TorchBlade supports to compile PyTorch models in place with only a few lines of code while maintaining the same original PyTorch code and interface.
In this tutorial, we will introduce how to compile a pre-trained BERT-based semantic model from HuggingFace with BladeDISC.
Nowadays, neural networks based on transformers are very popular and used in many application domains, such as NLP and CV. The main building blocks of Transformers are MHA(Multi-Head Attention), FFN, Add & Norm. Usually, there are many redundancy memory accesses between those layers. Also, the MHA and FFN are computing intensitive. One would also like to feed the neural networks with fully dynamic lengths of sequences and sizes of images.
Intuitively, mixed-precision and kernel fusion would be helpful to speed up the inference. TorchBlade makes your transformers available to those optimizations while persists the ability of the module to forward dynamic inputs. Let's show the example.
These packages are required before going through the tour:
- torch >= 1.6.0
- transformers
- torch_blade
To build and install torch_blade
package, please refer to
"Installation of TorchBlade" and
"Install BladeDISC With Docker".
The system environments and packages used in this tutorial:
- Docker Image: bladedisc/bladedisc:latest-runtime-torch1.7.1
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 96CPU
- Nvidia Driver 470.57.02
- CUDA 11.0
- CuDNN 8.2.1
import torch
from transformers import (
model_name = "nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment"
# get tokenizer from HuggingFace
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
# place model to cuda and set it to evaluate mode
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name).cuda().eval()
def plain_tokenizer(inputs_str, return_tensors):
inputs = tokenizer(inputs_str, return_tensors=return_tensors, padding=True)
inputs = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1].cuda()), inputs.items()))
return (inputs['input_ids'].cuda(), inputs['attention_mask'].cuda(), inputs['token_type_ids'].cuda(),)
class PlainTextClassificationPipeline(TextClassificationPipeline):
def _forward(self, model_inputs):
return self.model(*model_inputs)
# build a sentiment analysis classifier pipeline
classifier = pipeline('sentiment-analysis',
input_strs = [
"We are very happy to show you the story.",
"We hope you don't hate it."]
results = classifier(input_strs)
for inp_str, result in zip(input_strs, results):
print(f" label: {result['label']}, with a score: {round(result['score'], 4)}")
We are very happy to show you the story.
label: 5 stars, with a score: 0.6456
We hope you don't hate it.
label: 5 stars, with a score: 0.2365
We have built a sentiment analysis classifier pipeline that uses a pre-trained BERT base from NLP Town. The full example can be found at from HuggingFace's Transformers Quick Tour.
Add a few lines of codes on the original scripts:
import torch_blade
inputs_str = "Hey, the cat is cute."
inputs = plain_tokenizer(inputs_str, return_tensors="pt")
torch_config = torch_blade.config.Config()
torch_config.enable_mlir_amp = False # disable mix-precision
with torch.no_grad(), torch_config:
# BladeDISC torch_blade optimize will return an optimized TorchScript
optimized_ts = torch_blade.optimize(model, allow_tracing=True, model_inputs=tuple(inputs))
# The optimized module could be saved as a TorchScript, "")
A tuple of inputs arguments should be provided to infer some auxiliary
information, such as data types and ranks. The context torch.no_grad()
that there could be no gradient calculations because it optimizes inference.
The optimization configurations could be passing through
. Currently, we have turned off the mix-precision.
takes an instance of torch.nn.Module
as input model. Before compiling a torch.nn.Module
BladeDISC trys to script it into torch.jit.ScriptModule
If set allow_tracing=True
, BladeDISC will also try tracing after scripting
fails. Then it runs a clustering algorithm to find subgraphs and lower them to
BladeDISC backbend.
Finally, let's serialize the script module that has been compiled into a file named with “”.
import time
def benchmark(model, inputs, num_iters=1000):
for _ in range(10):
start = time.time()
for _ in range(num_iters):
end = time.time()
return (end - start) / num_iters * 1000.0
def bench_and_report(input_strs):
inputs = plain_tokenizer(input_strs, return_tensors="pt")
avg_lantency_baseline = benchmark(model, inputs)
avg_lantency_bladedisc = benchmark(optimized_ts, inputs)
print(f"Seqlen: {[len(s) for s in input_strs]}")
print(f"Baseline: {avg_lantency_baseline} ms")
print(f"BladeDISC: {avg_lantency_bladedisc} ms")
print(f"BladeDISC speedup: {avg_lantency_baseline/avg_lantency_bladedisc}")
input_strs = [
"We are very happy to show you the story.",
"We hope you don't hate it."]
