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550 lines (485 loc) · 14.8 KB

<Form />

import { Form as CForm } from 'vue-controlled-form-fields';

Form is a subscription-based state manager and provider which uses the Vue's power and Reactivity to provide the state and functionality to children or the component which the Form has been defined and used.

Form :props

Properties Type Default Example
submit Function or Promise required Link
Will return current values of the form in case of there wasn't any validation errors in form state. The touched `property` in all fields states will be set to true. If you return a `Promise` in submit function `submitting` property in form state will be set to true after resolving will be set to false.
subscription { [string]: boolean } undefined Link
The form will only re-render when these fields in state changes. Could be useful for performance. Also when you use form.subscribe() you can pass subscription items in second parameter. If you pass nothing then everything will be subscribed.
initialValues Object undefined Link
Will initialize the form on created life cycle, if it's changes the form will re-initialized. the fields with property names will be registered before mounting the field components.
keepDirtyOnReinitialize Boolean false Link
When you pass true, After re-initializing the form, The dirty `property` in all fields states won't change. will be same as it was before. But by default which is false, after re-initializing dirty properties will be set to false.
validate Function undefined Link
You can validate your fields by passing pure functions and returning an object with the same name of your field.
validateOnBlur Boolean false Link
Validation functions will be called after triggering @blur function. This could be effective when you have more than 1000 fields at the same page.
destroyOnUnregister Boolean false Link
If you pass it true, When the field has been removed from DOM the state of field will be there.

Form @events

Events Parameters default Example
@created FormState including Form Object undefined Link
This event occurs before rendering the form in DOM. Could be useful when you need to use subscribe the form state or use form methods in the current component which the form has been defined.
@---formState properties Value of the subscribed property in form state undefined Link
You can listen to changes of single property of form state. e.g. @values, @dirty, @submitting.
Won't be triggered if you do not pass the property it as subscription items. If you pass nothing by default will be trigger.

Form {}State

Each Form and Field has a state which includes some properties which have special meaning and they happened in the special time.

Properties Type Example
dirty Boolean Link
Will be true if the form has any fields with dirty = true
valid Boolean Link
Will be true if all the fields hasn't any errors
invalid Boolean Link
Will be true if a field has error
visited Boolean Link
Will be true if the form has any fields with visited = true
modified Boolean Link
Will be true if the form has any fields with modified = true
pristine Boolean Link

Will be true if the form has any fields with pristine = true

touched Boolean Link

Will be true if the form has any fields with touched = true

active Boolean Link

Name of the field which user focused on it, will be disapear when blur() has been called

submitting Boolean Link

Will be true if submit method returns Promise

values Object Link

Current values of the form

errors Object Link

Current errors of the form

dirtyFields Object Link

List of dirty fields

modifiedFields Object Link

List of modified fields

visitedFields Object Link

List of visited fields

initialValues Object or undefined Link
InitialValues which passed to form as a prop or through the form.initialize() method
[form]() Object Link
Has several methods for manipulating the state and getting state or specific property and more.

We can access to form state in two ways:

  1. slot-scope in template
  	<div slot-scope="formState">
       <field name="username" component="input" type="text" />
       <button :disabled="formState.invalid || formState.pristine"></button>
  1. Life cycle hooks@created and form.subscribe
  <c-form @change="onChangeFormState" @created="onFormCreated">
  	<field name="username" component="input" type="text" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
		form: null
  mounted() {
  	const unsubscribe = this.form.subscribe(state => {
  methods: {
  	onFormCreated(form) {
    	this.form = form;
    onChangeFormState({ values }) {

Your listeners can be specific and listen only for one key and the changes of it, like @errors, @values. Actually your $listeners are listening to changes by form.subscribe(callback, { ...subscription }).

Form Methods()

Methods Accepted Parameters Example
handleSubmit - Link
Will trigger the submit method from props
initialize Object or Function(currentValues => ({})) Link
Will initialize the form, You can pass Object or Function. If you pass function then you can access to current values of form. And also take a look at keepDirtyOnReinitialize
reset - Link
Will reset the form state and fields states. Like they registered again.
change (name: string, value: any) Link
Will change the value of field directly. If you pass a name which is not registered before, Will register it. You should use object dot notation for nested properties.
focus (name: string) Link
Will change some properties in field state + form state, e.g touched, visited and more. Will be useful when you want to show validation errors. By calling this method the name which passed as first argument will set in to the active property in form state. You should use object dot notation for nested properties.
blur (name: string) Link
Will change some properties in field state + form state, e.g touched, visited and more. Will be useful when you want to show validation errors. By calling this method the name which passed as first argument will set in to the active property in form state. You should use object dot notation for nested properties.
subscribe (Function(formState => {}), { [string]: boolean }) Link
Will subscribe the form state and will pass the form state as first argument. You can pass subscription to list only for specific changes based on items you passed in second argument. Will return a function for unsubscribing the state.
getFieldState (name: string) Link
Will return current field state.
getFormState - Link
Will return current form state.
getRegisteredFields - Link
Will return Array of strings which are name of fields which registered in form state.