Scala training and prediction examples using the MLflow Java client
Hello World - Simple MLflow example.
Resilient Hello World - Shows how to set run status if run fails.
Spark ML DecisionTreeRegressor - Advanced - saves and predicts with SparkML and MLeap model formats.
- DumpExperiment - Dump experiment as text.
- DumpRun - Dump run as text.
- SearchRuns - Search for runs using search criteria.
- RunsToCsvConverter - Dump experiment runs to CSV file.
- Uses MLflow 1.4.0 Java client.
- You must install Python MLflow for MLflow Java client to work:
pip install mlflow==1.4.0
mvn clean package
spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class org.andre.mlflow.examples.hello.HelloWorld \
target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
Experiment name: scala_HelloWorld
Experiment ID: 3
Run ID: 81cc7941adae4860899ad5449df52802
Source snippet from HelloWorld.scala.
// Create client
val trackingUri = args(0)
val mlflowClient = new MlflowClient(trackingUri)
// Create or get existing experiment
val expName = "scala_HelloWorld"
val expId = MLflowUtils.getOrCreateExperimentId(mlflowClient, expName)
println("Experiment name: "+expName)
println("Experiment ID: "+expId)
// Create run
val runInfo = mlflowClient.createRun(expId)
val runId = runInfo.getRunId()
// Log params and metrics
mlflowClient.logParam(runId, "p1","hi")
mlflowClient.logMetric(runId, "m1",0.123F)
// Close run
mlflowClient.setTerminated(runId, RunStatus.FINISHED, System.currentTimeMillis())
Uses new MLflow 1.1.0 MlflowContext.
spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class org.andre.mlflow.examples.hello.HelloWorldContext \
target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
Experiment name: scala_HelloWorld_Context
Experiment ID: 3
Run ID: 81cc7941adae4860899ad5449df52802
Source snippet from HelloWorld.scala.
// Create context and client
val mlflow = new MlflowContext()
val client = mlflow.getClient()
// Create and set experiment
val expName = "scala_HelloWorld_Context"
val expId = MLflowUtils.getOrCreateExperimentId(client, expName)
println("Experiment name: "+expName)
println("Experiment ID: "+expId)
// Create run
val run = mlflow.startRun("HelloWorld Run")
println("Run ID: "+run.getId)
// Log params and metrics
// End run
Shows how to set run status if a failure occurs during run.
spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class org.andre.mlflow.examples.hello.ResilientHelloWorld \
target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
http://localhost:5000 throwException
Experiment name: scala_ResilientHelloWorld
Experiment ID: 13
Run ID: e3ec538d27e14dbfb05bd2eae01ddb5d
Status FAILED: java.lang.Exception: Ouch
Retrieved run: runId: e3ec538d27e14dbfb05bd2eae01ddb5d - status: FAILED
Snippet from ResilientHelloWorld.scala.
val runId = client.createRun(experimentId).getRunId()
println("Run ID: "+runId)
try {
client.logParam(runId, "alpha", "0.5")
if (doThrowException) {
throw new Exception("Ouch")
client.setTerminated(runId, RunStatus.FINISHED, System.currentTimeMillis())
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
client.setTerminated(runId, RunStatus.FAILED, System.currentTimeMillis())
Sample that:
- Trains a model
- Saves the model in Spark ML and MLeap formats
- Predicts from Spark ML and MLeap formats
- Uses wine quality dataset - wine-quality-white.csv
Saves model as Spark ML and MLeap artifact in MLflow.
Source snippet from TrainDecisionTreeRegressor.scala.
import org.mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient
import org.mlflow.api.proto.Service.RunStatus
// Create client
val mlflowClient = new MlflowClient("http://localhost:5000")
// MLflow - create or get existing experiment
val expName = "scala_TrainDecisionTreeRegressor"
val expId = MLflowUtils.getOrCreateExperimentId(mlflowClient, expName)
// MLflow - create run
val runInfo = mlflowClient.createRun(expId)
val runId = runInfo.getRunUuid()
// MLflow - Log parameters
mlflowClient.logParam(runId, "maxDepth", "1")
mlflowClient.logParam(runId, "maxBins", "32")
. . .
