Normal Flow: Stackdriver Logging -> Logging Export -> PubSub Topic -> GCP Function -> Azure Log Analytics
Error Flow: Stackdriver Logging -> Logging Export -> PubSub Topic -> GCP Function -> PubSub Topic (error:RetryTopic) Cloud Schedule -> PubSub Topic (Trigger) -> GCP Function(->Pull from PubSub Retry Topic)-> Azure Log Analytics
For more information visit
This function requires Cloud Functions API to be enabled. This function requires Cloud Scheduler API to be enabled on the Project. ( and click on the link on the bottom ). Also make sure Cloud Scheduler has an assigned default region. Set up Stackdriver logs; create an export(s) and subscription to a PubSub Topic (see important note below) Set up a PubSub Topic for error messages (Note the name of the topic - this will be used in the Environment variables later)
- This function requires Secrets Manager to store Azure Log Analytics WORKSPACE ID and WORKSPACE KEY and provide Secret Name in the Environment Variables section
- Enable Cloud Build API
PubSub Function requires the Retry Function. Install and set up the Retry Function first
This example will create 2 example Log Export Sinks, 3 PubSub Topics and use the PubSub Function with a Retry Function. A Cloud Schedule is also created to trigger the Retry Function (via PubSub Topic).
Sink | Description | Filter |
LogsExporterSinkForFunctions | Selects all GCP Function logs. Important note that it filters out the PubSub Function!! | resource.labels.function_name!="Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel" |
LogsExporterSinkForFunctions | Selects all Kubernetes/containers logs | protoPayload.serviceName="" |
Caution: With aggregated export sinks, you can export a very large number of log entries. Design your logs query carefully.
GCPLogsTopic : This topic will collect logs from the export sinks
GCPLogsRetryTopic : This topic will collect failed writes from Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel to
GCPToAzSentinelRetryTrigger : This topic triggers retries based on Cloud Schedule
Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel : PubSub Function pulling from GCPLogsTopic
Retry-Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel : Retry Function to pull any failed messages from Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel
Note that you will need to change values in bold in the scripts below to identify your project id, HEC URL and HEC Token You can also change the OS environment variables in the first section to fit your needs Note to use your Project ID, and not Project Name / Number
When running the scripts the first time in a new project, if asked, accept the queries to create/initialise services
#set OS environment variables for script. Change these for your deployment MY_PROJECT=MY_PROJECT (Project ID) PUBSUB_FUNCTION=Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel PUBSUB_TOPIC=GCPLogsTopic PUBSUB_SINK1=LogsExporterSinkForFunctions PUBSUB_SINK2=LogsExporterSinkNoFunctions WORKSPACE_ID=Secret Name for Azure Log Analytics Workspace ID from GCP Secrets Manager WORKSPACE_KEY=Secret Name for Azure Log Analytics Workspace Key from GCP Secrets Manager LAW_TABLE_NAME=Custom Log Table RETRY_FUNCTON=Retry-Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel RETRY_TOPIC=GCPLogsRetryTopic RETRY_SUBSCRIPTION=GCPLogsRetryTopic-sub RETRY_TRIGGER_PUBSUB=GCPToAzSentinelRetryTrigger RETRY_SCHEDULE=GCPToAzSentinelRetrySchedule #create PubSub Topic gcloud pubsub topics create $PUBSUB_TOPIC #create log-sinks... #MAKE NOTE OF THIS SINK - IT ENSURES THAT THERE IS NO RECORDING OF THE FUNCTIONS OWN LOGS!!! gcloud logging sinks create $PUBSUB_SINK1 \$MY_PROJECT/topics/$PUBSUB_TOPIC \ --log-filter="resource.labels.function_name!=$PUBSUB_FUNCTION" LOG_SINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=`gcloud logging sinks describe $PUBSUB_SINK1 --format="value(writerIdentity)"` #the last command will return the LOG_SINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT gcloud pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding $PUBSUB_TOPIC \ --member $LOG_SINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role roles/pubsub.publisher # THIS SINK WILL GET ALL LOGS OTHER THAN CLOUD FUNCTIONS - BEWARE IT MAY HAVE HIGH VOLUME!!! gcloud logging sinks create $PUBSUB_SINK2 \$MY_PROJECT/topics/$PUBSUB_TOPIC \ --log-filter="resource.type!