- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN, Version 2021-3 (published on 20211210). Non-spatial attributes.
Downloaded on 2021214.
Filters active on the download page are:
- Phylum:
- Cnidaria
- Chordata:
- Class:
- Amphibia
- Mammalia
- Chondrichthyes
- Aves
- Class:
Geographical Scope
- Regional Assessments
- Global
- Species
A further subset is downloaded independentely as:
Filter on
- Endemic
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Spatial Data. IUCN, Version 2021-3 (published on 20211210). Spatial data for:
- Reef-forming Corals (Hydrozoa and Anthozoa)
- Sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes)
- Amphibians
- Mammals.
Downloaded on 20211214.
- BirdLife's species distribution data. BirdLife International, Version 2021-v1. Spatial and non-spatial tables for Birds.
Received on 20211214.