Academic project to implement the Genetic Algorithm. We are aiming to create a rest project for generating Timetable(Class Schedule).
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
We need following things for set up-
Eclipse or STS
Spring MVC
We have 1 project in the repository
- In the command line
git clone
- Inside Eclipse/STS Import the project
File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven project
Set-up server(Tomcat Apache 8.5)
Add project to the server
Go to the chrome browser
We used JUnit, which is a Java library to help you perform unit testing. Unit testing is the process of examining a small "unit" of software (usually a single class) to verify that it meets its expectations or specification.
- In the pom.xml
- Inside Eclipse/STS Right click on the the project and do the following
<Project_Name_Folder> -> Run as -> JUnit Test
If JUnit Test not configured, then run individually on the
Our report is present in the repository under the report folder.
- Ishista B.
- Elton B.
- Ankur B.