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Releases: amcharts/amcharts5


21 May 08:15
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[5.9.9] - 2024-05-21


  • "Average True Range" indicator added to StockChart.


  • Some recent versions of Chrome would sometimes clear canvas of a chart in an inactive tab after some time.
  • Some events were not being disposed together with related object.
  • Disposing an XYChart immediately after it was created would not dispose its XYCursor and related event handlers.
  • StockChart method unselectDrawings() was not hiding resizer brackets.
  • SliceGrouper would not update properly when series data was updated.


10 May 08:00
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[5.9.8] - 2024-05-10


  • Two new settings for Sprite added: ariaCurrent (sets aria-current) and ariaSelected (sets aria-selected).
  • Two new methods for MapPolygonSeries added: getPolygonByPoint() and getPolygonByGeoPoint().


  • Better positioning of EditableLabel when its width is set.
  • alwaysShow setting of XYCursor was not working properly.


07 May 16:28
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[5.9.7] - 2024-05-07


  • ValueAxis could go into infinite loop under the following conditions: max was set to a value which was smaller than a calculated minimum of the axis when strictMinMax set to true.


07 May 06:22
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[5.9.6] - 2024-05-07


  • New EditableLable setting: multiline (default: true). If set to false will only allow label to be edited on a single line.
  • hsvToHsl() and hslToHsv() color convertion functions added to am5.utils namespace.


  • Accessibility: Both vertical and horizontal line elements of XYCursor now have their role set to "slider" by default.
  • EditableLabel now supports maxWidth and oversizedBehavior settings.
  • EditableLabel will now reset all available styles that might come from page-wide CSS to "initial" so its appearance is not affected by any outside CSS.


  • EditableLabel was not being properly positioned with textAlign set to anything else than "left".
  • ValueAxis in some rare cases (when max and maxPrecision was set) could get to infinite loop.
  • Some drawing series on StockChart were not properly removing items of deleted drawings from their data/dataitems.


02 May 08:21
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[5.9.5] - 2024-05-02


  • New DrawingControl setting: scrollable (default: false). If set to true will restrict tool list to the height of the target chart.
  • New Sprite method: compositeRotation(). Returns element's rotation in degrees, taking into account all of its ancestors.
  • New element EditableLabel.


  • The drawing tool dropdown will now be fixed to the height of the target chart by default. You can disable it using scrollable: false on the DrawingControl.
  • HTML content will now take rotation setting into account.
  • Label and Callout drawing tools in StockChart will now use new EditableLabel element for smoother editing experience. The text is now editable.


  • A ValueAxis with logarightmic scale and very small numbers was sometimes displaying cluttered grid lines and overlapping labels.
  • Volume Profile indicator could show previous data if user quickly scrolled to the range where no volume data was available.
  • Switching type of RadialLabels from radial to circular was resulting in those labels positioned incorrectly.
  • If a mouse pointer was over the chart when TAB key was used to focus an XYCursor line, series/axis' tooltip would disappear.


26 Apr 08:51
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[5.9.4] - 2024-04-26


  • StockChart with VolumeProfile indicator was snapping scrollbar's left grip to the start.
  • Logarithmic axis was not showing labels less than 10e-5.
  • Treemap's labels would sometimes not adjust its size (usually with a lot of data).


23 Apr 11:43
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[5.9.3] - 2024-04-23


  • Added possibility to add bullets to links in a linked hierarchy charts, like Force-directed and Tree. More info.
  • New IndicatorControl method: clearIndicators(). Allows clearing all indicators from the chart at once.


  • StockChart will now automatically disable select mode when exitting drawing mode.
  • XYChart background fill color and opacity have been moved to a default theme, so that it can be overridden by custom themes.


  • Resize bubbles on StockChart's drawings were sometimes disabled when switching and drawing with another drawing tool.
  • Resize bubbles on StockChart's were not shown after Eraser was turned on and off.
  • Resize bubbles on StockChart's were not shown when drawing mode was toggled off and then back on.
  • PieChart was not updating radius if resized very quickly.
  • If an XYSeries was initially hidden, its tooltip was still visible on an XYChart with cursor.
  • Clicking on a selected icon drawing in a SockChart would not unselect it.
  • A perfectly vertical or horizontal line with strokeGradient set was invisible.
  • Removing an indicator from StockChart could cause Y-axis to be auto-zoomed incorrectly.
  • The centering of a scaled HTML content was not taking centerX/centerY into account.


