Added shortcuts to plug-in's entry from the plug-in listing page;
Added maintenance page with the following tools: clear cached track data, clear all trip summary info, detect posts that have missing track files;
Added JSON-LD structured data to posts or pages that have trip summary track data (type Place, with box GeoShape);
Added additional REST API field to WP-JSON post endpoint to return trip summary data;
Fixed MysqliDb dependency - The MysqliDb generates deprectation warnings and needs to be updated (Issue #79 );
Fixed JS warnings caused by including editor scripts in non-editor pages (Issue #78 );
Added trip summary audit log to post edit and post listing pages (Issue #80 );
Updated UI + UX of the lookup data management editor page (Issue #77 );
Fixed trip summary shortcode block not rendering in post/page view;
Fixed trip summary shortcode block editor widget not showing up.
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