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Ertuğrul Çetin edited this page Feb 13, 2020 · 4 revisions

Morphemes used in Zemberek and Oflazer

But this does not mean analysis results will match.

Primary POS (Part of Speech)

  Adj Adjective
  Adv Adverb --> Oflazer uses "Adverb" as ID
  Conj Conjunction
  Interj Interjection
  Pron Pronoun
  Num Numeral
  Det Determiner
  Postp PostPositive
  Ques Question --> Only "mi, mu.."
  Dup Duplicator
  Punc Punctiation
  Unk Unknown --> Zemberek specific

Secondary POS (Part of Speech)

  Demons DemonstrativePron
  Time Time
  Quant QuantitivePron
  Ques QuestionPron
  Prop ProperNoun
  Pers PersonalPron
  Reflex ReflexivePron
  None None
  Ord Ordinal
  Card Cardinal
  Percent Percentage
  Ratio Ratio
  Range Range
  Real Real
  Dist Distribution

  // Below are Zemberek specific.
  Unk UnknownSec


  A1pl FirstPersonPlural
  A1sg FirstPersonSingular
  A2pl SecondPersonPlural
  A2sg SecondPersonSingular
  A3pl ThirdPersonPlural
  A3sg ThirdPersonSingular
  Abl Ablative
  Able Ability
  Acc Accusative
  Acquire Acquire
  ActOf ActOf
  Adamantly Adamantly
  AfterDoing AfterDoing --- This will be "AfterDoingSo" in 0.14.0
  Agt Agentive
  Almost Almost
  Aor Aorist
  AorPart AoristParticiple
  AsIf AsIf
  AsLongAs AsLongAs
  Become Become
  ByDoingSo ByDoingSo
  Caus Causative
  Cond Condition
  Cop Copula
  Dat Dative
  Desr Desire
  Det Determiner
  Dim Diminutive
  Dup Duplicator
  Equ Equ
  EverSince EverSince
  FeelLike FeelLike
  Fut Future
  FutPart FutureParticiple
  Gen Genitive
  Hastily Hastily
  Imp Imparative
  Inf1 Infinitive1
  Inf2 Infinitive2
  Inf3 Infinitive3
  Ins Instrumental
  JustLike JustLike
  Loc Locative
  Ly Ly
  Narr NarrativeTense
  NarrPart NarrativeParticiple
  Neces Necessity
  Neg Negative
  Ness Ness
  NotState NotState
  Opt Optative
  P1pl FirstPersonPluralPossessive
  P1sg FirstPersonSingularPossessive
  P2pl SecondPersonPluralPossessive
  P2sg SecondPersonSingularPossessive
  P3pl ThirdPersonPluralPossessive
  P3sg ThirdPersonSingularPossessive
  Pass Passive
  Past PastTense
  PastPart PastParticiple
  Pres PresentTense
  PresPart PresentParticiple
  Prog1 Progressive1
  Prog2 Progressive2
  Recip Reciprocal
  Reflex Reflexive
  Rel Relation
  Related Related  // toplum-sal Zemberek Specific.
  Repeat Repeat
  SinceDoingSo SinceDoingSo
  Start Start
  Stay Stay
  When When
  While While
  With With
  Without Without
  WithoutBeingAbleToHaveDoneSo WithoutBeingAbleToHaveDoneSo
  WithoutHavingDoneSo WithoutHavingDoneSo
  Zero Zero

Morphemes used internally but do not appear in analysis result

  Pnon NoPosession
  Nom Nominative

Morphemes used in other systems But not used in Zemberek

 Adverb --> Zemberek uses Adv for id.
 Pos : positive for verbs
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