Ajna ERC20 Token contract
Deployment | Address |
Mainnet | 0x9a96ec9B57Fb64FbC60B423d1f4da7691Bd35079 |
Goerli | 0xaadebCF61AA7Da0573b524DE57c67aDa797D46c5 |
Immutable implementation of OpenZeppelin ERC20 with the following extensions:
- ERC20Votes
- Implements delegation, voting weights, and voting power calculations in the style of Compound governance
- Used by Uniswap, Compound, Tally
- ERC20Burnable
- Allows the burning of tokens. This would be useful with the reserve pool to burn Ajna tokens for a given pool’s quote tokens in a standardized way.
- ERC20Permit
- Useful UX improvement that allows users to transfer tokens with a signature argument to transfer as opposed to having to execute separate approve and transfer transactions.
- approve
- Allows an external address to spend a user’s tokens
- burn
- Sends a user’s tokens to the 0x0 address
- burnFrom
- External address sends a user’s tokens to the 0x0 address
- delegate
- Delegates votes from sender to delegatee
- delegateBySig
- Delegates votes from signer to delegatee
- decreaseAllowance
- Decrease the amount of tokens an external address is allowed to spend for a user
- increaseAllowance
- Increase the amount of tokens an external address is allowed to spend for a user
- permit
- Approve an external address to spend a user’s tokens by signature
- transfer
- Transfer a user’s tokens to another address
- transferFrom
- Transfer tokens from one address to another
- transferFromWithPermit
- Transfer tokens from one address to another using Permit and avoiding a separate approval tx
See README.md for instructions using the Makefile
Output should provide the token address, confirm the amount minted and where it was sent:
== Logs ==
AJNA token deployed to 0xef11D1c2aA48826D4c41e54ab82D1Ff5Ad8A64Ca
Minting 2000000000 AJNA token to 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266
Record the token address, exporting to your environment as AJNA_TOKEN
Run the following to validate AJNA token balance:
cast call ${AJNA_TOKEN} "balanceOf(address)" ${DEPLOY_ADDRESS} --rpc-url ${ETH_RPC_URL}