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Zemberek For Developers

Ahmet A. Akın edited this page Aug 20, 2018 · 8 revisions


  • Java Development Kit 8 or higher. Open JDK or Oracle JDK can be used.
  • Maven. For Ubuntu users, use sudo apt-get install maven

Download Code

Use git for cloning the code to local computer. For Ubuntu:

 git clone

This will create a directory zemberek-nlp


From IDE

If you use Indellij IDEA, opening the pom.xml file in the main directory is enough. Upon opening the project, it will take some time to download dependencies with maven. One download is finished, trying to rebuild project from IDE menu will fail. Because some modules uses auto-generated code from protocol buffers. Therefore first, user needs to select compile from the zemberek-nlp (root) module on the maven window at the right.

IDE Maven Compile

After compilation is finished, user does not need to compile it from maven anymore and use the Build-Run menu items instead.

From Console

Go to zemberek-nlp directory and compile with

 mvn compile 

Generating jar files

From IDE

Just like above, use package from maven window on the right and from zemberek-nlp root module.

IDE Maven Package

From Console

 mvn package

Module Jar files will be in several places. But for convenience they are copied to dependencies directory. However, the zemberek-full.jar will not be there. For that check the all/target directory.

For testing if it is working, try this from console:

 java -jar zemberek-full.jar MorphologyConsole
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