Seqlen: [40, 26]
Baseline: 14.193938970565796 ms
BladeDISC: 3.432901382446289 ms
BladeDISC speedup: 4.134677169331087
The benchmark shows the speedup after compiled with BladeDISC.
from transformers import TextClassificationPipeline
optimized_ts.config = model.config
# build a sentiment analysis classifier pipeline
blade_classifier = pipeline('sentiment-analysis',
results = blade_classifier(input_strs)
for inp_str, result in zip(input_strs, results):
print(f" label: {result['label']}, with a score: {round(result['score'], 4)}")
We are very happy to show you the story.
label: 5 stars, with a score: 0.6456
We hope you don't hate it.
label: 5 stars, with a score: 0.2365
There will be a few warnings that the optimized model is not supported for sentiment analysis, which is expected since it is not registered. Now you must be curious about the predicted result compared to the original model. To use with a large dataset, refer to iterating over a pipeline.
Some more examples with the following:
input_strs = ["I really like the new design of your website!",
"I'm not sure if I like the new design.",
"The new design is awful!",
"It will be awesome if you give us feedback!",]
print("Predict with Baseline PyTorch model:")
results = classifier(input_strs)
for inp_str, result in zip(input_strs, results):
print(f" label: {result['label']}, with a score: {round(result['score'], 4)}")
print("Predict with BladeDISC optimized model:")
results = blade_classifier(input_strs)
for inp_str, result in zip(input_strs, results):
print(f" label: {result['label']}, with a score: {round(result['score'], 4)}")
Predict with Baseline PyTorch model:
I really like the new design of your website!
label: 5 stars, with a score: 0.6289
I'm not sure if I like the new design.
label: 3 stars, with a score: 0.5344
The new design is awful!
label: 1 star, with a score: 0.8435
It will be awesome if you give us feedback!
label: 5 stars, with a score: 0.4164
Predict with BladeDISC optimized model:
I really like the new design of your website!
label: 5 stars, with a score: 0.6289
I'm not sure if I like the new design.
label: 3 stars, with a score: 0.5344
The new design is awful!
label: 1 star, with a score: 0.8435
It will be awesome if you give us feedback!
label: 5 stars, with a score: 0.4164
Looks good! Next you may want to turn on mix-precision configuration
torch_config.enable_mlir_amp = True
and try it. Wish you have a good time.
To have a glance at what TorchBlade has done during the optimization, one could print code of the forward method of the optimized model with the following example:
# print the optimized code
def forward(self,
input_ids: Tensor,
attention_mask: Tensor,
input: Tensor) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
seq_length = ops.prim.NumToTensor(torch.size(input_ids, 1))
_0 = torch.add(seq_length, CONSTANTS.c0, alpha=1)
_1 = torch.tensor(int(_0), dtype=None, device=None, requires_grad=False)
_2 = self.disc_grp0_len1264_0
_3 = [input, input_ids, attention_mask, _1]
_4, = (_2).forward(_3, )
return {"logits": _4}
As the printed code shows, almost the whole forward computations were clustered
and will be lowered by TorchBlade(aka, the cluster disc_grpx_lenxxx_x
the optimizations happened).
Another useful debugging tool is to set the environment variable
. With the env variable set, the TorchScript
subgraphs, the associated MHLO modules, and the compilation logs would be dumped
and saved to a local directory dump_dir
. Since the dumped files can be very
large if the Module is large enough, we would like to choose a tiny DNN to
demostrate the process:
import os
os.environ["TORCH_BLADE_DEBUG_LOG"] = "on"
# do BladeDISC optimization
w = h = 10
dnn = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(w, h),
torch.nn.Linear(h, w),
with torch.no_grad():
# BladeDISC torch_blade optimize will return an optimized TorchScript
opt_dnn_ts = torch_blade.optimize(
dnn, allow_tracing=True, model_inputs=(torch.ones(w, h).cuda(),))
# print optimized code
# list the debug files dumped
!ls dump_dir
def forward(self,
input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
_0 = (self.disc_grp0_len10_0).forward([input], )
_1, = _0
return _1