two interface
- Export Image according to total number image
- clean cache image
new add two interface
- Export Image according to duration
- save image to album
- fix ios export image error sometimes
- fix some android device get album path error.
- That save the image to the ablum move to the main thread in android
- fix bug : after save image to ablum ,but cann't immediately show .
- That save the image to the ablum recover the sub thread
- optimize the performance,which export image by number in ios platform
- add parameter for export frame.That can configure the quality,rotation of the frame
- fix rotation image direct problem in ios device.Guarantee rotation is clockwise.
add new api
- Export Image frame for gif file
- Export Image for gif file in Android
- Can add watermark when save Image to ablum
- set watermark position
- set watermark alignment and scale
- fix no water mark export fail bug
- android call back to main thread
- fix Null pointer exception in android
- support Android embedding v2