- Python Libraries
- Types of data
- Data Distributions
- Time Series Analysis
- Amazon Athena
- Amazon QuickSight
- Feature Engineering
- SageMaker Ground Truth
- Numerical:
- Represents some sort of quantitative measurement
- Heights of people, page load times, stock prices, etc.
- Discrete Data
- Integer based; often counts of some event.
- Continuous Data
- Has an infinite number of possible values
- Represents some sort of quantitative measurement
- Categorical
- Qualitative data that has no mathematical meaning
- Gender, Yes/no (binary data)
- assign numbers to categories in order to represent them more compactly
- Qualitative data that has no mathematical meaning
- Ordinal
- mixture of numerical and categorical
- categorical data with mathematical meaning
- Example: move ratings on a 1-5 scale
- 1 means it's worse than 2, 5 means excellent
- Normal Distributions
- Probability Mass Function
- Poisson Distribution
- Binomial Distribution
- Bernoulli Distribution
- special case of binomical distribution, with a single trial
- Bernoulli Distribution
- Trends
- Seasonality
- Noise
- Seasonality + Trends + Noise = Time series
- Additive model
- seasonal variation is constant
- sometimes trends amplify seasonality and noise
- multiplicative model
- seasonal variation increases as the trend increases
- Seasonality + Trends + Noise = Time series
- Interactive query service for S3 (SQL)
- No need to load data, it stays in S3
- Serverless
- supports many data formats
- unstructured, semi-structured or structured
- Examples:
- Ad-hoc queries of web logs
- integration with quicksight, Jupyter etc
- Pay-as-you-go
- $5 per TB scanned
- successful or cancelled queries count, failed do not
- No charge for DDL( CREATE/ALTER/DROP)
- save lots of money by using columnar formats
- save 30-90%, and get better with performance
- Security:
- Access control: IAM, ACLs, S3 bucket policies
- Encrypt results at rest in S3 staging directory
- SSE-S3
- Cross-account access in S3 bucket policy possible
- Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypts in-transit
- Anti-Patterns (Don't use it for)
Fast, easy, cloud-powered business analytics service
Allows all employees in an organization to:
- build visualizations
- perform ad-hoc analysis
- quickly get business insights from data
- anytime, on any device (browsers, mobile)
QuickSight Data Sources:
- RedShift
- Aurora / RDS
- Athena
- EC2-hosted databases
- Files
- AWS IoT Analytics
- Data preparation allows limited ETL
Under the hood SPICE
- Data sets are imported into SPICE
- Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine
- use columnar storage, in-memory, machine code generation
- accelerates interactive queries on large datasets
- Each user gets 10GB of SPICE
- highly available/durable
- scales to hundreds of thousands of users
- Data sets are imported into SPICE
QuickSight Use Cases
- Interactive ad-hoc exploration/visualization of data
- Dashboards and KPI's
- Analyze / visualize data from:
- logs in S3
- On-premise databases
- AWS (RDS, Redshift, Athena, S3)
- SaaS applications, such as Salesforce
- any JDBC/ODBC data source
- Machine Learning Insights
- Anomaly detection (RANDOM_CUT_FOREST)
- Forecasting
- Auto-narratives
QuickSight Q
- ML-powered
- answer business questions with NLP
- offered as an add-on for given regions
- personal training on how to use it required
- must set up associated with datasets
Quicksight Paginated Reports
- reports designed to be printed
- many span many pages
- can be based on existing Quicksight dashboards
- Since Nov 2022
QuickSight Anti-Patterns
- ETL - Use Glue instead, although QuickSIght can do some transformations
- prior to Nov 2022 Highly formatted canned reports, but now no longer true with paginated reports
QuickSight Security
- Multi-factor authentication on your account
- VPC connectivity
- add QuickSight's IP address range to your database security groups
- Row-level security
- Column level security (CLS) - in Enterprise edition only
- Private VPC access
