :gender
indexes :phase, type: 'text'
indexes :cancer_yn, type: 'text'
+ indexes :recruiting, type: 'boolean'
indexes :visible, type: 'boolean'
+ indexes :display_simple_description, type: 'boolean'
indexes :healthy_volunteers
indexes :contact_override
indexes :contact_override_first_name
indexes :contact_override_last_name
+ indexes :approved, type: 'boolean'
+ indexes :protocol_type
indexes :pi_name, type: 'text', analyzer: 'en'
indexes :pi_id
indexes :category_ids
+ indexes :subcategory_ids
indexes :keyword_suggest, type: 'completion', analyzer: 'typeahead', search_analyzer: 'typeahead'
@@ -274,14 +341,16 @@ def update_interventions!(intervention_data)
indexes :group_id, type: 'integer'
- indexes :interventions, analyzer: 'en'
- indexes :conditions_map, analyzer: 'en'
- indexes :keywords, analyzer: 'en'
+ indexes :interventions, analyzer: 'no_stem', search_analyzer: 'search_synonyms'
+ indexes :conditions_map, analyzer: 'no_stem', search_analyzer: 'search_synonyms'
+ indexes :keywords, analyzer: 'no_stem', search_analyzer: 'search_synonyms'
indexes :min_age_unit, type: 'text'
indexes :max_age_unit, type: 'text'
indexes :featured, type: 'integer'
indexes :irb_number, type: 'text'
+ indexes :nct_id, type: 'text'
indexes :added_on, type: 'date'
+ indexes :created_at, type: 'date'
@@ -290,12 +359,15 @@ def as_indexed_json(options={})
only: [
+ :simple_description_override,
+ :recruiting,
+ :display_simple_description,
@@ -311,12 +383,16 @@ def as_indexed_json(options={})
+ :nct_id,
- :added_on
+ :added_on,
+ :approved,
+ :protocol_type,
+ :created_at
include: {
trial_locations: {
@@ -347,7 +423,7 @@ def as_indexed_json(options={})
- methods: [:display_title, :min_age, :max_age, :interventions, :conditions_map, :category_ids, :keywords, :keyword_suggest]
+ methods: [:display_title, :min_age, :max_age, :interventions, :conditions_map, :category_ids, :subcategory_ids, :keywords, :keyword_suggest]
@@ -361,80 +437,71 @@ def self.execute_search(search_hash = {})
def self.match_all(search)
- query: {
- function_score: {
- query: {
- bool: {
- must: [
- { bool: { filter: filters(search) } },
- { bool: { should: range_filters(search) } }
- ]
- }
- },
- field_value_factor: {
- field: "featured",
- factor: 15
+ query: {
+ bool: {
+ must: [
+ { bool: { filter: filters(search) } },
+ { bool: { should: range_filters(search) } }
+ ]
- },
- highlight: {
- fields: highlight_fields
- },
- sort: [
- { added_on: "desc" }
- ]
def self.match_all_search(search)
+ search(
+ query: {
+ bool: {
+ must: [
+ {
+ multi_match: {
+ query: search[:q].try(:downcase),
+ fields: ["display_title", "interventions", "conditions_map", "simple_description", "simple_description_override", "eligibility_criteria", "system_id", "keywords", "pi_name", "pi_id", "irb_number"]
+ }
+ },
+ { bool: { filter: filters(search) } },
+ { bool: { should: range_filters(search) } }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ def self.match_all_admin(search)
query: {
- function_score: {
- query: {
- bool: {
- must: [
- {
- query_string: {
- query: search[:q].gsub("/", ""),
- default_operator: "AND",
- fields: ["display_title", "interventions", "conditions_map", "simple_description", "eligibility_criteria", "system_id", "keywords", "pi_name", "pi_id", "irb_number"]
- }
- },
- { bool: { filter: filters(search) } },
- { bool: { should: range_filters(search) } }
- ]
+ bool: {
+ must: [
+ { multi_match: {
+ query: search[:q].try(:downcase),
+ operator: "and",
+ fields: ["display_title", "interventions", "conditions_map", "simple_description", "simple_description_override", "eligibility_criteria", "system_id", "keywords", "pi_name", "protocol_type"]
- field_value_factor: {
- field: "featured",
- factor: 15
- }
- }
- },
- highlight: {
- fields: highlight_fields
- },
- sort: [
- { added_on: "desc" }
- ]
+ {bool: {filter: filters_admin_all } }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- def self.match_all_admin(search)
+ def self.match_all_under_review_admin(search)
query: {
- multi_match: {
- query: search[:q],
- operator: "and",
- fields: ["display_title", "interventions", "conditions_map", "simple_description", "eligibility_criteria", "system_id", "keywords", "pi_name"]
+ bool: {
+ must: [
+ {multi_match: {
+ query: search[:q].downcase,
+ operator: "and",
+ fields: ["display_title", "interventions", "conditions_map", "simple_description", "simple_description_override", "eligibility_criteria", "system_id", "keywords", "pi_name", "irb_number", "protocol_type"],
+ }
+ },
+ { bool: { filter: filters_admin_pending }
+ }
+ ]
- },
- sort: [
- { added_on: "desc" }
- ]
+ },
+ sort: {created_at: "desc"}
@@ -488,24 +555,45 @@ def self.is_nct_number?(value)
def self.filters(search)
ret = []
ret << { term: { visible: true } }
- if (search.has_key?('healthy_volunteers') and search[:healthy_volunteers] == "1") or search.has_key?('category') or search.has_key?('gender')
+ if SystemInfo.trial_approval
+ ret << { term: { approved: true } }
+ end
+ if (search.has_key?('healthy_volunteers') and search[:healthy_volunteers] == "1") or search.has_key?('category') or search.has_key?('subcat') or search.has_key?('gender')
if search.has_key?('healthy_volunteers') and search[:healthy_volunteers] == "1"
ret << { term: { healthy_volunteers: true } }
if search.has_key?('category')
- ret << { term: { category_ids: search[:category] } }
+ ret << { term: { category_ids: search['category'] } }
+ end
+ if search.has_key?('subcat')
+ ret << { term: { subcategory_ids: search['subcat'] } }
if (search.has_key?('gender')) and (search[:gender] == 'Male' or search[:gender] == 'Female')
- ret << { terms: { gender: ['all', search[:gender].downcase] }}
+ ret << { terms: { gender: ['all', 'Both', search[:gender].try(:downcase)] }}
+ def self.filters_admin_pending
+ ret = []
+ ret << { term: { visible: true } }
+ ret << { term: { approved: false } }
+ ret
+ end
+ def self.filters_admin_all
+ ret = []
+ ret << { term: { visible: true } }
+ if SystemInfo.trial_approval
+ ret << { term: { approved: true } }
+ end
+ ret
+ end
def self.range_filters(search)
ret = []
@@ -518,7 +606,7 @@ def self.range_filters(search)
if search.has_key?('seniors')
- ret << { range: { max_age: { gte: 66 } } }
+ ret << { range: { max_age: { gte: 65 } } }
@@ -531,6 +619,7 @@ def self.highlight_fields
interventions: { number_of_fragments: 0 },
keywords: { number_of_fragments: 0 },
simple_description: { number_of_fragments: 0 },
+ simple_description_override: { number_of_fragments: 0},
conditions_map: { number_of_fragments: 0 },
eligibility_criteria: { number_of_fragments: 0 }
@@ -543,4 +632,5 @@ def update_healthy_volunteers
diff --git a/app/models/trial_attribute_setting.rb b/app/models/trial_attribute_setting.rb
index 2c5ea75..02eda23 100644
--- a/app/models/trial_attribute_setting.rb
+++ b/app/models/trial_attribute_setting.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
class TrialAttributeSetting < ApplicationRecord
- belongs_to :system_infos
+ belongs_to :system_info
validates :attribute_name, presence: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/models/trial_intervention.rb b/app/models/trial_intervention.rb
index 50758db..9f163a0 100644
--- a/app/models/trial_intervention.rb
+++ b/app/models/trial_intervention.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
class TrialIntervention < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'study_finder_trial_intervents'
+ belongs_to :trial
def to_s
if !intervention_type.blank? && !intervention.blank?