17 Apr 10:15
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[5.9.2] - 2024-04-17


  • Accessibility: Two new Tooltip settings added: readerAnnounce (boolean, default: false) and labelAriaLabel. If readerAnnounce is set to true, tooltip's contents (labelAriaLabel if set, or regular label text) will be read out by screen readers when tooltip is shown or its data item changes.
  • Accessibility: New Label method: getAccessibleText(). Returns populated arialLabel text if set, or regular text content.
  • New Sprite method: compositeScale(). Returns actual scale of an element, compounded based on scale of its own and all of its ancestors.
  • Net global function am5.getRootById(id). Returns Root instance stored in a <div> with specific id.
  • 4 new StockPanel events added: moved, closed, collapsed, and expanded. More details.
  • 2 new Entity methods added: off(key, callback?) and offPrivate(key, callback?). Allows removing setting/private setting value change events set via on()/onPrivate(). More details.
  • New StockChart setting: erasingEnabled. If set to true, the chart will go into "eraser" mode - same as clicking on an Eraser tool in stock toolbar.


  • HTML content will now scale according to its "composite" scale. (Scale calculated all the way its ancestor tree).
  • StockChart will now restore "selection mode" after briefly turning it off while drawing is being drawn.
  • Improved dangling of circular labels with Arabic text.


  • HTML content was sometimes being incorrectly positioned if either width or height was set, but not both.
  • Selecting a drawing on a StockChart was resulting in an error if there was no DrawingControl present in a chart's toolbar.
  • StockChart's eraser tool was not working properly since 5.9.1.
  • If a StockPanel was added to a zoomed StockChart it would not sync its zoom and would appear fully zoomed out.


10 Apr 10:59
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[5.9.1] - 2024-04-10


  • New control in StockChart's drawing toolbar: "Select". Allows toggling "selection" mode on and off. When it's on, clicking on any existing drawing will select it. Otherwise drawing will be initiated using currently selected tool. This allows drawing over existing drawings. Default: off.
  • New StockChart setting: drawingSelectionEnabled (default: false). If set to true, all drawings will be selectable by clicking on them.


  • Bundled xlsx library code updated to 0.20.2.
  • All drawings are not selectable by default (they were selectable since 5.9.0). To enable selection, use the newly introduced "Select" control, or via StockChart's drawingSelectionEnabled setting.

  • Revisited fix to tabindexOrder with a safer approach.
  • Arrow-navigating between grouped focusable items were not "jumping over" hidden items.
  • LineSeries' axis ranges were not properly using stroke/fill templates from data.


09 Apr 12:21
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[5.9.0] - 2024-04-09


  • zoomToDataItems(dataItems, rotate) method added to MapPolygonSeries.
  • Bigger hit circle added to Stock charts drawings bullets, which becomes visible when hovered.
  • A public method markDirtyKey() added. Could be used to trigger an adapter.
  • A "Reset to default" link added to StockChart's settings modal.
  • New StockChart/DrawingSeries methods added related to drawing selection: selectDrawing(id, keepSelection), unselectDrawing(id), unselectDrawings().
  • New StockChart/DrawingSeries methods added related to drawing deletion: deleteDrawing(id), deleteSelectedDrawings().
  • New StockChart events: drawingadded, drawingremoved, drawingselected, drawingunselected.
  • New DropdownListControl methods: getItemById(id) and setItemById(id).
  • New IconControl methods: getIconByPath(path) and setIconByPath(path).
  • New drawing tools added to StockChart: "Triangle" and "Polyfill".


  • Improved handling of moving lines of an XYCursor. It will now move by one cell automatically, or by 5 cells if pressed together with CTRL.
  • Improved styling of a color picker control in StockChart's toolbar and settings modals.
  • Drawing functionality was completely revamped: all drawings are now selectable, editable, movable, and can be deleted by selecting them and pressing DEL.
  • Accessibility: Pressing SPACE when element with role="checkbox" set is focused, will now toggle it just like pressing ENTER.
  • pdfmake updated to 0.2.10.


  • Sprite was not marking its bounds dirty when margins changed. It was causing layouts with margins not to be redrawn after margins changed.
  • When drawing mode was enabled in a StockChart while in the percent scale, it used to reset scale to regular.
  • Tooltip no longer overwrites user-provided background.
  • Treemap was not redrawing when layout algorithm was changed dynamically.
  • Tooltip position was not being updated when bounds of a Sprite changed.
  • Moving line of an XYCursor with a keyboard press could result in an axis line to be out of sync with series tooltips.
  • tabindexOrder was not working properly in some cases.
  • Font family and font size controls were showing unnecessary "+" icon.
  • In some rare cases setting value on an object / data item was not working.