- Elastic Network Interface, AWS Direct Connect
QuickSight User Management
- User defined via IAM, or email signup
- SAML-based single sign-on
- Active Directory Integration - Enterprise edition
QuickSIght Pricing
- Annual Subscription
- Standard: $9 /user/month
- Enterprise: $18 /user/month
- Enterprise with Q: $28 /user/month
- Extra SPICE capacity (beyond 10GB)
- $0.25 (standard), $0.38 (enterprise) /GB/month
- Monthly Subscription
- Standard: $12 /use month
- Enterprise: $24/user/month
- Enterprise with Q: $34/user/month
- Additional charges for paginated reports, alerts & anomaly detection, Q capacity, readers
- Enterprise edition
- Microsoft Active Directory Integration
- Annual Subscription
QuickSight Visual Types
- AutoGraph
- Bar Charts
- Line graphs
- Scatter plots heat maps
- Pie graphs, tree maps
- Pivot tables
- KPIs
- Geospatial charts
- Donut charts
- Gauge charts
- word clouds
Elastic MapReduce
Managed Hadoop framework on EC2 instances
Includes Spark, HBase, Presto, Flink, Hive & more
EMR Notebooks
Several integration points with AWS
An EMR Cluster:
- Master Node: manages the cluster
- Single EC2 instances
- Core Node: Hosts HDFS data and runs tasks
- can be scaled up & down
- Task Node: Runs tasks, does not host data
- No risk of data loss when removing
- good use of spot instances
- Master Node: manages the cluster
EMR Usage:
- Transient vs Long-Running Clusters
- Can spin up task nodes using Spot instances for temporary capacity
- Can use reserved instances on long-running cluster to save $
- Connect directly to master to run jobs
- submit ordered steps via the console
- EMR Serverless lets AWS scales your nodes automatically
- Transient vs Long-Running Clusters
EMR / AWS integration
- EC2 instances - for the nodes in the cluster
- VPC - to configure the virtual network in which you launch the instances
- S3 - to store input and output data
- CloudWatch - to monitor cluster performance and configure alarms
- IAM - to configure permissions
- CloudTrail - to audit requests made to the service
- Data Pipeline - to schedule and start your clusters
EMR Storage
- HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
- EMRFS: access to S3 as it it were HDFS
- uses DynamoDB to track consistency
- Local file system
- EBS for HDFS
EMR promises
- EMR charges by the hour, plus EC2 charges
- provisions new nodes if a core node fails
- can add and remove tasks nodes on the fly
- can resize a running cluster's core nodes
- MapReduce
- YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator)
Apache Spark
- MapReduce | Spark
Spark Components
- Spark Streaming
- Spark SQL
- MLLib
- GraphX
- Spark Core
Spark MLLib
- Classification: logistic regression, naive bayes
- Regression
- Decision trees
- Recommendation engine (Alternating least squares)
- Clustering (K-Means)
- LDA (topic modeling)
- ML workflow utilities (pipelines, feature transformation, persistence)
- SVD, PCA, Stats
Zeppelin (Notebook for Spark)
- run Spark code interactively
- can execute SQL queries directly against SparkSQL
- query results may be visualized
EMR Notebook
- Similar to Zeppelin, with more AWS integration
- Notebooks backed up to S3
- Provision clusters from the notebook
- Hosted inside a VPC
- Accessed only via AWS Console
EMR Security
- IAM Policies
- Kerberos
- IAM roles
- Security configurations may be specified for lake formation
- Native integration with Apache Ranger
EMR Instance Types:
- Master node:
- m4.large if < 50 nodes, m4.xlarge if > 50 nodes
- Core & task nodes:
- m4.large is good
- If cluster waits on external dependencies - t2.medium
- improved performance: m4.xlarge
- Computation-intensive applications: high CPU instances
- Database, memory-caching applications: high memory instances
- Network / CPU-intensive (NLP, ML) – cluster computer instances
- Accelerated Computing / AI – GPU instances (g3, g4, p2, p3)
- Spot instances
- Master node:
- Applying knowledge of data - and the model you're using to create better features to train your model with.