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ def to_s
def as_json(options = {})
- type: self.intervention_type,
+ intervention_type: self.intervention_type,
intervention: self.intervention
diff --git a/app/models/trial_subgroup.rb b/app/models/trial_subgroup.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7b2cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/trial_subgroup.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class TrialSubgroup < ApplicationRecord
+ self.table_name = 'study_finder_trial_subgroups'
+ belongs_to :subgroup
+ belongs_to :trial
diff --git a/app/views/admin/approvals/index.html.erb b/app/views/admin/approvals/index.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..637a4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/approvals/index.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/admin/conditions/recent_as.html.erb b/app/views/admin/conditions/recent_as.html.erb
index dae5ffd..1909dd9 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/conditions/recent_as.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/conditions/recent_as.html.erb
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Recent Conditions (<%= @conditions.size %>)
Recent Conditions (<%= @conditions.size %>)
This section is where the administrator can review recently created conditions within StudyFinder.
<%= form_tag admin_reports_recent_conditions_path, method: :get do %>
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<% end %>
<%= link_to 'Back to Reports', admin_reports_path, class: 'btn btn-outline-secondary' %>
- <%= f.input :url, label: 'Youtube URL', hint: '(Embeddable version of the youtube video URL. Ex. "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie3jNNDqzzc" becomes "https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ie3jNNDqzzc".)'.html_safe %>
+ <%= f.input :url, label: 'URL', hint: '(URL that the "Learn More" button will link to.)'.html_safe %>
<% if @item.showcase_image.attached? || !@item.url.blank? %>
- <% if @system_info.show_showcase_indicators %>
- <% end %>
This section is where administrators can manage showcase images and youtube videos. These items will appear within the homepage carousel. Ensure photos are of a proper resolution and consistent with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
This section is where administrators can manage showcase images. These items will appear on the homepage in a block below the search & site info block.
This section is where the administrator can configure how StudyFinder works.
- Trials Last Updated: <%= @updated.created_at.strftime('%m-%d-%Y') %>
+ Trials Last Updated: <%= @updated_at %>
@@ -28,13 +28,37 @@
<%= f.input :faq_description, as: :text, input_html: { rows: 5 }, label: 'FAQ description' %>
<%= f.input :default_url %>
<%= f.input :default_email %>
- <%= f.input :secret_key, hint: 'Secret key will be required by researchers to add or update trials.' %>
+ <%= f.input :study_contact_bcc %>
+ An address to be BCCd when a user sends a message to a study team contact address. This may be used by staff to collect and monitor contact requests.
+ <%= f.input :secret_key, hint: 'Secret key will be required by researchers to add or update trials.' %>
+ Turning on will enable the Healthy Volunteer filter for studies.
+ <%= f.input :healthy_volunteers_filter, as: :select, label: false %>
+ Turning on will enable the Gender filter for studies.
+ <%= f.input :gender_filter, as: :select, label: false %>
- (Turning on captcha will require a recaptcha key. Refer to the readme instructions on github for more details.)
+ Turning on captcha will require a recaptcha key. Refer to the readme instructions on github for more details.
<%= f.input :captcha, as: :select, label: false %>
+ Turning on will hide imported trials from public view. Trials will appear in a 'Under Review' queue in the admin panel, where they can be reviewed and approved.
+ <%= f.input :trial_approval, as: :select, label: false %>
+ <%= f.input :alert_on_empty_system_id, as: :select, label: false %>
System Override Options
@@ -76,24 +100,9 @@
- (Enable a carousel of uploaded images and videos on the site homepage. ***This replaces the main image.)
+ (Enable a section of uploaded images with headers, captions, and links on the site homepage. ***This replaces the main image.)
<%= f.input :enable_showcase, as: :select, label: false, include_blank: false %>
- (Show indicators for each slide on the carousel)
- <%= f.input :show_showcase_indicators, as: :select, label: false, include_blank: false %>
- (Add controls to allow users to scroll the carousel)
- <%= f.input :show_showcase_controls, as: :select, label: false, include_blank: false %>
This section is where an administrator can approve trials under review.
A trial is considered under review if all the following are true: it is open to accrual, the Oncore annotation related to Study Finder is either yes or blank (Annotation #37), and it has not yet been approved.
Click on "Approve" to indicate that the trial under review has sufficient information to be made public in the Study Finder results. Click on "Show Details" to see all the details related to a trial. "Show Details" will provide additional options to "Edit" or "Approve" the trial.
