- Print Statements
- Stings and String Concatenation
- Data Types
- Taking User Input (Scanner)
- Arithmetic Operators and Arithmetic Expressions
- Explicit TypeCasting
- Operator Short-Hand
- Boolean Operators and Logical Expressions
- If Statement
- Ternary Operator
- Switch
- While Loop
- For Loop
- Do While Loop
- Functions
- Method Signature
- Function Overloading
- Recursion
- Math Module Functions
- 1D int[] Array
- Taking user input as 1D array
- Printing Array
- For-Each Loop
- Varargs in Functions
- 2D array
- taking user input in 2D arrays
- Printing 2D Arrays
- Amortized Time Analysis
- Big O Notation
- Classes
- Properties
- Methods
- Constructors
- the
keyword - Inheritance
- The Object Class
- the
keyword - Method Overriding
- The
Annotation - Access Modifiers
- The
property - The
keyword - Interfaces
- Abstract Classes
- Composition
- Comparable Interface
method- The Comparator Abstract Class
- ArrayList
- Java Iterable Interface
- The Iterator class
- Sorting Functionality and Compaator and Comparable
- Stacks
- Queues
- Priority Queue
- Set Interface
- HashSet Class
- Java Map
- Java HashSet
Hangman CLI game