// MLflow - Log metric
mlflowClient.logMetric(runId, "rmse", 0.786)
// MLflow - save model as artifact
mlflowClient.logArtifacts(runId, new File("tmp"),"model")
// MLflow - save model as Spark ML artifact
val sparkModelPath = "out/spark-model"
mlflowClient.logArtifacts(runId, new File(sparkModelPath), "spark-model")
// MLflow - close run
mlflowClient.setTerminated(runId, RunStatus.FINISHED, System.currentTimeMillis())
spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class \
target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
--trackingUri http://localhost:5000 \
--experimentName scala_wine \
--dataPath ../data/wine-quality/wine-quality-white.csv \
--modelPath model_sample --maxDepth 5 --maxBins 5
spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class \
target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
--trackingUri --token MY_TOKEN \
--experimentName /Shared/experiments/demo/scala_wine \
--dataPath ../data/wine-quality/wine-quality-white.csv \
--modelPath model_sample --maxDepth 5 --maxBins 5
You can also run your jar in a Databricks cluster with the standard Databricks REST API run endpoints. See runs submit, run now and spark_jar_task. In this example we showcase runs_submit.
Upload the data file and jar to your Databricks cluster.
databricks fs cp ../data/wine-quality/wine-quality-white.csv \
databricks fs cp target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
Here is a snippet from run_submit_new_cluster.json or run_submit_existing_cluster.json.
"libraries": [
{ "pypi": { "package": "mlflow" } },
{ "jar": "dbfs:/tmp/jobs/scala-example/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" }
"spark_jar_task": {
"main_class_name": "org.andre.mlflow.examples.TrainDecisionTree",
"parameters": [
"--dataPath", "dbfs:/tmp/jobs/scala-example/wine-quality-white.csv",
"--modelPath", "/dbfs/tmp/jobs/scala-example/models",
"--runOrigin", "run_submit_new_cluster.json"
Create run_submit_new_cluster.json and launch the run.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_TOKEN" \
-d @run_submit_new_cluster.json \
Every time you build a new jar, you need to upload it to DBFS (as described above) and restart the cluster.
databricks clusters restart --cluster-id 0113-005848-about166
Create run_submit_existing_cluster.json and launch the run.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_TOKEN" \
-d @run_submit_existing_cluster.json \
Create a notebook with the following cell. Attach it to the existing cluster described above.
import org.andre.mlflow.examples.TrainDecisionTree
val dataPath = "dbfs:/tmp/jobs/scala-example/wine-quality-white.csv"
val modelPath = "/dbfs/tmp/jobs/scala-example/models"
val runOrigin = "run_from_jar_Notebook"
TrainDecisionTree.train(spark, dataPath, modelPath, 5, 5, runOrigin)
Predicts from Spark ML and MLeap models.
There are several ways to obtain the run:
- PredictByLastRun.scala - Use the latest run.
- PredictByBestRun.scala - Use the best run for given metric.
- PredictByRunId.scala - Specify run ID.
spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class \
target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
--trackingUri http://localhost:5000 \
--dataPath ../data/wine-quality/wine-quality-white.csv \
--runId 3e422c4736a34046a74795384741ac33
|prediction|label| features|
| 0.0| 0.0|(692,[127,128,129...|
| 1.0| 1.0|(692,[158,159,160...|
| 1.0| 1.0|(692,[124,125,126...|
| 1.0| 1.0|(692,[152,153,154...|
spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class \
target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
--trackingUri http://localhost:5000 \
--dataPath ../data/wine-quality/wine-quality-white.csv \
--experimentId 2
spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class \
target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
--trackingUri http://localhost:5000 \
--dataPath ../data/wine-quality/wine-quality-white.csv \
--experimentId 2
--metric rmse --ascending
Source snippet from PredictUtils.scala.
val data ="libsvm").load(opts.dataPath)
val modelPath = client.downloadArtifacts(runId,"spark-model").getAbsolutePath
val model = PipelineModel.load(modelPath)
val predictions = model.transform(data)
println("Prediction:")"prediction", "label", "features").show(10,false)
Dumps all experiment or run information recursively.