+ Once a trial is approved, it can take up to 24 hours for it to appear in search results due to indexing. If a study needs to be made available as soon as possible, the reindexing process will need to be manually run via "Reindex" from the <%= link_to "Admin Groups page", admin_groups_path %>.
+ <%= form_tag admin_all_trials_under_review_path, method: :get do %>
+ System ID
+ Brief Title
+ Brief Description
+ Protocol Type
+ Study Contact
+ PI
+ Keywords
+ Date Added
+ <% @trials.each do |t| %>
+ <%= t.system_id%>
+ <%= t.brief_title %>
+ <%= t.simple_description %>
+ <%= t.protocol_type %>
+ <%= contacts_excel(determine_contacts(t)) %>
+ <%= t.pi_name %>
+ <%= t.keywords.to_s %>
+ <%= t.created_at.localtime.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') %>
+ <% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trials/edit.html.erb b/app/views/admin/trials/edit.html.erb
index 5883e94..4d73788 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/trials/edit.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/trials/edit.html.erb
@@ -8,49 +8,17 @@
<%= @trial.overall_status %>
<%= @trial.system_id %>
- <% if !@oncore.nil? && !@oncore.contents.blank? %>
Trial also exists in Oncore
If the simple description field is not populated, the value will be updated from Oncore. Additionally, if a Protocol Contact or Principal Investigator exist the contact override fields will be populated as we are assuming the data from Oncore is of better quality.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trials/index.html.erb b/app/views/admin/trials/index.html.erb
index 6ae2987..10e9461 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/trials/index.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/trials/index.html.erb
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
This section is where the administrator can configure trials within StudyFinder. To add a new trial from clincialtrials.gov click the "Add Trial" button above. Otherwise, use the search box to find a specific trial and then click the "Edit" button to edit specific information related to that trial. You may also see a list of new trials and Review them.
This section is where the administrator can configure trials within StudyFinder. To add a new trial from clinicaltrials.gov click the "Add Trial" button above. Otherwise, use the search box to find a specific trial and then click the "Edit" button to edit specific information related to that trial. You may also see a list of new trials and Review them.
<%= form_tag admin_trials_path, method: :get do %>
<% t.conditions.each do |c| %>
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trials/recent_as.html.erb b/app/views/admin/trials/recent_as.html.erb
index 634a6b7..3040b9c 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/trials/recent_as.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/trials/recent_as.html.erb
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Recent Trials (<%= @trials.size %>)
Recent Trials (<%= @trials.size %>)
This section is where the administrator can review recent trials within StudyFinder. This report details Trials having recently been imported or modified.
<%= form_tag admin_trial_recent_as_path, method: :get do %>
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<% end %>
<%= link_to 'Back to Reports', admin_reports_path, class: 'btn btn-outline-secondary' %>
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trials/under_review.html.erb b/app/views/admin/trials/under_review.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d9be5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/trials/under_review.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Under Review
Review the below information for the trial under review.
This section is where the administrator can add/edit other admin users within StudyFinder. To add a new user click the "Add User" button above. You will need their unique email and internet_id. Once a user has been added, they will be able to access the entire admininstration area, so only grant these priveledges to administrative staff.
This section is where the administrator can add/edit other admin users within StudyFinder. To add a new user click the "Add User" button above. You will need their unique email and <%= username_string %>. Once a user has been added, they will be able to access the entire admininstration area, so only grant these privileges to administrative staff.
diff --git a/app/views/admin_mailer/system_id_error.erb b/app/views/admin_mailer/system_id_error.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdc28b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin_mailer/system_id_error.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
System ID - "<%= @system_id %>"
System ID "<%= @system_id %>" could not be created because it has the following errors:
+ <%@errors.each do |e|%>
System ID <%= e %>
+ <%end%>
This record will need to be manually updated in OnCore in order to resolve the issue.
Once the is updated in Oncore, additional clean up may be required.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/home/index.html.erb b/app/views/home/index.html.erb
index 636c291..59fb3f0 100644
--- a/app/views/home/index.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/home/index.html.erb
@@ -10,23 +10,13 @@
The <%= @system_info.school_name %> has several clinical trials to test experimental medicines that could help those with coronavirus.
@@ -39,83 +29,21 @@
Research at the <%= @system_info.school_name %>
The <%= @system_info.school_name %> has research studies on a wide range of health issues, from cancer and diabetes to prevention and women's health.
Every study is different. Some studies are looking for people with certain conditions, while others are open to healthy volunteers. Some studies involve visits to a clinic, while others can be done online.
- <%= link_to 'More about volunteering in research', "https://research.umn.edu/units/hrpp/research-participants/volunteering-research", class: 'btn btn-school btn-lg' %>
Join a national registry! ResearchMatch.org connects volunteers with research studies across the country. Volunteers of any age, race, ethnicity, or health status are invited to join. Log on, register, and receive emails when studies might be a good fit for you.
- This is a study of (population) with/without (condition) between ages (X-Y) years old. This study is trying to figure out (aim of study).
- Note:
- Your simple description must be IRB approved.
+ This is a study of (population) with/without (condition) between ages (X-Y) years old. This study is trying to figure out (aim of study).
+ Note:
+ Your simple description must be IRB approved.
+ <% if (@system_info.try(:healthy_volunteers_filter) || @system_info.try(:gender_filter)) %>
Advanced Search
+ <%else %>
Filter by age
+ <% end %>
+ <% if @system_info.try(:gender_filter) == true %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if @system_info.try(:healthy_volunteers_filter) == true %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/studies/_clinicaltrialsgov_button.html.erb b/app/views/studies/_clinicaltrialsgov_button.html.erb
index bc18a18..4364f52 100644
--- a/app/views/studies/_clinicaltrialsgov_button.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/studies/_clinicaltrialsgov_button.html.erb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-<% if Trial.is_nct_number?(study.system_id) %>
+<% if Trial.is_nct_number?(study.nct_id) %>
See this study on ClinicalTrials.gov
<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/studies/_description.html.erb b/app/views/studies/_description.html.erb
index c2f5a36..9378963 100644
--- a/app/views/studies/_description.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/studies/_description.html.erb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
display_label = !!setting["display_label_on_#{page}"]
-<% if display && !study.simple_description.blank? %>
+<% if display && !study.simple_description.blank? && study.display_simple_description %>
<% if display_label %>
diff --git a/app/views/studies/_modals.html.erb b/app/views/studies/_modals.html.erb
index 8450731..aa6ab7b 100644
--- a/app/views/studies/_modals.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/studies/_modals.html.erb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Email this study information to me
Email this study information to me
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
Contact the study team
Contact the study team
diff --git a/app/views/studies/_social.html.erb b/app/views/studies/_social.html.erb
index 8fd4b16..0c55308 100644
--- a/app/views/studies/_social.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/studies/_social.html.erb
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
<% end %>
Here are the studies that match your search criteria. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to the contact listed for the study. If no contact is listed, contact us and we'll help you find the right person.