=cloud_function" LOG_SINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=`gcloud logging sinks describe $PUBSUB_SINK2 --format="value(writerIdentity)"` #the last command will return the LOG_SINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT gcloud pubsub topics add-iam-policy-binding $PUBSUB_TOPIC \ --member $LOG_SINK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role roles/pubsub.publisher #the clone command only needs to be done once for all of the examples git clone cd azure-sentinel-gcp-data-connector/Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel #create function gcloud functions deploy $PUBSUB_FUNCTION --runtime python37 \ --trigger-topic=$PUBSUB_TOPIC --entry-point=hello_pubsub \ --allow-unauthenticated \ --set-env-vars=WORKSPACE_ID=$WORKSPACE_ID,WORKSPACE_KEY=$WORKSPACE_KEY,LAW_TABLE_NAME=$LAW_TABLE_NAME,PROJECTID=$MY_PROJECT,RETRY_TOPIC=$RETRY_TOPIC Note **Exit to root directory using cd ..** #create Retry Topic gcloud pubsub topics create $RETRY_TOPIC gcloud pubsub subscriptions create --topic $RETRY_TOPIC $RETRY_SUBSCRIPTION --ack-deadline=240 #create Retry function cd azure-sentinel-gcp-data-connector/Retry-Ingest-GCP-Logs-To-Azure-Sentinel gcloud functions deploy $RETRY_FUNCTON --runtime python37 \ --trigger-topic=$RETRY_TRIGGER_PUBSUB --entry-point=hello_pubsub --allow-unauthenticated --timeout=240\ --set-env-vars=WORKSPACE_ID=$WORKSPACE_ID,WORKSPACE_KEY=$WORKSPACE_KEY,LAW_TABLE_NAME=$LAW_TABLE_NAME,PROJECTID=$MY_PROJECT,SUBSCRIPTION=$RETRY_SUBSCRIPTION,RETRY_TRIGGER_TOPIC=$RETRY_TRIGGER_PUBSUB #create Retry Trigger gcloud pubsub topics create $RETRY_TRIGGER_PUBSUB gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub $RETRY_SCHEDULE --schedule "*/5 * * * *" --topic $RETRY_TRIGGER_PUBSUB --message-body "Retry" --project $MY_PROJECT
Cloud Functions uses the App Engine default service account, grant permissions to App service account inorder to retrieve secret values programmatically in cloud function
- Go to IAM
- Click on “Add” --> Under New members add “<>” --> Select a role --> Secret Manager --> Secret Manager Secret Accessor --> Save
- Create a new Cloud Function
- Name your function – note the name – see important note below on the log export
- Set the Trigger to be Cloud Pub Sub
- Select a Topic from PubSub
- Add the code:
- Select Inline editor as source
- Select the Runtime as Python 3.7
- Copy the function code into the
- Copy the content of requirements.txt into the requirements.txt tab
- Click on “Show variables like environment, networking, timeouts and more” to open up more options
- Select the region where you want the function to run
- Click on the + Add variable to open up the Environment variables entry
- Add the Environment variables and values described in the table below
- In another browser window, check that the log export that is subscribed by the PubSub Topic has eliminated the name of the function. (see below)
- Click Deploy
- You will need to install the Retry function if you wish to have a recovery for any events that failed to write to Azure Log Analytics.
Variable | Value |
WORKSPACE_ID | Secret Name for Azure Log Analytics Workspace ID from GCP Secrets Manager |
WORKSPACE_KEY | Secret Name for Azure Log Analytics Workspace Key from GCP Secrets Manager |
LAW_TABLE_NAME | Azure Log Analytics Custom Log Table Name |
PROJECTID | Project ID for where the Retry Topic exists |
HOST | Host value that will assign for the PubSub event. Defaults to GCPFunction |
SOURCE_TYPE | Sourcetype that will be given to the event (defaults to google:gcp:pubsub:message) |
SOURCE_NAME | If set, this will be assigned to the “Source” of the event. If not set, defaults to PubSub topic |
INDEX | If this is set to LOGNAME then another environment variable with the name of the log needs to be set with an index name
logname | A variable with a log name for the event. Note that INDEX needs to be set to LOGNAME for this to be used. Use logname after /logs/ or if name has “%2F” in the name, use the logname after “%2F”
Examples: -> use activity
/logs/OSConfigAgent -> use OSConfigAgent
(defaults to no value)
Audit log type that you may want to see: For Admin Activity audit logs, select activity. |
COMPATIBLE | Set this to TRUE to maintain compatibility with Add-On. If not TRUE, event payload will be exact copy of PubSub event. Default is TRUE |
RETRY_TOPIC | Name of Topic to send event to on any failure scenario for the function |
As the cloud function executes within GCP’s environment, its own logs are collected in Stacktdriver logs. If your Log Export collects logs from Cloud Functions MAKE SURE YOU ELIMINATE THE FUNCTION NAME FROM THE EXPORT. Logs for this function cannot be collected by itself! You will need another Function and log subscription to do this (i.e. one function monitoring the other)
For example, if your function name is GCP-Pub-Sub, and you wish to collect logs from other functions, then the Export Filter needs to include resource.labels.function_name!="GCP-Pub-Sub"
Failure to do this will cause the function to race and max out function execution capacity in your project. (it is essentially logging itself, which then causes more logs to be created, causing a feedback race loop)