- DumpRun.scala - Dumps run information.
- Shows info, params, metrics and tags.
- Recursively shows all artifacts up to the specified level.
- DumpExperiment.scala - Dumps run information.
- If
is true, then just the run infos will be dumped. - If
is true, then an API call for each run will be executed. Beware of experiments with many runs.
- If
- A large value for
also incurs many API calls.
scala -cp target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ \
--runId 033be9f1f7e7494daba64bde62c2cf83 \
--artifactMaxLevel 2
runId: 033be9f1f7e7494daba64bde62c2cf83
experimentId: 2
lifecycleStage: active
userId: andre
status: FINISHED
artifactUri: /opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/2/033be9f1f7e7494daba64bde62c2cf83/artifacts
startTime: 1561568635358
endTime: 1561568648413
startTime: 2019-06-26 13:03:55
endTime: 2019-06-26 13:04:08
_duration: 13.055 seconds
runOrigin: train.sh_local_env
maxBins: 32
maxDepth: 5
rmse: 0.2970442628930023 - 1561568638688
mlflow.runName: myRun TrainDecisionTree.scala
Artifact 1/5 - level 0
path: details
isDir: true
Artifact 1/1 - level 1
path: details/treeModel.txt
isDir: false
fileSize: 252
scala -cp target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ \
--experimentId 2 \
--artifactMaxLevel 5 \
--showRunInfo --showRunData
Experiment Details:
experimentId: 2
name: sklearn_wine_elasticNet
artifactLocation: /opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/2
lifecycleStage: active
runsCount: 7
Run 1/7:
runId: 033be9f1f7e7494daba64bde62c2cf83
. . .
Create a flattened table of an experiment's runs and dump to CSV file.
All info, data.params, data.metrics and data.tags fields will be flattened into one table. In order to prevent name clashes, data fields will be prefixed with:
- _p_ - params
- _m_ - metrics
- _t_ - tags
If outputCsvFile
is not specified, the CSV file will be created from the experiment ID as in exp_runs_2.csv
Since run data (params, metrics, tags) fields are not required to be the same for each run, we build a sparse table. Note the blank values for _m_rmse
and _t_exp_id
in the output sample below.
scala -cp target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ \
--experimentId 2 \
--outputCsvFile runs.csv
Formatted output sample - with subset of columns for readability.
_m_rmse _p_alpha _t_exp_id _t_mlflow.user endTime runId startTime
0.7504340478812798 0.001 2 andre 1561673524523 3ec72be101054b5d9caa87feba2d3f20 1561673523591
0.7504340478812798 0.001 2 andre 1561673429978 831a89ee12894e379518841783b18090 1561673427962
0.5 andre 1561670127154 ddaaab3337fd472ea0dfc071ffda9e72 1561670112506
0.5 andre 1561669962054 223b6bb0a8ca405bba96cd083ac8d584 1561669945008
0.6793073338113734 0.01 2 andre 1561227895063 867390ad87b14dea9841829a7130c2ea 1561227891052
0.6793073338113734 0.01 2 andre 1561227887437 b9976197bca74e059a1c8d2c35748d6f 1561227883234
0.7504340478812797 0.001 2 andre 1561227881226 e68d48bd41914cac857399caeede2a0a 1561227880485
Executes search runs
and REST.
scala -cp target/mlflow-scala-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ \
--experimentId 2 \
--filter "metrics.rmse < 0.7"
Found 2 matches
runId: 867390ad87b14dea9841829a7130c2ea
experimentId: 2
lifecycleStage: active
userId: andre
status: FINISHED
artifactUri: /opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/2/867390ad87b14dea9841829a7130c2ea/artifacts
startTime: 1561227891052
endTime: 1561227895063
startTime: 2019-06-22 14:24:51
endTime: 2019-06-22 14:24:55
_duration: 4.011 seconds
runId: b9976197bca74e059a1c8d2c35748d6f
experimentId: 2
. . .