Ado file to scrap Table and Array of List and Hyperlinks from website (still in development). It's inspired from of Winsconsin University repo.
I was using this website for testing: (Healthcare facility Addresses and Maps in Indonesia, Aceh Selatan, updated for September 2019)
In order to utilize the tools:
- Run both do files from your main do file example:
- do "$syntax/"
- Run the program: Just like Pandas in Python, will do (almost) the same with pandas.read_html() function in Python.
- example in Pandas:
import pandas as pd
link = ""
df = pd.read_html(link)
df = pd.concat(df)
- It will be running the same in Stata with
local link ""
scraptable `link'
Which resulted the same with Pandas one, all as plain text table
- or hmtl option is implemented to preserve hyperlinks and hrefs for geolocation of GMAPS,not native in Python Pandas
scraptable `link', html