format: :swiftui module_suffix: "SwiftUI" template_sigil: ~LVN component: LiveViewNative.SwiftUI.Component targets: ~w{ios ipados macos maccatalyst watchos tvos visionos unknown}
The LiveViewNative Swift package lets you use Phoenix LiveView to build native iOS apps with SwiftUI.
You can install the client either by running the generator from Elixir or you can manually add to an existing Xcode project.
- Add
{:live_view_native_swiftui, "~> 0.3.0-rc.2}
- Add
to theplugins:
list ofconfig :live_view_native
- Run
mix help lvn.swiftui.gen
to see the options available for the generator - Run
mix lvn.gen --no-copy
to print the configuration settings to add to support SwiftUI in your application. - Run
mix lvn.swiftui.gen
to ensure you get the properly generated files. Please note this may overwrite an existing Xcode project.
- Run
mix lvn.swiftui.gen --no-xcodegen
- In Xcode go to
Package Dependencies
- Select File → Add Packages...
- Enter the package URL
- Select Add Package
After installation will want to enable an exist LiveView for LiveView Native SwiftUI.
- Run
mix swiftui <ContextModule>
- Add
use <NativeModule>, :live_view
to the LiveView module
> mix swiftui Home
* creating lib/my_demo_web/live/home_live.swiftui.ex
* creating lib/my_demo_web/live/swiftui/home_live.swiftui.neex
defmodule MyDemoWeb.HomeLive do
use MyDemoWeb, :live_view
use MyDemoNative, :live_view
Finally, if you generated your Xcode project from the Mix
task you can open the MyDemoWeb.xcodeproj
file within native/swiftui
This plugin provides the SwiftUI rendering behavior of a Phoenix LiveView. Start by adding this plugin to a LiveView. We do this with LiveViewNative.LiveView
defmodule MyAppWeb.HomeLive do
use MyAppWeb :live_view
use LiveViewNative.LiveView,
formats: [:swiftui],
layouts: [
swiftui: {MyAppWeb.Layouts.SwiftUI, :app}
then just like all format LiveView Native rendering components you will create a new module namespaced under the calling module with the module_suffix
defmodule MyAppWeb.HomeLive.SwiftUI do
use LiveViewNative.Component,
format: :swiftui
def render(assigns, _interface) do
<Text>Hello, SwiftUI!</Text>
Further details on additional options and an explanation of template rendering vs using render/2
are in the LiveView Native docs.
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at