- Too many features can be a problem - leads to sparse data
- Mean Replacement:
- replace missing values with the mean value from the rest of the column
- fast and east, won't affect mean or sample size of overall data set
- Median may be a better choice than mean when OUTLIERS are present
- Generally terrible
- only works on column level, misses correlations between features
- can't use on categorical features
- not very accurate
- Dropping:
- If not many rows contain missing data
- not the best approach
- almost anything is better
- Machine Learning:
- kNN - find K nearest rows and average their values
- assumes numerical data, not categorical
- Deep learning:
- build a ML model to impute data for your ML model
- works well on categorical data
- Regression:
- find linear or non-linear relationships between the missing feature and other features
- Most advanced technique: MICE ( Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations )
- kNN - find K nearest rows and average their values
- Get more data (duh!)
discrepancy between positive and negative cases
- eg: Fraud detection. Fraud is rare, and most rows will be not-fraud
- Duplicate samples from the minority class
- can be done at random
- Instead of creating more positive samples, remove negative ones
SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling TEchnique)
- artifically generate new samples of the minority class using nearest neightbors
- run kNN of each sample of the minority class
- create a new sample from the KNN result (mean of the neighbors)
- Both generates new samples and undersamples majority class
- generally better than just oversampling
- artifically generate new samples of the minority class using nearest neightbors
Adjusting thresholds
- Variance (
$\sigma^{2}$ ) : average of the squared differences from the mean. - Standard Deviation (
$\sigma$ ) : square root of variance- can be used as a way to identify outliers. Data points that lie more than one standard deviation from the mean can be considered unusual.
- AWS's Random Cut Forest algorithm is built into many services like QuickSight, Kinesis Analytics, SageMaker and more - It's made for outlier detection
- Binning:
- Bucket observations together based on ranges of values.
- Quantile binning categorizes data by their place in the data distribution
- ensures even sizes of bins
- Transforms numeric data to ordinal data
- useful when there is uncertainty in the measurements
- Transforming:
- Applying some function to a feature to make it better suited for training
- feature data with an exponential trend many benefit from a logarithmic transform
- example:
$x$ can be represented as$x^{2}$ or$\sqrt{x}$
- Encoding
- Transfomring data into some new representation required by the model
- One-hot encoding
- create buckets for every category
- The bucket for your category has a 1, all other have a 0
- Scaling/ Normalization
- some models prefer feature data to be normally distributed around 0
- most models require feature data to at least be scaled to comparable values
- scikit_learn has a pre-processor module that helps (MinMaxScaler, etc)
- Shuffling
- many algorithms benefit from shuffling their training data
- they may learn from residual signals in the training data resulting from the order in which they were collected.
- Ground truth manages humans who will label your data for training purposes
- creates its own model as images are labeled by people
- as the model learns, only images the model isn't sure about are sent to human labelers. Reduces the cost of labeling by 70%
- Ground Truth Plus
- AWS Experts manage the workflow and team of labelers.
- Track progress via the ground truth plus project portal.
- Get labeled data from S3 when done
- Other ways to generate training labels
- Rekognition
- AWS Service for image recognition
- automantically classify images
- Comprehend
- AWS service for text analysis and topic modeling
- Automatically classify text by topics, sentiment
- any pre-trained model or unsupervised technique
- Rekognition
- Important data for search - figures out what terms are most relevant for a document.
- Term Frequency - measures how often a word occurs in a document
- Document Frequency - how often a word occurs in an entire set of documents.
- log of IDF is used, since word frequencies are distributed exponentially. That gives us a better weighting of a word's popularity
- An extension of TF-IDF is to not only compute relevancy for individual words but also for bi-grams or more, generally, n-grams.
- Uni-grams: "It", "is", "what", "it", "is"
- Bi-grams: "it is", "what it", "it is"
- Tri-grams: "It is what", "what it is"