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123 lines (78 loc) · 6.35 KB


This repository is an in-progress spring security example app.

How to run

Requires Java 21 JDK

Dockerhub access is required for the default spring profiles

IntelliJ startup

See existing run configurations defined in .run. These should be imported by intelliJ automatically. SpringSecurityDemoApplication is the default run config. It uses a local postgres container which is started automatically by spring-boot-docker-compose.

Command line startup

Can be run with ./mvnw command or using mvn if installed locally. Originally tested using mvn version 3.6.3.

Default spring profile

./mvnw spring-boot:run

The above command is equivalent to:

./mvnw spring-boot:run,postgres

The default profiles populate lists of example users, accounts, loans, cards, notices, and contact messages into the postgres db from files in directory ./src/main/resources/seed/. This data can be regenerated during startup as well using property -Dexample-data.regenerate=true. See Regenerating dev environment example data for details on regenerating example data.

Other spring profiles


A demo production-like profile which changes some things about the security configuration for the app including requiring https and limited concurrent sessions for users.

Example usage:

./mvnw spring-boot:run,postgres

Test suites

./mvnw clean verify

The default test suite is which runs all non-browser automation junit tests. To run any other existing test suite the command format is:

./mvnw clean verify -DrunSuite=${classPathToTestSuite}

For example to run the browser automation test suite

  1. Start the application using an IDE or mvn spring-boot:run
  2. Execute this command to trigger the browser automation test suite:

./mvnw clean verify

Playwright will sow ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED if the application is not running.

The playwright testing setup supports some environment parameters:

  • playwright.application.base-url - The base url for the running spring boot application without http or https prefix. The default value is 'localhost:8080'.
  • - Whether the spring boot app is using https or http. The default value is 'false' which means it expects the application urls to use http.
  • playwright.headless - Controls if playwright shows the browser as the test suite runs. The default value is 'false' which means the browser will show.

Regenerating dev environment example data

Setting property example-data.regenerate=true either in properties files or from the command line ie: -Dexample-data.regenerate=true causes example data which is seeded into the DB to be regenerated during startup prior to it being populated into the db. When regenerated, the data is also written to .json files in ./src/main/resources/seed for reference. Those files are also used to populate the db during startup when example-data.regenerate=false. The intelliJ run configuration SpringSecurityDemoApplication Regenerate Example Data can be used to startup and regenerate example data.

Example data generation leverages the DataFaker library.

Some other related properties:

  • - sets the number of cards per user to create during regeneration
  • - sets the number of loans per user to create during regeneration
  • example-data.notice.count - sets the number of notices to create during regeneration
  • example-data.message.count - sets the number of contact messages to create during regeneration
  • example-data.account.count - sets the number of accounts per user to create during regeneration
  • example-data.user.count - sets the number of randomized users to create during regeneration. There is also a set of standard non-randomized users which is always created.


Based on Jenkins Installing Docker and Post-installation setup wizard.

The docker image which is generated installs all required plugins for running the pipeline defined in Jenkinsfile

  1. Create the jenkins-test container using the following commands
# starting from root directory of project
cd ./jenkins
# build the jenkins image defined in ./jenkins/Dockerfile
bash ./
# start a jenkins container from that image
bash ./
# Locate initial admin password which can be located as below in the container logs
docker container logs -f jenkins-test

#Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
#Please use the following password to proceed to installation:


#This may also be found at: /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
  1. Go to localhost:8082 and unlock jenkins using the initial admin password from the container logs
  2. The jenkins image produced by contains all required plugins to run the existing Jenkinsfile so you can just press install suggested plugins or skip
  3. Setup your admin user as desired or skip to keep using the initial generated credentials
  4. Go to new item -> select pipeline
  5. In pipeline definition select 'Pipeline script from SCM'
  6. Select Git in SCM
  7. Add this repository's URL in the Repository URL input
  8. In Branch Specifier put '*/main' or whichever branch is preferred
  9. Script Path should be set to Jenkinsfile
  10. Save the build and test the pipeline by triggering it manually using the Build Now button



At times the automatic shutdown of associated docker containers does not process correctly and that can cause subsequent startups to fail. Removing the docker postgres & adminer containers as well as associated volumes and then starting up again usually resolves that issue. The development environment docker-compose used for this project is docker-compose-postgres.yml.