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Astroneer Server Deployment Tools

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Build Status Supports Windows Server 2022 Supports Windows Server 2019 Supports Windows 10 Requires Powershell 5 GitHub issues GitHub forks GitHub stars GitHub license GitHub All Releases GitHub contributors

This module lets you quickly deploy an Astroneer Dedicated Server

Did I save you some time? Buy me a ☕😄

How to use

  1. Download or Clone the repository.
  2. Execute the powershell script: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "install-astroneer-server.ps1"

Supported command line switches and examples

  • -ownerName "Astroneer server owner steam name"
  • -serverName "Astroneer server name"
  • -serverPassword "A Super Secure Password" Server password. If ownerName, or serverName or serverPasswords are not provided on the command line, the script will ask for them interactively
  • -noServerPassword Optional. Suppress password prompt if no server password was provided. Use it to run in non-interactive mode.
  • -serverPort 8777 Optional Default: 8777 Astroneer server UDP port
  • -maxFPS 30 Optional Default: 30 Maximum server FPS
  • -noAstroLauncher Optional. Disables use of AstroLauncher
  • -noService Optional. Disables use of nssm, a simple way to manage services.
  • -autoReboot Optional. If specified, the server will be rebooted automatically after installation if needed. Otherwise, if a reboot is needed, the script will exit and the server will not be able to start until the reboot is complete.
  • -installPath "C:\SteamServers" Optional Default: C:\SteamServers The path to install to without trailing slash
  • -noWait Optional. Suppress 2 minutes wait after script finishes. Use it to run in non-interactive mode.

Unattended installation

By specifiying ownerName, serverName and either serverPassword or noServerPassword parameters you will be able to run the installation completely unattended. The autoReboot flag is appended so that the system reboots if prompted by one of the installation procedures carried out during execution.

  • powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "install-astroneer-server.ps1" -ownerName "Guy" -serverName "Guys Lair" -serverPassword "Guy123" -autoReboot


With Microsoft Azure and other cloud providers you can provide a User Data script which can be used to launch this script upon boot. You can include the following snippet. Ensure you add the command line switches as needed for your use case to the sample.

mkdir C:\temp
Invoke-Webrequest -Uri -OutFile C:\temp\
Expand-Archive -Path C:\temp\ -DestinationPath C:\temp\AstroInstaller\
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Force
C:\temp\AstroInstaller\AstroInstaller-master\install-astroneer-server.ps1 SWITCHES HERE

Post Install Notes

AstroServer as a Service

If you chose -noService, this section won't apply.

You can use the "Services" app in the Windows Desktop or the "sc" app on command line to start/stop/restart AstroLauncher or AstroServer. This configuration enables AstroServer/Launcher to start at boot with the machine.


If you need offsite backups, check out


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This script has been tested on Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10 1909 and Windows 10 2004 using Powershell 5 & Powershell 7.


MScholtes - PS2EXE allows me to build this in a way that's easy to use by masses

hjorslev - Wrapper that helped in speeding up usage of SteamCMD

ricky-davis - Web based server management utility for Astroneer