- <% if !params[:search].nil? and !params[:search][:category].nil? %>
+ <% unless @search_category.blank? %>
Search all categories
- <% unless @group.subgroups.empty? %>
+ <% unless @group.blank? || @group.subgroups.empty? %>
Suggestions within category "<%= @group.group_name %>"
Every study is different. Some studies are looking for people with certain conditions, while others are open to healthy volunteers. Some studies involve visits to a clinic, while others can be done online.
One thing that is common to all research is that the decision to participate is personal and always voluntary. Whether agreeing to share your medical data or consenting to an experimental treatment, we want you to know that research participants have rights and protections.
Click the link below to read the research participants' Bill of Rights and to learn more about how the University of MInnesota reviews, approves and monitors research studies.
+<%= link_to 'More about volunteering in research', "https://research.umn.edu/units/hrpp/research-participants/volunteering-research", class: 'btn btn-school btn-lg' %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/themed/_home_lower_right.html.erb b/app/views/themed/_home_lower_right.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..addacdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/themed/_home_lower_right.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
ResearchMatch.org connects volunteers with research studies across the country. Volunteers of any age, race, ethnicity, or health status are invited to join. Log on, register, and receive emails when studies might be a good fit for you.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/dev b/bin/dev
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1cb98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/dev
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+if ! foreman version &> /dev/null
+ echo "Installing foreman..."
+ gem install foreman
+foreman start -f Procfile.dev "$@"
diff --git a/bin/rails b/bin/rails
index 7feb6a3..efc0377 100755
--- a/bin/rails
+++ b/bin/rails
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- load File.expand_path("../spring", __FILE__)
-rescue LoadError
-APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../config/application', __FILE__)
-require_relative '../config/boot'
-require 'rails/commands'
+APP_PATH = File.expand_path("../config/application", __dir__)
+require_relative "../config/boot"
+require "rails/commands"
diff --git a/bin/rake b/bin/rake
index 8017a02..4fbf10b 100755
--- a/bin/rake
+++ b/bin/rake
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- load File.expand_path("../spring", __FILE__)
-rescue LoadError
-require_relative '../config/boot'
-require 'rake'
+require_relative "../config/boot"
+require "rake"
diff --git a/bin/setup b/bin/setup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec47b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/setup
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "fileutils"
+# path to your application root.
+APP_ROOT = File.expand_path("..", __dir__)
+def system!(*args)
+ system(*args) || abort("\n== Command #{args} failed ==")
+FileUtils.chdir APP_ROOT do
+ # This script is a way to set up or update your development environment automatically.
+ # This script is idempotent, so that you can run it at any time and get an expectable outcome.
+ # Add necessary setup steps to this file.
+ puts "== Installing dependencies =="
+ system! "gem install bundler --conservative"
+ system("bundle check") || system!("bundle install")
+ # puts "\n== Copying sample files =="
+ # unless File.exist?("config/database.yml")
+ # FileUtils.cp "config/database.yml.sample", "config/database.yml"
+ # end
+ puts "\n== Preparing database =="
+ system! "bin/rails db:prepare"
+ puts "\n== Removing old logs and tempfiles =="
+ system! "bin/rails log:clear tmp:clear"
+ puts "\n== Restarting application server =="
+ system! "bin/rails restart"
diff --git a/bin/spring b/bin/spring
index 7f24d96..b4147e8 100755
--- a/bin/spring
+++ b/bin/spring
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# This file loads spring without using Bundler, in order to be fast
-# It gets overwritten when you run the `spring binstub` command
-unless defined?(Spring)
- require "rubygems"
+if !defined?(Spring) && [nil, "development", "test"].include?(ENV["RAILS_ENV"])
+ gem "bundler"
require "bundler"
- if match = Bundler.default_lockfile.read.match(/^GEM$.*?^ (?: )*spring \((.*?)\)$.*?^$/m)
- ENV["GEM_PATH"] = ([Bundler.bundle_path.to_s] + Gem.path).join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
- ENV["GEM_HOME"] = ""
- Gem.paths = ENV
- gem "spring", match[1]
+ # Load Spring without loading other gems in the Gemfile, for speed.
+ Bundler.locked_gems&.specs&.find { |spec| spec.name == "spring" }&.tap do |spring|
+ Gem.use_paths Gem.dir, Bundler.bundle_path.to_s, *Gem.path
+ gem "spring", spring.version
require "spring/binstub"
+ rescue Gem::LoadError
+ # Ignore when Spring is not installed.
