1.0.14 (2020-04-22)
- uuidv4 refs (f999bb6)
1.0.13 (2020-04-22)
1.0.12 (2020-04-22)
- npm dependenecies (2e473a2)
1.0.11 (2020-04-21)
- dependencies (2ae47f8)
- merge pull request #49 from ambianic/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/uuidv4-6.0.7 (e3235f3)
- merge pull request #50 from ambianic/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/cookie-session-1.4.0 (106fe4c)
1.0.10 (2020-03-30)
1.0.9 (2020-03-28)
- log warn messages on room joinining (45b19c8)
1.0.8 (2020-01-22)
- check interval for room membership (fdd4489)
1.0.7 (2020-01-17)
- datachannel handshake bugs between python and js peers (b120151)
- p2p dataconnection fixes (facf00b)
- polishing signaling server communication with js and python clients; fix room membership api (3fe3f84)
1.0.6 (2019-12-17)
- room management (65fa876)
1.0.5 (2019-12-14)
- room management improvements and tests (fdf3c59)
1.0.4 (2019-12-09)
- build scripts (4e7a13f)
1.0.3 (2019-12-09)
- room API (df43332)
1.0.2 (2019-12-09)
- test codecov in semrel (8ded661)
1.0.1 (2019-12-07)
- package keywords (ae67f5e)
- merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/ambianic/ambianic-pnp into dev (5d37148)
- tests pass (2ed2b6c)