All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Move git unit tests to testcontainers-modules crate by @alex-karpenko in #43
- Fix lint warnings by @alex-karpenko in #42
0.3.2 - 2024-10-12
- Update dependencies - kube, kube-lease-manager by @alex-karpenko in #41
- Improve unit tests with built-in containers support by @alex-karpenko in #39
- Fix fetching of repos with SSH or Git URI schemas by @alex-karpenko in #40
0.3.1 - 2024-10-01
- Logs in JSON format by @alex-karpenko in #38
0.3.0 - 2024-09-28
- Implement web-hooks requests rate limiting by @alex-karpenko in #35
- Implement TLS listener for webhooks by @alex-karpenko in #36
0.2.4 - 2024-09-21
- Update dependencies by @alex-karpenko in #30
- Improve documentation of the code by @alex-karpenko in #32
- Update dependencies by @alex-karpenko in #33
- Update kube to v0.95, k8s-openapi to v0.23, kube-lease-manager to v0.4 by @alex-karpenko in #34
- Fix flapping test reconcile_schedule_trigger_should_set_idle_status by @alex-karpenko in #31
0.2.3 - 2024-07-19
- Update dependencies to fix security findings by @alex-karpenko in #29
0.2.2 - 2024-07-08
- Fix large default leader lock grace interval by @alex-karpenko in #25
- Update to use kube-lease-manager instead of kubert crate by @alex-karpenko in #28
0.2.1 - 2024-06-24
- Implement runtime metrics and imorove traces by @alex-karpenko in #23
- Improve unit and integration testing by @alex-karpenko in #21
0.2.0 - 2024-06-15
- Implement glob file pattern matching instead of the single file name specification in the triggers by @alex-karpenko in #14
- Implement actionJob config with additional labels and annotations by @alex-karpenko in #10
- Implement actinJob config with affinity, nodeSelector and tolerations rules by @alex-karpenko in #11
- Implement job execution time limit (active_deadline_seconds) by @alex-karpenko in #12
- Implement limitation of the running jobs number by @alex-karpenko in #13
- Add jobs requeueing when config changed by @alex-karpenko in #17
- Make documentation versioned by @alex-karpenko in #15
- Improve logging, make it more formal and short, with relevant info only by @alex-karpenko in #16
- Update documentation to reflect changes in Helm chart by @alex-karpenko in #9
- Documentation deployment workflow by @alex-karpenko
- Fix grammar, syntax and lint warnings by @alex-karpenko in #19
0.1.1 - 2024-06-01
- Add subcommand to dump default dynamic config by @alex-karpenko in #8
- Bump requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.2 by @dependabot[bot] in #4
- Push images to registry by @alex-karpenko in #6
- Fix links in the README by @alex-karpenko
- Change action-worker base image to Ubuntu 24.04 by @alex-karpenko in #7
- @dependabot[bot] made their first contribution in #4
- First beta implementation by @alex-karpenko in #2
- Fix error in release workflow by @alex-karpenko in #5
- Fix release workflow permissions by @alex-karpenko
- Remove changelog updating from the release workflow by @alex-karpenko
- @alex-karpenko made their first contribution