diff --git a/config.ru b/config.ru
index 5bc2a61..4a3c09a 100644
--- a/config.ru
+++ b/config.ru
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
-require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
+require_relative "config/environment"
run Rails.application
diff --git a/config/analysis/synonyms.txt b/config/analysis/synonyms.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e201b2..0000000
--- a/config/analysis/synonyms.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-adolescent, teen, teenager
-ankle, joint
-baby, babe, child, infant
-ballistocardiograph, cardiograph
-blood pressure, hypertension, hypotention, hypertensive, hypotensive
-brain, neurologic, neurological
-cardio, cadriovascular, cardiology, valve, atria, atrium, ventricle, ventricular, flutter, fibrilation, atrial, afib, irregular heartbeat, infarction, heart attack
-cardiogram, ecg, ekg, electrocardiogram
-cardiograph, ballistocardiograph, electrocardiograph
-cardiography, electrocardiography
-cardiomegaly, megacardia, megalocardia
-cardiomyopathy, myocardiopathy
-cardiopulmonary, cardiorespiratory
-cardiorespiratory, cardiopulmonary
-child, baby, kid, children
-childlike, childly
-childly, childlike
-chimaera, chimera
-chimp, chimpanzee
-chimpanzee, chimp
-conjunctivitis, pinkeye
-dextroglucose, dextrose
-diabetes, type 1, type 2, insulin, glucose, gout, blood sugar
-eye, eyeball, oculus, optic
-glucose, insulin, diabetes, type 1, type 2, gout, blood sugar
-head, brain
-head ache, headache
-heart, valve, atria, cardio, atrium, ventricle, ventricular, fibrilation
-heart attack, cardio, cadriovascular, cardiology, valve, atria, atrium, ventricle, ventricular, flutter, fibrilation, atrial, afib, irregular heartbeat, infarction
-high blood pressure, hypertension, hypertensive
-hypertension, hypertensive, high blood pressure
-hypertensive, hypertension, high blood pressure
-hypotensive, hypotension, low blood pressure
-hypotension, hypotensive, low blood pressure
-hip, joint
-insulin, diabetes, type 1, type 2, glucose, gout, blood sugar
-joint pain, arthritis, myalgia
-joint, knee, ankle, hip, wrist, elbow, shoulder
-kid, neonate, child, children, pediatric
-knee, joint
-liver, hepatitis, hepatic
-low blood pressure, hypotensive, hypotension
-neonate, kid, child, children, pediatric
-neurilemma, neurolemma
-neurilemoma, neurofibroma
-neuroanatomic, neuroanatomical
-neuroanatomical, neuroanatomic
-neurofibroma, neurilemoma
-neuroglia, glia
-neurolemma, neurilemma
-neuroleptic, antipsychotic
-neurologic, neurological, brain
-neurological, neurologic
-neurolysin, neurotoxin
-obesity, weight loss, bmi, body mass index
-ocular, eyepiece, opthalmic, optic, optical
-oculist, ophthalmologist, optometrist
-oculus, eye, optic
-pancreas, pancreatic
-pancreatic, pancreas
-pain, chronic pain, myalgia, arthralgia
-pediatric, kid, neonate, child, children
-preteen, preadolescent, preteenager
-preteenager, preteen
-preadolescent, preteen
-teen, adolescent, teenage, teenaged, teenager
-teenage, adolescent, teen, teenaged
-teenaged, adolescent, teen, teenage
-teenager, adolescent, stripling, teen
-ventricle, ventricular, heart, atrial
-ventricular, ventricle, heart, atrial
-weight, weight loss, obesity, bmi, body mass index
-wrist, joint
-youngster, child, kid, tike, tyke
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/application.example.yml b/config/application.example.yml
index f3c9c09..787d3b6 100644
--- a/config/application.example.yml
+++ b/config/application.example.yml
@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ departmental_pw: 'PASSWORD'
theme: 'umn'
ELASTICSEARCH_URL: 'elastic.umn.edu'
wkhtmltopdf_binary_path: 'PATH'
-DEFAULT_URL_HOST: 'yourstudyfinder.example.com' # Used in email links/URLs
\ No newline at end of file
+DEFAULT_URL_HOST: 'yourstudyfinder.example.com' # Used in email links/URLs
+username_string: 'Internet ID' # What a login 'username' is called at your institution. Appears in various templates.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/application.rb b/config/application.rb
index aeef238..6e90abb 100644
--- a/config/application.rb
+++ b/config/application.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)
+require_relative "boot"
-require 'rails/all'
+require "rails/all"
# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.
@@ -8,19 +8,6 @@
module StudyFinder
class Application < Rails::Application
- # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.
- # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers
- # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded.
- # Set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone.
- # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC.
- # config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)'
- # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded.
- # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s]
- # config.i18n.default_locale = :de
- # do we need this in Rails 4?
- config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
+ config.load_defaults 7.0
diff --git a/config/boot.rb b/config/boot.rb
index ff5b3c5..2820116 100644
--- a/config/boot.rb
+++ b/config/boot.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-# Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
+ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] ||= File.expand_path("../Gemfile", __dir__)
-ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)
-require 'bundler/setup' if File.exist?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])
+require "bundler/setup" # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
diff --git a/config/cable.yml b/config/cable.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dad716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/cable.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ adapter: async
+ adapter: test
+ adapter: redis
+ url: <%= ENV.fetch("REDIS_URL") { "redis://localhost:6379/1" } %>
+ channel_prefix: study_finder_production
diff --git a/config/deploy.rb b/config/deploy.rb
index d77a146..436f450 100644
--- a/config/deploy.rb
+++ b/config/deploy.rb
@@ -1,63 +1,22 @@
-set :application, 'study_finder'
-set :scm, :none
-set :repository, "."
-set :default_environment, {
- 'PATH' => "/opt/ruby26/bin:$PATH",
- "http_proxy" => "http://ctsigate.ahc.umn.edu:3128",
- "https_proxy" => "https://ctsigate.ahc.umn.edu:3128"
+# config valid for current version and patch releases of Capistrano
+lock "3.17.1"
-desc "Run on development server"
-task :staging do
- set :rails_env, "staging"
- set :location, "goldfish0.ahc.umn.edu" # Web server url.
- role :web, location # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc
+set :application, "study_finder"
+set :repo_url, "https://your-repo.com/study_finder_umn.git"
+set :deploy_to, "/your/deploy/dir/study_finder"
+set :default_env, { path: "/opt/ruby31/bin:$PATH" }
+set :passenger_restart_with_touch, true
+set :branch, ENV.fetch("GIT_BRANCH", "master").sub(/^origin\//, "")
-task :production do
- set :rails_env, "production"
- set :location, "walleye0.ahc.umn.edu" # Web server url.
- role :web, location # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc
+# If you need to exclude a 'local' environment use this (default is %w{development test}):
+# set :bundle_without, %w{development test local}.join(' ')
-set :user, "webcluster2" # Remote user name. Must be able to log in via SSH.
-set :use_sudo, false # Remove or set the true if all commands should be run through sudo.
-set :base_path, "/var/www/webapps/#{application}"
-set :bundle_path, "#{base_path}/bundle"
+# Default value for :linked_files is []
+append :linked_files, "config/application.yml", "config/database.yml"
-# So can work with Pageant (i.e. public/private keys instead of password)
-set :ssh_options, {:paranoid => false, :forward_agent => true}
-set :deploy_to, "#{base_path}"
-set :deploy_via, :copy # Copy the files across as an archive rather than using git on the remote machine.
