Related to code interaction in your IDE with an embedded AI model (like GitHub Copilot).
Apply a structure from this file to the current file.
How to use the prompt:
Usage | Context |
🚀 Author | @alexsoyes |
🤖 Tool | Github Copilot |
🔍 Context | In your editor. |
Apply a structure from a file to another one, adapting the code to the new file.
- Only take structure.
- Do not change logic.
File to apply the structure from: #file
File to apply the structure to: #file
Generate some new code based on existing one.
How to use the prompt:
Usage | Context |
🚀 Author | @alexsoyes |
🤖 Tool | Github Copilot |
🔍 Context | In your editor. |
Based on existing code (surrounded by "---" delimiters):
[[Code to be inspired on]]
Generate new similar code for #selection regarding "[[things you want to do]]".
Adapt the existing code with the new one regarding names.
Create a new "same" file based on a current file.
How to use the prompt:
Usage | Context |
🚀 Author | @alexsoyes |
🤖 Tool | Github Copilot |
🔍 Context | In your editor. |
Based on file: #file
Create a similar file structure for: #file
Adapt the content to the new file using: #file
You need to create a similar file structure adapting content and properties to new type.
Type hint all necessary variables / functions in this code.
How to use the prompt:
Usage | Context |
🚀 Author | @alexsoyes |
🤖 Tool | Github Copilot |
🔍 Context | In your editor. |
Type hints all necessary variables and functions in this code: #selection
Import types if necessary.
Assert that types match return values.
Do not type "any" if possible.
Create a function from specs.
How to use the prompt:
Usage | Context |
🚀 Author | @alexsoyes |
🤖 Tool | Github Copilot |
🔍 Context | In your editor. |
Based on those specs below, create a function with the following signature "[[Function signature]]".
[[Fully detailed specs]]
Create a function to transform a type into another type (mapping properties).
How to use the prompt:
Usage | Context |
🚀 Author | @alexsoyes |
🤖 Tool | Github Copilot |
🔍 Context | In your editor. |
Your goal is to code a convert function to transform a type into another.
Type to convert is:
[[Type to convert or path]]
Type to convert into is:
[[Type to convert into or path]]
For each property of the type to convert, find the corresponding property in the type to convert into.
Please provide the following code.
Create a new function from another function with similar logic but different parameters.
How to use the prompt:
Usage | Context |
🚀 Author | @alexsoyes |
🤖 Tool | Github Copilot |
🔍 Context | In your editor. |
Based on this code #selection, create a new similar function that takes a different parameters.
The new function should have the following signature (surrounded by a "---" delimiters):
[[New function signature]]
File to implement the function: #file
Change the programming language of a file but keeps its logic.
How to use the prompt:
Usage | Context |
🚀 Author | @alexsoyes |
🤖 Tool | Github Copilot |
🔍 Context | In your editor. |
90%+ of converted code is working, do not expect 100%. |
I need you to convert this file from [[Current programming language]] to [[New programming language]].
- Please keep the same logic and the same variable names.
- Apply new programming language best practices.
- Use native librairies the more you can.
- Find the best similar libs in new language that does not exist in the old one.
File to convert: #file