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Example Configuration

mqtt: {}                            # [optional] MQTT connection info

logger: @ha:ps5:*                   # Will capture all events logged by PS5-MQTT

device_check_interval: 5000         # Recommended interval for checking device state

device_discovery_interval: 60000    # Recommended interval for discovering 'new' devices

include_ps4_devices: false          # Only enable if you only require awake/standby functionality

psn_accounts:                       # [optional] Add PSN accounts to match online activity to your devices
  - username: MyPsnUser            
    npsso: '!secret my_npsso'       # NPSSO token (expires after two months 😢)
    preferred_ps5: 70C881D600B0     # ID of the PS5 that will be preferred when activity can be matched to multiple PS5's 
    preferred_ps4: 60E899D600B0     # ID of the PS4 that will be preferred when activity can be matched to multiple PS4's

account_check_interval: 5000        # Recommended interval for checking account state (don't go lower than 3000!)

mqtt optional

Optional MQTT connection information.

If no information was provided the connection information will be acquired automatically.

host:                   # (ip)address of your mqtt broker
port: '1883'                        # port of your mqtt broker
user: mqttuser                      # username used for connecting to your mqtt broker
pass: somepassword                  # password used for connecting to your mqtt broker


For logging the debug npm module is used. This allows you to filter your log by certain topics.


Value in miliseconds that lets you change the frequency of scanning for PS5 state changes.


Value in miliseconds that lets you change the frequency of discovering PS5 devices.


Value in miliseconds that lets you change the frequency of checking the online status of a PSN account.

Be carefult! the PSN API's have a rate limit of 300 requests per 15 minutes. So don't go lower than 3000ms!

include_ps4_devices optional

If enabled (true) the add-on will also discover / allow the registration of Playstation 4 devices.

NOTE: Playstation 4 devices will only support Standy/Awake functionality! If you want more functionality use the HA integration for PS4 instead!

psn_account(s) optional, multiple

The registered PSN accounts will be used by the application to track online activity and used to make a best-effort match on your device(s).

NOTE: Without this information, you will not see "playing" status or what game you are playing!

Follow these steps to get an NPSSO token. You can copy the below into the config editor in Home Assistant for correct formatting. You can get your PS5 ID from the PS5-MQTT Web UI page.

- username: MyPsnUser                  # only a label, the API will retrieve the actual accountname with the npsso
  npsso: '!secret my_npsso'            # token used for authenticating with PSN API's
  preferred_ps5: 70C881D600B0          # ID of the PS5 that will be preferred when activity can be matched to multiple PS5's 
  preferred_ps4: 60E899D600B0          # ID of the PS4 that will be preferred when activity can be matched to multiple PS4's

NOTE 1: The add-on does a best effort match to map PSN account activity to a device. This means that if you have multiple devices and you use the same account to game on both devices at the same time the add-on will match the activity to only one device.

NOTE 2: Unfortunatly, NPSSO tokens expire after two months which means you'll have to periodically get a new one.

NOTE 3: You don't have to use a !secret for the npsso token. But it is highly advised as it's basically a password.

device_discovery_broadcast_address optional

IP address the addon will use for UDP broadcasting which is required for device discovery.

If your devices are located on a VLAN you must use this option to point the addon to the broadcast ip of the VLAN your devices are located on.

NOTE: only one broadcast address is supported. So all devices will need to be on the same VLAN.