+# Default value for linked_dirs is []
+append :linked_dirs, "log", "storage"
-require "bundler/capistrano"
+set :keep_releases, 5
-# Load Bundler's Capistrano plugin
-set :bundle_flags, "--deployment"
-set :bundle_without, [:development, :test, :tools, :local]
-desc "Fix permission"
-task :fix_permissions, :roles => [ :web ] do
- run "chmod 775 -R #{release_path}"
-after "figaro:symlink", :fix_permissions
-namespace :deploy do
- task :start do ; end
- task :stop do ; end
- task :restart, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
- run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}"
- end
-namespace :figaro do
- # desc "Symlink application.yml and database.yml to the release path"
- task :symlink do
- run "ln -sf #{shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml"
- run "ln -sf #{shared_path}/config/application.yml #{release_path}/config/application.yml"
- run "ln -sf #{shared_path}/storage #{release_path}/storage"
- end
- after "deploy:finalize_update", "figaro:symlink"
diff --git a/config/deploy/production.rb b/config/deploy/production.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a786e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/deploy/production.rb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+server "prod-server", user: "deploy-user", roles: %w{app db web}
diff --git a/config/deploy/staging.rb b/config/deploy/staging.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e21acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/deploy/staging.rb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+server "staging-server", user: "deploy-user", roles: %w{app db web}
diff --git a/config/environment.rb b/config/environment.rb
index ee8d90d..cac5315 100644
--- a/config/environment.rb
+++ b/config/environment.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Load the Rails application.
-require File.expand_path('../application', __FILE__)
+require_relative "application"
# Initialize the Rails application.
diff --git a/config/environments/development.rb b/config/environments/development.rb
index e5077ff..9e75c32 100644
--- a/config/environments/development.rb
+++ b/config/environments/development.rb
@@ -1,44 +1,90 @@
+require "active_support/core_ext/integer/time"
Rails.application.configure do
# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb.
- # In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on
- # every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development
+ config.hosts = [
+ IPAddr.new(""), # All IPv4 addresses.
+ IPAddr.new("::/0"), # All IPv6 addresses.
+ "localhost", # The localhost reserved domain.
+ "host.docker.internal"
+ ]
+ # In the development environment your application's code is reloaded any time
+ # it changes. This slows down response time but is perfect for development
# since you don't have to restart the web server when you make code changes.
config.cache_classes = false
# Do not eager load code on boot.
config.eager_load = false
- # Show full error reports and disable caching.
- config.consider_all_requests_local = true
- config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
+ # Show full error reports.
+ config.consider_all_requests_local = true
+ # Enable server timing
+ config.server_timing = true
+ # Enable/disable caching. By default caching is disabled.
+ # Run rails dev:cache to toggle caching.
+ if Rails.root.join("tmp/caching-dev.txt").exist?
+ config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
+ config.action_controller.enable_fragment_cache_logging = true
+ config.cache_store = :memory_store
+ config.public_file_server.headers = {
+ "Cache-Control" => "public, max-age=#{2.days.to_i}"
+ }
+ else
+ config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
+ config.cache_store = :null_store
+ end
+ # Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for options).
+ config.active_storage.service = :temp
# Don't care if the mailer can't send.
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false
+ config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false
# Print deprecation notices to the Rails logger.
config.active_support.deprecation = :log
+ # Raise exceptions for disallowed deprecations.
+ config.active_support.disallowed_deprecation = :raise
+ # Tell Active Support which deprecation messages to disallow.
+ config.active_support.disallowed_deprecation_warnings = []
# Raise an error on page load if there are pending migrations.
config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load
- # Debug mode disables concatenation and preprocessing of assets.
- # This option may cause significant delays in view rendering with a large
- # number of complex assets.
- config.assets.debug = true
+ # Highlight code that triggered database queries in logs.
+ config.active_record.verbose_query_logs = true
- #Whitelist your local/development IPs here for the web-console gem
- #config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
- # Store files locally.
- config.active_storage.service = :temp
+ # Suppress logger output for asset requests.
+ config.assets.quiet = true
- # Adds additional error checking when serving assets at runtime.
- # Checks for improperly declared sprockets dependencies.
- # Raises helpful error messages.
- config.assets.raise_runtime_errors = true
+ # Raises error for missing translations.
+ # config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations = true
- # Raises error for missing translations
- # config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true
+ # Annotate rendered view with file names.
+ # config.action_view.annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames = true
+ # Uncomment if you wish to allow Action Cable access from any origin.
+ # config.action_cable.disable_request_forgery_protection = true
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :file
+ #config.synonyms_path = '/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/analysis/synonyms.txt'
+ config.after_initialize do
+ Bullet.enable = true
+ Bullet.console = true
+ Bullet.rails_logger = true
+ Bullet.add_footer = true
+ Bullet.skip_html_injection = false
+ end
diff --git a/config/environments/production.rb b/config/environments/production.rb
index cd7285a..3b3b1b4 100644
--- a/config/environments/production.rb
+++ b/config/environments/production.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+require "active_support/core_ext/integer/time"
Rails.application.configure do
# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb.
@@ -14,50 +16,53 @@
config.consider_all_requests_local = false
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
- # Enable Rack::Cache to put a simple HTTP cache in front of your application
- # Add `rack-cache` to your Gemfile before enabling this.
- # For large-scale production use, consider using a caching reverse proxy like nginx, varnish or squid.
- # config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true
+ # Ensures that a master key has been made available in either ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"]
+ # or in config/master.key. This key is used to decrypt credentials (and other encrypted files).
+ # config.require_master_key = true
- # Disable Rails's static asset server (Apache or nginx will already do this).
- config.serve_static_assets = false
+ # Disable serving static files from the `/public` folder by default since
+ # Apache or NGINX already handles this.
+ config.public_file_server.enabled = ENV["RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES"].present?
- # Compress JavaScripts and CSS.
- config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier
+ # Compress CSS using a preprocessor.
# config.assets.css_compressor = :sass
# Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed.
- config.assets.compile = true
+ config.assets.compile = false
- # Generate digests for assets URLs.
- config.assets.digest = true
+ # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and JavaScripts from an asset server.
+ # config.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com"
- # Store files in shared directory.
- config.active_storage.service = :persistent
+ # Specifies the header that your server uses for sending files.
+ # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile" # for Apache
+ # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Accel-Redirect" # for NGINX
- # `config.assets.precompile` and `config.assets.version` have moved to config/initializers/assets.rb
+ # Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for options).
+ config.active_storage.service = :persistent
- # Specifies the header that your server uses for sending files.
- # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile" # for apache
- # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' # for nginx
+ # Mount Action Cable outside main process or domain.
+ # config.action_cable.mount_path = nil
+ # config.action_cable.url = "wss://example.com/cable"
+ # config.action_cable.allowed_request_origins = [ "http://example.com", /http:\/\/example.*/ ]
# Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security, and use secure cookies.
# config.force_ssl = true
- # Set to :debug to see everything in the log.
+ # Include generic and useful information about system operation, but avoid logging too much
+ # information to avoid inadvertent exposure of personally identifiable information (PII).
config.log_level = :info
# Prepend all log lines with the following tags.
- # config.log_tags = [ :subdomain, :uuid ]
- # Use a different logger for distributed setups.
- # config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(SyslogLogger.new)
+ config.log_tags = [ :request_id ]
# Use a different cache store in production.
# config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
- # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and JavaScripts from an asset server.
- # config.action_controller.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com"
+ # Use a real queuing backend for Active Job (and separate queues per environment).
+ # config.active_job.queue_adapter = :resque
+ # config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = "study_finder_production"
+ config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false
# Ignore bad email addresses and do not raise email delivery errors.
# Set this to true and configure the email server for immediate delivery to raise delivery errors.
@@ -67,19 +72,29 @@
# the I18n.default_locale when a translation cannot be found).
config.i18n.fallbacks = true
- # Send deprecation notices to registered listeners.
- config.active_support.deprecation = :notify
- # Disable automatic flushing of the log to improve performance.
- # config.autoflush_log = false
+ # Don't log any deprecations.
+ config.active_support.report_deprecations = false
# Use default logging formatter so that PID and timestamp are not suppressed.
config.log_formatter = ::Logger::Formatter.new
+ # Use a different logger for distributed setups.
+ # require "syslog/logger"
+ # config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Syslog::Logger.new "app-name")
+ if ENV["RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT"].present?
+ logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT)
+ logger.formatter = config.log_formatter
+ config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(logger)
+ end
# Do not dump schema after migrations.
config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { address: ENV['smtp_host'], port: 25 }
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: ENV['DEFAULT_URL_HOST'], protocol: ENV['DEFAULT_URL_PROTOCOL'] || 'https' }
+ # config.synonyms_path = '/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/analysis/synonyms.txt'
diff --git a/config/environments/staging.rb b/config/environments/staging.rb
index cd7285a..1f023ba 100644
--- a/config/environments/staging.rb
+++ b/config/environments/staging.rb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
config.serve_static_assets = false
# Compress JavaScripts and CSS.
- config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier
+ config.assets.js_compressor = Uglifier.new(:harmony => true)
# config.assets.css_compressor = :sass
# Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed.
@@ -79,7 +79,10 @@
# Do not dump schema after migrations.
config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { address: ENV['smtp_host'], port: 25 }
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: ENV['DEFAULT_URL_HOST'], protocol: ENV['DEFAULT_URL_PROTOCOL'] || 'https' }
+ #config.synonyms_path = '/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/analysis/synonyms.txt'
diff --git a/config/environments/test.rb b/config/environments/test.rb
index 9acbd33..842cbe0 100644
--- a/config/environments/test.rb
+++ b/config/environments/test.rb
@@ -1,24 +1,37 @@
+require "active_support/core_ext/integer/time"
+# The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's
+# test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that
+# your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped
+# and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there!
Rails.application.configure do
+ config.after_initialize do
+ Bullet.enable = true
+ Bullet.bullet_logger = true
+ Bullet.raise = true # raise an error if n+1 query occurs
+ end
# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb.
- # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's
- # test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that
- # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped
- # and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there!
+ # Turn false under Spring and add config.action_view.cache_template_loading = true.
config.cache_classes = true
- # Do not eager load code on boot. This avoids loading your whole application
- # just for the purpose of running a single test. If you are using a tool that
- # preloads Rails for running tests, you may have to set it to true.
- config.eager_load = false
+ # Eager loading loads your whole application. When running a single test locally,
+ # this probably isn't necessary. It's a good idea to do in a continuous integration
+ # system, or in some way before deploying your code.
+ config.eager_load = ENV["CI"].present?
- # Configure static asset server for tests with Cache-Control for performance.
- config.serve_static_assets = true
- config.public_file_server.headers = { 'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=3600' }
+ # Configure public file server for tests with Cache-Control for performance.
+ config.public_file_server.enabled = true
+ config.public_file_server.headers = {
+ "Cache-Control" => "public, max-age=#{1.hour.to_i}"
+ }
# Show full error reports and disable caching.
config.consider_all_requests_local = true
config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
+ config.cache_store = :null_store
# Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates.
config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false
@@ -26,6 +39,11 @@
# Disable request forgery protection in test environment.
config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false
+ # Store uploaded files on the local file system in a temporary directory.
+ config.active_storage.service = :temp
+ config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false
# Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world.
# The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the
# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array.
@@ -34,10 +52,15 @@
# Print deprecation notices to the stderr.
config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr
- # Raises error for missing translations
- # config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true
+ # Raise exceptions for disallowed deprecations.
+ config.active_support.disallowed_deprecation = :raise
- # Store files in shared directory.
- config.active_storage.service = :temp
+ # Tell Active Support which deprecation messages to disallow.
+ config.active_support.disallowed_deprecation_warnings = []
+ # Raises error for missing translations.
+ # config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations = true
+ # Annotate rendered view with file names.
+ # config.action_view.annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames = true
diff --git a/config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb b/config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89d2efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+# ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare do
+# ApplicationController.renderer.defaults.merge!(
+# http_host: 'example.org',
+# https: false
+# )
+# end
diff --git a/config/initializers/assets.rb b/config/initializers/assets.rb
index bee31ce..2e5ec56 100644
--- a/config/initializers/assets.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/assets.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# Version of your assets, change this if you want to expire all your assets.
-Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'
-Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(pdf.css)
+Rails.application.config.assets.version = '2.1'
+# Add additional assets to the asset load path.
+# Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Emoji.images_path
# Precompile additional assets.
-# application.js, application.css, and all non-JS/CSS in app/assets folder are already added.
-# Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( search.js )
+# application.js, application.css, and all non-JS/CSS in the app/assets
+# folder are already added.
+# Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( admin.js admin.css )
+Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w(pdf.css)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb b/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
index 59385cd..33699c3 100644
--- a/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# You can add backtrace silencers for libraries that you're using but don't wish to see in your backtraces.
-# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /my_noisy_library/ }
+# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| /my_noisy_library/.match?(line) }
-# You can also remove all the silencers if you're trying to debug a problem that might stem from framework code.
-# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers!
+# You can also remove all the silencers if you're trying to debug a problem that might stem from framework code
+# by setting BACKTRACE=1 before calling your invocation, like "BACKTRACE=1 ./bin/rails runner 'MyClass.perform'".
+Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers! if ENV["BACKTRACE"]
diff --git a/config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb b/config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54f47cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+# Define an application-wide content security policy.
+# See the Securing Rails Applications Guide for more information:
+# https://guides.rubyonrails.org/security.html#content-security-policy-header
+# Rails.application.configure do
+# config.content_security_policy do |policy|
+# policy.default_src :self, :https
+# policy.font_src :self, :https, :data
+# policy.img_src :self, :https, :data
+# policy.object_src :none
+# policy.script_src :self, :https
+# policy.style_src :self, :https
+# # Specify URI for violation reports
+# # policy.report_uri "/csp-violation-report-endpoint"
+# end
+# # Generate session nonces for permitted importmap and inline scripts
+# config.content_security_policy_nonce_generator = ->(request) { request.session.id.to_s }
+# config.content_security_policy_nonce_directives = %w(script-src)
+# # Report violations without enforcing the policy.
+# # config.content_security_policy_report_only = true
+# end
diff --git a/config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb b/config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
index 7a06a89..5a6a32d 100644
--- a/config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer = :json
\ No newline at end of file
+# Specify a serializer for the signed and encrypted cookie jars.
+# Valid options are :json, :marshal, and :hybrid.
+Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer = :json
diff --git a/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb b/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
index 4a994e1..adc6568 100644
--- a/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-# Configure sensitive parameters which will be filtered from the log file.
-Rails.application.config.filter_parameters += [:password]
+# Configure parameters to be filtered from the log file. Use this to limit dissemination of
+# sensitive information. See the ActiveSupport::ParameterFilter documentation for supported
+# notations and behaviors.
+Rails.application.config.filter_parameters += [
+ :passw, :secret, :token, :_key, :crypt, :salt, :certificate, :otp, :ssn
diff --git a/config/initializers/inflections.rb b/config/initializers/inflections.rb
index ac033bf..3860f65 100644
--- a/config/initializers/inflections.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/inflections.rb
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
# are locale specific, and you may define rules for as many different
# locales as you wish. All of these examples are active by default:
# ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
-# inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1en'
-# inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
-# inflect.irregular 'person', 'people'
+# inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, "\\1en"
+# inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, "\\1"
+# inflect.irregular "person", "people"
# inflect.uncountable %w( fish sheep )
# end
# These inflection rules are supported but not enabled by default:
# ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
-# inflect.acronym 'RESTful'
+# inflect.acronym "RESTful"
# end
diff --git a/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_1.rb b/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_1.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9526b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_1.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+# This file contains migration options to ease your Rails 6.1 upgrade.
+# Once upgraded flip defaults one by one to migrate to the new default.
+# Read the Guide for Upgrading Ruby on Rails for more info on each option.
+# Support for inversing belongs_to -> has_many Active Record associations.
+# Rails.application.config.active_record.has_many_inversing = true
+# Track Active Storage variants in the database.
+# Rails.application.config.active_storage.track_variants = true
+# Apply random variation to the delay when retrying failed jobs.
+# Rails.application.config.active_job.retry_jitter = 0.15
+# Stop executing `after_enqueue`/`after_perform` callbacks if
+# `before_enqueue`/`before_perform` respectively halts with `throw :abort`.
+# Rails.application.config.active_job.skip_after_callbacks_if_terminated = true
+# Specify cookies SameSite protection level: either :none, :lax, or :strict.
+# This change is not backwards compatible with earlier Rails versions.
+# It's best enabled when your entire app is migrated and stable on 6.1.
+# Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection = :lax
+# Generate CSRF tokens that are encoded in URL-safe Base64.
+# This change is not backwards compatible with earlier Rails versions.
+# It's best enabled when your entire app is migrated and stable on 6.1.
+# Rails.application.config.action_controller.urlsafe_csrf_tokens = true
+# Specify whether `ActiveSupport::TimeZone.utc_to_local` returns a time with an
+# UTC offset or a UTC time.
+# ActiveSupport.utc_to_local_returns_utc_offset_times = true
+# Change the default HTTP status code to `308` when redirecting non-GET/HEAD
+# requests to HTTPS in `ActionDispatch::SSL` middleware.
+# Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.ssl_default_redirect_status = 308
+# Use new connection handling API. For most applications this won't have any
+# effect. For applications using multiple databases, this new API provides
+# support for granular connection swapping.
+# Rails.application.config.active_record.legacy_connection_handling = false
+# Make `form_with` generate non-remote forms by default.
+# Rails.application.config.action_view.form_with_generates_remote_forms = false
+# Set the default queue name for the analysis job to the queue adapter default.
+# Rails.application.config.active_storage.queues.analysis = nil
+# Set the default queue name for the purge job to the queue adapter default.
+# Rails.application.config.active_storage.queues.purge = nil
+# Set the default queue name for the incineration job to the queue adapter default.
+# Rails.application.config.action_mailbox.queues.incineration = nil
+# Set the default queue name for the routing job to the queue adapter default.
+# Rails.application.config.action_mailbox.queues.routing = nil
+# Set the default queue name for the mail deliver job to the queue adapter default.
+# Rails.application.config.action_mailer.deliver_later_queue_name = nil
+# Generate a `Link` header that gives a hint to modern browsers about
+# preloading assets when using `javascript_include_tag` and `stylesheet_link_tag`.
+# Rails.application.config.action_view.preload_links_header = true
diff --git a/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_7_0.rb b/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_7_0.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d58024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_7_0.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+# This file eases your Rails 7.0 framework defaults upgrade.
+# Uncomment each configuration one by one to switch to the new default.
+# Once your application is ready to run with all new defaults, you can remove
+# this file and set the `config.load_defaults` to `7.0`.
+# Read the Guide for Upgrading Ruby on Rails for more info on each option.
+# https://guides.rubyonrails.org/upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html
+# `button_to` view helper will render `